Monday, February 22, 1054 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Most Wanted Man Nabbed . ATLANTA W)A 32-year-old Tennessesn who was one ot FBI's 10 most wanted men has been ar rested on charges of burglarizing a grocery store. Nekon R. Duncan of Memphis was picked up yesterady morning by city police after a routine check of a store aroused the sus picion of officers. Nelson and a man listed as Thomas L. Sircy, 21, of Spring, field, Tcnn., were tearing open a sate which contained about S2000 . when police found them, Detec-lIvi.H- J- Standridge reported. Ihe two men were unarmed and did not offer resistance, police said. v The FBI says Duncan is wanted ... " ul iiiicrsiaie trans portation of a stolen automobile, unlawful flight to avoid prosecu! tion and violation of the federal fire arms act. Page 3' PTA lo Study Grading System HUBBARD A committee was appointed at the Monday eve ning meeting of the Hubbard Parent-Teachers Association to investigate report card grading systems. On the committee are Mrs. Manton Carl, Mrs. Steve Ensign Mrs. Boyd Brown and Mrs. C. K. McNary. Several complaints from par ents on the grading system used here have been turned in. The committee will report to the first P-TA meeting following the col lecting of information on other grading systems and an open discussion and vote will be held. The program Monday evening was highlighted with a film on Cub Scouting shown by Thomas Leupp with questions answered hy Pat McLaughlin and Ralph Tickering both of Woodburn. The P-TA voted to sponsor Cub Scouts here and selected Boyd Brown as representative from the organization. The attendance award, the Ore gon flag, was won again by the second grade. Mrs. James Lamb and Mrs. W. T. Lord were ap pointed to assist on the slate convention hospitality commit tee, April 21, 22 and 23, in Sa lem. Observance of Founders Day included reading of a paper by Mrs. A. J. Hecr, honoring two past presidents, Mrs. Charles Vredenburg and P. H. Hostetler. Refreshments served by the sec ond and third grade mothers fol lowed the Founders day theme with a decorated sheet cake. OFF FOR BRAZIL s Aw w Jj'v "ii - ! . r-""ti-rTff iitaCwn-rrr n inns 1953 Tax Topics No. 12 Income Tax Return Long Form 1010 If your nonbusiness deduc tions are more than 10 percent of your income, you will or dinarily save money by itemiz ing your deductions on Long Form 1040 in making your 1953 income tax return. You will then figure your tax ac cording to the computation on page 3 of the return, and file the entire form, which is call ed a life-form return. If your non business deductions are so close to 10 percent that you are in doubt which is the bet ter form, try hjnth the .short form and the long form of 1040 to see which gives you the lesser tax. ' night, that British "esscls were being (railed systematically be cause McCarthy has charged that Britain is aiding Red China by trading in strategic materials. In Washington, the U. S. Navy denied the charges. "It just is not true," a Navy spokesman said. io Owners Actor Fred MacMurray and June Haver pause on the ramp of a plane before taking off from Los Angeles with IB other Hollywood notables for the first annual Brazilian Film Festival at Sao Paulo. Last week Miss Haver, who returned recently from a Kansas convent to resume her Hollywood career, said she and MacMurray have been "going steady" but that it was too early to discuss a possible marriage. Behind Miss Haver are Rhonda Fleming and Joan Fontaine (right).. (AP Wirephoto) Sounds so high pitched that the human car is unable to hear them can sterilize food, mix paints, kill germs, homogenize milk, clear away fog and smoke and wash clothes, says the American Hearing Aid Association. Middle Grove Parents Meet ot School House MIDDLE GROVE Two reg ular monthly meetings were held at the Middle Grove schoolhouse the past week. Farents club with several fa thers attending for the first time, had their special program on "The Social Development of a Child." Two members, Mrs. Les ter Purcell and Mrs. Le Roy Bark er who have been attending class es on this subject as representa tives of the club, sponsored by the Marion County Health de partment, were in charge. Mrs. Purcell introduced Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Calkins of Silver ton who discussed special prob lems that were featured in a film shown first. At the business meeting a rummage sale was planned for March 4th. Hostsess es for the social hour were Mrs. Robert Rice and Mrs. Earl Malm. Middle Grove Community club meeting was held Friday night, with a small attendance because of the bad weather. The presi dent, Ray Darland, appointed his nominating committee. Serving will be Le Roy Austin, Norman Fletcher and John Van Laanen. The incorporation certificate was presented. Serving as a program commit tee were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pat terson and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crum. Two films, "Mexico" and "Yellowstone Tark" were shown by Mr. Patterson. Several snccial projects to be sponsored by the club were discussed. Hosts for the social hour were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Turnidge and Mr. and Mrs. Purcell. The March meeting will be postponed until the fourth Friday in the month because of spring vacation at the school. The Spoon and Kettle 4-11 cook ing club held their meeting last week at the home of their lead er, Mrs. John Cage. After the reg ular business meeting the boys decorated cookies made by their leaders and had their candy Val entine exchange. There next meeting will be with Charles Wy att. The Sugar and Spice 4-H club girls had their annual dinner at the home of their leader. Mrs. Melvin Van Cleave. Preparing the ainner were Jeanne Schafer, Don na Roberts, Wilda Blankenship, Joyce Chamberlain, Karen Patter son, Gaylene Van Cleave and Car olyn Crum. For their 6:30 dinner the girls served fried chicken, mashed potatoes, beans, a vege table salad, and milk. They had their Valentine exchange of can dy for dessert ,and watched TV for recreation. Blame Senator LONDON (UP) Irate British shipowners btamed Sen. Joseph McCarthy today for the U. S., Navy's alleged "shadowing" of British vessels suspected of deal ing with Red China. The Chamber of Shipping ot " TV" j ll50 Center St. (..iua, iii, luivua'-u at mm Complete Lin of Shertvin Williams Paints 1 - IJm Gorgeous New Washable Colors Gal., $5.45 ' Credit Gladly Ph. 2-2476 I I i "MM--aWSIMWniilSlSMSHSJSJMll I mmaim&m j I Look What 99 Will Buy 1 j DRESSES i SL,PS ! M NYLON BRAS , 1 NYLON PANTIES 1 1. HOSIERY Corner Liberty and Court J &iar WMI'f""" If IW , UuUt U'H" " J .. . ..,!, HifflW" 11 . . .,-riinY ahle ease -",. for the - .A . W ks who want , . " . t the year i- - :tmm1 . ,n. the OUJ w - lAMf pri . . u ij, ncrtormn r-. . refinance ai - . u . pw""" jt 0t dollars k V clieauiiftilbuy whin rrr automomib am bu&t wck wni iimo mm. 'Drive from factory Save up to See Your BUICK Dealer" OTTO J. WILSON CO. 388 N. Commercial St. Salem, Ore. miasm's SUPER food VALUES PRICES EFFECTIVE TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY COTTAGE SHORTENING 31b. (an PLANTERS PEANUTS 8-oi. Cant 3 ,.r $ $1100 RITZ CRACKERS Lb. Pkg. 32 MJB Quick Cooking RICE 24 oz. Pkg. DIAMOND WAX PAPER Roll SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP Quart WCP FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 6 oi, can 2 ,29 FORZEN Perfection Brand 2 FOR STRAWBERRIES 10 oi. Pkg. HOODYS if SI Mf PEANUT BUTTER tSt" T7 TRELLIS CORN Whole Kernel-Vac Pak 12 oz. can HEINS STRAINED HONEY 5 Lb. Can IflTtKEhOUHi, KITCHEN QUEEN CmB lbs. a fliW Lb$. a SLOlU EH $075 u uv-xwuv UU Lbs. 9 FREE KITE WITH EVERY BAG DROMENDARY GINGER BREAD MIX 2 ,,39' Mi Recomended For Automatic Wishers 10 Lb. Box 2.49 GROUND BEEF 3 it, 1.00 T-B0NE STEAK Commercial Beef Lb. 69 FIRM FANCY BANANAS ib. 3 Hrkkson Store Hours 9 A.M. lo 9 P.M. Super Markets 3080 Portland Road-2825 S. Commercial 3820 E. State St.-Hiway Mkt., Woodburn