THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Monday, February 22, 1054 Page 24 i RECESS IN 'CONFESSION' INQUIRY 1 Pi- "V lt - .aK, ..asi's Col. Frank H. Schwablo, right, subject of a Marine Corps in quiry on his action in making a false germ warfare confession under Communist pressure, and his co-pilot in Korea, Maj. Boy H. Bley, second from right, talk v?ith attorneys during a recess in proceedings at Washington. Bley, a witness, also was captured and like Schwablc, signed a germ warfare confession. Attorneys are Col. Paul Sherman, left, and John H. Pratt, stand ing. (AP Wircpholo) Salem January Building Spurts Salem showed a vigorous 59 per cent gain in January, 1954 building permits over January, 1953, though the average for 19 Oregon cities was a 19 per cent drop, according to the monthly report of the Equitable Savings & Loan association of Portland. Washington cities showed a 92 per cent increase, Idaho a 58 per cent decrease and British Colum bia, with only two cities report ing, a 35 per cent drop. Average for the whole region was a 22 per cent gain. Figures for the Oregon cities follow: 1051 Albanr 91. BOO Ajtorl 7.350 Biker 1,5M Jitnd 15.300 Corvallla 12,350 Kutene 152.313 Grsnti Pasi 27,240 Klamath falls ... 12,300 La Oranda 6,500 Extra Hours Scheduled For Taxpayers With the deadline for filing Income tax returns nearing, It. C. tiranquist, district director of internal revenue,' today an nounced plans for maintaining Saturday hours for taxpayer as sistance at the local office of the Internal Revenue Service. The office , at 201 Post Office Building, Salem, usually oper ates on a five-day week. The office will also be open the last two Saturdays before the income tax filing deadline of March 15. It will remain open until midnight on March 15. Internal revenue officials point out that all taxpayers seeking assistance at the reve ue office should bring all Form W-2's, together with rec ords of income and business ex penses. Taxpayers, especially those with rental or business In comes, can also facilitate the. filing of their returns if they bring their duplicate copy of last year's tax return. mane shelter caught it. The 24-incb arrow had entered the bird's back with the point barely sticking out through the chest. Adams removed the arrow and took the pigeon, apparently in good condition, to the shelter for observation. Musical Groups Mennonite Church Several well known musical groups will appear in half hour concerts at the Pratum Mennon ite church this week as an added attraction during the Prophetic conference now in session. The Salem Singers, a men's chorus, greatly in demand in church circles, will give t half hour concert on Monday night, February 22. The Salem Academy choir will give a half hour pro gram on Tuesday night. Several other musical groups, either from the local church or from other churches in the val ley will add to the already mount ing interest in these meetings. Services begin at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. H. P. Fast of Rcedley, Calif., is being received with great ap preciation in his prophetic min istry at the Mennonite church here. Last Piute Medicine Man Dies at Burns BI RNS (UP) The last of .the Burns Piute Indian medi cine men has died, it was learn ed today. The last medicine man, Wil lie Jack, died last week, just a few week: after another old medicine man, Johnny Pete, about 80, died at Pendleton. Copra is the dried meat of coco nuts which yields oil for soaps, paints, candy, shortening, plas tics, lubricants, explosives and other things. Play Safe with Your Eyesight A regular examination of your eyes Is the only sure way to protect your vision. 1 1 . ':iijl Dr. E. E. Borlnf USE YOUR CREDIT AND OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Optometrists At Bortnr Optical Corner 12tk at Center Dial 3-6508 Free Parklnr Space Urn "1. - V J Dr. Sam Hughes f? ri 000 STOCK feM W e ilB l?I Iff r 1053 Change 14.050 35 35,591 80 ' 40.250 07 ! 22,3110 31 i 52.265 70 I 215.875 20 ! 123.315 78 ( 48,280 72 : 13,120 58 30,2110 29 i 2IU88 89 347.785 02 Cool Bay ........ 18,619 Medford 447.244 Oregon City 3,100 Pendleton 18,700 Portland 2,413.780 3,223,900 25 ROICbUrg 91,737 39,55& 132 St. Helena 200 1.550 87 Salem 398,800 250,215 80 Snrlnifleld 87,360 183,765 52 The Oallea 44,337 75.899 42 ..Total Oregon ,.3.820.580 4,694,917 19 Total Oreion ,...3,B20,58O 4.694,917 19 Slater Winner Freedom Essay VALLEY FORGE, Pa. ifl -Henry L. Slater of Burns, Ore., who as a school principal won the $1,000 first prize in the Freedom Foundation's Americanism essay contest in 1952, won second place in the same contest this year. His prize is $50 and the George Washington Honor Medal for his essay "Freedom's Holy Light." An equal award goes to the Rev. Rob ert Howard Sweeney, C. S. C. Uni versity of Portland, for a public address. H is the third year in a row for a recognition at Burns, the grade school there having won an award last year. Salem's Englewood school, a con sistcnt award winner, again won a Gcorgo Washington Honor Medal, and two other Salem schools were listed as winners of the principal school award. These schools nro Bush and Keizcr. Richmond school, Salem, is winner of a Freedom Library. By . coincidence, another Snlcm I school figures in the award to 1 Father Sweeney, for it was at i Sacred Heart Academy there Hint i he made his prize-winning address, Pigeon Okay With Arrow Through Body MEMPHIS, Tenn. (!) A pig eon with a target arrow through its body was spotted strutting along the roof of a house yester day. Walter Adams of the city hu- yjuernight service to Southern Oregon Her the May, (are w ay to Ashland, Mfdford, Grnntl rs. Slerpasyou rid In Pull man or In chHlr car with dwp cushioned reclining aesti. Enjoy lounge car with rck refreshment service. Leave In the evening; arrive nrxt morn lngr. Overnight service return" lng, too. Low fares dolly. C. A. LARSON, Agent Phont 3-9244 Penney's Salem, Oregon STORE HOURS: 9:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Friday Nile 'Til 9 P. M. JL eiiney QUALITY is your greatest saving! URCHASE! CREPE 1 h II I 1 M it ! L L ( - ' '' J $tK t 4 f A .-vl t " - l I A-. , J. . x .:.. -.AA V.. ', If " rv ' N V. A' - v - PRINTS for $ Expensive looking prinis in clear, iresh colors on really good Rayon French Crepe detailed in scores oi pretty styles w'th care lul craflsmanship! DOWNSTAIRS STORE Outstanding Values! OVER 300 LOVELY DRESSES TO CHOOSE FROM! UJ !i H s ...' 'I is Wi I A CHOOSE FROM MISSES MID HALF SIZES! Km SALEM LIGHTING and APPLIANCE CO. DotrairmesODeaOeDv '3 182 7m mir: ATTENTION HOME OWNERS, BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS, MOTELS, DEALERS . . . EVERYTHING GOES! ADDITIONAL 10 ON QUANTITY PURCHASES Reft "1 t yi IV ,4 V 5 r t r.ffVint I till " W TTTTITr- 1 ... . rf 1 OPEN TODAY AND EVERY DAY UNTIL 9 P.M. Yi- YSS J? ' 3 If - -y s 4 . ft " o Othe- flu94 vofaon e?.0,"- 475.00 ,vo Ony Re STORE 9 DiP t..rei on K - 4 Shclvir9 ' $ Countc Typc",i,cr , Tile Cobinc 'Ulcer. Oforj "ont "leaner. brofor. a, i, --"en a CL. w not Pi. w -nave,, , ' M Fl Iro, .icr V '.l-l loncou rnrT nt fi&.&Xa&iai EbuaS limaS a-..- UMi Mixj Sfu.. SALEM LIGHTING AND APPLIANCES 183 N. HIGH ST iinTrraK&aKa llil tasaaas? a 39 mm m itwr i 15" 1 J 'yen A I w t)a , mi a J. J.. ytoj1.vft1 M mnmni r aiinan in n i - n