BOO Real Estate i Notice to REALTORS PROPERTY SIGNS in Lots of 25 Or Over $2.25 EACH & UP . YOUR CHOICE OF DESIGN ENAMELED TO LAST LONGER Ki'ebs Advertising CALL 1330 HOWARD ST. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES I.l.YKAK UI LOANS WITH ONLY sr DOWN AVAILABLE NOW. ALSO $500 DOWN On this two bedroom home. li's not prw oui ul'ucvo us us R DUV. ijep tulated. Bus 1 blk. Full prjre'only ?;:w.. .au ior jhh., UHlMMtTT, ' ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME) Over li Sere. Beautifully landtranrn' 15 yrs. old. 4 bedroom modern home. Oil heat. Large garage, Cor kier lot East. $12,1100. Swap tol lman 2 bedroom home, clear on mall lot. (Call for. MR CRAW. ronu, eve. pn. 4-3020 stm.) ALL THAT YOU DESIRE , . ihlny new home In ne district; Tile bath. Separate shower stall. Fpaclous rooms. Lawn it in. Almost immediate possession. This is deal for . $10,500. Terms. (Call for MR. . GMIMMETT, eve. ph. 2-7619 oira.j .... , LOCATION That Is Increasing In value rf.illv Business Is growing nearer and nearer. This Is Ideal. While you arc waiting for development vou ean either live In the house or It will make a good rental property. 3 Bedrooms. Sep. utility room. In good rrpair. Corner lot. Garage. run juiru umy $(ami, ywnor Will consider smaller house as part pay ment. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, ve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) DON'T BE A MILLIONAIRE Live like one. in this rnreenii hnm -. It has everything a housewife can wish for. .spacious rooms. Unusual amount of builtins. One of the loveliest dens you have ever seen. The fireplace will mow you down. The wall-to-wall carnets will mnke your eyes water. l'& Baths. Youngs iown kitchen that's really a honey. Vnsher and dryer. 2 car spacious nt(. parnRe. Radiant heat that makes you cofortablc just to think About ft. Velvety lawn. Flowers and shrubs that are second to none. Jloomy, corner lot. And on top of all this, the owner will take an other home in trade .The price Is only $2!,5flO. (Call for Mtt. GRIM METT: eve. ph. 2-7(17f) Sim.) IMPLEMENTS . Tin a very popular hardware store. In one of the vallev's prosperous farming communities. Nationally advertised line of machinery. N'o dead stock to buy. Ts and has been a hip money maker for many, years. Purchase price for fixtures, shelves, 2 trucks, shop tools and equipment only $12, Hon. Owner will either sell Mrip, or lease to buver. (Call for K. G. "DAN" ISAAK, eve. ph. 4.3.i:t Sim., ' MOTEL TRADE For a farm or home. It's n dandv. 8 single, 2 double units pint a modern clean home with an apart ment. Located where vacancies are almost unheard of. Paved drive ways. Lots of neon tuhinj?. Welt furnished. Full prlre onlv $n5,0W. Terms if desired, ft'all for N. C. "DAN" 1PAAK, eve. ph. 4-3533 Kim.. CHOICE SUBURBAN A brand new home on a 3-ncre tract. Very best of ChehaJfs soil Fared Toad. Near subdivision. Very good well. Alt. Harare. I-nwn and shniht. Full price onlv tSWO. (Call for MR. crtAtVFOnD, eve. nh. 1-5020 Sim.) ACRES Verv food modern 2 bedroom hotis. Built In 1"S. Close in north. Will. , sot!. Harare. Several fruit trees, j Nice lawn. Full Price onlv $7rvift. Call for MR. I.PAVFVS. eve. ph. n Arties Will and Amlly soil. No waste land. Onlv flU miles from Salem Mnl of this land ts tiled. R.i'tab.c for most anv kind of rron. Modern 3 hriroom house. Car?e. Chicken hni'Ep Full nrice $?3.5P0. Terms r rar?erl (Call fo- VR. I.FAVFNS. eve nh. l-drs st Is all this man Is asWnr t"t this farm. This would mae a very rnnd sliecp ranch. Onlv S miles from town. M A. cherries. Wonderful view. Smaller liv-th'o bnMee School tii:. 'Call for MR. t.FAVFVS. eve. ph i. ii l t.irpvsrn iv WASHINGTON' AND IhAttO AL AM' J- CO. t?tr,ALT0n Offlre rhnnos 4-3311 n- j-:sn 303J Portland Tln-id MM.1. -3?V. 4-5020. t-1if!9 S-545J If Vo Answer. Call 4-I? usincps Diirrtorr APW.tANCF St'.RVtCF. 24-H()t,'R SF.ttVicE. all makes. Bed? Appliance Repairs. 2-6t50. 2.57.17. RrntiisS CAPITOL Ileddlne Mattress reno vators. Vew 3-405.0. "EtiiiHnzmg. "clearlni roads, ponnr D-4. D-6. carrvall V lluskey. Ph W(itsi:iloi.i pittibut i FOR prnnipt. free delivery of t"AT KINS products, please call distrib utor. 11.1.1 Sj. Commercial St.. Sa lem. Mi. 3-5.195. Dealer applic.itlor.s 2nvltrd. - Sianic? Itoti e I'roflurt'. Lee MlnrtT. lcr.1 Aladjson.Ph. 3.I0.1B. TJtntimowrt Shaprnlnt A Repair. HAN'P miners, ?2. Frc plrk-np A deltverv. Ph. 2-4iil(i lath Ai Ji. Nlftsiht"i(;IIIMlI. FINK'S t'alrlitid nut: civ frlmol. B"5 Vlrslon Ph 2-;r.SC ritMiiiNri 21 lilt PUMP service on all makes Rater Rvrtcx.s r.rownle Valdrz t-r.K hi-i rtiiifit Tmt sntvi K AM nr 'c and T.odel Al Ljuc filreration. rh 3-3143. - si:PtiE?ANKs MIKFS Peptic Service. Tanks Tlean ed D'rooter cleans sewers, drains Phor.e 3-94H Sewer, septic tanks J Rrlto-Rioter S Prxr.e 3-5.127. drains clean wer Service Tin t: WORK rni'MNC. & sptavinp Insured op erater. L. w. Caudle. Ph. 4-1111. I mis ItaT.e! s serrlc links ele.ined. line service flii-ranleci work. Phone BOO Real ftitat WANT TO BU A fcUAi.rry HpMfif ..... ,m. .iii-t lu.ciy pnenen, a nrepiares, itmsnea party rooni. i norms, on main floor and 1 In. (issmt. owner has moved to California tnd uiuu3 jar aie. I.VU.I. HUY H. FERRIS HOOVER ScjiooL blSTRiCT-3 bdrms. ranch style home. This attractive Tt , L ,hb oners i,a:iH sq. it. ot lloor space. Liv. rm. witn flreplabfj din. rm.. lge. kitchen with brkf. nook. Hdwd. firs., carpeting ?T ,omaS..dln- rm' and """y other lin features. Price I13.S00. ARfiFSTINO hdME APPEAL-Spaciotisness is the key-note in this beiiq ' tlful home. Cnnven ent tn 1 4 i. v.. ,, lie. Suitable to Mpahd into 2 bdrms. and bath. Ltv! rm.. din. mi., nook, E, LAW dressing table, forced hot air beating. CALL J. bUPI.EX-Lorated on South IStti Street tt N8. Bti.slHess Kara. Corner lot Bringing JBO.OO per mo. plus owner's quarters. Nice condition thru HORs5JR ' " f,,rn!ice' Pr,c L'ALL G; H. GRABEN- 6RABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY ' MANE 2-2471 Evenings J.j.. Law H. K. Laymon J-Mfl.1 (Original Firm in a New Location) JUST LISTED" WASHINGTON" SCHOOL DISTRICT Very nice, roomy living rms. 20',i x uown. uniimsnea upstairs could Be one or two bdrms., Deep lot 60 x 189, fruit, garden, lawn. Offers lots of outdoor living for a family. 2 blks. to Washington School. J7.050. Call Mrs. Wootten SPRING iS JUST AfiOUND THE CORNER So. plant your feet here on this to k cnicKen nsc. with fryers and start to live in this .neat, picturesque small home. Perfect for retired couple. $5,000. Call Al Watta ' $9750. visf A bisTRicf Tills correctly priced home is a good witn us attractive fpt. is an inducement for good living. 2 bdrms. & nice dining rm. Full basemt. could be finished ideally for TV room. Near Salem Hts. Sch., 2 blks. to bus. 55 x 135 lot. (9,750. VIEW HOME ANt) LNCOME PROPERTY you may live in a fine 2-bdrm. home iaKt:jt,. nn, lurmsneo. .wjin, exception ox private nome. -inis 4 yr. ojq property1 in excellent condition. ,t3dqd tctiirns on investment. Small down saymt to right party. Call Dick Schmidt. NELSON AND NELSON, REALTORS 'Complete Real Estate Service" . , 1500 S. Commercial St. . .. . Ph. J-36B9 Evenings: Al Watts 3-7265, Lvdla F. Wodttcn 3-8066, Dick Schmidt 2-7587, Chct Nelson 2-1350 COLBATH'S REAL ESTATE HELP! HERE IS A STEAL NEW RANCH STYLE THREE-BEDROOM HOME with lovciy living rm., dining rm.. fireplace, on piped heat to every room, large bathroom with vanity, hardwood firs.;, natural Hemlock bullt-ins, Inside utility rm.. over. 1.080 square feet of floor space not counting the large attached .garage. In rustic tree setting on paved street. NEVER BEEN LIVED IN AND THE PRICE IS ONLY $3,050. WILL GO G. I. 5 DOWN. Hutry. . -., , , CALLING ALL CARS TO GO CHECK THIS FINE HOME living rm., cuiest Kitchen in town, bath, two big bedrooms, attached to ificnmona scnooi. wokth this fhice of ?s,y5o. goou tkiims, A PROWt.ER ON fHE LOOSE silotJLD GO SEE the nice late built ished upstairs, oil furnace, attached tacnea R.iragc. nwr oritu make offer. a Matter of YOU'LL DROP DEAD WHEN YOU SEE you rcaiiy start living wncn you, move in. only. 53,930. corner 101, wan to wall carpetlnR. oil heat, 2 bedrooms, room for. more upstairs, cozy Kiicncn cc Dam, prcuy uiimy rm., J3rge aiiacnca Earagc. uuisine rirc pl.ire. Just a comfortable low cost home that can be purchased with a 91,100 down pavmt. "YES. IT'S AN EMERGENCY" JUST PURCHASED a new home and One bedroom down, 2 bedrooms tip, two bathrooms, living rm.. dining rm., utility rm.. 2 garages.. Ideal S. Com'l St. location. A TRUE HOME VALUE FOR $7,950. TERMS $2,000 DOWN. "OPERATOR" WE'RE TRyInc TO REACH THE PARTY ho is lnicresterl In this MJJ acres on Itfi Htchwa- South. (;ood spring, some timber, about 20 acres open. FOR QUICK SALE ON'LY $3J)50. TERMS $800 down to Interested party. "NO ANSWER" NO, YOU'U, TIE TOO BUSY TENDING l.Kfl acres with two-hedroom modern home in N.E. KcUer. Has HvinjE rm.. dining rm.. kitchen with brkfst nook. Well & fruit house, variety fruit. PRICE ONLY $5,510. just Arrested PRIC ICE. WE ARE RElNG HAUNTED FOR MEDIUM 4. 5. 8. 7. A- fl-rnom have soi.u out juisr Ai.i, uMics. ana are desperately in need ot ItOMF.S gt FARMS TO SELL, IF YOU REALLY WANT TO SELL CALL US NOW. .Evening Phone KIGCINS-homes MRS. OCLFSCFE 4-5494 2-5.173 806 Houses For Sole. J, L HIMMEL, Realtor SOUTH SPECIAL J bVrironms sewlni? rm. Full double plumblnr. fpicIpus living room dinms rm.. nk ovrriookinc nice back yard. Large basement with oil heat. 3 blocks from new High tcrooL Price $16,730. NOR.TH SPECIAL . . , Oldrr 3-bedropm hoic Jn tnrjewood. Close tn schools St bus. A food tnty at $5'35. No. 1'th St.. EAST SPECIAL Latpe llvinp room. 2 bedrooms A- drn. Dlnlnir room, .hdw floors, breakfast nook, full basement and oil heat. See this! for $ll.r.00. J. L. HIMMEL, Realtor SRS N. Capitol II. I'cckcnpaiiKh S 5413 "A DRMAM CO.MMTRtJir A LtrKTtMfc nf ra:etul rLnninR was lavished . on h',s hr.iiillful ht.n.p. Now r,n!.v to cars old. we filer It tn srtMf an TY.y$ r.iHi btinR. r.nchFtyle bo-i.e has a Fna cious InuiR room with m;iMvr cor per fttcplTfr: n ll'.j-U'j ritn.'nj: tcdtn with hind-rubhrd irihorat-.y buit-ln btilfct; birth kitchen in soft, color?; 3 motr.y bod rooms wlttj, nn abundance of .clos ets and ftor-Ce space; oversize utility, two tile batbs. The livinc ar.d ri;n!n roorr.s are expeniively carpeted. Fine lawn and shrubs with coxf'tcie spr!nklinit rv;tenrt (renrroMS p:.t!o. tlNe. Karsee. It will b- a plev-ure tn Fhou- you for ar; Ct.VFTT & KKXYON KKAI.TOns j rAiiir.nntrND!! nrj. fve. rh. 3-r.its, S-mm BOO Real Estate - 8piendld location, daylight tiasmt., & Sundays call Salesmen 3-gjia .Roy S. Ferris 2-M10 . & NELSON 13 approx., picture windows. bdrms, 145 it. 161. false garden, fill ihe buy for you. The 18 x IS living rm. and rent 6 one-bdrm. units with gs- ATTRACTIONS POLICE VALUE. It is W2 years old, has nice very nice utility rm., large & roomy Rarage. fenced lot and short distance two-bedroom- home, fireplace, unfin parage, fenced lot, rock pauo, at- tkkms i Aivca ueuer ee tnis ana Life or bijATH THE PRICE OF THIS HOME, but have to sell this one fast. READ ON YOUR PLEASANT DUTIF.S on this homes, also farms and acreages. , WE of Salesmen: homes T. T. ANDERSON farms 4-2714 808 Houses For Sale Phone 2 Bn;n Pat Kemper 2-5207, Sltrrf. r BY OWN Kit A tti active Mlturb,.ii irrre, t brd igon s. down, unfini'lurl upsta;i, pht"fcd. barctw itf finotp, lire pt.KC forcci-.-ttr furnace, utility rrom. Small b-nn. cMlcktn hou'e. App. .Vfc acre, f.nntjy fruit, o.ik frove. Finlur Road. LOWIOWN "paymr'ntr We" can" h ip ou witfi down paymrnt. Why rrot w!;fn tt't o ea.y to own? Come In and talk it over. SUMMERS, REALTOR .1T2S StateStj lh' Jw2 fAcRE. 2-bfdrm. Wired for l)r7. rani;?. On paved hiRhwav out of Silverton. Small barn, rabbit hutclifts. Small down, low monthly payment. Ph. Silverton 3-;2. S-FiPHM. home, RaraRe. workshop tn Mt. Aneel near businrss cent or. l.rire Ciirden. afjme fruit, pavfd St. RrnMtriable. H. Mt. Ancl. NICE 2-r.mtv. home. inMde utlhtv. ; Will take car or pickup toward! don payment. 4-4W7, I BOO Real Estate $600 DOWN! HOME with J bedrooms in Highland scnooi district, part basement, utii. ity room. Garage. $9,500. Payment oniy sou per montn: TnAnF Iw vritrt rfttt TWO-bedroom home on ISiSS lot northeast; Fireplace. Very lalge ga rage. Forced air on neat. $a,jjo. Sell with $1,500 down. 67 ACRES FOR $15,000, , NO buildings, but a beautiful build ing site: &l acres in oats and .vetch. Call now for an appointment to see. RAMSEY, REALTOR 2084 North Commercial Uiiice 4-6211 . , 'SFjCT5ft trABe" . $850. Lot Kelzer 98x159. $3S0 aown. $3,950. Business Ibt BOxlMl. tsm down. $4,500, 2-br house, 1 acre. South. $500 uown. $5,100. 2-br. house, li acta close-in. $5110 down. , , . . $28,500. 168 acres. 142 A. cult. All plowed or seeded. 4-br house, lots of water. Mch. shed. Chicken bldgs. Storage. Owner will sell on easy terms or will take car.. House; busi ness, rental property in trade. Phone 3-8712. TERMITES BE pAFE! REQVSST . Free termite tnspeciion before buy. tng. We have found six put M every 10 houses Inspected lit Sa lem damaged by. termites. Call Guaranteed Pest Control serelre; 285 S. 20th, Salem, phone 2-0781. 801 Business ..Opportunities . THE UNUSUAL 120 A. farm. Good house & build ings, fully equipped saw mill, (a dandy I Over 400,000 ft. of fir tlm' ber, all for only $19,000. , I. E. KLUMt'P. REALTOlt 3055 Portland 2.ft!!2. 3-4634 or 2-388, RICHFIELD OIL CORP. Service station for lease Mohiridiith, Oregon, center of business dis trict Some financial assistance. Ph. 2-07B1 Salem for appointment. 4 UNIT apt, house $7500. Will take small house. Ph. 4-3580. . . .. TAVERN and lunch, 2-bcdroom. Ilv ing quarters attacned. riiway Da, 4 miles South of Salem. Ph. 2-2122. SERVICE statlotj for lease, Valor Oil -u., punurac ui inenipry re quired. Ph. 3-3188 or 4-5001. . FOR SALE or ttade on S9E. North. unit tnnteli 4 doubles 2 singles. Nice 8-bdrm. house. .Upstairs Could be rented as an apt. 1?0 ft. frontace by 218. Lots ot possibilities. -Will take small farm with good home. Northeast or what have you. In quire 3510 Portland Rd. 802 Business Property Business Cornet LANCASTER AVE. Between State and Center Sts. Ask ing price $7,500.00. Business Property NO. 3 ZONE Inside City Limits 81 foot frontage on South Com mercial St. Asking price. $13,500. See or Call 3-8620 or 3-7904 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 493 Center St. Salem 804 Suburban BY OWNER i bSdrooni, Insulated home. 1 acre, double Rafale, barn. x rumana uist. Ph. 3-W33. BOB Houses For Sale SUBURBAN 8 A. fenced. Gobd house and barn. Poultry house. Ideal for horses. Close in. 10,GO0. $2,500 down. 9 A. Secluded among trees. Modern Dome. Live yr. around stream. Away from noise and traffic. $8, 500. Terms. 7 A. 16 ml. from Salem. Center of town. Good for subdivision. Fair 2 br. home. Good soil. Fruit Ac nut orchard. Value $14,000. Trade for Salem home. Trade modern; 5 Br. home, J.nt, tor nome in Newport, value jn.sw. Trade modern J Sr. hbiuc.on ficvU's iaKe wnn laKe rroni.-ige. Doat house i landing, for Salem home. Value $3,500. We are in need of 2 A- 3 Br. homes. Have clients. Call us. No. obligation. A. A. LARSEN lfll S. High Phoe 2-B629 Fats. Ph. 3-7IC3. .2J"38. 2-451! BY BUILDEIt Just completed 3 bdrni. home. Dining rm., fireplace, gumwood Kitchrn. separate utility room, nice bath With dressing table mirror. Mon tag furnace, close to Leslie sch. Only $11,500. Call 3-BS47. for app. In eve. BY OWNFn. I-nte built Suburban riinch style 3-bdnn. nit. donbif g.Tr. Auio. oil heat. Large lot. Terms. Ph. 2-110?.. ICF. 5-yr-ntrt 2-bedtm. borne. Le. jiv.rm. A: Kurncn. naniwood floors. 70 x 110 lot. gnrnge & ftrrenhniipp. paved street;, close to school, $.500. 3.r.0 Fnirhavcn. CLKAN, modern, close In, 2-bdrm. nous? v garape. rh, a-aii.i. 3-BF.DHM. house J. . W. firs., all tooms. autom. oil hnf. IMn of built ins. South, near Morning side ichwil. Priced right. Call or 4.M54. NICK 2-Bdrm. birt. F.xc. Ion. Nrnr store Si bus. Flrepl., bsmt. .Dhle. gr. CnmidT trailer hnnie In trade. JOK NOONClirSTFrt tlVAI. rtTA1P I SIS N. Cottage. 4-3ift dn-s or eve. BY OWNER. Nrw 3-brirm. hmiie on 7Zn Thompson St. m. for tn. fnrmition. 4 ni?HM, f:ll h.Teriirnt, Yiue.-itown kltthrn. 514XU0. 2-S4i:t; ll.-.r.sen. ATTHACTIVP, larrc 2-h"Jr:n. lCOy Zfo ft. lot Fun aitic. Newly dec-' orated. Nice Jnwn young ftult Urcs. rapbcrrc.;, lnrcc gntden, 2441 ft p!:np, Will con-sidf-r rie?!r.ib: r.ull:lihg lot In trade. Ph. 2-R179. BY OWNfcl. S-tonm h"ie, bn:-''- mrnt f'rinrH. r.prinr.iihg"' Kirrwood Dislrh t. SnO. Phone JU.'.nn ht - tills F.nTlrnn-i hmve, uith .1 hnff turi'ii . I'.'r.iV yr liv ing mom, fit i'..m t. . tc?i;tf flni- ln;' lofiin, kitciwn ,it!i citing ?l;ire. mavirr hf'lr'mm i 12 x V, Other Is 11 x I? St.'urw.iy in Ut un frnKhefl urM.-mv !l.Tn,rnt hnt p.Tt ty rr-'MTi. oil f'Ti rd n:r brat, Stnr.iee. IVui'-1c p'-T-H"', Ni' f5!-Mih and ornam' tirrc. C-1II u to ;k.W, JU.DTS. 4.t)clrorttn fsnlly home In C"htr of a!l M-onls :n Fig:cv. cid. Well cnn'tiucted. romtcrt-'Me. Full fire r.a?frft.l. FA il br-at. 45 x lil lot. Owner transferred. Call us day or evenings, Zwaschka REALTOR 175 f.tant St. -1033 JTSn DOWN. Fnrlrwonn Din. Oldri 3-brdrnom hw.f Firrpiare and basement, phone 27913. HOI) KiUtl ltnlr 806 Houses Tot Sdlt EXCEPTIONAL HOME Flreblflep In living room, library, master bedroom and reerentton room. Three baths. Laree dlninf room, three-car Karaje, oil hht Wa ter heat. Sprlnjtling avstrm. Laije joi ana ocauumi grounos. a nne home with room for all the family. REALTOR 3 n. Hith st.... r- rh. t-mo 175 ACRE FARM Only 9 Hit. 6. . Of city with , M. frontage on Hi-Way. 60 A. fesque; 50 A. perma grass, 35 A. grain. 25 A. pnVnre. 5 A. , orchard and building site. Grade A dairy barn, modern 4 bedr. house with base ment, furnace antt fireplace. Owner Will consider smaller farm n part Jirade. vicinity o! Silverton. .This Is a paying farm at only $275 per acre. Making ft a real good farm buy, better see .it todayt $800 DOWN Well built Insulated i iifdrrh hbm. lgp. ltv rm, dining area, FHA ap PMIScH ilt IUtio. Ottnfr living city. Must tell within a week take $7900; Location hear Salem Heights School, call Dick Saverln, Assoc. Broker. Art Mada&ii itr?altv 1326 State St. Tel: 3-8580; Eve. 4-8633 HOMEBUYERS attentldtl, i'.tist. sell equity; make us an offer. 2 bedrms.. full basement. TV nt. Call after 3 p.m. Mi. 3-3803. 808 Lots. For Sole BY OWNER. Choice lot. oh oak St. between Liberty and High. Phone 3-3931 or 3-6833. 810 Farms; Acreage For Bate. 30 Acre Farm . $18,500, drhtle slope-SB A. culllvateii aivcrsmea orennra - an vcar stream T.r.c. Dhl. plumbed 3 bedrra. home with basmt, & flre pic 2-car garage; 20 AoW. fern $15,000. Walnuts it filberts-J good an yrijr ,mica fyt'ciis -r 2 , nenrrn. home V'Hh fireplc. j-car garage crawler trrtctor & farm men. incL 100 Acre Farm $39,000. Pudding River bottom and roiling wiiiamcue sut $pn w A. under plow 30 A. of strawberries under lease sound buildings wants larger farm with comparable soil. 10 Aci-iss $7,fl50. Fronting on two roads, S nearm. nouse, located close to sch., on pvd. rd. South. 3 Acre $9,950. Four Corners district, good lo cation, ciose 10 snopping aist. & bus, large living rm.. ww carpet ing, oak floors ,oil heat, fireplc 2 nipe bedrms. Acr $13,750. Real nice 3 bedrm, hpme with separate dining rm., full .hasrot., new paint & new roof bn all build ings. This place is way above the average in suburban property. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 433 N. High Ph. 2-B6R0 A sf eaTT 68 ACRES i-,500, With all year crccK, r.ooa oean or corn innn. Mako fine duck pond on North end by creek, fine bldg. spot, all cultivated exc. about 7 A. $25,000 Beau, finished ranch type home; 2. 44S so. ft , liv. rm. 17x32. family room 22x22, hot water radiant heat (floor & walls), 2 Ice. fireplaces, over li A. atta. garage, must see to appreciate. 1 Have a good , variety of farms & homes of various types sizes, dair ies, herrv. mit, cannery crop, cat tle & sheep ranches, etc. It will pay you to see what I have hefore you buy. BURT PICHA . UEALTOIl Jifl N. High St. . , Off; 5-401) EvcsjMr.Wall.Blm.. 4-64K7 At AC. NEAirSHKmfoOT) 2 brdrm. modem home. b.1rn, 2 chicken houses, rarapo, trees. Trade Ior house tn Salciiu $8.500... 10 AC. Willi GOOD HOME Cldse In JR.S00. Trade for older house in allm. 2 BEDKM 11M. $4 "175 !S00 T)X. NICE CLEAN 1 UEURM . DEN with fireplace only $7,130. Will con sider trade fur trailer house. HEAUTY KAI.OW ClXH-r. IN CALL OSCAH SEnEflSUIOM. SLM. John J. Dann, Realtol- 415 N. Hieh. Ph. 4-S482:. Rvc. 2-5219 3J ACRES Lorat?d North , on frlshrr Itoad. i fi H. Mousi? with untlnl:hrd tip stjiirn. L.H-; I' n . kltrhcn. bflih. utility room, fireplace, fotrrrt nir otl furn.nrp, f.iraRf. rhlckrn house, hftrn, fund urll, nice piov; of o.ik trees. Kxr-ellcnt for hrrrtc?, irar rlcnftift. chlckou ratsfne. rlc. This houFo Is in fLno sliapc. Countiy ImniE At its hrst, Good Rravrl pfily acrp-5;il)p to city. Only ihort disfanro lo Washington school. Call us totl.iv. Price Is $i:t.Bi0 00. Ah rams, Monrlnnd A Sktimrr. 411 Masonic Bliltr. Elt.lte Insurance Murtrare I oans ottire 3-M17 files. 2-47nn or 3-7:iWi Iiy oWNF.n Lovliv'hcw 5 hiifml on 4 acres. I, n., D H , fm nlnre, Kltrti cn, utilitv mi., enraer, drr-p 6'' well. Clear, Lake Dl-t. ph. 2-2I.CI. 21 A 7 MiiesEat Small hon-.e. h.irn IRC. rhlr.krn huuse. AU In riillKatlon. Fnllt Ac nnt. Will t ike hr.jc in s-.l' in In ll.ule. fil e r.,W, c.ill Ail. AKT MADSKN, RKAI.TY 1S2H Sta'e PH. .l-SJIf, 2.MI2 fel2 Exchannes Peal Eslalo . 2 P.liIlM llotSE. ramre. and arre ea't Alhanv for tf ll'T bouse ui to s.v.ito no ph'-n 2Ti'7-H-'t, 5 till 7 oi" Maiilyn.Mh.-mv ! I.AIt(',K 2 b-'l -ooin hou-c. I ll !nl. f'T 'ir.ill hoile. Salem. . Pliftic .1-Mlia lirfore I p tn. f KOI 'ITY i evident rourt tnr ! Wlll.upel'e V.Tllev fir rr.a.i a.r,nnr, j V.II.I. THAtlK .1 b'Irrn hfe. I'Oar ! bus, for 5 In r.0 A. 2142 Pnife St. j Ph .1..1I7.1. i V? Wcr.!cd. Bed Ealaio HAVF. 3 cai)i buyrr who want nice 3-brlrm rs'tfr.ovrl'-a!,. lo Nrw SchrrfL Sre flKlG" KlrtOINS. Kve ph. 4-V.M. Hive 3 Canh Ruvrri wantlntT 20 to jr.o acre. Cn.'.i V,Vlry tirir.s, .ce T. T. ANDERSON, farm atrnt, eve ph. 4-2714 V ANTFD IlFAIa fRTATF 800 Real Folate (An arehcy devoted entirely to homt-ielllhi hberaled fejr Theo. a. rtelson, Hcalior-Appralier SRA and iva nelihborhood salesmen.) Small modern home tieslfenra for'comortahle ilWriii BK rear ol inl W its in Industrial Zone; Nice inside utll. rm. Space for room over jtarnae. Priced to sell $HjB. jpivher will consider J500 dwn. and er car In trade; Edna Moriten, slw.t bit. Ph. 4-4Hli Kes. 4-flOSU. ?lbtt W.litr tibu " -t , . -a lALna ,. scores o! people want lo rent It but owner Want, rash for hi equllr. Voli o.-,auuic ninriKnee pByame at asa per mo. li nas a rooms, now. nrs.i very clean. Immed. poss. Lge. fearaRe with plnrfe for .hobby shop. Nice yardt concrete walks, pvd; st, bus by door. Only 7,4S0, Oraca Tomlih, slw Off. Ph. 4-4441. Ret. 4-S43S. ' ' r4M.tb.H A unnlttllitih' Must sell S-vear-old l-bdrmi home on. inRum cn. ah. Karate, nice.. yard, and only su.zao. uooa terms. Hoy Barker, slm.; Off; Ph. 4-4441, Res. 1-S9M. Home m Business tone; adaptable to urn u?e pius comtortao a z norm, a.t ic, reception hall. I.R.,.DR., kit, and nook, AH rooms Use. How, lira.; nice $srd. deep lot. Priced only flS.DOO. tHck Rogers, aim. Off. Ph. 1-4441, Res. J-9SS0. Five HOMESELLER salesmen are iiumcs eacn ior sale in inetr respective neianDornpons ana . consolidat ing their information at HQMESELLERS headquarters. Up-to.trie-rnlh-ute information about home sales in your neighborhood wlU hlp ypii whether you pant, to .buy a home, or sell oHe, Call 4-4411 lor the name and phone number iif the HOMESELLER Fale$man Br la!bsdmarl for your neighborhood. St Wl be fcorth your while to get acquainted with The HOMESELLER salesman for your neighborhood; ftiE ttdMfcSELLERS MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS THEO. G. NELSON, MGR. IN TH HUB OF SAt.kM-tASt PARRlNS m N. HIGH; SALSlt PH: 4-4441 Salesmen-Barker, Res...Ph. I-5BS0, jtii. .ypujn. noBcta..iica. rJi. 850 Automotive 852 Ug-d Caw For Salt) L.tlSl .UacLCcgaForSala.... '. SELECT SPECIALS iioNfcsf VALUES - MiGii titAt)Eg EASY TERMS Look at these great buys today 1951 FORD 8 FORDOMATICT SEDAN REALLY SHARP WITH NEW PAINT, RADIO. HEATER SEAT COVERS, GOOD TtRES A GOOD BUY AT $1195.00 1950 NASH STATESMAN CUSTOM FORDOR. . RAfilO, HEATER, OVER DRIVE, CUSTOM INTERIOR IN MATCHING BLUE A REAL BEAUTY IN EVERY WAY. $895.00 1949 STUDE COMMANDER CONVER TIBLE. RADIO, HEATER, OVER DRIVE, NEW TOP, NEW PAINT, MECHANICALLY TOPS SACRIFICE FOR $595.00 J947 NASH 600 SteDAN. SHINY BLUE FINISH, FAMOUS WEATHER -EYE HEATER. BED ERE IS GREAT TRANSPORTATION. $333.00 1947 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER SED AN. THIS ONE HAS EVERYTHING NEW MAftOON PAINT. BEAUTIFUL BLUE INTERIOR. $595.00 REPOSSESSION SPECIAL HERE IS THE BEST BUY IN TOWN! i950 NASH Sf ATESMAN TUDOR SE DAN.' SHINY DARK GREEN, RADIO, HEATER, OVERDRIVE, BED. $745.00 33 s fccNtere st. 1MI I1KNHY 3. (l-cf't., Sl3t covers, radio, healer. 22 miles per Sal., de pendable, economical transporta tion, t&!.5. Call 2-3317 or J-IS27 after 5 p m. 1S17 CUKV. inttn, $15. See after 6 pm. 1.-25 'U-Sl 1915 Fi-KKTl iNK Chev.Tf)r. own er. Call 4-l717. '4i 4-ri. STl'ii. Coihmander. new w. s, w. tires, flood motor, body sharp. OD. Clieap. 1M7 State. 19i3 MSUL'tinV i-dnir." RXtiirexrcl. liut rondltlon, $2,115. Call Salem 2.5(1.1(1 Por SAI.F: Cood clean iwH c!iev. rib. ( ne.. Itf. II. t'hnnc 2-ICB7. lfr.l siiijjfXAKES 2-ttnnr. iliater. veidrlve. two c-ath. I'll. 2-P.iiri. Hllfi KOHtl Club t-nlilK, Bond rond., wltii Roi.d tulihf i. I'l. 2-i:r..'!1. liv oNl;ii-i?3i foul ii ruiom tii- dor HAM. strnals. IMiniw 2-r.:ir,2. lfji iI.YMOt:iH. 4-dt.r l"w mlle.inr, mmt pfll q'lick. Owner In Gr nifliw. Cflil :t-r,inr.. "in5h oi.i)S ::hR -"'. ' llvdtamiic, white wall tlirr, Tn tfnr Tini h, low inllr.ipf. Vou't buy iimn- enjnvmrnt snn cijutnrt for nnlv . . 11 ''IS CHARLES MUSSER t'HOSF. 4-4M2 HIGH AND MARION' 854 Trucks, Trailers For Sale 4t rotiD t'S tort with vSn. frlred tn sell. Ph. 4.6.M inm KI1-I1 Int. dual drive. Equipped with timber roll.. Airbrake.-, excel, rubber. Men III) 4.'ti motor, has only P.nOO inlle. truck is near perfect cond. tlirnuc.hnut. I'd. Woodburn 4027 er 6DH6. 800 Real EMatfe quiet street: ortly 1 blk. from Wash; many, y-pes ot oHlcJ ana Jmall buM nvmr auarters. lint basement, nooret keeping con'sliml checfe on about 166 bdrtoH, KtUk Pri. 3-4lt!)l ttofiaa, Hit. 2taaau. lomnn. nes. 1'n. 4-2436 8.1.0 .AutpiiioHvt DIAL. 392EA6 1352 STUDfc. Champ, convertible, nil extras, only 7ono miles. ItiM stude. i t. pickup. Rfttl., O D. Rm motor, only 5000 miles, owner will sell for bank balance or take older car In trade Ph. S-8712. Statesman-Journal Newspapers 2l) NORTH CHURCH STliEET STATESMAN J-2111 JOt.'RNAL J-24M t i.tKSiiii'.n AntTRTisiNo iMIn 2 lines) "Weekdays "Sundays ocr line. I time .15 iJ oer line. 3 times ... IX) BO let line 8 ttntr il W 1) 20 oer line. I month .. J3 00 Unci. Sun.) Cla'-.lfled arts will he run In both papers lo ehe advertlrcts the ad vantarrs of the tremendous pulling power of 33.100 combined circula tions When an Id Is ordered three or tlx times and i Sunday Isnue Is in cluded ifor cxamplis:, Friday. Satur day, Su-nday) the lower Sunday rates apply because only tha Statesman ounll.hes SundavJ Clastlflcd Ids will Itart In ttte morning Oreeon Statesman, conclude In the evenlnf Capital Journal But ads will be accepted for Sunday Stii'estnnn onlv The deadline lor classified ads Is 1:00 nm. the day befnre publica tion. Emergency ads and small tin t 8.16 Auiofttotlvft 858 ti rj Can t 8ttl , New 1953 OLDSMOBILES A? BIG DISCOUNTS "88" Super Sedans , u" Sedans An OPPOftTuNiTYTO SAVE REAL MONEY WHILE THfiY LAST I , LODER BROS. CO. 25 YEARS YOUR OLDSMOBlLtE DEALER 465 tENTER STREET PHONE 4-2261 MY, OH MY! TIlAT'i WlU? YOU'LL SAY WHEN YOU SEE. THESE LOW-PRICE, HIGH-QUALITY CARS! '51 OLtiS , Radio: , hehtkr. 4-'dobr nlbCri "88" ledan.. SHrpl $1495 '50 DHEV.; BEL, AIR 2-tone; radio, heater. toer Kllde, White aldewall tire I. 22,000 rniUs. $1095 : 50 Sf ; WASON" k thi BbpuJar WIUrf WHh heater and ovcrdovejA real buy. '19 PICKUP, . . , Another total .Witty products It's sharp wtlh k heater. . $695 '49 FOItfcl ' rordor ctistom ' ledail, ti&lb. heater. Nlcel . . $695 SEE THESE AND OTHER GREAT &UYS CANDALAfilA . . iidf DBS... , . .. 2H43 8. Commercial Ph. 4-1B21 85L Aulo Porta & Repairs. WILE sacrifice lDSODodfe motor ior Immediate sale. Contact 372S Bell ltd. 8E2 House trailers 2!-fX .,Tmvc4lto. ho"8' raller. 'M mode), good -as new.. Cost S4.2S0. Sacrifice for with TV. W. R. Core, Rt. 1, Box 6IUI, lllf hlsnd Ave.; Aloha. Ore. ph. 8.21152 Hduse Trailer Wanted Student wishes to trade equity ii) modern i , B. R. home for nice clean house trailer. Details: Ph. 4-1032. Sat. or Sun. or after 8:30 p.m. on - weekdays. . - - - EAS1 Ell,N-buti SoJ-I-OlIOME 27'. tj 45'. See bcrote you buy. Lini Lane Trailer Plata. 1040 LSnl Ave. For the beat In. Trailer homes, new or used. With terms available. See JAYHAWK, TRAJJ-CR., SALES 26-10 Portland Road 8fe4 rieqvy EquipmanT- RlinfiER llred l'ofeslne . arch. Excel lent cond. $C0O. Pll2l03 Canhy. ... ADVEnfistFoN VJoiin PICKUP ti'llh beHullftll finished SIDEBOARDS $24.50 PAIR Completely finished with your choice of ad nd design Krebs Adv. Signs Call 4-325.. 1250 iMnwSrd adi received aftrfr 1 no (j.fri; trta he pl.itcd.. In thei."Tci(j TO Ci.TMfy" column lor th following morninj;. The Statcynan-Journal Newspaper resrrvrs the rlRht to rclcci fluei itnnhlQ advrjtisinn. It Mkthcn tc rrves the richt to place all adver tising tinder tha trtrcf classifica tion. The siatcMnan-Joiirnai Newspaper! afsumei no responsibility for error which my appear In ad verttjemcnta published In Ha col u mm and In msea where this paper li at fault will reprint that part of an adverti-cement tn which th typo graphical mistake occur. A "Blind". Ad an ad contalntnt a S'atesrnan-.loarnal Newspapers box number for an address ti for the nroiectton of the advertisers and must therefore be answered by .let ter The Statesman-Journal News, papers are nil At UherVv tp dlvulre Information ail to the inert. Ity of an advertiser using a "Blind ad.