Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 22, 1954, Page 22, Image 20

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    Monday, February 22, 1954
Firm and Labor
Renew Pledge
SOUTH BEND, Ind. A cere
mony in which management and
labor representatives at The
Studebaker Corporation recently
reaffirmed the company's century-old
pledge of quality and
craftsmanship has touched off a
spantaneous request among em
ployes to voluntarily sign similar
At the Initial ceremony, H. S.
Vance, president; Paul G. Hoff
man, chairman, and Louis J.
Horvath, president of Local 5,
UAW-CIO affixed the first gold
eals of a kind that will be placed
on all cars leaving the company's
plants. The seal reads "We stand
behind the quality of this car."
Copies of a traditional quality
code, on which the seal is based,
were sent to all employes as a
reminder that "every man and
woman who works for Studebaker
will maintain the high standards
of quality and skill that have
characterized Studebaker for five
Several days after the cere
mony a chief steward in the body
division asked that employes be
permitted to sign their names on
the face of the pledge. Over a
hundred names soon filled avail
able space on the parchment
sheet, and a second sheet was
Other departments made the
samt request, and pledges were
soon being signed voluntarily
throughout the plant.
held iU regular monthly meet
ing Monday evening with Mrs.
Hartwell White, vice-president in
charge. At the business meeting
it was decided to have a carnival
In March, and Mr. Dan Clark will
b general chairman of the car
nival. The PTA will purchase a
movie projector for the school.
After the meeting there were
basketball games, mothers and
daughters and fathers and sons
Hostesses for the evening were
Mrs. Phil Hathaway, Mrs. Stanley
Riley and Mrs. Russell Catchall.
Word has been received that
Mrs. Grace W. Jones who is in
the Mann Home in Portland, is
about the same. Mrs. Ray Martin,
Mrs. Lillie Cunningham and
Charles Martin from Butteville
visited Mrs. Jones last week. Her
daughter, Mrs. Robert Clark of
Jacksonville, Fla., has been with
her, but must return home short
ly. Mrs. Ben Eppcr's granddaugh
ter, Susan Ainsworth of Chcha-
lis. Wash., is in the Docrnbecker
hospital in Portland. She has been
suffering with an ear infection
for the past 10 days.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Clark gave a
Valentine dinner last week. At
tending were Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Parmley of Needy, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wiegand and son
Needy, Edward White of Port
land, and Lloyd, Donald and Ken
ry Clark.
Friday of last week, Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn a Yergcn, Mrs. Karl
Engleman, Mrs. Robert Cnlvin,
Mrs. Alf Nelson and Mrs. 0. W
Leek, members of Venus Chap
ter No. 129, Order of Eastern
Star at Donald attended a school
of instruction at Evergreen chap
ter, Vtoodbum.
North Howe
Mrs. Wayne Strnchnn have as
their house guests Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Keeler from Aber
deen, S.n. The Strachans nrici-
nally came from Aberdeen. Tues
day the Strachans accompanied
by their guests drove to Port
land and were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. reck.
Miss Casper, home economics
teacher of Gervais, and Miss
Miller, student teacher, visited
Wednesday evening at the homes
of Kathleen Howe, Georgia
Schaap and were guests for sup
per of Jean Dunn at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunn.
In the century before 1875,
epidenmic disease reduced the
Indians of the Northwest Ameri
can coast to about a quarter of
their original numbers.
Studebaker management and labor join together in a mutual
reaffirmation of The Studebaker Corporation's century-old
tradition of craftsmanship, in a ceremony inaugurating a qual
ify code program in the South Bend, Ind. plant. H. S. Vance
left) president of Studebaker, and Louis J. Horvath, president
of Studebaker Local 5, UAW-CIO, place the first quality seal on
a car as it comes off the inspection line. Surrounding Mr. Hor
vath are members of the Executive Committee of Local 5, who
participated in the joint labor-management ceremony.
Keizer Grange Plans
Visitation' Schedule
KEIZER Silverton Hills
Grange will be guest of Keizer
Grange at the regular meeting
March 3. W. E. Savage will pre
side; Ruby Girod is preparing
the program; and Grace Fleming
will have charge of refreshments.
The display table will be ar
ranged by Anna Bcaty.
Keizer Grange will visit Waldo
Hills Grange April 2, not March
5 as at first scheduled.
Grange Master W. E. Savage
is calling an officers' meeting
for February 28 at 2 p.m. for
seating drill practice. All offi
cers are urged to be present.
UNIONVALE Lanita, five years
old and Vickey, 17-months-old
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Jonn
Clow who were seriously ill with
flue have apparently recovered at
their home.
The Salem Carpenter In charge
of laying the Unionvale Evangeli
cal United Brethern Church gym
nasium floor ii ill with influenza
at his home in Salem.
FAIRV1EW Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Marley of the Fairview district
are ill at their home wim coins.
They called at the home of Mrs.
Clarence L. Fowler.
Telephone service is slill im
paired in this area because of un
usually high winds.
There were 2.42.'i,fHlfl more
births than deaths in the United
States in 1953, a new record.
300 Personal
310 Meeting Notice
& A.M. Wed. Feb. 24, M.
M. degree, 7:30 P. M.
312 Lost and Found
LOST male boxer. Vicinity S. 12th.
Ph. 3-ViU.
LOST: blue parakeet, lie talk He
is banded. 4-lfclll. l.iim court i.
316 Personal
Palmstry Readings
Advice on love, marriage, business.
This ad and 1 lor so rcaning.
Next to North Salem Drive-In
Play Popular Piano
Call Salem Music Co., 2-S70S,
or Sarchet'a in Albany. :S2.
AI.CHHOI.ICS Anonymous group No.
. 2PBH N. Com'l. 3-4M7. 4-3.m.
SAVE nern.anrnt removal of un
sightly facial natrs. r-ricn oi n.x.
'100 Ayricnillurc
402 Livestock For Sale
15 N. H. hens. Laying good. Started
Nov. 1st $2 ea. Ph. 2-5755.
LOCKER HEK.F Eastern Oregon, 'i
or whole. 25c, front quarter 20c.
Custom killing. Trailer loaned free.
Salem Meat Co. 1325 S. 25th. Phona
403 Livestock Wantod
LIVESTOCK buyer I buy eatlle.
horses, hogs, slurp, goals, hoars,
veal. Emt-rv Alderman. Phona 2-
78l or 2-ooiib.
then. 4297 Slate. 2-1345 or 2-4.180.
CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. C.
McCandllsh. 1127 S. 2.Mh. Ph. 5-8147,
LIVESTOCK buyer, A. F. Summer.
1265 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-2ril7.
404 Poultry and Rabbit
CHICKS for layers. Ixghorn Austra
While or New Hampshire. Palmer's
Rl. 1. HrooksPh.J!-M43.
BAllvdltCKS Order now for choice
of htccris. Nil pullets l!c. par red
roosters, 5c. Valley Farm Store,
408 Peta
B.M1Y Parakrrts $7.50. 4510 Clavier
Rd. Ph. 2-2;'2.
REGISTERED Dachshund puppv. 1
mos. old Male. red. $.15. Pll4-I282.
i FEMALE Pekmcc-e pups. 4 A:
mo. old. I'll 3.35IMI. ,
LOST Med Cocker female pet of
famlty Rewaid for Intormalton
leading to return ot dog Viola
BaymanPh. 3-4605.
TOY Fox teirier. male. 10 inon., 2i
lb. Registered. $75. Very exception
al buy.JMv 2-1245
COCKER. Gold. -n red. A. K. C. at
stud Plume S-IS4S.
DALMATIAN "pup S mo. old. $25"
Phone 2-1218.
REGISTERED "male"-boxer at" stud'.
Call 4-5855.
TIT" -'llm "J'
wr ... o..ji ri t-i. nn F SniA. Miriinnanus siz Loans wantea u """""" ..
. '. I mnn nunuinu i-iuiciiuia w - , i
TURNER Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Wipper spent a weekend in
Brookings visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Sheaffer. Mrs. Albert
Robertson accompanied them as
far as Cave Junction to visit her
son, Dennis, who is attending
school there this term.
Delmcr Peterson and Jack
Tucker took their physicals in
Portland Thursday, they will
leave for the army sometime in
Mrs. Richard Chapman and
Mrs. William Kyte, room moth
ers for the first grade, gave the
first grade a valentine party tn
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Keene are
leaving Friday for Riddle to vis
it Mr .and Mrs. Norman Mellis.
Mrs. J. M. Bones has been vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Roberts
in Lyons, also the Kei,th Bones
family in Stayton.
Mrs. Morris Peterson enter
tained with a Valentine party for
her sons Bradley and Mark re
cently. The rooms were decorated
with white streamers and red
hearts and a large bouquet of
pussywillows. Following the play
ing of games refreshments were
served to the guests. '
Present were Johnnie and Jan
Towcry of Salem; Lyne, Ronald
and David Peterson of Dallas:
Jeff and Mike Collier, Steven and
Barbara Peterson, Gregory, Val
eric and Lindsay Ball; Billy Neal
Bones and Helen Mitchell.
Additional guests were Mrs.
John Peterson, Mrs. E. E. Ball,
Mrs. Billy Towery. Mrs. Cal Col
lier, Mrs. Leslie Peterson, Mrs.
Elton Ball, Mrs. Lester Bones,
Mrs. Robert Mitchell and Mr. and
Mrs. Keith rctersnn.
100 Agriculture
408 Pets
PARAKEETS. Cages, supplies. Bird
Paradise. 31SO Livingston z-imz.
Coy. 1 block east of N Capitol. IV
hlnctia north of Martlon Ph 2-SIW7
PARAKEETS llables raised In mil
home. $7.50. all colors. Mrs. Pow
er. 7:15 Brllevne. Ph. 4-1537.
HOXKR female. Moore's tropical flsr
equipment. Parakeets, pets. Mac
leay Rd. 4-3773. Closed Wed.
CANARIES Orange St anrlro-.
strain. Phona 3-43a5. 1340 cnemeK
410 Seeds and Plants
EASTERN Oregon Sheep Manure by
sark or yard. Ph. 4-3505.
TUHEROUS begonia hulhsVso do7"fc
up. Gloxinia bulbs. 3."r each. Roy
direct from grower. We wvre 1st
prl7e winners at lf:3 State Fair,
t'lagiretfs greenhouses. 4'j ml. N.
of Salem on Wallace ltd. (Salem
Dayton Jly.), Rt. 1, Box 403. Ph.
412 Fruit and Farm Produce
Ttotlrd manure, weed free. 2-0774
!."() Merclumilise
451 Machinery and Tools
I? IN. Craftsman hand saw I.Ike
new. verv seasonable. Ph. 3-4040.
go. also herrv wire and clover hay.
cheap. Phone 4-1193.
456 Wanted, Hsehold Goods
Used Furniture
Valley Furniture Co. 2-7472
PA top casn price for good
used furniture, appliances, etc. Im
mediate nervier. I scd Mrn-!iandise
Mail. 27H .. Liberty. Ph. 4-Kl.l.
CAM! l'OUA liood used ftiuillure
or will nil on consigrment Pn
Sudlells Auction.
458 Building Materials
fjsliBf'''' I'.-g.SWWI
All new Grade "A" 11.-st Quality i y., yy comb, elecliir from Ks JO.
4 ' Cast Soil Pine. I'SA . .7a ft. 1 A1) ,c!nnr, , a-1 cond. guar-14-2
l.oomex Wire Full roll .03 ft. anteed Singer Sewing Center. 130
u-i i.oomex v. ire run ron .00 11. lixs w.'ciiinip - .-n
Switch or Outlet Ivorv :10
Ceiling K.aust Fan '" . lH'.lJ
2 Comp. Sink comp w ring 43
Steel Path Tub comp Rl H3
10 vr. 42 gal wtr heater 7 50
Rev Trap Toilet "A ' 29 95
," Galv Pip, .12 ft
K Galv Oulli r . 14 It S. .143 N. Com 1.
Ph. !-88a
.Jttvsv-B 1 1 I I " 11 mi AHA.nn.lis a 1 ul l-Ctia JT H 1 B1 fl Vt J III II V I'.Ill IlltIV IIK HI I
Pine, Pine, Pine!
New Load 1x12 shelviwt. variety of
paneling, same low price. Knotty
Pine plywood Ithat's right!), have
oin in stork. SdKS 59.50. KD roof
sheathing or boxing 69.50. Lotsa
doorf, rigs., paints, wallboards. and
clg. tllea. 4x8 hardboard 1.75 sheet.
Some odd sues in plywood need
an offer! Ext. or Int. 4x8 or cut.
Tree rutting saves you money!
Kasy Blld I'atterru from large fur
niture to baby'a toys. You'll be
pleased .at ease, doing it "your
self." Your remodeling problems,
our pleasure! Nothing down, 36
moi. to pay. .
.1545 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4433
New fir door jambs .
Oak flooring -
New bath tuba complete
Used bath tubs complete
lined cast washbasins
Hdwd. plywd., ideal for
rjaneline or cabinets -
T .iwtM insulation oer bag
Fiberglass roll blanket iflsul. Cheap
14-2 elec. wiring ,, ,, .I'.aC
1pi wiring 5c
Nails u.9 ot ao.aa Reg
Asbestos siding per sq.
Painted shakes with unders .
New doors, all sizes
Used windows 36" X 43"
inn inert rinnrs wim frames
New toilets with scat .124.50
nnnhlA kitchen sinks, complete
4? eal. elec. water heaters $68.50
Laundry trays, pipe, basins .bargain
500 gaL steel septic tanks 462.50
cast iron sou pipe
solid orangeburg pipe 38c
Roll roofing, large supply
3 tab comp. roofing
Cedar shingles, 4 grades .
New Galv. iron roor.
Plywood, new carload
N,w nirtilm windows
New weather stripped windows 114.20
rvriar fence nosts .Cheap
New plaster board 4x8 .. 11.40
Steel garage ooors. coinpieic n.uv,
Over-head garage hardware !13.95
Kitchen, balh rin. enameled
checked wall cover - -..10c sq. ft.
Ph. 4-5051
1 ml. N. of Keizer
Permanent, No upkeep. Frca esti
mates. 3 mos. to pay. Borkman
Lhr Si Hdwr. Phona 1-3701. 1400
Slate St.
4G0 Musical Instrumentg
rmrKP.BlNr. 5ii ft. Grand piano.
Excellent playing cond. See at 625
W. Browning Ave. Ph-flaM.
BIG savings on nearly new Spinet
pianos. Priced from $475. Excellent
selections, save up iu ?iuj un .......
nmnlfK on famous top quality in
struments. Used Upright Pianos
from $85 from fine selection. yi
wavs your top values at
Stone Piano Co.
Learn Piano
Limited enrollment.
Beginners Only
ADULTS 18 TO 118
I children's class and t adult class
starting soon. Limited to 8 studt-nis
per class.
We will furnish a piano for vour
home pnirlire for a very
rrnial fr which may be applied
to purchase
Salem Music
153 S. High St. Dial: 2-8708
Across from Elstnore Theatre
SMALL studio piano, $150. Call Black
49 Mt. Angel. Mrs. Kournier.
VERY FINE Gibson guitar and amp
lifier for sale. Ph. 4-2700.
462 Sports Equipment
MEN'S golf clubs. 3 woods. $?S.
Irons. i:t5. The works including hag.
$55. Call 3-9T54.
CASH paid for used guns, modern
and antique. Cascade Merc. 12:10
I 466 Trade, Miscellaneous
WILL TflAPK Montgomery W.ird
20" rofarv power mower, 2 vr. nlrt.
(nr enrdrn tractor. Mrnry SchmtrU,
Rt. 2. Box 4P4. Ph. 4-25(12.
468 For Rent, Miscellaneous
DUCK LAKE tor rent; II ml So. 4
ml. West of Monmouth. Ph. fiS52
Monmouth. Fred Aver. Rl. 1, Pox
Repair vou own car. Phona 4-3261.
2015 tf. Cotn'l.
MCCULLOCH chain saws and post
hole augers by nav lowne Kqmp-mi-nl
Cd. Ph. 4-1541.
HUi HfcJsl or lease, ige warenouse
space cement floors, nru-k bldg.
down town. Inquire II L Stiff
Kuri J-91SJ
470 Tor Sale. Miscellaneous
psv.i) ri nMTCUK for lfss
Valley Furn. Co., 219 N. Com'l.
PAINTr.2 211 sal- C'len Woodry.
BATTKRIKS r. 9.Y Fx group I 12-inn.
guarantee. liles Tire. 2305 N.
SF.WINCi machine ch-.nance sale.
IVi.lil.ln f-i.n. tjfl SO Trrjrilr from
n. Cohi I
PAINT. J2 29 gal Glen Woodry.
RXCKLLENt" 1IAKN var.i frrtillrcr.
Phone 4-39i7 or 4-2170.
A I P 1 N G t A C 1 1 1 N FS " CASH RF"
C.ISTI.RS. 25 A- up. Clary Multl-
rlicr Corp. 1979 Fairgrounds Rd,
h. S-5375
CHARIS foundation g'rrlles, bra Plv
J-5S18 or 3-5071 Mary E. Bales.
low price
SEWING machine buyers, The Singer
Kewine Center will double tne dook
price on trade in value on your old"
sewing macnine regaraiesi oi cona.
this week only. Singer Sewing Cen
Vr. 130 N. Com'l.
HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent H.
Lh suit r um. 10. m a-iea.
Organic Fertilizer
Sack or bulk
Orders delivered
Phone 3-8127
FERTILIZER rotted cow manure.
compost, rotted mulcn, rnlcken
manure for lawn dressing. By sack
or cu. r. Phillips Bros.. Rt. 5,
Box 493. 4-3081, i mi. E. 4-Corners,
on State.
USEp Refrigerators, J19U5, 128.95 and
up. At L,aue. zjau atare. i-n. j-asj.
fioovis RECAP or Grp. 1 battery,
$6.95 ex. Dizzy uean a. laaa a. tztn.
Closing out stock on ornamental
stones, including lava ee uagsione.
Rustic cedar fencing, cedar posts,
poles. Supply limited. Phillips Bros.
Rt. 5, Box 493. 4-3081. 2 mi. 4-Cor-ners
on State St.
PAINT, $2.29 gal. Glen Woodry.
BOY'S shoe skates, size 7. Ph. 3-3478.
PAINT, $2 .29 gal. Glen Woodry.
ROTO tiller, complete with attach
ments. 2-wheel trailer wim larp.,
good condtUon. 806 Ogle St., Wood
burn. UPRIGHT Farrand piano, $175. 1760
N. 20Ui St. .
SKIS & complete outfit. Half price.
Ph. 2-8634.
REO 25" trimalawn mower. Large
lawn sweeper. Tney cost znu. win
sacrlfic for $150. Phone 3-8712.
CAR RADIO. A-l shape. CaU 3-7938
after 6:30.
BABY scales, daveno, Calmon oil
heater, 2 oil drums ana pipe in
cluded. All excellent cond. - Ph.
NEW portable electric 3-speed pho-
nograpn. sum saw. io ocurc
lawn mower. Paint spray outfit.
Ph. 3-6757.
18 CU. FT. Upright Freezers only
$.195.00. Limited supply. NICO
ground Hd.
WHITE enamel comb, wood & gas
range. $25. Also elec. range, excel,
cond. $75. Bird cage with sland. $8
3097 Market. 3-4867.
COMPLETE bakery equip. 4x8
pool table. 2-hole ice cream cabinet;
large roll top desk. Call eve. 4-1538.
REDUCED price. Howard upright
piano, perfect condition. $175. Penn.
power lawn mower, $65. Almost
new 120-bass piano accordion. $275;
Spartan radio, pho.-comb. Beauti
ful cabinet. $50. Complete agate
cutting outfit. $135. Ph. 4-2997.
Recaps 600-16, $4.95. Lytle's Tire, 2305
N. Com".
472 Wanted, Miscellaneous
WANTED used wheel barrow 9c 2
outdoor ground lights. Call 4-4135.
WANTED, old model Jeep. Will
trade '45 truck, also want concrete
mixer. Call eve. 4-1538.
' Stud Logs or Multiples of 8',
Plus Trim. Dia. 6" to 16".
Ph. Turner 1125
F.ves. 2503 Turner or 2-7826 Salem
474 Miscellaneous
FOR SALE, small tract of 2nd growth
timber Near road. Walt. Bilsnin,
Gates. Oregon.
Adolph Bldg.. State A- Coin'l. Sti.
SALEM PH. 3-3311
476 Fuel
ANDERSON'S green slab, t cd. $14.
Th. 2-7751 or 4-4253-
Pickup Your
Briquets and wood at 198 S. Coml
St Phone 3-7721.
Highway Fuel Co.
Clean sawdust wood, green or 1ry.
Stove-Diesel oils. Ph. 3-H444
Slab, sawdust, oak
Ph. 3-5533 3087Broadway
West Salem FuefCo.
Tube or Push Out Sawdust
Ash, Maple and Oak Wood
Green, drv slao. Planer Ends
1525 Edgewater Phone 2-40.1!
!()() litis. & FinaniT
510 Money to Loan
Ofrcru Thrse Brnpfitft
"Yes" promptly to employed peo
plr marrirrl, sincle!
Nationwide credit.
Sinirle visit loan phone first.
Select best pavment date!
On Avito, Furniture or Salary
Phone 2-2164 105 S. Hitll St . S.ilem
SUIe License S-122. M-lKj i
Iian. over S.1110 made bv Pcr.on.-il IHOMM. Sue an hour. Bring nane
Klnanoe Co ot Marion Cnuntv undrr I era. Jul 1 2nd St. West Salrm.
the Industrial Loan Companies Ai-i
of Oregon.
Pl'!VTE monev to loan Ph 2-0794
I ROPIRT w C.00stN Ps(S
687 Court ..c. 4-2283 ;
lfc! South Church
Parking a-Plcnty
Ph. 2-2157 Lie 'To. M-50. S-154
rONSOMPATlON OF THU S rase financial strain and save
tiinr and nmncy. Our 27 M
srrvire In this community m our
hipffst aet.
Phone firt for a one trip Kin.
l.iMnn to ;i00 00 on sicnattitt. tur
n:Mirf and rqutpmnt nrt 'o
f.'ooix) on fluids, irut'ks and trail
ers. Park frrf lit Marion Car P.-uk
1M S St.
Lie. MM, M-;u
WANT $8,000.00 at 6". to bo paid at
the rate of s-iw.uo plus interest
semi-annually. Very good security
and best of credit. Box 338, Stales-man-Journal.
SI 5 Investments
UP TO $2,000 OR MORE
118 S. LIBERTY PHONE 4-2203
600 Employment
604 Help Wanted. Male
JOURNEYMAN marhinlst, welder
combinations. Apply many ma
chine Fuel & Trucking. Ph. 1-2241
For Marion and Linn Counties by
Portland Co. investment in mer
chandise only sale of which is guar
anieed. Write to Ceo. Boll, 6706
No. Burrage St., Portland 17.
606 Help Wanted, female
WANTED: Millinery Sales Lady.
State age, experience. Box 218, co
BEAUTY operator experienced in
hair styling. Ph. 3-4698.
610 Sales Persons Wanted
The man w want in a resident
of the Salem Area. He is a pro
ducer and capable ot training
others. He is honest, oi good
character and ambitious. He is as
young as he feels and old enough
to instill confidence In others.
He need not have experience in
our business of top Health, Acci
dent and Life Insurance, but he
must be able to devote his entire
time and attention to our busi
ness, which Is well established in
this area.
This Is a real opportunity for a
' top flight man to increase his
earnings well over $10,000 per
year. We will give every assist
ance necessary to set him on the
path of real production.
Telephone or write for personal
interview. M. C. Fields. 422 Pit
lock Block. Portland 5, Oregon,
BRoadway MM.
OPENINK for Real Estate Salesman
in well established office. Sec Joe
L. Bourne, Realtor. 1140 N. Capitol.
ri.LL time Heal Estate salesman.
B. M. Mason, 184 S. Comm'l.
612 Work Wanted. Male
DO ANYTHING, anytime, any place,
2 men. Tryjis. Ph. 2-9400.
INCOME Tax blanks prepared rea
sonably. Ph. 3-EM1.
TWO discouraged young men will
do anything from testing electric
chairs to lowering coffee prices.
Box 2.10. Statesman-Journal.
PART TIME bookkeeping service. In
come tax. journal-ledger, posting,
and payroll. For appointment, days
or evenings call 2-5265.
L. W. Hancock. Eves. Ph. 8-0010.
FEDERAL : State tax returns pre
pared. Pick-up service. Reasonable.
Ph. 4-5008 after 1 p m.
TAX RETURNS prepared in your
home at reasonable rates. Phone
HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard
cleaned up and trash hauled. 2-7464.
CEMENT-woik, all kinds. Ernest
Drake. Phone 4-5129. 1165 S 14th.
TAX FORM comoleted. State. Fed
eral. Prompt accurate service Ph.
WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing,
etc. R V. Stoops. Ph. 2-3326.
614 Work Wanted. Female
EXP. wattresjt uanted. full nr part
lime. White s Lunch, 1138 S. Com 1.
Apply in person,
RK WEAVING done reasonable. 425
Claxter Rd. Call 3.R860.
LADY cook V bartender. Relief
work Call 4-5:182.
WASHING and Ironing done in my
home. Ph. 3-30!)5.
MtMKOr.KAPIHNC. tvpinit. Train
able. Mrs. Poe. 665N. leth-llMS.
HOl'SKWOKK or cnoking company
meal, Phone 3-58T.0.
615 Situations Wanted
f thkf. work. Topping - trimnilns-re-
nuu-ing. insured John 1'avnc. rn.
HOt'SF. pl-ins drawn. Ciilomirrd
and acruralr WorkPh. 2-W.42.
LFRN dri imakinR at yovir ronvrn-
irncc in my home. 2-1
PAINTING. PsipcrhanRinc. Frrr rs-
limatr?. Don Lui'cro. Ph.a-S.i22.
COMPETANT child carr in Christian
home. imSpruep. Phal-.tTlfl.
FCRNITCRE rrfinishinn. Rrasonable
r;itrs. Leo J. Wallace, lfi.15 N. C.,p
i ilolPh. 4-188.
GIHIa wantu to do babv sittinji during
d.,y.. Hrler. Ph 3-955.
i SKWING typing or anythinc sun
1 done In my home. Ph. 2-K2t.
VOl'R elnthes washrd. dtnH expert
ly uonrd. my home. 4-6323.
tiact. small jobs welcome. Phone
CiKNKHAL clranmn by the hour. Ph.
I :'-a2,ift
i CCSTOM ptowinc and disnnc. Fr
I Ruon trmM"or, 2 bottom plow. Ph.
I or2-4:a.V
iWlf.MAlVs bay Nurscrv. llrrnrd
I and utate fnsprcted. 2-501S.
CF.MKN'T work, all k:nd, Frlrioriiau
1 At Son 2-R2fl. 4-.W2' aft. 5 p.m.
i T A XRFTi; R NS 1-repa redrph7T-6228".
Call day or eve
CARPENTER New. remodel or re
pair.timeor contract Ph. 2-5025.
State licensed and Inspected. Ph.
PAINTING Will cladlv estimate any
Size Job. Ph. 2-4307. 3-8243
LANSCAPING. com. lawn, garden
servtce. Service Center. 4-33T3
TRl'ES topped. tnmn.d and remov
ed Fruit trees pruned and nhaned.
fret estimates, Th. 2-7464, 4-:!7.
PAPER IIANOINO Painting. Jerry
Johnson. Phone 3-0794,
RELIABLE baby utter. WlU go days
or nights, rnon j-awi.
LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt lavallng.
grading. Phone j- us.
snnabla. 4240 Macleay Rd. PhoM
ElrTEmploYmenl Agencies
F-Secy. Dr's. ofc. 25-40 . To $200
F-Sales Ready to Wear. 25.44 .-.Open
F-Bookkeeper Gen. Ofc. $2U0
F-Bkkpr. Ofc. Mgr. 25-40 To $300
F-Exec. Secy. perm. 25-40 Open
F-Steno.. beginner 18-25 -.$12
F-Legal Sleno. a aa.
M-Sales spvsr. 25-40 exp. -
M.r-nl orari S!al trainee
The Best way to ine ji
494 State St. (Oregon Bldg.) 4-3.151
620 Day end Contract
Land Clearing
15 yrs. Exp. Call for estimate on hour
umrlr nr hv contract for the com
plete Job. L. C. Mitchell. Phone
700 Rentals
LARGE warehouse space for rent or
least. Cement floors, brick build
ing. Down town. Inquire H. L.
Stlfl Furniture Co. Phone 3-9185,
702 Sleeping Rooms, Board
WARM, light, housekeeping room.
Lady. 685 N. Church.
ATTR. room avail, to man in ex
change carpentering & painting on
Saturdays, rine opp. tor rigni per
son. Ph. 3-5196.
NICELY furn., private home. Gentle.
man. 985 N. Hummer. Ph. 3-ojob.
COMFORTABLE, warm room down
town. Hotplate. 472 N. Liberty.
SLEEPING ROOM, kitchen facilitl.-s.
For 1 or 2. 754 Ferry St.
DOWNTOWN, 1st fir, clean, warm
room. Bath adjoining. 6aa Center.
LARGE beautiful furn. rm. Also
bachelor apt. 539 N. Winter.
705 Apartments For Rent
NICELY furn. 1 bdrm.. hdwd. firs.
many closets, quiet, clean, double
sink, ceiling tan, lgc. launary, ga
rage, w. salem. a-i4i.
FOR RENT, one bedrom furn. du-
plex. 840. Ph. 4-1761. Agent.
3-ROOM furn. apt. Neat & clean. Lo
cated 1140 N. Sin. (-all 2-4B1H.
2-RM. furn. Ground fir. Utility porch,
Elec. range, refrig.. private en
trance and shower. Garage. Afler
3. 4-1677. 1775 N. Front.
3 FURN. rooms- t bath. Utilities
naid except gas. TV antenna avail-
able. S37.50. 1207 S. Coml. Ph.
32 RMS. furn. apis. 533 & 23.
Ground fir. Close in. 3-44M),
CLEAN 2-room. furnished, busement
ant.. Drivate bath, utilities fur
nished, $.15. 1115 N. 19th. Ph. 3-7IM1
CLOSE, clean, furn. 1-rooin duplex.
Kitchenette. $30. 765Marlon.
PH. 4-1407 for 't duplex furnished
apt. 25U5 N. 5tn.
3-RM. FURN. apt. Entire second
floor. Corner house. 18th and Che
meketa. One person. $30; two, $35.
Apply next nouse. xbu in. lain.
3-ROOM furn. apt. Newly decorated.
1 blk. to bus line, $35. 950 N. 19th.
2-RM. APT. Everything furn. except
elec. Hot and cold water. ia mo.
Ph. 2-6827.
3-RM. furn., pvt. bath, walking di
tance. 45U s. yapuoia-a.131'.
2-ROOM furn.. heated apt. For lady.
704 n. cottage.
UNFURN. duplex. Fireplace, stove
and refrig. Call 3-7U;g eve., fcai,
ATTRACTIVE 2-rm. ant., unfurn. ex
cept range and refrig. Haseldorf
CLEAN Knotty Pine Kit.. Furn..
bdrm. bsmt. apt.. El. heat, Autn.
Washer. Park dist.. emp. Couple
prcf. $47.50. Ph. 3-5infi.
MODERN 3-rm. furn. apt., clone In.
549 N. Cottage St.
FURNISHED 3 rooms. $30. Privat
bath iDfiB North Com'l.
PRIVATE 3 room cour apts. Clean,
furn.. 45. Adu Its. 3560 Portland Rd .
3 RMS. furn. Utilities paid. Women
preferred. 1553 state.
FURNISHED apartments. Close-in
Ph. 2-R740. 325 S. Winter.
Furnished aptg. 550 N. Summer
FURNISHED modern 2 room apt,
Within 5 blorki of down town. $f5
per month. Ph. 2-1887. 444 N. Cot
3-ROOM furn. apt. utilities paid. Rea
sonahle. Ph. 4-6551.
VERY NICE 1-bdrm., furn. and un
furn. Inquire 1656 S. 13th St.
3-r66m furnished apt., full bath.
heat and water turn. 33. Phone
MCKLY FURN. 3-room apt 548 if.
KURN. apts. North Salem Motel, 2fi73
CvVPITOL Apartment. 348 N. 12th
St. 1 rm. licht housekerpinff apt.
Furn. with priv. bath. Hraonable
rate.". .Near Capitol group and
chopping centerPh.-eHT.
.T YOU'RE looking for a nice 3 rm.
apt., private bath, rent reasonable,
call 4-3IU3 or 2-1710
Furnished Court Apt
with garnge. $55. Clore in on No.
Com'l Ph. 2-ftfit8 or 3-lirt44.
BORM. apt. Completely furn, clo.e
IT1, N- Cottage.
ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 4-rm. apt. with
ranceA: rrfricHO S13th.
1 BF.DROOM apt. Stove, rcfriceratnr,
water, automatic it-am heat, in
elLded. .Modern. S!tO per month
May oc ?en at 21M S. Commer
c;ai or Ph. 4-lJ.2 after 4 p.m.
1-bdrm.. furn., unfurn. 1163 Che
n c keta. 3-8W0.
NICE COZY. furn. 2 nns. for work
ing women. $35. 841 N. Liberty
Ph 2-o44tJ or.l-SOOO
FURN. duplex. Nice 3 rooms. Holly
wood. 3-H642. Inquire lfiu McCoy.
FOl'R-room furn. apt. $.13. 1445 Ferry
CI .F.A N f uTnlsiicd-3 room-. Utilities
paid. Capitol. 2-.V18.1.
3 N'icE H1S.. furn. ant., private hath.
.V18 N ChurcjY 2-4745.
3 RM. Ft'RN. basement apt., 50
Inquire at 315 Rrllevue.
VERY NICE modern 2-rm. furn.
court apt. $45. 1063 Madison. 4-4754.
707 Houses For Rent
EXTRA nice furn. duplex. Huge liv.
rm. Creek, close in. car port. $75.
510 S Winter. Ph. 3-5128 eve.
DUPLEX. 4 bright, elrjin rooma. Oil Garage. Adults. $55. Ph.
FURNISHED, clean small house, 93&.
UNFURN. ground floor, duplex. Ga
r . . g e f 56 F e r r y . ph 3 -3437.
LOVELY 3 bedroom home in exclu
sive district. Automatic oil heat,
full biement. available March 1st.
Box 228, co Statesman-Journal.
700 Rentals
707 Houses For Rent
BEDRM. partly furn. Bus acrossl
street. 1 block grade scnooi.
blocks Parrish High. blocks Shop
ping Center & state diu. j-ik
nnnM hnit, Automatic heat.
Water and garbage paid. Clean. $37.
490 Shipping.
COUNTRY home, redecorated, mod
ern, 2 parm., oasemcm, ujuuiu
$55. Ph. 2-2031.
BDHM. In court, stove, refrig. turn.
Inquire corner Lee ana mission.
-BDRM. house, unfurn. except re-
frig. St Stove. 2449 mantel, rn.
-BEDRM. house, unfurn. except re-
frig. & stove. 2443 AiaiKei. rn.
CLEAN, lovely l.bedroom house
furn. Phone 3-7132.
LOVELY 1-bdrm. garage. No chil
dren or dogs, bnglewooa district.
Inq. 1290 N. 14th. Ph. 3-3000.
BEDRM. duplex with store room.
No children. North Dist. $45 per
month. Ph. 4-1761.
RM. UNFURN. cottage. Elec. heat,
elec. range. 744 N. Capitol. 2-BH82.
CLEAN, furnished 1-bedroom house.
garage, $50. 4133 Portland Ha.
CABIN. 3-room, partly furnished. $25
month. Ph. 2-124B
modern house, Ph,
CLEAN UNFURN. 1 bdrm, court.
Adults , no pets. Ph. 4-59H5.
"BEDROOM house for rent. Call
14 06 N. 4th.
RMS. FURN. house, $30 mo. 3910 N.
River Rd.
2-BEDRDM. unfurn.
house. 1370
Smith St. Ph. 2-0360.
BEDRM. 1U mile South of Pringle
School. $30. Ph. 2-8165.
MODERN 1-bdrm., unfurn. & oil
heat. 4-Corners. 4-1808.
house furn. Adults. Ph.
NICE, small 2-bdrm. house. All elec-
tric. Koyai at.
LOVELY 1-bedrm. house & garage.
TV antenna. Conven. E. Suburban
u nfurn. $45. Ph. 2-00 1 0.
1-BDRM. unfurn. house, att. garage.
elec. heat, 2 ml- -as 4-i.orncrs,
$55. no pets. Ph. 3-5(i52. Caretaker
4575 State.
MODERN 2-bdrm. duplex. Att. pa
rage. Laundry facilities. Available
March 1st. 565 Pine St.
3-REDROOM home.
near Wash.
school. Phone 2-43R9.
NEW, MODERN. 1 bedroom court.
Stove and refrig furn. $50. Call
BDRM. suburban home. Inquire.
5745 Portland Rd. or phone 4-4076.
NICE 3 BEDR. house. 290 Mahle.
$75. Ph. 2-3663 days, or 2-6221 eve.
DUPLEX. E aide has bdrm. bath,
living rm. kitchen, ranee Sc. ne.-iter,
Hollywood. Smaller $30. Larccr
$35. Both $55. One for you r one
for Grandma. 2-2918.
1 ROOM furnished cabin.
man. Phone 3-7018.
ALMOST new 2-bedrm. house, elec.
range, auto, heat, hardwood floors,
i nsu lated. 2234 Map le Ave.
5 RM. house, fir. furnace, garage,
530 N. 17th. 4-6398 eve. wkenda.
708 Farms, Tracts For Rent
FIVE acres of bean ground with.
house. Carl Gibson, Rt. 1, Box 1B2.
Aumsville, Ort.
709 Wanted to Rent
WANTED Outstanding Auto Club
from Salem would like to rent
double garage or gooJ barn to usa
as elub house and work nhop. Rent
must be reasonable. Phone 2-1065,
ask for Gary.
710 Wanted to Rent, Houses
WANT to lease nice 3-bedroom house
In desirable neighborhood. No chil
dren. Local businessman and wife
with son and daughter away at col
lece. need home by April 1st. De
sirable, responsible tenants. Can
furnish any reference desired hv
property owner. Box 239, co
3-BEDRM. furn. wanted. Good loca- ,
tion, close to schools. Ph. Fred Mc
Kinney days 2.2487. eve. 3-6H9C.
RESPONSIBLE young couple with
. small child desire 2-bedroom un
furn. houe wilh garage. Prefer
close in, North. $65 per month. Ph.
714 Business Rentals
STORE room for rent. Also, suitable
foroffice.Jnquire JS. J2th.
OPEN business lot for lease 100 x 140
with or without office. 1I05 Fair
grounds Rd.
5.000 SQ. FT. of storage space. 2043
N. Capital. Ph. 3-3971.
800 Krai Estate
$3950 - V ACRE
Comfortable one bedroom home. Liv
ing room, kitchen and nook, hnw
er and toilet. Utility room with
laundry trays. Good garage. Small
hen house. Lots of fruit, berries,
flowers and shrubs. Close in north
rast. Sfi.iO down payment. Balance
$45 00 mo.
Beautiful 2-bedroom home built lut
4 years ago. A wonderful fireplare
with paneled wall and book cases.
Extra large dining room. Plumbed
for automatic washer. On half acre
of good soil. Paved street and close
to stores, bus and school.
Close in north. Wonderful soil. Good
4-bedroom home. Two garage w iih
room for a shop. Large poultry
house and machine shed. Good ,Tft x
40 barn. Fenced. Water for Irriga
tion. Keizer and high school bu'-r
by door. You can even have the
cow. Lots of room for the familv
on this dandy close in acrrage. To
tal price only $14,900 with very
easy terms.
Evening! and Sundavs:
4-1671, 3-3858, 4-5319, 3-3264, 3-4876
2bedroom plastered home with att., city sewer and watrr. North.
This home needs repairs, but at
only 52.5O0 anyone can wrll af
ford lo make the necessary repairs,
easy terms. Will how Monday.
for S2.250 with house, barn, atcr
system, electricity, paved pud,
yeai aiound creek, paved road, good
building files, within 10 miles of
Salem. A sacrifice, don't see how
anyone could miss on this one if
you like country living. Will ahowr
1140 N. Capilnl Priont S-Mlf
For Sale For Rent
S'ld Private Property, etc.
Can order from I to 1 600
, Call 4-33SJ i: Howard