r i i Pa:e 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, OreKnn Monday,. February 22, 1954 in Valley Willamina r WILLAMINA I Edited by AtlKt FORBES Falls City Lacomb FALLS CITY It will be of especial interest to the members of the Falls City Extension ('lub Unit to ttniiw the unit will be lout united 20 or more memhrrs at tend. The next meeting will be March 2 with Mrs. Malno Kei chert brinuinx the lesjnn and showing slides. The topic will be "Belter Buy manship." . The recent Diirras bazaar net ted the society 979, the sale lust inn two days. The Krnest Parkers and Roger Emerson were flalurday guests of the Charles linker family. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Teal visited at Auburn, Wash., from Friday unul .Monday, They vis ted their daughter ; Hospital. The baby, who has one Mrs. Louie Baker and family and sitT, ban been named Jtebecca. their sort, Norman and family Ml (;)Bric Iluy js now ana aucnuco inc Jjcucr liomes i nvp,i in . ,, ,in,, oi Jerrys Market In Lebanon. l'fe Kenneth Tildfh. 24. who'sa wife Unllv liuo. k in Delake, and whose parents, ;J;.Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tlldeh live 1 on lit. 2 Sheridan .assisted in the 'operalloh of releasing more than 120,000 anti-communist Chinese ;and Korean prisoner when they LACO.Mil The Lacomb post- were relurned to t!N custody re master, liorothy Halverson, has cenlly. I'KC Tilden is a wircmnn received official notice from in Headquarters company of the Washington, f). C, that, effective i 20th Infantry Division's 14th Murch 1, 19D4. the muil will reni h KeslmenL lie entered the nrrnv j Lacomb postofficc one hour later , 'n July, 1952, and was stationed : and leave lor Lebanon one hour a Camp Huberts, Calif, 'later in the afternoon. j Carrol Spicer of Willamina was i Mrs. U. Halverson attended Ihe one of 33 Juniors to. receive hon : luncheon for the Trl County ; or certificates at the annual Hon- l.roup Postmasters, held at the ors Acolodc sponsored by Phi uea Hat Calc. in Albany Feb. 14. Overnight guests of Mrs. Hal verson were Miss Darlenc Ing mnn, Miss Kmma Joy, and Miss Dons lirown of Sclo. Dayton DAYTON A recent visitor for a week In the home of Mrs. DeLaurice Helming was her cousin, Mrs. Gladys Sailor, of Oceanlake. Mrs. Sailor had Just returned from visiting her daughter, Mr. and . Mrs. George Taylor and new granddaughter, Carrie Jo, at Glendale, Calif.. Mrs. Adolph Hraba, Mrs. Dc Lauricf Helming and hef moth er, Airs. Pearl Ciabtree spent Thursday In Portland on busi ness anil pleasure. Mrs. Helm ing and her mother, plan to leave Sunday for a few days, at Pendleton, where they will visit Jier uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Earl (inlanders. Kappa Phi, national scholastic ' nIr- Llnyd Goodrich and her honorary at Oregon State Col-! daughler, Mrs. Curtis Douglass, lege. i attended a housewarmlng parly Cerllflcale recipients main-jf"r Mr' ""UHlas' mother, Mrs. taincd n 3 5 grade point averago!8"0 Douglass, In Salem recently. sis ol an A euua 111! 4 "" uuugias recenuy movea Air. Jenson is driving the sehfinl on the b; bus in place of Mrs. Landers who points, throughout their first two jfrom Grand Island to Salem. years of college. Miss Spiecr isi Mr. and Mrs. William Lumm of the daughter oi Mrs. Viola Spicer Lake Grove recently visited her of lit. 2, Willamina. and is en- sister. Mrs. W. S Hlbherl Is ill Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Iteike are parents of a baby girl, born Roberts I Feb. 12 at Lebanon Community rolled ill Science. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Hand have sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. show in Seattle, Mrs. Woodrow Robinson was honored with a birthday dinner for herself and family, at the Norman Davis Apartment Home. Mrs. Mildred Wray being the hostess. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ames and family, Mrs. Frank Lafever. Norman Davis and the hostess, Mrsi Wray,' Mrs, Robinson received lovely birthday gifts. Tho young people of the Me thodist Church skated at the Hnnntcri Mill Hlnk It TiU-krnnll Wednesday. Several mothers drove cars and furnished transportation for the group. Falls City Garden Club will i home I uesday after being a Mr. and Mrs. Miles Olson and family of Yamhill were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hunter, the occasion being the birthday anniversary of the ladies, who are twins. Later, their mot her, Mrs. IClva Bramblct and their sister, Mrs, Jny Ditto and .Mrs. T. J. Werlh was honored on her 77th birthday this week with a dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merll Hnbuck. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Klmoii Hchuerch and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Schuerch nml Joe Ilalfield of Snow Peak Camp. : Hirls, Mr., and Mrs. Dnvld Rob ! family also joined the parly, ine nanus are moving to Fair-. inson anu lanniy ol Tillamook, Tho Kill Kara Kountry Klub field, Idaho. i Walter Schuerch, and Bonita met with Mrs. Dan Todd for pot- Recently a group of women met Buffington. j lu(., ,nner recently at me home of Mrs. II. Rand and; After the regular meeting of' The next meeting will be with uiu ijummiik ior ner. rreseni were : ine vr auxiliary, pink and Madge Sylvesler, Connie Rav, j blue showers were given for Mrs Gertrude Wirt, Kdna Cox, Zoia Floyd Ulrich and Mrs. Marjoric Raines, Rachael Downing, Elsie Lenaburg. Attending were Mrs. Edwards, . Velma Welgel, Viola I Alice Hahus, Mrs. Lois Kraut Thorp, Shirley Gray, and Wanda I hoeler, Georgia Rasmussen, Kffic Gray. Morrison, Hen and Addie Curry, Attending a 411 leaders meet-! A.nl,a slol,t Harriet House, Ger- uiwiue mciiuioar, iwary jicnuricK son, Nancy Coddington. Helen 'r,"rJt'r,,fni1 dent, and past commanders and 1-isk. Sending gift, wcrc ,v rs. ,,.,.. u...u.,. i!... t , iim:ii nu.iumiuB mill wivcn HI n ing in Albany On W.Hdon McCloud and Ann Ayers. Auldy Ayers relurned reb. 15 wore; Edna Ocder, 1 Mrs. Alnhley Borgan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shouer of, Canby came by and with Air. and A1rs.-S. AI, Stanford visited Mr, and Mrs, Robert Steel In Portland. Airs. Shouer and Airs. Steel are daughters of Mrs, Stan ford. -,' The American Legion and Aux iliary entertained the past presl ROBERTS Members ol the Robens G. T. Club gathered at the home of Airs. A. F, Thompson at Salem Heights Thursday after noon to surprise her on her birth day anniversary, showering her with handkerchiefs or gifts equiva lent, After lefreshmenls were served, Mrs. Karl Hcyden showed slide pictures of the members dressed in cast away garments and their own creation of hats, displayed at the last (wo club meetings; also other pictures taken on their trips ana last year s flood scenes. Present were: Mrs. A. F. Thomp son, in whose honor the party was given, Mrs. Win. Keeney, Mrs. Glenn Bidgood, Mrs. Lee U Ever ly, Mrs. , Harry Eyefly, Mrs. Karl neyucn, nirs. rc, E. Jones, Mrs. Leonard II, Zlclke, Mrs, L, F. -loike, Mrs. o. s. Biggins, Mrs. John Painter, Airs. John Orsbnfn. Mrs. Karl Blahkenshlp, Mrs. Her- oert Miner. Mrs. Ethel Davenport, Airs. Keith Austin, Mrs. J. P, Hlankenshlp, Mrs. Austin Carter, Mrs. Frank Boehrlnger, Atrs. War ren Wallace, Airs. Henry Querv, Mrs. Elmer Minch. Mrs. R. B. Comslock, Mrs. J. J. Johns, Mrs. Paul Hlenche, Airs. Glenn Spen cer, Mrs. E. L, Gray, Mrs. Wood row Hnney and Mis. Frances lloss, guest, .."Si Thompson also received wnny gifts and cards from absent members. 100 students in 4-H activities in this vicinity. On Feb. 8. a one-half hour pro; gram was broadcast over KOAC. Mike Niccolson served as master of ceremonies. Oilier broadcasts here have bcert promised in the near future. Charles Ross, State Extension Forester from Corvallls, U sched uled here on Alar. 2. also Mrs. Burton Bell, from OSC, will be here on Mar. 16 in the interest of Ihe Pdsters Class. Scotts Mills Grand Ronde to meet with Airs. Otto Teal at her home Feb. 25. Tho club was represented at the recent Garden Clubs mee ting in the DiiIIuh. City Hall, by seven of its members attending. A demonstration on flower ar rangements was given by a man sent from Portland by Tommy Luke. Tho Past Noble Grands met with Airs. Granville Wilson Thursday, Feb. 18, A social hour followed a busi , ness meeting. Refreshments were served to Airs. Maude Brown, Airs. James Dickinson, Mrs. Max Falrchlld, Airs. Claire Goodell, Mrs. Doyle Lnrimor,' Airs. Nellie Mack, .Mrs. Emerson Alurphy, Airs. Mildred Wray, Airs. James Roycr, Mrs. Jack Strauss, Airs. John Teal, Airs. Ed York and the hostess Airs, Wilson. March meeting of the club will be at the home of Mrs. Doyle i,onmor. Spending the weekend with Afrs, Cathrine Graham and son was her daughter, Airs. A. W. Grnll and husband of J'ortland. Air. and Airs. Bud Summer Bernlecc Somes of Orand Rondi Airs. Sclma Wanless, Airs. Mardel llospiJa'l U'b''""m Commu"i,y .1 Small "" Mrs. Margie Adolph. e ' program and refrphmcnls held Sublimity were recent weekend guests of Air. and Airs. Lealand Hawk of Portland. Airs. Hawk is a niece of Airs. Sumpter and is the daughter of Air. and Airs. Ray Bainter, who lived here a few years ago. Claude Graham of Salem called on his mother and brother briefly Thursday. Marvin Alelius, son of Air. and Mrs. Jess Alelius of Oakhurst was one of the spelling contest ants to have his picture taken for the paper, Friday. A seven pound, II-07.. son, Walter Clyde, was born at the Dallas Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Crcighlon Pyc of Valsctz, Feb. 11. William Hedges of Valsctz was injured in a logging accident Frb. IB. He was treated at the Dallas Hospital. SUBLIMITY Announce ments have been received of the birth of a daughter to Dr. and Airs. Victor Gohllng (Marv Hul len of Pendleton. The family consists of two boys and . two girls. j Mrs. Catherine Butler is the maternal grandmother. Airs. Walter Frank, a recent surgical palient is now con- vulescing ut home. j Three St. Boniface high school students, who soent the nast week-end in Santiam Memorial hospital are recuperating in their respective homes. William Purdy, a freshman, was an appendectomy palient. Dougie Bradley, a freshman, was a victim of tunsililis. riu wnicn developed into pneumonia, caused Lucille Wolf, a Junior student to spend four days in the hospital. Mrs. Robert Cunningham (Claudia Bentz) of Alolalla was here for the Sandberg-Kipp wed ding. Alike Koch of Woodburn spent several days at the N. W. Kremer home. Sunday guests of the. Phil Wagners were Air. and Airs. Nirk Kremer and Alike Koch. Mrs. Phil Wagner. Air. Koch and the Kremers are former resl-': dents of South Dakota. j The community was well rep-1 resented at the recent open j house held at the Farmer's , Coop; I Air. and Mrs. E. A. Hitter at-1 tended funeral services Wed- i nesday at St. Paul's Episcopal cnun-ti in salem for Mrs. Alary , Tate, also commital service at 1 Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum. j nirs. laie wno was 1)5 years Monday evening at tho Legion Hall. Th ticnufntn InMiiflort a nlnnn ! V t, . J ' uornSi'ln by Mrs. DeLaurice Helming; r eb. J7 at the McMlnnville hos- a song, by. Janet, Sharlono, Donna pital. Airs. Julius Jensen and and Diane Asqulth. Slides taken ,'.?!, Alr"' 0sclir llcTm!n al'lhv Worth Wiley of their trip to of Willamina, are the grandpar-j Washington, D. C. and also of cnls- i their visit to the Peterson Rock- Air, and Airs. Alvin Kelson are Gardens were shown, parents ol a daughter, Shana ! Guests were Air. and Airs. Clar Elaine, born Feb. 16' at Dr. Barr's ence Grund of Monmouth, Air. clinic in Willamina. land Airs. Frank Wright of Dun- Air, and Airs. George Churchill I lce a"" 11 Helming. WAR SKF.I.KTON KOI Ml ARRAS. France lV A farmer plowing his field here in north ern France turned up the skele ton of a soldier killed in World War 1. Insignia indicated the sol dier was an Australian. of Willamina are the parents of a daughter, Janet' Lynn, born In Dallas Feb. i7. Grandparents are Air. and Airs. James A. Cruickshank of Sheridan and Air. and Airs. David Churchill of Rose burg. Theta Rho club met at the Re bckah hall for a white clenhant sale and made plans for a food sale soon. . Rill Denton is at home after discharge from a Portland hos pital following treatment for three weeks of his injured arm. - Airs. Gene Thompson js ill with pneumonia this week. Alair Nyleen is in a McMlnn ville hospital with spinal menin gitis. , Bill Yoast of Ihe U. S. Coast Guards came home on leave this week from the Coast Guard cut ter Gresham. Robert E. Bryant, radarman seaman, USN, son of Airs. John Warren of Sheridan, was aboard the destroyer USS Boyd when It visited the Republic of the Phil ippines recently. j Alarch meeting of Community Garden club will be with Airs. Ray Alawhirlrr Alarch 17. The club members were guests Thurs day of Ihe Dallas Garden club. The Week of Compassion, Feb. 21-28 will he observed by the Willamina Church of Christ. The week is the effort of the Chris Grand Island GRAND ISLAND Mis. Frank Finnicum of Grand Island visited her sister, Airs. Chester Caldwell, at her Lafayette home recently. Mrs. Caldwell is recovering from recent mojor surgery. R. R. Rockhill and Dale L. Fow ler, fruit and vegetable growers of Grand Island, attended a Blue Lake membership meeting at Sa lem Thursday. GRAND RONDK - Jon Curtis Clawson is quite ill at his home suiieriiig from an attack of yel low Jaundice. Donald Hale of Medfurd was an overnignt guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hale, while en route to Portland on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barnes had as their Sunday guesls, their daughler and family, . Air. and Mrs. John Taylor of Sweet Home. On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Barnes spent a few days with their son and family, Phil Barnes of Sweet Hoene. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smilh went to Portland Saturday on business. The Grand Ronde 4-H clubs arc in full progress. Mrs. Dean Nic- suison, cnnirman oi 4-H work in this vicinity, gave her report as follows: "The clubs formed are three cooking classes, four sewing clubs, one electricity class, 1 livestock class, and one rabbit club. Plans are underway to form the forestry club at this time. Mrs. Niccolson states there are SCOTTS MILLS Mrs. Wayne nuoanKS and three children came from Tacoma, -Wash., to visit at the home of Mrs. Wll- nank s parents, Mr. and Mrs, J, C. Strom. , Mr, and Mrs. Marlon Oro- shong and children visited In Salem during the week-end at Ihe home of Mrs. Groshong's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Splonski, and daughters. Mr. and Airs. Russell Moberg of Mill City, visited at the home o Mr. Aloberg's father, S. P. Mo berg, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jones and Mrs. Frank Fink were Sun day evening dinner guests of the Clarence Wllch's in Silver ton, Afr. and Airs. Bert Schuree of Molalla were Sunday visitors at the home of Airs. Alaud Doo-little. Unionvale week on a 10 day leave from San Diego naval base. Civic club will meet Thursday, Feb. 25, in the sub-auditorium of the Lutheran church. Airs. Ethel Ray and a group of school chil dren will present a patriotic pro gram. Alembers and guests are in vited. Hostesses will be Airs: If. A. Parrctt, Mrs. Frank Smrlscf and Airs. Carl Wise. Air. and Airs. Virgil Heider, Mrs. Fred Nelson and Air. and Mrs. H. A. Parrett attended a Knife and Folk club meeting at I, Infield college to hear T. W. Lane, a former sheriff of Whar ton county, Texas. He exhibited a I lie oeiecior ana demonstrated how it operates. The Bercan class of the Chris tian church enjoyed a party Fri day evening at Ihe home of Airs. Adolph Sundrud. Airs. Gus Swan- fHeNI 147 NOW PLAYING . nlurri 'mm SS9J CM NEISON jofk. SAM IfVENf VltWWii' 2nd HIT .a. i 'ICO Although the average Ameri can spent about 27 per cent of his income on food in 1953, he would have spent only about 18 per cent if he bought the same types and amounts of Items he bought in 1039. FHONt S S7S NOW PLAY1NGI look They're in The Moviesl ..and In COLOR! 71 viesl LUCILLE . I DEoI ARNAZ 1 In M-G-M'i hllirlout corns d THE LONG, LONG TRAILER" I ALL li concerns color I AIS( Short Subject "PERILS OF THE FOREST" News Color Cartoon ot age spent B8 years in Ihe I ''- .,l"T"ra a,nu "''P' . oi , son am) Mrs. Hurley Mishler as- i nion mil district north of Sub-1 1 -" " " ; ,,ted the hostess in serving re- "mily. simering in a mm an.i lurnulcm fr,,hmpnt, ,, rnniturilnv suflering in a lorn and turbulent Fhe volunteer helpers Mes-, w"rld damrs E. A. Ditler, Ituv Rich- i Gene Brink celebrated bis TUESDAY LUNCH AT NORTH'S In the ( apilol Shopping Center SPAGHETTI WITH MEAT BALLS Hot Rolls and Butter Cole Slaw 65c Fast Service . . . . . . Delicious Food Try Salem's Best Place to Kat ardson, Ted peters, Emit Kintz and Joe lleuberger assisted at the well child conference held at the Stayton Women's clubhouse Alonday. Fourteen children received the attention of Dr. W. J Stone and public health nurses Evelyn Krueger and Alary Lois Almid-loch. Den Kim Itllll i: MARATHON iti foimi) ARCADIA, lnd i,pi Mr,. Golden Fippen of Arcadia savs she has read the Bible from cov er to cover 2b times since 1047. lilt mmlmir lKn"s",t fMm.ircansTT ui.MKU f.KONITZ PUBLIC AUDITORIUM Thursday, Feb. 25 8:30 P. M. Prices $4.00, $3.00. $2.00. tax included. Mail Orders now. Send check or money order to Modern American Jan, eo J. K. Gill Company, S. W. Mb and Stark Street. Please enclose self addressed, stamped envelope for return of tickets. The United Slates and Britain are among the few nations which have not accepted metric meas urements -meter, grain, liter. 1 ;;f'-w4sq5; birthday Feb. 17 with Guests were Mike and Pare ton, Steve, Charlotte and Brock, Gale Read. Air. and Mrs. Frank Lash were honored on their 471 h wedding anniversary this week with a family dinner at the Avery Lash home in Sheridan 'OUhts pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lash and family and Mr. and Airs. Earl Lash and family. Girl Scouts elected Sharon Ny leen president, Sharon Delker vice president. Judv Cardwell secretary, Wilma Weston and Marie Wood Palrol leaders, and Jo Ann Holm and Phyllis Itvdell assistants. Flag bearers are Virki Wright anil Jean I'haris. Carl Blaikwell it home this games. Air. and Mrs. Wilson Fox were Par,y- j honored on their 40th wedding anniversary this week with a din ner given by Air. and Airs. Eddie Fox. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Laurice Fox and fam ily, Miss Bobby Jean' Doyle of Sheridan. Iler, .Mr. and Airs. Frank Doyle and family railed. Now Showing Open 6:45 TWO BIG FKATI HK.S "UTUS BOY IOST" IWIh fling Crosby Wondcrama Co-Hit "5000 Fingers of Dr. T" W ith Peter l.ind Haves Open Mondays Chicken & Dumplings iff 1 V iLS M tn his 'ONE MAN GALA'S Y'i.v'i wJ''ilt ,WIN0 ""' aniomimi; ryJ'W COMCHT HUMOt J 5 1 uni ' "'"J Tickets on Sal at the IS ( YMCA, Stevens & Son or 2 JE 1 Any Y's Men Club Member S iV,. OMIanr.ru1! iHfffjik ""ft ftriiuiAirk Now n rHONi a-MM You see it without glasses! Feature At 1:30-4:10 6:45-9:30 I 1111 IHISll,,,.! Prices: Adults $1.25 - Children 50c Feb. 23 8 P. M LESLIE JUNIOR HIGH AUDITORIUM BRAND NEW TIRES BY GOOD' ffyllpl 0NLY fflfl $111165 mm u u v W 600.16 Plus Tax & Exchange and Green Stamps IT'S TRUE! TURN TO PAGE 9 UNIONVALE The large house recently vacated by rent ers who moved to the Falrvlcw district has been completely re paired Inside and out by the owners, Mn and Mrs. H. T. Kidd in the Unionvale district. Paint ing the floors is in progress now. The house has been rented to Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Magee and sons. Steven and Bruce of Cor vallis, Who will move to the nice ' home just as soon as school closes for Bruce. Mrs. B. T. Kidd is reflnishlng the drainboards in the family home. A pearl-gray pure for mica hard finish. Donation labor under direc tion is working on the floor at the Unionvale Evangelical Unit ed Brethren gymnasium. $aving Centers at Ihe loot ol ihe Bridge West Salem Vi Mile North ol Ihe Underpass Salem Open Every Day ... 8 a. m, to ID p. m. PRICES G00DM0N.-TUES.-WED. PAPER GOODS SALE! WHITE CROSS TOILET TISSUE it Rolls !9c ZEE Waxed Paper "V 19' 15' 10 Towels Napkins per roll package LIMIT Grade "A" Fresh Large Eggs D.,. 49c LIMIT Pabsfel! Cheese 2 L LIMIT No. 1 Fruit Bananas 2 ibs. LIMIT No. 2 Deschutes Netted Gems lb. sack LIMIT Potatoes 50 69 RADISHES and GREEN ONIONS 3 10c Cauliflower lb. Reg. 19c lb. 10 LIMIT Boiling Beef ,b. Ground Beef !b. Rib Steaks ,b. 19 35 OCEAN FRESH FISH Red Snapper Oysters lb. Pint 29' 49 (REG. 69c) sin rt Ml