iV THE CAPITAL JOURNAE, Salem, Orerjou Monday', February 22, 1954 rape 18 Doas DALLAS The Missionary lociety of the Preabyterian Church met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Milton Mil ler. .Mrs. Frank Richards con ducted the business session. Mrs. Sydney Hansen gave the lesson from the World Day of Prayer. Mrs. Richards led the devotions. ' Mrs. . Hollis Smith was In charge of the discussion with Mrs. Earl Brnbow, Mrs. John Fully, Mrs. Al liurlback, and Mrs. John Cerny presenting dif ferent parts. Mrs. Miller reported on the sewing program tor foreign mis sions fur the current year. Mrs. ). J. Grant assisted Mrs. Miller in serving refreshments during the social hour. Present were Claude llecbe, Mrs. Conrud Strfrin, Mrs. F.dward Hlmes, Mrs. J. E. Johnson, Mrs. Vern Smilh, Mrs. J. E. Plummer, Mrs. .HnllisSmith, Mrs. Frances llol vcrstott, .Mrs. Eurlback, Mrs. Cerny, Mrs. Renbow, .Mrs. I.. W. riunimer, Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Grant und the hostess. Duaiio Enck, son of Mrs. Iris Enck and grandson of Mrs. Ar thur Smith of Dallas, left Tues day from Seattle lor a year of duly in Korea with the 34th En gineering division, United Stales army. Duanc is a Dallas high school graduate. He called his family here over long distance before he left. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Spooner visited In Corvallls Sunday with Mrs. L. C. Rces, a sister of Mrs. Spooner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stcevcr motored to Lebanon Wednesday afternoon. CAROL CURTIS 1 bill STEVE IttrPtK When a severe earthquake hit the Mississippi Valley in 181 L, parts of the river flowed up stream for a short time. MAKE WORK EASIER! Sweet Pea Transfers In color royal purple and pink-lavender and you won't need to embroider them as the colors arc impreg nated right In the transfer! Just Iron them off. Ten motifs; two of 5 1 2 inches, four of 41ii and four of 3 inches in pattern. Send 30c for the SWEET PEA Color Trunsfers (Patcrn No. 520) transfer and laundering Instruc tions, YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, PATERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal,052 Mis sion street, San Francisco S Calif. Ready now! The brand new, exciting 30-page CAROL CUR TIS NEEDLEWORK GUIDE, in color, containing over 150 de signs for knitting, crocheting, embroidery, hairpin lace, four "How to Do It" designs, summer fashions; something for every age, every climate. In addition there arc TWO FREE patterns for flattering spring and sum mer glamour! The NEEDLE WORK GUIDE ens-s only 25c. Order it as you do your needle work patterns! A help on the job enioy, wh?f yu re W , -enioy pleasant (hewing """" ' A WWIGttt's "1 Chew Wtiglcy's Spearmint Cum. II EZEZSZZi I Help, wotk go .mother. . Uf rtiWngtfjJj ItOOM BOARD By Ahem 7 I'VE LtfED THE SAME TECHNIQUE WITH THIS landcapp as I did iiiiti i hnitr.tiiiin in i - FRUIT PAINTING"-;: lff WLIfcU IMII.K.WJB5 ceerz-T Tur OF PAINT AH ICH EK , t !wr fLL SMEAR BEFORE 1 A& IT DRIES A VC.i'ik FIRST PAINTING?, -5-"l I FIRST I II 13 V U lAl WELL--JUST SET ITOMTHE FLOOR AT A SLANT, THEM GET UP ON A LADDER AND DROP PIECES OF BRICKSO THEY'LL SLIDE THRU THE L PAINT eG j L IN THE NAME OF ART ... m.r.r in ACROSS 1. Medley 5 Topaz luim- nungbird B. Felines 12. Strolling musician 14. Medicinal plant JS. Hard to understand IB. Weather cork IT. Steep IS Norwegian territorial division Jfl. Digs for coal 2i. Coarse file 22. Genuine 14. Of sound nmid 15. Watched closely 26. Masculine name IB. Onset 31. HcnU 3.1 Fmitlik part 34. Radicals ,-tti. Departed 37. Presage 3. Slow 3(1. Sheer 42. Corroded 44. Reverence 411. Rodent 47. Flatters 4!. Leave out 50. Arguers 51. Unlf niniinds 52. Printers' mca.-uii'S 53 So. African fox 3aRA!RlE:DBlT;OiD .AlCtcfeD'nAjM.E.ftiCiE. 'PiELAiPiLiaBiLjyS'S'E'D rfjRiA ,DE.AL IV EIR A !EIR. Solution of Saturday's Puizla DOWN 1. Persian poet 2. Release 3. Moments 4. Kiln 5. Lily plant 6. Itobing room i j w r ; if o i is t j in rf - 73 " T 3' -. , A 9 IwVit' '. ' i" "JT 7" 73 ; 7. Bevprage 8. Find fault with 9. Wolfhound 10. Sound 11. Looks K' Snare l!l. Constructed 21. Hillmv 2:1. Long lih 24. Juice of planLs 23. Pieced out 2iv Scpai ales 27. l!i'(ic.!eis 2a. Peer liynt ninther .10. Ilarvet 32. Turkish ottircr 3S. Make numb 37. Vegetablej 33. TisMie 39. Ilic!ia:gcd 40 Doiiicsli- eated 41. Canal 4.1. Hioad open veels 4S Kitencc 47. Summer d-mk 43. Mindui.sn native SPlESiD.O. fjOLO'E.'- NOW GET IN TmE SPOUTS C8.'- t'LL Finish twis oos rrf Uy :.rH -H-i til I'OCiO '"AN' SOW VfiU AZE all eiSHT.$AM,Y eoLt pcseessaz T&'S S OPA1V INTSZEST 5Mll,ir ....... IN 1Mb tlfVtlNNMI i I 'HBMSXCAi BMIPING. A BS'CKS WO'JLO 65 BETTE? B'JT A VEAVV WILL CO ml .hm mm 6 vat W A LITTLE we ACCELE2ATOS A0 A55f--AN0 LCTS CF 3hT ON THE ' O WE SET LOTS CJ PROG RAMS KSLM 1390, KOCO 14110. KtiAK 1430. KOIN 970. KCW S!0, KX 1190 (Ml Mriicyiln KOIN lot. 1: KtX 91 J 00:00 TUESDAY P. M 00:15 00:J0 00:45 III SiVg T6 COIN , Aiffr. AOU&H,' r JT TASTES r rtpC'tl' x . . I - 1 W AW- NQ-MM'SUT I HAtWAiTlL Y JNgVgeMAPNOINTWST ACO'JGH-DSOP l ytf'JfJTTHE iM TVAT 9UilPln3 AVX Mintage OF 1927.. V SiTg ON 7K?A WAYS PesfgeeEP A ... ioxsp yea vPosT.a ths atks pown ihb OH I'll A.N A.N NIK , . f WHOT WflK IT MR.TlT Wfl8 AWFUL R!'i PI'N05 SftlD? HE HUSH.HU6H-BUT I 1 WAS LETTING US It H6 SAID HE f ;m ON A URANIUM KNEW WE COULD I 'S -JH DEAL' J KtEP ft SECRET- If ML AUNKIt AND HE AIO OUR TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND. IN TEN DAYS. WOULD MAKE US A MILLION - non66nse!notfor THEM 618 OPERATORS, LIKE MR. FINNOq IT'6 ALL IN KNOWIrt' HOW, eu.A- T 1 I J INCRED RLE- K U ' j ri suppose - millionaires f J, I KM M Kill o K(IAB . hOIN 1 KI.W jcex hs'l.Jl KOt ( K(iAR KOIN K(.H KKX . KH1..M I Kino xr.Ae I KOI.N h(.W KKX . hM.M I KOCO I KtiAK I KOIN KliVt' KHX KSI.M Kuril , KGAE KOIN k(;lV KEX . KSI.M " KOCO KliAK ' KOIN HIIW KHX KM.M i KOI O ' KOIN Krav KKX IKM.M KOIO KOIN KCW KKX Chrnn. ol Air l. cwt iMidday Music News A- Snider Snider Macleud Ncwi Come Get It News IKoad ol Lit l"aid Ilarvty Noon Newi "Cellar Shopn. I Music Room Muf le Melody IMhrIc Meiodr Newa lllll Top He f M ill Kay Wtst hl (Hi i.Hluta Mtlodlej IMlclday Mune IRitchit ISplder .spider Ittuute Party lHouse Party U'tt.iioi Yuuns Happiness Sam Hayca 'The Toddg IMusIc Room Music Rooh, IMaaic Malody IMaRlo Melodv Hoas Rend'vuus, Ilu-'S Rend vou;Huas Rcnd vous lArtCudlrcy Art Godfrey IArtCodfry iMr-nj n.-iiiai 'Wiuuei Hrown Womn in Hie Kuy WOit IKoy West IKay Wetl Star Time I Magic .Meiody News Star Time INews Magic Melody IMagic .Meiody l.Macic Melody Newi u fculdcr .Spider Balcty First Art Codtrev Art (iodfrev lAitGodlrey Just Plain Bill IFrt. P. l-arrell lUireiuo Jonet Fash -llloi-k Mai tin lllock I Martin Block I Bands, to RembB IM.IIHC Melody ISafcty First iC'.irt Masaey iPaya to Marrf 'Miir'.m Block HuRhes Reel ITello Tell Att'noon Newt ITiine Time News of Spider Spider Wizard Odds M:ikc Up Mind We. Iraveirte 'Wei Travrlere For the Girls Tor the Girls "t nll.'n i -' i HiTMiMi'i'.av curt Mnssev Music U Want iMnsicUWant iMusle U Want News Is Spider; Spider hnlder Kirknim News SparKllnB Music Ar! I'.'.rkham For You M lisle Box Music Box Afternoon Edit I-.iiii.iici I'aee snmrrel Cae "Set PVeston ISirt. Preston Showtime Showtime New s St Need. ) Dick & Fd R Murrow 'News Bill Stern INcws D!ck Powell lpeccyl.ee "(labrlel Heater !Kddle Fisher Candlelight Candlellsht News ,V Needle'S'Rn Otf Johnny Dollar Jonnny Dollar neia hiusic IHII1 Stern llt.immcr Guy Stars Sinr Ipeoplc Funny IJ Kirkwool J. Kirkwood IPiano Patterni lucre's to Vet Spider Spider tA!hlon: Lewis I Tunefully Dr. Paul II. He Beautiful IFor The Glrli IFor the Girls ImusIo V Want l-SUir. Oil Art Klrkham iMuslc Box 'Glnitcr Rogers KSI.M KOCO KOIN Mil! KFX K N ",M KOIO KOIN K!W KEX iSky IClns Sky King ISecond Look ISonesRcm. Need. I Dick ts Need. !DIk A Needle I Win Id Today iGoss News IJes .Mason IKlnier I'eiersoa llluntlcv Bob Garrcd jVirml Pinkley ISamllayea News 88 Keys I I Friend Irma IFrlend Irma The Marrliige ITho Marriage ISporls Fliflon 'Happy Time IFndless Search 'Endless Search Music ISiiorts Report IMr. Mm. North IMr. Mrs. North M-r:o ji, Mnllv'Mev Dteier Six Shooter Six Shooter Income Tax IMuslc Gathrnil StorrrJ HeadllnKdllM ShmvTunr iThemeTime W'htsttln Tunes IWhlstlln Tunes SHS MIl-.vaukle 1 SHS Milwauklc ! SHS-Mllwaukle ISHS-Milwaukie Louella Parsonsl Galen Drake ll.owell Thomaa 'Family Skeleton 1 Man's Fainllv World News Dinah Shore IFrank Sinatra Good List'ning Good Llst'nlnRU Vanderconk 'Favorite Musle 7;ieiirrita7dv MutTSewreel I Sweet i Swine Harry Wismer SHS-Mllwaukle 'SHS-Mllwaukle I SHS Milwaukie INightNews Beulah IBallanceShow IJohnny on SpotlDance Orch. Dragnet iDragnet (Bandwagon IBundwagon Town Meet Town Meet Town Meet Monitor Views IPlatter Parade INcws Platter Parade INocturne INorturne Cook K ti. book uoin iavy Relax ulslc HomeFxlitlnri Hammer Guy Hnsarv People Funny Fulton Lewis Nocturne 5 Star Final Rich News News Sports Final Dance 1 line Barrio Craig Dance Time 1 Nocturne t Desert Inn Or. IBarrie Craig Dance Time DOtC VO' RESIZE HONESTBE WAS PLAYIN Wtr A I LOADED .45 r HOI'AI.ONG CASSIDV DOES AH REE.LIZE WHAR5 ) lT?-OH-4B'-HE y TH' S JEST SHOT TH (CORPSE? MVSTERV MAN V THROUGH TH' - T7l " HAID WIF 'T-i jl- ' A COUPLE O -ioWf-FQlFWDSO'MlS DRUu IT AN AS If . ' 1 I HOT, HE ) f HONEST ABE, MAH WAS B,OS iO' IS ALU DAID, W MURDERER.','-AH AWRIGHT") G-GOTTATURN J MIGHTY SO'Hff r- HKI..U High Adven re llllgli Adven're I Melodies Melodies KOCO Nocturne INocturne INocturne INocturne KOIN Record Show I Record Show IRecord Show IRccord Show Kdiv News Nightcap Mean Mason I City Council City Council KKX Dance Tune Dance Time Dance Tune Dance Time KOAC 631) k.c. lo ot) a m The News and Weather: 1u:16 P.spcctally for Women: 11:00 Oregon School of the Air Are We Ready for Inspec tion?; 11:16 Concert Hall; 12:00 The News and the Wenthr; 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Hide 'em Cowboy: 11:13 Oregon School of the Air News (Watch: 1:30 Guest Star; 1 :-)5 Heady ! for Fun: 2:1)0 Especially for Women Shop Carefully...: 2:a0 Memory Book of Music: 2:4S The Oregon School of the Air What's that Word: 3:00 The Oregon Reporter: 3:15 Music of the Masters; 4:00 Spotlight on Asia; 4:15 On the llphrnl: 4:15 Poetic Patterns: 5:00 Children's Theater; 5:.10 Thl Week In Washington: 5:45 OSC Air ROTC; fi:00 The News and Weather; :15 Folklore of Indiana: B:30 Tom Roberts Organist: :45 The Torch Bearers: 7:00 Oregon Milk News of lire Air: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: B OO Music of Czechoslovakia: 8:.KI Electricity You: 8:45 The News & the Weather: 0:00 Music that En dures: 9:45 Fvening Meditations Westminster House: lt):00 Sign Off. ! HOUR WEDNESDAY 5 A. M. 00:00 00:15 TO 11:45 A.M. 00:30 00:45 r "LLr osss was Vi scs?y to has 1 WELCOME TO ThS TEr yoj v.ONT 2 Z'.S'BO 0 FA IT. Bj'wV H c ec-E k, e.e.t-osaSi H enjov B v spbsas iast V Tbj.MC-? J: because Tv.s TeaciT YOUR. p-ac-' ly MUTT & JKI'F MUTT. WE HIRED VOL) A AS AN EFPlClErJCV EXPERT, BUT VOL) HAUENT SAWED U9 AN V MONEY VET.' WEED OUT THE DEAD s" WOOD' ... vj CV: JP A t-m -i-,r n 1 V-VES. pA56CO,GASa4fc mis:. lCHANO GASBA6G! &0VEHAWB- i m Ml J HOW WAS I TO KNOW yot) WAS THE LAST J v-iGASBAGGyx KKX MOKC.AN. M.ll. -SJirilrsIirf "T"!C 1 rARS. CARTtEY PmCnEO.' Ttm'y f WAS " Lii,H B5TTE. .. Bl'T I TMfY vR5 JUST OUT5i?E "f? HUSBAND MOW iS Tug T WAS QL'.TE WCRK'ED ABOUT Of TCrtK.' I TCD T"Es J WITH HER T MtTLEV I H'V fOU A WHILE .' Jr OU D TAXES B'IC4 TO 'A- , BOv, KEX? J-4ir?" r-1 "'i Tre HOS"'T:...Bl.,T TMT A IT) r ,-. C I iWBll l'-rt- W 0 BETTER CCWE -(T5 tp 1 DONALD DICK f I Thins; nO SffC'L REASON... BuT V so.' wMf Jive ta.en care o mrs. S r c- HAriY AND T"E Ci"LCREN I V fA FOR SERA. VEAR5 AND I 'v NEVER MET MR. S V V HAR''.Ey.' I WASN'T TOO J YX 7 CERTAIN THAT HE WAS J 7 KM.M KOCO KOAC KIIIN Kt'.W til X . i.m o f) KIIAF, KI.W KKX KNIM KOI.'O KOAE KOIN hint KKX h . Koro r.r.r. KOIN I KfiW KKX KSI.M Koro KOAK KOIN K'lW KF.X 1 1 iinekt-cper N ewa IFarlyWorm IFarly Worm Brk. Nook Brk: Nook KOIN Klock IKUIN Klock Vawnlversity I Yawnlversily IFar'n Miuir F.irm Hour Break Gang ilttrnk lang IF.arly Worm IFarly Worm Brk. Nook I Brk. Nook IMiI.eod Newi Kloss News Yawnlversltv .News Mus. Cluck Mus. Clock Cecil wrowr Family Altar FarlvWorm IKarlyWorm News Ac Nook Brk. Nook Consumr News IValle News Moon Mtilllns Moon Mulllns Break. Club I Break. Club Nvws F.irly Worm Bik. Nook H.F.D. Oregon Yawnivelslly Farm Hour Hemingway News News KOIN Klock J. L. Wills W.Mibni.. News March Time IF.arly Worm l)i k Nook KUIN Klock J Yawniversity iFarm Hour ,aKxiwft W. IF.arly Worm link. Nook I Babbitt Show iKnox Manning Bob Ha7en Hihle Inst Mlhle Inst. IFarly Worm IWorld News Brk. Nonk !Brk. Nook iMorn. Varilv Rosemary I Moon Mullins IMoon Mujllns iBrean. Club l Break. Club 9 Dr. Sword lNwi i Music BjirBatn Countt Ray's Records IRny'i Recordi IIay Recordi IKay' Records Nt-ws ISpidrr Snider Njiidrr Wendy Warren Aunt Jennie Helen Trent Cal Sunday Moon Mulllns Moon Mtrlhru iiMnnn Mulling Mtxm Mullinn 9 a m Kdillun iStars of Today IMod. Rotn.tnrrw' I.nrn A- Ahner Jlrnn Hnttly TelloTest Ray's Records TTav's Records News B.thernce Road of Life Ma Perkins Moon Mulllns IMoim Mullins C. Huntley ITony MarHn Wonder. Citv (Wnnder. Cflv Rav's RecniUs Rnv's Records Dinner Winner Hpfder 2d Mm. Burton Perry Mnsnn Hob Hope ISppnnd Chance WiiiKper. Sts, ic;irl Marries Trrns. Chri-t IRny's Records ISoider Dr. Malone Strike n Ricn ll'iue Storv I Queen for Day Rflv'v Records Usurinr iN'orah Drake Phrase Mays Kir. i:en. Stn. I Newit tRav's Records spider iGu id i nit I .IE hi (Strike t Ricn I True Storv Queen for Day Ray's Records Spirier Hrlfthter Dsv iMull. A Shelf iGr. Ccn. su. KOAC 10:00 a.m. The News and Weathei: 10:15 fDecIlly for Women School of Home Economics Staff: 11:00 Orcgnn School of the Air; 11:1.1 Tonrert ll.'ilt: V2 00 News and We.ithrr: iM5 Noon farm Hour: ' (10 UN Storv; 1:15 Pmudly Wo Hail; 15 Rob Roberts Sine;; 2 00 Kirclallv for Women Service nf Modern Dentistry; 2:.'U Memorv Hook if Muflr: Oreiion School nl thf An The Skyline Widens; !1:00 Ort'Rnn Reporter: .1-15 Music nf Mn trrs; 4 00 The American LanguaBet 4:15 On the Upbeat; 4:45 Now Corn mentniy; 5:00 Children's Theater: 5-:i0 Chicago Rnundtable; fi:00 News and Weather: 015 Here's to Vet erans: 0 ito Current Kvent Conver sattoni. 7 00 From Portland St.ite: 1b Kveninc Knrm Hour: It '0ft Radla Shnrthnnd Content: 8::t0 Patrlocrint: !:45 The News & Weather; 9:00 Mu Ulc That Endures; 9:45 Evening MeH Matifin1! Wcstniin-tter House; 10:0(1 IsiBn Off Sunnyside nmr V7T- v. , SL'NXYSIDE A meeting has hern called Thursday evening, Feh. 2i. at eiphl o'clock at the Sunnyside school to vole on the Annual Budget for District C. Tuesday evening. Keh. 23. nt eight o'clock, there will he a meet ing at the Sunnyside school o dis cuss Soil Conservation. The Red Hills Agricultural Club had a meeting to hear Don Itfls musscn give a talk and show col ored slides on gardening and flow ers. Dairy Products were dis cussed. Announcements were made of the sixtieth anniversary of the I linscrhile Church whirl! was cele j hrated Sunday, Keh. 21. Itev. Miln I I!oi. former minister, was here ' for tne occasion. Director of Films Dies in Pasadena PASADENA. Calif. (,p, Will, i iam K. Howard. 54, who entered I the motion picture business as j a theater manager and became a leading director, died yester ; day. lie had hecn suffering from a throat ailment for more than a I Tr. : He hegail directing pictures In 1924. Some nf his top prnduc ' tions were "This Side of Heav. i en." ".Inhnnv Come Lately." ' "Thundering 'Herd," "The Vnl. inrtt." and "When the Lights Gn On Again." He was born In SI. Mnry't, Ohio. AY" About 20 million nf lfifl mll ! lion Americans live on farms. I For centuries, northern lichlsi were thought to he battles and 'maneuvers of spirits or gods, or ! portents of evil. U UHU I I Ti t trfJPt rtrftA! WY ! . .rIHL-. . ... - . . . ... . ! lSX TKtALi' Ti,A'fv,lv J . hii'ACO OAC.'Sv' JN m IMAunitSe.ttp&i you Jf A10UV HEN VOU - ASOWEVt TOolTMt? WHN WC Vftf AlfSl hOuMJsmE. rA.n.nrtiri ".NOW-.-.' a rMrYlTtM..iL V) mm T OJ.... V i, M ffTl-t Any grapefruit worth its salt -is worth MORTON'S iotii:cd or plain rains it p uurt m i.' Vvw i 7 1