Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 22, 1954, Page 14, Image 12

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    Paw 14
Monday, February 22, 1954
2 Districts
To Launch
!r u c s rj y night baskelballj
games will remove the suspense
in the Willaliietle Valley league, I
which ends with the, key battle
being between first-place iiollaS
nn lourthplace IHolalla.
The onlv til her unfinished
league is the Marion lourity B,
which will wind up Friday night.
Mill City already has won the
title beyond recall.
Playoffs Scheduled
There are two playoff contests
scheduled for district tournev
berths Amitv vs. Yamhill at
Linfield. ahrl I'crrydnle vs. Falls
City and Vaiseti al Mohtnouih for
a spot iri the I'ulk ocunty B
totlrnament. Dayton will be at
North Marion in a Yawama
makeup contest.
Dallas could cause a two-way
tie for first with Silverlon by
losing to Molalla while Silvcrton
wins from Kstaeada. But if Dal
las wins, the WVL crown will re
main in Dragon hands no matter
what the others do.
Gervais looks to have the edge
In the fight for second in Mar
Ion County B, concluding against
OSD and Sublimity (ninth and
elehth), while Jefferson plays
Chcmawa (sixth) and Detroit
District 11 to Open
District 11 competition will
often Friday at Salem high
school, matching Stayton (Cap
itol second place) and Cascade
(Capitol fourth) at 7 p.m. and Sa
lem (Big Six) vs. Sacred Heart
(Capitol first) at 8:30.
Saturday night will find Sil
verton (WVL second) vs. Wood
burn (WVL eighth )vs. North
Marion (Yawama first).
The Polk B tourney will open
Wednesday at Mtinrhouth when
Ptrrydale and Vnlsblj. mppt in a
pKl,m to the OCK-Portland State
Willamette Valley
Dallas at Molallft
Sllverton at E-starada
Mt. Angel at Randy
Woodburn at Canbr
Marlon Connie B
Detroit At Mill cltf
DSO at Orrrtis
Oatea at Sibli ml y
Chemavk at Jrffenon
prlo at St. Paul
Salem at Mllwaukle
Catrade at North Marion
CorvallU it Albany iRli fili)
Tolfdo at fiweet Home ,
nrtnsfleld at En Rene (Bit Six)
Newport at Lebanon
Dlltrtrt II Tourney at Kalrm
::00Btaylon v. Canfacle
. :30 Bitlrm i. Sacred Jleart
Mir Inn Conntr H
OervAlf at Sublimity
Jefferfon at Detroit
Brio at OSD
lit. Paul at Qatei
Mil city at C'hrmaiM fpUrtd Feb. I)
Otber Gatnea
Bend at RcdmoDd
Sweet Home at LebAnoh
CirvIUi at Newport
Albany at Eugene Blg Six)
DUtrlrt II Tourney at 8lrm
T OO Rllverton v. Woodburn
1:30 Mt. Aniel va. North Marion
4 Salem YMCA
Divers Rdhk Iri
u. I '1 1 II
Oreqon s AAU
3 . . W
Four Salem YMCA (livers blac-
ed in the Orcgott AMI men's
sbnior swimming championships
dver the week end at l'ortlond,
giving the Salem Y three points.
They were Ladlev Itonnings,
fifth with 1.13.2 points; Frank
Brown, sixth; 1.12 9: Cordon Oskn,
seventh, 122$; and Mike Smith,
eighth, HOC
The Aero club W n the men's
title over Mullpomah Athletic
eltib, while the M At' women won
their ditlsion.
Cascade to Pldy
North Marion
CASCADF. Cascade Union 'i-';,"''"
nlch school will close its regular , wm ,d it.r lioiiman ti.w. 1110:
season Tuesday night with a tiHn-,!"! Mnivfni and tnie ttiicrU'tn. roit
lrague game at North Marlon of i ',""( r,
the Yawama league nflrt- defeat-! d,,,', amVu. iMrii.nd. su Art v,.moh.
ing Jetferson of the Marion f) I aaii-m. us w.n.ra ituiw. ih:i.u,.io.
loop Stitiirdav night here, 4ft 4l.!f ,: "" " " ';'"'
, 7 . ' yamln. Mrdford. tzfi. ( rcll Jiik.i'ii.
Cascade now has a season . j .. ,34. Dn niar.mii. Forti.n.1,
record of 10-10. 111: .'.li Slimiptl. Ul.aiH.n. 14 H..l.rr
The Cougars held iiiartertlme I j?'""';, .f"'r;' l""r' 13' ,uk'
leads of 17 10, 2822 anil : .'ifl. -r'ij'.i ii4
Howard Speer was leading scor
er with 19 lor the virtors. (ieorge
Marlatt made 14' for Jrffersnh.
In the preliminary
( oscanc jtitt-
inr varsity won 4H40.
Jftrrrann (41) J) Ca.rade
Mnrlnlt III T ... 'I"l S....r
rinlion 111 F him SimuuI
Wtlchl ISI - V mi Kmion
Mevera 121 .. (1 .. "Ii lltou n
Oilman I0l" , ti . I!'' IllltlC
Hc.crvn iforlMH' Jrtfrl'on tir'-lji'
t llokin in. Ili nion .1. N ;il ? '.i"
ratle- Mu'krv I. W(.iir J. OllolM!
Mull'nnc) Sunlo.
Jrlfrrin . ...... 10 59
Catrmlr 17 ! X 4
The S2IU1 Ittittual ililerctillisl
alt- Itrcatta will be held on Onn
daca Lake, Syracuse, .lime 10
Mure than 10 collc-fcrj will com
"-" ' ' j ViJ av.jlttt
AFTEft WtliU' CPC TS nT1 '
ON M PUP5S...A.11' P lilt l i
TltE5.jM'ADKM'yfR SHAPE OF A U'" !
TM' SWip
Marion County B Finish Schedules This
F,T'H','' 'TT
1 Y
Determine Ledds Field Mtitt
the stretch with a three length lead dver Duke' Lea In Feb. JO
running of the $100,000 Santa Anita DerHy at Arcadia, Cdllf,
It was here that Duke's Lea made his bid to overtake the leader,
but Determine flew down the stretch arid Wdtild hot be caught,
travertine, running third here; finished ih tilt sahie spot. (AP
2 Salem Doubles Teams
Rate in State B Tourney
ALBANY To Salem Class B
two-Somes; bowling after mid
nleht Sunclav as the last squad,
roiled into fifth and sixth places
in doubles in the stale tourna
ment here.
They are Ken Clark and Bob
tieddfcSj fifth; With 1118. and Bob
Hansen and Al Waltler, With
The tourney will continue for
two more weekends, with many
high aVcrage bowlers yet to com
pete. C.erlinger Carrier of Salem,
which last year won Class A team
play, will take its turn next week.
There is only one replacement
for C.erlinger Dick I'hipps lor
Mike' JHfrrell.
I'pslon Holds 2nd
Art Unsttin of Salem still Is
.l ... .
second in uass a mulwcs wiiii
035 add he is 10th in all-events
with .1699. (Jrval's L'spil Curs i
fourtlt ill Class B teams with
2(104, Smitlll-v Oil Co. is ninth rid
Tralhvays Cnfc lOlh in Class It.
In "Ii" all-events, Have King
land is fourth- with lliKO and Jim
Jefferson sixth with lfi(i3.
. Uregon State Employees
thitd in ('lass C. learn with 2Sli(l
and R.image's ficreragPs sixth
with 252B.
r....lll I.. u :n.
j, I" c doubles, ftingland and
MVa" si,Hs t m miu
It-nliiu. .-II h IHH n fl I
Bolser add I'M I'albot are eighth
with 111.87.
Alel Nichols of Salem is third
in Class C all-events with 104!).
ll.ASS "A" TI.AM
Cnlunibla liowl. Portkntl. 2888: Town
Clranrr. OlrMiSm, Jill): Auloinat lr
Wflrtft S: ItctiulUlrrs. rnrtland. Ti.19:
Hfortf s i.tMl Mlkrt. Con. ltv. 3104:
Hnllnc ett!lt1n ft Hlalloilrrv. Albnny,
:(!!:; Simft Automatic Mumc Co, Cuitf
tiiiv. :tnb. Ineht ltfil fctit Mrrtlurd.
JfiBi. cv KltK-uin, tlurrnr. 2CKI; UtA.
monj I. umber I'u , liui-.tturo. 2bQll L.I
llntrs Mnn Stii'P. MltUoorb. 281
u. .ss nut m i s
IlsriJ Itfiut mirt l.ih tlotmlii. Vorl-
Und. lili: Utll Writ nd tl. lie llug.w
tlnl. Coo. IIht. 1 130. Kfiuirily and
Carl rl'lt'liurr. Cor.all. 1114. c;::l
Stllln anil Dv-u Ws.-rlurr. I'.irtiaiid,
ll?l: Cft'.h llftt aiitl Al'.rty fltuli Port
land. 1131; Hod anil niltj
Oii'vliam. 1131; (Irerfr Kirk Bnrl H.b
Pciin ANrii. tvillanri, 1.l: ("iift t-n-,
trr, Ktivtur. 17ML W!lir.l AIIoul. imi
1 t', 17 T Paul Kiif ckrr. II in. "Intro,
ii:-0 ftll'r Himlic. Hi;Sl-,ir, 17::
Wt .i, ro, ny. 173:; vit itukrr,
I Mlll'lituo, 1 IIO. 1 re Uoriimn. I'lirCnm!,
17P7' Kit 1 eamtm- Mertlord. 170J. Art
' V.f -'cu, p iii-u- n.'-d
i s - ir Ti m
H.hikIv (.ritti. :,,) 1 tJartiiiiik ?R.'0;
, VmIcI llkrry. Itutilln It.tH. Imiil
,'lt.iiIrt t.HNti!ii, iM4. t.)val5 ISe.l
C.M-. .ua!(ii;. I'f.'H. Oil UlltlHT.
N,K!t 3'.1. Iil hi 1' :ie Itr.ltiitmil.
j i. M . 1'hi ki tvr I'l 11 111 Mm;,
j r.ntUiii', J'.Hf, Ni-ilN Mt'HllltH Co.
I t.i (!.;! r ::.0 .!ii;a;!y otl Co s!ri,
"H ' IMH III I t
VY.1KM .'
.ntr'l.rm1ni.T.l Stiittiy Jim Vitfimm.n. vcler
ii.n luixirr.ip ami an tr.linrr. hat -(l.ililnl hnrsrs in
ir... n;
II it:'
ie lr. K.rl
' .V'ir . '"'!l
ai waiurr, '
T" qry wso.
re. a .
ii' y iiwn.ia.,i 'I w .'r.
Ihp fleM
around the last turn and into
Salem, 1112: Qicir Tauiura and Mai
Takasuml, Hood Klver, 1111; Art Schrel
ber and Stan Wllrcr.. TroilWale, J1I0!
Clllf Foiter and Warrcll Eastburn, Port
land, 1104. .
Iris I'liiMlpi. Pdrtlmtl. tit: HarblD
Oklmoto, Huod Itlver, 813: Cliarlle llop
k ins, Honebtlrr, 610: Art Sctlrelber,
Trnutrlale, 60J: Karl Kilimah. Portland,
508; Lowell Kramler, . lllllsboro, ,593;
proncl.1 fox. Lebanfcn. 5B3: c. K. IdbKi.
Klaniatb Pal!., 593; Hatry Inukat, Hood
lltvrr, 550; Bud Hera, Portland, 590.
emi Bellln. Porllahd. 1721: Al RobertK.
Ntttport. lTt)7: Bob rulton, Kuaene, U87:
Uave HlnKland, Kalrm, 16B0: Don Bax
ter, Albany.. 1678; Jlni Jcller.ori. fiaieiti,
18: Clartnce Woods, Portland, 1883;
Chkr IJavb. Portland,. 1658: Karl Klil
man. Portland, 1854; Joe hlUtiram, Tll
lumook, 1603,
t'l.ASS t"' TK.lM
cuantclrer, mn. Celalre, 2681; njrh
lleld Truck Terminal, Kuat-ne, 2j8C; ore
aon Ftate Krhployrea. Faleiu. 25G6: lb-
ar:on e.lka. Ibanon. 2584; Oriental Gar.
,in. m,ui,..,ik 4.1.1. u u...
franc sairm. :i:8; Bamtarr uni-icr.
im?I. :!: Portland pence, fbrt-
latld. 2505: I.
Lems Music Hppdlr. ilosebiirtf.
,ia, .Cltaiirn, Lebanon, 04.
"C" liot Iti.i.s
li-:ti. I13C: Uick ltaiter kntt Mil Kersey.
Netcrg, .1123; Clrorte I'dStro ili! Walt I
PatictH. Portland. 1131; OJlie iiutts until
Vttiy BflirUnk, Bclo. HOC: !t.iy LUtid-
t-rtn nd Kriilt Meier. Portland,, lio:;
Ward iCioden ind Luke oiilsm. r.-inp-
viiif, msi; jiud Hards una Oziir Holf, 1093: Hwood nohet nd Frt '
Tfltbot.. Rlffn, 1087; Frank Dflvia md
Ciyde Lawrence. (1 lactone, 1CR1; Jim i
ami Ithy Habcocft, Clirnham,
Olb Itluoet, Too Hay. 391: taU Ati-
dt isoii, 'ltie Dnllrv 3BU, , Hnrry Mttr-
tuiaidt, I'brtUml. bH; .Viltrr Bureei-.
lieupiirr. 5BJ, HichMrit 1 m tnn, Honue -vllle.
SR0; Kay Norris. OladStom 57ft;
Jim Cil.ella. 'nilanmnk, 579: t);inrl
l-:C:bigin. Kufene. s:a. fcdnle ftnbert-
Mn. FilCehe. 37fl; llert V.erXeji, IIJUs
littrn, tV.
c l. is? jv.iw
mom's nistrlbutir.f cet . iloi-.tievlile,
2t3C: Totiralla Lion t'ltib, Yniit nlla.
W9. Mldttay 'ravf-in, Altiauy. 2t:2: !jay
wr Sn. I, Hr.vrrtnn. 23.7; Van I'rttrn
I.iin.hrr. fTii-llrion 2ictl; WnOttbutn
btftU noodliurti. 21(11: llrppner Clran
et'. HwiijJtier. 2.!', Mux Hurrls, Etiaene.
3 tilt
not fci rA
Urn l'.ri;lia t.J Otietiel, Vort-
lantl, tcu. Drl Adit an nd WlnclT
, and (-c.Mr Ki:n-tii-h! rorimnrt. litis.
t arl Wavnfr m-d rti::r1 KlrnAn. Hon-
ihvi:, ion; iu:i.n. : rp and curt
: AnJfi.Mm, lliiiuirv u. Kov V-Uclny
r..l r. " Krllv wa'dTioii. 7i c-.aude
runartv ir.,'', tuv.i. M-M!rini;:f,
7.', y. a;:j fiatrr a tut ;r: n i:ir!f , 511 -
m. r r, .n. nt'ti. Kit Hiomuiiht Mid Van Ktr.
1 vrn. Yimh';. PS4. Carl prlve and
! (llcnn llftttotUi. Filcrnr. 9t.
! "If MMil I
Willie tlir-f-r. forrat nri-ve oi: Tvr
r. .1
A:t-anv. sso ll (: Waiii:y. Tncaira, ,
M0 1. 1 llfms-enti, Von. :. 513: Hud j
ii.-inttuh. ir:ur. 37. i'.i:: n.u.: Fof- I
et (Hut f, MS tn.r',1. Fi'rrt
t-nivr. .N4i; CUtl tV!!. I'oMlAiitl,
KriJ Su'em. Utifl .117
1 1 ts "i " tit n ims
Mrl Pi-altiur;, t.i imium, 1(1;:
nifi-r- run H.v. Mr; St. in:
Irrti, 1;0. DrreU (".ullitirn Ki;i-r;.t, j
lt;4; Prtrr Priff. K'iepf, 1 ,-; lltlur j
MHi'r. Tl!!nmi'.'fc. itf-T f'tide Itlitrr, !
i '. itKk lurni.ton. a:-
on. riirf ts):
rni;rll Until Tiiian Allianv. I.sa2
I I SN "lr' l I -I VI M4
Wi;, sur.iTrr. I.irt-t llrpir
t .i.;
Vim Maur. AII'AII. IS.IS. Urn
lll';i,. I'-'lt. Itul S:...ltL. :u.rllf IS.'.S
Vviin w.Hf j,;,,, im;ii
II. .. l.i'.lt. lllfl I u il Mltlir, IVirtKr
I4SI. H C, Wan. try Y.imA.ia. Ilf.9
(II:- A.l.m. l)r:;ii.c, JU.- J.i, k idini,
Al:aii.. III!
.1... ,... ,irl, ,1 l,.,l,..,, ,.m.,,.
utnlcr unco Hie r. timl.tini. of ll.'o
track in IMI.
Otl lMlt . in' 5
T,'C".'t:E'5,ri'L .'
f,'ir... sot
I CO'.tAA'
CF"Ly vl u J
. B . B . , -
Three Church
Loops to End
Second Half
Thrtii! diVisidnS of Hie Salem
Church basketball league will
close their second-half schedules
this week, a fourth flhished last
week and a fifth, the? Senior divi
sion, will be through next Mon
day. Then come the playoffs Of
champions of Hie two halves.
junior A 'will be through Wed
nesday, Intermediate B and Jun
ior B on ThursSay and Interme
diate A was done last Thursday.
A playoff schedule will be an
nounced by Fred Cords, league
II..,. lonlehli
8eiilpr-8:00. Parfirh. First EUB vs.
jtniKht Mrmoriai: 9:tw. Parrlsii.. Freb
Metliodl..t vs, Naaarene: fl:pp, , Leslie,
(Jrare Lutfieran vs. Slaytbn baptist.
Intermediate "A" 7:00, Parrlih, Ef.
anaell.-.tlc Temple vs. 8t, Paul plscotal;
8 00. Leslie Calvary Baptist vs. First
Clirl.tlan; 9.00. Boya urn, First Baptist
1. K.rsl Melhodlst.
Int. rmedtate "U completed.
Junior "A ' 7;0t). Boyl f jm. . rlajar-
ene vs. Calvary npatlsl; a iw. c.iris aym,
Kiilaht Memorial vk. tnlleaood KUH.
Junlcir "B" 7:00. ottia urn, rtrst
Mrthodlst vs. Deal School.
SEVlOlt LKAtil'B
Flrat Chrl?tl;in ...
i i )ni
: 3 1 .B:i3
First Prtbyierian
Ciilvary Uaptlst .
5 2 .714
. 4 2 .H67
.. 3 2 .liUil
3 3 .300
(Jran Lutheran l.
First Na;ircllP
Sinvton Hnpttst
Free Motliodlst
First TVB
lNtkltltlfciliATE ,:A'
V L Prt
Si. Pml! ......
EiiKk'Wond .HUB
Fnt Baptist .
First MMlindht .
3 1
3 2
4 2
4 2
Calviirv B.inttst .
3 3
3 3
3 9
First Christian .
Si. Mrk l.uthrrnn ..
First I nnRi CRjmon.v
(I Inal)
- t. M
Na7airne . .
Flint 1'it'shvtfrlain
llalhrrt Memorial
Suuih fi.ilrm Firnn
Jason Mrlhodit
Kt'iiT CfHiuiiiiiiity ....
Fncli-wnfto Ft'B
West Salrm Bnptlst ....
0 t ouo
1 .837
i .in
5 .4!!!
5 .sun
5 .:e
e .its
A" I.F.AIil'H
W t. fcl. .
St. M:nk I.nthcr.m .
tlcaf School
Knflrnod Kl'tt
Unli'llt Utnori;tl
5 1
5 4
t 4
1 J
o e
1IM Bnnti-t
fnh.iry Bnptlt
jfsioit "tt"
' First ru-bytcunn ..
Kiibt ('Imstl.ttl ..
- Fitr-t MMlindi--t ....
; Fnc1rw...d Fl'H ...
! I), nf Solmul .
! MirM.itid Frirnds .
St. M.Ttk
W I. rVL
3 0 WK)
i o t ooti
2 fl 1 mm
Certtrdl Trips
Elmira 68-55
t'KN'1'H AL lllt'.lt sclldol.
Criilrnl t'ninn liish School clneil
I its regular Sclicdtile S.iturd.iv
nluhl wilh ainillicr decision iver
KhtiiM, flB-S.1. Wlieil they met
Jan. P. Central won 67-52.
('(ntral was in front at each
i niiarler Point. 17 13. 33 27 and
: tun l,i . h i.ri.,
I g trih. (loi tly Hnink had IS. Mare
j NMsun 14 and Larry Johnson 13.
In the junior arMty
( otiiral won, S'l 4n.
Kltnlrl (5.11 (6S Ifiilral
llouMir lid ... r .. Hill Jolinn
ct;iv i tsi . f . .i lSi Hnink
V.l:tt l4i . (' (SI Frri-m.-in
llvill 1 1.11 (1 i Hi NcJ-o-j
(aitiMiin ill (1 I8 Kr.ltkf
llci iv(:. vcorltic- Klmn.l -M. K'n-
ni v l. Liniltiinui i( iiuehlrr :t ( ool-
('"litT,.l of 1. Hariri 11 i
n,in 4. AIMp i, tlrmatl 2. Of.
NcKon .inrl llitc-
i .. n tti S3
ll . 17 .1.1 .M I'.I
By Ham Fisher
EOVf PuS On - . 1 fviSH t I
VONty pf M" J, I tfXlLO tN
!CVI.A's;...AN- ,-SfV-j A A".tJ.yil.N
1 V, LUSV-j- IN . M
3 I
OSC Could Win NC Title
With 1 Win Over Ducks
The curtain all but Htigs down
this week oh the Pacilic Coast
Conference Northern Division bar
ketball race with Orenon State
holding the reins but still threat
ened, albeit ever so Slightly, oy
Idaho and Oregon.
Slats Gill's OSC Beavers are
riding the top of the standing With
a 10-4 record and wind up'their
season this Friday and Saturday
against arch-rival Oregoni in sec
ond place at 8-6.
A sweep or split in the series
would give the Beavers the divi
sion crown.
from there on a number of
things conceivably could happen.
Ihe race could end up in a tie
between Oregon and Oregon State
if Oregon swept the OSC series
and Idaho dropped one of its three
remaining .games.
Could Be 3W'ay
A three-way tie would go into
the books if Idaho, in third at 7-6,
won all three, of . its . remaining
games with OSC. The three teams
would end up with identical 10-6
Washington., fourth With a fc-7
record, and Washington State, the
bottom club at 3-10, are complete
ly out of the title picture.
Idaho plays three . times this
week, taking on Washington State
at Pullman Tuesday night and
moying to Moscow for a two-game
series With Washington Friday and
Saturday night.
Washington and Washingtbn
State Officially Wind bp the sea
son March 5-8 with two fedrhes at
Hcc Edmiindson Pavilion at Seat
tle. Oregon took lis sixth loss from
Washington, 67-39, Saturday night
as sophomore Kflrl Voegtlin dis
played uncanny accuracy from the
cdrncrs ih getting 20 points, the
night's high effort.
The Huskies took bver from the
start and left the floor at the half;
time buiier with a 85-26 advantage.
Oregon started hitting in the last
half and trimmed the Huskies'
lead to one point, at 42-4 1 , midway
through the third.
The Huskies $litit out the Ducks
on field goals for six minutes in
the fourth quarter and slowed the
gamedown to hang on for the win.
OSC Wins Easily
Oregon State had little trouble
with Washington State's Cougars
Saturday night, trimming the Pa
louse outfit, 62-41, to insure the
Beavers at least a share of the
division title.
The Beavers took over the lead
With less than three minutes gone
in the first quarter and the issiie
Ht South titife
UCLA tnrets Southern Califor
nia at Los Angeles next weekend
tor the Canst Conference Southern
Division Basketball champipnship.
Although both teams polished olt
opponents twice running over the
weekend, UCLA with 7 wins and
3 losses holds the ': inside tratk
over the Bruins, who have won
6 and lost 4.,
California, knocked out of title ion by the Trojans, plays
Stanford Friday at Berkeley. The
Bears travel to Palo Alto for the
Saturday night game.
CSC whipped California 62-.
Saturday night at i.os Angeles, de
spite California center Boh Mc
Keen. who led the scoring with
20 points.
At Palo Alto, ihe VCLA Bruins
downed the hard-fighting Stanford
Indians 88-80.
( j A'D ONLY BR.i j
I lutj wiNHA6 CO. aomNB O'f I
11 I '"' i.
5- j t i t c i
! W :
Northern Division
W L Ptt.
Oregon State
Wash. State
10 4
8 6
7 6
5 7
3 10
Southern Division
VCI.A 7 3
Southern Cal . 6 4
California 5 5
Stanford 2 8
was never . in doubt after, that.
Lanky Swede Halbrook of Oregon
State and WSC's Bon Bennink tied
for high-scoring honors with 17
points apiece.
Shooting statistics told the story,
with the Beavers hitting on 38 per
ceht of theft tries from the field
and the Cougars making only
eight bf 47 tries for a very poor
.170 percentage.
Orcfon State (62) (41) YVSC
Whtmn.f I 1 IH Ecnnlk.t 115 3 17
Uean.f 3 2 3.8 Pwry.f I2D6
Halbrk.c 1 3 3 11 Bchder.i; 3 13 7
Robins.g 3 14 7 Klock.K 0 2 12
Fdgsld.g 1 D 4 2 SA'hsn.l! 10 8 2
Roinnf.f 0 0 2 0 Kirhn.f 0 111
Vlstlca.c 2 4 18 Jdccf 0 2 0 2
Paulus.g 0 0 1 0 Ilanks.f 0 2 12
Hallgn.g 10 12 Unrwd.c 10 12
-ii .i'X-.
. :'.i .. . .
itkl Wider, flatter,
-iTAl VASf -IV. 1 Oil. r
ijrili Stronger, skid resisting
nCfl shoulder design
NEW Attfaclive sldewall design
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We cart firbt e this Is fl better tirrj hah
low priced, competitive tires. Put the
new General Dual-Grip oh a scsie check
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There's up to two pounds more material
. . . more rubber, more cord (more mile
age, more safety) in this all-new General.
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Greatest selection of safe," sound used
tires we've had iri rhany months. All
nationally advertised brands. White and
black sidcwails! Come in today and save!.
Hi A Limited Quantify of 1953 Model
jh ramous General Squeegees ai
freiriendous Savings
jarbor.g 2 0 0 4 Tolsy.f 0 0 0 0
Crimiu.g 0 0 0 0
Totals 25 12 24 62 tot Jl i 1 il 41
Oregon Stale 1.1 15 1? 15 B2
WSC 8 10 S 18 41
Frri thrttWj iriljstd: OSC-Whttt-man.
Robins. Halbrook 2. Vlnstellca !.
WSC Bcnnlrk 2. Klthn, Perry, Lodg'e
2, Klock 7, Swanson 2.
Officials: McCullouuh and Fouts.
Oregon 459) (67) 44'ashlniton
Halbrg.t 5 1 5 11 Vogtlln.f 8 4 320
Hmrs.f .2128 toshtiw,f4 .3 2 ll
Andi-sh.c 3 3 2 9 Parsns.c 3 12 4 18
Hollnri.g 3 3 4 0 Pathoel 17 2 8
Pnlte.g 2 0 3 4 Perkns.g 10 4 2
Bctl.f . 2 2 4 0 Tripp.f. Dill
Stout. f 0 0 2 0 Johnsn.f 0 3 13
Hawes.g 3 2 18, ( 10 0 2
Wcgnr.g 12 8 4 Bryan.g 0 111
Totals 21 17 28 59 , Totals 18 51 18 67
Oregon 8 18 IS 14 5S
Washington 18 IT U 17 67
Free throws missed: H")herg ?. Be,U.
Anderson 3, Holland, Wegner. A'orgt
lin 4, CoshbW 2, Tripp, Olsert 2, Par
sons S. Patnoe 3. Johnson 2.
Officials: Llghtner and Williams.
For ...
1201 Sb. Commercial
' iifc isafssssP ' - 1
7-rlb trend for
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longer mileage I Ik 1 1 J i I
Stale Tire Service
710 Siaie Si. Open Fri. 'HI 9 P.M.
WolgohibH-'s 4th
In Toledo Event
The Wolgambtl's Service Sta
tion basketball team will return
to City league action Tuesday
night against the Salem Sophs at
9:30 after placing fourth last
week-end lh the Toledo AAU In
vitational tourney.
Wdlgamott's lost its opening
game, 3T-36; Thursday higtil to
the Tolfedo Hilltbppersi then wdit
Friday from the Toledo Ghost
writers, 60-40. Saturday flight
the Salem entry defeated Eddy
ville, 62-48, with Don Nims scon
ing 20 and Dick Norton 18.
Roy Sithmohs, boxing coach at
Syracuse University also serves
as majority leader bf the city of
Syracuse council.
394 North Church
Phone 3-9601)
all Sizes
Brand tires Taken i ! j
Off New Cars i!j
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