Page 11 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Ralcm, Oregon Three Salem Schools Win Freedom A wards Bush, Englcwood and Hich mond of (hp Salem nuhlie,,l system and Keizer were winners in me annual rrecaom founda tion program during 1953. Announcement of the awards were made during special George Washington's birthday ceremon ies at the Foundation's Valley Forge headquarters by Dr. Ken neth D. Welis, president. Two additional awards were announced concerning Oregon participation. Henry L. Slater of Burns was winner of $50 and the George Washington honor medal for his second place essay "Free dom's Holy Light" and Rev. How ard Sweeney, C.S.C., University of Portland, received the same recognition for a public address at Sacred Heart Academy in Sa lem. Englcwood, earning its third consecutive recognition is en titled ot the George Washington honor medal. Bush received the principal school award as did Keizer. Richmond earned the Freedom Library award. Since Bush and Keizer received the "Principal School Award," 4-H Club News principals of the two institutions and one pupil from each will be 1 entitled tn nilm-imrion j Valley Forge next .May. Walter A. Reek IK ni-inpinal t n.icl. .Mrs. Carmelita Wcddle fills a' sim ilar position at Keizer. The Bush award was based on -Mrs. Paul Robinson's 5th grade study entitled "What America Means to Me." "A Day in Life at Keizer School" was the subject of ' a compilation of tape recordings, awicip uuuu ami a series 01 Slides. Recordings and slides compiled at Englcwood, dealing with the suhieet "Our Amprir!in Tloi-itartn" constituted that school's entry. ine object ot the Foundation's annual uw.-irrli; is tn hnnir ihncn citizens, regardless of race, creed or economic status, lor their out standing efforts to improve pub lic unflerslnndinft nnrl tion of the basic constitutional ngnts ana lrcedoms inherent in the Amnripnn Wnv nf T irn through the things they write, do or say. Freedom's T-'niimlfitlr.n at Vol ley Forge was found in March, 1949. It is non-prof it.non-political and non-sectarian. Foundation's tunds come from widest national sources individual, corporate and foundation. ' NORTH HOWELL The P-TA of North Howell held it regular meeting when 4-H awards were given to the different groups. Those receiving pins for their ursi year work were Colleen Stevens, Alinda Westagaard, Danny Grvak, Allen Rcznirsek, Steven Gilbertson, Richard Schmidt. Second year awards went to Ernest Dunn, Christine Pickens, Dick' Bartsch, Sharon Maytc, Mary Ann Dunn, Diana Bartsch and Ronald Cole. Third year awards went to Lynn Schaap, Jerry Fossholm, Gordon Stevens. j fifth year awards went to Cathlcen Howe, Georgia Schaap, Jean Dunn. Leaders for the groups were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Durtscn, jvirs. narvcy Gilbertson, Mrs. Ernest Redding, Mrs. Ron ald Stevens, Mrs. Harry Seism. EAST SALEM The fifth meeting of the Busy 4-H Livc stockers club was held this week at the home of leaders, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bressler. Mike Stone, vice-president, pre sided at the business meeting in the absence of the president, Jack Stone, who is on a trip into eastern Oregon to purchase his Hereford calf. After pledges, songs and yells the members looked over plans for the signs will havo made for use at the all show. Each member report ed On ihnlr unnnini nnlntnl npnL cct and leaders looked over rec ord books. Present were Mike &tone, Mnxme Bressler, Marilyn iiooci, marguerite Good, Allen .Hates, Jeanne Stone and leaders. Valedictorian At Dayton High DAYTON Diane Klanigan, I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. L. Klanigan of Lafayette, will be the valedictorian of the class of 1954 at Davtntl TTninn Uinh School. Diane achieved a grade average of 1.11 for threo and one-half years of school. basis of 1 beine nerfrrt an ni. i ane's grades were lacking just ; .11 ot neing the best possible. Salutatorian will be Suzanne Smith, daughter of James J. Smith of Rt. 1. Amilv U'linen grade average was just .05 be hind Diane at 1.18. The two girls will deliver addresses at the annual commencement pro gram, j There were in nil eiirhl sin. I dents from the senior class who averaged better than "2" for their seven semes! pi-h in vlwl This is an unusually high num ber and follows a record set by the class this year of 15 plac ing on the hnnnr rnll nn Kl(i ditfercnt occasions. The other high ranking se niors nn their grnclc averages arc Lcltoy Hockliill, 1.22: Don Goodrich. 1.2fl: M.-irfnrv nlnn. chard, 1.41; Jim Mandigo, J.5B; Gene Tnmnkns. 17M. nn,l T.inl.-i Benedict, 1.80. BUTTE VI LLE Mpthcrs of youngsters belonging to 4-H clubs in the Butteville grade school were entertained at luncheon at the home of Mrs. Walter Racctte, leader of the Slivers, wood working club. Other hostesses were Mrs. Beryl Hriethaupt, leader of the Knit and Ravel club. Mrs. James Johnson also assisted. The lead ers gave a report on their recent 3- dny trip to Corvallis for the 4- H convention, and also told of other work being done in the clubs. Tn 1040 Hip i-inm i Ji I i,,n nt A. the 355,000 in Berlin was exceeded oniy uy me populations ot Lon don, New York and Tokyo. DON'T Throw Vnn UK..I. A...... SWe Fix Them When oihers can't THE JEWEL BOX a SIntr. S.ilrm, Oregon AURORA The Aurora 4-H , Garden club, under the leader- ! ship of Mrs. Ben Netter, receiv ed several awards recently for her group's outstanding work, from the Sears-Roebuck Foun dation. First prize winner was Eileen Picrson. She received a liilltnUI with the 411 emblem engraved on it. Second place winners were Dianne Picrson and Bertha Net ter receiving bandanas, with the 4-H emblem on them, and Frank Netler's award was a 411 belt buckle. Jim l.eitb and Robert Netter were third place winners. Their awards were Red, while and blue ribbons. GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES FHEE DELIVERY CHAPMAN DRUG STORE 110 C'andalaria Itlvtl. Federal nrt State Income Tax Returns Prepared Leon A. Fiscus l.r09 N. lib IMi. 3-383 t i i Bladder Irritation IT wonM tijr too frrrjiiriit, hurnln or Hrhtui: urination, tictltriB lip Mi'litu, Pre!uire over ltladdrr ir Slrim rinitily I'rln. due in minor Kldni T Ml ltln.Mrr IrritaiU.n, ask vour fln:ivlt r'r'!.,l.'j;,mI from-,'!. IMlllntu? n-llrt rtom ( t,ir x. !mu minimi cvsikx ui-itutisfd rt t;i?,L 25 ymm pmic MiU-ty ami mu-c-h v.Ii'rv tlmr A"' wt tot IMUKX under money-bav-k guuiantcp. WHAT? BRAND NEW Ml BY X-,.V -V 3 LWJOfll 1 II ! nil, ONLY if Si 165 mm mm mm e n ,( ',':JjtmA-t i mm a Plus Tax & Exchange 600.16 11 srs o DDm)G1jD(o)ljtl 1954's GREATEST MATTRESS VALUE! SIMMON'S 84th Anniversary Special Regular 59.95 ONLY (Matching Box Spring Same Price ) Rose Damask cover, exquisite design Rose edging, gold cord handles 312 Auto Lock Coil Unit 8 vents allow mattress to breathe t Wonderful Comfort for Years and Years V r-1 r-v. isj r-f m&a: v. Jp' ,r mw - ' j s I Spectacular Showing of immoni fawioud If you want to make ONE ROOM DO THE WORtf OF TWO ... If you want fo make ONE DOLLAR DO THE WORK OF TWO . . . Come in and select one of these wonderful Simmons space-savers and money-savers. The Hide-a-Bed is available in full size sofa or apartment sixc and in scores of decorator fabrics. See these glamorous new 1954 models . . . now on display ot Stiff Furniture Company, Months of combined planning by Simmons, brings you this truly great sale of Simmons products. It's Stiff Furniture Company's greatest purchase of Sim mons mattresses, box springs, Hidc-a-Bcds, lounges and studio couches in history. Believe us when we say the values ore TERRIFIC. Better still, see them yourself and compare the quality of these brand new 1954 styles. OPEN FRIDAYS NIGHTS UNTIL Simmons modern Hidc-a-Bcd smartly styled in col orful new tweeds; green and red colors. Armless style with comfortable spring cushions. 46" inner spring mattress. Opens in 30 seconds. Sleeps two nicely. A beauty. What a value. SI O O CA Regularly $209.50 l07,DU Simmons Hidc-a-Bcd smartly tailored in modern style. Deep Sleep inncrspring mattress that sleeps two comfortably. New 1954 construction odds to sitting comfort. Gold, charcoal SO ii CA metallic and red. Regular $289.50 Z47.DU "I r'JVSf i V ,i it SSfc'J Famous Simmons Lounqcs Tufted bock ond scot. Modern construction. Bedding box, all steel frame. Brown and red. Blonde legs. Comfort- SQO CA obly sleeps two people. Reg. $129.50 .. trfU Simmons Long-Boy Hidc-a-Bed high grade covers, gracious styling fo fit ony room. Full size inncrspring Deep Sleep mattress. Foam loytcx arms. Green persimmon and brown, SO Aft r t Regular $349.50 wU Monday, February 22, O O We Give and Redeem Penny Saver Stamps 1 1 and Green Stamps T'S TRUE! TURN TO PAGE 9 450 COURT ST.