Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 20, 1954, Page 9, Image 9

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    Vikirags oivnedl IHligb-ISairaked Iiigene Axemen "In
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, February 20, 1954 Page 9
... two (ides to him
nun oniy mree more weekends to go, it looks like Salem
again will have a goodly number of bowlers lining up at the pay
window of the state tournament. As of this morning there were 25
....... .uuu,,, miu aiA ii'dlllS 51111
well up on the board. The doubles
team of Dave Ringland and Walt
Spriggs is leading the class (J
doubles ith 1136, Mel Nichols is
second in class C All-Events, Art
Upston is still in second place in
elass A Singles and in 7th place
In the All-Events. Orval's Used
Cars holds down 3rd place in
tlass B team, Smalley Oil Co- js
8th, Trailways Cafe 9th and
Karr's Five Old Misers, the de
fending champions, fell to 17th
place. All other Salem bowlers
who made the board are still
there but those listed are high in
the standings. City Secretary Jav
Gould's Oregon State Employees
learn is in third place in class C
team and ,Ramage's Beverages is
in 6th, also.
Speaking of the Ramage's Beverage team reminds us that
this Sunday afternoon at the Capitol will sec the first half of a
match between the soft drink team from the University Mer
cantile and the brother team from the Capitol Mercantile No. 1
getting together to see which team is the better. Thcv will bowl
the second half of the match at the U-Bowl a week from to
morrow. This is one match that Sponsor Bob Ramage is sure
to win.
Passing out cigars this past week to welcome a new first frame
member (a boy) was Sponsor Glen Jones of the Jonesway Grocery
team in the Capitol Mercantile No. 1 League. Came time to bowl
last night and Glen shattered the pins for 223, 224, and 202 for a
whopping 649 series, his best effort of the season. Good thing for
the Capitol his wife didn't present him with twins or he would have
ripped up two good sets of wood.
TOP TEN Still leading the pack and showing no signs of
slumping, getting tired, easing up, etc., is Dick Phipps with a
healthy 201 average, the strength of which was amply demonstrated
by the fact that he shot 1602 in the Rose City Classic last Sunday to
finish fourth among the northwest's finest.
He finished well ahead of such trundlerg as soldier Dirk
Hoover, former national match game champion, Leo "300"
Rollick of Richland, Ted Tadich of Tacoma, and many others.
Shows that Dick is very definitely not a home alleys wonder.
Before I forget it. others in the top ten are Pinky Hartwell, 192;
Larry Oslund, 190: Dean Henderson, 189; Junior Ran, 189;
John Goldt, 188; Tom Brennan, 188; Frank Evans,' 188; Ev
Clark, 184; and Jack Olncy, 184.
Still top dog, female species, is Phvllis Currv with 164, trailed
by Charlotte Possehl, 163; Dot Allbrighl. 161; Ginny Garbarino, 161;
Fran Alcshire, 159; Kay Krcjci, 156; Alberta Thompson, 155; Alma
Penny, 153; Beryl Muelhaupt, 152; and Dot Olncy, also with 152.
DISA & DATA . . . Wcs Jackson with 236 and 606 in the
Classic . . . Bob Ryan 614, Squee Kitchen 603 and Bob Lawless 602
in the Capitol Commercial No. 1 . . . Homer Wadsworth with 236
and 604 in the Commercail No. 2 . . . Ginny Barbarino with 223
and 568 in the Ladies' Classic . . . Miekie Adolph with 144, 140 and
145 qualifying as the steadiest woman bowler of the week . . . Wally
Carlson breaking loose in the University Merc for 220 and 616 . . .
Major league action very tame with only John Glodt, 803, and
Dick Phipps, 800, getting big ones . . . Harry Oberman, after a string
of SHU s in the University Commercial No. I, finally breaking loose
for 214, 181 and 229 for a nice 624 . . . Bob Dyer checking in with
626 in the Capitol Merc No. 1 . . . Neil Bochmer showing the old
never give up spirit in the Commercial No. 2 at the U-Bowl by pick
ing the 8-10 . . . Don Burkland just missing the carbon copy club
Tuesday nite with games of 172, 171. and 171 to easily stand out as
the most consistent male kcglcr of the week.
B&B BANTER . . . Troy Crabtrce with 545 and Herb Ncinast
with 484 winning the weekly doubles at the duck pin house Sunday
nile to pick up ten bucks in change and a place in the finals on
Sunday the 28th of this month . . . They join Mary Polinski and
Francis Miller, who won the doubles last week and the next two
week's winners for the big $50.00 jackpot . . . Bob Just, back in
(he states only one week after service in Japan and Korea, got right
back in the groove last Sunday nite with games of 205 and 234 in
pot games . . . Tom Wood down in bed the last three days with a bad
hip and back. ,
PIN-UPS? Mis-laid my picture files, on purpose, and all we
had to run this week was a front shot of Steve Dropadopolis. As
someone said the other night, he looks like five pounds of rice
In a four pound bag.
Prep Drama
There's determination in the faces of all com
batants in this photo, taken from the balcony
above the Salem basket. The long arms belong to Phil Burk
land (left) of Salem and Norm Willoughby of Eugene, while
at right Bob Wulf of Salem and Jack Henkel of Eugene wait
for something to fall their way. Salem upset the Axmen, 57-51.
Corbett Shades
Perrydale; Final
Basket Nullified
DALLAS Perrydale surged
to within one point ot beating
Corbett last night as they lost, 43
44, in a game that had the crowd
yelling so loudly the official's
whistle couldn't be heard.
Trailing throughout the game,
Perrydale scored a big 16 points
in the final quarter o play while
holding Corbett to nine. Perry
dale rooters saw victory pulled
from their grasp in the last min
ute of play as Benny Rcinpel of
Perrydale tallied, only to find an
official had, 20 seconds earlier,
whistled a held ball nullifying
the basket. Corbett controlled the
final tip to win.
Perrydale trailed at each quar
ter, 9-7 at the first, 2-15 at the
second, and 35-27 at the third.
Rcmpcl, high for the night with
14, jumped a two pointer with
scant seconds to go to close off
the first half. With a minute and
a half left, Perrydale began clos
ing the gap, trailing 44-41. Three
free throws spelled the final
This was the last league game
for both teams. Perrydale will
nilav Falls City and Valsctz at
Monmoulh next week to deter
mine which team will attend the
Polk B tourney.
J. Hcrrin was high for the win
ners with 12 and Sam Stewart
tallied 13 for tl)c losers.
Cnrhrlt (44) (13) rerrydale
Crowscr (11) F 114) Hemple
Hcnn (12) F (31 Mcintosh
Burncy (6) C (5) cooper
Hunter (2) .G (13) Stewart
Borkort (10) G (8) Masey
Reserves scoring: Cornell Angeio
I; V ' kT V- - 1 ' A ,, . , , , , V t - I
r , , - s-y , - , , ' .'-).' i 9
fc.-. r;si. -. I,,,., i I-. . ., in ' " - --"" " ' V
7 ' ... w ?'
i ,., J I VJivf XU''
DprrVnnlP Corbett and Perrydale players
rCII JUWIW jump lln,rr cnrhoti basket for
ball in an all important play in the final quar
ter of the Hill River Valley game played here
Friday night. From left to right are Bob Mr
Intosh, 3, Sam Stewart, 5. Benny Remprl, 6,
and Corhctl'i J. Hcrrin, 14.
Eugene JVs 57, Salem JVi 44
Salem 57. ugene 51
Ml. Angel 38, Estacada 31
Silverton 64, Sandy SO
Mnlalla 77, Woodburn 3
Dallas 70, Canby 40
Sacred Heart 78. Philomath 1
Central 60, Salem Academy 42
Stayton 67. Cascade 47
Chemawa 52, Gates 44
St. Paul 71. Detroit 5:1
Jefferson 54. Gervais 53
OSD 57. Sublimity 41
Sherwood S4. Amity 49
Yamhill 56. Banks 50
North Marlon 44. Davton 38
Wlllamlna 45. Sheridan 43
Corhetl 44. Perrydale 43
Salem Sophs 36, Eugene Sophs 30
Mill City 91, Scio 45
Grant 61, Franklin 59
Henson 54. Cleveland 43
Roosevelt 65. Jefferson 51
Lincoln 66, Washington 54
Warrcnton 60, Rainer 52
1'le.uant Hill 78. F.lmlra 71
Marshfield 63. Cnquille 44
North Hend 57. Ranrfon 53
Hredsport 62. Suthrrlin 55
Hums 5. Madias 40
Kufus 60, Wasco 32
Creswell 58. St. Francis Fugene 51
l.akeview 72. I'rineville 67
Harrisburg Brownsville 44
Srapooosc 70. Seaside 69 overtime
Tillamook 65. Park Rose 52
Ashland 61, Klamath Falls 45
Albany 68. Lebanon 54
Newport 62. Sweet Home 84
Fossil 55, Arlington 31
Junction City 62. Cottage Grove 47
McMinnville 39. Foresl Grove 51
Tie Dalles 65. Millnn-Freewater 42
Corvallls 59. Bend 36
Redmond 67, Eastern Oregon Frosh
Hillshoro 58. Tir.itd 36
Nrahgahnle 46. Vernnnia 43
rlatsknnie 4!i St. Helens 41
Honanra 44, Merrill 37
Chihquin 56. P.-ilslrv 36
M.'lln 5S. Blv ?9
Colton W). Gastnn 3?
Soiinefield f,5. Rnsehurg St
Baker 53. John Dav 49
Lake Oswego fift. Concordia Port,
land 47
Wv-East 51, Calumhls Prep Port
land 49
Alsea 4? W'ldnort (l
Tleavrrton 63. Newhrrg 5ft
Voncilla 50. Glide 33
Flk'on " Oakland 12
fnnvonvltte 64. C-iiofts Vallev 31
Riddle 46. Dav Ceek 43
Snrav 53 Mitrl'ell 32
Prairie Cltv ? Creek 31
Davville 64. Monument 51
Mt Vernon 54. 28
Wilhmctte 79 Llnfleld 61
FO E 7. OCR 67
Orecon State 51, Washington State
Oregon 63. Washington 39
Whitman 64. Parlflc 57
Lewis A: Clark 93. College ot Idaho
Portland 8?. Gon?ars "3
1'CI.A 92. Stanford 7"
Southern California 56, California
36 Jose 'ate 72. Santa Clara 53 Francisco 62. St Marv's 53
I'cllic- Lut'li-ian 65, We.-tein Wash.
in"ton 45
Cal Poly 73. pcnpcrdlne 72
Tongue Point Naval tatlon 60, Lew
is and Clark Fiih 73
Llnfield Frosh 6H. Willamette Frosh
Montana Stste 79. Idaho Stale 72
Colorado Mines 65, Western Stale
New Mexico Western 88, New Mex-
FlOOr jCrOmblS Salem's Phil Burkland and Eugcnc'i
I IVVI VI MIIIHI W Wjl0UKnby rn ,he f,oor , ,
dispute over who owns the loose ball. Tom Pickens of Salem
collects himself as he comes in fast to assist. This actiion occur
red in the second quarter near the Salem basket.
Angry Lindsey Given
Rematch With Kameroff
Luther Lindsey is burned up
by more than the Hawaiian sun.
The Negro wrestler was hopping
mad about the "fast count" by
Referee Tony Ross last week and
has been granted a rematch
Tuesday night with Ivan "Killer"
The Salem Armory match
chnitM l,n annlh.F hMttn r.f thtt
bulging muscles. Lindsey claims AlbanV BulldOQS
he was iust getting his second 3
wind when Ross counted to 10
when Lindsey was outside the
ring. He needed his second wind
after all the crushing he got from
Kameroff's demon bear hug
which won the first fall.
And what is more, Lindsey's
Pepper Ctomcz, who made quite
a hit with his acrobatics a month
ago here, will be in the second
special event against George
('hot Wallick and Jack Rush
will open the card at 8:30. Wal
lick won from O'Rourke last
week in a lively affair.
On Inside Track
In Wrestling
other request was granted that
of bringing in Harry Elliott, vet
eran Portland relerce, to handle
the match.
The semi-final will pit Eric
"The Great" Pedersnn and Gino
Nicolini. Eric, a full nelson ex
pert, has been farther north fur
some time and returns to lake
on the fast, scientific grapplcr.
fiahls Last Uiaht
NEW YORK (Madison Square
Garden) Rocky Caslcllani Jftfl ,
Cleveland. I outpointed Ernie Dti
rando. 1M, Havonno. Y .1.. 10.
WEST I'AI.M BEACH. Kla. -Irwin
Schultz. !(w. New York,
'knocked out Kddie Springer, K13,
! Coral Gables, fi.
MKLBOUHNK Mnr.shiill Clay
ton, New Orleans, outpointed Ivor
Gcrmainc, Australia, 10 i welter
weights, but exact weights not
Ico Highlands 65
Collet'e of the Pacific 6", Fresno
State 65
San Diego State 72, Santa Barbara
Inir Beach Slate 9(1. chapman 72
Se.iltle I'.kiIic 75, HriU1-!! Coliiin
bi;i HI
Toledo 71. Ohio V 66
Loyola (lau Anglil BO. Nevada
Geo Washington 81, Wake Forest 74
Cornell 76. Yale 59
William f. M.iry 6a. Wash. K- Lee 54
Setnn H ill 90. John Cat mil 59
Oklahnnia Cilv 52. Wvomlng 40
Colrate 75. Penn State 63
Brlgham Young 63. t:tah 76
Siena 62, SL, Bonaventurt 58
ALBANY The Albany Hulldcnvs
have the inside track tot he Ilig
Six wrestling tillc as the Bulldogs
won 15 out of 2(1 preliminary
matches hire yesterday. The
tourney winds up today.
Salem, the defending champions,
ranked next with 1(1 wins. Albany
scored eight pins while Salem had
seven. The other schools in the
meet at Bend, Corvallis and
Consolation matches are being
held this morning along with the
semifinals and the finals will be
held this afternoon and tonight.
98 pounds B. Williams (A dec.
Penn Van-k IBs! I 106 Dave Mnrssn
isii.) pinned Oearhart iRarlni.,.
115 Roger Morse (Sal.) pinned Gup
ton iA. 123 O'Connor (Spring.) dec.
Jerrv Booe I Sol. J. 1&! Dlrkrrson
tSpiing.i pinned Calvin Lang l.Sal.i.
130 Dick Pearson iSall dec. Fionell
(Corv.l. 130-flon Coon (Sal.i pinned
Roberts illi. 1 :tn Thompson fill
pinned Chtlord Hiessler iS;,l.) 136 -John
Cuinmings iSal I dec. Abhcr
(Spring. I. 141 Hob Cameion iSal I
pinned McCarev ( A 1 . 141 Craig (A)
dec. Harry Juul I Sal. I.
118 H.irmon I A) pinned Bob Coi
ner 148- Frimk Williams (Sal )
pinned Willoughby (Spring. I. Ij7
Jack Slrylfler (Sai I pinned Hrrnna.
(nan (Al. 157 Divnan (Al dec.
Wright Noel (Sal). 157 nrevlngton
(HI dec. Jack Sliylller ISall. Ki -Lane
Caswell (Sal I pinned Fief (A).
HiH-Gretr (Corv.l dec. Vein Co-ites
(Sail. 178- Fisher I A I pinoed Ilcih
Juran ISall. Jim Bcrper (Sal.) live.
Heavyweights Dave Cundutf (Sal.)
dec. Wood (Corv.l. Jeiry Walling
(Sal ) dec. Hue (Al
PORTLAND W Ron Marshall
hooped 25 points Friday niqht to
Irad the Portland 1'nivcrsily Pi
lots to an 82-73 non conference
basketball victory over Gonzaga
scoring honors went lo Gnnzaaa's
Bnb Richardson, who got 26.
1 Salem Hi Pulls Ahead
With Five Free Throws
I .
I Ii
Salem high rallied in the final
minutes of the game here last
night to upset second ranked Eu
gene 57-51 in a thrilling Big Six
contest. The Vikings, after lead
ing most of thef irst half, trailed
in the second half until less than
two minutes remained.
Harold Hauk'a Vikings trailed
until Wayne Ericksen dumped in
a field goal to tie the score at
45-45 with 3:25 minutes left. Sa
lem Was behind for another min
ute but they took the lead on a
field goal by Bob Wulf.
The lead exchanged hands once
more as Eugene took a 52-51 lead
with about a minute and a half
left. In the game. Then Gordy
Domogalla sank a field goal with
1:10 remaining to give Salem a
52-51 lead and the ballgame.
In the final minute of the game
Eugene fouled the Vikings trying
to get the ball and Salem sewed
up the contest with five free
throws. Wayne Ericksen sparked
Salem In the final quarter with
six key points.
A slow first quarter saw Salem
jump into a 3-0 lead, on a free
throw by Gordy Domogalla and a
field goal by Phil Burkland. The
Vikings maintained this lead until
three minutes remained when
Gene Stott and Wendy Rasor each
made two pointers and Eugene
led 8-5 with one quarter gone.
After 2:30 of the second quarter
Jim Knapp's jump shot put Salem
ahead 13-12. Norm Willoughby's
free throw tied the score at 13-13.
Herb Triplctt's jump shot gave
Salem a 15-13 lead and they held
it the rest of the half. Halftime
favored Salem 22-19.
Knapp paced Salem in the sec
ond period as he made six points.
Pickens and Triplctt each had
four. In thef irst half Salem hit a
.206 and Eugene hit around 25 per
cent of their field goal attempts.
The first time the Axemen took
the lead in the final half was with
one minute gone when Rasor
dumped in a field goal to make
the score 24-23. Domogalla's field
goal and Picken's free throw put
Salem back in the lead.
The visitors took over the lead
for several minutes and at -oiit
time held a five point margin -With
a minute left in the quarter
Jim Knapp's field goal tied th
score at 36-all. Jack Henkel'l
field goal with five seconds re
maining put the Axemen into t
38-36 third quarter lead.
Eugene led for the first part ol
the final quarter until the Viking!
began to warm up.' Knapp wat
high for the Vikings with 14 while
his teammate Gordy Domogalla
had 12. Pickens had nine.
For the losers Willoughby had 15
and Don Ainge had 11. The Vi
kings shot at .290 for the' game
with their 18 field goals. The
Axemen had 17 field goals in the
In the Preliminary una lb.
Eugene junior varsity b-at the Sa
lem JV'S 57-46. It VII the) cer-ond
loss the Salem squad has suffer
ed at the hands of Fllrtono Half.
time favored Eugene 27-23 after
the Vikings had led 14-11 with
one quarter gone.
bod oreman was high point
man for the losers with ninn whilo
Powell and Hughes each had 14
for I hour innor Salnm iui
game is at Milwaukie Tuesday.
rrce tnrows missed: salem
Burkland (2), Ericksen (1), Wulf
(1L and Tinmnpnlln (f;i. Vnnnnn
Stott (1), Ainge (1), Willoughby
(1). and Rasor (1)..'
stem (57) (51) Eugene
fgltpftp - fgflpftp
Pickens. f 2 S 2 11 Slnlt I 9 9 a a
Brklnd.f 1 2 5 4 Alnge.f 11 I I
wuif.c a i i 7 wiioby.e a s 417
Dmglla.g 4 4 1 12 Rasor. g 3 3 19
Knapp.g 5 4 1 14 Hcnkel.g 113 3
Rrlksen.f 2 2 3 6 Nelsnn 9 n 1 .
Whtmlr.t 0 0 10 Moran.c 10 0 3
Tnplet.g 1 3 0 4 Kykndl.gO 111
Sprngr.g 0 10 1.
Totals 18 21 15 57 Totals 17 17 20 51
Eugene 8 11 19 13 51
Salem S 17 14 21 57
Free throw missed: Salem a. Eu
gene 4. Officials: Beard and Kolb
Eugene Soph (30) (34) Salem Soph
Mason (1) T 16) Weaver
Turner (4) F (7) Patterson
louring (a) ...c.. (7) Carlton
Lundstrom (2) m..G..m (3) Backstrand
Bennett d) a ill Mlchulii
Reserves scoring: Eugene Bryant
1. Waddlnton 4, Brown 10; Salem
Allen 3. Gedder 1, Beals 1. Officials:
Dyer . and Evans.
Eugene. 11 17 30
Salem . 16 27 34
Willamina Remains 2nd
As Yawama League Ends
Having already clinched first
place in the Yawama league,
North Marion continued win
ning handily defeating Dayton
44 to 38, ending the season with
an 11-2 record. Wlllamlna atay-
ed firmly in second place with
the close one over hneridan
What was a tie for third place
became a tie for fourth place
Banks slid back to fourth
after Ihe Yamhill defeat and
Yamhill climbed to fourth by
the same win. Both have - a 50
percent record. Sherwood holds
undisputed third place wniie
Dayton dropped to sixth. ,
North Marions
Defeat Dayton
DAYTON The North Marion
Huskies, already champions in
(he Yawama League, downed
Dayton 44-38 here last night with
a second half surge. It was the
final league game for the Hus
After Dayton led 10-8 and 18-
12 at the end of the first two
quarters the Huskies surged
back to take a 29-25 third quar
ter lead.
Mike Ensign led the North
Marion squad with twelve. Jim
Williams was high for the
Pirates with ten. Dayton won the
junior varsity game 5541 over
Ihe North Marion B squad.
North Marlon (44) (31) Dayton
McLaren (31 F - (41 Flnnlcum
Driver (101 F ( Tompkins
allaway () c ! r...,.
ole (101 C. (J) Bell
nslgn 1 12) C (7) Walther
Heserves scoring: uayton wiiusiui
(II. Officials
W L Pet. W L Pet.
N. War. 11 1 .Ite Yamhill 7 7 .500
WDlamtna t .143 Dayton 7 .411
Sherwood I .571 Amity I M
Banks . . T 7 .900 Ahertdan 1 13 .071
Friday nlrht'j results North Uarlon
44. Dayton JS: anera-ood 54. Aihitr 48;
Yamhill (. Banks 00: Wlllamlna 45.
aherldan 4J.
the Sheridans potted twentv-one
points in the second quarter to
lead 23-17 as Willamina's defense
crumpled. Willamina surged back
the third quarter holding
Sheridan to one field goal and
tallying 17 to jump to a 35-39
In the fourth quarter Noah
Berkey swished three quick bas
kets and, with the help of accur
ate free tosses by teammates,
brought Sheridan into a tie. The
last minutes of play saw the lead
change hands several times until
Willamina "did" with the two-
second basket and Sheridan
Berkey for Sheridan and
Wayn Johnson for Willamina
were tied for scoring honors with
8. Jerry Taten had 12 for the
losers. 1
Willamina's JVs also defeated
Sheridan 43-27.
Hendrie and Delor-
North Marlon .
Yamhill Beats
Banks in Finale
Banks Yamhill closed out ils
Yawama League schedule here
last night with a 56-50 win over
Banks. Yamhill led almost all the
wav as they held 17 12, 29-25,
and 47-33 quarter leads.
Larrv Hermans poured in 20
points to spark Ihe winners while
I Dean Vandchcy had 20 for the
losers. Yamhill look Ihe junior
i varsity game 4B-38.
Yamhill (.Ml (50) Banks
Herman" (25) F I2l Peters
Wilde 141 F
F. Hermans 17) C
Mnrelll (7i fi
Swain (111 O
(leeerves scoring
n.snlsTroiit 14. J
Yam - - " 2 ' M
llanks U 25 33 50
(41) Sheridan
121 Clark
(0) Wood
(SI Raller
(12) Pappen
. (181 Berkey
Willamina Lit-
(0) Meevwsen
(41 Sellers
(20 iVandehey
5 1 Creps
Yam. Sager 2.
Willamina Nips
Sheridan 45-43
In Last Seconds
SIIKIIIDAN Willamina end
ed Yawama league play in un
disputed second place, but found
cellar riding Sheridan touh com
petition as thcv squeaked by the
Sheridan quintet, 45-43. Dick Sal
mon dumped one through within
two seconds of the gun to give
Willamina its story book end
ing. Tallying only Iwn points in the
first quarter to Willamina's eight,
Willamina (49)
Baker (91 .T..
Codsey (II F.
Johnston (18) ..... C...
rhes (41 . .G
Salmon (8) G....
Reserves srorlng:
llctohn 2. V. Fowler 2. B. Fowler li
Sheridan Eden 5.
Wlllamlna 17 34 45
Sheridan - 2 23 211 43
Sherwood Tips
Amity. 54-49,
In Final Game
AMITY Sherwood climbed to
third place in Yawama league
play as it defeated Amity 54-49
in the final league game. The
two foul rule in the final three
minutes of play spelled finis to
Amit's hopes as they stormed
hack after a first half lead to
within two points of Sherwood.
Melvin Lcppin, Amity ball
hawk, starred throughout the
game as his aggressiveness
pushed Amity into a 13-12 first
quarter lead and 28-26 half time
lead. Second quarter play found
the height factor taking over as
Sherwood took control of the
boards and Keith Joyce and Bill
Sheppard took rebounds and
made tips to score 18 and 15 re
spectively. A full court press and the re
sulting fouls gave Sherwood the
five point edge. Eugene Ehlers
had 15 and Melvin Lcppin had 11
for the losers. '
Amity will meet Yamhill next
week at Linficld for a spot in
tournament play.
Amity's junior varsity sal
vaged victory easily winning 57-43.
Sherwood (54)
Marlln (8)
Shepherd (15)
Joyce (181
Krueger (II
Murdock (2)
(4S) AmltJ
(15i Ehlera
1 7) Toier
(6) M. Stevens
(3) Tompkins
(11 Leppln
Heserves scoring: Sherwood Tur
ner It, Minor 1. Amity D. Stevens
2, r.llllsple 3.
Officials: Durham and Banks.
Sherwood 12 28 41 34
Amity . - 13 28 38 40