Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 20, 1954, Page 6, Image 6

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    Women's Division
Annual Red Cross
A large organization of volunteers lias
been formed to take over the residential
olicitation in the annual American Red
Cross fund campaign here, starting March 1.
Mrs. Earl D. Bourland and Mrs. Ted
Morrison are co-chairmen for the women's
division and a scries of meetings of key
workers has been conducted preparatory
to starting out week after next for the
fund drive.
Mrs. Paul Shafcr is one of the division
chiefs and her captains include: Mcsdames
Gerald Fisher, Arthur Bates, Edgar Morris,
Frank North, Floyd D. Miles, Jack Stout
enberg. Mrs. Jack Frisbic as a division chief has
lined up the following captains: Mcsdames
J. F., Causey, Jordan Johnson, Edward
Roth, Oscar Spccht, Joseph 1'aulson, Dale
Mallicoat, Gus Lermon, Ed bhunke, Jr.,
David H. Cameron, Paul Nciswandcr, May
ANL Event
One of the spring style show events in
teresting a large group will be the one for
which Salem Women's Army and Navy
league will entertain on Tuesday, March 2,
in the Marion hotel Gold room.'
The luncheon will be at 12.30 o'clock.
Johnson's presenting the spring styles.
The affair is for all League members and
guests. Reservations are to be closed at
noon, February 27.
Mrs. William C. Dyer, Jr., and Mrs. Max
Denton arc co-chairmen for the style show.
Mrs. Thomas M. Wood is chairman for
Mrs. Harvey Latham is chairman for
reservations and on the telephone commit
tee for reservations are Mrs. Latham, Mrs.
Daniel Dilaeoni and Mrs. Edward A. This
tlcwaitc. Mrs. William Hugh Adams is chairman
for decorations and Mrs. Roy Green heads
the invitations committee.
Commentator for the style show will be
Mrs. Bruce F. Pickett.
A group will gather at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. Maynard Sniffer on Friday eve
ning for a no-host dinner, the group in
cluding members of Mrs. Shiffcr's bridge
club and their husbands.
In the group will be Mr. and Mrs. C.
Ronald Hudkins, Mr. and Mrs. Parker Gies,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sherman, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Nohlgrcn, Dr. and Mrs.. Horace
McGcc, Dr. and Mrs. Otto Kraushaar, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert DcArmond, Mr. and Mrs.
James Armpricst and the Shifters.
Members of Chapter BC of P. E. 0. Sis
terhood are meeting on Tuesday evening
at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Willis
Jones, 370 Fawk. Mrs. Charles Feike is
Sojourners club plans its fortnightly des
sert party and afternoon of cards next
Thursday, February 25, at the Woman's
club house.
Hostesses for the afternoon are Mrs. Ger
ard Home, chairman, Mrs. Louis Ertz, Mrs.
Frank Bishop, Mrs. C. T. Danen, Mrs. Will
iam H. Foster, Mrs. Edward Hillstrom.
Delta Zcla alumnae are to meet Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs. Ward R. Davis
with Mrs. Floyd K. Bowers as co-hostess.
St. Elizabeth's guild, St. raid's Episcopal
church, is to meet on Tuesday for salad
luncheon at 1 o'clock in the guild room of
the church.
Hostesses are to he Mrs. E. G. Sanders,
chairman; Mrs. Philip W. Allison, Mrs. Lynn
F. Cronemiller, Mrs. Wayne Gordon, Mrs.
R. D. Paris and Miss Virginia Nowlcn.
Members arc to take thimble, needles, scis
sors and old nylon hose to cut up for stuffed
fff 1 ll
v.. - NvtiiSd
TIIK WKnniNO of Mrs. Itnhrrt W.inl (irltlnn ( Hosrnurv Tavlnr'. ahnvr,
was an event of this morning at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church. The hrlde
Is the (laughter of Mrs, Helm II. Taylor, Mr. (iritlon the son of Mr, anil Mrs.
Eugene lirilton.
Organizes for
Fund Campaign
Calvin, Charles Musscr, Glen Larkins, A. P.
Wallace, Roberts Parks, J. L. Hatch, H. A.
Flint, Gordon Graber, John W. Muller,
R. Lee Wood, Charles Woock, Adam S. Die
bert, Thomas Doty.
Another division chief is Mrs. Max Den
ton and her captains arc Mesdamcs Ted
Tibbult, Ed Lewis, Brace Knapp, Richard
Denton, Val D. Slopcr, S. A. Boise, Clifford
Hill, A. 0. Baker, M. G. Brenaman, A .J.
Mrs. Lynn Woods, division chief, has
named her captains as follows: Mcsdames
Carroll Samuel, Richard Busch, D. H. Wil
liams, Andy Foster, J. Earl Cook, Kenneth
Decatur, Sam Haley.
To the women's division goes one of the
hardest jobs in the campaign, the doorbell
ringing and block walking ot call at all
homes for their contributions to the Red
CITY Panhellenle meets next Friday
morning for its monthly session, the
group to gather for coffee at 10 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Elmer 0. Berg.
Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen is co-hostess. Mrs.
Marens Maltby is president of the group.
Hostess to her bridge club for luncheon
and afternoon of cards Tuesday will be
Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Sr.
Meeting Monday evening will be chapter
BQ of P.E.O. Sisterhod at the home of Mrs.
Glen Weaver at 7:45 o'clock.
Chapter AB or P. E. 0. Sisterhood is to
meet on Monday evening at the home of
Mrs. Kenneth Prince, 945 Ewald avenue.
Mrs. William E. Smith is to be co-hostcss.
Meeting on Thursday evening for 7:30
o'clock dessert is chapter CB of P. E. O.
Sisterhood, at the home of Mrs. Chester
Zumwalt, 845 Hood street. Mrs. Robert W.
Prentiss is the co-hostess.
Members of Alpha Epsilon chapter of
Beta Sigma Phi sorority have arranged a
meeting for next Wednesday evening at
the home of Mrs. David Bennett Hill. Mrs.
William L. Phillips, Sr., city sponsor for
the sorority chapters, is to be a special
The meeting is planned as a box social and
there is to be a special program. The Rev.
T. M. Gebhard of Christ Lutheran church is
to be guest speaker. On the committee for
the evening are Miss Shirley Miller, Miss
lnna Darr, Mrs. Mason McQuislon and Mrs.
Barbara Fisher.
Meeting on Tuesday evening in tfie Fire
place room at the parish hall will be St.
Helena's guild of St. Paul's Episcopal
church, at 8 o'clock.
On the committee arc Mrs. Donald Rat
cliff, Mrs. John A. Dyke, Mrs. Francis W.
Bcaley and Mrs, J. II. Solomon.
An event for Sunday afternoon will be
the at home for which Mrs. C. Ronald Hud
kins, Airs. Gus Moore and Mrs. A. C. Zeller,
Ihc latter of Battleground, Wash., arc to
entertain for their mother, Mrs. E. E. Gil
bert. The occasion is the 80th birthday
anniversary of Mrs. Gilbert.
Friends are invited ITirough the press to
rail between 3 and 6 o'clock at the Hud
kins home.
Pouring will be Mrs. John 11. Carkin, Mrs.
George G. Roseberry and Mrs. A. A.
Schramm. Cutting the cake will be Mrs.
Adeline Wilson, Mrs. Ernest C. Richards
and Mrs. Waldo Keller. Others assisting will
be Mrs. Vcrn Shay, Mrs. Robert W. Fcnix,
Mrs. William Crolhers, .Mrs. Robert F. An
derson and the six grandchildren of Mrs.
Gilbert, Linda and Dan Moore, Janet Zell
cr, Margo, Charles and John Hudkins,
Lions Party
Annual Sweetheart Party given by Salem
downtown Lions clubs for all members and
I heir wives will be next Wednesday eve
ning, February 24, at the Marion hoteL
The party annually is the big social event
arranged by the Lions club.
The dinner will be at 7 o'clock, enter
tainment following.
Walter E. Martin is general chairman of
the social committee arranging the party.
Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority is to meet
next Wednesday evening at the home of
Mrs. A. G. Dickinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles -A. Glaze arc to be
honored on the occasion of their golden
wedding anniversary at an open house the
afternoon of Sunday, February 28.
The reception will be at the home of
their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Willard Glaze, 231 Mission.
Friends are invited tftrough the press to
call between 2 and 5 o'clock.
Mr. and .Mrs. Glaze have lived in Marion
county all. their married life, having re
sided in the Clear Lake area before coming
into Salem.
Announcement is being made of the en
gagement of Miss JoAnne Estey, Salem,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Estey
of Castle Rock, Wash., to Thomas L. Yates,
Salem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R.
Yates of Oakland, Calif.
A late summer wedding is planned. Both
young people arc graduates of Willamette
university where the bride-elect is a mem
ber of Pi Beta Phi sorority and Mr. Yates
is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fra
ternity. Miss Estey is employed in the pub
lic utilities commission office here and Mr.
Yates is in the state highway department.
Gaiety Hill Garden club is meeting Mon
day, Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans to entertain
the group at her home for luncheon.
Honoring Mrs. Larry Hereford, a shower
was given Thursday evening at the home of
Gleason Young. Assisting were Miss Grace
Thrapp, Mrs. Robert Metzger and the host
ess' daughter. Miss Beverly Young. Pink
and blue were the colors in decorating and
daffodils and jonquils were used.
invited were Mrs. Hereford, Mrs. Harold
Deacon, Mrs. David Chilles, Airs. Keith
Harris, Mrs. John Shoemaker, Miss Helen
Thoralson, Mrs. Leo Graber, Airs. Ora
Crawford, Airs. George Alanning, Airs. Rob
ert Alctzger, .Miss Grace Thrapp, Airs.
James W. Mutt, Airs. Harry B. Johnson,
Mrs. Earnest Lee, Airs. Cecil Tarsons, Aliss
Beverly Young, and the hostess.
Alpha Psi chapter of Beta Sigma Phi is
meeting next Wednesday evening, Aliss
Lucille Higby to entertain the group at
the purses home at the state hospital. Sta
tion A. Mrs. Howard N. Hunsaker, drama
chairman, is to present Airs. Earl T. An
drescn who will review the play, "My Three
Angels," and Airs. Frank P. Marshall, who
is to review "Death tf a Salesman."
Aliss Celia Koch, cellist, is to appear in
recital Monday evening at 8:15 o'clock in
the Willamette university college of music
recital hall. Catharine W. Schnrlker, pianist,
will be accompanies!.
Miss Koch is a member of the college
of music faculty.
The public is invited to the recital, the
program for which is as follows:
Pieces en Concert
La Tromha
Air de Diable
Concerlo in A Minor, Op. 12!)
Allegro non iroppo
Sonata. Op. li. for cello and piano
Fa ure
Ha dn
Allegro ma non Iroppo
Ail.tgin Presto di nuovo Adagio
Allegro appassionato
Gritton- Taylor Ceremony Is Today
llride at a service this morning was Alis
Rnsrmary Taylor, daughter of Mrs. Helen
It. Taylor, her marriage to Robert Ward
Gritton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eu :ene (Irit
lon, being solemnized at 10 .1(1 n clock at a
double ring ceremony in St. Vincent de
Paul Catholic church.
Pink snapdragons and potted while hya
cinths decorated the church front, and at
every other pew were pink snapdragons and
bows. The Rev. John Heedy otlicialed at
the service. Wanr Aleusey sang and
played for the service.
The bride wore a wedding dress of lace
anil mlon net. The bodice was of lace,
fashioned with a high neckline, long sleeves
and bullous up the b:-ck. The skirt and
train were ot the net with a wide lace
edging and worn over satin. The fingertip
veil was arranged from a tiara of seed
pearls. The bride carried a while satin
llible with white orchid on it. and a ros
ary, a gift from the bridegroom. James
Tavlor. eldest brother of the bride, gave
her in marriage
Mrs. Melvin Marker was matron of honor
for her sister. She wore a pink mlon net
over taffeta with blue hat and shoes. Her
flowers were a Colonial style bouquet of
pink carnations and pink rosebuds tied with
blue ribbon
Mrs. I). E. Otien. sister of the bride
groom, and Mrs. James Taylor, sister-in-law
of the bride, were the bridesmaids Their
dresses were of pink taffeta fashioned iden-I
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THIS N'ExT week will find a large group of Salem women organized to launch the residential solicita
tion for the annual Red Cross fund campaign, starting March 1, Three chiefs looking over maps above
are, left to right: Mrs. Ben Rndcliff, Mrs. Lynn Woods, Mrs. Max Denton.
Dance Parties Due
February's last week brings a number of
dance club parties.
Monday Night Club
Alonday Night Dance club plans its party
for next Alonday evening at the Alarinn
hotel, the dinner to be at 7 o'clock.
On the committee arc Air. and Airs. V. E.
Kuhn, Air. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Ballmer,
Air. and Airs. Edward Alajek, Air. and Airs.
Clifton Aludd. Air. and Airs. L. C. Wagness.
Cirque Club Party
Cirque club's February dance is slated
for next Saturday night at the American
Legion club, the affair being for members
only. The social hour will be at 8 o'clock,
the dinner to be at D:15. Robin Gilbert's
orchestra will play for dancing.
On the committee are Dr. and Mrs. Gor
don Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. Newbury Close,
Air. and Mrs. Ernest II. Aliller, Mr. and
Airs. Llovd F. Ramev, Air. and Airs. William
Other dances slated through the year arc
Wednesday afternoon literature group of
Salem branch. American Association of
I'niversiiy Women will meet next week at
the home of Mrs. J. E. Wood. 570 North
21st. Mrs. Harold A. Ro.-cbraugh is to give
the review.
The Wednesday evening literature group
is meeting the same day, at 8 o'clock, at
the home of Miss Eleanor Stephens, 275
North 2(llh street. Miss Stephens will give
a report on "Sam Clemens of Hannibal" by
Dixon Wecter.
Airs. Paul 1.. Pattersnt, will award the
osear to the winner ' the local speech con
test on Thursday at I hi vnnor meeting
of Salem Toastmistress club. The croup
will gather at B o'clock at the Golden Pheas
ant. Cnnlcitants include Mis. George Beane,
Miss Myrtle Wealher'iolt Miss Ada Ross
and Mrs. Dan Madson. The winner will
speak in the area conteit during March.
tirally to that worn hy the matron of honor.
Thev also wore hats and shoes matching
their frocks and their bouquets were the
Colonial ones of pink carnations and rose
buds. All three attendants wore pearl
chokers and earrings, gifts from the bride.
Richard Kirrhmaynr, uncle of the bride
groom, was best man. Harold Hill and
Melvin Marker ere groomsmen and the
ihcrs were Larry Thompson and David
For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Taylor
wore a purple dress with pink accessories
and pink rosebud corsage. The bride
groom's mother wore a black dress with
pink accessories and corsage of pink rose
buds. A wedding breakfast was served in the
Camellia room ot the Senatoro hotel follow,
ing the service, and later a reception was
. given in the Capitol room of the hotel.
Airs. Walter Moore, aunt of the bridegroom,
served the cake. Mrs. Harold Hill was at
the punch bowl, Mrs Richard Kirchmayor
at the coffee urn. Others assisting were
Airs. IV E. Otjen and Mrs. James Taylor.
The pink and white theme also was used
in decorating at the reception.
For her going away costume, the bride
wore a two-piece pink dress with white
topper, navy blue accessories and corsage
of white orchids.
The couple are motoring to New Orleans
and after March 3 will be at home at 2.187
Laurel Urcct, Salem.
Next Week-end
Alay 22, September 18, and December 4.
Waverly Club Event
Wavcrly club's formal dinner dance is
scheduled for next Saturday evening, Feb
ruary 27, at the Alarion hotel.
The social hour will be at 7:30 o'clock
the dinner at 8:30 o'clock, dancing to be
between 9:30 and 12 o'clock with Harry
Wcscly's orchestra playing.
On the decorating committee arc Air. and
Airs. Otto Skopil, Jr., Air. and Airs. Frank
Ward, Air. and Airs. John Kolb.
Cosinis Party
Th. February dance for Cosmis club
also is calendared for next Saturday e c
ning, February 27, the party to be at Alay
flowcr hall, dancing starting at 9 o'clock.
Air. and Airs. Roy Witenbergcr arc the
hosts for the evening.
On the dance committee arc Air. and Airs.
Robert Alonismith, Air. and AIrr Alvin Luhr,
Air. and Mrs. Bill Patton.
Rotarian Women will meet on Alonday
at 1 o'clock for lunch at the Golden Pheas
ant. Airs. Robert D. Gregg will talk on
"Vermont Traditions." Alac Baker of Salem
high school will give several readings.
New members will he nitiated into unit
No. 138, American Legion auxiliary, on
Thursday night at the Woman's club house.
Airs. Joseph Alarcroft and Airs. Charles
Creighton are in charge of the program
and refreshments.
TO BE WED on April 17 Is Miss Marilyn Atull, above, her marriage In Fnsign
James E. Cooke to be solemnized that day. The encasement was announced re
cently. The bride-elect is the daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Hdnn Mull of Indenrnd
tnre, Ensign Cooke the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Cooke of Mill Citv.
(Jesten-MlUer itudlo plcturt)
rRS. Norman Young will be hostess
to the Salem Junior Woman s club
- on Alonday night for a social meet
ing. Mrs. Richard B. Jenning will be in
charge of the program and Airs. Cliff Bow
dor will entertain.
Others on the committee assisting in
elude Airs. Sam C. Campbell, Airs. Daniel
Williams, Airs. William Pahl. Airs. AIcl
Pillettc, assisted by Airs. Clarke Brown,
Airs. Francis Wasser, Airs. Rollin Page and
Mrs. Alaurice Cohn will serve refreshments.
Welcome AVagon club No. 1 will sponsor
a no-host dinner at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday
at Mayflower hall. Pinochle, canasta and
bridge will be in play and there will also
be entertainment.
Airs. Alaurice Buxton is chairman and will
be assisted by Airs. Willaim Haskins, Airs.
Robert Frost, Airs. Robert Winkenwerdcr,
Airs. Olin Roberts and Airs. Robert Williams.
The Y Wives at their meeting Thursday
night voted to equip the child care area in
the new YWCA building with furniture,
toys and games. This area will provide
supervised care for children from ages 3
lo 6. while mothers arc using YWCA fa
cilities. Airs. Marvin Brown was appointed chair
man to obtain facts on giving a benefit at
the new building early in .May.
Y-leen and Tri-Y club plans to
meet on Thursday at 12:30 for a sack lunch
eon with coffee and dessert being furnished.
tlnun-Mc:.n tuMt ririurn