Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 20, 1954, Page 4, Image 4

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    Pa 4
Saturday, February 20, 1954
Capital jkjJournal
An Independent Newspaper Established 1888
BERNARD MAINWARING, Editor end Publisher
GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor Emeritus
Published every ofternoon except Sunday at 280 North
Church St. Phone 2-2406.
Fill U Wit. StrtlM ! Ih Auerlatfl rcni ane The UlKH neta.
TT Aaaodalca Prtu U Hcluttvrli cnlltlto to the uae for publication of
e.11 oeva dlepatehaa etedltotl to U or otbe'ftiaa creoltfd 1a thlo paper tod
also oowa publUood therein.
Br Carrtari UontlUr. HIS: 8I1 Hon l hi, I7M On. tlt.Ot. Ir Hall li
Orotoa: Monthl?. too: an uontha. UM; Oat raar. 19.09. j UaU OuUKle OrtiM
Vonthlr. 11.11; Sli Month. 11.50: On. liar. Ill 00.
Secretary of State Earl T. Ncwbry, candidate for the
Republican Republican nomination for governor, in an
obvious bid for support of the big truckers, declares his
department is conducting a "serious study of a plan to
collect truck and bus highway users' fees through the gas
oline tax."
Newbry would eliminate the weight-mile tax, adopted
In its present form in 1947 a mileage tax so graduated
that it is paid in proportion to the loaded weight of the
vehicle, as well as on miles traveled, and is designed to
cover added costs of building highways strong enough to
support the mammoth trucks.
William Healy, assistant secretary of state, explained
that under the plan, a meter would be installed ahead of
the carburetor on all trucks subject to the fuel tax. The
meter would be locked, accessible only to state inspectors.
Apparently Newbry, in his desperate effort to gain sup
port in his race against Governor Paul Patterson, has
either forgotten or is ignoring the verdict of the people at
the November 4, 1953 election.
On the ballot at that election, were two measures deal
ing with the truck tax. One was a referendum on a truck
tax fee schedule passed by the 1951 legislature and the
other was a truck tax scheme devised by the truckers.
To defeat the truckers' plan of wrecking the mile tax,
' the voters were required to vole yes on the referendum
measure and "no" on the truckers' tax proposal.
The legislative weight mile fees were upheld by the
voters by a vote of 409,588 "yes" against 230,700 "no
The truckers' tax scheme was buried by a negative vote
totalling 484,730 "no" votes with only 135,468 favoring
the plan.
In 1940 a legislative interim committee on highways
mad? an exhaustive study of the plan now proposed by
Newbry. This committee found that the big truckers
under the plan would escape paying large portion of the
truck taxes for the simple reason that trailers do not con
sume gasoline and the only tax against the trailers would
be the small license fee.
Mr. Newbry knows as well as anyone that the gover
nor has no more to do with fixing truck fees than he as
secretary of state has had. He knows this is a purely
legislative function and its enforcement is up to the public
utility commissioner, whose salary is now a minimum of
$9000 and a maximum of $11,000 a year.
Nor has the secretary of state forgotten that the then
Public utility Commissioner George 1-Iagg, resigned
1951 to accept a five-year contract at $15,000 a year as
lobbyist for the big truckers organization to promote their
interests. u. l
E- AjU ..-
iwiri' vs. "a i ntof
Robert Young to Keep on
Fighting for N. Y. Central
Tough old President Syngmnn Rliee, president of South
Korea, has again created a "situation" by offering to send
one or more Korean divisions to fight the Communists in
Reaction of U.S. military leaders is said to have been
privately favorable, but the political reaction was "no
soap." It is not doubted that Rhee's men would give a
good account of themselves in Indo-China or anywhere
else, for they hHve been trained by American bfficers and
armed with American weapons. South Korea's best divi
sions are now rated on a par with any troops anywhere.
Whether they would fight as well in distant Indo-China
as in defense of their own land is another question, but
Communist troops have fought well in far off spots and
ours might, too.
Reason for the adverse political reaction to Rhee's pro
posal was two-fold. Withdrawal of first line Korean
troops from Korea might tempt the enemy to launch a
new offensive, particularly with U.S. troops being reduced
in numbers at the same time.
But the principal objection seems to have been a fear
that intervention of Koreans in Indo-China might have
been sized upon by Communist China as an excuse for full
scale Chinese intervention in a war China is already ac
tively supporting. How this squares with the sending of
U.S. airplane technicians to Indo-China is not explained.
We do not see how it squares at all.
Our own view is that the U.S. is still taking an unreal
istic attitude toward the use of Asiatic troops in our wars
there. The other white nations have used them for 200
years. Indian Sepoys did most of the fighting for Ptritain
and France in the struggle for India that was part of the
Seven Years War, 17f(i-l:!, and these countries have used
Asiatics and Africans in their major wars since.
The U.S. has shown in Korea that Asiatics can be made
tho virtual equal of white soldiers with good training and
good weapons. The same thing is doubtless true of other
Asian peoples, whom the Russians arc using to the hilt
on their side, but whom we hesitate to use on our side.
There may be good reasons for not sending Koreans to
Indo-China, but the principle of using Asians to fight
communism in Asia is sound and ought to be employed on
a much larger scale thRn it has jet been employed on.
Chiang, for instance, has a large idle army on Formosa
which he hRs heretofore offered to employ in the common
cause against communism, only to be turned down.
Tht widely criticized plan of the Army to court-martial
Cpl. Edward Dickenson, one of the 22 who returned from
the communists just in time to save himself from heaven
enly knows what, is to go forward after all. It was an
nounced Thursday that Dickenson will be tried for infortn-
injr on other U.S. prisoners and collaborating with the
enemy in order to gain better treatment for himself.
We do not believe any question of bail faith by the Army
is involved. So far as we recall there never was any
promise of immunity to Dickenson if he returned to us.
.Unless there was ho returned subject to prosecution for
any -offense he may have committed.
the) trial should bring out some interesting; facts on
how prisoners were treated by the Reds and the extent to
which they put pressure on our men to embrace commu
nism. The public will have only contempt lor any Amer
ican who became nn enemy tool in order to gain favors for
himslf, but it might readily forgive a youth who wilted
under torture or threat of it. There is much the public
would like to know about how our prisoners were treated
in the Communist camps and what kind of pressure was
exerted on the handful of men who finally deserted to
The Dickenson trial should help clear up some of these
points, if the Army will permit publicity on the evidence.
WASHINGTON I talked at
length the other cay with Rob
ert R. Young, the bouncing lit
tle tycoon from Texas who has
taken on the second biggest rail
road in the U.S.A. and the big
gest big-business battle the na
tion has seen in (his century.
Among other things, asked him
what he wr .Id do if he should
lose his stockholders' fight to
acquire the New York Central on
May 26.
"There will be other May
26ths," Young replied, "And I
am only 57 years old. I have
eight years before I reach the
Net. YorV Central'! retirement
age of 65. I'm going to keep
on fighting."
I had not realized before that
Young was only 57. I discov
ered, as we taiked, that he had
made a fortune before he got
to be 35, retired from business
and weni back into business
Retirement was too hum
drum," he explained. "I got tired
doing nothing."
Born on a Texas cattle ranch
which his father managed, he
had gone '- work during World
War I for the I)u l'onts, became
assistant to John .1. Ttnskob,
learned the game of finance from
the inside, am. became one of
the early sparkplugs inside Gen
eral Motors.
"Why did von go into the rail
road business afler you decided
to go br to work again?" 1
"Hecause it was the most run
down business in the country."
he explained. "You have the
greatest op, rtunily In ny busi
ness that i' backwird, and the
railroad business has been held
back for years If the automo
bile hiisim ss had had t lie same
lack of imagination as the rail
road business, it wouldn't he any
where todav either."
Train X
When I asked Mr. Young what
he intended to do for the New
York Central that hadn't been
done before, he replied that one
of the chief improvements he
would install would be roller
"Can you imagine an indus
try with more friction than any
other not using roller hearings?"
he exclaimed. "Their use on the
railroads would savi millions of
dolla.'s. et there s been a con
spiracy to ban roller hearings."
Young went on to tell about
Train X. the model streamliner he
had built, patterned after a Spa
ish train, lighter in construction
lower on the rails and costing
onelhird less t build than the
modern passenger car.
"I built it for use on the
Chesapeake and Ohio," he ex
plained, "Hoping it would set an
example to other roads and that
they would foil suit. However,
since the C. an.l O. hs to link
up with ot.ter lines we haven't
been able to use It yet, because
we can't hook up te their Junk.
"One trouhl with the rail
road business," Your.g continued,
"i. retusi.l to change. The present-day
freight cai, for instance,
got its height from the old plan
tation wagon d'awn by a team of !
mules that used
as well as its opera .ors.
Dwindling GOP Margin
A serious illness in the
house of representatives, plus the
conviction of Congressman Ern
est Bramblett of Cnhfoini.1. has
reduced the republican working
majority in the house of repre
sentatives lo only one vote.
This leaves the republicans
with a minus-onc-votc margin in
the senate, and , plus-one margin
in the house.
Actuall;' Congressman Bramb
lett will continue to hold his seat
in congress during his appeal
which wilt take about 90 days,
and which will be str-mh out as
long as possible jn order to keep
his vote in the house i.l repre
sentatives. Meanwhile the last GOP con
gressman to reduce the margin
is Alvin Wcichel of Sandusky,
Ohio, who has been in Kethesda
Naval hospital suffering from a
nervous breakdown. Wcichel has j
had diabetes for some time, and
friends say he neglected all care
of himself; so that the suffering
has caused a .ncntal lapse. Doc
tors have advised that he will
not be able to return to con
gress, and there are no plans for
his re-election.
Congressman Thor Tollefson of
Tacoma, Wash., will take Wcich
el's place as chairman of the
house merchant marine and fish
eries committee.
This will be the third commit
tee whose chairman the republi
can leadership will by-pass or
plans to by-pass because of in
competence, incapacity, or recal
citrance. The other two arc Hoff
man of Michigan, chairman of
the Government Operations com
mittee, who h.-.s heenme so crus
ty and difficult that his commit
tee voted 2'' lo 1 to by pass him.
The other i 78-yonr-old Con
gressman Pan Reed of New York,
chairman of the Ways and Means
committee. Reed is still going
strong as chairman of Ids power
ful tax writing committee, but
Kisonhowcr leaders have found
returned from Europe has taken
a unique step to improve U. S.
relations abroad. Leopold D. Sil
berstein, chairman of Pennsylvan
ia Coal and Coke, was upset by
hearing Europeans forecast that
U. S. economy was on the eve
of a 1929 nose-dive, so he broad
cast a special report to business
men in Europe over the Voice
of America, and is now urging
other American businessmen to
do likewise.
Silberstcin discovered that the
United States 'vill spend $3,000,
000,000 this year on peacetime
use of atomic energy alone, told
European business that the U.S.
A. is moving forward in indus
trial research with tremendous
speed, that pcacetine use of the
atom alone will create vast new
markets, new jobs, circulating
new billions through the eco
nomic bloodstream of America.
Drab Story That Sickens the
Heart Unfolds in Pentagon
WASHINGTON W One of, nonetheless
those 20th century stories that
stagger the imagination and sick
en the heart is unfolding in a
drab, improvised courtroom on a
hill overlooking the Pentagon.
It is the story, as told by men
who saw it happening, of a
brave man goaded to fury and
gradually broken bv his Com
munist captors under a load of
abuse, pain, humiliation and
physical wretchedness.
' Frank H. Schwable, a flying
Marine with a brilliant record
of combat experience, is the
central figure. He was a war pri
soner in Korea 14 months. Mid
way in his captivity, he signed a
false confession he took part in
germ warfare activities which,
in fact, never were carried on.
The Reds made noisy propa
ganda use of Schwable's "con'
fession." Now a four -member
court of inquiry is trying to de
cide whether the 45 -year -old
Schwable, a slender, alert man
with thinning and graying hair,
should face a court martial.
Four Marine enlisted men and
one Army sergeant who caught
glimpses of Schwable in POW
camps during his ordeal told
their stories yesterday nail
ing fragments that added up to
a harrowing picture oi. wnai
"brain-washing" does to a man.
Some told of seeing Schwable
in September and October, 1952-
amaciated, unshaven, jittery but
Salem 26 Years Ago
February 20, 1928
Salem police department had
asked the council for an appropri-
tion sufficient to supply a prowl
er car for the residential district.
Fire burning between walls had ;
damaged Marion hotel to the ex- j
tent of $20,000.
Oregon Electrical railroad had
a rate of $2 for a round trip be
tween Salem and Portland. Trains I
left Salem at 7:15 and 10:02 a.m. I
and at 1:20, 4:11, 5:30 and 8 23
p.m. I
New Polk county jail at Dallas 1
had been about completed and !
would be ready for occupancy '
come March 15. ,
George B. Culhrie. owner of E1-!
sinore theater, had proclaimed I
"Sorrell and Son" the finest mo- i
lion picture he had seen this sea- j
Miller's were advertising new
spring hats at $.195 each, latest
chic, sparkling new."
Capital Journal comics for this
issue of 26 years ago featured
Dumb Dora. Bringing Up Father,
Barney Google and Mutt and .leff.
$600 Exemption
Medford Mall-Tribune
The House Ways and Means
committee, busily whipping a new
tax bill into shape, is under some
pressure to increase beyond the
present $600 the exemption al
lowed for each person covered by
an income-tax return. A number
of bills have been introduced in
Congress to raise the exemption.
The personal exemption was $1,-
000 or higher from 1913 to 1940,
and during much of that quarter
of a century, it was more than
twice as high for a married couple
as for a single person. By 1944 it
was down to $500 per person. It
was raised to $600 in 1948.
Prices to city consumers, on the
average, have risen by 12 per cent
since 1948, so to allow for the low
er purchasing power of the dollar
over six years the $600 would have
to be raised now to $672, or to $700
for a round figure. But Chairman
Reed of Ways and Means esti
mates that a $100 boost in the in
come tax exemption would alone
cost the treasury something like
$2,500,000,000 a year in revenue.
And to make the exemption
$1000, as provided in some of the
bills in Congress, would entail
revenue loss estimated at $9,500.
000,000 almost one-third of all
individual income tax collections
counted on for next fiscal year.
That is because a very high per
centage of the collections comes
from the parts of all incomes tax
ed at the lowest rates (35 per cent
of collections for 1950, were from
returns showing adjusted gross
income of less than $5,000).
$600 is also the limit on the
gross income that any child or
close relative of the taxpayer may
obtain during the year to be
classed as a dependent.
Chairman Reed agrees that this
limit is too low. and that it could
be raised without costing the
treasury much revenue.
BOSTON A') A florist report
ed to police yesterday that a
young man bought $12 worth of
flowers for his "Valentine" and
paid for them with a $25 check.
The girl and the address were
fictitious and the check was a
phony, police said.
defiant. Schwable
had been taken prisoner the pre
ceding July 8. He'd been thrown
into solitary confinement, har-
rasscd by constant questioning,
deprived of food. But his atti
tude toward his Red tormentors
"Go to hell."
Former Marine Corp. William
N. Shockley of Denver, Colo.,
testified he heard those words
ring out in a firm American
voice on one occasion when a
browbeating, finger-waving in
terrogator was submitting Sch
wable to inquisition.
And Sgt. 1 C. Pearson 0.
Porter of League City, Tex., an
Army man, told of stronger
language used by the Marine of
ficer to a Communist questioner.
"You can spell the word if it
embarrasses you," a lawyer told
"I'm not embarrassed," said
the self-possessed Porter, and
he gave the court the short word
he said the colonel hurled at the
It was a different story, though,
by Dec. 8 when Schwable and
some of the enlisted men were
herded into a truck and trans
ferred to another camp. They
had their own individual ways
of describing the colonel:
"Awful nervous."
"He just stared straight
ahead." He kept jerking and
twitching like a punch-drunk
prize fighter."
Once, the men agreed, Sch
wable leaped to his feet and
cried out he was surrounded by
oil. There wasn't any oil on the
floor. Again, they said, he brood
ed two full hours before answer
ing a Communist guard's remark
about the weather. One said the
colonel suddenly started shadow
boxing when they stopped for
They didn't hold it against
Schwable, the men said, when
they learned he supposedly had
signed a "confession." They just
figured somehow he was forced
to do it. Some of them had ex-
perience of the Communists'
forcing techniques themselves.
The president of the court,
Maj. Gen. Henry D. Linscott, put
a direct question to one of Sch
wable's fellow passengers in the
"Did he appear to you to be a
man in his right mind?"
"No, sir, he didn't," said Pfc
Mclvin J. Gaynor, 21, of Tell
City, Ind.
That hearing resumes Tuesday.
General Lindbergh
Charles A. Lindbergh, who re
signed his reserve commission in
the army before World War II in
anger, is now being proposed for
a brigadier-general's commission,
and on the basis of his war record
he certainly seems to deserve it.
He has proved his patriotism,
which some people doubted at the
time he was making speeches urg
ing the U.S. to stay out of World
War 11 at a time when most every
one else felt that German nazism
had to be extirpated if the world
was to exist in safety. It was a
bitter comment by President Roo
sevelt on Lindbergh's activities of
the time that led to his resigna
tion. Most of us are never going to
understand how Lindbergh's mind
works. A great man in his own
field, he has demonstrated the
most colossal ineptness of anyone
in all history in the matter of pub
lic relations.
Although he accomplished feats
that inevitably would make him a
public figure, he always wanted,
like Greta Garbo, to be alone. He
never made much effort to dis
guise his contempt for the public
that gave him cxeccssivc adula
tion and then became bitter when
jeers replaced cheers. But in his
own strange way, he obviously has
been a patriot and a valuable citi
zen, and is entitled to the military
rank now proposed for him.
DISPLAY IT PROUDLY I Slot. Form off.r. its .x-
cellent protection ond service at extremely low cost be
cause it aims lo insure careful drivers only.
GIT YOURS NOW! Made of headlight-reflecting
Scolchlile to stick on rear bumper.
Drop in for your free sofery emblem (Way.
626 N. High St. Phone 42215
State Form Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
Stale Farm life Insurance Compony
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Home Office: Btaomfngfon, Itlinott
"It pays to knew your State farm Aflent"
Reed so uncooperative that they j
plan to use the senate finance Studebaker commander,
committee lo rewrite his tax "World's champion car." had a
hill. There isn't any use argit- j factory price of $14ii5 for the four
ing with Reed, they figure So door sedan,
thevl'l not wa:r breath until the ;
bill set o er to the senate. I E. T. Bar.ncs had been elected
"Nets Look" fur Business president of the Salem library
An American businessman itist hoard.
f - -- -r r
'People Tip Waiter, But
Most Folks Forget God
r. st rsn' t FT-Lcopal ch'irrh
T.thinc as a method of giving I check. And the host examined it.
In Gnd. Mo Church and Charity). : " ttp r05p 10 nfCf ' hf ,?ln ome
.. . . . , enms imilrr the edge of the plate,
was practiced Ion. before the ad-( Th( wa,UT whfl 5(()0() nearb
vent ol ( happilv wmVh ,,rjnB imfr. (
I know a man who keep a scpa-! prr.tC(t nicans that the tip was sat-;
rate mcoiint of one tenth of hi- , ismctorv .
sal.iry. Out of this he pays his ' "New" with such customs we are!
pledge to the church, church offer- ai miliar. Rut as I meditated lor special needs. Community on )c coins that become tips. I .
Chest, worthy causes of one kind hl,K;in i0 tllink o( tipS ana tithes. I
or another, and chanty. ; for the proverbial tip must be at j
From nil I cm learn not many ; least a tithe, lest the waiter turn j
o load cotton i people do tithe today. A week ago against you. Whereupon it came
bales into freight cars. Freight j I had a request from an out of unto me that few people treat their ;
cars were built a convenient town friend for some information God as well as they honor their
height for those old plantation ! on tithing. Having just read a lay-1 waiter, hor unto the waiter they
mans paraDle on tne nuttject. i give t.tne, out unto i.oci tney
sent it along. This is the parable: give whatsoever they th'nk will
"Now it came to pass on a certain get them by. Verily, doth man fear
day at noon that the writer was a the waiter more than he frareth
guest of a certain man. And the God" And doth he not also love
luncheon was enjoyed at a certain the waiter more than he loveth
osernight passenger trains, mod-1 restaurant. And the waiter was God""
erni;e equipment, and let rail-i very efficient. Now when the end Truly, a man and he docs
road personnel buy stock In the of the meat was at hand, the w:ih his money is p.isl under-
road so they become its ownrrs waiter brought unto the host the jtamiinj.
wagons and hnve been kept at
that height ev.r since."
Among varu u plans
ht for the New York Central is
to put a woman on its board of
directors, put motio' pictures on
i 1 i" I ! W 1.1;:: i rf
it '
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Coll Now - For Your 1954 Calendar