Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 20, 1954, Page 2, Image 2

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    Pace 2
THE (7"iT.a JOIK.WM,. Salem. Orexon
Saturday, February 20, .1934
The Valley
Edited by M1KK FORBES
j Falls City
;S'7v3f Home
-wisiiT HO:iIi--Mrs. I. W.
1 .p'.:'.n ir.d Eddie Howe were
guests of Vinn. at t birthday
dinner '--.Id at the home of Mr.
nd t'ts. Walt Howe re ently.
Ecsidcr the gjc.iU of honor and
nosh an-' ho: tosses there were
M-rilyn rn! Mr.rgcrol Howe and
Wr. I. V. -ip.;an.
: J
show being sponsored by the Ho
tr.ry club in Albany. She will ap
pc: r Feb. 20.
.Mr. and .Mrs. Mux London arc
1, S::n Francisco for the wedding
of their dauKhtir, Maxine. Among
others who motored down for the
occasion were .Mr. and Mrs. Hud
Bankc. The Liter couple arc
sprndinff a short vacation at
Palm Springs.
Feb. 23 is t-c date the Llnn
iur. rn Jus. Leonard Thorn- ."i nomii uupui uutm m
br.)u-li v ers rci-cnt guesU in the ; h"1" lls ann-'al immuniza. r
h me of Jlr. and Mrs. Im; ' " uW l-.scn00'
r.;ed. fjvin3 the evening the
!.:!;' " is rhow slides that
w. j - tiiif.'nS a ro:-nt trip
to I e 'vn i Cam I Zone where
tt-ry -vic'l-d titcir d:iuililer, sln-in-1
v and thei family, Jlr. and
Mrs. Brute Mor an, wiio are for
mer rcidents of Sweet Home.
Bruce is station there with the
Mrs. (lion Palmer and nephew,
D.j:;; s Tresk, and Mrs. Fred
Pill vcr sre ii. Kugene this
wo-it on buriness.
Suudr.y morning will find two
min,lcrs changing pulpits for
the Su.ulay school and worship
hour. The Church of Christ in
Sv.-cet Home -nd the Christian
church in Albany are holding a
Sunday school attendance con
test and as a feature the Sunday
school superintendent and the
ri inistcrs from these churches
are exchanging places, ine
Sweet Home church is in the
lead by a nam-w margin
Tht police department had its
nay at a rcce ' give-away con
test sponsored by a local grocer.
Sergeant Karel Hycr won the
first prize of a television set
and Policeman Virgil Jensen re
ceived one of the lesser prizes,
a large table lamp.
Spain Trisk was taken to a
local physician following a heart
attack while ot the job at the
Willamette Nat onal Mill. He is
recuperating in his home at Hol
ley. The planning committee for
the Long Street PTA Gair which
is scheduled for Feb. 26, will
meet at 8 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. William Dudley, Tuesday,
Feb. 2Z.
The Fire Department coplet
ed the occupat'on in the new ad
dition to the fire hall Wednes
day and also answered a fire
rail to the home of Jlrs. Bar- j
hara Musgravcs where a flue
fire was kept under observation I
on the same day. ' j
Plans arc being completed by
the committee in charge for the
annual Fire Department banquet
which will be held in the new
cafeteria in the high school
building on Feb. 23. The Fire.
men'a Auxiliary ii in charge of
the decoration.- lor the affair.
The state fire marshal is ex
pected ar tho main speaker of
the evening.
Sojourner club met recently
and featured a special guest ni;;bt.
(iuests attendin;,' were Mcsdamcs
Pwighl Tcmplelon, Max oee, Har
lan Devlin, Halph Ogle, Bob Lu
cas, Agatha McAuliffe, and the
Misses Joan Christiansen and Na
oma Slaughter.
Winners during the evening
students. All prc-school cliil
dren are especially urged to be
present ct tiiis clinic which will
open st 9 a. iii.
Preschool children between
the aes of thr- months and Ix
years old and especially those
who will enter school in the fall
will be accepted at this clinic
and will receive immunization
and vaccinations ,t this time as
well as bnostci shots.
Vcrlin Roberts was elected as
1054 prorident of tl.e Five-Point
club at a recent meeting. Others
selected wrrc Mrs. Harry Swa
ger, vice president; Mrs. Harold
Gingerich, secretary; and Mrs.
Ben Cornelius, treasurer.
Next meeting of the group will
be held Feb. 25, at the Holley
road home of Mrs. Harold Mar
tin. Lead parts for the high school
operetta "Meet Arizona" will be
filled by Sharon Burnett and
Bill Conksley.
Other parts have btcn as
signed to Kill Lewis, Marita
Points, Gib Walsh, Aria Roberta,
Jim Porter, Jerry Heller, El
eanor Bennett, Marvin Daniels,
Chrissie Dayton, Herb Draw, Bill
Kizer, and Mrry Mealy.
The operetta will be present
ed March 12 at the high school
and is under the direction of
Mrs. Myrtle Cates, choral instructor.
Grand Island
Umbanhowcr of Seattle, Wash.,
a former resident of Grand Is
land, was moved from Seattle to
McMinnville to one of the cab
ins, near the Self-service laun
dry. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Masscy,
her son-in-hw and daughter, of
Porrydale moved her Friday. ,',.rnt
Ml. UIMIR-lllimviT Ni'-I liri'll ll.iini-
icaoped since a fall in Orion-'-.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clow,
Kenneth and I.on Clow of Wald-
port were Saturday overnight
and Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Palmer in the
Grand Island district and Sunday
afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Baker in the Unionvale
The Raymond Palmer family Is
recovering from colds.
Mrs. Susie Douglas of Salem,
formerly of Grand Island, was a
guest at the home of Mr. and
Jlrs. Cecil Will, Monday.
Complimenting Jlrs. Susie
Douglas a houscwarmins was
he'd at her Salem home Sunday.
Allondin" were Mrs. Frank
FALLS CITY Sunday visitors
at the home of Mrs. Ethel Guth
ridge were her daughter, Mrs.
Clyde Bancroft and family of Sa
lem. Coming from La Center, Wash.,
for a weekend visit at the home
of Mrs. Catherine Graham were
Mr. and Jlrs. Paul Current and
daughter Cheeree.
Mrs. Carl Tori submitted to
major surgery at the Dallas Hos
pital, Saturday, Feb. 13.
The Currents bring word from
Woodland, Wash., that Jack
Groves is nearly blind.
Mr. Groves lived in Falls City
until about five years ago. He
now lives ith a son.
The birthdays of Mrs. William
Estellc and her son, Vernon Es
telle, were celebrated Sunday.
Miss 11a Estelle entertained
with a family dinner, in honor of
the occasion, in her new home,
recently built.
Jlrs. Betty Johnson of Sweet
Home spent last week with her
sister, Jlrs. Wallace Kendall.
The ladies of the Jlethodist
Church gathered at the parson
age last week, and redecorated
the rooms with new wallpaper.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Don Sundstrom
and children of Dallas visited at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Westbrook, Sunday
Jlr. and Jlrs. Sam Schlappe
and children spent the weekend
in Portland at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Woolard attend
ing the party given in honor of
the wedding anniversary of the
Woolard's daughter and son-in-
Mrs. E. LaDceke is quite ill
This is the fourth time she has
had flu this winter.
The 0. D. Johnsons have re
cently completed a large new
fireplace in their home on Valsctz
Marvin Melius, seventh grade
pupil at Oakhurst will spell at
Independence Friday night.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Harvey Jlontgom
cry and daughter, Jlrs. Patricia
Sappington and Harry Harton,
made a business trip to Eugene
Gertrude Hotchkin made the
return trip home with them.
Jluch spring pruning and
shrub planting is being done
evry time the ram slops.
Jlrs. Charley Trueax called on
friends and her brother, George
Sullivan, and wife, Tuesday.
.Mrs. Jlvrtle Campbell and son,
to Silvertnn over the
.Mis. Campbell's mother came
home with them for a week's
tnbill and aon Carl of Scio.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McFarlane,
daughter Betty and granddaugh
ter, Debbie, drove to Corvallis
Sunday to visit cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. Wray Lester.
Cousins from Lebanon. Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Pratt, visited Jlr.
and Mrs. Floyd McFarlane on
UNIONVALE-JIore than 60
members and friends attended the
valentine banquet at the Union
vale Evangelical United Brethren
church of the three adult classes
Saturday evening.
D. Lynn Gubser of McMinnville
was master of ceremonies. Louis
Magce gave a reading. Lowell
Nichols of Madras gave two num
bers an on accordion. Mrs. Jamie
Ediger whistled. Rev. and Mrs.
Clyde Dollar sang.
niscencc of prominent former
residents of Unionvale.
About 60 members and 'friends
attended the Womens Society of
World Service program at the
local church Sunday, Feb. 14 at
7:30 p.m. Mis. Clyde Dollar and
Mrs. Clark Rutschman were in
charge of the program.
Dr. Paul P. Petticord, president
of Western Seminary at Jennings
Lodge, will speak and show slides
he took at Formosa at the 10 a.m.
and 11 a.m. services Sunday, Feb.
21 at the local church.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Claude Shelburne
and James of Unionvale were
Sunday dinner guests of her par
ents, Jlr. and Jlrs. John Trent
at Cloverdale.
At the Ernest Ehclburne farm
in the Happy Valley district be
yond McMinnville snow recently
attained the depth of 31 inches.
They are tamer residents of Un
ionvale. l.aN'ita, five years old, and
Vickey 17 months, daughters of
Jir. and Jlrs. John Clow, are ill
at their home with flu.'
Mrs. Erscl Gubser has been
ill with influenza at her home.
Mill City
Finnicum. Mis. Ronald Finnieum,
were Mrs. Waller Short, pino-i Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Will and sons
chic; Jlrs. Robert Joslin, bridge;
Mrs. Max canasia: and Jlrs.
Warren Costello, door prize.
Hostesses d'Ting the refresh
ment hour were Jlesdames Fran
cis Carpente.', Kenneth Tompson,
Hon Gardner, Don Carlon, and
Mrs. James Cook.
The next meeting will he Feb.
24 in the basement of the St.
Helen's Catholic church.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Arnold
lett for Sun Jose, Calif., to com
plete moving plans. The Arnolds
are accepting the call to the Sea
aide Church of Christ.
Jliss Sharon Burnett has been
notified that she is accepted as
a contestant o the final talent
Larry and Kenneth, Mr. and Jlrs.
Curtis Douglas of Grand Island,
Mrs. Lloyd Goodrich of Dayton,
Mrs. Lola Dornherker, Dallas.
Friday Jlr. and Mrs. Erwin
Doughs and David and Mr. and
Mrs. George Douglas of Saurrrs
Ishnd were her guests
Murphy, son of Jfr. and Jlrs. J.
Jf. Murphy, arrived here from Ft.
Ord, Calif., and is SDendine 10
(lays Dciore leaving for Camp
Chaffee, Ark., for eight weeks
Jlrs. Fred Rc! hstein left Sun
day and spent a few days with
her sister, Jlrs. Geneva Jlorsa
reidgc, in the Dayton Prairie dis
trict. Miss Lois Coats of Portland
was a week end guest of her sis
ter and family here. Mr. and
JIILL CITY Following the
regular dinner meeting of the
Lions Club Jlonday evening, a
Court of Honor was held for the
Boy Scouts, who are sponsored
by the club. Presentation of
awards was by Lee S. Ross,
chairman of the Scout commit
tee. Other committee members
present were Bill McCoy, Roger
Nelson, Ed Cooke, and Vernon
Senior Tatrol Leader Jerry
Foster opened the meeting, dur
ing which the following awards
were made: Scoutmaster Elmer
(Dutch) Steiner became a Star
scout: First class badge, Alan
Tilers; Second class, Donald
Cree, Larry Jloberg, Tommy
rencl, and David Jennings; Ten.
derfoot badge, Jerry Upward,
Lee Neilson, Louis Morgan, Ted
dy Ficker, Ronald Foster, and
Kenneth Siler; Merit badges,
Marlin Noyes for cycling and
stamp collecting, and Steiner for
home repairs, marksmanship,
stock club, the Clover Club met
in the Driscoll home on Thurs
day evening with their leader,
Allyn Philips, and the following
members, Craig Muir, Gary
Smith, Jnetta and Larry Wilson,
Wayne and JIargaret Ann Phil
ips, and Gary Driscol..
Gay Rempel, Frank Wall and
Jack Flaming left Salem by train
FrMay evening for Reedley,
Calif., to attend the meeting of
the Jlenonite Fire Insurance Co.
They expect to be gone about a
James Copp was In Corvallis
Satorday to attend the OSC Dad's
Club meeting.
Mr. and Jlrs. Tony Gonshorow-
ski attended the annual Valen
tine dinner given by the mem
bers of the Sew and S';al club
for their husbands on Saturday
Mr. and Jlrs. Art Kimmel from
Sheridan called on the E. A. Ben
nett family Sunday. Mrs. Tony
Gonshorowski was a Sunday call
er also.
Jlr. and Jlrs. C. E. Reischke
and Janet and Carla from Dallas
called on the Lloyd Stouffer fam
ily Sunday.
Jlrs. Frank Wall and family
with Mervin Flaming were Val
entine dinner guests in the home
of Jfr. and Jlrs. Harry Fast in
KicKrcall, on Sunday.
Jlrs. Bill Burr assisted with
the Good News Club which meets
in the home of Jfr. and Mrs
Frank Wall on Tuesdav.
Jfrs. Pete Rcimer who is suf
fering with Neuritis had the fol-
lowing callers on Sundav, Jlr.
and Mrs. Sam Reimcr, Mr. and
Mrs. Corney Reimcr, and Jlr. and
Jlrs. Ike Reimer.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Robert Philips
from Independence were Sunday
dinner guests of Jfr. and Jlrs
Allyn Philips.
Marvin Rempel attended the
surprise birthday partv given in
the home of Jlr. and Mrs. Peter
Goertzen for their daughter Ro
berta. Sunday callers in the home of
ir. ana Mrs. George Beyerle
were Jlr. and Mrs. Ray Potter,
Cheryl, Carol, Doyle, Gerald and
Harold from Pcedce and Jlrs.
j-oner irom Dallas and Jlr. and
Jfrs. L. E. Greenwood .mrl Mr
marv ureenwood from Corvallis
The Perrydale school Ftitnro
Ifomemakers and t'-.e 4-H sewing
huh lugcincr witn .Mothers and
friends leaders and the Home ec
teacher were in Portland Monday
for an educational trip.
Friday evenine the ri.isfnn
kelball teams and the cheering
came 10 rcrrydale school
for two games. Gaston B team
won but the Perrydale A team
won. Next Friday evening the
teams from Corbett will be at
Annette Brown, who was home
from Beauty School in Salem for
a few days, returned Tuesday.
Dr. Jfary Purvine from Salem
called on the Jlilt Barth family.
iiiiiii nann took pictures at
King har parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Brassfield.
Mrs. Art Burrus and daughters
Marcia and Tamara of Carlton
visited Sunday with her mother,
Jlrs. Lura Trueax.
Jlrs. F. C. Kerber and Mrs.
Kenneth Swingle, delegates to the
Farmers Union convention at Sa
lem, amended the session Friday.
Miss Nola Warner attended the
Junior meeting on Saturday, Oth
ers from the local attending were:
Mrs. Florence Howard, Dewey
Cummins, Mrs. Dewey Cummins
and a group of Junior! attended
the banquet on Saturday evening.
The local Farmers Union met Sat
urday evening for a 7 o'clock
dinner with Mrs. Glen Edwards
and Jfrs. Rufus Dodge as hostess
es. Mrs. F. C. Kerber conducted
the business meeting followed by
motion pictures.
Jlrs. Ernest Bowman and small
daughter, Judy, of Philomath, vis
ited the past week with her moth
er, Jlrs. Melinda Birchell.
Mrs. Janie Felt of Albany, who
was a week-end guest of her moth
er, Jlrs. Lydia Endicott, with her
mother and small niece, Colene
Wirth, attended church services
Sunday morning at the Pedee EUB
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dodge of Val
seta spent Saturday evening at the
home of his father, Mr. and Mrs.
Rufus Dodge.
Roland Pomeroy hurt his foot
while at work at his mill and is
now on crutches.
Jlrs, Howard Perry, Mrs. James
Harit, Mrs. C. L. Burbank, Mrs,
Paul Ronco and son, Bradley,
were Independence callers Thurs
day afternoon.
4-H Club News
ano arcnerv. ine vtoocisman ra- n.. ...,i,i: , : , .r "
trnl won the Gold Arrow attend- he ptld,n5 "f Robt'r"' Patty
anre award for havin. the most ! "a 'P1"0! JIr- Mrs. Boh
rarer,!, nresent. 1 a"-v Bals'n or. Sunday.
SILVERTON Enjoying an en
tire evening's entertainment at
th'e Rollerdrome in North Salem
Tuesday were more than 100
young folk and their parents, un
der sponsorship of the Central
Howell Livestock 4-H club and
their leaders, Bill Wililams and
Elton Watts.
Associate club members attend
ing as guests of the Central How
ell 4-group were from JIcLaugh
lin, Brush Creek, Evergreen,
Evans Valley, Bethany and the
Star Route club.
Special contest skating, races
and stunts were awarded with
The Brush College Tiny
Thimbles, 4-H sewing club, held
their regular meeting Feb. 16 at
the home of their leader, Jlrs.
H. D. Bradrick.
Carol Fcreuson, president, pre
sided over the mcetinc. Plans
were discussed about an Easter
After the business meeting,
the leaders, Mrs. Bradrick and
Jlrs. L. R. Wackcn, helped the
girls with sewing projects.
Jlembers present were Kennis
Ruth Carlson, Karla Bradrick,
Carol and Carolyn Ferguson,
Linda Meyer, Marlene Wacken,
Nancy Harriett and Donna Jfc-Clure.
Aid held its February meeting
at the home of Jlrs. W. C. Hill
with Jlrs. M. B. Findlcy and
Mrs. A. Martin as co-hostesses.
Twenty-three ladies were pres
ent for the dessert luncheon
served at 1:30, with two of the
teachers coming in after school.
The business meeting was pre.
sided over by Jlrs. William
Cadle, president. The opening
number was given by Jlrs. S. B
Holt. One new member was
added to the role. During the
business meeting the ladies that
were charter members of this
Aid were made honorary mem
Mrs. Buyserie gave a report
of the Federated Club meeting
held at Dallas and explained the
work of the County Health as
sociation in putting an X-ray ma
chine in the hospital at Dallas.
She also gave a report as to the
furnishing of mirrors and other
items for the ladies room at the
county fair ground.
Mrs. Straley, chairman of the
"Operation Sky Watch," gave a
report and after some discussion
those taking part in this work
felt the need of having it done
at the post erected for that job
instead of trying to do it from
the various homes.
Final plans were made by
Jlrs. Buyserie as chairman for
the serving of the luncheon for
the Polk Co. Farmers Co-op
which will be at the Grange hall
on March 6.
The Jlareh meeting of the Aid
will be at the home of Jlrs.
Frank Hamilton with Jlrs. B. C.
Bell and Jlrs. W. C. Kestcr as
Those enjoying the afternoon
besides the hostesses were Mrs.
Bolton Stinette, Jlrs. Geo. Van
Santeen, Mrs. Oness Whaley,
Jlrs. John Winn, Jlrs. L. C. Jlil
ler, Jlrs. Arthur Beaver, Mrs. S.
B. Holt, Jlrs. Chas. Ross, Mrs.
Anna Johnson, Jlrs. Leo Buy
serie, Jlrs. R. V. Carlcson, Jlrs.
B. C. Bell, Jlrs. Mary Bell, Jlrs.
Holdorf, Mrs. Glen Myers, Jfrs.
H. -JI. Wait, Jlrs. H. L. Stradley,
Mrs. Wm. Cadle and daughter,
Mrs. Bryan, Mrs. W. C. Kestcr,
Jlrs. Frank Hamilton and sister.
The regular meeting of tho
Grange was held Friday evening.
JIany of the members were un
able to be present due to ill
ness. The Pomona Grange has
scheduled a visitation program
among the Granges of Polk
County and Rickreall is planning
on visiting Fort Hill on Jlareh
At present the plans are to
have Jlr. Dempsey take his bus
and all go together instead of
taking several cars.
Mrs. EJhel Whaley, secretary
of Rickreall Grange for 1954, is
working to get all dues paid for
the year before the end of
.March. If this is done the Grange
will receive another pennant
from the State Grange at the
annual meeting in Albany in
Jlrs. Ora Lantz, Jlrs. A. Mar
tin, Jlrs. John Riney, Jlrs. Glen
Jlyers, Jlrs. Jess Ragsdalc, Jlrs.
S. B. Holt. Jlrs. Ones Whaley
and Jliss Susan Van Santen
visiieri the Home Economics
Club at Buell Tuesday.
Mr. and Jlrs. Frame Lenmann
of Portland were week-end
visitors at 4he home of his
mother, Mrs. Arthur Beaver.
MACLEAY Jlembers of the
Pratum-Macleay Home Extension
unit will meet at the ho le of Jlrs.
Donald Madcr, Tuesday, Feb. 23
at 1 o'clock.
The demonstration subject will
be "New Trends on Lighting,"
with the extension agent as dem
WOODBURN The Woodburn
kindergartei will open March 2
for the spring t rm and registra
tions are now being taken. Per
sons interested are asked to call
Jlrs. L. H. Hildebrandt at Wood
burn 5031 as soon as possible.
The kindergarten will again be
conducted at the Lincol.. school
with Mrs. T. JI. Baxter as in
structor. Classes will be held
Tuesdays through Fridays.
Assistinc in the ceremnnv were ' "".""" guests in the
John Muir-, representing the Am-1 J, nnm wprr. ncy Lou
erican Legion; Kenneth Jurv of j A1llni' Emanuel, and
Alhanv, field executive of the ! BoT from OCE in Mnn-
Calapooia District for Boy Scouts ! mo"'"-, ta',he Wikander and
of America: and Charles Kellv, I Krithv froni Portland.
Jlrs. Carl Rutschman and chil- j Lions club president. Bob Veness
d"1"- i showed colored slides of Camp i
uouis Nichols and son. Lowell. Pioneer.
of Madras, were week-end guests
of his brother and wife. Jlr. and
HUBBARD Twelve lamp
shades made of fabric were well
on the way to completion at the
close of the Hubbard Extension
Unit meeting Wednesday. .Mrs.
Ed Koutncy and Jlrs. Wenccl
Doubrava, project leaders, di
rected the work with 12 women
learning the techniques.
At noon sack lunches were
L 3
I ) fa Every
iJ Special
-.J-raBT 6;30PP. M.
ijTnjj j 2:30 A. M.
JInrrena D. Fowler, for her birth
day anniversary whrih was Mon
day. Fib. 15. Mr. and Jlrs. Dale
I.. Fowler entertained with a fam
ily dinner at their Grand Island
home Sunday.
Attending were both of her
grandmothers. Mrs. Martin Braat
and Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler, of
Unionvale; Mr and Mrs. Fred
ins, Jlr. and Mrs. Robert She!
burne of McMinnville: her Dav-
ton high school classmate, Robert lrm, jlrnrt Mr, '(.
i.-,,,,nr ,i ,,., .r Vni.i in PEDEE Mr. iiiirt Mr iinu arH ! suonlcmentcd with dessert and
Mrs. Allan Nichols and their i Stavton Monday for Rose Marie ! crry Mr- Jamcs "f spent coffee rved by Mrs. L. M.
aunt. Miss Esther Nichols. On ! Kiersey, two-month-old daughter j "e wc-K-end m Portland and at a" Mrs. Lcnorc hchoor.
Sundav Mrs. Allan Nichols' sis. I of Mr. and Mrs. Rov Kiersev, Howard Hubbard home in . A short business session follow
ter and familv, Mr and Jlrs I who died Friday, Feb. 12. Three ; Clackamas. i cd. The blackboard committee
I'.wald Johnson and children and i l'""" sisters include Cecelia Ann, Mrs- Ernest Stanton returned reported successfully. Four new
their father, William Morrke all Gloria Jean, and Mary Beth Kier- hom' Thursday after spending a , members were added since last I
of Portland were aursts ' ' pv. i UPolt wi her daughters. Mrs. Ar- mooting. Mrs. J. L. Jenks, Miss
Mr. and Mrs. J. ;. Penland at-! i nolr! Mills and Mrs. Virgil Mar- j Mary Bronec. Mrs. E T. Me-,
ten.led f-.mii.. .ii ' Postmaster Charles Kellv and quardt at Alpine. Grath and Jlrs. J. Pirkle. Mrs. I
- " ' i or ,-.. .. ., .i t- i ... ' r,: . . : r-i. n....i ,.,,. i:,i,,:
...i t. riinpr and larnvni""" ulu"1" F"M,vi"t8
Salem vis- fu,M- . . ...
rnc next meeting win ne
M.-irph 17 at 1 n m Rphplcih lTnll
hostesses, Joan Caublc and' Nell "New Trends in Lighting" and
Stahlman. . piant ,c, ,
and twire-as-nttural
M-G-M i hilari
ous comedy of a
wheels... on the ml
life-size Motion
Picture Screen!. ..and
nllV'A nrnsnnl ni
Finnicum of Wehfoot! her cous- n,nni,',mi S ri Kathr? MrOE
home nf her siv'ter and husband I r,ork Prim J;ic,5nn celebrated Mrs. Lyle Pitncr ar
Jlr. and Jlrs. E. J. Linke at Carl-! V? c'1rs nf .wvice in the Mill : spent the past week in
ion, Miniiny, hnnorine their mnih. i v -
er. Mrs. .1. J. Knrale. Other rel- i
refreshments were served bv the
Monroe, of Unity district: Mis
Marcena Fowler of OSC, Corval
ten, both of JleMinnville: Mr
and Jtrs. Jlirhael Kipner of Sa-!
lem, Jlr. and Mrs. C. (i. Shaw of
Mr. and Jlrs. Richard Steinoff
Mr. i,n.l Mrs G.lcs Roikhill. ! "!, .lll.r.T
Jlr. and Mrs Dixon of McJIinn-1 iJVrllmV.
.mi', .'ii. aim ..irs. nan v.uoser
m ricBsanuinic were Sunday all-, n1(
rrniino liuesis n sir. and Airs. H.
II. Ilockhill nf Grand Island.
Mrs. Clarence Korkhill of
Grand Island, accompanied by
Mrs. K. T. Kitzmiller of Salrm,
motnred to Seiltle. Wash., for a
weekend with friends.
Charlie Nee Trio
Good Danccnble Music from
9:00 P.M. till 2:00 A M.
Come Early Trv Don's
Italian Spaghetti or
Mixed Plate
New Village Inn
30S7 Portland Rd. Ph. 4 IMS
Adm 0r Tax Inc.
Dlek Johnson's Orrh.
2.'.!) Court St
Cherry's Plantation
Complete AA
Dinners ? .WW
Open 4:30- 10:00
Sun., 12 to 9 - Closed .Monday
A loint meeting nf the Ameri
can Lesion Posts and the Aux
iliary Units of the Marion Coun
ty Council was held at the Legion
hall Friday ni'iht. Business meet
ings for each croup were held
separately, followed bv
Posts and units attendinc the
round meeting included those
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Reirhstein Salem Nn irt. SHom No. 0. Sil
it as .Sundav callers tl.o i ... mi a i a. j
friends: Rodney Putman and son ! Mill Citv.
l.oren of Vonclla: Howard Put-1 . .
man and his fiance. Miss .lean j Monday evening the rcmlar
Paris, both of Dayton: Mrs. Don- : ivoctinc of the Auxiliary Unit of
aid Hampton and daughter Dawn, I American I.e":cin Post NV VV)
of Lafayette r ,elr at the l.e-ion hall with
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Penland at- ''Tsident Joan Caublc in charce.
tended the Knife and Fork Club : Plans were made for the Amrrl
in McMinnville, Monday night. I can I.cinn birthday partv on
more more more more mor I March 27. Dolores Stewart was
Mrs. .1. G Penland and Mrs. 1 unnninted publicity chairman.
Glen McFarlane attended a T,v, Pnry Poster contest was
luncheon at the home nf a friend, d''",ted.
Jlrs. Dave Doering at Multnomah! ,n, c'ns,, ,nc m,,inll.
Tuesday, Feb. 16. ' i -
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. N rnmnifrrlal
I'.verelt .loeckel and children were if?- You Wnlkint up
friends. Mr. and Mrs l.lm-H I ,,. fcsOTI ver Taint More
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gooch, Sr., JTost people respond quicker
observed their 58th wedding an- In sounds than sights, averaging
niversary quietly last Sundav. IS hundredths nf a seei.nH In
. ! u-itl. n.i,H,.r ..r Ki : , nn .
social '.ii ,i..ii mi- rcsponn 10 suunn ano zu nun- i.imuy garnering lor the dredths of a second respond to
observance. j ,shts, experiments indicate.
"Canoe Prophecies" Pageant
Commrmoratinn Ihf 74lh Animriwy of (hr rhrmftwi lnilian
School Gymnasium-Fri. Feb. 26th 7:30 p.m.
Admission by Ticket Onlv
Adults tt High Srhnol .students SOc
Children (grades I K) 25c
rickets on sale at:
Moolry Pharmacy 19H9 N. Capitol St.
Wirklund Sporting (.ends 3', stair SU
Stevens & Sons Jewelers 3'0 Stale St.
Keller Pharmarv 4f40 Y River Road
Crystal Gardens
Salem, Oregon
Old Time & Modern
jjjj Chinese
Ends Today!
"East Of Sumatra"
"Serpent Of The Nile"
Both in Technicolor
King's most
migs most 7mW, A, JT1lirllAii:jil'r"
ramalirrolc! jfSrJ fp,lV"fZ7
-'itnsitv 1. JI
nnt no Kins - un
Feature at: 1 :30 - 4:10 - 6:45 9:30
Now! j
Prices this show only!
Adults: $1.25-Children: 50c
Mrt i ninetr 1'nnk
Vk SING, Trop.
Our new dance band enjoyed a arm reception last week, so
were again featuring the popular "BIDDY KYLE SEX
TETTE." Come early and enjoy a full rveninft of E1XE
DAM E MI S1C! ladies EREE until 10:00 as usual!
Dickson's 0US -T S
At 12th St. Junction
1 ' j Mi. South of Solcm
K" , - .I...".-,-... ;iA ..
Esther Williams
Van Johnson
"Easy to I.nve"
Also "The
Rohot Monster"
Two Big Hits! TiaVc'packedi!
for o Craot
' i. I A.'
k aidl 1 1 tin
&m mil