THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Saturday, February 20, 1954 SELECTED BIBLE PASSAGES BY SALEM AREA PASTORS PROVERBS 3-6: In all thy woys acknowledge him ond he shall direct thy paths. BRADLEY'S BICYCLE ft SPORT SHOP Formerly Moore's 237 N. High Ph. 3-3844 W.T. RIGDON CO. Funeral Directors 299 N. Cottage Phone 3-3173 I BEUTLER-QUISTAD LBR. CO "Everything to Build With" 405 Wallace Rd. Fh. 3-8181 ROBERTS BROS Department Store Page 16 m '1 m RCSS PRATT CAPITOL CITY TRASFER Moving - Protected Storage Expert Packing Agent for Mayflower Nationwide Furniture Moveri Phon 2-2436 230 S. Front St. CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. Typewriters - Adding Machines Accounting Machines Calculators LESTER DeLAPP TRANSFER-STORAGE "Local and Nation-wide Movers" Ph. 21750. 1115 N. Commercial ELECTRIC CLEANERS 565 Highland Ph.3-4821 R. L. ELFSTROM CO 260 S. Liberty FEDERAL OREGON AGENCY Insurance; All Types BBS N. Capitol Ph. 42201 V. T. GOLDEN MORTUARY 605 S. Commercial Ph.. 42257 IIENRY'S PHOTO SHOP Things Photographic 469 Slate St. Ph. 24505 HOTEL MARION Coffee Shop Open 7 a.m. -9 p.m. Special S1.S0 Sunday Dinner Noon Till 8 p.m. HOWELL-EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME Across From Scars 545 N. Capitol ni'Tf I1EON PAINT STORE Paints Varnishes Wallpaper Ph.3-6687 162 N. Commercial LUMBER DIVISION OREGON PULP JL PAPER CO. Quality Material Courteous Service Front tt Kerry Ph. 2421 DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. One Piece or a Truckload 1775 Lana Ave. Ph. 3-4939 t '1? THE PARABLE OF THE SHIP 5 Sin is the anchor on a man's soul. It lets him drift with every current and be buffeted by every storm, but it keeps hirri tied to the FLOOR of the sea. 5 Faith is the sail that rises from man's soul. It links his life to a Strength ABOVE and carries him ' forward to his destiny. 5 What good is the sail if the anchor is down? 5 That, in parable, was man's spiritual dilemma through all the ages before Christ 5 And, in parable again, the simple truth of the Christian Gospel is that Jesus Christ in dying for the sins of men has forever cut away the anchor! V ll 1 . hti; VI 'I is a ' chraci.r , clor on tank n .urlv.. T; ' doc,ocv '"ut o Chrifr Rook -unfa "vnat- r R. E. LADD Electric Wiring and Repair Construction-Commercial Residential Phone 4-2543 Rt. 4, Box 309 SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. SENATOR HOTEL ft COFFEE SHOP SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL 9 P.M. Court & High Sts., Salem ' Ph. 34151 SILVER FALLS ELECTRIC Ow,ned & Operated by L. H. Campbell 3650 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4-1886 TWEEDIE FUEL OILS Oil to Burn" Ph. 2-4151 1174 Edgewatcr West Salem THE VISTA MARKET Complete Shopping Center 3045 S. Commercial UNITED THEATRE CORP. Elsinore - Capitol Grand Liberty - State - Drive-In MASTER BREAD Brought to You Fresh Daily By Your Grocer and Cherry City Baking Co MONTGOMERY WARD Department Store VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER Salem. 2302 Fairgrounds Road Woodburn. 171 Grant Motorola, RCA-Victor. Dumont Hoffman Television Complete Sales and Service PAY LESS DRUG STORE Tay Less Has Everything" 48 State St. Thone 2-3654 MITCHELL'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Complete Television and Radio Sales A: Service We Give i'WT Green Stamps" Phone 3-7577 1880 State MAYFLOWER MILK Dione 39205 I.ES NEWMAN'S Men s Wear and Shoes 179 N. Commercial VALLEY TRACTOR COMPANY Ford 'Iractor Sales & Service 3333 Silverton Rd VALLEY PACKING CO The ttomc of Famous Cascade Hams, Meats, Bacons" 2805 Valpak Rd. Fh. 3-4158 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Authorized Buirk Sales-Service 388 N. Commercial Ph. 2-3621 THIS SERIES OF ADS IS BEING PUBLISED EACH WEEK UNDER THE AUSP.CES OF THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY AND IN THE INTFRST OF ALL SALEM AREA CHURCHES, AND SPONSORED BY THE PUBL.C SPIRITED CIVIC MINDED BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS f u p u f i 1 1 M f