THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Page 15 . 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 810 Farms, Acreage For Sale 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive BPS Houses For Sale 852 Used Cars For Sale B52 Used Cars For Sale 852 Used Cart For Sale Saturday, February 20, 1954 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY 2 TO 5 P.M. Kelzer new' 2 br- and d'n ln" tide, utility room, rough-in for automatic washer and dryer. Double garage with overhead storage over 1200 sq. t. on large lot In area of nica homes. Located 2 blks. Sr. 1 blk. West ol Keizer school at 4769 Elvira St. PADE J. KEEN HOME BUILDER Let Us Build Your Home PH. 2-7698 OR 2-1431 175 ACRE FARM Only 5 ml. S. F- of city with Vi M. frontage on Hi-Way. 60 A. fesque. 50 A. perma crass, 35 A. grain, J5 A. pasture. 5 A. orchard & building site. Grade A dairy barn, modern 4 bedr. house with base ment, furnace & fireplace. Owner will consider smaller farm In part . trade, vaclnity of Silverton. This li a paying farm at only $273 per acre. Making It a real good farm buy better see It today. $800 DOWN rm.i din. area, this desired hm. Well built, insulated home, Ige liv. Is appraised FHA at $9100. Your can buy ;t today for $7900 as owner must leave city. Location near Ealem Heights schol. Art Madsen Realty 132g State St. Tel. 3-5580. Eve. 4-2B.13 BY OWNER. Late built Suburban ranch style 3-bdrm. att. double gar. Auto, oil heat. Large lot. Terms. Ph. 2-1103. 8,000 VERY GOOD 7 room home in Fairmonnt District made into 2 nice clean apartments, mostly fur nished, basement, furnace, double garage, new roof. If you don't want rentals just open the door and have a well arranged 3 bed rm. home with 2 baths. You can't beat this anywhere. GO. A. WALTERS REALTOR Phone 26714 , 960 S. Com'l., Eve. J6714 COAST COTTAGE FOR SALE OR TRADE New 2 room & bath, att. garage, good ocean view. Call E. L, Gray, 3-3542. Open House BY BUILDER Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 2-8 P.M. 715 Larry Ave. (Near Manbrin Gardens) BRAND NEW 2 B.R. with fireplace, attached garage, large lot. Price $8,250. Ph. 4-4287. BY BUILDER Just completed 3 bdrm. home. Dining rm., fireplace, gumwood kitchen, separate utility room, nice bath with dressing table mirror. Mon tag furnace, close to Leslie sch. Only 11,500. Call 3-8547. for a pp. In eve. Looking for a home of your own at the low price of $ti850. L. R. kit., Brkt. nk.. 2 B. R., bath, util. Oil heat, garage, close to bus and school. Verv neatly kept. LOW DOWN Beautiful landscaping helps make you want to sec the inside of this 2 B. R. home. L. R. Kit.. Bath, and cellar. Has oil heat, garage with working space. Located on large lot, for only $5700. Gleason Realty 1143 So. Commercial Ph. 1-0923; eve. 4-4618. 3-8807. 2-0085 !i A. WITH garage house. Excellent deep well and pump. Located 2 ml. N. of Keizer on St. Paul Highway. Rt. 2 Box 246AA. $600 DOWN BEST deal in Salem for a low down down pavmcnt. 2 bedrooms. Living room. Good kitchen. Big garage and lot. $9,950. FHA built. North 17th Street BEAUTIFUL 2-bedroom home. Liv-I-, rnnm Firenlace. Nice kitchen. Inside utility. Forced air oil heat. Garage. Good lot. $11.900. Basement and View BE THE first to live In this new home south near school. 2 bry Kirenlace. Oil furnace In basement. Insulated. $13,900 RAMSEY. REALTOR 2na4 North Commercial Office 4-6211 Eve. 3-7072 or 2-7646 or 4-1696 $9850 2 bedrooms. Dinette. East. Terms nANi-H TYPE I Bedrooms. Double plumbing. Low down payment. Consider small home In trade. Ph. 4-5384. Seal Realty. 808 Lots For Sale LOTS 60x132 $10. Down $10 a Month. Owner 2-8611 Eve. 3-6612. START THAT NEW home nowl Lg. ritv lots. Terms or iraoe. ror ur formation Ph. owner 4-4326. BY OWNER. Choice lot on oak St between Liberty and High. Phone 3-3931 or 3-6853. Business Directory ArPLIANCEJjEjjAjrB 24-HOUR SERVICE, all makes. Red s Appliance Repair!. 2-S450. 2-5,3,. bkhTuso CAPITOL Bedding Mattress rcno vimNfwjmillres'cs, 3-4069. iu'U.ii..'t; . Bulldozing, clranni; roans, ponua D-4. D-6, 2-3146 carryall V. Huskey, Ph HOtSKIIt)l,ll'Jtl)CTS FOR prompt, free delivery of WAT KINS products, please call dllnn tilor, 1135 So. Commercial St. Sa ' lem. Ph. 3-5395. Dealer applications Invited. . stanlev Home Product'. Lee Mlndt. 1680 Mali5on.Ph 3-41156. Ijwnnwe"rShapenlntRrpjilr. HAND mowers $2. Free pick-up & drl!very.Ph. 2-4M613th f D. nVrskrv school FINE'S Fairvland nursery school. 8j5 Mission Ph 2-7659 PLUMBING 24-HR PUMP service on an rn". water systems Brownie Valdel 2-3786 REJJOFRSrSFRVICE All makes and models. Al Laue Re- frigerallon Ph. 3-5443. iTpTICTAsks . mike'R Senile Service. Tanks clean ed. D'rooler cleans sewers, drains Phone 3.Mf.8. ""Sewer enlic tank', drains clean ed. Ri.t"-R"Oter S'wer Service Phone 3-5327. Hamel'a sep'tlc tanks cleaned, line service Ginranleed work rnone 3-:o. 2--""4 frtTfTwoR k Mt'KING ft cryln insuren op. (An agency devoted entirely to home-selling operated by Theo. G. Nelson, Realtor-Appraiser SRA and five neighborhood salesmen.) RI OR TTifir riDTirtw Just outside city, water from deep tract f tumo. x-n oi un. i x la como. Kit. et nook. High quality Delco Auto. Perimeter heat, tile firs. 3 blks to school. Approx. 1, ac. G.I. " Pn to buy. Price $9850. Percy Gorton, Sim. Office Ph. 44441 Res. Ph. 2-4092. Large LR At DR comb, with nice fplace 2-5959 v.v. iwy Darner, aim. umce rn. 4-4441. Hes. win T . nnv hicvuvmh Two-car gar. 2 bdrms down, room for t. I u "Vr" nu IDr "oo terms. oy darker, sun. Ph. 4-4441. Res. ph. 2 5951. STATF. ST nilGlMTCC trww Good Slder home wiln lncon". 5 bdrm. . "uiiii. pi. up wnn como. im & Kir,, pantry. Both. Outside stairs to nd floor. All spacious rooms. 3 car gar. $9,000. Additional property avail, to make MO' stt fit frnt... r;.... t u ci m,,-- tm. 4-4441. Res. 4-2436. HmT.vwfinn Comfortable older type 2 bdrm. home - Jijwic. Aiitn. tar. oi Morgan Sim. Oifice Ph. 4-4441. Rea. FflB NFinHnnHHOATl Good 2 bdrm. home with full basement V .... """, "e uuice siogs., etc. "uick" Jtogers, aim. Office Ph. 4-4441. Res. Ph. 2-5550. your NTttGHRnnwrtnn kat.tcmim Five HOMESELLER salesmen are keeping constant check on about 100 numcs eacn ior sale in ineir respective neighborhoods and consolidat ing their Information at HOMESELLERS headquarters. Up-to-the-minute Information about home sales in your neighborhood will help you whether you want to buy a home or sell one. Call 4-4441 for the name and phone number of the HOMESELLER salesman or saleswoman for your neighborhood. It will be worth your while to get acquainted with the HOMESELLER salesman for your neighborhood. THE HOMESELLERS MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS THEO. G. NELSON, MGR. . IN TH HUB OF SALEM EASY PARKING 702 N. HIGH, SALEM PH. 4-4441 Salesmen Barker, Res. Ph. 2-5959. Gorton. Res. Ph. 2-4092. Moriran. Res. Ph. 4-6038. Rogers, Res. Ph. HOW COME? Three bedroom home in the Englewood District. Hardwood floors, fireplace, basement with oil heat. Extra nice yard with fruit trees and outside fireplace. Close to school and shopping center. Call Ralph Maddy anytime. LEE OHMART REALLY 3 bedroom home on Fairmont Hill. Double garage, a large, shady back yard an in lawn, mis nome is aone in pleasing colors inside ana out, high est quality workmanship. Wall to wall carpet and drapes included. $24,900. Call Louis Lorenz. KEIZER DISTRICT Vi acre. 3 bedroom home. Lots of flowers and shrubs. Large garage, could oe usea ior extra living quarters, sn.ouu. ask ior lea Morrison. 13 ACRES NEAR FRUITLAND Nearly new 3 bedroom home, needs oiii-nuiidings. All Willamette sin smaller place, call i-ienry lorvend. OHMART & CALABA, Realtors 477 Court St. Phone 2-4115, 3-4116 Eve. Salesmen: Ralph Maddy 2-3488. Louis Lorenz 3-5590, Ted Morrison 2-5048. Henry Torvend 3-3632 . ONE OF KINGWOOD HEIGHTS NICEST HOMES Large lot. beautiful setting, view. Sprinkling system, l.arge 3-nnrm. nome. oasmi.. i me placcs. dble. garage. For appointment CALL RICHARD E. GRABEN-HORST SPLENDID ENGLEWOOD LOCATION home, partial hnck front, 3 nice norms.. 2 aown ana i up. iiv. rm., din. rm.. fireplace, hwd. firs., full basmt.. autn-oll heat fenced yard. Excellent condition $12500. CALL ROY S. FERRIS NEAT At COZY Is this 2-bdrm. home with add'l. finished bdrm. or den over garage. Liv. rm., din. rm., kitchen with eating space, bath with shower. State G. I. Loan to be assumed. CALL J. E. LAW CALSS "A" OFFICES AND STOREROOMS Off Street Parking Located close to downtown Salem and State Capitol Bldgs. Immediate posses sion. For details-CALL C. L. GRABENHORST WALNUT PARK DISTRICT This attractive 2-bdrm. home is five years old. Has a Ice liv. and din. rm. with wall to wall carpeting. Inside utility rm. and manv other nice features. Located on a corner lot In a frirndlv neighborhood. The price Is Just $8,450 with terms. CALL H. K. LAYMON NURSING HOME Splendid location close In. room for 15 patients now showing gross Income of $1,61500 per month. Good lease supplies and equipment. Full price $3,750. CALL GRABENHORST BROS. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY PHONE 2-2471 Evenings & Sundays call Salesmen L'MAl-.tMi!l K. Layman 2-5193 Rny S. 806 Houses For Sale LEAVING MUST 2-bedr.. 5-rm. home. Plastered, hdw. stripped. 1.050 sq. ft. flor space, welded frame 2-wheel trailer. $70. old Hl-way. Ph. 4-2471. II OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH 2165 WALKER STREET Thii lovelv home will be open for your Inspection from 2 00 to 4 00 pm 2 bed'roms, h.ith with droinft table, inside utility room, base ment furnace room, kltch with many built-ins, large living and dining room, lawn, shrubs, walnut and cherry trees, fenced In back Vitrei This is ntcelv located for mate institutional workers. Price is $oooci00 and is under market price. Drive out North 24th to Walker Street. Hfway between C'hcmcketa and Breyman Street. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 MASONIC BUILDING Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans Office: 3-9217 Eves.: 2-4709 or 3-7,168 HOME ft INCOME Live in one, make the other one , feed you. One 2-BR. plastered 1 home. 3 yrs. old. Also. 4-BR. home on rear of Int. 4 yrs. old. Bolh are clean and worth the asking price of $13,000. For appoint, call George Patrnv. FtlRNIS.lED HOME. $500 DOWN or less io r""n'iWe party. 4 yrs. old. plastered. H W. flis. oil f. I.. slniace spare In altic. $7.500 MAKE C ASH OFFKR ON ACREAGE Choice 7. A. mining Lake Labuh. Ha good 3 BR. home. Poor barn ft out hides. Aslting price H0..VO. AIXEN C. JONES, REALTOR 231 N. High S-5838, eve. 4-1689, 2-9841 weU, new home with J bdrms.. and w-w carpet. Attch. garage, close 2 In unfinished upstairs. One acre. dn. with LR, DR. Kit., Util. & Bath. " 1 " "' titoi, tin in nice ' location. Large LR & DR. oa x ea fenced, snada trees. Edna Ph. 4-6038. DTIITTV Olfitn. on a 50 x 305 lot near large apart- 2-5550. Tomtin. Res. Ph. 4-2436 RUDY CALABA LOVELY some finishing work. Barn and other sou. AH year creek. Will trade for 1550 Jefferson good English style Ferris 2 8010 J. E Law 3-5113 806 Houses For Sale COUNTRY SELL floors throughout. Insulated, weather more or less, A. lot. $6,500. All steel Rt. 4. Box 515. 5 ml. S. on concrete Near Capitol Bldg. 3 bedrooms, two downntatr. one up. full hatJcment, oil forced air heal. close to schools. In excellent con dition. J. B. YOUNG REALTOR 43.1 N. Huh St. Phone 2-6680 ATTRACTIVE 2-bdrm. Large ensets. 2 vrs. old. i j block to bit.. 3 hlocks 10 school, shopping crnler. Kcircr. $9,650. Includes new autnm. washer, stove, refrtg. 965 Dearborn. 4-4067. mm m WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES 25 YEAR Gl LOANS WITH ONLY S'i DOWN AVAILABLE NOW. ALSO FHA 25 YEAR LOANS. $500 DOWN On this two bedroom home. It's not new but believe us It s a ouy. bcp. utility room. Choice location. In sulated. Bus t lk. Full price only ttWO. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, eve. ph. 2-7679 Sim.) ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME Over si acre. Beautifully landscaped. 15 yrs. old. 4 oearoom moaern home. Oil heat. Large garage. Cor ner lot East. $12,000. Swap for small 2 bedroom home. Clear on small lot. (Call for MR CRAW FORD. eve. ph. 4-5020 S!m.) ALL THAT YOU DESIRE Shiny new home In a new district. Tile bath. Separate shower stalls. Spacious rooms. Lawn Is in. Almost immediate possession. This is a deal for $10,500. Terms. (Call for " MR. GRIMMETT, eve. ph. 2-7679 Sim.) LOCATION That Is Increasing in value daily. Business Is growing nearer and nearer. This Is ideal. While you are waiting for development you ran either live In the house or It will make a good rental property. 3 Bedrooms. Sep. utility room. In good repair. Corner lot. Garage. Full price only $7500. Owner will consider smaller house as part pay ment. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) DON'T BE A MILLIONAIRE Live like one, In this gorgeous home. It lias everyining a nousewite can wish for. Spacious rooms. Unusual amount of builtlns. One of the loveliest dens you have ever seen. The fireplace will mow you down. The wall-to-wall carpets will make your eyes water. Mi Baths. Youngs town kitchen that's really a honey. Washer and dryer. 2 car spacious att. garage. Radiant heat that makes you cofortable just to think about it. Velvety lawn. Flowers and shrubs that are second to none. Roomy corner lot. And on top of all this, the owner will take an other home in trade .The price is only $24,500. (Call for MR. GRIM METT, eve. ph. 2-7679 Sim.) IMPLEMENTS Plus a very popular hardware store. in one oz ine vaueys prosperous farming communities. Nationally advertised line of machinery. No dead stock to buy. Is and has been a big money maker for many years. Purchase price for fixtures, shelves, 2 trucks, shop tools and equipment onlv S12.000. Owner will either sell btdg. or lease to buyer. (Call for N. G. "DAN" 1SAAK, eve. ph. Sim.) MOTEL TRADE For a farm or home. It's a dandy. i single, 1 double unlta plus a modern clean home with an apart ment. Located whera vacancies are almost unheard of. Paved drive ways. Lota of neon tubing. Well furnished. Full price only $35,000. Terms if desired. (Call for N. G. DAN" ISAAK, eve. ph. 4-3533 ..Choice suburban A brand new home on a 3-acre tract, Very best of Chehalia soil. Paved road. Near subdivision. Very good well. Att. garage. Lawn and snruns. Full price only $8950. (Call for MR. cka wfo hu, eve. pn. i-auau aim.; VA ACRES Very good modern 2 bedroom house. Built In 11HB. ciose in norm. win. soil. Garage. Several fruit trees. Nice lawn. Full price only $7P50. Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Sim.) 87 ACRES Will, and Amity soil. No waste land. Onlv 9',a miles from haiem. mosi of this land Is tiled. Suitable for most any kind of crop. Modern 3 hedroom house. Garage. Chicken house. Full nrice $23,500. Terms ar ranged. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Sim.) 70 ACRES $6000 Is all this man Is asking for this farm. This would make a very gooo sheep ranch. Only 5 miles from town. 14 A. cherries. Wonderful view. Smaller livable house. School bus. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-47T! Slm.l ' LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO. REALTOR Office Phones 4-3311 or 3-7820 3035 Portland Rnad 3-4735. 4-3533. 4-5020. 2-7679. 3-5452 If No Answer. Call 4-224B BETTER SEE THIS. New 4 bdrm. family home on large lot. mrge liv. rm.. din. rm., kit., oil forced air heat, close to Washington School, city bus ,i block. A good buy at $11,750.00. FISHERMAN'S PARADISE. This heautllul new home wltn w acres an cultivated. Located on a fishing stream. Has liv. rm. 16 x 30, din. rm. IS i 24. kit. 15 x 21. 2 bdrms. 12 X 16. 1 bdrm. 15 X 20. 2000 sq. ft. floor space. Only $20,000. TRAD OWNER NEEDS MORE ROOM. Nice 2 bdrm. home with basement, patio." large lot In St Vincent's district, onlv 3 VrS. old Will trade for larger home. Priced right. $5.650 00. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2319 Stale St. Office ph. 2-8591 Evenings call: Simpson 3-82.W. Vandrrvort 2-6268, Rurh 3-7!15. Elllnecr 4-5328 GARDEN SPOT If you like larRP lot with Rood soil, pre this four ypar old nnme now tt ha 2 bedrooms. Itvintf rnntn dining room, nice kitchen, (nitric iitilitv. cnled sarace. hrautilully linritr.inpri Price reduced to $R oonno with 5 down to oualified veteran. Call Mr. Parson!, unlet man. INDUSTRIAL LOCATION Approximately 4 acres located tn cltv limit in tndsutrifit area. Adta cent to railroad. .Jut risht for any tvpe manufacturine, warehouses, etc. Call Mr. Parsons, salesman. THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY Verv well planned new three bed room home with large livint? room, dining room, birch cabinets in kitchen, automatic oil he;it. hard wood floor, good district eloe in. Onlv JK ft.W.OO. Financing open to your offer. 5' down to qualified veteran. C. V. Kent & Co. REALTORS 456 North Church Phone 4-21:93 Eves: Parsons 2-1508. K'nl 2-2780 ToPlaceAd Call2-2441 BY OWNER Lovely new 1 bdrm. on 4 acres. L.R., D.R.. fireplace, kltch. en, utility rm.. attached garage, dern 6" well. Clear Lake Dist. Ph. 2-2664, 812 Exchange! Real Estate Late built 2 bedroom home to trade for 10 to 20 acres with good house. Older type 3 bedroom home on 99E to trade for farm land. Residence Court with monthly In. come of $400 trade for farm land. E. A. McGlauf lin, Realtor 1035 Broad way 2-6611 Eve 4-2619 $16,000 EQUITY resident court for Willamette Valley or coast. 3-5085. WILL TRADE 2 bedroom house in Salem, Oregon for properly In Amarillo, Texas or anywhere in West Texas. Write box 235 Statesman-Journal. BUILDING LOTS are easier to get than you think. Still good ones left in city. Trade or terms to suit Owner. Ph. 4-4326. 2 BDRM. HOUSE, garage, and 'i acre east Albany for trailer house up to $3,600 00. Phone 2707-R-8, 5 till 7 p.m. 220 Marilyn. Albany. LARGE 2 bedroom house, Kingwood Heights. For small house, Salem. Phone 3-5018 before 1 p.m. WILL TRADE 3 bdrm. home, near bus, tor 5 to 80 A. 2142 Bruro SL Ph. 3-3473. TRADE equity in 2-bedroom home. For late model car or good lot. Ph. 4-4733. 818 Wanted, Real Estate WANTS SMALL FARM We do not list farms for sale but one of our salesmen has been asked by an out of State cash customer to locate a 30 to 40 acre farm for him near Salem by Sat urday niRht. Wants good barn. 3 bdrm house, and soil good for stock and grain. Broker coopera tion appreciated. Call "Dick" Rogers. Res. Ph. 2-5550. 702 N. High Ph. 4-4441 HAVE 3 cash buyers who want nice 3-bdrm. homes close to New Leslie School. Sea t(KIG" KIGGINS. Eve. ph. 4-5494. Have 5 Cash Buyers wanting 30 to 100 acres. Good Valley farms. See T. T. ANDERSON, farm agent, eve, ph. 4-2714. - 850 Automotive 851 flulo Parts & Bepalrs WILL sacrifice 1950 Dodse motor for immediate sale, contact 3725 Bell Rd. B52 Used Cars For Sale BUY & SAVE THESE Mobile homes used just enough to depreciate but not enough to lose their newness,. 1953 VAGABOND 35" 2 BEDRM. 1953 FLEETWOOD 27' BATH 1952 KIT REGAL 35' 1 BEDRM. 1952 KIT REGAL 35' 2 BEDRM. 1952 CUSTOM CRAFT 25' BATH JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2840 Portland Road '50 BUICK Special. 4-dr. sdn., RftH. dynaflow. ftia. ace nei ml x-oucr Bros. SERVICEMAN going overseas must sell 1939 BulcK business coupe, liii 4-5660. 51 MERC. SPORT coupe. Black, very clean. H.ftH., o.u. r,ew w.v. urc, custom seat covers. Ph. 2-4029. PACKARD 1950 two-door club sedan, n ec n. OD, electric ciuicn. Clean a, in". 1 owner, A-l shape. $975 JO & MO USED CARS 253 Union Across From The Park Dlunnnlh flh. Cn.. RftH real nice car pricea nun. Terms on this one. Anderson's. 335 Chemeketa St 39 DODGE, '47 motor. $50. Ph. 4-3628 eve. FOR SALE or trade, heavy duty trailer hitch. Built ior pickup or truck. 715 Larry Ave. Ph. 4-4287. 40 PLY. 4-DR. SED. txr. through- out. New tires, rn, a-ausj sow o p.m. 1950 FLF.ETLINE 2-door Chev. txc. cond. Lyle Mcriiniey, wooauum. Ph. 3203 Gervals . 1937 CHRYSLER, excellent cond. Rea- sonahle. Phone .-onn. 49 CHEV. 4-dr. Sedan. $700. 4310 Liberty Rd. 2-7466. 8S4 Trucks, Trailers For Sale 46 FORD I'i ton with van. Priced to sell. Ph. 4-63.15 FORD PANEL fixed for hunting and fishing. Butane stove. Ire box. 35 gal. water tank. Sink, 4 bunks, good rubber, rebuilt motor. $200. 1265 Cottage. . 1952 FORD pickup. like new. $1,000. Ph. 2-5:68 or 2-5777. FoitAI.E 1 wheel trailer with hit ches, water nroof floor. 4-3-3 foot box. 4.11 Manbrin DrPh-J?-4.'".'., A VERY CLEAN 1948 Innit whcrl base Chevrolet trurk, tl.ilhcd and ,n,inhnv Onlv 20.229 actual mllr-s. Huns like a ton. priced Phone 4-5il'i8 2230 I.anMnR AveJ iTllR KB11 drive. Equipped wilh limber rolls. Alrhr.ikes. excel. ihh.r New 11 D 450 motor, has onlv R.000 miles. This trurk is pear perfect cond. tliroiichonl. Wooriburn 4:i27 or 6916. 856 Wanted, Cars Trucks 1919 OR 1M0 Ford 4-dr. from private owner. Phone 2-2095. 862 House Trailers 29-FT. TrnvMiie home Irnilrr. 'M niodrl. cx(l m nrw. Out J4.2.V.. Strnflcp for 2.T(S wih TV. W. H. Gore. Rt. 1, B"X fiJW. HtRhland Ave, Aloha. Ore, Ph. ff-2?2. t"(i4flao.ft. 2-brdrom mobile home. fully equipped js p.irt payment on umlill 2-hrdroom homf. North. .TOE NOONCHKSTFR. ReM Kstate l.ir5 N. CoMit-pc. 4-3fifi1d;tynrvp. House Trailer Wanted Student wishes to trade equity In modern 2 B. It home lor nlre clean house tiailer. IJelails: PH. 4-10JI2 Sat. or Sun. or alter 8 .10 p.m. on wrekdavs. EASIFHN-nuilt HOI.LOIIOME 27' to 45'. See before .vou buy. Lana Lane Trailer Plaraj. I9II1 l ana Ave. For-the rxsl in Trailer homes new or M.ert Wi'h terms available See JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2640 Portland Road IT'S UNBELIEVABLE! BUT WE "ARE CONTINUING OUR ' AMAZING" NO FINANCE CHARGE" SALE! THROUGH FEBRUARY 19TH MANY MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. AN EXCLUSIVE S. E. I. WARRANTY FOR 6 MONTHS OR 6,000 MILES TO DEPEND UPON. PHONE S-314T 'S3 CHRYSLER SEDAN $1 Windsor Deluxe, radio, heat-s er, power steering, Solex glass ono local owner gava excellent care. 51 BUICK. SPECIAL 2-DOOR 1499 Radio, heater. Easy Eye glass, excellent tires. We sold new and have complete service record. DOLLAR SAVERS '4? Mercury Club ..$825 '4B Pontiao 6 Sedanet 49 Hudson Sedan loaded . '48 Chevrolet Club . 195 '47 Bulck Super Sedan 595 '46 Pontlac Sedan 450 '36 Studebaker Sedan to ATTRACTIVE PAIR Here are two Lulua you can have for the nrlce of one take one home for junior to hammer on, or put It In the yard for a flower pot. TWO 1941 Bulck Sedans $128 YOU GET A BETTER USED CAR FROM A BUICK DEALER OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY OREGON'S NUMBER ONE DEALER Commercial at Center Phone 2-.1623 SPECIAL FOR TODAY! 1948 Nash "600" 4-door sedan, radio. heater. Its lops. A rest oargain at only $325 STATE MOTORS, INC. 678 So. 12th "88" OLDS 1950 model, R&H, hydra., black 4-dr., whltewalls, clean and sharp. $1250 JO & MO USED CARS 253 Union Across from The Park 1950 OLDS. 4-dr. sedan. Fully after 6 p.m. Ph. equipped. 3-3514. Call 1933 FORD Cpe. Good transporta tion, only $50. Ph. 2-9807. 850 Blller after 6 p m. 46 HUDSON In exc. cond. with good tires and new brake-. Will sell at a sacrifice. Call 2-3261 after 4:00. '39 CHEV. business coupe, top shape. Or will trade for milk cow or lay Ins hens. K. W. Hunt, Rt. 1, Lyons, Ore. 1951 HENRY J. 6-cyl., seat covers, radio, healer. 22 miles pfMl. de nr.nri.ihlo. economical transporta tion. $595. Call 2-3917 or 2-5927 after 5 p m. , rum 4-Hnn. Hnlnv.. healer. and powerRllde. new seat covers, clean car. Can be seen after 4 Fri- , day, all day sat. Phone 3-3757. j ll. N. 2.1rd. Must sell. $Ba5, FOR SALE: Good clean 1946 Chev. , Lib. Cpe., RftH. Phone 2-48H7. i MAKE MR an offer on my 51 Pack ard "300". Fully equipped. Will sell ticlow book. Arrange, financing. Ph. 4-4326. 52 FORD deluxe pickup low mileage, beater, 2.190 S. Cml. $1,025. 1 1 , 4 speed. new tires. 1953 MERCURY 4-door. RoVII. excel lint condition, $2,145. Call Salem 2-5O30. 1050 OLDS "BR" HOLIDAY 4-DOOR. Radio. Healer, Hvdramatlc, while wail nres, in tone finish, low mileage. You can t hm. mnrn .nlnvmcnt and comfort for only - $195 CHARLES MUSSEU PHONE 4-4W2 HIGH AND MARIOS EXCEPTIONAL 1931 Hudson Com. modore "8" club coupe. I owner, radio and heater, hydramatic. $l.2.'i0. Call Mr. Heck. 3-4l';8 before 5 nm.. 4-4856 eve. 39 PONTIAC t pass, coupe. Call after l, 4-3231. Fiiiia pJkl-aire ht. $i.9.v l ow mile- are. exc. cond. Owner 2-0478. '4!4-b"STl.'r. Commander, new w. a w. tires. Good motor, body sharp. OD. Cheap. 1947 State. VALLEY MOTOR USED CAR MART CENTER AT HIGH NOT JUNK! GOOD SOUND TRANSPORTATION PRICED RIGHT! 1948 Ford .-Dr., low mileage . $395 1946 Dodge, A-l condition $395 1948 Chevrolet Aero $495 1947 Chevrolet Tudor, two-tone $295 1946 Plymouth 4-Door $395 1946 Hudson, extra clean ... . ...$195 1941 Olds Club Coupe, good one . ...... $165 1942 Chrysler, motor overhauled . ..$175 1942 Plymouth Sedan - $195 1942 Packard Sedan .......$125 1940 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan $125 1940 Chevrolet Coupe $ 95 1947 Kaiser, sharp $265 1941 Plymouth Sedan . $100 1930 Model "A" Pickup, large wheels , $ 95 PICKUPS 1951 Dodge -Ton, 4-speed, deluxe cab. This one Is sharp..$895 1950 Chevrolet, deluxe cab, R&H, and canopy $875 1948 G. M, C, radio, heater, deluxe cab and only $595 THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF OUR CARS. AND WE LOVE TO TRADE FOR ANYTHING! OPEN SUNDAY LEONARD'S USED CARS 275 LANCASTER DRIVE (LEONARD DEWEY'S WOW what BUYS 52 STUDE. V-8 COM. SDN. Spec this weekend only. $1195.00 49 CHEV. SEDAN DELIVERY Like new (they re scarce' 793-w '4rf FORD V-8 SEDAN Wow, look, look I Only 350.00 41 BUICK SEDANET A pre-war '54 oh-oh - 40 PLYMOUTH CLUB Late motor 40 JVASH 600 SEDAN All recond., 1 owner . ?.77 BUYS LIKE THESE ONLY AT DEWEY'S 3080 Market St. Phone 3-4061 BUYS WE ARE OFFERING THE FOLLOWING CHEAP1ES FOR THE WEEK-END. ALL NEED SOME WORK, BUT CAN BE PUT IN GOOD CONDITION FOR LITTLE BY ANYONE MECHANICALLY INCLINED. $40 EACH '42 PLYMOUTH '41 CHEVROLET 39 STUDEBAKER 39 PLYMOUTH '39 BUICK $100 EACH 1 . , '42 PACKARD 1 , . '41 FORD 1 , , '41 CHEVROLET 1 . '40 BUICK STATE MOTORS, INC. 678 SO. 12th 1011 Buick Spec. Sdn. R (V H, a real nice running car priced right. Anderson's, 335 Chemeketa St. 1941 Cadillac Clb. Cpe. Radio, Heater Hydro Black wilh WSW Tires 100,1 mechanical guarantee, Anderson's. 3.15 Chemeketa St. 1947 Chev. Aero R At H runs good priced right. Anderson's, 335 Chemeketa St. Statesman-Journal Newspapers 280 NORTH STATESMAN 2-2441 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Mln2 1inesl 'Weekdays "Sundays oer line. 1 time J5 3i ott line. 3 times 90 80 oer line 6 times $130 $120 oer line. 1 month - $5 00 (Incl.Sun.) Classified ads will he run In both n-nra in mvm advertisers the ad vantages of the tremendous pulling power of 35.600 combined circula tions. When an ad Is ordered three or tlx times and a Sunday Issue Is In. eluded ifor example: Frldav. Satur day. Sundavl the lower Sunday rates apply because only the Statesman ouhlishes Sundays Classified ads will start in ine morning Oreson Staiesman, conchitle In the evening Capital Journal. -But ads will be accepied for Sunday Staiesman onlv The deadline for classified ads Is 1 no p m ihe dav before publica tion. Emergency adi end small line SALEM CAPPS. PROP.) PHONE 44642 NEW 1953 OLDSMOBILES AT BIG DISCOUNTS "88" Super Sedans "98" Sedans AN OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE REAL MONEY WHILE THEY LAST! LODER BROS. CO. 25 YEARS YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER 465 CENTER STREET PHONE 4-2261 1948 Kaiser Sedan R At H One Owner clean as a pin. Anderson's. 335 Chemeketa St. CHEAP transportation '37 Plymouth 4-dr. sedan, trailer hitch. 2 new re caps, motor, battery, good, body rough. Best offer before Sunday. Ph. 3-6255. 1951 CHEV. Bel-air hard top, radio, heater, 2 tone gray. Excellent cond. $1,195. Ph. 2-8064. CHURCH STREET JOURNAL 1-2408 ads received after 1:00 pm. may be placed in the "loo Classify" column for the Late TO following morning. The Statesman-Journal Newspapers reserves the right to relet' lust- HnnnhU arivertlslnf. It further re serves the right to place all adver using under me proper ciam Uon. The Statesman-Journal Newspapers assumes no financial responsibility for errora which may apptsr in ad vertlsements published In its columns and In cases where this paper Is a fault will reprint that part of as advertisement In which the typo graphical mistake occurs. A 'Blind' Ad an ad containing a Slatesman-Journal Newspapers box number for an address is for the protection of the advertisers ana must therefore be answered by let. ter The Statesman-Journal News, papers are not at liberty to divulge Information as to the Identity of en advertiser using "Blind" sd. erator. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 4-I46I.