THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Saturday, February 20, 1954 450 Merchandise 4.S0 Merchandise 600 Employment 700 Rentals 700 Rentals 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate Fage 14 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous EXTRA SPECIAL!! GALVANIZED PIPE BEST QUALITY AMERICAN MANUFACTURED SIZE, REG. '.'tc FT i" SIZE, KEG. J5',ic IT JH".SIZE. BEG. 33',ic FT , - SOLD IN 21-FOOT MONTGOMERY 155 NO. IJBERTY 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous CONSOLETTE 21" TV set, all rhan ' nel timer, A-l condition, complete icuarantee. Keg. J31H.DS, sale, MUN.DS. Blond or mahOKany. Montgomery Ward & Co., Phong 3-31l. PAINT, t2.29 gal. Glen Wuodry. PAINT, $2.29 gal. Glen Woodry. Used Brick 12th and State St. Walling Sand and Gravel Co. Call 3-9249 SINGLE, also twin size Thayer baby busev. Boln good condition, rn. 4-2691. TAPPAN GAS RANGE with visual, it oven and stainless steel burn. ers, like new. Good buy at l(JO. .U WaiOO AVC I'll. 1,200 BR. FT. 3,4xl0 cedar siding. used. Ph. 2J1708 alter s. BATTERIES $6.05. Ex. group 1 12-mo. guarantee. MUtl lire, iiua Com'. EXCELLENT BARN yard Xertilizer, Phone 4-3907 or 4-2470. (i TON dKerentlal chain hoist. 113.50. Lavatory, toilet bowl, both (15. All like new. 1980 N. 6th. Ph. 3-5105. 65 FT. OF FIR rustic aiding no. 1, Ph. 3-9691. 1060 Mill St. ADDING MACHINES CASH RE filSTERS. S25 t ud. Clary Mult! pller Corp. 1879 Fairgrounds Rd, Ph. 2-5375. SET OF Antlqu China, 3130 Broad' way. DELUXE BENDIX lroner. like new, Lvle McKinley. Woodbuin. Ph. 3203 Gervals. CHARIS foundation girdles, bra. Ph, 3-5918 or 3-5072 Mary E. Bales. HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent. H. L. sun t urn. uo. pn. a-mua. Organic Fertilizer Sack or bulk Odorless Orders delivered Phone 3 8127 USED FURNITURE FOR LESS Valley Furn. Co., 219 N. Cum PHII.CO table model ridin-iihono. $.19.50. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S. Com'l. FERTILIZER rotted cow manure, compost, rotted mulch, chicken manura for lawn dressing. By sac or cu. yr. Phillips jtros., mi, Box 493. 4-3081, 2 mi. E. 4-Corners, on state. USED Refrigerators, sill 05, 29.95 and up. Al Laue, 2350 state, pn. 3-344J, 600x16 RECAP or Grp. 1 battery 16.95 ex. Dizzy Dean's, 1808 S. 12th. 11" TABLE model TV set. all chin. nel tuner; equipped to receive any station in the naxion. jteg. M'-a, sala $219.95. Montgomery ward Co.. Phone 3 -Jim, SPECIAL SALE Closfnjr ' out ttock on ornamental stones, including lava ar flatistone. Rustic cedar fencing, cedar posts, poles. Supply limited. Phillips Bros. ill, a, box 49J. 4-jooi. j. mi. a. .-cor-ners on Slate St. PAINT. 2 29 gal. Glen Woodry. ZENITH table model radio-phonograph, 3-speed, S69.50. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137S. CnmT 17" TV, I ONLY, reduced from (21495 to $179.95. Western Auto, 2nl N. Commercial. J75 36" ROUNDED edee pickets." Ac 40" gate. Garden cultivator. 3-8063. DAVENPORT Ph. 3-5205. Ac chair. Good cond. USED Vacuum Cleaner CLEARANCE 1 Hoover. Rood condition ft OS Alrwav Samttror, like new $3 1.5 ! Gen. Elec. tank cleaner 7 ! Some upright rleaner ... .$150 SEARS ROEBUCK A- CO. SV N. Capitol Ph. 3-!M!1 ?l'-CUTFTr rrti ic, fulMvliltrT freer ins compartment, Rtxlvr-i In door, vegetable crisocr. Rrc. 23! IIj. fa If $237.17. 1 only. Montgomery Waid rn phiHM n-atiit. BOYS -.hoe skatea, sire 7. Ph. 3-;il7H 14-CU. FT. freezer, quirk-frre-e mm- I partmrnt, 2 basket and divider s. linlv slightly scratched. Hrg $.! naif, $.'iy Wi. Mntgomriy Waid As i Co., Pimne a-miM. I B-CU. FT. rcfncriator, shrive in t diKir. 70-lb. ftctng eomp.u lint nl. . douhl vrcrtahle cm -pet s Hcg. H't.y !:. File iZM 7". Mt'iitKomn Ward A Co., Phone 3-:UM. I GOOD iwd bathtub, lavs I sinks $.i. Judson s. 27'. N. fuml WANTED Reliable p.ntv In t.ike ' over payment;; on refrigerator. Wr-stei It An In. 201 N. CmnMifi cial. 9 FT. FREEZER." lfS3 model, icdured .S0, Western Aulu, 201 N. Commer. cia). 472 Wanted, Miscellnneous WANTKO Hand t.nhinnrd die. Hrmiri-raft Huusr, 2 f rounds. WANT K)lil rn.xlrl r tt;tn '4, tiiuk. t-n AIH tvirr Cill rvf 4-i.v.a Fair. STUD LOGS Wanted I Stud I.cgi or Multiples of l". Phi Trim. I)ia ft"' to HT. BURKl.ANn IAIMMKH CO. Ph Turner 1US F.vm. 2J03 Turner or 2-7HJfi S.ilrm 474 Miscellaneous 1 ARMY bunk bed A mattrr es. $:S Walnut orr.fion..l t. hle. J!.". D.iv rnn A cover. $'JS. ?" round bceled mirror. $17. JI-SHft. DKNTA.7 Pl.A I K HKPAIH . 2 MR SK.HVICE lN MUST V SF- DR HAH MY SF.MI.EK. DEN l'IST Adotph Itldg. State A Conn. Mi SAI.FM PH ''-'Ml 476 Fuol ANDERSON S nrn slab, J rd 114 Ph 2-(751 or 4-C5.1 CAPITAL FUEL Pickup Your Presto-lops Bnniirt. ,nd wnml al ml S Com'l St I'hone Hiphway Fuel Co. Clmn mwotPl Stove-Dittl wood rrm o? 117. Oils. Ph. 3-6444. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous NOW 15c FT. . NOW 22jc FT. NOW 30c FT. LENGTHS ONLY WARD & CO. PHONE 3-3191 476 Fuel OREGON FUEL CO. Slab, sawdust, oak S&H GREEN STAMPS 3-5533 31 W7B roa d wa y West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or Push Out Sawduit Ash, Maple and Oak Wood Green, dry ilao, Plane; iMds 1525 Kdgewaler Phone 2-40.H 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to loan CONSOLIDATION OF BILLS ran ease financial strain and save time and money. Our 27 years of service to this community is our biggejt asset, TRY US Phone first for a one trip loan. Loans to $300.00 on signature, fur niture and equipment and to $500.00 on autos, trucks and trail ers. Park free at Marlon Car Park 136 S. Cninmereial St. Lie. 1-138, M-338 WHEN YOU NEED MONEY s us All types of personal loans. Terms 1n stilt. No Investigation charges. All dealings Strictly Confidential Home Owned, Home Operated Hollywood Finance Co. IftBO Fairgrounds Iload (Next Door to Bunk) Free Parking Lot. Call 2-7031 M 36!) S 291 PltlVATE money to loan. Ph. 2-0794. AUTO LOANS W1LLAMKTTE CKKUIT CO. 1R2 South Church 1'arklne a-Plcntv Ph. 2-27 Lie. No. Al-30. 8-154 512 Loans Wanted YOUR HOLLAHS DKSERVE HIGHKIl WAt.KS our Lee Itht of Ktr.xl Hriil F.h- t.itp Loans fur Kale at bit discounts. Oregon pronrrtirs. O. W. CUHKAN, NATIONAL I,OAN HHriKFR 4:i.'Mi 4lh Ave, S.tciatnrnto, Calif. OOP Kmploynunt 604 Help Wanled, Male DISTmiUJTOH WANTED Ff.r '..n tun nnd Linn Count ict by rortlmd Co. Invrslmrnt in mrr rh;inclisc nnlv sale of which is Runr fltitcui Wtitr to Cimv Holl, S7l)fi No. Hurr. rc St., Portland 17. INt'OMK T.ix ht.mks prrpai cdT rra hmahly. 1'h. .T-Will. 606 Help Wanted, Female I WATTY operator. An nil around opriatnr. Especially Rood at atvl tni: ittid cuttinK Wtile Ruth It. Ki.m '7ti, i.ake. Ore I'll IVl,,ke ;tM7. C1HU) Carp onlv. nn ctx.klilji. Must live in H7:t EdiTwaler. BKA I " Y nppi.itor expr-trm-cd "in HOl.N in live di ill l.tilv. 1 ir pi. It in d. 4-1". tintiv wilh el- 810 Sales Persons Wanted WANIH). 3 salt-sm pit'tlt nn .ill sale-: .tv tirlttt'en K ,i S.ilrm IliHilitig A L'.ill 1410 111. witl. n. ;md 10 a in. uling Co. 612 Work Wonted, Male TWO di -o.iii.ic. ti C mm I un rl 111! '' Pic -riv.I. . : vire 1 t : 'i i .ik h, Ml P.U-..II. lanupnms Tivos Keniovod evpr-rt (Vnnv n'iiM'd to bar ie!v insured and !e Hnvtlnng Free of tow n , lti-ll llio.olwav. ADVAXCK " COXSTIU'CTIOX IXC. Addition and Alteration Foundation 11 ! mm r. Irxflnu: attj t, :,..n mr IIO.M) lill.MllNli I.. W II in Vrv Ph. 1-001(1 FKDKII.aI. A prr1 l'i. I I'll TAX Hill hHmii, pre. Ib .iMntahlr. iltpr 1 UN'S " I in .our Ii. ne St tr I'nonr 4-rn33 HFiHiKS nnd o-rb"s "trim'm. i cleaned ut an t ti,, .h h.nib d Cf.n.NT woik. V kinds D'.ike Phonr t M."l W, ! TAX FUMM comt I. te.f s'.tu eral. I'rompl no .'-..' ri v vard :-7P.4 F.rnet 14th . Fe,l te Ph. ,1-fPa7 WANTFI) -IJulldoiPi: bn t t Jear.n rtc. R V. Moop. Pa. 2-.;.i:s. I f REAL ESTATE LOANS (H ff COLONML INVESTMENT CO.IIJ, I ' ROBTRr W. GORHSCN. Putt. Jill II 687 Court 4-2283 111 614 Work Wanted, Female EXP. waitress wanted, full or part time. While i Lunch, 1138 5. Com'l, Apply in person. REWKAV1NG done reasonable. 42S Claxter Rd. Call 3-8860. LADY cook & bartender. Relief work only. Call 4-5382. BABY SITTING with" nurin exp. Ph. 4-4321 or 2-6838. WASHING and Ironing done In my home. Ph. 3-3uJ5. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason- able. Mrs, Poe. 665 N. 16th. 3-3643, HOUSEWORK or rooking company mean. Phone 3-dbw. 615 Situations Wanted CARPENTER repairing and building. Ph. 3-a6yi. EXPERT concrete work by hour or contract. Any lize job. Will also assist private partie or contrac tors. Call 2-7500. PAINTING, Paperhanging. Free es timates. DonLucero. Ph. 3-5522. OSC 6c NW School of Commerce Grad. Any kind of work. Ph. 3-7586. WANTED, cuitple or women to share home. May be working couple. Hef erenw? exchanged. Ph. Dallas 3-34!, 702 FalrviewAve.,DnHag, Oregon. COMPETANT child care in Christian home, 1135 Spruce. Ph. 3-9719. FURNITURE refinishing. Reasonable rates. Leo J. Wallace, iou n. cap itol. Ph. 4-1868. HOUSEWORK or cooking. Phone 3-SH60. FAINTING and paper hanging, top workmanship. Martin Wo lie r, Ph. 4-2879. GIRL to do baby sitting during days. Refer. Ph. 3-9455. 1 SEWING & typing or anything sim i ilar done In my home. Ph. 2-6278. YOUR clothes washed, dried, expert ly ironed, my home. 4-6323. BABY SITTING wnnted. Evenings and wcckends.Reiable.2-0210. SUNTING, PAPEitMANGLNG. Con tract, small jobs welcome. Phone 2-70M. GENERAL cleaning by the hour. Ph. 2-8259. CUSTOM plowing and discing. Fer guson tractor, 2 bottom plow. Ph. 2-6120 or 2-4765. WIF-MAL'S Day Nursery, licensed ijnd state inspected. 2-5013. CEMENT work, all kinds. Feldschau At Son. 2-61128 , 4-5329 aft. 5 p.m. TAX RETURNS prepared. Ph. 4-6228. Call day or eve. ROWSE dav nursery and Infants ac cepled. Ph. 2 6022. CARPENTER New, remodel or re pair, time or contract. Ph. 2-5025. MICKENIIAM'S DAY NURSERY State licensed and Inspected. Ph. 2-7890. PAINTING. Will cladly estimate any size job. Ph. 2-4307. 3-6243. LANSCAPING. com. lawn, garden service. Service Center. 4-3573. TREES topped, trimmed and remov ed. Fruit trees pruned and shaned. Free estimates. Ph. 2-74114. 4--I897. PAPER HANGING i Painting. Jerry Johnson. Phone 2-0794 RELIABLE baby sitter. Will go days or nights. Phone 2-9964. LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling, grading. Phone 3-7042. CARPENTER WORK. Any kind. Rea sonable. 4240 Macleay Rd. Phone 45061, 620 Day and Contract Land Clearing 15 ynt. Kxp. Call for estimate on hour work or by contract for the com plete Job. L. C. Mitchell. Phone 3-3337. 700 Rentals LARGE warehouse ipace for rent or jease. cement xioors, oricx ouua tnp. Down town. Inquire If. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9185. 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board ATTR. room avail, to man in ex rh.ingp cii'ppiitcrinj? A pamtinft on S.ituufayK. Fine opp. for rifilit per son. I'll. 3-5 i!Hi. nicely' furn., private home. Gentle. man!M:5 N. SummorPh. S-6:i. NICE. I'lc.m. close in. Separate en trance. H.! N.juoltaxc lh.JI-(i071. COMFOHTAHI.E. warm room down town. Hotplate. 472 N. Libei ty. 4-57HO. SLKEI'INC; ROOM. I itchen faclliU- s. fur 1 or 2 734 Fciry Mt. DOWNTOWN, 1st Ilr. clean, warm room. IJath adjoimnd. 658 Center. PLEASANT ROOM for sentlrman. ldjO Norway. Ph. 2-4.i47. LAItC.E beautiful furn. rm. Also badielor apt. IW9 N. Winter. 70S Apartments For Hent MOI1F.HN l-hilim. C.n;ir;e. 4-iri.n;. unlurn. court apt. NF.W Apartment (Norlhi, partly fur nished, private rntr:in.e A; bath. Hun 'j hlk. No childirn. J.V.5 llM.oks St. Pnone 2-5.117 betoie 2 30 p m. M(lKHN duplex, auto. he;it. i Iran, quiet, close-in. S. Adults. 2-fiHfW. VKItY nu-e newly dec. A- newly (urn., ;i-nn. mint. 3Hit S. 1'ilh. .1-ItM. turn., pvt. b.ith, walking dis- t.inrr 4.u S. Capiiol. 3-.r.;i;;t. 2-HM . bi'h. turn. l'p-tair. l.'clit A? w. it in. Close to town, Capitol. .5 Keirv. 2-HHHM tur In'.ilcd apt. For lady. 701 N 11a CI. FAN KnoMy Pine Kit . Putn.. 1 hdim, bsmt. apt . Kl. heat. Auto. WaloT Pari; dist , emp. Couple pref. $47 :0. Ph. 3-Mffi. UNFl'HN. iluplev. Firenliiee. stove and ii'Irlg. Call 3-7059 vr.. Sat.. Sun ATI H ACTIVF. 2-nn. ant . unlurn. ex cept range and letng. Maseldorf Apt. MODKHN ('(ll'IIT apt. J!fl.V) iter wk IMi I.".?- t - ! .l-litM APT., pinate tub bath. Ga- j r:u:e av.'il.ih'r. al-n t' ltaUr apt Pil- i saw bath. L'OH Clu-meket. 2-ti07 ! r i - iwiisiii i, m r ir. nn ii . room, cu in apt. 1." CLllSF. IN small apt S C'tlace romf.irt.ible, (I4,s Kerry 3 HtlOM nt'Pl.FX Clean. Holl wood furnished apt. Dist. Phone NUK COV furn 2 rms. lor wolk . IS fll N. Lllirrly M4'i tir b.llh. $15 litii. r,oni- ll.illv- I In, ft' UN 3 r, iMI.ii.c. Ilt.i witn pnv.itc b.itli. ip t.'l lot N. 14111. apt. ;15. 144S Ferry Korii-ii,, SI futn CI FAN furnM: Paul Near C .1 rooms Utilities ilol. J-.VM. ;i NU K UN'S, fntn apt . private, bath. T-iMl N fbrrch. 2-474. :t KM FPUS, b.v cnent apt.. ' tii'iuiic at ;MS PrMevue. 1 P.KnunOMS. unfvirmshed, elo.r In. pi -iv b ith utilities. US. Ph MONTKKKY ATTS. F..i Finn: ed, our two an. I tfur-ntom npt Mi F. 2-pi iOM (urn ant . bath. re ! (!. u':!ities all1 t mop. F!!Y Mt'F nitnn 3-rm. turn ouit apt. lOt'S Madison. 4.-47M 705 Apartments For Rent MODERN 3-rm. furn. 549 N. Cottage St. apt., close In. FURNISHED 3 rooms. $30. Private Datn i!tte norm com l. PRIVATE 3 room cour. apts. Clean, furn.. 145. Adults. 3560 Portland Hd. 3 R.MS. furn. Utilities paid. Women preicrreq. jaoj Mate. FURNISHED apartments. Close-In. pn. Z-U740. 325 a. winter. Ambassador Furnished apts. 550 N. Summer FURNISHED modern 2 roam ant Within 5 blocks of down town. $45 per month. Ph. Z-JB87. 444 N. Cot. tage. 3-ROOM lurn. apt. utilities paid. Rea sonaoie. pn. 4-6551. VERY NICE 1-bdrm., turn, and un. lurn. inquire 1656 s. 13th St. 3-KOOM furnished ant., full bath heat and water furn. $35. Phone 2-6508. NICELY FURN. 3-ruom apt. 549 N, Cottage. FURN. opts. North Salem Motel, 2673 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-6688. NICELY FUHN. 4 rooms and bath Pnv. entrance. Ph. 4-3578. WUIET, COZY, lurnished. ideal lr night workers, couples or bache lors, rnone z-zmu. . 3 RM. FURN. apt. with garage. 1)15 S. 12th. $30. FURN. I BDRDM. apt. Close to State bitigs. Private entrance, autom, washer and dryer. All utilities paid No objection to baby. 468 N. Winter, 1 RM. APT,, nicely lurn., close-in. Employed lady. 666 s. summer. CAPITOL Apartments, 348 N. 12th at. 1 rm. light housekeeping apt. Furn. with prlv. bath. Reasonable rates. Near Capitol group and shopping center. Ph. 4-2687. IN KEIZER, nice clean apt., garage and yard. Ph. 4-31)65 or 2-1252. FURN. apt., utilities furn., children OK. near school. 2310 N. 4tn, 2-BEDROOM unfurnished apt. ( 3-9061 before 5 p.rrL IF YOU'RE looking for a nice 3 rm, apt., private bath, rent reasonable, Call 4-3643 or 2-171U. 2-HM. & bath, basement aot. Stove. refrlg. & utilities turn, rloiiywooa dlst. Ph. 2-8684 alter 5:30 p.m. 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garage, $55. Close In on No. Com'l. Ph. 2-B6J8 or 3-6644. BDRM. apt. Completely Xurn, close In. 444 N. Cottage. ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 4-rm. apt. with range & refng ,1140 a. lath. 1 BEDROOM apt. Stove, refrigerator, water, automatic steam neat, in eluded. Modern. $50 per month. May be seen at 2153 S. Commer cial or Ph. 4-1452 after 4 p.m. CAPITOL PLAZA . 1-bdrm., furn., unfurn. 1165 Che meketa. 3-8C30. 707 Houses For Rent 2-BKDRDM. unfurn. house. 1370 Smith sl.Pli.2-ti:i0. 3-IfF.DROOM h o m e, near Wash. school. Phone 2-4.'1; 5-RM.. garage, garden, near bus, $40. 5U45 N. Lancaster. Ph. 2- 133B. MAR. 1. Attractive 3-rm. furnished. Lawn, patio, car drive-in, bus. Min. of work for empl. cple. Water pd, $45. I'll. 3-5036 Sun. 9 to 12 a m. 3-RM. unfurn. cottage, gas range, near school. $20. 2165 S. Cottage. CLEAN 3 Ige. R. house. Adults. 3220 E. Stair. ALMOST new 2-bedrm. house, elee ranRe, auto, heat, hardwood floors, insulated. Maple Ave. CO.MP. furn. 1 BR. home. Elcc. hrnt. W. furnace, garnne, Ifie. Karde: apnre. Owner 3-328i. 255 Center. ' MOD. 2-bdrm. house. Oil circulator. lid worm lirs., iruit trees, ffrape ar bor, furn. bungalow. 3-7448. 2-R E D R OO m7R as hentr$42r60iinfiinr 3 -room cotlaee $:'0. 870 Fairvicw Ave. Open 1 1o 3:30 Saturday, Sun day. Ph. 2-2548. 5 RM. house, fir. furnace, garage, MiO N. nth. 4-63H8 eve. wkends. 75 man, Unfurn, very clean, 2 br., possible 4. tirenlarc, fenced yd., fTanfcii area. Will lease with option. 3-a72!t. SMALL Fl'RN. Lurne yard. Rent. share with one woman. 12i5 E. Rural Ave. OLDER TYPE 3 bdrm. house. Utility room, dole, enrage, nice lawn. Rrod view. $ii5 mo. Inquire 8'.l8 Cascade Dr. Ph 2-7076. UNFURN, 5 rm. duple (2 bdrms.). Half block to Capitol Shopping Center. Ph. 4-3405 or 4-Wia. REASONARLE. nlmoyt new, 1 hdnn. unfurn. house. Eire, heat, quiet, ideal for couple who want nice place. Near lien. Hosp. 2251 Bicy SMALL. COZY. 2 rm., furn. house. Ph. 2-li;,R. N.. fine lor one NF.WLY refims''eri n rni. hnust N. unfurn. except oil rirrul.itor. Ph. 2-H.HI 1 nnitM. lIOttSE fm. cfo.-d location. $:. Available March 1. Ph. 2-2I.t. CLEAN 2-HDHM. hour. Auto. heat, fireplace, giiiace. 2-!U0. LOVF.LY .1 bedroom home in exclu sive district. Automatic oil heat, full basement, available March 1st. Rn co StatesMian-Journal. THHKF. (Iwelli'v: Iidiim's 4 mis from ntv center from ?:'0 to J Ml. per mo. Ph' 2.:'b;i. 1 P.DHM. in (unit. stor. r 'fur furn Inqiutc toimi I. re ,md ."'k-ioii SMALL. nail! North. f urn. r;?e liou-e. SMAl I. (in-b: 'droom but Ciiant Sclionl Ph. 4-1 l.V 1-MI1HM fric Ai Ihmit. u'lfuru. -ce stove. 2413 M.uke 2-POR. 2-ItKl)ini. tootit i n house, hot watrrj beater, wned fo- ele-lric ram-r. 10 : mi. S u-.h .hi r 'F i;. i T 'urn p- 1 ip. Itt. 1. Pi'X a.'v. Jeft-T'-on. j l-P.F.t)ilV. (rif! A-2-pi:.fl ill in n except t e ,a Market. Pit CI KAN. b velv! (mn phone .1-71 , , NKW unlnni. one b.-rl Smith, elrc. h f, ;tt; $iui 2oai!l rtr ;-l7P. i-M'i dunlex. 'ted g 'i.fge LtU'KLY .b!rm sarase. No ihtl dren or dotTs F.nti'ettood distrtrt Inq. I2W N. Hth. PhL .1-:Xoo I MFliHM diplex with store mom No children North DM. $t3 per month. Ph. iTnL I'NFt'RN rottice FI.c heat rlec. ratiRC T44 N Catntol I-fcr.-' CLF.AN, fur!u'ict t-l'iiiioom liovise rara-e. 4H P-ittanil Rd CAPIN. 3-oo::i. n.irtlv fin nished :T. month Ph 2.ti'4fl S ItttOM iv.odnn b.m.r. tM. Ph.! Cl.KAN I'NFl'RN I bdr-n. c -.irl. j Aihilts. tvi pet. P'i 4-.VVO. 3 PFOllCM luuue for rent. Call : 14Mi N. 4th. j 2 RMS. Fl'HN. house. J:i( mo. S3I0 X j Hirr Rd i NF.W. MilPFPN. I b('roo-n toutt i Sttive :ul retiis furn f'O tali ;t..n 1 10 j p.PKM ho'iir Iinpnrr i .VtS Pottl'i'd ltd. or p'nc 4-4 -7. ' NICK -1 Pt fH house ?. .!'le . $i.N Ph v-;--'vl or re Of PI F.X F s ,'e ba Kl"m'i. 1 1 v i 1 im k:!i tan He itev "' Holl wod VMlVr s tl 1 it.'rr ! j. jv- n u I isr nt -mr tor ("...hi!'-. i notiv linn man. rnone j 1 i-.ibin. (), n:lc- I 707 Houses For Rent 4 ROOM modern house newly decor atcd $35 per month. Or 10 A in cludlnif poultry house 20x 1!M it. A feed room 0 per month. S miles E. of Salem on Macleay road. Call evenings. 3 miles south of Turner on Turner-Marion road. D. B, Max- field. Turner, Ore. Rt. 1, Bx. 27 COUNTRY home, redecorated, mod ern, 2 norm., Dasement, unfurn J55. Ph. 2-203L FURNISHED, clean small house. 35. NICE 1 bdrm. Oak floor, range, ble, water, garden. Ph. 3-8319. UNFURN., ground floor, duplex. Ga rage, bm rerry. vt. 3-3437. FURN. 3 room cottage $45. 171 Gerlh. I'tt. 3-7057. 1 nnnu a ... .i 1 . Water and garbage paid. Clean. $37! nwi snipping. 709 Wanted to Hent WANT farm with or without build lnga. Phone Salem 4-1923. WANTED Outstanding Auto Club irom saieni wouia jixe to rent aoume fiarape or good barn to use as liu 1 j nuuse anu wurit soup, neni must ne reasonaoie. fnone 2-10V3, asK for Gary. 710 Wanted to Rent Houses FAMILY OF 6 needs home. Not over 2-BDRM. home. McKinley area pre- itrreu. ray up 10 JU3 per mo. Jte sponsible couple. 4-6024. WANTED to rent, 3-bedroom home. none saicm 2-4321. RESPONSIBLE young couple with Kmau cnim aesire 2-bedroom un furn. house with garage. Prefer close in, North. $65 per month. Ph, 4-6110. , 714 Business Rentals OPEN business lot for lease 100 x 140 witn or without office. 1905 Fair grounds Rd. 5,000 SQ. FT. of storage Space. 2043 . capital, rn. 3-3U7I, 800 Real Estate $3950 - y, ACRE Comtortable one bedroom home. Liv ing room, kitchen nnd nook, show er and toilet. Utility room with laundry trays. Good garage. Small nen nouse. Lots 01 fruit, berries, flowers and shrubs. Close in north east. $650 down payment Balance m.w mo. ONLY $750 DOWN Beautiful 2-bedroom home built just 4 years ago. A wonderful fireplace with pant-led wall and book cases. Extra large dining room. Plumbed for automatic washer. On half acre of good soil. Paved street and close to stores, bus and school, SIX-ACRE FARM Close in north. Wonderful soil. Good 4-bedroom home. Two garages with room for a shop. Large poultry nouse ana machine shea, isooa m x 40 barn. Fet.ced. Water for irriga tion. Keizer and high school buses by door. You can even have the cow. Lots of room for the family on this dandy close in acreage. To tal price only $14,900 with very easy terms. 201 SOUTH HIGH PHONE 3-9203 Kvenlngs and Sunriavs: 4-1071, 3-3858, 4-5318, 3-3204t 3-4876 801 Business Opportunities ERVICE station for lease. Major Oil Co., purchase of inventory re-quired.J'lJi-3186 or 4-5001. FOR SALE or trade on f9E. North. fi unit rnotel, 4 doubles. 2 finales. Nice 3-brirrn. house. Upstairs could be rented as an apt. 120 ft. frontage by 21C. Lots of posribllities. Will take small farm with good home. Northeast or what have you. In quire SalO Portland Rd. MUST HE SOLD W-t A subdivision, industrial and home sites. For more information Phone 3-3289, General Real Kslate, 255 ("enter. 806 Houses For Sale OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY 2 TO 5 P. M. iNonTH on mvrn iid. to dearborn, east to lowelu 4762 LOWELL New 3 Bedroom Home With a fli - plan yo.i will like, bnch kitchen, automatic nil heat. JMaO. 5 . down to veteran. FHA or conventional terms. 4773 LOWELL New 3 Bedroom Home AttT.Mtive rxl.r.or. laige living Mom. dining rttom. automatic oil ba.i'n. Jrt:'.'t. 5 r down to veterans, FHA or conventional terms. C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS NO l lil'Rt !' OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21st 2 to 5 P.M. , 410 r.I'.X VISTA .1 hdrmj., daylichl basmt., splondirl f.itvly home uo tip Hanson Avenue off South 0ri. .ind turn al Arcylc Pnvc. and also 2SIW ARGYI.K IR1VE 3 hdrms. plus playroom. 2 fire places, wall to-walt carpeting, auto oil heat. $16,!)00. Owners out of town and must sell other home in area prieed from S14.(XX.00. AND 2VJ3 MT. VIKW PRIVE 3 hdrms., mahogany liv. rm. and din. rm., ilhle. plhc , view of mountains, outstanding in every respect. n. on SIT. foy s H URIS . or J T. LAW GKAKKXHORST PROS.. RKALT0KS s st. phonr Mi7i ' rtitnj niri Sundavx eall Salesmen Roy S Frrri 2-M10 J. E Law 3-5113 H. K. Uvmon 3-313 801 Business Oport unities (The following was not received la time to check with Better Buslneu Bureau In city of origin.) SUPERVISOR WANTED $400.00 Mo. Possible NOT VENDING National Concern with references from Banks, Chamber ol Com merce, etc., needs reliable man or women to deliver wen Known food product to established Industrial Accounts. No selling ! Applicants must have references, car and $890.00 cash secured by Inventory, B hours per week necessary to start with possibility of taking over iuii time later ana increas ing income accordingly. Write fully, giving address, phone number and age to box 234 co Statesman-Jour nal. ' STORE room for rent. Also, suitable foroffice. Inquire 993 S. 12th. BARBER SHOP Half Interest for sale. R. B. Emmerton. 184 S. Com' mercial St, FOUNTAIN lunch concession In pop ular shopping center. Approximate ly $350 in fixtures and stock. To buy ph. 2-9080. Mrs. Hadley. PENNY VENDING Machine Route, 50 machines. Club sponsored. Lo cated in Salem. Can be serviced evenings or one day a week. Good Income for investment. 2790 Acorn St.. Lebanon. Phone 1-0024 or ln quire at Best Motel. Salem. FOR SALE. Sec. Hand Store. Write Box 404. Independence, Ore. 802 Business Property IF YOU WANT A GROCERY AND MEAT BUSINESS IN SALEM Present owner now doing $8500 sales per month. Total price inciuaing fixtures and stock $7500 $5000 cash down, bal. $100 per month at 3 Interest. Rent $125 per month. This business showed over $10,000 net before. taxes in 1953. Joe Hutchison, Realtor Evenings call: A. TD. Shields, Sim, 3-8347J Joe"Hutchison, 2-4789. 804 Suburban BY OWNER 2 bedroom. Insulated home. 1 acre, double garage, barn-. Fruitland Dlst. Ph. 3-1333. COUNTRY HOME Out where the air is clean and fresh. Move your children and pets into this lovely 3-bedroom. suburban home. Located North on 3, Acre corner lot with beautiful shrubs. 13x21 living room with fireplace, large dining room. 2 bedrooms down, 1 bedroom and sewing room up. Basement with party room and fireplace. New paint inside and out. Close to bus and school. Price redurd from $13,500 to $12,750. FHA terms. Ask for FRANCES KNAPP, Salesman. Eve. phone 2-6286. PHONE 4-3394, i960 Fairgrounds Road HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT 806 Houses For Sale FOR SALE or trade, very clean older type house. 3 bedrooms on one fioor, close to Leslie. $6,750. II. L. Stiff Furn. Co., 3-9185. $500 DOWN. 2 bdrm. home. Open reD. 21, 2 p.m.-a p.m. 2aa uraper Dr. HOMEBUYERS attention. Itiust sell equity; make us an offer. 2 bedrms.. full basement; TV ant. Call after 3 p.m. Ph. .1-3803. ATTRACTIVE, larse 2-bedrm. lOOx 2UU it. iot. run attic, wewiy flec oratod. Nice lawn young fruit trees, raspberries, large earden, 2444 ft. shop, optional. Will con sider desirable building lot in trade. Ph. 2-H479. $5.500 CLEAN 2 bed room home with dining room, good conamon, gnrace, paved street. GEO. A. WALTERS REALTOR Phone 26714. !fi0 S. Cnm'l.. 26714 NICE 2-PDRM. home, inside utility. Will take car or pickup toward P.-ivmrnt 4-457 806 Houses For Sale PHONi: 4-22H.1 se t .iiiii .us mini mil -"l -i-- I W ACRE DAIRY FARM. CLOSE IN With 3-bdrm. home, new milk house, 13 stancition barn, loafing shed, all equipment goes with sale. Irri gated year round creek. This la bargain ol year. See now, call Dalt Bayburn. Sim. 12 UNIT MOTEL Best of location, all units in fine condition, 9 with kitch ens, 3 doubles, one 3-bdrm., 8 singles, air conditioned, TV. 2-bdrm., large living room, dining room, kitchen, utility room, owner's quar ters. Compare, then buy this fine motel for $72,000.00, terms. To see call Sale Rayburn. Sim. S ACRES. 3 BEDROOMS All fronting on Chcmawa Road. This is one of me nicer acreages on me market toaav, located near rveizcr ana pricea at only 111,000.00. Excellent terms. For appointment to see call Chet Rawlins, Sim. GRADE A DAIRY 91 acres all irrigated, completely equipped. 26 head of nen. jerseys, sprinkling system. 2 silos, 4-bedroom home, localea near Falls City, (35.000.00 with 115,000.00 down. For appointment to see call Chet Rawlins, Sim. 3-BDRM., PAVED STRKET. 15.500 sireet, large joi, large garage, Sim. f-YR.-OLD 3-BDRM., ATTACHED paved street, suburban norlh. bus by door, close to school, wonderful condition, hardwood floors, forced air oil heat, attached garage, good terms, will trade, call Jim Rawlins, Sim. RAWLINS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 2060 N. Capitol Street - Office Phones 2-4604 or 4-1761 Evenings: Chet Rawlins 3-62.16. Jim Rawlins 2-8576, Dale Rayburn 2-2045 NELSON & NELSON (ORIGINAL FIRM IN A NEW LOCATION) GOOD SCHOOL LOCATION Cheerful, neat appearing home has a coa. jioih. mosi auracuve Kiicnen. mis 7-vr.-ola home with its close in location has 750 sq. ft. floor area. These folks will trade for an acreage. Price $6,750. 3 BDRMS. PLUS FULL BASEMENT-S11.000 This 3-bdrm. home Is very conveniently arranged for comfortable living. i-u -,2 uik. un denier oi. nils weu-Kcpi nome is close to State Office Bldgs.. all grades of school. Attractive fireplace nnd dining rm. Waits "eal yard' 'enCC1 in back' Ouldoor f'renlace. $11,000. Call Al 3 BEDROOM HOME NEAR BUSH SCHOOL This larger home is Ideal for a rooms, aen ideal for TV. 3 bdrms. apt., or could be 3 extra bdrms. NELSON AND ; RUtlCKilt! "rriUDI PTC 1590 S. COMMERCIAL Evenings: Al Watts 3-7265, Lydla P. 806 Houses For Sale OPEN HOUSE Sunday, 2-5 p. m: 775 W. VISTA AVE. 3 bedrooms. Ranch style. Large garage. Corner lot. 5 down G.I. 25 years to pay. MR. CRIMMETT WILL SHOW YOU THIS HOME. EVE. PH. 2-7679 Al. Isaak&Co., Realtors PHONE 4-3311 OR 3-7820 J. L. HIMMEL, Realtor SOUTH SPECIAL 3 bedrooms c sewins: rm. Full double plumbine. spacious livinir room aininK rm.. llrcplnrp. nook overlooking nice hack vard. I.aree basement with oil beat. 3 blocks Irani new High school. Price $16,750. NORTH SPECIAL 'dat V5b05srONo 17th"stn En,!l''wood clos! t0 senonls n". A good buy EAST SPECIAL LarRe hvinc room. 2 bedrooms A- den. Dinin room. hdw. floors, breakfast nook, full basement and oil heat. See this! for $11,500. J. L. HIMMEL, Realtor 565 N. Capitol H. PcckonpauKh. 3-5413 $.550.OO Buys this neat pleasant home lorat ed on a corner lot In restricted dist. 14x18 Liv. Rm. 14x14 Bed rm. Kltrhen with dininR pot. E. A. McGlauflin, Realtor lO.IA Pmadwny 3-Bfill Fve Make an Offer It a 2 bdrm. L. I?.. Kit.. Brk . nk . hath, ml hent, enrage, close to school and bus. Another 2 bdrm., L. R, kit., hath. Double;ii:r. cas he;it. Hdwd. floors, needs fixing. 2 bdrm., large L. R . with fire place, kit . brk. nk., bath. Nice storage plate, garage, over sized lot. Gleason Realty 1143 So. Commerclil Ph. 2-0!C:i; eve. 4.4filR, ;t-flH07, 2-non.i ENGLKWOOD. Attractive. 1 hdrm. hon-.e. For sale or rent. Rp;isonahle down payment, c.xfra good neigh htMhood. 2f747. ALMOST new attractive 2-herirm. hon'c in choice location. Reason ably priced by owner. 21141. 3740 Helm Ave. $7.W DOWN. Fnglewoort Dist. Oldrr 3-bedroom home. Fireplace and ba !temrnt. Phon c2-7!'i:t. OPR equity In 2bdrm . full basement home, a i rytt .Miinnrin ur. Any reasonable offer will be considered. 1 ACRE. 2bedrm. Wired for elec. ranee. On paved highway out of Silverton. Small harn. rabbit hutches. S2.7.M.. Small do n. low monthly payments. Ph. Silverton 3-J245. $4(o down, "ft mon. 2 hr possible 4. Flreo ace. fenced yard, over sued lot. fruit trees. 33729. 3-PDR.M. home, garage, workshop in Ml. Anecl business center. Large g.irden. some fruit, paved st. TUHMimhlc. R. Terh.UH, Ml, Angel. OPEN HOUSE Pv Builder. 3 bdrns. Oak firs. Pl.-,i.trrcd Extra lge. liv. rm. Fireplace. 2 baths. Col orrd fixtures. Tiled shower. Plastic tile. Lee. attached B.t rise On ' acre Excellent trims. Pin. 23Tfl or J-S777. BY OWNER U tractive suburban home, 3 bed rooms down, unfinished upstairs, pi.istered. hardwood floors, fire place, forredair furnace, utihtv room. Small barn, chicken house. Ann. .1' j acre, famdv fruit, oak grove, 3790 Fisher Road. 00. 1350 00 DN North In city, paved hurry, this won t last, call Jim Rawlins, GARAGE. $9,950 00 Very nice lot nn very light living rm. 114 x 17.J with family. Good slued living and dining and bath upstairs. Finished basement All for $8,050. NELSON, REALTORS DPAT rrT A fir- f r-ntrrnrni ST. PHONE 2 3669 Wootten 3-9066, Dick Schmidt 2-7567, 806 Houses For Sale Phone 2-6079 Pat Kemper 2-52!)7, Sims. SUBURBAN 8 A. fenced. Good house and harn. Poultry house. Ideal for horses. Close in. f 1 0.000. 2,.i(K) down. 9 A. Secluded among trees. Modern home. Live yr. around stream. Away from noise and traffic, ffl,. ioo. Trims. 7 A. 16 mi. from Salem. Center of tow n. Good for subdivision. Fair 2 br. home. Good soil. Krult & nut orchard. Value $14,000. Trade for Salem home. Trade modern 2 Br. home, East, for home in Newport. Value $!)..iOfl. Trade modern 2 Br. home on Devil's Lake with lake frontage, hoat hmiM A- landing, for Salem home. Value Sfl.500, We are In need of 2 A 1 Br. Immr Haife client. Call u. No. obligation. A. A. LAR'SEN 11 S llteh Phor Kvrs. Pn. a-716.1, l.r.r.S, 2-3SI 10 ACRE TRADE Large 2 BR, home, gagc, all level cleared land. mile to school. Price 17.000. Exchange for place in town. 20 x 30 LIV. RM. 3 Bdrms, part barment, breakfast nook, attractive dm. rm.. and a large park-like view lot with trees and shrub make this an unusual home for the price of GOING BUSINESS Owner ts making a good living from this set up. Ideal for num Ac wife. Trade for a i.heep A- cattle farm. Price 113.000 including business A blrig. f DOWN Rr.ind new 3 BR. ranch home. Top location Price $12,500 for vnck ac- tirn. di' Ron Cle.irv W. ML'SGRAVE REALTORS 121 1 Kricrwntrr. a-S10!i Eve. S150 DOWN 's Act. kr. 2 btinn. lirme. rinse In, SS.T50. Thi Is n stanitnut dra, ,n phone mforn-fltion. fume in on this. SI'MMFRS. REALTOR IMS Stale st p,. 1 NFAT SMALL : Mm. Loire lull herrenl. near HijNanrt SchnoL i Ph. WSM .4 PDRM . dill hase-.-nt, Vrvjnctnwn ' kltclien. I14.M0. J-541.1, 6J5 Hansen. v