Saturday, February 20, 1954 THE CAPITAL" JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Page 13 HAPPINESS WITH BABY THEY'LL NEVER SEE p ""pf! The sensitive fingers of Mr. Long Beach, Calif., slide over the tiny form of their new baby daughter, Marianne, as they were handed the four-day-old infant to take home from the hospital. The parents are both blind. However, attending physicians say the baby girl will have normal sight. (AP Wirephoto.) Ask Top Level Water Agency REDMOND Ifl Proposals for creation of a top-level agcVy to iron out conflicts over water use were heard here Friday at a meet ing of the State Water Resources Committee. Such an agency was advocated by 1 nomas Delzel, chairman of the board of Portland General Electric Co., and Rollin Boles of Portland, state official of the Izaac Walton League. They said it is time to evaluate the amount of water available, and what use should be made of it. A delegation from Camp Sher man, Ore., on the Metolius River, urged protection of salmon and steelhead spawning grounds on the stream. The Metolius is a tributary of the Deschutes. Friday's meeting closed a week long scries in Eastern and Central Oregon. The water resources group will start a new series next month, with the first meeting scheduled March 1 at Klamath Falls. Hunter Dies Of Old Wound SILVERTON (AP) A bul let wound suffered in a hunting accident last October claimed an 18-year-old boy's life Friday. Jerry Stutz of Molalla died at a hospital here. Stutz had been wounded Oct. 18 south of Molalla, when anoth er member of his hunting party mistook him for a deer. Irvin L. Blackman Jr., 23, Til lamook, was charged with care ' less handling of a firearm. He paid a fine and had his hunting license revoked. Blackman was Stutz' brother-in-law. Portland Gambler Guilty on Tax Charge PORTLAND (AP) Irving Ike Hasson, Portland gambler, was convicted Friday night of in come tax evasion by a federal grand jury. Judge James A. Fee ordered a probation office investigation. Masson, 45, had been free on bail since last summer. The government charged that Hasson evaded S56.000 in taxes 1946 through 1949. Hasson admitted during the trial that his annual handle as a bookmaker might have been as high as one million dollars. DENNIS THE MENACE 'Ever ei so aunt comic koks n all vwe upe ? and Mrs. Marion Racsriale nf Dallas DALLAS Members of St Thomas Guild of the Episcopal church met at the home of Mrs. Albert Lindbcck Wednesday eve ning. Mrs. Gene Haislct conducted the meeting and presented re ports on the diocesan meeting in Albany, Jan. 19, and the diocesan meeting in Portland. Mrs. Hais let was I'lented to the nominat ing committee for the state Epis copal diocesan meeting this spring. During the meeting the mem bers set March 2 for the Shrove pancake supper and bazaar at the church. A pledge of money was voted for Episcopal women's auxiliary work to send diapers and sheets to the Christopher's Indian mission in Utah. Present were Mrs. George De Graff, Mrs. 0. E. Anderson, Mrs. Oscar Hayter, Mrs. A. B. Star buck, Mrs. Henry Kliever, Mrs. John B. Eakin, Miss Edna Mc Millan, Mrs. Merle Snyder, Mrs. Cecil Patterson, Mrs. Haislct and the hostess. The Rainbow Mothers club met in the Masonic hall Monday evening. Hostesses were Mrs. John KHzmiller, Mrs. Robt. Kel ley, and Mrs. Carl Swonstrom. Plans were made to hold a rum mage sale March 12-13 in the Ma sonic hall, the proceeds of the sale will be used for Rainbow Girls projects. At the conclusion of the girls' meeting refreshments were served to more than 50 girls, mothers and guests. The buffet table was centered with a pot of red tulips. On the piano was a miniature George Washington and a gumdrop tree. Members present were Mrs. Al Lantis, Mrs. E. L. McClcary, Mrs. Joe Simmons. Mrs. Rex Rogers, Mrs. C. E. Trent, Mrs. Frank Hamilton, and the hostesses, Mrs. Kitzmiller, Mrs. Swanstrom and Mrs. Kelly. Silverton Man Dies In The Dalles Mishap SILVERTON Lee Penn. 5S, met accidental death Friday. -Feb. 19 at The Dalles employed on the dam project, where he had been at work for six months. He was born April 21. 18A8, in Montana, and for some time had lived in Silverton. Surviving are the widow and four children, Helga and Leo, Lyle, Mary and Lila. Funeral services arc announced for Tutsday at 2 p.m. from the Memorial chapel, Ekman Funeral Home, the Hcv. Arvid L. Hokon son officiating. By Ketcham MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND - Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, maxi mum to .35 to one per cent acidity, delivered in Portland, 68-71 lb; first quality, 66-69; second quality, 64-67. Valley routes and country points 2 cents less. Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 66 H lb; 92 score, 65 H; 90 score, 64 tt; 89 score, 62. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles, 41 hi 44 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, 48 Vi-51. Eggs To wholesalers Candled eggs containing no loss, cases in cluded, f.o.b. Portland A grade, large, 51 tt-53 H; A medium, 50 hi 51 i; A grade, small, 45 tt-46 H Eggs To retailers Grade AA. large, 54-56; A large, 53-55; A A medium. 52-54; A medium. 51-53 A small, 47-48. Cartons 3 cents additional. Live chickens No. 1 quality, fob. plants Fryers and roasters. 23-25; heavy hens, 25-26: light hens, 15-17: old roosters. 14-15. Turkey s To producers for breeder types, f.o.b. farm, new York dressed, heavy hens 31; tgms 28; Beltsville hens 33. toms 28. Eviscerated frozen, to retailers, hens 57, toms 51-54. Rabbits Averace to growers live white, 3 Vi-S lbs, 19-23, 5-6 lbs, 20-22; old does, 10-12, few higher. rresn aressea fryers to retailers 57-60: cut up, 63-66. Wholesale dressed meals: Beef, steers, choice. 500-700 lbs. 36.00-39.00; good, 35.00-38.00; com mercial, 31.00-35.00; Utility,, 27.00 33.00; commercial cows 26.00-30.00; utility, 2S.0-29.O0; canners-cuttXers. 22.00-25.00. Beef cuts (choice steersi Hind quarters, 43.00-49.00; rounds, 42.00 46.00; full loins, trimmed, 62.00 69.00; triangles, 30.00-35.00; fore quarters, 33.50-36.00; chucks, 37.00 40.00; ribs, 50.00-55.0. Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-12 lbs. 53.00-58.00; shoulders. 16 lbs., 41.0045.00; spareribs, 50.00-56.00; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs., 60.00-65.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 37.0-47.00; commercial 35.00-41.00. Lambs Choice-prime 40.00-43.00: good, 35.00-40.00. Wool Grease basis, Willamette Valley medium, 51-53 lb; Eastern Oregon line and half blood, 55-62. Country-dressed meats, f.o.b. Portland: Beef-Cows, utility, 24-26 lb; canners-cutters, 21-22 Veal top quality, lightweight. 34-35; rough heavies, 24-28. Hogs Lean blockers. 39-40: sows. light, 33-35 Lambs, 34-36. Mutton-Best, 12-15; cull-utility. 8 9. Fresh Produce: Onions 50 lb sacks. Wash, yel lows, med, 1.00-25; Oregon yellows. No. 1, med, 1.40-60; Idaho yellows, med, 1.00-50; Calif, whiles, lge, 2.25-50. Potatoes Ore. local Long Whites, 2.00-25; Deschutes Russets, No. 1, 2.15-25; size A, 2.40-75 ; 25 lb tk, 70-85; 10 lb mesh, 40-45; paper, 26 30; windows, 30-35; No. 2, 50 lbs, 80-90: Wash. Russets, No 1-A, 2.25 50; Idahos, 315-25. Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, mostly 28.00-30 00, delivered car and truck lots, f.o.b. Portland and Seattle. SALEM MARKETS Comellrd from report, f fUlem dtilrr. for lb, cuidantr f L'aalul Journil mdera. (Rtflsed dally.) lall Itrd rrleu: Rabbit rrllrta II ( ISO-lb. bar). It S5-H 90 1100-lb. bii I K,c Mi.h t 6S-IV20. Ilalrr ftrd 13.35-3 .11. I3 9D-4 90 (100 t l. FDallrr nuyinr rMrr, Colorrd frr'ri. Sr: old rooMeri. llr; rolorrd fowl, 35c; Ifrhora tovl, 10c; colored roaitcra, 33c. llulnr Prlrri Eria, AA, 43c; larit A. 40-46r; medium AA, 40c; medium A, J8-43r; rmall A. 34e; Etii. wholaaila pri ces tenerallr B-7 cent hither than pncea above; larae trade A cenerally Quoted at 53r; mrrlluma at SOc. nulterial BurlriK price; Premium. II- 11 emu: No. 1. 17-19 ceoti; No. 2, 45c. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO Ul Marrows and gilts cased about 25 cents on the livestock market this week despite continued light receipts. Sows, in very small supply, sank 25 to SO cents. Receipts for the week were the smallest since September. But de mand from eastern order buyers was very limited, being the main reason for the price decline. It was reported eastern packers were now obtaining supplies from arras closer to their plants. lop reached 527,000 during the week, fading to $26 65 on the final session. In t he cattle section receipts were slightly larger than last week and the corresponding week a year ago. Arrivals were heaviest (or the year to date on Monday. Prime steers and choice yearlings ended the week sleady to 50 cents higher while other types and grades were mostly steady. Stock ers and feeders were strong. Top for the week was $31. 65 for ope load nf high prime 1.203 pound led steers, highest since last No vember. Slaughter lambs and sheep clos ed sleady. recouping alter a steep slide on Monday. Hecojpts fell 25 per cent under the previous week and 30 per cent under the like 1953 week. Wholesale lamb prices ad vanced at eastern points, helping the live lamb market. Fall Breaks Bones Of Silverton Woman SILVERTON (AP) A worn an was recovering at a hospital here Saturday after she lay help less in her kitchen with broken bnnes suffered in a fall. Mrs. Anna Morn, about 40, broke a hip and shoulder blade in a fall outside the house. She manaced to crawl into the kitch en, whrns her husband found her fl'? hours later after he returned home from work. A-BOMB-H-BOMB RESULTS COMPARED ' """""" ' ' ItuOU.S. fop.. CmM 11 .VIW.IM JgrPWtaTMCr.le.jj am 0HVo,ftnOut This is AP Artist John Carlton's conception of 1952 H-Bomb damage as described by. Rep. W. Sterling Cole, chairman of the Senate-House atomic energy committee, by comparison with results in the original A-Bomb test at Alamagordo, N. M., in July of 1945. Rep. Cole said the 1952 thermonuclear test, at Eniwetok atoll tore a cavity a mile in diameter and 175 feet deep in the ocean floor a crater in which 140 buildings the size of the U. S. Capitol could be placed. The original A-Bomb created three concentric rings in the New Mexican desert a smaller ring in the center with the earth pushed down about 12 feet in places, a second ring of half-mile diameter where the earth fused and boiled, and an outer ring where the desert was denuded o plant life as if swept by a giant broom. (AP Wirephoto.) Silverton SILVERTON Two PTA and child welfare committee meetings are announced for Monday, Feb. 22, at 8 p.m., both to be at the Eu gene Field school, with separate business sessions and joint con sultation and program specials, following. Mrs. John R. Main, chairman, and her secretary, Mrs. R. F. Cook, will preside at the meeting for the Parents' council for handi capped children and adults in the special education room. Anyone interested in this topic is welcome to attend. Mrs. C. B. Calkins, chairman, and Mrs. Alan Brown, assistant, will direct the family relations program at the Eugene Field li brary room. This meeting is also open to anyone interested. There will be two topics on fam ily relations op for explanation and discussion with: How to Help a Child Develop His Own Po tentialities," the speakers M. B. Ford. Eugene Field grade princi cal, and Mrs. John Bronson. The film, "Art Points th Way," will be shown. The second topic deals with the five major phases of adolescence and will be explained in a film story. For content material instruction, Mrs. Calkins and Mrs. Brown will continue a once-a-weck, four les son course, the educational pres entation to be made by Dr. Brndy of the Psychology department of the Monmouth College of Educa tion. If a human body takes in speck of iron no bigger than a pin head each day, it has enough of that mineral to supply its needs. Mid Willamette Obituaries James E. Brines SILVERTON Funeral services for James Kvcrctt Brines, 70, of 6260 Labish road, Salem, are an nounced for Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the Memorial Chapel of the Kkman Funeral Home, the Rev. A. V. Nelson of ficiating. Burial will be at Sil verton Cemetery. Mr. Brines died Feb. 18 at the Salem Memorial Hospital a few hours after his entry there from his home. Mr. Brines was born Jan. 27, 1884 in Illinois. The fam ily had lived al the present home in Oregon for the past 11 years. He was a member of the Lutheran church. Surviving are his wife, Anna Marie, and a daughter, Mrs. Don White Kiloria Brines' of Salem; and two sons, Wallace of Vancou ver, Wash., and Walter of Shey enc. N.O., and seven grandchil dren. DEATHS rharlet C. Ilrhnke At ihe residence. IBR8 Center St., Feb 19, Survived bv riaiiKhtei. Mrs. !W. ft. Dallas. Salem; brother, F. K. i Behnke. London. Ontai 10. Canada; grandchildren. Mrs. Catherine Car son. Long Beach, Calif.. Rohert C. ) Dallas. Waldpoit. Ore.; 2 great-grand children. Also ourviven ny itevciai nieces and nephews. Services will he held Monday. February 22 at 1 :t0 p m. in the ClouRb-Bainik Chapel. Interment t lielcicjit Memorial Park. Please omit floven. In lieu of flowers. .Tiend may contribute to the Memorial Fund at Pioneer Me motial at Florence, Oregon. Mm RHaheth RiiKXlei At a Feb. 19. Late resident of .i.r5 S. Lancaster Dr. Sur vived by fnns, DeMierl M. RuPples, Chic.igo. Ill Wilbur Ti Hnggles. Poitland. Chnrlea M. Ruggles, S.i- ! Icm, Riiyrnond R. Rti Relet, Salem, I Sherman S. Rugle, Da Nits, Oregon: rl.niQhtt-r. Mm. Alice F SchMIrr, Pmlland: fistcr, Mr M;ihH p.f-ne-! d'rk, Marshal). Mis-ouri: brnihfr, Charles S. F.mwn. Vn5ha. Mi four I: H grandchildren. 1ft ' rrftndchildren- 5 greM-great-gf ; nri I children. Services will be hrld Von jrt.iv. Fehruarv 22 at in .W am. In the Cloueh-Barrir k Chapel. Interment at I Pioneer Cemetery (Salem). . In Thit Quiet Kifl4 II yl Neatl, Hull If Ar,i LEGALS EXECUTRIX' FINAL, NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CLAIRE D. HAMILTON as execu trix of tin eitatp of RALPH S. HAMILTON, deceased, has filed her iinai account as aucn, ana oy order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for I the County of Marion the 2Mb day of March, 1954. at 9:15 o'clock In the forenoon of said day has been fixed as the time, and the courtroom of said court has been fixed as the place for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate. Dated and first published: Teb. 13, 1954. CLAIRE D. HAMILTON, Executalx of the Estate of Ralph S. Hamilton, Deceased. RHOTEN, RHOTEN & SPEERSTRA 310 Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Executrix. r.lJ.20.J7,M.,lJ ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late To Classify.. PARTLY customed 1!M0 Ford 4-dr, 10.18 Chi-V. 4-dr. 3-38B5. 025 S. 21at. 1952 STUDE. Champ, convertible, all extras. Only 70OO miles. 105.1 Stude. t. pickup. RAH.. O.D. Hlg motor, onlv 5000 miles. Owner will sell for bank balance or take older car In trade. Ph. 3-8712. RENT or sale. 3 B.H. house. Full haiement. fireplace. H.W. firs. East 844 Illinois. Ph. 2-0802. Regis. Jerseys 1 fresh Nov., 8175. 1 to freshen May, 9140. 3!i mo. old bull calf from reels. Jerseys, 920. 9;ioo tor all. Call Sal., Sun., Mon . only. R S. Secor, Rt. 4. Box 272, Salem (1 ml. South Liberty Cannery. West on private lane off Rotedale Rd. OR TRADF. $B50. Lot Kezr (Mix 159. 50 down, 1:1.950. Business lot 80x1.10. $500 down. $4,300. 2-br house, 1 acre. South. $500 f. down. $5. UK). 2-hr. house, t acra eloie-in. $500 down. $?ft.50O. acre. 142 A. cult. All plowed or seeded. 4-hr house, lota of water. Mch. shed. Chtrken bldns. Storage. Owner will sell on easy terms or will take car. Hout.e, busi ness, rental property in trade. Phone 3-8712. 4 UNIT apt. houst $7500. Will takt small house. Ph. 4 -.1580. TAVERN and lunch. 2-hedroom, liv ing quarters attached. Hi way W, 4 miles South of Salem. Ph. 2-2122. 2-BDRM-honie in Leslie Jr. Hirh diet. Pay up to $80 per month. Ph. 3-8564. DUCK LAKE for rent; mi. So.. 4 mi WeM of Monmouth. Ph. MM Monmouth. Fred Aver. Rt. 1, Box 232. 3-YR.-OLD unfurn. 2-bdrm. house. F.lec hrat, insulated, ait. garage. Ice back yard. Wired for elect, washer and dryer. Available March lOlh. Ph. 2-4W.V 3-BKDRM. furn for rent Good loca tion, close to schools, ph. Fred Mc-Kinnevdays2-24B7. eve. 2-HHM. FURN. APTS. Pvt. eni and hath. One studio at W One hr rear duplex. $12 Sn, 3 blocks from down town. MO N. Com'l. 2-ItM. APT. Kvervthing furn except elec. Hot and cold water. SIS mo. Ph. 2-r(R27. JOURNEYMAN machinist, welder rnmbin.'itions. Applv Brady Ma chine Fuel AV Trucking. Ph. 1-2241 Lehannn. -mm HEO 2S" trimalawn mower. Large lawn sweeper. Thev tost $20. Will sAcrlfic for ILW. Phone 3-B712. MUST SELL 400 amp. mnrie D C. welder ( trailer. A-l condition. Milwaukee in 3-wheel Ph. 4.12BB. RUnilER tired lawnmower, to piece stiver service, chst, .1 drawers, solid cherry wood rocking chair. Ph. 1-f.R72. CAR RADIO. A-l shape. Call 3-7938 after 5 .no. i ROLLS of good med roofing. Color green S12. 4-371M. BAHY scales, daveno, Calmon oil heater. 2 oil drums and pipe in eluded. All excellent cond. Ph. 4-54'iS TODAY ONLYI Martin MiOi-7 2 11 P. outboard motor. Runs good, trolls good. S;Vf.5. Salem Hoat House. Ph. ;i-!i:tn;i. tOO Chemckcla. 2-DRAWER vanitv with plate-glass minor, matching bed. cc. box springs, goj.rl mattress, chest of drawers, mohair club chair, IV) takes the works. Ph. 2-1112. JOHN DEERE plow. 2-M". readv to go. ln hnrv wire and clover hay. cheap. Phnne 4-UM J FEMALE Pekingese pups. 4 Ac I mo. Old. Ph. 3-35fi. 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Salei ' AUCTION SALE Homes-March 2, 1954 Buildings TO CLEAR RIGHT-OF-WAY TOR TORTLAND-SALEM EXPRESSWAY BUILDINGS TO SOLD: THE FORMER HAROLD W NELSON RESIDENCE 17SS CHF.MAWA ROAD SALE DATE FOR THIS RESIDENCE IS 10:00 A. M. TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1954, ON THE PREMISES. The former R. A. Petiel residence and 1 mile east of Hopmere on the County Road which crosses the Express way right of way. The former Ivan Shubin residence and 4 mile east of Waconda on tha County Road which crosses the Ex pressway right ef way. The former James E. Wilson residence of Gervals and s,; mile eaJt of south of the Rose Muth property The former Eva Fllckinger residence Wilson residence referred to above at the end of the private road which pines the Wilson property. The former Norman L. Yergen hop tween Donald and Aurora approximately 3 miles east of Donald. SALE DATE FOR THESE LAST 1:00 P. M. TUESDAY, MARCH 2, ERTY AND IMMEDIATELY THEREAFTER AT THE OTHERS IN THE ORDER LISTED. BUILDINGS must be removed from noUce of acceptance of bid. ANY FINANCING MUST BE ARRANGED BY YOU WITH THE FINANCING COMPANY OF YOUR CHOICE. IF YOU ARE CON TEMPLATING MOVING A BUILDING, CONSULT WITH YOUR MOVER PRIOR TO SALE DATE AND ASCERTAIN IF A PERMIT CAN BE HAD FOR THE ROUTE CONTEMPLATED, TERMS or SALE ARE: Cash at the time of sale. The above buildings are to be sold to the highest bidder at public auction, but subject to the ap proval of the Oregon State Highway Commission with the right re served to reject any or all bids. All ot the bid price must accompany the successful bid. FOR INFORMATION: CONTACT C. W. PARKER, PHONE 4-2171, EXT. 717, STATE HIGHWAY BUILDING, SALEM. Auctioneer: Claude M. Kilgore, Salem, Oregon Oregon State Highway Commission, State Highway Building, Salem, Oregon 300 Personal 316 Personal CHILDLESS COUPLE hv home lor on or two children ag 13 to 8 years. Bef. exchange. Box 327 Statesman-Journal. Palmstry Readings Advice on love, marriage, business. Thia ad and 1 for 99 reading, Next to North Salem Drlve-ln. NOT responsible for any bills other than my own. Ilee M. Meredith. Play Popular Piano Call Salem Music Co., 2-9708, or Sarcrtet's In Albany. 352. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1. 3088 N. comI. a-40Ji, e-aan. AFE, permanent removal ot un sightly facial hairs. Erich ot N.Y. 402 livestock For Sal 2 GUERNSEY heifers, reah. 1 Guern sey bull calf, weeK oia, as. v. w. Fisher. 270 Hollywood Dr.. 2-2932. 9 DUROC feeder pigs. 3 Chester- White weaner pig. H. w. Hayden, Rt. 3, Box 797. Ph. 4-4231. 10 MO. OLD Shetland pony. Sired hi Silver King. No room, must aell Call 4-3073. LOCKER BEEF F-as tern Oregon. It or Whole, ix, ironi quanor .cue. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 1325 S. 25th. Phont 3-4K58. 403 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buyer. 1 buy cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, goats, Doars. veal. Emery Alderman. Phont 2 7809 or 2-0068. CATTLE BUYERS. E I. and H. Hnt- tnen. 42tf7 siaic. a-iaio or -s.ipu. CATTLE, horaea. at your farm. K. C. McCnnamn. s. it am. srn. LIVESTOCK buyer, A. F. Sommer, Ph. 4-2G17. jiwa Harmony ur. 404 Poultry ond CHICKS for layers. Leghorn Austra white or New Hampshire, palmers Rt. 1. Brooks. Ph. 2-6343. BABY CHICKS. Order now for choice ot hrecaa. rm puucis ivc, par rea tool ten. Sc. Valley Farm Store. 408 Pelt LOST Red Cocker female pet of family Reward tor Information leading to return of dog Viola Dayman. Ph. 3-4603. TOY Fox terrier, male, 10 mon.. 2'i lb. Registered. .7. very exception al buy. Ph. 2-124B. FR to good home. 3 border collie puppirsPh. Sunday. 3-nz. COCKER. Onldrn red. A. K. C. at stud. Phone2-1218. DALMATIAN pup mo. old. 125. Phone 2-12IH. YKAH OLD male Collie. Wonderful stock and watch dog Inoculated. in Ph. 2-onv) or 2-2n2. PARAKEETS Continuous new Hatches. All col or.. Handed, full flighted and GUARANTEED birds. fACF.S KKKDS SUPPLIES WHOLESALE & RETAIL REGISTERED male boxer at stud. CalJ4-W55 AKC Pomeranian A mo. female. 6o0 Trvon Ave. V.O0O. Ph. 2-0833. REGISTERED Dobctman Plnscher nuns. 7 week. old. Female.. $10. Male,. Hi. 4199 N. River Rd 5-1139. Ph. PARAKEETS, Cages, supplies Bird Paradise, 31B0 Livingston 2-11142, HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM, IDM Mc Coy 1 block east ot N Oanllol. IV.. Mock, north of M.rli.on Ph ?-fiR7 Call 2-2441 for Pulling Power IIMitfc s t 1 miMiiU'iJ 400 Agriculture ' 42S Auction Sale AT outbuildings located approximately outbuildings located approximately located approximately 1 mile west St. Louis and approximately 600 feet at Rt. 1, Box 223, Gervals. and outbuildings located south of the house located on the gravel road be 5 SETS OF BUILDINGS IS 1954, AT THE PETZEL PROP present location within SO days of 408 Pots PARAKEETS Bablea raised In our home, 97.50, all colors. Mrs. Powi. or, 735 Bellevue. Ph. 4-1587. BOXER female. Moore'a tropical fish equipment. Parakeets, pets. Mao leay Rd. 4-3773. Closed Wed. CANARIES Orange & apricot strain. Phone 3-4385. 1340 Chemek eta. 410 Soedi and Plant TUBEROUS begonia bulbs, 92.30 doz. & up. uioxinia duidb, aac eacn. ziuy direct from grower. We were 1st prize winners at 1953 State Fair, Claggett'a greenhouses. 4 ml. N. ot Salem on Wallace Rd. (Salem Dayton H.), RU 1, Box 403. Ph. 2-3502. ROTTED manur by yard or lack. rn. a-ouiz. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce GOOD hay for ialt. Am Center St FERTILIZER Rotted manure, weed rt. 2-0774 414 Farm Equipment 1049 FARMALL "H" tractor tandem disc. Oliver plow and harrow. All jor fi.wo. i"n. 3-1139 or Aumiviue afifll evenings. 2!i If. P. David Bradley Garden tractor with mower, plow, disc, harrow, clod masher, cultivator. aozer Diade and leveier. 150. Ph. 3-0039 or 2-2RR2. B MODEL Allls CM aimer, plow, cul tivator, mower 8t blade, term trait er. Sc good family cow. Ph. 2-1311 between fi-3. 450 Merrliariflige 451 Machinery ond Tools ROTTO-HOE tractor. U II P. Reason able. Call between noon & evening. 30B4 Brown Rd. 2-S.KiO. WISCONSIN las engine with clutch. urlla band saw. Foley aaw tiling machine. Wallace Wood lathe. 2087 N. Mh. 4SS Hsehold Goods For Sal NEW SEW. machine. Wal. Console. Value 1M. Sell 1149. 2-4.11.1. GREEN frieze modern sofa & chair. Foam rubber cushion, exc. cond. Ph. 2-5780. 456 Wanted, Hsehold Goods WK PAY top cash price for good used furniture, appliances, etc. Im mediate service. Used Merchandise Mart 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. if ff.'ai4istia1 aaifi I Used Furniture Valley Furniture Co. 2-7472 CASH for hoirful. furniture, one piece Lamberts. 2-7802. CA.-.H 1U 'AY Good usea turnilur. or will e-!l on consignment Ph 3-6098 Sudtell Auction. 457 Radio and TV FOR SALE or trade 9 month old R. C. A. 17" table model TV. 719 Larry Ave. Ph. 4-4287. 458 Building Materials BUILDING All new Grade "A" Best Quality 4" Cast Soil Pine. USA .... . .75 ft. 14-2 Loomex Wire Full roll .0.1 ft. 12-2 Loomex Wlie Full roll .115 ft. Wall Bxs wclamp .26 Switch or Outlet Ivory .. ,.10 Ceiling Kxaust Fan 8" 1999 2 Comp. Sink comp w ring 43.95 Steel Rath Tub comp. 8199 10 yr. 42 gal wtr heater -. 67.50 Rev Trap Toilet "A" -.2993 '" Galv Pipe - .12 ft. K Galv Gutter 14 ft BOLLINGER'S. 343 N. Com 1. Ph. 2-8858 PLUMBING Toilets .124 SO Shower Cahlnils 1,19 50 Wash Daslns 119 00 4-ln. cast Iron soil pipe, per ft. 69c Water heaters, hath tubs, fittings A colored seta at tremendous s;ivings. CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE 149 CENTER SAI.Ktt To Place Ad Call2-2441 450 Merchandise 458 Bulldlnej Moiariala Pine, Pine, Pine! (RUNNING OUT OUR EARS!) New Load 1X11 shelving, variety of paneling, aame low price. Knotty Pine plywood (that's rlghtl), have some in stock. Sdgs 59 50. KD roof sheathing or boxing 60.50. Lotsa doors, rfgs., paints, wallboards. and clg. tiles. 4x8 hardboard 1.79 sheet. Some odd sizes in plywood need an offerl Ext or Int. 4x1 or cut. Free cutting saves you money Easy Blld Patterns from Urge fur niture to babya toys. You'll be pleased .at ease, doing; It "your self." Your remodeling problems, our pleasurel Nothing down. 38 moi. to pay. OPEN ALL DAY SAT. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD . . 8.14S Portland Rd. Ph. e-4433 BUILDING? New fir door jambs ..42.90 ubk uooring , New bath tubs comoleta Used bath tubs complete WM u cam wasnoasjns M Hdwd. plywd.. Ideal for paneling or cabinets Cheap Loose insulation per bag i no Fiberglass roll blanket uuuL Cheap 14-2 elec wiring 12-2 elec, wiring 5c Nalle 19.79 & 99.95 keg Asbestoa sldlne ner aa. .-SV.W .110.90 95.90 I2.50 Painted shakes with undera . New doors, aU sizea . Used windows 38" x 43" 100 used doors with framea New toilets with seat 924.90 Double kitchen ainka, complete 941.90 42 gal. elec. water heaters ..68.50 Laundry trays, pipe, basins Bargain 900 gal. steel septic tanks 982 50 4 cast Iron soil pipe i 4" solid orangeburg pipe i"" Roll roofing, large supply $2.49 9 tab comp. roofing V " Cedar shingles. 4 grades Chap New Galv. iron nnt ror, Plywood, new carload Bargalna New picture windows . 98.00 New weather stripped windows S14.20 Cedar fence posts , , fhop New plaster board 4x8 .91.40 Steel garage doors, complete-. .944.00 Over-head garage hardware .913.119 Kitchen, bath rm. enameled checked wall cover 10e aoj. ft- C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-5051 1 ml. N. of Kelzer BARGAIN sale. No. 4 surfaced lum ber. 2x4. 2x8. 2x10, 2x12. Random length. Eve ph. Stayton 2707. Cold, en Cycle Lbr. Co., Lyons, Ore. ALL NEW lumber, shtplap, 830.00 per M and up, 2x4 and larger 129.00 per M and up. Some lumber 919.00 per . M delivered. Phone 2-2042. 2" dimension No. 2 and better bo per M. 1x8 shlplap No. 2 9i better, 953 per M. 1" and 2" No, 2 Com., 938 per M. 1" and 1" No. 4 Com., 825 per M. LaCKEOLB LUMBER COMPANY Ellendale Rd., Dallas, Ore., Ph. 3919 460 Musical Initrumsntt SMALL itudio piano, $150. Call Black 49 Mt. Angel. Mr. Fournler. VERY FINE Gibson guitar and amp lifier for sale. Ph. 4-3700. ACCORDION CLASSES Beginners, all ages. Enroll for 4 ween a count, instrument lurnisnea FREE. MUSIC CENTER, 470 N. Capital, Ph. 3-5371 SPINET Pianos. Bavt as much as VW. First line only. At low aa 9450. Grands low as $m. ftefliu. Jahcd. Music Center, 470 N. Capital Ph. 3-B37I. PIANO accordion, 120 bast, used, $30. 120 uase, new iko. Reg. jsuo. Tht Music Center, 470 N. Capital. Ph. 2-S371. 462 Sporttt Equipment MEN'S golf clubs, 3 woods, 125, 8 irons, s.iJ. Tne worm incjuoing pag, $53. Call 3-8754. CASH pafd for used guns, modern and antique. Cascade Merc. IZJQ Broadway. 468 For Rent, Miscellaneous U-FIX-IT-GARAGE rp.ilr you own car. Phont 4-9261. skis ram i. Mcculloch ensm ssws and post hole augers by day. Town Equip ment Co. Ph. 4-13,1. OH HUM' or l.ase, lge. warenouse space cement lioora, oriCK oing. 9ldg. Stiff down town. Inqtur. n. I. rur.L 3-aiU. 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous NF.W portable electric 3-speed pho nograph. " skill saw. 18" delux. lawn mower. Paint spray outfit. Ph. 3-797. It CU. FT. Upright Freezers only $.195 00. Limited supply. NICO SALES COMPANY, 1990 Fair ground TRd. V.i rL-PT Martin boat motor, $100. Call 4-1880 alter 1:00. TmoNROE calculator, elec, 195. Call 4-1880 alter 1:00 p ro. SEWING machine clearance sale. Portable from 149.90, Treadle from 9S(, Comb, electric from UK 50. All machines In A-l cond. & guar anteed. Singer Sewing Center, 110 N .ComT. APEX wringer washer, with pump, 120. 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem. WHITE ei.amel comb, wood & gas range. $25. Also elec. range, excel. ! cond. 179. Bird cage with stsnd. M I Mar"'- 3-4807. MAHOGANY dining set with buffet to match, bedroom set, oil clrculat , or healer. 1936 Dodge pickup. 4723 Elizabeth St. (Kelrerl Tel. 3-4093. COMPLETE bakery equip. 4 x 8 pool table. 2-hole Ice cream cabinet: large roll top desk. Call eve. 4-19.18. MUST SELL Houard upright piano. Frontllina 120 ba.-e piano acrordlon. Agate cut ting outfit complete with soma rock. Sparton radio-phono, comb, with beautiful cabinet. Wilcox gay tape recorder with record maker. Bearcat garden trader. Pennsyl vania power lawn mower. 9530 Au burn Rd. -PC. dinette. 129.99. Jlogg Bros Used Store, H7 C. Com'l. 60 PANES Greenhouse Glass. Ph. 4-63.19. REDUCED price. Howard upright piano, perfect condition. 1179. Penn. power liiwn mower, $65. Almost new 120-ba&s plan i accordion. 9275: Spartan radio, plio -comb. Beaut: ful cabinet, $50. Complete asn cutting HrL9135Jv4-2997 Recaps 600-16, $4.99. L lie's Tire. 2'4 N. Com'l. , DINING room set. mahogany table, 6 chairs and buffet, also chrom kitchen set. Excellent bargain. Call 2-7l59. . 4-PC. Walnut bedroom suite, $49.90. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S Com'l. , r-PC. BEDROOM set $69 30. ( drawei hardwood chest $22 50 . 6 yr. crlt $7.90. Motorola T.V. S50. Club chalt $: 90. radio-phono $22 90. Rotarj mower attachment $34 50. SNOOK'S BARGAIN CENTER ISM Stale St. Open Saturday till t p.m.