Page 12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Saturday. February 20, 1954 STEVE ROTEB "Tni I ' ' V VIOLENCE IS NOT THE 1 Y BACK THE USSe) i RftrH1 I CLOSER-1 WAN!T THE EXHAUST IJ I jJUJ - ! ' CON MAN'S CL Of TEA, CAB OVEU HEBE -A; 3 JWFfiJ'l ' PIPE A5 NEAS THE TOOL BOOM 00(38 Td ft7)'' GOL0IE BUT THIS IS -, r-r, ,'-V :? Tt-V..,: 13 TrLvmml AS POSSIBLE lra ISI :'Lj POGO , I " " Ml f III I . ... . PROGRAMS KSLM 1J, KOCO HM, KGAB Mil, KOIN 170. KOW (30, KEX 11M I'M I Megacycles KOIN 101. 1; KEX J.J 00:00- MONDAY P.M. 00:15 00:30 00:45 I ffO.mHioUTUOiliUTlWMOttA V NOTHIN'tEfST BUT THAT AH' CLgAJt 1 EttttfJIESf ( )AtVWi$1ii? M- MgT 4LWirT,I Atl4HTi yi BUT NOW 1 IS A T IU B6 if47....TT J NOW, NOvTTg jj, liPS ljsy t jfi ORPHAN ANNIE J I Ciiii V WHO HIM-MfttW y ONE TWetiTY " l. ( VrilO HCB JOB 1Toh"wu""" f DID YOU NOTICE Y COUhfTED "EM-TEH- , DEALS-6NW- I MILLION DEAL- I If MWOWTHOSE PHONE?, ( A REAL 1 ALLTHOSE PHONES I AND ALL RINSM1 JUST UKE THAT- I FOR A I i BABE 1 HERE'S AN0THEH SPORT I IH MR. FINNOG'S flTONCE, FROM ALL , Five MILLION- I OtAMOr MINE- j ?A FIVE FORYUH- , THANKS? I LILABNER '!'' " IWONITPAY YlTWA'iA -J MEANWHILE- "1 L? W . ONE Kt I P!? 'i ' M JO-. A CENT.1'- I L-LOADEO4-5- , 7 iHerrrfA- ( VVOKD.' MkkwLlV ' VOL) DIDN T AN AH LEFT MAM ??-VO'WA$ HAVIN' AfYStfitW PLEASE lmll,IlrT USE THE ff BABY PLAVINV StCH FUN PLAYIN' fcAJJ ff -S3 V PISTOL I v WIF XTTf- U sVVIFTH' WATER PI5TOL) w , M Vy' jrP M fTmW: XJIVf g fj HOPALONG CASS1DX lUKE SWWUWS GIANT GUABP1NS K VAST CSOA'aIN.... Top TradfO World New! Noon News MaclroO Ntwg Newsroom PjuI Harver INewl iGtv to IMIddar Muilo IMidday Muilo I Spider ISpider 'Com, Oat II Hoiua Party IRoad ot Llla Hepptr Younf Noun Edition Sam Havei Better Shopper Music Room IMusie Room Made Melody Macie Melody IMaiic Melody Newa Jack Horner 'Jai-k Horner I Hilltop Aoute 'Arthur GodfreylArthur Godfrey Backitata WKalSttlla Oallai HWlddrr Hrown Kay Watt (Kay Weal IKav Weil Steita Melodlea IRIIrhle Spider iHouso Party Happmeia The Todda Muaic Room IMairic Melody jacx rtorner Arthur Godfrey (Woman in Haa IKa Weat KI.M Newa IStar Time INewa IRand to Remem a. mm jnanc racioay imacic Meioay imjiic Melody Mamc Melody KGAB Newa ISpider ISpider Spider OIN Arthur GodfreylArthur GodfreylArthur GodfreylCurt Maney KCW Juit Plain Bill P. P Terrell ILorenio Jonea iPaya to Marry KEX Crorkpr-MartinlMartin Block IMarlin Block I.Martin Block kILM Huahea Reel ITello Test iKIrlrunnri lctrUu.nnrf KOCO Aftern'n Newa ITune Tima Ipiano Pattern Research KOAI News ISpider ISpider ISnlder KOIN Wizard ol OddslMake Up Mind IRobt. Q. Lewis Tunefully youra a.un ..vrier iraveiera iur. Paul Life Beautiful KEX for Glrla Tor Glrla I Tor Girls iFor Girls KiLM a'ullon Lawla llleminpwav KOCO Music U Want IMusic U Want KOAI Newa Spider KOIN Kirkham News ISpark. Music ROW Forward Mar. March Box KIX Afternoon Edit. Isotnrrel Caga BlDby Benson IBabby Benson IWldBIl Hlc'ok iw'ld Bill Hickolc UV" BI10W T mi KnitlVT m. v.nnnil T .ml. D.c.n.nH In. IT KGAK News A: Need. Disk i NmiI. nkir jt. KrtA li.n nff KOIN r. R. Murrow INewa IWorlrt fol1v Ci.u N,wl KtlW Hill Stern (News ,Jc.i Mason Kaltenhorn KI.X Dick Pgwell (Peggy Lee lllunllev Newt 'Boh Garred Curt Masse y IMusic U Want ISpider March Box IMarch Box 'Squirrel Cant isatn Haves IMusic U Want ISpider IMarch Box IMarch Box Closer Rogers KULM Gab. Heater Perry Como KOCO Candlelight ICnndlellght KOIN Radio Theater Radio Theater KOW Relax Music IHelax Music KEX Home Edition Bill Stern IVirgil Plnkley ISam Hares IWorld News l8 Keys Radio Theater Radio Theater ICan U Top ThislNation's Busns ISports Edition I Happy Time Kkl.M Tha Falcon IThj Falcon iCud This Be UlCud This Be U siiiv, nosary start sing IMusic ispnrta Report KOIN Camel CaravanlCamel Caravanl Talent Scouts Talent Scouts ROW M'Gee & Mollyl Alex Dreler IStcvens Show IStevens Show KEX Lone Ranger ILone Rang' r l Henry Tavlor Hcadl. Edition KSI.M Memory Room iMemory Room ILet Geo. Do ItlLet Geo. Do It KOCO Track 1490 ITrnck 1490 ITrnrk 1490 ITrack 1490 KOIN Movie Theater Movla Theater Lowell Thomas Family Skelton KOW 1 Men's Family I News or World) Railroad Hour Railroad Hour KEX Gd. Listening IGd. Listening J. Vandercook IFav. Music 9 KKI.M Hardy Newt Mut. Newsreel iPlatter Parade Harry Wlsmer KOCO Track 1490 ITrack 1490 ITrack 1490 I Night Newa KOIN Beulah Julius La Rosa Suspense Suspense GW I'lmne Hour IPhone Hour Bandwagon IBandwagon "5 Hollywd. Thtr. Illollywd. Thtr. IDccislon Decision KILM Fulton Lewis (Platter Farad (News IPIatter Parade KOCO Nocturne (Nocturne INocturne INocturne KOIN star Final ICook Guest Bk IChmbr Forum Chmbr Forum KOW Richfield Reor. (Sports Tlnal I Political Political KKX final Edition iDanca Time- iDanceTlma I Dance Mm KILM Under Arrest koco Nocturne KOIN Record Show KOW Newa KEX Dance Time Under Arrest IMIdnight MelodiMidnlght Melodl nocturne INocturne INocturne Record Show Record Show 111:55 News .less Mason ICIty Council ICIty Council I Dane Tim I Dane Time I Dance Tlma KOAC 550 ke. Monday 10:00 a.m. The Newt and Weather: 10:15 Especially for Women: 10:10 Hnm Economics Extension Sriecialist: ii-nn Oregon School of the Air Standard acnooi Broadcast: 11:30 Concert Hall: 13:00 Newa and Weather: 12:15 p. m. Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride'Em Cow boy; 1:15 Oregon School of the Air Lana of Make Believe; 1:30 Lets Ex plore Art; 1:45 Phil Kalar Sings: 2:00 Ksoecialiv for Women- 2:30 Memory Book of Music; 2:45 Oregon School of the Air American Enterprise at Ft. Astoria; 3:00 Oregon Reporter; 3:15 Music of the Masters: 4:00 Ad venture In Research: 4:15 On the Up beat; 4:45 News Commentary; 5:00 Children's Theater; Jerrv of the Cir cus; 5:30 20th Century Theater: 6:00 News and Weather; 6:15 Talking Taxes: 6:30 Flying Time; 6:45 Let There Be Light; 7:00 General Exten sion Journal: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; 6:00 University Hour: 9:00 Music That Endures; 9:45 Evening Meditations Westminster House; 10:00 Sign Off. HOUR TUESDAY 6 A.M. ta 11:45 A.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 ; INSIDE T STONE FORTRESS, ITS OWNEe 1 1 WkNMA. SEE X rAK. RAYSt tSVEM5C KOW I "MS A OCJUV WINIOW, QUIETLY WtwlS VE BOSS IS I IN TO ANYONE AN APPgQACHiMS t?y-rjl9.M I WEIN,SriANS?y PiCttN' ThtLM mrmnr--- SSaCT ' , - TAKE OABae O' koco I unrninmiv i WtBa9l5m t V TW WEAPON TILL lKG VOU LEAVE, H06&S. "! U. ... y . r- ; -II iasKm,i i-t illl 111 Itl 1 .1 I isr asret all I i X V .1 niin MUTT & JEFF I KJS MUTTWAKE WZh? thN ISrTTNST if0HlPi ITi5 C0TTA BE BURGLARS.' jfffjt ) OP! I HEARD fwHASS'ti 'JSH, 1 BuWiAWtJv li J7 WW I D0NT HEAR ' ,nio I"? Blks!Y? Mr! SI A THING JS 1 KF w.-, I'MSffA(?ED.J A SOUND -JLZA By'Y yKS).'l fepr-YCTJ. rtSr6o to sleep' mF-(KrS&- Tvd r-vd Rll) ) U REX MORGAN. M.D. 1 I'M ArgllP, JIM.' PH. 1 f I'Vf WAIIED X Wl WST PLAN IT CAREFULIY,! Hl QQk T WORgV. DABI.IMS TaWgWI iT MORGAN SOUNDED A SO 10N5 TO RUTM .' OUR STORIES MUST WW WE LL KEEP OlR SECRET.' NO HAVING LEARNED FROM GRIW ON THE PHONE !M HAVE VQU y. BE LETTER PERFECT.' NO II ONE WIU. fIND OUT. .. EVER ' K diS WIPE TWAT THEiR 1 BACK WITH J OnE HAUST EVER SUSPECT BtV- fiT' SON IS SERIOUSLY III, 1 B'Llt wnl BE US AoAiN, T WHERE I VE BEEN THESE j L T . . ULJ'WJ OT ' V - JW HRTltg SUDDENLY La&4TTH jalij r' MARY WORTH Jaa'7,;''-lU;' WArTLS-"! I THAI MM.7lg.CNN WMOHASMAfX 'j SNr,tvQJAWU,N ll-l I . Y T --figar - rAMTMVMANINTMlSHOTtL.RCI J. IJftl ' WAMT TC H HiHD. J MARSHA! ARE 10U NO MR5. WORTH ! dfUROv TOBARTf.NDiR. juM iNVULD VfinHAvi Pmeacdmi uu irti 1 BJTIH01JLBf!- , JT j Nwi Summary Music TlmikpriNewi I'rJy Worm EarlyWorm Early Worm Hrk. Nook IKrk. Nook llirk. Nook R.F.D. Oregon Koin Klock Kom Klock Yawnivntty I Y;iwnivers(ty I Yawntvrrsiiy Ore arm Hr. lOre.Frm Hr. tOre.rarm Hr. Brtik. Gam Breik.Gmg (News Karly Worm IKarly Worm Farly Worm Brk. Nook Brk. Nook Hrk. Nook Macleod Ncwi ICosk News liabbitt Show (Yawniversity Newi Knox Manning March Tim Early Worm IKik. Nouk Kmn Klock lYawniversity !Oie farm Hr. Ilcminrway Newa Newa Koin Klork Johnny Willi Newa Ocil Brown Family Altar Early Worm Karly Worm Newa & Nook I Hrk. Nook ionium. Ntwa I Vail Nawa Moon Mullini jMoon Mullini Break. Club Break. Club iMiuical Clock iMuslcal Clock I Bob Haien Haven Raat Haven Rest iKarlv Worm INewa Hrk. Nook I Brk. Nook .Morn Varieties iRosemary Moon Mullins Mnon Mulllns Breakfast CltiblBreakfatt Club 7 Seeking Job At Woodburn WOODBURN Seven appli cants for the proposed position of full-time fire chief for the city of Woodburn and the Wood burn rural fire protection district have been interviewed but no action has been taken on the se lection of a chief pending meet ings of the council and board of directors, Applicants arc Floyd Maricle, present local fire chief; and Merle Lcishty, both of Wood- burn; Thomas Lay and Clyde Bucholtz of Salem; Jack Cooper, assistant fin chief at Sunnyside, Wash.; Don Barner, "ormer fire chief of Centralia, Wash.; and Walter P. Smith of ML Angel. Interviewing the arplicants were Jess Fiktn and Jr. James Dca gen representing the Woodburn city council, President Lynn Si mon and David St. John 'rom the district board of directors of the rural fire protection districL Since World War II, France has rebuilt 5,000 bridges, des In thp conflict, but has 2,550 to go before all replace ments are made. HENRY By Carl Anderson ;l . I I . Cni n jFjln ROOM & BOARD By Abern YES, ROBIN-AFTER, THE ARTISTIC AND FINANCIAL SUCCESS OF MY PAINTING. I'D BE A SIMPLETON! NOT TO CONTINUE PRODUCING AWE IN THE MODERN AANNER KSLM News ICap. Jomment I Pastor's Call KOCO Ray's Records IRay't Records IRay't Records KGAL Oregon Trail ISpider Spider Knl Wendy Warren (Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Hfiw Aionn Mllllins l.Moon Mulllnt Monn Mulling l.Moon Minima KEX Newt IStars Today IMod RomanceslLum & Abner I Bargain IRay 's Record! ISpider iGal Sunday Glen Hardy ITello Test n-iy's Hrcorda IRav's Records News & SplderlSplder Road of Lite 'MaPerktnl Moon Mullins i. Moon Mullins Chet Huntley I Tonv Martin Wonderful City: Wonderful City Kavs KcLordt lHav's Records Dinner Winner Spider 2nd Mrs. Rurton'Perry Mason Rob Hope ISecond Chance Whispering SIS. I Girl Marries ITrcas. Chest IRav's Recoids ISpider lUr. Malone I Strike It Rich ITrue Storv Uueen for Day I Ray's Records ISpider IXorah Draka Phrase Pays Or. l ent. Stn. I INews IRay's Records ISpider iGuidinf Light Strike It Rich ITrue Slory KOAC 550 k.c. 10 no a m The N'ews and Weather- 10:15 Especially for Women: 11:00 Oregon .School of Ihe Air Splc Span When Handling Food: 11:15 Conrert Hall; 12:00 The News and the Weather: 12:15 Noon F.irm Hour: 1:00 Hide "em Cowboy; 2:00 Especnllv for Women Hands Across the Sea: 2 30 Memory Book of Music: 2:45 The Oregon School of Music; 24-IM ;llll(l VI. 'On' the Air What's (hat Woid: 3:00 The Oregon Reporter: 315 Music of the Masters: 4 00 Spotlight on Asia: 4:15 On the Upbeat; 4:45 Poetic Patterns: 5 00 ChUdien's Theater; 5:30 This Week in Washington: 5:45 OSC Air ROTC: 6:011 The News and Weather: 6:15 Folklore of Indiana: 6:30 Tom Roberts Organist: 6:45 The Torch Hearers: 7:00 Oregon Milk News of the Air: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: 8 00 Music of Crechoslovakia: S:30 Electrtrilv A- You: fl 45 The News A the Weather: 0:00 Mime that En dures: 9:45 Evening Meditations Round Tahle: 10:00 Sign Off. Si nSTATlOV KIDS OI'F.NK.D I PORTLAND (APi-The Bonne-; ville Administration Friday open ed 2.1 bids on construction of a 40 ooo-kilovolt ampere substation at Roundup, Ore., near Pendleton. Low bidder was Oliver Brandon, Vancouver, Wash., at $18.554. ACROSS l.firit 5. Donkey 8. French cleric 12. American railroad IS. Pointed tool 14. Hearing 15. Insects 16 Thnu-ht logically IS. Is dcf.'.iled 20. The birdt 21. limit 23. (.'lump of bll.siirs 26 Small furni ture whorls Jo. Sarc asm .11. Acree 52. Fine .11. Jewel 34. Holy 35. Blunder 38. "Lancelot and 38. Former Russian ruler 3. Follow 4.1. Clovern mcnlal de partment 47. Feminine name 4.1. Nobleman 411. Gaming rube 50. Ireland 51. Bargain 52. Harden 53. Quantity o' medicine DOWX I. Ratify 2 Italian river 3 Eggs of insects AlB'AiT.E.nAiPLLiTl M El D E.ULII ElNlS.SiA.Dl raTAiLEiEiEjdtyl fstt.N yDBTr.E.R n e'si rA'C'E'SOHIA'REiStJ AiRtnTiOiUiRnCTilTtSI jFAjR;MD AiTITfncI LpMTWB LlE-n 1 R A1 A'MTnlirTA IRl Ivf F Tl ii i. .n ti - 1- .'-I ylRUaGI0UEI51SI Solution of Yesterday'! Puzzle Vl'LL TURN W BufTOGET I 'EM OUT WITH W THE SAME p THh SAMf tl-rttl. YUUU 'X OF MY PAINTING. SMEARED HAVE TO WET I'D BE A SIMPLETON TECHNIQUE ALL THE' NOT TO CONTINUE I AS WITH MY CEILING PRODUCING AAORE h FRUIT PLASTER IN THE MODERN V PAINTING IN THE HOUSE AANNER y yl TO FALL . toM i-J l m silica rlrL SMEAR AAETHOP .lTr ?)) CAROL CURTIS .... M 3004 Queen tor Day I Rav's Record ISpider lllrighter Day iMull. A- Shel y Gr. Cent. Stn. 4 Ronesade 5. Swiss n'er n Takes oalh ". Bondman 8. Bonk o( the Bible 9 I.arue recep- laele 10. Working gathering ' lJ lv 14 V : " V ' " 1 !i n -fr -"' -v ia jTj i 53 " 55 IT jT5T ' , . -'6 -fv Ui ic sWyi 3T-57 7 i ? hr? IH Wrff tf Mefnrae II. Purpose 17. Dregs 19. Without seed.s 22. Metric land measure 23. Rockv pinnacles 24. Formerly 25. Stained 26. Promontory 27. Maple genuj 28. Mark of a wound 30. Withheld 32. The fourth calif 34. Author of "The Little Minjster" 37. Praises 38. Of great height 40. Air: comb, form 41. Flower 42. Narrow road 41. Spread to dry 44. Feminine na me 45. Period of time 46. sua fil.ITTI R ( ROCHLT FOR simum;! Tup illustration shows a revers ible lacy si raw which requires only 1 tube of brichl rid (or any preferred color), 1 tube o white and 1 of gold metallic thread. Very easy to make, very stun ning! Lower one is a shell with laced in velvet ribbon pretty in white straw with thin gold thread crocheted together. Send 25c for the T W O CLOCHES (Pattern No. 5931 complete instructions, finishing details. VOI R X A M E. AD DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CL'RTIS, The Capital, Journal. 652 Mission St., San I Francisco 5, Calif. Ready now! The brand new, exciting 36-page CAROL CUR TIS NEEDLEWORK GLIDE, in color, containing over 150 de signs for knitting, crocheting, embroidery, hairpin lace, four "How to Do It" designs, summer fashions; something for every age. every climate. In addition there are TWO FREE patterns for flattering spring and sum mer glamour' The NEEDLE WORK GUIDE ens.s only 2.5c. Order il as you do your needle work patlerns! SMARTNESS BEGINS AT HOME! Two special features in this easy to slip into and easv-lo-sewAashnhle! Yoke-panel lines are slenderizing. The long back pleat provides skirt freedom without hulk! No. 3004 is cut in sires 12, 14, 16. 18. 20. 36. 38, 40. 42, 44 46. Size 1R: 4". yds. 35-in. or 34 yds. 3fl in. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name. Address. Stvle Number Size Address PATTERN BU- ?Rh;y1'' Tnr t'T'lal Journal, 652 Mission St., San Francisco 5, Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders mmediately. For special hand ling of order via first class mail Include an extra 5c per pattern. Just off the press! The brand new 1054 SPRING SUMMER FASHION BOOK is agog from cover to cover with exciting new. season styles and ideas for easy sewing and smart going from breakfast until bedtime' IN COLOR, this bonk includes up. tothe-lastminute fashion fore casts for every age. every size, every occasion! Yours for only an additional 25c. )