Saturday, February 20, 195 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon Pago 11 y Pi Tele-Views Radio-Television It" SATURDAY ON KOINTV: 2:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Queen of the Amazons." starring Patricia Morrison and Robert Foury; Also, "Thunder Pass," starring Charles Bickford, Marsha Hunt and J. Carrol Naish. ' 6 p.m., This Is Show Business Kitty Carlisle is guest panelist and Phil Foster, comic Eileen Barton, song stylist, and Three's Company, dance trio, are guest artists on "This Is Show Bus iness." Clifton Fadiman is host and moderator. George S. Kaufman and Sam Levenson arc the regular panelists. 7 p.m., Medallion Theatre "Homeground", dramatic story by Tod Mosel. 10:30 p.m., Showtime on Six "Grand Canyon" starring Mary Beth Hughes and Richard Arlcn. a SATURDAY ON KPTV: Stranger Than Fiction, 3:15 Another of the long-popular shows. Lone Ranger, 3:30 "Sheriffs Son," recounts happenings as the Lone Ranger and Tonto trail an ex-convict. Johnny Jupiter, 4:00 "Cure lor a Cold." Duckweather discovers cure for colds. Trouble is, it only cures robots from outer space. Abbott and Costello, 5:00 "Cheapskates." Auction purchase proves to be 100 pairs of roller skates. Superman, 5:30 "Lady in Black" details Jimmy Olsen's bewilder ment by art thieves. Col. Humphrey Flack, 6:00 Stars Alan Mowbray as modern Robin Hood. Life of Riley, 7:00 "Love Letters." Ethel and Albert, 7:30 Plans for a wedding reception; the bride, an 80'year-old aunt. I Led Three Lives, 8:00 A "How to Play Golf" pamphlet holds clues to Communist activities. FBI Agent Dressier sees to it his boys get pamphlet. Sabotage uncovered. Show of Shows, 9:00 Eddie Albert, movie star, returns for sec ond appearance and is host. Performances by Billy Williams Quar tet; Linn and Rod Alexander, Jack Russell. Carl Reiner and How ard Morris supporting Imogcnc and Sid in comedy sketches. Your Hit Parade, 10:30 Top tunes dramatized by Dorothy Col lins, Snooky Lanson, the Hit Paraders and Dancers. Greatest Fights of Century, 11:00 Famed first fight between Joe Louis and Max Schmeling, Yankee Stadium, June 9, 1936. Premiere Theater, 11:15 "Stagecoach," starring John Wayne, Claire Trevor and Thomas Mitchell; adapted from Ernie Haycox' atory. . SUNDAY ON KOIN TV: 12:30 p.m., Contest Carnival Barker Gene Crane will introduce four juvenile circus acts Mystic Smith and Peggy, magicians from Philadelphia; The Geitcr Troupe, comedy tumbling quartet from Lancaster, Pa.; The Two Biancos, boy and girl parallel-bar act from Brooklyn, and Margaret Spitser, a juggler from New York. 2:00 p.m., Omnibus Drama achievements at Yale University and at UCLA, and Southern African songs by Marais and Miranda, are among the highlights. From New Haven, "Omnibus" will broad cast a scene from the Yale dramatic production of Shakespeare's "The Merry Wives of Windsor." The UCLA feature will be an original motion picture," "Time Out of War," made by Terry and Dennis Saunders for their M. A. degrees at the UCLA school of Cinematography. 4:30 p.m., Adventure The evolution of Amphibious and Reptilian Life on Earth. Guests will be Dr. George Gaylord Simpson, Chrm. of Departments of Geology and Paleontology, and Dr. Edwin H. Colbert, Curator of Fossil Amphibians and Reptiles at the Ameri can Museum of Natural History. Charles Collingwood is host. 5:00 p.m., Gene Autry Show "Sheriff of Santa Rosa." 6:00 p.m., You Are There The sudden, electrifying upturn in the morale of the American revolutionaries which followed Tom Painc's celebrated "These arc the times that try men's souls" pam phlet will be recreated when Walter Cronkite and the "You Are There" cameras return to Nov. 25, 1776, to report "The Ordeal of Tom Paine." :SO D.m.. Pride of the Family Attentions paid by Albic Morri son (Paul Hartman) to a childhood sweetheart who has separated from her husband, get him into trouble with his wife Catherine (Fay Wray), in the television comedy scries "Pride of the Family." 7:30 D.m.. What's My Line Deborah Kerr, currently starring in the Broadway success, "Tea and Sympathy," will be the guest pan elist Miss Kerr will be substituting for regular panelist Bennett Cerf, who's away on a lecture tour. The other regulars on the pro gram are moderator Jonn uaiy ana panelists uorotny iviicaiiuii, Arlcne Francis and Steve Allen. 8:00 p.m., Toast of the Town Lana Turner and Jane Powell among the galaxy of top Hollywood stars who will be Ed Sulli van's guests on CBS Television's "Toast of the Town" when the program salutes the 30th Jubilee of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in a broadcast from CBS Television City in Hollywood. Other M-G-M stars scheduled to participate in the program arc Esther Williams, Fred Astaire, Greer Garson, Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, Walter Pid geon, Cvd Charisse, Ann Blyth, Debbie Reynolds, Van Johnson. Gene Kelly, Pier Angeli, Louis Calhcrn, Kccnan Wynn, Howard Keel, Ann Miller, Vera Ellen and Edmund l'urdom. 9:00 p.m., G. E. Theater Screen actress Claire Trevor stars in j "Foggy Night," a mystery drama. Miss Trevor, as Cora Leslie, col- j lides with a parked automobile while driving in a San Francisco fog, thereby touching off a scries of events centering on homicide, j 9:30 p.m., Man Behind the Badge A secret investigator of the j Philadelphia Police Department risks his life to smash a large narcotics ring, in "The Philadelphia Story." The investigator por trayed in the real-life drama is Detective Thomas Fcglcr. 10:00 p.m., The Web A disillusioned young widow makes a startling discovery about a struggling composer in love with her, in "A Handful of Stars." Arthur Franz and Cloris Leachman co ttar and Patty McCormack and Stephen Chase arc featured. j 6UNDAY ON KPTV: ! Mr. Smiles Reads the Funnies, 9:15 Graham Archer entertains pre-schoolers. , , ' What One Person Can Do, 9:45 Frank Fay is guest. Father Keller discusses the Christopher movement. Junior Symphony Rehearsal. 10:00 The 80 young musicians, pre paring for the svmphony's 30th Anniversary concert, rehearse, with Jacob Avshalomov, guest conductor. Parts of Mozart's Overture to "Marriage of Figaro," Beethoven's Concerto in D Major for violin, ! and Schubert's unfinished symphony. Brotherhood Week Special, 10:30-"Chi:ck Hansen. One Guy,' dramatizes race feelings and a solution within industry. Facts Forum, 11:00 "Wire Tapping" discussed by Congressmen Ed Edmundson and Kenneth Keating. Dan Smoot moderator. Sundav Matinee, 11:30 "Rogue's Tavern." Food for Thought, 1:00 "Coffee Costs" discussed by panelists Maureen Neubergcr, John Denny and Glen Silverthorn with Stuart Snevd of Ben Hur Coifec compay and Barbara Schwab, consumer. How Does Your Garden Grow, 1:30 Snapdragons and stocks to be discussed. .... . j . Industry on Parade. 2:00 The dynamos of the dynasty depict more American manufacturing progress. Art l.inkletter. 2:15. Wedding Belles, 2:30 Bernard Van Home, librarian for the LI brary Association of Portland, guest of the show, featuring brides-to-be. "Lassie" coats will be modeled. Kukla, Fran and Ollle, 3:30 Washington's birthdays lead to wagers that Colonel Crackie can or cannot toss a dollar across the Delaware, as George W. reportedly did. Roy Rodgers, 4:00 Roy and Pat Brady tangle with the ill-famed Opal gang, when the gang robs Pokerville bank, killing a cashier. Zoo Parade, 4:30 "Winter at the Duck Pond," thrice postponed by reason of insufficient winter, again scheduled; Marlin Perkins directing events at Lincoln Park, in Chicago. Jim Hurlbut, com mentator. Hallmark Hall of Fame, 5:00 "Miss Tracy of Mt. Vernon," star ring Sarah Churchill. Victory at Sea, Part 21, 6:00 "Full Fathom Five," story of de stroying ofJapanesc shipping by U. S. submarines and men of the "silent" service thereof. Paul Winchell Show, 7:00 Paul's woodenheaded pals Jerry Ma honey and Knucklehcad Smiff mistake glue for varnish and there after adhere strictly to business. , Mr. Peepers, 7:30 Photographing of Peepers offers complications. Colgate Comedy Hour, 8:00 Skate star Sonja Henic, in two ex hibition numbers, as guest. Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, addi tional guests. Television Playhouse, 9:00 "Statute of Limitations" Actionizes what happened after a million-dollar robbery. Lorctta Young Show, 10:00 "Big Little Lie" reveals dilemma of insecure child who lies to gain notice. Miss Young portrays the child's mother, a TV actress. Beverly Washburn is cast as the 9- year-old Ellen. Man Against Crime, 10:30 "Mike's Missing Marbles," combines brain injury, murder, confusion in absorbing detective drama. Meet the Press, 11:00 Martin Dies, guest. Twenty Questions, 11:30 Mrs. Lillian P. Patterson, dean of the School of Nursing, University of Washington, guest panelist. VIRGIL PINKLEY TO ADDRESS OREGON CLUB Virgil Pinkley Friday, 6:30-6-45 p.m., KSLM newscaster, editor and publisher of the Los Angeles Mirror will be the principal speaker at the annual Awards Dinner of the Oregon Advertising club in Portland February 23. ' POW's Who Turned Comunists on Family Theater: "Different Drummer," a startling dramatization which presents listeners with a- look into the future with one of the 21 American POW's who selected Communism, Sunday 6:30-7 p.m., on KSLM. I his week s story starts out in the year 1964 and outlines Com munistic methods and reaction to the soldiers who 'gave up their United States citizenship for a trip behind the Iron Curtain. Jeanette McDonald is the hostess for the February 17 broadcast. , "Food for Thought," Sunday KPTV at 1 p.m., will brew the coffee question. A new show making its second telecast, its panelists are Maureen Ncuberger, Glen Silverthorn and John Denny, with its guest this week Stuart Sneyd, regional manager of the Ben Hur Coffee company. Howard McAnulty is moderator. Last week's guest, Elmer Dcctz, the controversial Canby dairyman, is scheduled for reapearancc within the ncx1: month. Bernard Van Home, librarian of the Library Association of Port land is guest of the "Wedding Bells" live telecast at 2:30. MONDAY ON KPTV: What's Cooking, 10:30 Honoring Washington's birthday, Bar- baraAngell wil prepare "surprise" delicacy. Friend of the Family, 11:30 Mike Davenport with Girl Scouts and the candidate of the Miss Flowers contest, telecasting from Meier and r rank s Fifth and Morrison street window. Matinee Theater, 1 "Nut Farm," starring Wallace Ford, Joan Gale. Bar 27 Corral, 5:30 Rich-voiced Foreman Heck in a half hour of Western melody just right for relaxation before diner. Wild Bill Hiekok, 6 "Joke on Sir Anthony" takes him, with valuables toward a diplomatic post in China, but not without banditry. Mill Ends, 6:30 Dick Fagan's guests are Sammy Smead, Van couvcr, Wash., owner of an autographed panama valued at $15,000, and Ralph Stcetle, executive director of a committee on educa tional TV, Washington, D.C. Badge 714, 7 Sergeants Friday andd Jacobs investigate death of an elderly woman, whose husband is suspiciously without knowledge. Voice of Firestone, 8:30 Beloved works of Cole Porter, Jerome Kern, Richard Rodgers and Arthur Schwartz, to he featured. Opera tic soprano Dorothy Warenskjold and operatic bass Cesare Siepi in solos and ducts, rircstone Symphony in Hungarian Dance Mo. 1. by Brahms. Robert Montgomery Presents, 9:30 "Our Hearts Were Young and Gay," by Cornelia Otis Skinner, with Robert's daughter Elizabeth cast as Cornelia and Sally Kemp as Emily Kimbrough. Marjorie Gatcson, famed for "mother" portrayals, as Mrs. Skiner. A tender and humorous story of an American age nearly vanished. Douglas Fairbanks Presents, 10:30 A new show series with Fair banks as host. Nile Owl Theater, 11:01 "Down to the Sea," starring Ben Lyon, Russell Hardic, Ann Rutherford. MONDAY ON KOINTV: 3:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Main Street Kid," starring AI 5:30 p.m., Laurel and Hardy "Horn Hero." 6:45 p.m., Greatest Drama "General John Pershing Iron Com mander." 7 p.m.. Studio One Patricia Wheel, Margaret Hamilton and Fred Beir have the principal roles in "Man of Extinction," the story of a mystery writer whose habit of acting out plots before she writes them down backfires. 8 p.m.. Burns and Allen George is depressed because he doesn't get any fan mail, so Gracic prods her friend, Blanche Morton, into writing him a billet-doux signed "Violet McGonigle," on the George Burns and Gracic Allen Show. It proves an uplifting experience for George until, that is, he finds a real Violet McGonigle and plies her with considerable sweet talk that finds its way back to Gracic. 10 p.m., TV Hour, A thrilling suspense drama titled "A Dash of Bitters". The play, which concerns an aging artist who seeks to freeze subjects for her pictures into immobility, stars Zachary Scott, Estclle Winwood and Joan Lorrinc, with Richard Waring. 11 p.m.. Showtime on Six "Charlie Chan at Treasure Island", starring Cesar Romero and Douglas Dumbrillc. On Television ' KPTV(27)-KOIN-TV(6) UHF VHF (On If proiratu lehtOuitd in 4vinet FAREWELL REVIEW IN BERLIN "51 Woodburn DeMolay Seats Officers in Public Rites WOODBURN Public installation' Honored guests sealed in the of the officers of Woodburn chap- east were Mr. and Mrs. Harlow G. trr of DeMolay was held Thurs- Dixon, parents of the hcwly in day night. Feb. 18. at the Masonic stalled master councilor: .Mr. and Te'mnlc and a large crowd attend- Mrs. Mark II. Thompson, worthy ed. Norman Tvler, the retiring matron and worthy patron of Ev- MARR RADIO And TELEVISION 2H0 S. Commercial Open Evenings 'Til 9 RCA Victor TELEVISION Sales -Service Installation R PH JOHNSON APPLIANCES Open Friday Night 'Til 9 SS5 Center Ph. 3 3139 COLOR TELEVISION It is here! The standards for color tele vision have been adopted by the F. C. C. Our technicians arc already studying to be ready to service your color television receiver. The first color television receivers will be on the market this spring. However, not many of us will be buying them because a 14 inch screen will retail for around S800.00 and only a few programs will be available in color at first. It is expected in 3 to 5 years the price of a color receiver will drop to around S.'iOO.OO and the size of the screen will be enlarged. So in the meantime, most of us will continue to enjoy our black and white television. But whether you need serv ice on a black and white or color television receiver call Television Service Co. 1410 South 12th Phone 4-5512 master' councilor, was the install ing olliccr, assisted by Roy Henn as installing marshal and Miss Barbara Mouser as installing pian ist w:tli member of Evergreen As sembly of Rainbow assisting in the ceremony. Instabcd as master councilor was Richard Dixon, son of Mr. E.ul Mrs Harlow C. Dixon and a senior at Woodburn hi'jh school. Other nllicers installed were: Jerry Plant:, senior councilor; Dean B.shoprick. Jr., junior coun cilor; and the following appointive officers: Elwood Oslrom. scribe; Dale Calloway, chaplain: Bill Ker- stcn, marshal: Bill Mampley, sen ergrcen chapter. Order of the Eastern Star: Arthur M. Burt, chairman of the DeMolay advisory board: Mrs. Tom DeArmond, mo ther artvisnr of r,ainhow and Miss Jane MrGrath, worthy advisor of Evergreen Assembly of Rainbow. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. John Nilssnn of Silvcrtnn, grand parents of the newly installed mas ter councilor, and a number of oilier relatives. A siiort program was givrn which included a vocal solo by Ronald English, accompanied by Miss Jane McGrath. and a read ing by Miss McGrath. There were talks by a number of the honor SATl'BDAl 10:30 a.m. KPTV Magic Circus 11:30 a. in. KPTV Toym'k'r & Tr'ndi 11:45 a.m. KPTV Toymaker and frlenda KOIN Kid Crltlci 13:00 noon KPTV Saturday Matlnet KOIN Two Gun Flayhou&a 2: p.m. KPTV Saturday Matlnet KOIN WD e 1:00 p.m. KPTV Saturday Matlnet KOIN-Blt Picture 4:30 p.m. KPTV Saturday MaUnet KOIN epace Patrol J;00 u.m. KPTV Saturday Matinee KOIN Bpolllte on Youth MS p.m. KPTV Ttlli Ritalin' KOIN Armchair Theater 1:16 p.m. KPTV Stranger Than rictloo KOIN Armchair fiho 1:30 p.m. KPTV Lont Ranter KOIN Armchair Show 4:00 p.m. KPTV Johnny Jupiter KOIN Armchair Theater 4:J0 p.m. KPTV Captain Mldnknt , KOIN Armchair Theater S 0O p.m. KPTV Abbott and Coitello KOIN Armchair Theater 6:39 p.m. KPTV iiilpcrnun KOIN Daredevils e 00 p.m. KPTV Colonel Hack KOIN Tni. la Show fiiulneia 1:30 p.m. KPTV-TBA KOIN Beat the Clock 7:00 p.m. KPTV Life ot Blley KOIN Medallion Theater 1-30 p.m. KPTV Ethel and Albert KOIN LUe with Father 1:00 p.m. KPTV I Led 1 Lire. KOIN Jackie Qleaaon 1:30 p.m. KPTV Amateur Hour KOIN Jackie Oleason 9:00 p.m. KPTV Show ot Shows KOIN Two lor the Money 9:30 p.m. KPTV Show ot Shows KOIN My lavorllr Humand 10:00 D.m. KPT Show of Shows KOIN-IU',1 Hour Theater 10:30 p.m. KPTV -Hit Parade KOIN Pepsi Playhouse 11:00 p.m. KPTV Greatest r'uhts KOIN Showtime on six 11:14 p.m. KPTV Prelmer Theater KOIN Show Time on 611 SUNDAY :15 a.m. KPTV Readlnl Funnies S:30 a.m. KPTV The Pastor :4S a.m. KPTV Christopher Vtrmt, 10:00 a.m. KPTV Junior Symphony 10:15 a.m. KPTV Relltlous rllm 10:30 a.m. KPTV Brotherhood Week 11:00 a.m. KPTV Fact Forum 11:30 a.m. KPTV Sunday Matlnet KOIN TBA 13:00 noon KPTV Sunday Matlnea KOIN TBA 13:30 p.m. KPTV Sunday Matlnea KOIN Contest carnival 1:00 p.m. KPTV Food lor Thought auiN juvenile jury . 1:30 p.m. KPTV Garden Grow KOIN TBA 1:45 p.m. KPTV Garden OroW KOIN we Believe S:00 p.m. KPTV Industry Parade KOIN Omnibus 1:19 p.m. KPTV Art Llnkletter KOIN omnioua 1:30 p.m. KPTV Weddlns Bells KOIN Omnibus 1:00 p.m. KPTV Life Eeslns at 10 KOIN Omnibus 3:30 p.m. KPrv Kukla. Fran, Ollle KOIN fire It Now 4:00 p.m. KPTV Roy Rogers KOIN Sunbeam Theater 4:30 p.m. KPTV Zoo rarade KOIN Adventure 5:00 pm. KPTV Hall ol Fame KOIN Ciena Autrev 6:30 p.m. KPTV Hall of Fame KOIN Comeback 6:00 p.m. KPTV victory at Sea FOIN You Are There 6:30 p.m. KPTV Life With Elizabeth KOIN Pride of Family 1:00 p.m. KPTV Winchell It Mshoner KOIN Private secretary 1:30 p.m. KPTV Mr. Peepers KOIN What's Mr Lint 6:00 p.m. KPTV Comedy Hour KOIN Toast of Town 6:00 p.m. KPTV TV Playhouse KOIN OE Theater 6.10 p.m. KPTV TV Playhouse KOIN Man Behind Badte 10:00 p.m. KPTV Letter to Lorctta KOIN The Web 10.30 p.m. KPTV Man vs. Crime KOIN Dr. I. Q. 11:00 a.m. KPTV Meet the Press 11:30 p.m. KPTV Twenty gallons MONDAY 10:00 a.m. KPTV Dins Dons School 10:30 a.m. KPTV What's cooklns KOIN TBA 10:45 a.m. KPTV What's Cooklns KOIN Brighter Day 11:00 a.m. KPTV Hawkins Fails KOIN Spotlit. Revue 11:15 a.m. KPTV 3 sirps to Heaven KOIN Koln Kitchen 11:30 a m. Ki-rv Friend .il Family KOIN Koln Kitchen 11:45 a m. KPTV Friend Family KOIN Editor's Desk 13:00 noon KPTV Bride and Groom FOIN Hi Payolf 13:13 p m. KPTV TBA KOIN nil Payoff 11:30 p m. KPTV THIS Is toe Life KOIN Bob Crosby 1:00 P.m. KPTV Mstlnee Theater KOIN-Lovs of Life 1:15 pm. KPTV Mallnee KOIN Search Tomorrow 1:30 p.m. KPTV Mstlnee KOIN On Idlns Llrht 1:15 pm. KPTV Mstlnre KOIN Valiant Lsdy 1 00 pm. KPTV Matlnet KOIN Double or Nothlni 1:30 p.m. KPTV On Your Arrount KOIN-strlke It Rich 1 00 p m. KPTV Kate Smith FOIN Garry Moore Show 1 30 p.m. KPTV-r.aie c....:'.'. KOIN Arm Chair Thes'er 4:00 pm. KPTV Welcome Traveler. KOIN Arm Chair Theater 4:30 pm. KPTV Tiie Tnymaker KOIN Mr. Moon 4 45 p m. KPTv-Toymaker KOIN cartoon Time 5 00 p m. KF1V llnwly Doooy KOIN-Ssddle Pals 6 30 Pm. KPTV Bar 37 Corral KOIN Laurel and Hardy 6 00 p m. KPTV Wild Bill lllrkoa KOIN Muter '.e"lirmsn . I 11 p m. KPTV Wild ft:!! Hlrkok KOIN Photoquis 6 30 p m. KITV-.:i:i tl.ts KnlN-Diu? toward 6.15 p -n. KPTV World on View KOIN Oreaten Drama 00 p.m. KPTV nade 714 KOIN fMudlo One 7 30 p.m. KPTV Artliur Murray Danes KOIN-S'udlo One 1:45 P.m. FITV News Caravan KOIN Studio One 6 00 p.m. KPTV Name That Tune KOIN ll'irna anrl AK'n 6 30 p m. KPTV Voice of Firestone KOIN Arioi.-h Menlou 6 00 pm. KIT V-D-n:ll Day KOIN I I.oie Licy 6.30 pm. KPTV-Rolert MonUomery KMN Rrd buttons 10.00 p m. KPTV Robert Montlomery KOIN TV Theater KOIN tlfi. Bwel Th'Ster II 05 p m KPTV Nile OaT KOIN Show lime on Bis 1 1 " seal V Xjt .,;.-"2lT fc. .. aa fT" W k - ' ..lawoffi Two Bright Stars Stand Out In Studded Dome of Heaven By J. HUGH PRUETT (Astronomer, Extension Division, Oreson Hisher Education System) Secretary of State John Foster Dulles doffs his hat in defer ence to the flag as he reviews American troops on the Berlin command before the final day of the Big Four conference. In uniform, saluting to Dulles' rear, is Maj. Gen. Thomas S. Tim berman, U. S. commandant in Berlin. Secretary Dulles told the soldiers the Western powers will continue to guard divided Berlin as "the first frontier" of their freedom. (AP Wircphoto via radio from Berlin.) Although St. Paul was not fa miliar with our modern system of stating the apparent bright ness of stars in magnitudes, he truly expressed the same idea when he wrote, "For one star diffcroth from another in glory." A few minutes under a clear, moonless sky, far removed from city lights, will show to anyone who knows how to "Iook up that the dome of heaven is thick- lv inlaid with celestial brilliants of greatly varying degrees of 1U' minosity. We usually state that the dim. mcst star visible under the most favorable conditions is of mag. nitude six. With increasing hrishtness we label them five. four, three, two and one. The Bin Dinner stars are mostly of mno-nitude two. There are about a doren stars that rate "one." A half dozen still brighter are of maonitude zero. A difference I of one in magnitude means East Salem east SALEM For' several years the Marion County Health Dnnnrttnent lias Deen maturing preventive measures for both the rhysical ana memai ncsuu ui u,c county a children. The children nave tneir pnysicai examinations, and preventive vac cines, but it Is also necessary to consider the mental problems, and this the department is helping with bv the showing of films before parent-teacher audiences. Three East Salem schools have had films this month. Last year the newest film was "The Angry Child" and this year it is "Slivncss." Thursday night Washington school Mothers' club held a spe cial meeting just for parents and teachers at the school in place of the regular afternoon meeting. A half hour musical program was first given by members of the school's instrumental music groups under the direction of their teacher, Bay Shcltnn. After the showing of the film Dr. J. II. Trcleaven from the staff of the Oregon State hospital, who also works with the health rienartment's child guidance clin ic, discussed the special features of the film and parents own indi vidua, problems. Hostesses for a social hour following were room mothers, Mrs. Marlenc Voiding and Mr. Ivan V. Korb from Mrs. Anna Martin's fourth grade, and Mrs. Don Firth and Mrs. James Gcmmell of Miss Bessie Simrcll's fourth grade room. The regular Auburn Parents club meeting scheduled as a cov ered dish dinner for Thursday night was postponed until March 4 because of illness in many fam ilies of the school children. Measles and mumps arc the spe cial epidemics at this time, there being eight and nine nut of each ol Swcgle's first grade one flay this week. o 2V4 times in DeMolay Fete AfSilverfon SILVERTON The seventh an niversary of the work of DeMolay in Silverton was observed Wednes day evening, at the annual "Fam ily Night," in a no-hostess dinner proggram and social hour at Ma sonic hall. .. Ed Helser of Molalla. chairman of the DeMolay advisory board, was master of ceremonies. Assist- ing were other membera of th board, W. Dale LaMar, R. A. Fish, Jim Hollingsworth and Art Bol linger. A comedy skit In a "one Man" show at breakfast was featured by Kirby Brown, Norman McCuU lough and Dick Naegeli. a musical number enthusiastic) ally received was a cornet solo and response by Bob Benke of Mo lalla, star member of the Molalla high school band, with Miss Bev erly Reed, also of Molalla, accom panist. . Two most unusual guests wera the principal attraction of th evening. Joni Johnson, lour weeks old Wednesday, sister of the De Molay master councilor, Dick Johnson, and Douglas Patton, just three days younger than Joni, and brother of a prominent member, Pat Patton. A large group attended the din ner and program and were pre sented at table by their DeMolay family member. difference brightness. There are two glorious stars that arc so brilliant that minus magnitudes have to be assigned them: Canopus (-0.86) and Sirius (-1.56). In whole num bers these would be magnitudes minus one and minus two. Sirius, (pronounced "serious") the brightest of all, is visible from all parts of the earth ex tending Irom the south pole to northern Alaska. From our part of the world this splendid star is at this time of year cnergeti. cally flashing well up above the southern horizon between 8 and 9 D.m. There can be no mis. taking it for it has no equal in that Uart of the sky. The only "starry object now to exceed it is Jupiter, a little southwest of the zenith, but Jupiter is not a star (distant sun) but is planet which shines only because the sun illuminates it. Fart of Sirius' brilliance due to its relatives nearness to us. Only 8.6 years are required for its light to reach us. Were it as near as our sun (only 0.J minutes for light to come from it), it would give us 30 times the solar luminosity and heat. fWc'd have to move to more genial climes.) Quite different are tne con. ditions relatives to Canopus (ac cent second syllable.) It is so far south in the heavens mat its visibility extends from the south pole northward only to the latitude of southern Colo rado, and it is hardly visible north of there. Canopus is rated a sunereiant. 2000 times the actual luminosity of our son. But its distance of 100 light-years re duces its apparent brightness to less than that of the nearer Sirius. A few years ago Oregon friends wintering at Death Val ley, Calif., wrote me to learn the identity of this "horizon flasher" which was visible al most on the southern sky line for only two or three hours each evening and very spectacular. This star, Canopus, is almost di rectly below Sirius. Woodburn Rotary Host to Farmers WOODBURN - Sixty farmers were guests of the Woodburn Ro tary club at the annual "farmers night" Thursday at the American Legion hall. Dinner was served at 7:30 p.m. bpeaker of the evening was Dr. U. G. Dubach, head of the politi cal science department of Lewis and Clark college and former dean of men at Oregon State college. He was introduced by Winton Hunt and his topic was "Wake Up Amer ica." William Merriott presided and Lloyd Froom was program chairman. Entertainment was furnished by P. G. McLaughlin in a black face act, assisted by Eugene Stoller. It was announced that Edgar Tweed had been elected by the board of directors as the new Ro tary president, Frank P. Doerfler as vice president and P. C. Mc Laughlin re-elected secretary. The new officers take over July 1. Clyde Smith will be program chairman for the meeting next Thursday noon. Oldest Member of Congress Eulogized I WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen. Hay den D Ariz.) oldest member of Congress in point of service, was eulogized by Democrats and Re publicans yesterday on the 42nd anniversary of his coming to Washington, Hayden, 76, first came to Con gress Feb. 19, 1912. five days after Arizona was admitted to the Un ion. He has served 14 years in the House and 28 in the Senate. DO IT WITH LEWYT 455 Court Street ior deacon: Neil Rciling, junior j guests and visitors. deacon: Dick Ahrens, senior stew ard; r.ugcno Lenton, junior stew ard: Don Brchm, orator; Bill Ticknor. almoner: Earl Veedcr, standard bearer: Warren Sterling, historian; Homer Wadsworth, Jr., sentinel' Russell Anderson, Tru man Haird, Kenneth Gates, Arthur Peterson. Robert Dixon, John Friend and Larry Sterling, precep tors. The flower ceremony was con ducted by Lester E. Keller, De Molay "Dad," and prayer was offered by Rev. Ormal B. Trick. Each toy presented a carnation from the altar to his mother. How Christian Science Head "Health Is Where You Are" KUM 1390 KC Feb. 21 5:30 P.M. Refreshments were served in the dining room by a volunteer committee of Eastern Stars with Mrs. Harlow Dixon as chairman. Mrs. Herbert Steincr of Oregon City, aunt ot Richard Dixon, pre sided at the punch bowl. A danc ing party for the young people cnmnletrd the eveninj. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH South Liberty and Miller Omar N. Berth, Pastor 11:00 "The Names of God" Broadcast Over KGAE, 1430 Kc. 7:30-"Making Men Marvel" LUTHERAN Churches Salem's WELCOME YOU f . I North Capitol at Gaines VtfCnrrOI iL.F.C. G B. Rundstrom. Pastor Services 11 A.M. and 7:45 P.M. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. f i ; . State at lBth VafainST (A.L.C.) T. M. C'.fbhnrd, Pastor Services 8:45 A.M. and 11 A.M. Sunday School 10 A.M. r a, a 4505 North River Road rQllil (U.L.C.) Geo. Holmquist, Pastor Services 11 A.M. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Good Shepherd (Ul.c.) 3825 South Commercial H. E. Hamilton, Pastor Services 11 A.M. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. 3300 Sunnvvlcw Ave. L. W. Holte, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Cs. IL'- 14tn rid Court Streets Ota JOnn S (Mo. Svn H. W. Gross. Pastor Services 10:30 A.M. Sunday School 9:15 A.M. Ca. iil,'-. 343 North Church jr. YlHlK (U.L.C.) John L. Catible, Pastor Services 11 A.M. Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Grace (E.l.c.) Services 11 A.M. Woman Declares Dog Best Friend PITTSBURGH (API-Mrs. John Boliver says her dog "Mike" is her best friend. When a gunman entered her gro cery store yesterday, Mrs. Boliver hollered for help. "Mike was sick but he got out of his little bed and ran into the store. He barked and the young fellow with the gun Just turned and ran. Mike's just a mongrel and he isn't very old but he's my best friend," she said. WELCOME TO EVANGELISTIC TEVVPLE (Assembly of God) Market at Park Sunday School . . 9:45 A.M. Worship ... . 11:00 A.M. Evangelistic . . . 7:45 P.M. Hear Rev Robert Pintle, Stat Youth Oirector Inspiring Music and Singing A Good Place to Go to Church Want Ad Quickly Finds Daughter Unseen 14 Vears t- 1 would lira to q.t in touch jt3 1 a'lkfl (' S with my dnuohtar, Marqfaral. - ' L4kJ .7" IJL . a I havaai't aa-n or hesird Irom 'V'. 7 A har in ovar 10 yaira. Wa uaad Isl j & - X 1 Would Ilka her to wrlla ma at ' ?Vs 9 . ' , HZSTruillr St.,Loa Angalaa. V-llji yT I atsT'ii y Robwl Harold L. y( ' ' AJk. A Claisified Ad placed In the Decatur (Ala.) Daily by Robert H. Ie, of Los Angeles, enabled him to locale his daughter, Mrs. D. w. Jones, whom ha hadn't seen since he left Decatur 14 years earlier. tint Ada Reach The Right Party ttl to K , af aark aae am M Aamlaaai wall art a. aatp. I an laa III. mr S. Maa !, (V MCATlJft.Al .14 itM mai rmm KJ J 1