THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Saturday, February 20, 1954 Willamette U Defeats linfield Wildcats 79-61 Pace 10 Mill City Pockets Crown As Marion B Finish Near Mill City cinched the third place dot in Marion County B league play last night by defeating Scin 81-45. With Gervais' loss to Jef ferson throwing them into a two- nav tin Mill Citv can nffnrd f:i iAnn... i lose its final league game next Tuesday night. Scio and St. Paul further com - plicated tournament honors as St. Paul tied wlh Scio by virtue of St. Paul's victory over Detroit and Scio's loss to Mill City. Since tournament berths are igven to the ton four teams, Inn final twn games of league play, Tuesday and Friday, will be crucial ones i lor all teams but Mill City. OSD climbed a notch from (he cellar leaving Detroit sole owner is OSD walked over Sublimity while Detroit was being waxed by St. Paul. Chemawa clawed a step up the ladder, pushing Gates below them by virtue of the Chemawa Victory over Gates. St. Pauls Scores 71-53 MCBL Win DETROIT SI. Paul scored win number 10 in the Marion County B League here last night as they defeated Detroit 71-53. George Smith had 23 to lead the winners while Gerald Vickcrs had 16 for the losers. Detroit won the junior varsity 32-31 over St. Paul. St, Paul (71) S. Smith (IS) F Klrscli (IS) T Rambeau (1) C Marten 1 81 G (S3) Ilrtrolt (81 Lady (S) Bowers (0) Hopson (5) Rice Van Damme (1) G (0) James Reserves sconns: St. Paul G. Smith 23, Wolf 3. Det. Vlcken 16, Snyder 7, Taylor 12. Chemawa Indians Defeat Gates CHEMAWA The Chemawa Indians led all the way to beat Gates 52-44 in Marion County B League play here Friday night. Chemawa led 13-8, 2816, and 40 32 at the quarters. Farrell Gallincau led the win ners with 18 points, but Herb homey was high lor the game with' 24 for Gates. The Indians won the preliminary encounter 52-19 over the Gates eight grad team, r.atrs (44) Hahn (2) Devlne (41 . (52) Chemaw .. F (0) Uinplmh ..F.... (Bl Tellier Romev (24) C. (IS) Galllneau Larson rzi G., (111 Morln A. Vail (10) G (11) Blackwater Reserves arorinar Gates Barnhart fj. Chemawa LaPIanle (4). Swill- ler (2). Officials: Lee anrl Williams. Gales t In 32 44 Chemawa 13 28 40 52 Jeff Lions Edqe Gervais, 54-52 JEFFERSON -The Jefferson high Lions edged Gcrvnis 54-52 in overtime to help the Mill City Tim herwolves win the Marion County B league title. The Lions are now tied for second place with the Cougars. Jefferson led 26-2.1 at hnlflimc hut the Gervais sqund moved back to tie the count at 48-48 at the end of the regulation lime. John Wright paced the winners with 23 while Don Hciling and Gib Thomp son each had 15 for the losers. (Overtime came) Jefferson (M) (82) Ocrvals Marlalt ID) F (IS) Hrlllng Daultnn 131 Fdtll N. Krnlneer J. Wrliiht 12.1) C 15) Rihlechlrr Mryers (5) G (15) Thompson Catman 14) G 12! F.spe nrscrves scoring: k. Kenptnger 14, Wells s. Tlrpke 2 Olflclals: Souvcns and Rlti. OSD Five Wins From Sublimity Oregon's School for the Deaf moved a notch toward eighth place in .vonon county II league play as it dumped Sublimity .'i7-41 on the OSD lloor. Both teams have two more league games to plav Sublimity opened scoring with a quick five points and Dilvin Thompson. OSD freshman, and Dave Mavnard tallied tour and three points just as fast to give OSD a 7-5 edqe. They held the lead to the conctilsinn of the game. At the quarter OSD led )v one point 12-11. hut half time score .is I.- ami intra quarter score : was 4:-3L . 1 Working the ball fast and well OSD had some trouble shootine n tne nan rimmed in and nut Sub limity's passing was ragged and they had trouble lindinc the hns- ket. Dave Mavnard ol OS!) with ! il was huh for the evening while teammates Uny Mclann and Earl I ln tallied 12 anirre. Hon rtonl is-ns h,h I.. Il. I u ! 13 Sublimity (41) Parnsli i)2l Sullivan (4) Lewis (2) Bill (01 (St) Ileal School F 1 12' MiCuin . F (41 T'l-'inps.-n j C CIl M.nna.d a 1 a 1,-vm G ifi lira!!, : We.ler 16) Reserves sconni: Sub frank 2 Bents 13 Officials: Albrlch and R:.ulln Sub ... II IS 3 4 j ODS .. 12 2T 45 57 j Mill City Grabs Marion B Cor.rts!- CIO The Mill City the Timber-: wolvc clinched .MflrHin COUnlV B I,0nCUP lllIC flPre rn- riv nicht with a 51-45 win over na.V niRJII Wlin a Pi to win our thC bC0 l.OKKOrj. Al Ward with 16 points pnrrn ; the Timherwnlves to their 15th league win nsainst two lo.e8. Second place (!ervi8 Inst to Jef ferson to help Mill City set the championship. MARION COUNTY B LCAdt'I W L Pel. W L Pet. Mill Cllr 19 3 .IM Chfmws 1 10 413 Oervtll 13 4 .760 Oates I 10 .371 Jsfferson 13 4 .7S0 Shllmllr 4 13 .350 Brio 10 I .121 OSO 3 1 .III InlBt. Paul 10 .016 Dmoll 3 14 .138 Friday nisht's rrsults Jtffcrson 54, ,.' . um C1 , ,cl. 45i Ipaui 71. omit S3: chsmawa . ohm 1'" 0B "' """' I i I ArtA nAArttp i LcSIIC lClCUlJ I . 1 firnC rAP FlfCt ' ! VMI U3 I Ul I II 91 Loss of Season J1NIOR. HIOH STAND1N08 Team Pel. .133 .667 .500 .600 .333 .167 Harrlsh Card 5 Parrish Pioneers ,,.4 ParrUh Greys 3 Leslie Blue (.3 Leslie Oolda ,,,,, 3 West Balem ,,.1 Friday' scorn: Leslie Blues (501, Parrish Cards (40): Went Balem (771, Leslie Golds (SI); Parrlsh Oreya (46), ParrlHh Pioneers (43). The Leslie Blues handed the Parrish Cardinals their first loss of the season in junior high play last night as the Blues scored a 50-40 win. In the other games West Salem downed the Leslie Golds 77-51, and the Parrish Greys beat the Parrisr Pioneers 46-42. The Cards still hold onto first place with a 5-1 mark since the Greys beat the second place Par rish Pioneers. It was the first league win for West Salem as they rolled up the highest score in junior high comcptition. The Blues held a 17 point lead at one time near the end of the game but the Cardinals began to catch-up with reserves in for Les lie. Del Bayne and Larry Rosen each had 14 and Jerry Coon had 13 for the Blues. Ron Russell had 14 for the losers. The Cards led 21-13 at halftime. Dan Moore, eighth grader. sparked the West Salem Giants to their 77-51 win over the Blues as he made 22 points. Jack Scott had 21. In the other game Don Harris hit for 17 to pace the Greys to their win over the Pio neers. The Greys led 27-21 at halftime, In the junior varsity games the Cards downed the Blues 20-20, the Golds beat West Salem 30-17, and the Greys edged the Pioneers 24-240 In overtime Cardinals (40) Wessner (1) T Patton (10) F Russell (14) C . Jeldon (4) C. (30) Blues ( 14 1 Rosen (13) Coon (14) Bayne 14) Merk Kitchen IS) G (S) Rohlnson Reserves srorlnr: Cardinals Moas. ter 1. Half: Cards 21, Blues 1.1 Officials: Bowers and Hartley. Golds (.11) (77) West Salem llammerstad (10) F (21) Scott Ulaco 131 F 17) Luka Zwlcker (1) C f221 Moore Thompson (16) Gill) J. Thompson Holland (9) G 161 Goertzen Reserves scorlnc: Golds Merslund Gesnrr 1. Chanpelle 2. Gales II. West Salem Durrell 2. Smith S, Dodep 3. Half: W Salem 31. Golds 27. Officials? Gibson and Scrlvens. Pioneers (43) (IS I Grevs Drake (Si F I 111) Kani nrunelle (12) F (5l Trclstad Hurkhiirt (7) C (171 Harris Morgan (01 G III) McKce Durham (131 G 131 llrydon Reserves scoring: Pioneers kreu ger 5. Pallon 1. Half- Greys 27. pioneers 21. Offtri.Tlf f'noprr .inn Andi-rn SCORES In the AUevs Capitol Alleys Capitol Mlnorette l.earne I.ADD'S MAJIKKT (41 Hannum 420. Long 4(tt. Watller XW. Black 475, Wllkalll 3H9. CASCADE MF.ATS (0) Adams 327, Vnat 33!'. Amunds 291. Mnnner 404. Itllnd 324. MA1IION CRKAMKRY i:i)-llcrrlg 3(13. Godf 3W, Kno 342. 1'nvne 324. Unrein 324. W. C. DYKfl SON III - Davis 3.VI. 421. A. Davla 410, Dver 336. Grafnus 37S lll.HK t.AKF. I'ACKF.HS (4)-Sln- nell 330. Lewis 370, Grver 33. Unman 341). St.illrnbrrir 324. DKKSONS MARKF.T (IK -Melmn OS. M. Mori Is 2H3. Hirons 2ii3. Filcss 307, Chaney 3,:i. S'NIDKR F.I.K THIC (21- Hoover 3.7, Drake 3:.7. Klrku.itrlck .12.1. lloyd 3114. Ill, lien :!W. GIF.SV A- GRK.K.H l?l I'.ivlov 2'KI. Shadof 231. Hewitt 32S, C. Vilnrr 337. Mcff-il 4P3 T1IK lll:il 131 Amen 366. DcGeer 3r..y Nolan 434. FUM 3!H. Abnev ."l. FF.n OI1K AGCY. (Il-Kvle 30!. McNeese 21)9, F.M-ll S.Vt, Lang 2117, !(.. 30R WILCOX CAFF. (3l-Wllco!c 43J, Tnr 211!. Jenkins 310. llclnonen 344. Shadi' 412 i WHONG NIIMHKHS pudrcth ?o nimard :m. Burch rai Mich team serle. Todd's Market. 2co: HiEh team eame. Marlon Creamery. 7P Mirh Individual srtles, C. Illack, Mien individual fame. C. niack. ,, ,Mllr , .,,.,, ! n.i-r m-t onr : Morris " itowsr.' iw- cm sin rtrsn sse Sh-rVt r (( W-bh 4S1 Torn. t-.'il 413. ri'.i I SIS. WrMtrr 410: Irons I 3' .Ixnt.Ms Cnrri ill MV C''"S Mr .lone. IMS Ounn Ml VosBn -V" 3l.r Huh ill Mnr'ev 47s. tunntnn 1".' I ..i- .SB Noldurll MO: D'fT ? I friit. nn lnl-rarles ill ll'bln en I 4 A i.iTi- 4". Jfim 1mi ! Hi-r. u .;,.! reort ftp--Mot). !'titn ? nil m II til wire tit Ttmhrrhnf l.oritt?: 117 InchM of, P. ".-(ht it k inv Anilfrt.n 4- Chrli- . $ new. dry, pit ktA: ttUnt icod; Krl ; tf;i.n If:- Ph.illpi 3HR; HaMHoo 4rtl I (U ni"rnitif tfftilrrturt 3R: low pvtr tm nlm Pti i'.') Nolin Vin el in, tir. 10 mph : viMMhty itn.vr sni Ollp.m 433. Ptutpr m: 1 thiff-mnrtrr of mil, forfrtut: Snow StfinWf in Rinitfr'i ftfrrritri Trtdny, I'.urrlM BftturcUr Hh prlll 1 ti.i" nun M. nrifr MI; Htmilfr MO; ' rlnMni: atrofir southwf tt?rlr wind KM- Hf. nnlrt WUift iH. ! dy, not fo jtront lutim!: htihi Frl- I mrn Oil c. il" t Orbrnhort dM nti flturdT undT out i I-f J: Krrnt 01: 0nnon lv.k. mow l::r-! : Tramslrr'i N. .1:1 it,( . t TMft A.'Vfin i??: Pots Th'f PI ntrltlr-.n JT!. nT M3. Otfrr. Hi. J nn IflJI hi-h llu! Ilmr. . 1 ' r 0ninr.,nt nf Cv.HI Oil lm , ",fI MM" l'n JonM of jwr, orwrr. oir M ,.nM. B.b Iii ot Tie Hun. fit nr;iltt.v l.imitnl. whn rol i-s itiui I to.Ut") us a vearhni;, never won ' H ritce. He dropped dead in the home .slrclrh .if a rnee .1 lrk. inctnn 1'ark. P:arcats Use Subs To Conquer NORTHWEST CONPEBENC1 W L Pet, W L Pet. Wlllam. It .600 Pacific I .500 Whitman I 4 .600 Col. Ida. 4 .400 L-Clark I I .165 Llnfleld 4 7 .365 Friday results: At Willamette 78, Lin Held 6t: at Pacific (7, Whitman 4j at Lewis and Clark 83. coll. Idaho 14. By DAVE BARROWS . The Willamette University Bear. cats started on the come-back trail last night as they decisively beat the Linfield Wildcats, 79-61 The Bearcats were just a little too tough and a little too fired up to be denied. They were due to start rolling again and it just hap pened to be Linfield that they started-back against. Two substitutes were the spark the Willamettes obviously have been lacking the last couple of games. Dale Gustafson, a boy who, up to last night, hadn't seen much action, started at a guard spot and looked very good. As a member of last year's Frosh squad, "Gus" was not a scorer but was an ex cellent play-maker, and so he was last night, although the 10 points he got was nothing of which to be ashamed. The other sub who did so well was forward Bill Colvard, who went into the game after Dick Hoy had committed four fouls in the first 10 minutes. Colvard, although not a particularly tall man, was a demon on rebounding and did some beautiful shooting from the key. The Bearcats won this yame In the second quarter. After leading the Wildcats at the end of the first period, 13-11, the Bearcats explod ed for 8 quick points before Lin field could score a single marker. Here'i the way the scoring went in that minute and a half. Willamette controlled the tip and Bill Colvard took the ball and sank one of his oft used jump shots to make it 15-11. Pete Reed hit with a one-hander from the corner and then Gustafson stole the ball and dropped in an easy lay-in. Jerry Mct'nllistcr hit from the top of the key to make it 21-11, Milt Krucger tanked two for the Wildcats but Colvard came right back with another jump shot and so it went. Linfield dtdn t lose their fight after this. It was just a case of Willamette being too fired up. The score at half time was 38-22 in favor of the Bearcats. The final two .quarters were about even as far as scoring went, Both coaches used a lot of play ers in the final few minutes or the scoring might have been higher. Scoring honors went to McCal lister; and Ray Olson and Carol Cable of Linfield. All three of them had 15. Pete Reed was sec ond for the Bearcats with 13. Lin- field's big gun, Dave Sanford, had a little trouble finding the basket and in the first half he didn't score a point. Finally, with 3:15 gone in the third quarter, he loop ed a free throw and a couple of minutes later got his first field goal. He wound up with a total of seven. Tonight the Bearcats travel to Linfield lor their tinal tussle with the Wildcats this season This game could ha'e a lot to do with the Bearcats' pennant hopes. In last night s preliminary game. the Willamette Frosh dropped their forth contest of the season to a scrappy Linfield JV team, 6fi-56. The Linlicld club was paced bf Gene Small who did his preping at Stayton. Small was high man with 2.1 points. Bob Withers was the Bcarkittcn pacer with 12. It was a case of Willamette being out-h u ! 1 1 e d and nut-scrapped. These two teams will meet again tonight as the preliminary to the varsity tilt. I.lnlleid (61) (79) Willamette tl It pf Ip! fg (t p( tp Olson. f S S .II.VHny.r 4 0 4 1 CaMe.f I 1 1 13 lleed.f .1 3 0 11 S.inlul.r 2 3 4 7 CodnK.c 3 2 1 S Kiugcr.g 2 12 7iM.Clr.e- 6 3 1 IJ nuunan.g o s z s (,u-on.K 2 a i to Mi'laiul.f 0 0 4 0 t'olvid.f 5 0 5 10 Small. I 0 I 3 11.,,-uk.r 2 0 2 Walsh.c I 0 0 iB::iUv Tar lOK.g 1 0 0 2 Caulie.c 1113 C'avnm.g 2 il 3 4 I'alsn.c 0 0 0 0 Dlllcr.l 0 0 0 0 Shield. g 0 4 14 Maclni.g u I 1 1 Tot.lls 2(1 21 2(1 (il Tnlal 2fi 27 19 -) ! I (nueld tl 11 ;i IP- si I Wiliamrite 13 23 24 1779 Free throws n.ted: ix, il; wu, Officials: McClartv and Harper. I.lnlleid (6S) Small (231 Holland (7) Van Dnlah (9 Collins 161 F Mui1'UTur'ii F (6i Johnson C 31 Conway G 16. llolallnft (i ISi F.leuelinan Marshall Reserves srorinr.' T.lnflrld Cavan- er 9. Walsh 7. Hnpp 3. Willamette Miller 7, Hindi; 3 Official IMer. Wf -rs 12. Poppert 2. Anderson and MrCal- SKI REPORT ill Thf AirtriitP(t rr. Th lo'lo.. kt nr-- Trttfirt nwii r;n? hT lh Pt'ttltnrt Vtht rirtitmrnl Cumtji: 5 Inrhfi pf unow. nc . wtktA Fr-recant Rmn PrKf. (rw jhorr flrtturdiT with ptrtul clenr Mim.,..1 Hire. in siren. Kt,.r.v- h .h Frtf'ir und HHirdT Shi. Hundar uti.n, tn nnumriif P.- M inrhr n w. pow- yttfimy moinini tf inp"raiutr 2t. kiir.t prtini n i.w nrtini i "r"V ,llB,,r nu ruiPn kundar Ism rcrecs't' R:n friiiss. a i, ,horr, n.mrd.r. .n on.f,i. ,Tlr in f.ivfi pi.ff rr.i.r net I" """ ismrda.: htsh lemnralara I rl.'sy .pil Pst.irrisr S-."1. Snn.tss out- 1 :iml. r.ln. Foul Called Jerry McCalllster drove in for a setup in the third quarter here last night. An instant later Sanford reached across McCallister'i arms. Dallas Assured of WVL Tie; Silverton Dallas' Dragons, leading the Willamette Valley League, can do no worse than tie for the championship with but one game left to play. Plenty of if s would enter such a tie. Silverton and Dallas would be in a tie for first and Molalla and Estacada would be tied for second ... if Dallas lost to Mo. la I la on the Buckaroo court and . . . if Silverton won from Esta cada on the Estacada court. An Estacada victory would hand Dallas undisputed title while it would put Estacada and Silverton into a tic for second. Then a Molalla win would make second Dlace a three-way tie. Silverton's and Estacada's hopes of overtaking the leader last night fell wnen uaiias wipeo. their feet on Canby 70-40. Silver ton took undisputed second by defeating Sandy while Estacada slid back to third after the Mt Angel defeat. This was the only cnange in standing as lower division teams were defeated and Mt. Angel was too far back to gain a sf p. Dallas Victor Over Cougars DALLAS Dallas clinched a lie for lirst place last night as the Dragons downed the Canby Cou- gars by a 70-40 count in a Willam ette Valley league game played here. Herb Brandli was high point man with 20, and DcWayne llolfman had 13. ' Dallas has a one-game margin over Silverton with only one more league game left to play. The quarter scores were 19-10, 23-18. and 52-23, with Dallas lead ing all the way. fanbv (40) (70) Dallas Glcason ill) F8) Ray Domsky Farmer (fii F 1 131 Hodman nigham (61 Cl4) Rrx Domsky Halev (7) C. 120) Brandll Uelg (31 O (21 Holclorf llcserves scoring: Canby -Harms 3, Henrv S. Dallas Hinds 6. Wade fi. Cooky 4. Moser 3, Davis 3, Col burn 1. Ollirl.ils: Norton and Anderson. Canby . . 10 16 2.1 40 1 D.illas . 19 33 32 70 PrepsUpset estacada, Jo-JI MT. ANGl'.l, The Mt. Angel I I'rjHic unci l.-tor:nlo rlft.ll hri ..,-.-.. ....... ..... 'lst iiijiiu to a is us mi- win- iioica i Hip KaiiKors II, In I'C.IW 1llln-,l a la4 quarter lead audi ,,,v i ' m-iii 111 miiiiiiuc. Jim Zaiincr snnrked the winninc "' Ani('1 tl".i"1 pnints. uary rtiucs was nign lor tnc mini;- crs With 20. Mt Angel won the I....:.., ..: nn I Marada (II) (3) .Mt. .ncrl Ames (201 F i4i Frev IV Klecms (II F ll) Frrschwetler u Msslos in l iihi .auiier Marshhank (01 G i2i Gorman Hnvrien .21 G (12. nucbeit nMrvri m orinc: F-t Sinclair 5. Dmyltyk J. Mt AncH Tr.?c jcr I. Of firm.!.: Hiown antl V.nnirrvnrt. T -. . . 1 1 ..11 Mt. Anfrl hi 9 30 M 5ilvrr!on Tons Sandy, 64-50, To Acouire 2nd SII.VKKTOX - Silverton high school fought its way into sole ownership of second place in the Willamette Valley league here Friday nitht, overcoming S.mdv, B4-S0. Meanwhile. Ksta- cada. in a tie with Silverton, was ! upset by Mt. Angel. j Silverton and Kstacada will meet next Tuesday in the final ! tame of the liasuc schedule. ' Sandy rushed into a 91 lead before the Siher Foxes recover ed to tie it at 9 9. then move in front at 11-10 and retain the lead. A stout second quarter produced 20 Silvcrlon points. 18 of which Ciiric on field goals. The referee pronounced this a foul on Dave Sanford of Linfield (left) when Willamette's Holds 2nd WILLAMETTE VALLEY LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. Dallas 11 3 .146 Mt. Anil 6 7 .463 Silverton 10 3 .76 Ssndr 6 t .399 Estacada 9 4 .JCanbr 2 II .194 Molalla I 1 .619 Woodbrn 1 13 .077 Friday nisht's results Dallas 70, Can by 40: silverton 64. Sandy 90: Mt. Ansel 39, Estacada 31; Molalla 77, Woodburn 39. Roger Umbenhower contributed six and Gabe Wolf eight for Sil verton in that period. Quartcrtime scores were 13-10, 33-23 and 47-36. High scorers for Silverton were Jim Black 16, Fred Kaser 15, Wolf 13 and Umbenhower 11. For Sandy Don Meyers had 13 and Dick Thorn ton 10. In the prelim, Sandy jayvees won, 62-45. Bill Richardson had 19 for Sandy and Jack Wells 17 for Silverton. Sandy (SO) (64) Silverton Nllsen (4) F (2) Copple Thornton (6) F (13) Wolt Rohde (6) C (15) Kaser Meyers (13 G (11) Umbenhwer Peterson (4) G (16) Black Reserves scoring: Sandy Skala 6. Schmltz 1. Young 6. Sllv. Hauchen- dorr 2, oilinam i, noDoins z. Officials: Kelly and Williams.. Sandy 10 23 38 SO Sllv. 13 33 47 64 Molalla Indians 77-39 Victors MOLALLA The Molalla In dians downed Woodburn 77-39 in Willamette Valley League play here Kriday night. Molalla held a slim first quarter lead but moved away to a 41-21 halftime margin. Stan Childers led the winning Indians with 18 points while Ron Eskelson's eight was high for the Bulldogs. Molalla won the junior varsity game 64-38. Woodburn (39) (77) Molalla Hiccms (7) F (I2I Howell F kclsi-n (81 r... 1121 Alexander Plank (31 C.. (5l Du Parker Haslie (01 .. G (18l Childers Norris (41 . . , G... tBl Aho Reserves scoring: Woodburn Car natd 3. J, Stafncy 2. Rlanchard 3. D. Slalncv S. Havncs 4: Molalla Day II. Dav Parker 4. Frver 6. Hurst 1. Woodburn 13 21 2S 39 Molalla 15 41 31 77 EOCE Clinches jOCC Title I A CniVni' ISS V.lA-n Wn Run College of Education clinched th0 Oreunn Colleciate Conference K. 1. .., I. u u - f-: i,,-m iiiuiiiimuumii), nci c ril- , tiay mem wun an Hcu victory - l . r-ll 1-J ,: u. ii vii-Ktm i.uiii'Kt- oi r.uui.iuuii. Ted Shadcwitz. scoring 25 points, , pacco r.astern tireunn wnicn lea all tho u.iv The h.ilfiimn mre ; was 41-23. " t: (i) y.ncr , l(;",t',.n , 'J''"''." .....c i .. , t i t-'se.s . t i is CMl.ilo f 3 2 3 fl Wlnku- t 5 3 1 13 , prantn- 6 2 I) 14 Adrian c 3 2 3 8 Pinion. 3 3 3 II Burton. S 1 4 II Davis s 0 111 Shutr.e 1" 3 3 2S . stanlrv.f 2 0 I 4 B.ium.f I 0 SUKn.'l.f 3 3 2 11'on.f 0 0 0 2! 1 o; i si 0 I 0 I Huhrd c 0 111 Aclstcc 1 4 Wilnn t 1 0 2 2 V Si sr,c 1 0 Hut-,r c 0 2 A 2 HusMn. 0 t H.irn. K I 1 0 .1 LSvfi.i 3 0 1 4 Tot.ils 22 2.1 19 s7 Totals .it 19 22 7 - OCF I'OCF Drill-lei . II 14 in 5.1 - n 18 X "l 17 Ohams and Williams. JOE P,LOOKA ISSMSW-I ay B3iNO MS A DOUBLE 6BJG SOMf A THAT i HAMBURG WELL DONE... ieM VINTEEC-E...AV A Pi"A Pt6... FRENCH FI'.LV rVHONO'.l'L'.SfH ) FWES...S0VE TOASTED C-. ... SJVE Pa ie .C BAGELS... AN' LES' ASr-AW3us ;f,nf-rSEe...SMCnE0 Beavers, Webf oots Victors In Wins Over WSC and UW Cougars Edged in Rough Tilt NORTHERN DIVISION W L Pet. W L Pel. O. 8ta.e 4 .6t3 Wash. 1 .163 Oreion I I .617 W. Slats 1 I .390 Idaho 1 6 .531 Friday results: At Wash. State 41, Ors, State 111 at Washlnston 19, Oregon 13. PULLMAN. Wash. (UP)-Wash-ington State College held the North ern Division's leading scorer, Wade Halbrook, to 13 points last night, but lost a Northern Division basketball game to Oregon State College 51-49. With as many as three men guarding Halbrook, the Cougars held the giant OSC center to four field goals and five free throws. The cellar dwelling Cougars showed surprising strength, at one time holding a six-point edge over the division leading Oregon Staters. The score was tied eight times and the teams never were more than six points apart Washington State took an early lead and scored four points before the Beavers got rolling and finally tied the score at 9-9 with three minutes left in the quarter. Oregon State led 13-11 at the end of the period. Washington State opened the sec ond quarter by tieing the score again, but the Beavers then piled up a six -point lead, which was whittled to a 30-26 lead at the half. Washington State held the visi tors to seven points in the third quarter, leading 39-37 ast he final quarter opened. They then went six points ahead with seven min utes remaining. In the next three minutes, OSC piled up seven points to lead 46-45. The Beavers maintained their slim margin until the final seconds I Sacred Heart With Capitol To figure Capitol league final standings after last night's games, just look at the number of games lost by the first three places. Sac red Heart is in first with one loss; Stayton is second with two losses; and Central in third with three losses. None of the top teams had any chance to rise in standings as the leaders all played lower half teams finding victories of 20 points or more in each case. Philomath faltered 78 to 29 before the league leaders who were insuring their position. Stayton 20-pointed Cas cade 67-47 while Central laced Sa lem Academy 66-42. Sacred Heart, Stayton, and Cas cade will vie for a spot at the State tourney at Eugene next week in the annual District 11 playoff at Salem high school with other Dis trict teams. Sacred Heart Beats Warriors By DON WICIIMAN The Sacred Heart Cardinals copped the Capitol League crown last night when they com pleted their season with a 49 point margin, 78-29, over the Philomath Warriors in a game played at the Salem Armory. The league leaders took top honors all the way. Beginning with a first quarter score of 20 6, the Cards pulled way ahead 36 II at the intermission, tallied 61-19 at the end of the third i I n a anl pnmnln.n iUniw j shooting exhibition with a 78-29 total, the biggest score and wid est margin the Cardinals have marked up this year. The win gives the Cards j 18-4 all-season record and a 9-1 record in the Capitol League. i Tk. i.. it, nrtr r ih 1 Stayton Eagles who finished the s(,,ison in second place with in R-2 wnn.lnss record Vince Matt, Coach Gros- Jacques' number one lifesaver, pushed through 30 points to take the league title for high scorer. Going into last night's games, Wayne Minten of Stayton and Matt of Sacred Heart were tied USIJD In irt4liMll nninlanii . ,-ni-,-iu in i.i.ii, iv.iai pi'iump... j M i n t e n hit 23 in his game I against Cascade, but Vincc takes (n ..-nrrt u.jth the 17R total Other than Matt, high scorers SO...YA GIT A IPEE WHY SOME GUYS IS SUCCESSES AN' SOWS IS 8UMS...RUGGEP INDIVIJALS LIKE MSELF...ALWEEZ SEEIN' OPPERTOONA, UCLA Defeats SU To Take SD Lead By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS UCLA's high powered Bruins, who jumped from also-rans to top dog in two weeks, could wrap up a share of the Coast Conference Southern Division title Saturday night by beating Stanford's In. dians again. The close-shooting Westwood- ers moved into undisputed first place Friday night with a 92-77 victory over the Stanfords, while the USC Trojans were disposing of the suddenly inept California Bears, 56-36, in Los Angeles. A repeat Bruin performance would assure the UCLA basket- bailers of at least a tie for the divisiuii crown. The season ends next weekend with UCLA meeting US Cand California playing Stan ford two games each. UCLA now has a 6-3 record, USC and Cal are 5-4 and Stanford has a 2-7 mark. Just two weeks ago, the Bruins had a 1-3 confer ence record. Since then they've won five in a row against Stan ford and California. when Guard Ron Robins clinched the win for Oregon State with a free throw. WSC's Ron Bennink led the scor ing with 22 points. O. State O F F T WSC O F P T Whll'n.t 0 3 3 2 Benn'k.f S 6 2 33 Dean.f 3 S 0 11 Perrr.f 4 3 1 11 Halb'k.e 4 6 3 13 Redder.e 3 6 3 10 Paulus.g 2 0 4 4 Klock.f 10 4 2 Fund'd.g 4 118 swsn'n.g 10 6 2 Roma'I.f 10 13 Klehn.f 10 2 3 Vlsst'a.e 3 0 0 6 Unde'd.o 0 0 10 Roblns.a 110 3 Lodse.f 0 0 0 0 Crlm's.s 0 12 1 Ksnks.g 0 0 0 0 Polay.K 0 0 0 0 Totals II 15 13 II Totals 17 15 18 41 Oregon Slat 11 17 7 1451 Wash. State 11 15 13 1048 Free throws missed: Oregon state Whlteman, Paului 2, Hslbrook. 5. Vlas. tellra 4, Robins. Washlnston State Ben nink, Rehrier 3. Officials: MrCulloueh and Fouls. Concludes League Title CAPITOL LKAGl'E .Final! W L Pet. W L Pet. Bsc. trt. 8 1 .800 Cascade 4 I .400 etarton i .soo Philmth l s .loo Central 7 3 .700 Sal. Aed. 1 8 .100 Frldar nisht's results Central 66. Ra lern Aeademy 42: Starton 67, Cascade 47: Sacred Heart 77, Philomath 28. for the Cardinal quint were Borsberry, who sank 12, Moriar ty and Entires, who marked up eight. Top men for the Warriors were Kemp with 9, Leach and Hay, each with four. , Their regular season over, the Cards head for the District tour nament next Friday night at Sa lem High school. The encounter will be staged with the Vikings themselves who hold a 13-8 loss record in season play. The Sacred Heart JV's coach ed by Dick Mase ended their regular league play with a 45-34 victory over the visiting War riors. Top men in the prelimi nary action were Barr of Sacred Heart who racked in 16, and Means of Philomath who pushed in 11 counters. Sacred Heart (71) 2S) Philomath Morlarty 181 F (3) Vincent Borsherry (12) . F (1) Wooley s,ab 4 6 1 c 141 Leach Fladwnod (7) .... G (9i Kemp Mall (30) G 141 Hav Reserves scoring: SHA Enders 8. Joseph 3. Barr 2; Philomath Rich ardson 2. Carter 3. Olson 3. Officials: Mull and Anderson. SHA . 20 3(1 1 7K Philomath 6 11 19 29 Stayton Downs Cascade, 67-47 STAYTON Stayton wound up its Capitol League schedule here Friday night with a 67-47 win over the Cascade Cougars. The Eagles have clinched second place right behind Sacred Heart. Stayton led 14-9 and 30-24 at the end of the first two quar- t and were ahead 43-34 with me quarter lelt. They far outdis- j'tanccd the Cougars in the final period. Wayne Minton was high for the winners with 23. Howard Speer led the Cascade with twelve. Stayton also won the junoir varsity game 52-36 over Cascade's JV's. Cascade (47) Sperr 1 121 F Spraul 7l F Klnlnn 111) C. (87) Slaytnn i2l NeitlinK (161 Neilson (91 Gnhl 12.11 Minten llrnwn I8i fl Winkle (71 G 114) Wallen Reserves srnrlnf: Cascade Mickey LISSEN, TYOU AiNT LOOftIN' AT AE, PALLY...YPR JlST OLDER. OLD AS HE FEELS... AN' - THAT'S GOT NUTHIN' TOO WITH OPPERTOONATlES... S I AN HAD WORE I f OPRATOONATIES...J tar rm cnly... uh... thirty IJT5 Ducks Win First in 7 Seasons SEATTLE (UP) A fast-breaking Oregon basketball team came from behind last night to score a wild and woolly 63-59 victory over the Washington Huskies and mark up their first win in Seattle in seven years. The second place Ducks had to fight all the way to keep their hopes for a Northern Division title alive. They trailed 20-13 at the end of the first quarter and 35-34 at half time. However, baskets by Center Max Anderson and Guard Barney Hol land sent Oregon ahead 39-37 early in the third period and the Ducks led the rest of the way. A one-hander and a free throw by Guard Bob Hawes and a pair of field goals by Guard Ken Weg ner gave Oregon a nine - point bulge, 50 41, with three minutes left in the third period. From that point it was a matter of Oregon successfully staving off comeback drives by the sputtering Huskies. A free throw and a lay-in by Washington Center Dean Parsons brought the Huskies to within three points, 60-57. with three' minutes left in the same. But that was as close as the Huskies could come and Oregon, stalling for the last minute and 20 seconds, iced the game with a pair of free throws by Sophomore Guard Jerry Ross. Oregon Coach Bill Borcher benched Barney Holland and Ed Halberg in the second quarter in favor of Sophomores Boss and Ray Bell. It proved to be a successful move as Bell tallied 10 points and Ross scored 6 to account for the bulk of Oregon's 21 points in the second period. Parsons dropped in 21 points to walk off with scoring honors for the night. Karl Voegllin scored 15 for Washington. Bell paced the Oregon attack with 15 points. Howard Page was Oregon's second scorer with 10. Oregon made good on 31 per cent of their shots, while the cold Hus kies could connect for only 27 per cent. Oresoa 1 F P T Wash. O F P T Wesner.f 3 117 cosh w.f 3 3 4 8 Halb's.f 2 1 S Voet'n.f 6 i I 16 And'n.c 1 3 6 4 Psr'ns.c 6 11 3 21 Koll'dt 3 3 3 9 Perkns.t 2 3 16 Pasr.f 4 3 2 10 Jc-hn'n.f 0 6 4 6 Sout.f 0 0 10 TrlPD.f 0 3 3 1 Bell.f 6 3 8 15 Brjan.f 0 0 0 0 Ross.f 3 3 2 6 Patnoe.f 0 0 0 0 Hawes.t 1113 Olsen.f 0 0 10 Hslle.i 0 0 10 Totals 33 17 27t63 . Totals 16 27 16 S8 t technical foul called on Oregon's bench. Oreson 13 11 II 1163 Wa'Mnston 20 IS 10 1459 Pree throws missed: Bell 3. Anderson. Hollsnd 4. Psrsons 6. Johnson 3. Officials: Llihtner and Williams. Central Whips Salem Academy By 66-62 Tally Central high school had an easy time defeating Salem Academy 66-42 last night on the Salem Academy floor as their superior height gave them control of the boards and of the game. Central finished third in Capitol League plav by virtue of their win. Mark Nelson pumped through 24 points, mostly Iayins, in the three quarters he played. Drifting back after a Salem Academy shot or a tip. Nelson would be fed long passes for the tallies. Salem Academy outscored the Centrals 12-10 in the final quarter. Central jumped to a command ing 21-13 lead at the quarter and held the eight point margin at the half 39-21. A 17-point third quar ter put them ahead 56-30. Virgil Fadenecht and Dave Phil lips were high for the losing team with 14 and 13 points. Central's Jayvees made it two in a row over Salem Academy win ning 43-44 in a preliminary that was close up to the last three min utes of play. Central (W) (42) Sal. Arademy Jnhnsnn (6) F.. (8i Alllsler Brunk 110) T (21 Wallace Freeman 12) C (II Schreder Nelson (241 G. (14) Fadcnrernt Frantrke (71 O (131 Phillips. Reserves scoring: Central Bartell 2. HaRerman 2. Alsip 7. Dunn fl: Sa lem Academy Heman 2. Warkentm 4. Otdcials: Dyer and Ireland. Central 21 .19 Sd (Wt Salem Academy . 13 21 30 42 2: Stayton Wlllndsen 3. Officials: Wlckert and Nelson. Cascade ft 24 34 47 Stayton . 14 30 43 It By Ham Fisher SAP...A GUY'S AS 1 UH FOUR... V VEAH... 1 ajT JlST LIKE W - JTr'rV i