Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 19, 1954, Page 9, Image 9

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    Friday, February 19, 1954
Grand Warden
Visits Rebekahs
1 WOODBURN Robert Masscy,
grand warden of the Grand Lodge
of Oregon, I. 0. 0 F., was a
guest at the regular meeting of
Home Rebekah Lodge Tuesday
night and was introduced and
An invitation was read to at
tend a reception for Margie Gen
try, inside guardian of the Re
bekah Assembly, to be held Feb.
27 by Mt. Jefferson Rebekah
Lodge at Jefferson.
Contributions were voted to
the Oregon Society for Crippled
Children and also to the I.O.O.F.
educational loan fund.
Mrs. E. C. Peyton, noble grand,
appointed a committee to get es
timates on repairs to the I.O.O.F.
hall. Appointed were Guy Engle,
Mrs. Edith Frentz and Mrs. Em
ma Weber.
Plans were made to have a mis
cellaneous, auction and "pie
walk" at the next meeting, March
2, to raise funds for the repairs
to the hall. Mrs. Clementine
Stange and Mrs. Emma Weber
will be auctioneers and Miss
Lrura Bon ey will be clerk.
Planned pot-luck freshmenls of
salad and sandwiches will be
served. Mrs. Alfred Moon will
be chairman of the kitchen com
mittee and Mrs. Ernest Livcsay
will be in charge of the program.
Invitations were issued to Try
phena Rebekah lodge of Silver
ton and Oak Rebekah lodge of
Molalla to be guests on that eve
ring. Under "good of the order" Mr.
Masscy srioke on the United Na
tions Youth Pilgrimage and also
announced a ham dinner to be
served by the Odd Fellows and
Rebekahs of Quinaby at the Quin
aby hall Sunday, Feb. 28, from 1
to 4 p.m. to raise funds for the
Youth Pilgrimage. All Rebekahs
and Odd Fellows are invited.
Also on Feb. 26 at the same hall
a contest will be held from this
district for delegates to the Youth
Pilgrimage to which the mem
bers were invited.
Mrs. Peyton appointed Mrs. Al
fred Moon and Mrs. Frank
Wright ig. captains to choose
teams for a contest on which
points will be given to be held
during the- next three meetings.
A period of games followed the
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Clementine Stance, Mrs.
Oleta Murphy, and Mrs. Julius
Granncr. Patriotic decorations of
red, white and blue streamers
and flags were used in honor of
the birthday of George Washington.-
TAIPEH, Formosa I.T) Seven
Chinese ex-prisoners of war. held
by Indian authorities in Korea on
charges of slaying fellow prison
ers who wanted to return to North
Korea, arrived Friday night and
Were welcomed as heroes.
New Low Prices!
Famous Westinghouse
Laundromat and Clothes Dryer
Yeater Appliance Co.
375 Chemeketi Phont 3 4311
This Salem family left Thursday afternoon by Uuited Air
Lines plane for a six-months tour of islands in the Pacific.
From left, Dr. W. G. Burrows, psychiatrist and staff member
of Oregon State Hospital; Mrs. Burrows and sons Terrcnce and
Hillary. Most of the voyage will be by freighter and will lead
to London where Dr. Burrows will study for more than a year.
When they return they will live in Salem.
Manion Thinks He Was Fired
Because He Talked too Much
WASHINGTON (fft-Dr. Clarence
E. Manion is a great talker. He
seems to think, now that Presi
dent Eisenhower has fired him,
that he talked himself out of a
He said recently that in the two
years since he resigned as dean
of the Notre Dame University Law
School he has been in every state
making speeches to so many busi
ness groups "I have called the
roll of American industry."
Last September 4 Eisenhower
picked the 57-year-old Manion as
chairman of the important Com
mission on Intergovernmental Re
lations. On Feb. 17 Manion an
nounced the White House had
sacked him.
The White House gave no rea
son. Manion implied it was be
cause he had made public
speeches supporting the Bricker
amendment on treaties, which
Eisenhower opposed. The presi
dent said it would tic his hands in
foreign affairs.
Sen. Bricker (R-0) proposed a
constitutional amendment to limit
the scope of treaties so they don't
override powers reserved to the
states and to give congress power
to regulate other international ex
ecutive agreements.
Manion is a crusader for decen
tralized government and more
self-reliance on the part of the
states. And in the field of for
eign affairs he has strong con
victions which may seem unique
Marilyn Flies
Back to Japan
TOKYO 10 Actress Marilyn
Monroe, tired but obviously happy
after a four-day tour of Korea,
Friday night flew back to Japan
and a warm welcome from hus
band Joe DiMaggio.
As Marilyn stepped from the
plane DiMaggio held her by the
shoulders and kissed her gently.
Only a few Air Force men were
i on hand, in sharp contrast to the
thousands who greeted Marily at
i everv stop in Korea. Military of
ficials said her arrival here had
not been heralded.
Before leaving Korea Miss Mon
roe told newsmen "I never felt
like a movie star before really
in my heart before I came to
The blonde actress ended three
j days of frontline singing for tens
of thousands of soldiers, called her
I visit "the high point of every-
Military officials said Marilyn
sang for upwaids of 100.000 men
at nine major shows
for limited time only
to Eisenhower in handling com
munists. Although Russian and the Chi
nese communists, as disciples of
Karl Marx, operate on the theory
the United States and other capi
talist contries are doomed, Man
ion, in his 1950 book, "The Key
to Peace," suggested:
"Those in charge of our national
defense must be made to realize
that if the fascinating American
story is made plain to our actual
and potential enemies military op
position will liquidate itself in the
wild scramble to follow the Amer
ican example."
In that same book, although
much of it was devoted to praising
the founding fathers for their ex
traordinary wisdom in putting the
Constitution together, Manion
showed some displeasure with the
Constitution as it is.
He not only urged changing it
by adding on the Bricker amend
ment but .'-o another amend
ment which would limit tho pow
er of congress to spend money.
While Manion seemed to think
his advocacy of the Bricker pro
posal cost him his job, hen. Aiken
(R-Vt.) said from what he had
heard of Manion, "I'm afraid he
was too conservative to be of
value to this administration."
Other republicans in the senate
bitterly criticized the firing and
one member of the commission
quit in protest. This was Rep.
Noah Mason (R.-lll.). The 25
irran commission was composed
of five senators, five representa
tives, some government agency
heads, and distinguished citizens.
In addition to speculation about
his views, Manion has been criti
cized for spending too much time
specchmaking in general and not
enough in the headquarters of his
The government hands over to
the states yearly $2,800,000,000 in
aid in 22 programs covering such
fields as public health, highways,
education, housing. The commis
sion was supposed to find out
where federal-sttae duplication
could be avoided and some aid I
Although the commission was
supposed to finish its work by
March 1, its last three members
weren't sworn in until November
20. hardly time for such a huge
job. It's going to ask for another j
year's time before reporting. i
Can You Fight
on the Job?
No. in fact, it is highly;
important to stay if)
bed from the time
i(ou catch influenza
until uou are
completely recovered
and the danger of
complications Is past.
Most of the half
million Americans
who are believed to
have died of influenza
in the epidemic of 1918-1919 were actually
killed bi( the complication of pneumonia.
Your doctor can provide u.ou with effective
help in preventing influenza and with
lifesaving care during illness. We can fill
anu, of qour prescriptions promptly.
Capital Drug Store
405 Stote Corner of Liberty
We Give iJV." Green Stamps
Snikpoh Gives
Wilder Play
The three-act play by Thorn
ton Wilder, "Our Town, will be
presented by Salem Highs 'Snik
pob Dramatic Society in the Sa
lem High Auditorium, March 12.
Miss Margaret Burroughs is di
recting tho cast.
"Our Town" is known for its
unusual characteristics. The
tags is devoid of scenery, and
the usual stage properties. Lad
ders represent staircases and
boxes represent tables and
chairs. No elaborate costumes
will ba used.
Grover's Corners, New Hamp
shire is the setting for the en
tire play. The firrt act, "Daily
Life," begins about 1901, just be
fore dawn. "Love and Marriage,"
the second act, takss place in
1904, and the third act is set in
the Grover's Corners cemetery
in 1913.
The leading part of the play,
the Stage Manager, is being
played by Jim Boudrcau. This
role is another unusual feature
of the play as the Stage Man
ager not only "manages the
stage." He introduces the char
acter, sets the scenes, plays some
of the parts and serves at the
Emily WebL, a young girl, is
played by Carol Da Metz. Ralph
Sipprcll and Pat Burres are in
the roles of Mr. and Mrs. Webb,
Emily's parents. Ron Maddy and
Pat O'Malley play the parts of
Doctor and Mrs. Gibbs. Jim
Brown is cast as B.corgo Gibbs,
their son. Others in the cast
are Jerry Hunsaker, Sharon
Bowles, Willard Bone, Roger
Moorhcad, Dick Richardinon, Le
Anna Seal, Richard AuFranc, and
Lorraine Oen.
The play w;s originally pro
duced by Jed Karris in 1937 and
1938 in Henry Miller's theatre in
New York Ci'.. Frank Craven
and Martha Scott played t h c
parts of the Stage Manager and
Emily Webb. ,
Salute to Salem in
Telephone Magazine
Salem is saluted in the Feb
ruary issue of Pacific Telephone
Magazine, published by Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph com
The cover picture for the mag
azine is of four Salem telephone
employes, Dick Smith, Bill Tem
pleman, Orville Welsh and Vic
Blake stopped for their lunch
near the Oregon State hospital.
"Salem Capital of Oregon."
is the title of the first article
in the magazine. This article
briefly gives the history of Sa
lem and information on its loca
tion, products, industries and
Accompanying the article arc
a number of pictures taken about
the city.
Included in the pictures are
the capitol building; Presbyter
ian and Catholic churches; Col
lins ball at Willamette: members
of the state board of control;
Sec. of Interior Douglas McKay
on a visit home; Mayor Al Loucks
and the local manager of the
telephone company, Elmer Berg
lund: the Salem business office
of the telephone company; the
city hall; the court house under
construction; a picture of one of
the telephone company em
ployes, Tom Bachcldcr, leaving
for work; and shots in the tele
phone office here.
TOKYO UP Nine Japanese
were killed Friday when fire swept
through a forest workers' camp in
Hokkaido, northernmost Japanese
island, the nowspnncr Asahi said.
395 S. 12th, Salem
Off Flu
Vietnamese Officials
Approved Big-4 Plan
SAIGON. Indochina ( Viet
namese officials said Friday they
approve the Big Four s decision
to meet with Red China in an
effort to settle the Indochina War,
but the settlement must make it
Impossible for the Communist-led
Victminh take over Indochina.
They outlined four conditions
Stork Gilts .
Moved Today
The collection of stork shower
gifts gathered by the Downtown
Salem Merchants Association for
bab'ics born in the now maternity
wing of Salem ' General Hospital
was moved Friday from the lobby
of the United States National Bank
to the lobby of the First National
Bank at North Liberty and she
meketa. .
Most of the gifts have been do
nated by members of the Down
town Merchants Association, but
tome have come also from the
general public. There is room for
more, and anyone who wishes to
give something for the new ba
bies or their parents may leave
their offerings at the bank.
The collection has been In the
United States National lobby since
February 1, and will be at the
First National the remainder of
the period. The stork shower will
continue through February and
possibly through March.
Officials Take Ride
In Locomotive Cab
Mayor Al Loucks of Salem. State
Utilities Commissioner Charles H.
Heltzel and David Don, an engi
neer for the PUC, made a first
hand study of grade crossings
Thursday by riding in the cab of
a diesel locomotive from Portland
to Albany,
The observations he made will
be applied to a hearing that is to
be resumed shortly after March 1
before the Public Utilities Commis
sion in which the city is demand
ing safeguards at Salem grade
The mayor said he talked during
the day with members of train
crews and railroad officials. He
was impressed, he said, with the
drop arm barriers used at some
Portland crossings, and which are
being demanded at some of the
Salem crossings.
No More
With Weather Hyc Conditioned Air, world's
finest car heating and ventilating system,
your used Nash gives you safer, more
comfortable, thermostatically controlled in
terior warmth in the coldest weather. It's
safe because fresh air is drawn in at wind
shield level-far above the monoxide fumes
of cars ahend-then filtered, heated, and
circulated throughout car. (Sec picture.)
The Weather Eye keeps glass areas fog
free, too. During extreme icing conditions,
large defrosters, activated by powerful
blowers, keep windshield clear.
See and drive a used Nash Airflytc, the
car that gives you more comfort and safety.
Get Nash -the Used Car
with the Meit Comfort
Safety and Performance Features!
" tit s -
which they termed essential for a
peace treaty or armistice to pre
vent Ho Chi Minh's rebels from
obtaining politically the full com
quest they have not been able to
obtain by military means.
r ranee bears the brunt of the
war. But Viet Nam, largest of the
three associated states of Indo
has more than 200,000 troops in
training or fighting as allies of
the French,. The Berlin decision
that Korean and Indochina affairs
would be taken up at Geneva April
26 stirred considerable excitement
Vietnamese official sources said
the French sponsored Viet Nam
government would agree to muzzle
lis guns providing:
l. Viet Nam participates in the
peace negotiations and no settle
ment is valid witliout the agree
ment of Vict Nam and her sister
states, Laos and Cambodia.
2. Red China must agree to stop
aiding the Vietminh and the West
ern powers must guarantee Chi
na's word and make sure it is
3. The Communist-led army and
the political organization which
Moscow-trained Ho Chi Minh calls
a government must be destroyed.
4. Viet Warn must be complete
ly united and will not accept any
demarcation line, such as Korea's
38th parallel. ,
Warren Gill Files
For Re-election
LEBANON Warren Gill. Leba
non attorney, has filed for re-election
as state senator from Linn
county, according to a statement
made Thursday noon. He holds
11th position in seniority in the
upper chamber.
Not many candidates have an
nounced intentions to run, Gill
stated, because election districts
may be changed. Two years ago
Oregon voters decided to reappor
tion voting districts but the consti
tutionality of the law has been
questioned. Gill said the state su
preme court will consider the mat
ter in about a week in order to
reach a decision before the March
12 filing deadline.
Quick! Break Up
infill local CONGESTION
Choose the Car
with the Double Lifetime
Built to Stay New Longer
m J7 W V
Court May Get
Beck's Edict-
MIAMI. Fla. in A deposed of
ficer of the Yakima. W a i h..
Teamsters' Union local, denied a
hearing at the AFL union s execu
tive board meeting here, has
threatened to carry his "dictator"
charges against Dave Beck into
Martin Crouse, secretary of the
Yakima local before the Team
sters' president placed it in trus
teeship last month, said Thursday
night his attempt to bring formal
charges against Beck before the
board was 'our final step before
going to court.
Our members want their local
back in their own hands we want
to run it like it should be run.
Crouse flew here from Yakima
hoping to make a personal appear
ance at the executive board meet
ing. Before Crouse arrived, how
ever, Beck told reporters the
board would not be able to hear
the Yakima unionist because of a
crowded schedule.
Crouse contends Beck violated
the union constitution in-investing
union luncij and has called for
his ouster as president. He said he
also wanted to tell the board of
Beck's "dictatorial" action In
a. w
Try one of these famous trains. You'll find they
are the safe, comfortable, economical and de
pendable way to travel. Low fares on sale dally.
C. A. Larson, Agent
Phone 3-9244
Shivers and Shakes!
mm as I
Equipped with Exclusive
Weather Eyi Conditioned Air System
Airllntr Rtcllnlng Stotil Twin Beds for Traveling!
Powerful, Economical Engine! Ruii-Reiliting Bonderltingl
Safer, Unitiied Alrflyte Comtructionl .
Used Nash Values ...
Weather-eye heater, radio,
bed, reclining seats, fnam
cushions, hydra- ttlAOC
malic, 1 owner.
TOM SKDAN. Fully rnuip
pd, ll&ll, overdrive, plastic
seal covers, bed, good tires.
Overdrive, heater, radio, re
clining scats, bed, grey fin
ish, white sidcwall J
placing the local in trusteeship
without resolving charges of fi
nancial Irregularities Crouse hat
brought against the local's offi
cers. Crouse said Thursday night he
will try to talk to some of the
union's International vice presi
dent before returning to Yakima
"and If they won't talk to me,
then we'll know where we stand."
Lebanon Councilmen
Fail to Get Quorum
LEBANON For lack of a
quorum the second time in 12
years, Lebanon's city council did
not meet Tuesday night Only
Glenn Gillenwater and Glenn
Huston appeared in addition to
the city recorder who is tecre-.
Mayor Elmer Fitzgerald was ill
with an attack of flu and laryn-.
gitis, but the other four mem- '
bers of the body who did not
appear, were not accounted for,
NEW DELHI. India Wl - India
holds out "just an ounce of hope"
that the coffee crop now ripening
In Madras State would help ease
the coffee price pinch In the United
States, government sources said
Friday. -
Plus Tax
All with Weather Eye
Air System
2-tone paint, radio, heater,
reclining seats, , c7QC
overdrive, bed . . . T
WAtJON. Custom model, ful
ly equipped, radio, etlOQC
heater, Al shape. I7J
BLE. A demonstrator model,
low mileage, dark green fin
ish, white sidcwall tires, ra
dio, heater, over
drive, fully ? ' 77 J