Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 19, 1954, Page 6, Image 6

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    tog I
Edited by MARIAN
By Duo
The engagement of Miss Paul
ine Schaplowsky to Al Trom of
Corvallis was announced recent
ly at a party at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. William Crothcrs.
An August wedding is planned
by the couple.
Miss Schaplowsky has been
one of the home demonstration
agents in Marion county for the
past year and a half. She is a
graduate of University of Idaho.
Mr. Trom is a gradualo of
Oregon State college. He is
with Corvallis Lumber company.
Past Matrons Club
Meets for Dinner
Jones, Mrs. Ela Fikan and Mrs,
Violet Atwood were hostesses at
the dinner Wednesday evening
at the Masonic temple preceding
the regular meeting of the Past
Matrons club of Evergreen chap
ter, Order of the Eastern Star.
Following the meeting the
members cleaned the silver in the
dining room and later conducted
a business meeting in the Mason
ic parlors with Mrs. Harlow Dix
on presiding.
Plans were completed to serve
the homecoming dinner for the
Masonic lodge Saturday, Feb. 20
at 7 p.m. Mrs. Elfa Fikan will be
chairman of the kitchen commit
tee and Mrs. Agnes Jones will be
head of the dining room commit
tee. Appointed as hostesses for the
next meeting, March 17, were
Mrs. Evelyn Morris, Mrs. Flor
ence Butterfield and Miss Gladys
Give to Red Cross
Temple Beth Sholom Sister
hood met Wednesday evening.
The group voted to contribute $10
to the American Red Cross. For
the program a reading wai given
by Mrs. Dina Linn.
Serving the refreshments were
Mrs. Hilda Steinbock and Mrs.
Rebecca Shusterwibc
IN PORTLAND on Saturday
evening will be Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Carson and Mr. and Mrs.
Karl Becke to attend the wedding
of Miss Doris Padrick and Law
rence Blunt.
Miss Marjorie Becke and Miss
Ann Carson, sorority aisters of
the bride, are to be bridesmaids.
Miss Becke, student at the Uni
versity of Oregon, will remain
over the week-end in Portland
to visit Miss Carson.
Lions Auxiliary
"The Family and Juvenile De
linquency" was the topic for the
talk given by Judge Joseph B.
Felton before the downtown Lions
club auxiliary Thursday evening
at the home of Mrs. Carl Steelham
mer. He discussed the responsi
bilities in the home toward chil
dren. The committee of hostesses for
the evening included Mrs. Felton
as chairman, Mrs. Carl Aschen
hrenncr. Mrs. James Allenhy, Mrs.
Joseph Paulson, Mrs. LaVerne J.
Young, Mrs. Fred Halvarson, Mrs.
Ralph H. Johnson.
A SON, Gary Paul, was born
Thursday, February IB. to Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond G. Koch (Bet
ty Jean Korb) at Salem General
hospital. There is a daughter in
the family, too, Sharon Marie.
The grandparents are Mr. and
Mis. David Korb and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Koch, all of Salem.
Today's Menu
These rich oalmeal cookies
melt in your mouth!
Cheese Rarebit
Fruit Salad
Chocolate Surprises
Ingredients: 1 cup butter or
margarine, H cup confccloners"
sugar, 2 teaspoons vanilla, 2
cups sifted flour, 4 teaspoon
alt, 1 cup uncooked rolled oats,
two B-ounce packages somiswoct
chocolate pieces, Vt cup milk,
chopped nutmeats (if desired).
Method: Cream butler and
migar with vanilla. Add flour
and salt, mixing thoroughly. Stir
In rolled oals well. Dough will
be quite stiff. Shape dough to
mike Jogs or balls. Bake on tin
greased cookie sheets In slow
(325F) oven 29 to 30 minutes:
cool. Melt chocolate n top of
double boiler over hot waler. Add
milk and beat with rotary egg
beater until smooth. Dip cooled
cookips in chocolate: if desired
sprinkle with chopped nutmeats.
Tlace on wire rack to drain. Stora
in refrigerator.
Initiation Thursday
At Job's Daughters
Seven girls were initiated Into
belhel No. 48. Job'! Daughters, on
Thursday evening. Mrs. Ernest
Yeo. Gladstone, grand guardian
also made her official visit and
helped with the installing cere,
New initiates include the Misses
Barbara Roberts. Judy Filler. Ed
wina Fitzgerald, Pat White. Helen
Harris, Claudia Arnold and Betty
June McClanahan
A ski trip on Saturday was
planned for Hoodoo.
AMONG out-of-town guests to be
here for the week end and to take
in Town club's dance Saturday
evening will be Mr. and Mrs. Vir
gil Dunkin, guests of the William
H. Hammonds, and Dr. and Mrs.
Louis School, guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Frilz.
Valentine Party
A Valentine party for girls of
bethel No. 43, Job's Daughters,
was an event of Tuesday eve
ning at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Fletcher. A no
host dinner was served with the
Valentine party and games fol
lowing. Mrs. Kenneth Morris and
Mrs. Emmett Kleinke assisted
the Fletchers.
Mrs. John Carr was a guest.
Forthy-three girls attended the
State Head Due
Plans were made at the Thurs
day business session of Hal Hib
bard auxiliary, United Spanish
War Veterans, for the visit of
Mrs. Bessie Sutton, department
president from Corvallis. She
will be in Salem on March 4 and
a no host 12:30 p.m. dinner is be
ing planned at the Woman's club
It was voted on Thursday to
give $5 to the Red Cross.
Shower Given
BROOKS Miss Vivian Sturgis,
bride-elect of Carl McCollum of
Ft. Lewis, Wash., was honored
on Sunday with a bridal ahower
at the home of Mrs. Jack bcro-
Honoring Miss Sturgis were
her mother, Mrs. Harry Slurgis
and ffrnndmnthpr. Mrs. Ralnh
Sturgis of Portland; Mrs. John
ugh'Man, Mr's!
Moore and dau
Cec Mollort, Mrs. Frank Stur-
Mrs. Wi ard SturE s. Mrs.
Raymond Potts, Mrs. George
Ramp and grandilaugiuer, Har
riet. Mrs. Glenn Goodman, Mrs.
Bert Coleman of Woodburn and
Mrs. Jean Fuller.
WORD has oome from Portland
of the birth of a ton, Jonn Kan
da 11, Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. J. R
Davis (Patricia Lister), on Feb
ruary 16. The baby is the sec
ond child, there being a daugh
ter, Linda. Grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert W. Davis of
Rccdsport and Mr. and Mrs. H.
Lawrence Lister of Portland, for
merly of Salem, and the great
grandfather is Dr. W. W. Young
son of Portland.
LEAVING (his week-end for an
interesting trip are Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Madison. They will drive
to Los Angeles, then go to New
Orleans to take in Mnrdi Gras.
The rest of their trip is to be by
plane, 10 stops in the West In
dies, Ihe tour to go as far as
Trinidad and to Caracas, Vene
zuela. Altogether, they will travel
7000 miles by plane and 6000
miles by car. They plan to rct
turn the first of April.
HOME from a two week vaca
tion through California and Ne
vada are Mr. and Mrs. LaMont
Fry of Independence and Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Hartman of Sil
verton. MRS. FRANK BI.IGH is leav- i
ing Saturday for Seattle to visit
for a few days with Mrs. Gene-
vicve Gray and Mrs. Grare Crat- ;
er, hoth formerly of Salem.
CDA Social
MT. ANGEL A social for
members of Court Marion, Catho
lic Daughters of America, will be
given on Monilay evening, Febru
ary Z2, in the club room of St.
Mary's school.
Bridge, 500, and pinochle will
be in play, with refreshments
served by the hostess committee.
Mrs. Fred Baumgartner, chair
man, will he assisted hy com
mittee including Mrs. Harold
Dicker, Mrs. Alois llumprrt, Mrs.
George Volz, Mrs. Robert Van
Hatten, Mrs. Anna Walker, Mrs.
Charles Porsyn, Mrs. Waller
Hilda, Mrs. Herman Schwab and
Mrs. Joseph Seller.
malic Pain,W
WO Tablet Bottle Only 49t
Relieves Rheu
miLLER 5
On Friday
One of the "kidnap breakfasts"
given from time to time by mem
bers of St Anne's guild, St. Paul's
Eoiscopal church, was an event
of this morning at the Candal-
aria Heights home of Mrs. Rich
ard A. Rawlinsnn. Mrs. Kenneth
Wilson was co-hostess.
Assisting in "picking up" the
guesta were Mrs. W. Wells Baum,
Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee, Mrs.
Kenneth Power, Mrs. E. H. Ken
nedy, Mrs. Donald McCargar. Mrs.
Wallace Carson, Mrs. John Caugh-
ill. Mrs. James Walton.
About 30 attended the gather
ing. Guests came "as they were"..
when called on, or paid a fine
for each delay in getting to the
breakfast Proceeds go, to the
guild's treasury.
Girl Scout Cookie
Sale Due March 12
Annual cookie sale for Girl
Scouts will start March 12, it is
announced following the Feb
ruary meeting of the Santiam
Area council. The council event
was at Corvallis in the First
Methodist church there
A tentative budget for 1954
was outlined by the council treas
urer. Albert Morris. Harold
Johnson is chairman for the area
cookie sale.
Salem board members attend
ing the meeting were Mrs. Ches
ter Chase, Mrs. R. N. Chase, Mrs.
James Watts, Mrs. John Lewis,
Miss Marjorie Johnson, Albert
Morris. Harold Johnson.
BPW Club Events
For Week Listed
SILVERTON Meetings of the
Business and Professional Wo
men's club include local and dis
trict sessions.
At the Corvallis Hotel, bunc-ay.
February 21, beginning at 8:30
r m. will be the district meeting.
The theme for the day will be
Equal Pay for Equal Work.
Mrs. Frank Giroux will enter-
lain the local BPW members for
their February 23, 8 p. m., busi
ness meeting. For budget funds
each member is asked to bring a
package for a "silent auction." A
ten cent charge is to be made for
the refreshment hour. The possi
bilities of a progressive dinner
during February will be discussed.
Mrs. Larry Carpenter, chairman
of public affairs has announced
that Mrs. can nooui, niarion
Uounty school superintendent, will
speaker av uie . iu.
oinner mraras ai 'P.
day, March 2. Women guests, not
members of the local club win oe
welcome to attend this meeting
and arc to make reservations with
Mrs. Frank Giroux.
Talbot Club Meets
Talbot-Members of the Talbot
Woman's club entertained their
families with a no-host dinner
Monday night in the church base
ment. Forty-one were present.
Mrs. Ethel Blimston, Mrs. A.
Gurgurich and Mrs. Jack Craig
were in charge of the dinner. Mrs.
Ernest Freeman was in charge
of the program which consisted of
movies of India shown by the Rev.
Mr. Carr and movies of Arizona
shown by Mrs. E. B. Henningsen.
George Qucssolh won the prizes
for games played at the social
meeting of the American Gold
Star Mothers on Thursday night
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
B. Van Cleave.
There was a musical program
and refreshments were served.
I I 1 11 T Y.1 T.WtoJM'f- IM WW ii lief .
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February Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Dtlbert Dalke (Patsy
Ruth Graves), aoove, were married February 5. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Graves and Mr. Dalke is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dalke of Aumsville. (Mc
Ewan studio picture.).
Senior Girls Are
Honored at Tea
WOODBURN The annual tea
for the senior girls of Woodburn
high school, sponsored by Chap
ter J. of the P.E.O. Sisterhood,
was at the home of Mrs. O. L.
Withers, Wednesday afternoon,
and was attended by 24 senior
The educational commmce,
Mrs. C. K. McNary, Mrs. Clair
Niblcr and Mrs. Withers, was in
charge of the event. Colored
slides were shown of Cottey col
lege, which is sponsored by the
P.E.O. and a short talk was given
by Mrs. Carl Magnuson, president
of the local group.
Mrs. Nellie Muir and Mrs. N.
F. Tyler presided at the attract
ive tea table, decorated in white,
green and silver.
HOSTS to their bridge club
Saturday evening will be Mr. and
Mrs. Gardner Knapp.
MT. ANGEL - The last of a jt -&, 'A, VTCT I T Vjf If fill Hj I
series of four prcLenten card rvMfsa.4 M " V IV 1 1 LawM IT 15Tal T I LmX 1
parties, sponsored by the St. Ann's j dm jrff"f
Receiving Awards forTighTcore i '"Ljjm'icN' ( A'f kf)l
in cards were Mrs. J. A. Kaiser i I "Tina 4-&r T fjld . 1 .ifip 'j,1 ,i ..
and Mis. S. C. Schmitt for bridge; ) ! rw "SlJi J f Jr "iA"Kp '1 1
Mrs. Rose Fisher and E. A. Ham- J j .vTTTTxSw i VsJ v""" - '), fffcAfS
.mer for JOOWilliam Anncn and l! Ill I luVvZ ' WlSJ!l-ffr TV' ' FS4 .
f&fk few
Joseph Faulhaber for pinochle,
and Mrs. W. A. Verboort for ca
nasta. Others receiving awards
were Mrs. Otto Schlottman, Mrs.
Marcus Wampach, Mrs. Frank
Aman, Mrs. Hugo Bochmer, Mrs.
E. A. Hammer, Frank Erwcrt,
Mrs. John Hertl, Mrs. Joseph Bell,
M. A. Beyer, Mrs. Lee Peters,
Miss Viola Duerr, Mrs. Joseph
Faulhaber, Mrs. J. A. Kaiser and
Otto Schlottman.
Mrs. Theresa Hotter, chairman
was assisted by a committee of 15
ladies of the Altar society.
Another series of card parties
will be given after Easter.
At Parties
Mrs. Richard Springer is en
tertaining at a series of parties.
Last evening she was hostess
for a dessert and bridge party.
Next Wednesday, Mrs. Spring
er has planned a luncheon and
afternoon of bridge, and a des
sert and bridge for Thursday ev
ening. Guests for three tables are
bidden for each party.
Miss Swanson
Wed., Feb. 13
LEBANON At the Methodist
church on Sunday afternoon, Feb.
13, Miss Anne Swanson, daugh
ter of Mr. and Met. Oscar Swan
son, was wed to Don Benson, son
of Leon Benson. Both families
live in Lebanon.
The Rev. G. Wesley Turner read
the ceremony in a setting of white
stock and lighted tapers. At the
organ was Miss Colleen Chilcote,
and soloist was Miss Barbara
For her nuptials the bride wore
a white Chantilly lace dress, for
mally styled. Her veil was held
by orange blossoms and she car
ried a bouquet of stephanotis and
white fringed carnations centered
with a white orchid.
Matron of honor was Mrs. Rich
ard Stratton of Central Point who
wore a ballerina length copper
satin dress. Mrs. Morris Hun-
saker, Salem, was bridesmaid.
She wore a gold satin dress styled
like that of the honor attendant's.
Both carried heart-shaped bou
quets of stephanotis and talisman
Candlelighters were Mrs. uon
Secman. Eugene, and Miss Pat
Stanton, Portland.
Lyle Swanson, brother ol ine
bride, was best man. Ushering
were Harry Weiprecht, Portland;
Norman Blair, Gordon Johnson
and Leon Stanfill.
The Wesleyan Service guild was
in charge of the reception given in
the church parlors.
For a wedding trip sown, miss
Benson wore a gray suit with
black accessories and her bridal
orchid as a corsage.
The bride was graduated from
the local high school and Willam
ette university. On the campus
she is affiliated with Delta Gam
ma sorority and Mu Phi Epsilon
music honorary. Mr. Benson at
tended Pennsylvania State and
Oregon State college. They will
make their home on route 2, Leb
anon. IN PORTLAND today to attend
a meeting of a bridge club was
Mrs. William H. Hammond. ,
"Not a Half Size
Rut a Plus Size"
115 North High
ir ' 1 .
Noti- tray tvitrtin yont rWic
Wmifs nd mjoy 2 Mk-p of
Hir remarkable w hite bread
every meal. Only 48 calorics
per slice.
I. i a Asi . T i t f ,v
Is Bride-elect The engage
ment of Miss Nancy Catherine
Craw, above, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Adrian B. Craw of
Fresno, Calif., to A1C Rich
ard W. West, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. West of Salem, has
been announced. (John Fri
gulti studio, Fresno)
Mrs. Haggard New
Member of Auxiliary
SILVERTON At the Wednes
day meeting of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars auxiliary, No. 3004,
a new member, Mrs. Robert Hag
gard, was initiated.
Showing the auxiliary's interest
in community service was the re
port by the chairman of the com
mittee, Mrs. Clarence Quarticr, of
75 hours work by members dur
ing the past fortnight.
The Civilian Defense chairman,
Mrs. Lewis Thomas, read the in-J
structions compiled by Dorothy
Man, on "Home Protection."
Mrs. Frank Roemer announced
the sponsorship by the auxiliary
of Girl Scout Troop No. 149.
On the list of appointments by
the president, Mrs. Edgerton,
were Mrs. Frank Roemer and
Mrs. Olaf Tokstad as cohair
man of the Girl Scout committee;
Mrs. Vester Scydcll as poppy
chairman and Mrs. L. M. Elliott
as co-chairman, the annual poppy
sale to be Friday, May 20, and
Saturday, May 21.
The next meeting will feature
the nomination and election of
officers for the coming year, on
Wednesday, March 3.
As a comedy feature during the
joint refreshment hour for the
members of the post and auxil
iary, a grab bag was staged.
LEAVING Thursday for Yaki
ma, Wash., to make their home
were Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Byers, Jr.
. i
low-calorie, high-protein White Bread
developed through research. It's Delicious!
Friday. February 19, 195?
Kappa Deltas ...
Are Entertained ....
V anna Helta alumnae at their
meeting Thursday evening voted
to assist the Salem An assouauim
at Salem Art museum, the Bush
House, certain days during the
The meeting of the alumnae was
at the home of Mrs. Eugene Man
nock. Plans were made to enter
tain active girls from Salem and
vicinity while they are home
from college for spring vacation.
' Attending the meeting were
Mrs. Hope Edwards. Mrs. Harris
Lietz, Mrs. J. B. Monnctte, Mrs.
Leo G. Johnson, Mrs. George Bag
nail, Mrs. John Ficklin, Mrs. H.
B. Collins, Mrs. Floyd Colburn,
Mrs, William Ashby and the host-
Miss Way mire Is
Honored at Shower
WOODBURN Miss ' Doris
Waymire, whose marriage to Scot
Odgers will be an event of March
6, was honored at a bridal show
er recently at the home of Mrs.
Kenneth L. Knutson with Mrs.
John Hugill as co-hostess. Valen
tine decorations were used and
refreshments served.
Guests included Sandy Groch,
niece ol Miss Waymire, Mrs,
Lyle G. Henderson and Miss Ma
ridel Mayfield of Portland; Mrs.
Fred Odgers, Mrs. M. G. Hen
derson, Mrs. Oscar Larson, Mrs.
Andrew Rice, Miss Patricia
Houseweart, Mrs. Julius Gran-
ner, Mrs. T. V. Engle, Miss Doro
thy Miller, the honored guest,;
Miss Waymire, and the hostesses.
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. Emmons, Jr., are being
felicitated on the birth of their
third daughter, Elaine Ruth, sis
ter of Paula and Ruth. Grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Kaufman and Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Simmons, all of Silverton. Mrs.
J. N. Bach of Fairbury, 111., is
the great grandmother.
Is your
child a
A ntw intrrnttioml studr r
Trail that American children
can't compare miKularhf whh
Imi pririlfgtd European chil
dren! Amaiing at it arrnu, mir
children auffrr from a aerimu
'Vierciie dtfiriency"! Try aix
simple tritu on Tour own child
and e if TV, thcrmoital and
th rt of "punh-button" liring
are rrdncing hit ehanrct for a
hralthv furore. Read "How Fit
Arc Our Children?" in the
March Ladi' Home Journal.
On nrwuctandi today!
The NEW amazing-
F.nry its flawx, plain Of rrmtwi.
k contains J times the vkaroim
of enriched bread helps to
keep you at peak Tfrality when
you diet. Try it today!