THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Pact S FAROUK WITH NEW DINING COMPANION We give and redeem Green Stamps liberty street -court street liberty street court street We Give and Redeem JVf Green Stamps OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 Friday, February 19, 1954 I I (I Mill IX i I ,, hjiiii,,,,,,,! . J Former King Farouk of Egypt appears'bored by the photo--graphcr while his dinner companion. Irma Minutto, "Miss J;Naples," smiles during meal at the Rose Gala in Monte Carlo -recently. Reports say that Farouk, divorced by former Queen "-Narriman in Cario recently, and the Italian beauty queen .""have been seeing each other frequently. (AP Wirephoto) Civil Services Exams Coming Examinations for the post of fite marshal! and for several va cancies in the city police depart ment will be held about April J, it was decided by the city civil service commission at a meet ing at the city hall Wednesday. The fire marshall post, creat ed July 1 by city council action and provided for in the last city budget, will generally entail supervision of training programs, fire prevention and inspection work, is currently being handled by acting Fire Marshall Glenn Shedeck. Shedeck, officially a battalion chief, was appointed to the tcmporarv position last July by Fire Chief Ellsworth L. Smith. Exams for patrolmen will be given to men wishing to join the police force and to those men now serving on temporary duty who were hired to fill vacancies since the last examanations were held. Dales and places for the exami nations will be announced later, the commission said. North Howe NORTH HOWELL Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Strachan were guests for supper Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Russ. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rassmason of Labish Center. Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Hollin are announcing the birth of a daugh ter at the Salem hospital Mon day morning. The baby weighed 8 pounds 10 ounces and is their second child. M. A. Dunn was able to return home Sunday from a Portland hospital where he was a patient for several days following major surgery. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Espe were In Salem Sunday at the home of lift- and Mrs. Jerome Epping ana family. While there they attended the baptismal services of. their granddaughter, Kristi Ann.- NORTH HOWELL The North Howell home economics club met Tuesday, Feb. 16. A rummage and food sale was planned for Saturday .February 20,-in Silvertor.. Sftcr a short business meeting-lunch was served by the hosts, Mrs. Jean Wcstagaard and Clara Dunn. Attending were Mcsdames Ar chie Wiesner, Thomas Bump, Jim Jackson, h. C. Espe, Ray Dunn, Carl Wcstagaard, Tercy Putin, Evan Beals, Sr., Andy Hall, Defha Cline, Amy Beer, Leo Pe terson and Vernie Leighty. Promotion of Meat Proposed SAN FRANCISCO Ifl - Western meat packers were urged Thurs day night to find new ways to get people to eat more meat espec iallv econnmv rule nf hpf nnrl luncheon varieties. G. F. Chambers, rboard chair man nf the Wpetnrn Slatne Packers Assn., meeting here, said the industry needs a "highly in tensive promotional campaign" to increase meat consumptien, prin cipally beef. "All signs point to extra heavy marketings of grass-fed cattle later this vear whirh will atl upon all segments of the industry io cooperate in i consumer edu cation campaign in the use of economy cms or neet, ne said. Another plea for cooperation within the inHnctrv u-a cnnnrieH by Jay Taylor of Amarillo, Tex., president of the Ameriran Nalinn. al Cattlemen's Assn. Stabilization of the cattle busi ness on a Drnfitnhle hncis pan come about only if the entire cattle and beef industry continues ana strengtnens its cooperation for the good of its members and the people it serves, he said. Phone 4-1451 195S. Commercial 17 A Day Delivers this new 1954 "Royal" Porta ble or any other make on our exclu sive RENTAL PURCHASE PLAN CALL 3-8095 Free Immediate Delivery Kay Typewriter Co. 223 N- High THE GREATEST VALUE EVER OFFERED IN QUALITY! PERFORMANCE! BEAUTY! ' Television, Radio and Record 'Player You eon have it all in one beautiful piece of Furniture at a price of just an ordinary TV Set Come in and See These . . . VALUES, THE BEAUTY AND PERFORMANCE! The Supply li Limited. TV CENTER 1120 Center St. Open Evenings 'Til 9 P. M. Headquarter For RCA end Admiral THE m EARLY spring JACKEr DRESS Washable Mj'CVjit V" crepe print ftvjv'2 like jacketl IjqAjQijA Sizes 12-20 and 14V4-24V4 Feminine and flattering . . . perfect under your winter coat now, wear it free and easy through spring and summer! Colorful red-and-white print with a navy jacket. Completely . washable, too, so you save dollars on expen sive cleaning bills. Fashions, second floor . .... m I JK sir 1 III Values to 59.95 LADIES COATS One group of famous name 100'. wool coats in fleece end curl fabrics! Spring and summer colon insulated linings. Sizes 10 to 20. 29 99 : 1 V J famous Large, Modem Style Davenport and Matching Chair Features the renowned craftsmanship and beauty for which "Bilrwell" it so famous. . l-way hand-tied spring construction with "cable-eie" suspension web base. Rubberiied beck mohair frieze upholstery, and it' completely moth-proof. Choice of beige, grey, sage, kelly, rose. Carries a 5-year construction guarantee. SAVE $30-REG. 249.95, NOW 23) .95 NO DOWN PAYMENT ON OUR APPROVED CREDIT As long as 24 months to pay SPECIAL! CONTOUR ELECTRIC BLANKET Large double size, single control. t QI1 KpD. aZH.SK VH111B 7.V091 01lfl1inlM Rose, blue, red, cedar and green. "1 F Domestics Downstairs ; i 4 i fl m I t v - tamyj mm 5J ;I4 Full Width bv 84" lonq B day ,hcy frame your V windows al night they fij i mi miumsj mm buhku Reg. $9.95, if perfect! Large 72x90 j size. Beautiful satin binding, 10 wool. .3 'i lb. weight. - Domestics Downstair! 199 WHTE FLOUR SACKS Large size, opened flour sacks high absorbency. Reg. 29c ea.; bleached snowy while. 5 ,$1 DomesMrs Downstairs BOYS' NYLON SOX Special purchase! Reg. 69c, if perfect! Sizes 7 to 11. Solid color. iuuvo spun nylon in new snancs. Boys' Main Floor 395, 98' trst'i kits- ' .rfcf l "Cel-O-Chrome" Draw Draperies COLOR IOCKED FABRIC - COLORS ARE RESISTANT TO SUN, HEAT, DAMPNESS BOYS' POLO SHIRTS Reg. $1.79 Value. Complete size range, 6 to 14. Gay multicolor stripes and solid colors. Roys' Main Floor MEN'S ORLON SPORT SHIRTS First quality, usually $9.9S. Need M OQ no ironing. Washes In n jiffy. Solid Zl" colors. Sizes 1 4 Vi to 18. Men's Main Floor MEN'S NYLON SOCKS Reg. SI, if perfect! New "stretchy" tvlt. that fit nerfectlv! Solid color, riuuea stvie: rr. Men's Main Floor 59 1 J J: K Full Width by 84" long SE95 Vh width - 7.95 $tofa width 14.95 By day they frame your windows al night they cover them! They hng in beautiful foldsl Magnificent colors rose, hunter, egg shell, yellow, wine, coral, sage. ki''t W Available in Custom Sizes vA '"f'i i l.-$ri '.'Jtf." SNv At Proportionate Prices NYLON-TRIMMED LADIES' SUPS Fine rayon rrope wilh nylon lace. $er trim. rirg. 3.D!S. If perfect! M. Sizes 32 to 40. Limilert quantity. Mb Lingerie Main Floor VALt'ES TO S.9S LADIES and CHILDREN'S SHOES On group reduced for quick sale. Sat99 Oxfords. Casuals; broken sizes. J Good selection of styles. Shop early! Mm Shoes Downstairs Open Friday Nifes 'Till 9 DAN RIVER GINGHAM Just 150 yds. of guy multicolor pl:tid ginghams. . Reg. 88c yd. ColortHst and washable. rubrics Mezzanine ORANGE CRATE (OVERS Fits standard orange crate. Use as added piece of furniture. Assorted colors. Notions Mezzanine 79' $ 1