Page 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Ralem. Oretron Friday, February 19, 1054 '.. In The Valley Lyons Edited by MIKE FORBES Mollis Bonei of Brownsville vis ited at the Roberts home Sunday. He recently returned from a trip to Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Lucler, who recently purchased the Wlllard Hartcnll home, moved there Wed nesday of last week. The Hart- a new house west of town, have moved to the Lynm Motel until their house is completed. LYONS The Mari-Linn PTC club held its regular meeting at the Mari-Linn school house. Mrs. Martha Poole was unanimously nlwlori nrpctflfnt tn rpnlnp Mr. Mcrwin Knox, who resigned. Fol- j ncl's. wn n building lowing the regular business meeting the PTC with Kaith Ttcbckah lodge and the Women's Society of ChristinnScrviee as co hostesses, heard a talk by Mar joric Prichard who was a dele gate to the united Nations, hue was introduced by George Cole of Stayton. Buena Vista Mr. and Mrs. Boh Carleton, Larry and Carolyn from Bonne ville, spent the weekend at their home here. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing were hosts for a dinner at their home honoring their little grandson on his fourth birthday anniversary. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carleton, Larry and Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Downing and Paula and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing. Sunday evening they visited hu other grandmother. Mrs. John McClurg who return, ed home Saturday from the hos pitol. A "Cake Walk" will be held at the Catholic Community hall Monday evening, Feb. 22, as i benefit for the March of Dimos. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Culwell nd son of Bend spent the week end in Lyons with relatives, His mother, Mrs. Lydia Culwell re- turned with them Sunday lor a weeks visit. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Walker and little granddaughter, Connie Walker, went to Seattle, Wed nesday where they spent several days visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Crusnn and daughter, Jerry, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cruson were in Portland Sunday where they at tended the capping ceremonies of the Emanuel School of Nurs ing. Miss Gayle Cruson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cruson, received her cap at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stevens and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, from Sheridan, Wyo., who are spending the winter at the Stevens home, spent several days in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. R. P, Lions spent the week end at the coast, where they were guests at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor at Taylors Landing near Waldport. Mr. and Airs. Frank Kinsman of Stayton were Sunday after noon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman - and daughters, Jeanctte, and Mrs. Vernon Dlgerness. Mrs. Wallace Power went to Fresno, Calif., last week, where she will visit at the home of their daughter and family. Recent dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Al lenwere Mr. and Mrs. Gail Fox of Salem. Mrs. John McClurg, who under went major surgery at the Salem Memorial hospital, aJn. 29, re turned to her home Saturday SVl-Illllg. Mr. and Mrs. Howard N.hia ,t Sandy. Mr. and Mrr rvni,i Naue and sons of Swnir and Miss Ruby Naue of Salem were Sunday dinner guests at the home of their nnrpnlc u- and Airs. Oscar Naue. Sco Mr. and Airs. Arnold Burgess from Klamath Falls were Satur day night guests at the home ni her sister, Airs. Floyd alissett. Sunday a family gathering and pot lurk dinner was held. Pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Raines and Alan, Mr. and Mrs. Walalre Bovicr, Gary and Jim mie, Airs. A. B. Syverson, all from Mill City; Mr. and Mri. Pelcr Elzel and Bernard of Fern Ridge: Air. and Airs. Alerle De- SCIO-The high school is work. ng on the operetta, "Meet Ariz ona. The date for the operetta has not been decided. Mr. and Mrs. Earlwood Hn spent Saturday in Portland. Mr. and Airs. Rov Thurston spent the week end In Newport at the home of their snn .. daughter-in-law, Mr. and Airs Harold Thurston. On Sunday a dinner w om en in honor of Air. anil Mn r, Thurston's 47th wedding anni versa ry. Mrs. Allan LcBard surprised her husband with a birthday par ty Monday night. Present were Mr. and Airs. F. Scm, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mon. son, Mr. and Airs. Kenny Mon-1 son, Mrs. N. LeBard and Nona, and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ward and family. i sir. and Mrs. Roy Ward made a business trip to Portland Wed nesday. The Countryside Garden club enjoyed a program and party at the Grange hall Saturday night at Richardson Gap. The hus bands were guests for this event. mr. ana mrs. Hoy AIcDonald of BUENA VISTA Francis Law son, Dorla Gray and Luclla Schirman were hostesses for a shower Wednesday evening at the community hall for Airs. Dave Goblc. Sunday dinner guests of Air. and Airs. Jonas Graber wero Mr. and Mrs. Alilo Graber of Albany. Miss Joan Belcher of Mon mouth was a house guest at the Fred Dctering home Sunday and Ardcn Petering for the week end. Airs. G. J. Hiebenthal and Bev erly, Airs. N. S. Runkle, Air. and Mrs. Elmo Prather, Mrs. Murray Adams and Ray and Bill were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Prather. Janet Busby held a party for her Sunday school class, with the Junior Workers as invited guests, Friday evening at the commun ity hall. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells at tended the basketball games in Corvallis Friday and Saturday evenings at the Coliseum. Airs. Harold Withrow, Mr. and Airs. Bill Bacon and Betty Lou of. Albany drove to Newberg Sun day to visit Airs. Withrow's sister-in-law, Minnie Aloorc, who is sprimlslv ill Air. and Airs. Perry Wells are leaving for Laguna Beach, Calif., Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs. O. K. Paulus, and his broth er, Marvin Wells. They expect to spend two weeks vacationing. Dorothy Hermans spent the week-end with Air. and Airs. Vic tor Bride. Dorothy attends school in Portland. ' Air. and Mrs. Gordon Wells va cationed Friday and Saturday at DeLake, returning home by way of Corvallis. Sunday they enter tained for dinner, Air. and Airs. Perry Wells. Air. and Mrs. Guy Allen of Sa lem spent Wednesday and Thurs day at the Cecil Hultman home. Airs. Leland Prather and son. Bill, left for Lodi, Calif., Alonday morning, where they will visit her sister and then go on to Los Angeles and-AIexico for a two weeks' vacation. ' Air. and Mrs. C. F. Wells and David were Sunday dinner guests in Salem at the Willard Bartell home. Air. and Mrs. Clyde Camenter of Salem were Monday evening guesis oi mr. ana Airs. Cecil J'ra ther. Sunday guests of Air. and Airs. Zeb Millhouser were Air. and A1rs. Chris Gandi and children of San Diego, Air. and Airs. Wil bert Croft of Portland, Mr. and Airs. Leonard Todd, Earl Reeves and Orris Cornutt. j that the World Day of Prayer would be held in the Prcsby terian church on March 5. Re freshments were served by the hostess during the social hour. Attending were Airs. Roy Wick strom, Mrs. Earl Benbow, Mrs. Nettie Smith, Airs. Al Cleveland, Mrs. Paul Johnson. Mrs. W. J. Jackson, Airs. W. L. Sochrn, Airs, J. F. Spooner, Airs. Alaurice Dal' ton, Airs. A. II. Davis, Airs. Earl Richardson, and Airs. Hazel Fli-let. Unionvale Air. and Mrs. Douglas Gremmcl motored to Foster on Monday afternoon. Air. Gremmcl, assist ant sales manager for the Wil lamette Valley Lumber Co. for tho past four years, has resigned to accept a position with the H. W. Aldrich Lumber Co., in Eu gene. They have sold their home at the corner of Ellis and Ash Sts., to Mr. and Airs. Ben Dodge and will move sooir to Eugene. Air. Gremmcl was employed by the Roscburg Lumber Co., be fore coming to Dallas. Gerry Wlckstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wirkstrom, is con fined at home suffering from mumps. Dayton Roberts vine. Lorena and Wnvni of C.titos- Air. and Airs. Arnold Burgess of Aumsville were recent Scio vis Klamath Falls: Airs. Virgil Cribs iton. and Sharvn from Casr.idia. anil -Mr. and Airs. HmiarI shoii,,,. Mr. and Airs. Floyd Bassctt and ! A,r- nd Airs. J. Hatfield, and Air.' .m irs. noy inurston attended Cecil. Airs. John Jungwirth honored her husband on his birthday an niversary with a dinner at their home Sunday. Covers were laid for Air. Jungwirth, the honored guest, and Airs. Jungwirth, Air. and Airs. Frances Jungwirth, Janice, D nnis, Ronnie, Larry and Duanc. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jungwirth, Dickie, Gayle and Johnic, all of Stayton and her mother. Mr. Mtlrnhv 4mm c lem. Additional afternoon guests ' ln ner nome "ere alter spending wore Air. and Airs. George Jung- j "''"I years working with the wirlh, Mary and Patsy from , S' r:n,onssy in Copenhagen, Woodhurn and his mother, Airs. 1)rl"nark. 1 Rose Jungwirth from SI. Louis, ! 'lss "rl.v Stoddart returned Ore. j Jo her home Monilay alter spend- Ing a lew days in the Lebanon Election nf officers was the i r,"nniunity hospital with pneu main business at the meeting nf """ the Three Links club held at the 1 , Mr"- Harold Pynrh, Mrs. Bill Rehekah hall Friday with an all j 'nch' Jlrs- Jhn Hatfield and day meeting and pot luck din- . Lf,,(lv Elliott served the ner at the noon hour. New of fi-1 "nnesriay Christian luncheon to cers elected were e.lan Roberts, "'c !enonlrrs in the Baptist a meeting Tuesday night at the j iniomain uaptist church. Pfc. Francis Spraguc and Mrs. Sprague of El Paso, Texas, are visiting at the home of Air. and Jlrs. C. J. Thurston. Airs. Spraguc is their daugh ter. John Ransom of Rolla, Mo., was a recent visitor at the home of Ins parents, .Mr. and Airs George Miller. Miss June Cyrus has returned ROBERTS In commemora tion of the 44th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America, Cub Scouts of Pack 2 and their fami lies held a Blue and Gold dinner at the Robert's Grange hall, Alon day evening. The dinner was no host with a program and awards following. Den 3 presented the opening ceremony. I Airs. James - Alartsfield. nrnsi. dent of the Robert's Mothers club, presented an American flag and a Pack flag to Cubmastcr Holcomb. The following awards were presented to the Cubs: Den 1 Keith Austin. Lion award, one gold arrow and two silver arrows- Joe Curtis, Lion award, gold ar row and two silver arrows; James Alartsfield. two silver arrows- Richard Alullican. two silver ar rows; James Snectl, Lion award, Kiu arrow ana tnreo silver ar rows; Den 2 Kenny Graves, near award, gold arrow, and 4 silver arrows, Bernard Papenfus, won awaru and gold arrow; James Orsborn, Bear award and gold arrow. Den 3, Larry Bauer and Eddy Query received their Bnhcat pins. DAYTON The Fellowship Guild of the Christian church met Thursday evening, Feb. 11, at the home of Mrs. Fred Beinz in Newberg. Airs. Neil Trammell had the de votional period. Robert 1L Mulkey, pastor, who was tno guest speaker, had as his topic, "The Forgotten Man." Later in the evening the group enjoyea singing ana a valentine game concluded the evening. The next meeting will be with Airs. Carl Rasaka on March 11. The women have met on two different occasions during the past month at the home of Airs. Robert Mulkey, where they have been making stuffed animals to be sent to a children's home m foreign country. Little Barbara Fisher, daugh ter ot Mr. and Airs. W. J. Fisher of Portland, spent the week-end here with her grandparents, Air. and Airs. Guy Remme. Her par ents came, for her Sunday. Air. and Airs. George Blum of Tillamook came to spend Valen tine's day with her mother, Mrs. Aliriam Krake. A group of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Airs. Earl Lofton Saturday evening for no host dinner. Samba was the div ersion of the evening. The cast for the junior class play at the Dayton high school was chosen last week and in cludes Judy Coburn, Jack Scley, Carol Hraba, Shirley Hcdgecoeit, Uiis Schmilz, Pat Grover, Ruth Crieser, Harold Lyons, Roberta hlilwell, Ronnie Ellis, Norman Ncwhouse, Yvonne Ewing, Bon nie Swan, Pat Palmer, Joan Ov crgard, Duane Barnes. The play is scheduled for Alarch 12. - UNIONVALE Mrs. Clark Noble of Unionvale was a guest of her mother, Airs. A. C. Stout cnburg, in Portland for three days recently. Clark Noble of Unionvale Is setting 500 improved Elbcrta peach trees on his Grand Island farm to replace trees past prof itable productive age that have been removed. The dressmaking class of the Unionvale home extension uit held a meeting Monday at the social room of the local church. Attending were Mcsdames Clyde Dollar, Steven Ncvil, Clark No ble, Claude Pilcher, V. V. Scott gan, Fred C. Stockhoff, Jacob Tompkins, Cecil Will, the proj ect leader. Afrs. Clyde Dollar entertained at the parsonage with a gadget party Tuesday. Air. and Airs. E. M. Coals were Sunday evening guests, of Airs, Carl Launcr and family. Airs. Owen Turner of Union vale is in General Hospital, Sa lem, following surgery Tuesday. UNION HILL - The February meeting of the Union Hill Grange will be preceded by a 7 o'clock hot supper with Air. and Mrs. Ju lius Krenz. Richard Krcnz, Mr. and Airs. Noah Hunt and Air. and Mrs. Robert Lierman on the sup per committee. Mrs. Robert Darrah, lecturer, will be in charge of the lecture program for the evening. The dis- 'niece Rydcll and Mrs. Alandy Ale-: Bee were the project leaders, : and their demonstrations were on : Cake Decorating. ' The Grand .Ronde Woman's club met in the club rooms last week. After a short business meeting, conducted by Airs. Lloyd Classen, the evening was ; given to the entertainment com mittee. Serving on this commit-! tee were Airs. Alice Knox, Airs. Ted E. Smith, Mrs. Lloyd Claw son and Airs. Carrie Bowers. A talk on "Brotherhood" was civ- en by Rev. Royce Cocn, pastor of ' I the Methodist church. Air. and Airs. Ted Smith at tended the funeral of his uncle, Perry Taylor, in Salem on Wed nesday. Air. and Airs. Donald Smith of Butte Falls visited over the past ; week-end with his brother, Tc'd Smith. I You are invited ' to attend our ; Hardware Department Webfoot WEBFOOT Thirty members; of subordinate grange No. 718 of Webfoot and juvenile grange at tended the regular meeting held at the Webfoot grange hall Satur day evening. A varied program j under direction of Airs. Thomas i Lyman, the lecturer, was given J after the business session follow ed by refreshments, mMm" OPENING play table will be pictures of fam ous people with February birth days and will be in charge of Mrs. Geneva Hubbard and Mrs. Marion Miller. The Union Hill Woman's club will meet with Afrs. Joanna Speed on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 18. Mrs. Maurice Heater will be in charge of the program. Grand Ronde GRAND RONDE Mr. and Airs. Curtis Hincs had as their week end guests Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffith of Cleveland, Ohio, and Miss Nina Hines with six of her school friends from Willamette university. Air. Griffith is gen eral sales manager for the Mon roe Building Material Company and is now making his. home in Portland. He is a brother of Airs. Hines. Air. and Airs. George Post and children have returned home af ter a visit with Air. and Airs. Dallas Robinctte in Lyons. The Grand Ronde Home Exten sion unit held its regular meet ing in the project hall. Airs. Ber- Dayton Phone Co. Stockholders Met ! UNIONVALE The annual ! meeting of the stockholders of j the Dayton Telephone company : will be held at the Dayton high ' school agricultural shop, Satur- ' urday, Feb. 20 atv2 p.m. j Stockholders of the Unionvale district hav- received notices. George Webster of Webfoot dis trict is president anf Carl Wood of Fairview district is secretary, j PORTLAND HAS 8th ! TRAFFIC DEATH j PORTLAND (UP) Donald Cunningham, 20, was killed last night in a two-car collision. It was Portland's eighth traffic death of 1954. I Fairview FAIRVIEW Mr. and Airs.' Howard Stephens of Fairview j were Sunday evening dinner) guests of Alf. and Mrs. Fred J. i Bralcy at Albany. j They showed pictures to thej Republican club in the afternoon. The picture were taken on their i eastern trip last year. ! Non-Partisan Public Meeting Sen. Richard NEUBERGER Rap, Maurina NEUBERGER "The High Coil of Politics" TONIGHT Bush School 8 P .M. Sponsored By Alarion County Democratic Club (Pd. Adv.) raw Now Showing Open 6:45 All Technicolor Show "EAST OF SUMATRA" Jeff Chandler, Suzan Ball Technicolor Co-Hit "SERPENT OF THE NILE" William Lundigan Rhonda Fleming Hollywood Kids Matinee Tomorrow 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. 3 Cartoons Serial 2 Special Matinee Features: "THE FORBIDDEN LAND" with Jungle Jim "MERRY MAVERICKS" with the 3 Stooges also Benson's Birthday Cake for John Gravski, Billv Crislip, Tom James. Alexander, Stein, Breta Coons, Sandra Trott, Keith Morgan, Linda Seamstcr, Joan Sehaffcrs, Rhea Herzherir .T a n . a Evans, Dean Lammers, Brenda Parrett, Jon Rhodes. Cheryl Waser, Barbara Fite Steven Sinnrpll i.nn. An derson, Mary Klein, Steven """n, uavici scnreiner, Howard Lamlar, Bobby Far men, Carl Cronn. church basement. A father and son banquet will be given next .MnnH.iv n,k, .. .. .- '"mi,, ni president; liarnctl Hassett, vice president, and Ethel Huffman seeretarv-trnasiirpr Plan u-., mime inr a nam dinner and par- "iim cnurrn. mc young eel post sale to be held April 22. n,llri"'ed women of the church are Present for 1he meeting I Preparing the (.nod. neien jnnnston. Inez Ring. Hazel Lewis, Hosa Berry, Mildred Carr, Alaxine (Jerry, Garnett allssett, Helen Anderson, Ethel Huffman. Dallas Gerv as Sunday dinner euests al thi hnmcnf Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian were Dr. and Airs. George Rosr-! berry of Salem. Dr. Rnseberry is district superintendent of Metho-i dist churches. IM-l aii ri .IV .l.rii.n Faith Rebekah lodge held Its i ' the Joe Daniels hi.m. i..i k-kuiiii iiii'i-iing ai uic nan wnn i-is is a memner of the rluh 41.. ,ll Tk- I i . . . 111 UU. mi- iuimmviiik iniii-rrs in me chairs, Garnett liassett. noble (.KKVAIS The Eros club met Monday evening at the Hove home with Dec as hostess. High pne went to Freda Man ning and low tn llethel Phillips l'arki.rsvillo recently organized a 1 11 club; Mime 111 members ami I'.llt'lllS DALLAS Airs. Paul Alorgan was hostess to Circle B of the Presbyterian church al her home on Alonday afternoon. Airs. Roy Wickstrom conducted the busi ness meeting. Mrs. O. E. Ander son led the devotions. A committee was appointed to assist at the luncheon sponsor ed hy the general circles, to serve the Farmers Coop Association meeting at the Citv hall Feb. 27 Mrs. Earl Benbow announced grand; Roberta Longnecker, vice grand, and Helen Anderson, sec retar..'. Brulah Lewis, who was unable to be prevent at installa tion, was installed tin right sup purler tn vire grand. Plans were also made fur the next meeting with initiation Feb. 24. ni- inns nave chosen "Uusv neeiers as the name of their club. ( onsiimptinn oi vodka in France increased about so nfr cent in lfl.'i.l. A recent visitor al the S. T. Roberts home was her mother, Mrs. Alaude Bones, from Turner. Cherry's Plantation SPECIALS Szr $1.00 BRING THE FAMILY Open 4:30 10.00 Sun.. 12 to 9 . Closed Mnnriar SATURDAY LUNCH AT NORTHS In tha Capitol Shopping Cmler ROAST PORK AND DRESSING Whipped Potatoes gravy Cole Slaw Biscuits and Butter Apple sauce fast ervlce . . Delirious Food . . . Try Silcm'i Beit Plic lo Ell! and Hot 75c PHONI .S47 Boys and ('.iris! Tomorrow at 12:30 SPECIAL KIDS SHOW ee . . . The Great Adventure of Captain Kidd and Color Cartoons ALSO. i ip i v ' Ll itnuiiW'WWNum'ir" Zl r.--l Q I h. Also ( Mm d Bridget Ine Limping Mon" OMrr-fi-t The Now JLAUlJstt TICHNICOIO "ONt .OM You see it without glasses! Feature At 1:30.4:10 6:45.9:30 i t Prices: Adults $1.25 - Children 50c LAST DAY Marge & Gower Champion Debbie Reynolds in "Give a Girl a Break" STARTS TOMORROW! "DRAGNET" r4 J? - THEY'RE a lSA IN THE r2:M; movies moon M Now! WHEELS! I ,Sk j XtL X ffifr' Marjorie MAIN Keenan WYNN rm i ... .f ; r iX: I ADPEnrrx. Short Subject: "I'liKll.S OF T1IF FOKKST" A"0 NEWS and COLOR CARTOON D lt?4-H)4tl ONE OF MGMs 30ANNIVERSARYJl BILEE PlCTURBj w..,. ,, , m-nr--iTifrTT--iiTii nw imnim m m iu.hi i mumi'" u- SATURDAY, FEB. 20 PRIZES! GIFTS! REFRESHMENTS! Folger's Coffee, Master Do-Nuts Ramages Soda Pop Come in and participate in one of the many door prizes to be given owoy. Drawings held at noon and at doting time. You need not be present no obligations. YOUR NUMBER MAY WIN A Beauty Barrow with Barbecue Two-wheeled Beauty Barrow Instant Heat Solder Iron Step Ladder Fuller Paints Libby's Morcrop Fertilizer Lawn Seed Garden Hose See the prizes that may be yours at the morning draw ing, or the afternoon drawing. J 7)Early comers plyoffreegii r are sure to aet our sud- rrs. . .r the first 100 . . i.- in iw fWLparraUeet and bird booU, rntt . kmrnts lor fKUL Reirea.."-- 9 Come and see what else is you. 'free" for before the supply of Eifts Ln. rttlJ- v,rme earl.v L -Py-d.?f'-.t Ve'LLEY FAliTlUSTOREnUwdh Don Coon, operates the VALLEV FARM HARDWARE PLENTY OF FREE PARKING! wowih-Te J' with .nseet,. weed. k. k... .-." , iunem ..... ur tit aamraay in ass; Garden, lawn and farm erop seeds, Insretlcldes and sprays. Fertiliiers Full Paint Products, Wall Pjiper, Window Glass and Mirrors. True-Temper line of: Shov els Picks, n, Forks, rl"?sL.BUcksmlth Garden loots, Stanley and Crescent Lines of Hand Tools. STORE HOURS 8 A.M. lo 6:30 CM, A.M. lo 4 P. M, Sun. prt list xnerts in ihl. lil you in your problems. Parakeet and Bird Seeds Pet Items Plumbing Fittings and Pipe Electrical Items Wire Bolls and Screws Nails ' . Chicken Wire and Fencing Rabbit and Chick Waterers and Feeders Poultry and Barn Supplies Garden Supplies Hose. Sprinklers, Etc. , Power Mowers and Tillers Flower Pots All Sizes Slop il the Checker board sign nd wold t'tlllc and parking problems. SUNDAY SHOPPERS Remember-We Are Open Httlnnnd remb.lnn'dow,,Vd Plpe " Fltr'"' Paint, and Brushes . Garden s,ri,GU Jin11 S""l" nd Fungus Spray and Powder. " """ I"ct Valley Farm Store 3935 SILVERTON ROAD I PHONE 4-4624 i