Friday, February 19, 1954 DENNIS THE MENACE WERE RISHT.AkW. Ift DO 850 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sale ORVAL'S 1953 Ford V-8 Country Squire, Radio, heater, Fordamatic, Tinted glass, dou " hle-Eagle white wall tires, Window washers, Turn signals and others. $2495.00 1953 Nash' LeMans .. Country Club fl'pass. Coupe, . one owner. 3,000 miles, two- tone black and red finish with matching interior, pow er steering, power brakes, ra dio, heater, turn signals, white wall tires, cont. spare tire. Cost new $4,600.00. Our price $3195.00 1952 Chev. Sedan Deluxe Styline. finished Jn original Emerald Green me tallic, radio, heater, under coated, turn signals, back-up lights. This is in perfect con dition throughout. Book price $1,450.00, our pi ice .$1295.00 1952 Buick Special Deluxe Sedan, one owner, . low mileage, original two tone finish, Quebec gray up per, lower Terrace green mc- taJlic, heater and defrosters, this car is in new condition $1695.00 1951 Mercury Montrey 6 Pass. Coupe, original Ever glade green finish with white top. overdrive, turn signals, undercoated. radio, heater, , , white wall tires, window ., washers, leather interior. i- book price $1,395.00. our price $1295.00 1951 Ford V-8 Sedan v On owner, radio, heater, de roster. Ford-a-matic trans, turn signals, original Sea Is land green finish, all leather . custom interior, selling for V t the low price of $1065.00 1950 Ford Custom V-8 TtaH'foi henter, overdrive. Very clean, good tires. $995.00 1949 Buick Super Sedan, one owner, radio. heater, turn siRnnK window washers, undercoated. One- I , Inal licht gray finish. Dyna- fin. interior like new, motor j in excellent condition $S95.()0 1949 Olds. 98 Deluxe sedan, original two tone finish, radio, heater, turn signals, undercoated, 34, nno actual miles, good tires, in perfect mechanical condi tion, $995.00 MANY MORE i TO CHOOSE FROM ORVAL'S Center at Church Sts. Phone 3-4702 rGsK J I a. '. TV ' I T 1 1 1 B WsttaW I i Statesman-Journal Newspapers JKi- NORTH CHURCH 81HKKT STATFSMAN 2-2)41 JOURNAL S-2l0fl CI-ASS1HKO ADVKRIISINO (Mm 3 linen 'Weekdays "Sundays Jcr line. 1 time 35 SI acr line. 3 times P0 SO per line 6 times tl 30 11 JO oer line. 1 month . 13 00 (incl Sun I Classified ads will he run in b"'h pafprs to Rive advrrtifrs the ad vantages of the pulling power of 35.600 combined circula Uons. Whf-n an ad ts ordered three ot llx limes and a Sund.iv issue is In cluded i lor example r'ndav Snt ir dav Sund.ivt the lower Surdsv ra'es spplv hr-lue only the S'a'.eiman puliiisncs Sundavs Classified ad will start tn t!-.e morning Orecon Stale' conclude In the evcnlni Capital Journal -But sds will be accepted for Sunder Statesman onlv The deadline for cla-jified ids Is inn nm the day before p-.ihliea. lion FmerReney ds and small line By Ketcham I ItTTLE TO USE 6tUE. 830 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sale ECONOMY 1947 PONTIAC $345 Hadfo. heater. 1947 STUDE $345 Radin. heater, overdrive. ' 1947 FORD ' $345 Radio, heater. 1947 OLDS SDN. $345 Heater. 1946 OLDS SDN'T. ' $345 R&H. Hydramatic. ORVAL'S (the lot with the Turntable) Center Church Phone 3-4702 VALUE! '50 Chevrolet 4-door sedan, good tires, heater. it 4-door sedan, $995 KELLY OWENS COMPANY tn N. Liberty Phone ?-ll BUY & SAVE THESE Mobile homes used Just enoucn to depreciate oar not enough to lose their newness. 1953 VAGABOND 27 2 BEDRM. 1953 FLEETWOOD 27' BATH 1952 KIT REGAL 35' 1 BEDRM. 1352 KIT REGAL 35' 2 BEDRM. 1952 CUSTOM CRAFT 25' BATH JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 16-10 Portland Road LEGALS NOTICE OF BALE For sale by scaled bid the follow ing described real property located in the City of Salem. County of Mar inn. State of Oregon, to-wit: Lot Thirteen ll.1l. Block Two (21. BROOKS' ADDITION TO NORTH SALEM. Marion County. Oregon. Property consists of a two bedroom dwelling on a 50'xfiO' lot located at 25M! Brooks Street. House is approx imately 25 years old. has full base ment, plaslm-d walls, city water and sewer, and large electric hot water healer. On paved, curbed street. Sale will he by sealed bid. En velope contained hid must be plainly marked. 'Sealed Bid " Please refer to L-1224-F In all correspondence. A good and sufficient bond or ceilitird rhe-k for ten tnv;i per cent must accompany bid. Right reserved to re iecl any and all bids. Property will be sold "as Is." Minimum price Four Thousand 114000.001 Dollars. Mini mum acceptable terms ten 1101 per rent down, twelve 1121 years to p-iy b.ilnnce of contract. Interest will be charged at the rate of five ISI per cent per annum on unpaid balance. Property subject to an outstanding right of redemption until December 30. lPM. Bids will be opened In the office of the underslrned on March 12, 1!'.M. 1st date of publication: Feb 12. U'M. Last date of publication: Mch. 51h, 1954. DIRECTOR OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 303 State Library Building Salem. Oregon. F 12.19 2(1 MS i To Place Ad CalI2-244 1 ads received after Ion p m mav he placed In the "Too Late To Classify' column (or tha following morning. The Statesman-Journal Newspapers reserves the rltht to reject ques tionable advertising. It further re terves the right to place all adver tising under the proper classiflca Uon The Statesman-Journal Newspapers assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may appear In ad vertlsements published In its columns and in cases where this paper ts at lault will reprint that part of an sdvertlsrment in which the typo etnhical mistake occurs. A "Blind Ad an d containing s Sta'esman-Journal Newspapers box numDer for an address is for the protection of the advertisers and must therefore be answered by let ter The Statesman-Journal News papers are not at liberty to dnnllte information as tn the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. QUOTATIONS PORTLAND Wl Butteriat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, maxi mum to .35 to one per cent acidity, delivered in Portland, 68-'.'l lb; first quality, 66-69; second quality, 64-67. Valley routes and country points 2 cents less. . Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 68 hi lb; 92 score, 65 hi; 90 score, 64 "A; 89 score, 62. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles, 41 hi- 44 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, 48 tt-51. Eggs To wholesalers Candled eggs containing no loss, cases in cluded, f.o.b. Portland A grade. large, 51 H-53 tt; A medium, 50 hi 5Hj; A grade, small, 45 V4-46 hi Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 54-56; A large, 53-55; AA medium, 62-54: A medium, 51-53; A small, 47-48. Cartons 3 cents additional. Live chickens No. 1 quality, fob. plants Kryers and roasters, 23-25; heavy hens, 25-26; light hens, 15-17; old roosters, 14-15. Turkey s To producers for breeder types, f.o.b. farm, new York dressed, heavy hens 31; toms 28; Beltsville hens 33, toms 28. Eviscerated frozen, to retailers, hens 57, toms 51-54. Rabbits Average to growers live white, 3 hi lbs, 19-23. 5-6 lbs, 20-22: old does, 10-12, few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers 57-60; cut up, 63-66. Wholesale dressed meats: Beef, steers, choice, 500-700 lbs, 36.00-39.00; good, 35.00-38.00; com mercial, 31.00-35.00; utility, 27.00- 33.00; commercial cows 26.00-30.00; utility, 25.0-29.00; canners-cuttXers, 22.00-25.00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 43.00-49.00;-rounds, 42.00- 46.00: full loins, trimmed. 62.00- 69.00; triangles, 30.00-35.00; fore quarters, 33.50-36.00; chucks, 37.00 40.00; ribs, 50.00-55.0. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lbs, 53.00-58.00; shoulders, 16 lbs., 41.00-45.00; sparcribs, 50.00-56.00; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs., 60.00-65.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 37.0-47.00; commercial 35.00-41.00. Lambs Choice-prime 40.00-43.00; good, 35.00-40.00. Wool Grease basis, Willamette Valley medium, 51-53 lb; Eastern Oregon line and half blood, 55-62. Country-dressed meats, f.o.b. Portland: Beef Cows, utility, 24-26 lb; canners-cutters, 21-22 Veal top quality, lightweight, 34-35; rough heavies, 24-28. Hogs Lean blockers, 39-40; sows, light, 33-35 Lambs, 34-36. Mutton Best, 12-15; cull-utility, 8-9. Fresh Produce: Onions 50 lb sacks, Wash, yel lows, mcd. 1.00-25; Oregon yellows, No. 1. med. 1.40-60: Idaho yellows. med, 1.00-50; Calif, whites, lge, 2.25-50. Potatoes Ore. local Lone Whites, 2.00-25; Deschutes Russets, No. 1, 2.15-25; size A, 2.40-75; 25 lb sk, 70-85; 10 lb mesh, 40-45; paper, 26 30; windows, 30-35: No. 2, 50 lbs, 80-90: Wash. Russets, No 1-A, 2.25 50: Idahos, 315-25. Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, mostly 28.00-30 00, delivered car and truck lots, f.o.b. Portland and Seattle. SALEM MARKETS Complied fron report! f ffilem dialers tor thi tuldanic ! Capital Journal readers. (Rcrlsed dallr.) Retail Feed Prices: Rabbit Pelleta 3.4 (80 -lb. bai), 1 25.(4 00 (100-lb. blf.t Err Mnh J4.65-IS 20. Dalrr feed - U.25-3 03. $3 90-4.90 (100 Wt.t. Poultry Burins Pncet Colored fryen, 33c; old roosters, 15c: colored fowl, 33c; Whom fowl, ISc; colored router, 3c. Etti: Buying Prlcea rets AA, 43c; tarn A. 4M6c; medium AA, 40c: medium A, DIM 3c; imall A. 34c: Eft, wholesale prl cea ifnerallr 8-7 centa hither than pricri above; Urrt trade A lenerallr quoted at 53r; medium t BOe. Bnlterfat Buylnf price: Premium. T0 71 centv 1. 87-TO cent: No 2. 6iV. 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found FOt'ND ROYS jacket Vlctnltv S. Salem, about reh. S. Ph. 3-6135. LOST: 5 MO OLD Boston terrier. Chilton' net. 1M0 Yew St. Ph. 2-4833. Reward. 316 Personal CHILDLESS COUPLE have home for one or two children age 13 to 8 years. Ref. exchange. Box 227 Statesman-Journal. Palmstry Readings Advice on love, marriage, business. This ad And SI for ?5 reading. Next to North Salem Drive-In. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED ... Too Late To Classify. rOHD PANEL fixed for hunting and I fishing. Butane stove. Ire box. .15 I B.,1. water tank. Kink, 4 bunks, good ! rubber, rebuilt motor. 1200. 12fi5 Cotiaee. T9.'2 Fonn pickup Like new. n.nno Th. 2-5768 or 2-5777. 411 CMF.V. 4-dr. Sedan. Liberty Rd. 2-71M. 1700. 4.110 $!. 3 bedrooms Dinette Fast. Terms. RANCH TYPE 3 bedrooms. Double plumbing. Low down payment. Consider small home in trade. Ph. 4-5384. Seal Jealty. BARBF.R SHOP-Half Interest for sale. R. B. Emmerton. 184 S. Com mercial St. FOUNTAIN lunch concession In pop. ular shopnlng center. Approximate ly $35n in flx'ures and stock. To buy ph. a.M!y. Mrs Hadlcy. UNTTRN duplex. Fireplace, stove and refrig. Call 3-7059 eve.. Sat., Sun. ATTRACT ivFfj-rm. apt . unfurn. ex cept range and refrig. Hasetdorf Ap! To MO. OLD Shetland pony. Sired hv Silver Ktne. ao room, must sell. Call 4-3075. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon v;-.:;; o. L iff t$ I.-, .... i -.... .a. N. Y. STOCK QUOTATIONS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Admiral Corporation. 20 H Allied Chemical Allis Chalmers American Airlines American Tel. & Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. 75 48 12 160 60 V 31 i 99 54tt 58 hi Borg Warner 76 Burroughs Adding Machine 17 hi California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterniller Tractor Cclanesc Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service 24 24 hi 46 20 58 82 Vt 42 hi 20 54 39 y 8hi 102 107T4 52 y 96H 58 67 !i 11 56 hi 35 hi 59 69 28 hi 70 hi Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtis Wright Douglas Aircraft du Pont de Nomoufs Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric Gcnerar Foods General Motors Georgia Pac. Plywood Ooodyoar Tire Homcstake Mining Co. International Paper Johns Manville Kaiser Aluminum Kcnnecott Copper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Lowe's Incoproratcd Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J.C.) Co. Pennsylvania R.R. Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel Revnolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. 9H 30 13 24 hi 61 hi 15 hi Zt hi 59 M 7 41 119 H 79 'i 17 15 Yt 29 25 29 Yt 49 59 39 75 61 .18 41 hi 56 i 77 hi 19 9 4.1 li 26 20 40 114 hi 2.1 53 "4 S '4 27 '4 40 i 41 '4 25 55 '4 43 Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck t Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif. Standard Oil N.J. Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift & Company Transamorica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporal inn United States Plywood United Slates Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel. Wcstinghouse Air Brake West inghouse Electric Woolworth Company Wall Street NEW YORK - Prices in the stock ma-kct receded Friday after a fairly steady start. The decline was modcrale and at the most reached to around a point, and then only in a few in stances in key 'issues. Many small plus signs were present. Trading was slow at an esti mated 1.400.000 shares. That is one nf the smaller business sessions this year and compares with 1, .vvi.ono shares traded Thursday. Chicago Onions 'By ttnltsrt Press) Supplies moderate, demand slow, market dull. Track sales: in lbsU. S. 1 un less sln'ed Wisconsin Yellow Gohes 70 percent 2-inrh and lnrgrr .55. Street sales: SO lbs. Idaho and Orejj'in Spanish 3-lncIi and larg er 1.257.45: Whiles 2 to 3 inch 1 !)0-2 00; M' Iwcst Yellow Gloves .851.00; irregular .50-65, cartons 12 3-pound Ccl'oj 1.14- 25. FOI R COMING HOME Four service men from this community will be aboard the 1 transport Marine Sorpent due in j Seattle Sunday with 310C men i aboard. The four are: Cpl. Dennis I A. Waller. 837 Monmouth street. I Independence: St. Robert C. N'el ! son, Route 1, Newbrrj?; Cpl. Del ' bert W. Smith, .125 Kast Madrona, I Salem; and Sgt. Jackie R. Mill iams, Amity. VFW AUXILIARY PRESENTS At assembly Friday women ot the Veterans of Foreign Wars . auxiliary presented flags to each of the six grades in attend ance at new Morningside school. From left, Susan Feiring, sixth grade; Jim Brcithaupt, fifth; Judy Scott, fourth; David Ziet, third; Alice Herb, second; Garry Bean, first; Sharilyn Syeverson, first. Auxiliary in back row, from left: Eula Bar nctt, Joan Hunt, Jeanctte Groen, Donna Kelso, Mary Gilhuley, Evelyn Kennedy, Esther Bressler. Portland Livestock PORTLAND W-(USDA)-CatUe salable for week 2,425; market uneven on' slight increased supply; fed stcerS mostly 50 lower; fed heifers steady; others steers and heifers steady -50 higher; cows mostly 50-1.00 up on reduced mid week receipts: few loads mixed good-choice fed steers 22.00-23.00; bulk Eood loads and lots 20.00- 21.50; commercial 17.50-19.50; util ity 14.00-16.50; good fed heifers 19.00-29.00; commercial 16.50-18.50; utility 11.50 15.50: canner-cutter cows late 9.50-11.50, few heavy to 12.00; shells down to 6.00; utility cows 12.50-14.50; commercial 15.00 16.00, young cows to 16.50; utility- commercial bulls 14.00-16.00, indi vidual heavy bulls 16.25-17.00; cut ters down to 11.00. Calves salable for week 255; market active, 1.00-2.00 higher: good-choice vealers 22.00-28.00 with prime to 30.00 and specialty order vealers to 31.00-50; good-choice 350 525 lb calves 19.00-23.00, odd head above late; culls downward to 10.00 and under. Hogs salable for week 1.450; market active; late bulk choice 180-235 lb butchers 29.50-30.00. heav ier and lighter weights mostly 27.50-28.50, few choice 240 lbs 29.25; ADVERTISING STATESMAN -JOURNAL NEWSPAPERS FLAGS TO MORNINGSIDE SCHOOL choice 325-550 lb sows late 23.75- 26.00. Sheep salable for week 1.210: market mostly steady; choice and prime fed wooled and early shorn lambs 20.50-21.00; good-choice 19.00 20.00; utility 17.00 down; few good feeders 15.00-16.00; common down to 11.00: good i chojee slaughter ewes 6.50-7.50; cull-utility 3.50-6.00. (The North Portland Livestock Market will be open for trading Monday, Washington's birthday, but no market report will be available.) Chicago Livestock CHICAGO Wl Butchers sold steady to 25 cents lower Friday. Buyers paid $26.00 to $26.35 for most 180 to 230 pound butchers. Sows dropped 25 to 75 cents to $20.50 to $23.25. Cows made up the bulk of re ceipts in the cattle section, utility and commercial types sold at $11.00 to $13.00. Steers and heifers brought $20.00 to $24.00. slaughter lambs and sheep sold steady- with buyers paying $20.00 to $22.75, top price ot the week for good to prime wooled lambs Salable receipts were estimated at 4,000 hogs, 800 cattle, 200 calves and 1,000 sheep. Chicago Grain CHICAGO Ifl Soybeans eener- ally held firm and wheat showed occasional flashes of strength on the board of trade Friday. Feed grains lagged. News of dust storms in the west ern section of the great plains brought flurries of buying into wheat. But the price bulges cre ated by this buying usually were canceled as soon as the demand petered out. The dust t torms were preceded by needed moisture In some cases. Firmness In soybean oil and soy bean meal in cash markets contin ued as the main supporting factor in soybeans. Wheat closed lower to hi high er, March 2.14-, corn - low er, March 1.50-1.51, Oats to 1 cent lower. March 76-76. rye V- lower, March 1.17, soybeans 1 lower to 1 higher, March 3.29, ana lard s to 13 cents hundred pounds lower, March 16. 90. Portland Grain PORTLAND Wl No coarse grains bid or offered. Wheat (bid) to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.36; Soft White (ex cluding Rex) 2.36; White Club 2.36. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.36. Friday's car receipts: wheat 26; barley 4; flour 4; corn 7; oats 1; mill feed 6. All business ... all progress . . all growth is essentially a matter of bringing people together: Those who make things and those who use them, those who have things to sell and those who have money to spend, those who can do things and those who want things done. Quickest, cheapest way to bring together maker and user, seller and buyer, do-er and wanter . . is advertising. Advertising lubricates the wheels of progress . . . keeps America moving ahead. Gives the manufacturer a larger mar ket. Puts him into mass produc tion. Brings down the cost of whatever he makes. Helps the retailer sell more goods for less money. Advertising helps every business to grow faster . . . helps everybody to live betterl ITU Page 19 Mid Willamette Obituaries Mrs. Hattie Zehner WOODBURN Funeral serv Ices for Mrs. Hattie Zehner, 78, who died Thursday, Feb. 18, will be held Saturday, Feb. 20, at 2 p.m. at the Ringo-Cornwell fu neral chapel in Woodburn with the Rev. E. H. Baldwin ot the Church of Good officiating, in terment will be in Belle Passl cemetery beside her husband, Solomon Zehner, Mho died Aug. S, 1953. Mrs. Zehner leaves three sons, seven daughters, one sister, one brother, 29 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. She had been a resident of this vicin ity for 68 years. Roy A. Perkins LEBANON Roy Arthur Per kins, 42, a resident here since 1946, died Wednesday In the Sa lem Memorial hospital. He was -born at Lone Pine, Mont, May 10, 1911 and came to Oregon in 1941. He was emnloved as a faller for United Loggers. Surviving, in addition to his widow, Leonia Taylor Perkins, is a stepson, Steve Bennie Burrese now serving with the navy; his mother, Mrs. Sarah Perkins of Lone Pine, Mont, two sisters and four brothers all living out of the state. Funeral services will be held from the chapel of the Huston Funeral home at 11 a.m. Satur day. Burial will be in the Leb anon IOOF cemetery. DEATHS Delia Vera Martin At a local hospital Feb. 17. Late resident of 1399 Norway St., Salem. Survived by ion, Phlletui Carl Mar tin, Brooks; grandsons, Louis fftmeg Martin, Cheney. Wash., Carl Paul Martin, U. S. S. Yorktown, VV S. Navy, Japan; great granddaughter, Cynthia Louise Martin, Brooks; brother, George Sldel. McClure. Ohio. Services will be held In the Virgil T. Golden Chapel Saturday, Febru ary 20. at 3:30 p.m. Rev. Omar Barth will officiate. Interment at Belcrest Memorial Park. Ritualistic services by Trinity Chapter of the OES. a Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall, us our Chlntia remedies. Amazing success for 5000 years in China. No matter with what ailments you are af flicted, disorders, sinusitis, nearx. lungs, liver, kidneys, gas, constl- tauon. Ulcers, aiaoetes. rneuma- Ism. fall and bladder fever. ikln, female complaints. CHARLIE CHAN Chinese Herb Co. Office Bra. to S Tue. Ac Sst only 2M N. Com'l. Phone J-1KI0 SALEM. ORE.