1 Friday, February 19, 1954 800 Real Estate r 806 House. For Sal. COLBATH'S j KEAL ESTATE ATTRACTIONS ! dining- rm.. b.ih. hardwood (In d f 2?OM,tl?JMli .w,"h "vln - j THE DRAGNET'S OUT U" '0 -'000- I N.E. on quiet hlack ton s reet r.? ?"'V,"?c''d "' Suburban 1 I7.S00. Will sell or trad. 11 Miri irm',td ,0t Tn" ' " '" av for j main floor. de U600 equl,i' for noma with 3 bdrms. on I HAND OVER THAT $300 DOWN P A. YM'T 1 A RIPE APPLE v A PRICELESS LISTING STURDY OAKTTR?FET'?If """TIFOL HOME IN SETTING OP oiuuijy oak TREES, Ideal location on Center St niet.e tmn. i rnce 113,950. Terms S4.450 down, balance bv month SQUARE PEG-ROUND HOLE f miS feAeY.h;'i'LY,BA"-,' " " and want in the outskirts, see this 2? a arre place with nice home. SPIC-NSPAN inside and out Why YOU COULD KAT OFF THE FLOOR IT IS SO CI FAN There , ac." " "P'- recsTl have been pruned! lFhEreoNl'?'.9,ronTheSse iCdSSn'1 ",U- 'S Y0U "AVE G0T TO lAS,?, AT 0NCE A WEST SALEM HOME ?1LyXV?nTZla "mcro' FORbQuTcK SKI? W GINlLLSlmN TERMS " TBADE FOR WEST SALEjIl SEE "KIG" " ' HERE IS A HOT ONE M0'rlIc0.CnTl0?"TW0 .ACRES wi,h very nire 'hree-bedroom home. It ?'I.f .S.'XSTVf.U1"- Cr""k- Located on SSE Highway close to Oil TAKE SALEM IOME IN TRADF.RE P $"5- T"'"' d 13 ACRES BEA,y,T-!EUI' THREE-BEDBOOM HOME, full basement. WONDERFUL , VIEW, automatic lawn sprinklers, lots of flowers, garage house for ; rental, good large barn and machine shed, best of soli, close in EAST, I ..,rL,,,ld,"JWILL TRADE FR 3 20 "es m Kelrer Dlst. or sell j "or $ 21,000 ',3 dn. ! SPECIAL BUY 4 ACRES APPROX. rOUR ACRES ON FISHER ROAD, three sides with road front- ? Wmlczrs tom" nd ' ,air b,rn' pri" ,or ? CHOICE VIEW LOTS Mr. Builder here is your chance to have some nice lots for Spring bulld j ing construction. CHECK OFFICE FOR LOCATIONS. EVENING PHONES OF SALESMEN MRS. OGLESBEE Homes KIOJGINS-Homei T. T. ANDERSON Farml S-5373 4-5494 4-2714 ' CUTE ONE B.R. t yr. old, hwd. firs., atta. gsrsgt, , $4050. $650, down. 90 mo. 1 WEST SALEM Lf. I BR mod. home on cor, lot, 1075 aq, ft., ww carpet. 4 yr, old. A real buy at $6930. i BRICK FRONT Verr well built, 1 BR atta. garage, very nice inside utility. Cor. lot 1 nn naved at. 3 hi. to Swede School. Reduced to (7(30. lor Immedl-te tale. BURT PICHA ' REALTOR J7 N. High St Off: 2-4047 Eves.: Mr. Conklln. Sim,. 2-2598 JIEAT SMALL 2 bdrm. home, full i basement, near Highland School. pn. a-toua, JfOOMY NEW i br.. double gar. 1040 Klngwood Dr. $12.250. Terms. . EASTMORELAND ttANCH HOME Two bedrooms and beautiful large den. The larr liv ' Ing and dining rooms are carpeted . wall-to-wall. Two fireplaces. Forced air oil heat. Double garage. 17:14 s square feel of floor space. This Is ; located on a large corner lot and i surrounded by new homes. Shown j only by appointment. i Center Street Realty 1748 Center Street Phone 4-31 Eve Phones: Oles 2-7812. Bright 3-58S2 iBEDROOM HOME. NE. Large lot. B.950. Owner. 2-6519. 2I5SO DOWN. Large 3 bdrm. house. 543 Bltler. n.w DN. attractive 2-bedrm.. large dining rm.. living rm., kitchen. breakfast bar. plastered, utility, ga t rage. 3-7327 . 5:30 weekdays. JUST COMPLETED 3 bedrooms or , 2 plus 1 combination den or bed- room. 2 baths, plastered, oak floors. plastic. tile floors in kitcnen. din. "' ette and bathrooms, extra larce . liv. rm.. flrenlace, large att. garage :' with utilities, on approx. arre. Low down pvmt. and easy monthly " pvmts. Located at 2107 Brown Rnad. '' Ph. 2-57BB or 2-5777. $7250.00 S-hedronm suburban home on lrs . lot. Living room, dininn room and I kitrhen. Inntde utility bath V ! ihowrr. Close to bui. Immediate poses!dOT.. Term?. 39 ACRES Mth over 950 ft. highway frontage, i Ideal for subdividing Into smaller J farm tracts. All clear and under cult Low price of $.100 per acie all or part. C.ish or rontiait L. F.. KLUMPP. RMLTOR i 3055 Portland Rd. PH. 2-.MJ I F.ve. Richard Klumpp. Ph. 2-J"4 fe04 Suburhon BY OWNER 2 bedroom. Insulated home. 1 acre, double garage, bain. ' Fruitland Unt.PJ.3-':-' j COUNTRY HOME Out where the air is clc.in and frcstv ' Move vour children and pets Into ! this lovelv 3-bcdronm. auhurhan home. Located North on . Arre ! rorner lot with beautiful shrnhs. I 13x21 living room with ''' i large dining room 2 bedroom; 1 down. 1 bedroom and sewing room up. Basement with party mom and fireplace. New paint n I nut. Close lo bus and school Price ; redurd from 113.500 to F? terms. Ask for FRANCES KNAPP. f Salesman. Eve. phone 2-K2B6. PHONE 4-3394 . ' ltM Fairgrounds Road HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT . " I Call 2-2441 : for Pulling Power 800 Real Estate 80S He,,,... For Sal OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY 2 TO 5 P.M. Kei7er Dlst, new. 2 br. and den, In ula utility room, rough-in for automatic washer and dryer, pouble garage with overhead storage over 1200 aq. ft. on large lot In area of nire homes. Lorated 2 blki. S,, 1 blk. West of Kelzer achool at 4765 Elvira St. PADE J. KEEN HOME BUILDER Let Us Build Your Home PH. 2-7GSB OR 2-14.14 Near Capitol Bldg. 3 bedrooms, two downstair!, one up, full basement, oil forced air heat, close to schools. In excellent con dition. J. B. YOUNG REALTOR 41 N. HighJSt. Phnnea.fir.80 SEE.EGAL Notice Section for sale of house with low down payment. SALE 5 room mod. house, Silverton. or trade late model truck, 2 ton L. B. Ph. Silverton 3-4372. 4 BDRM., full basement, Youngstown kitchen. $14.04)0. 2-5413, 625 Hansen. FOR SALE or trade, very clean older tvpe hou?e. 3 bedrooms on one floor. clue to Leslie. $6,750. H. L. Stiff Furn. Co., 3-91 A3. $5f0 DOWN. 2 bdrm. home. Open Feb, 21, 2 pin.-J p.m. 258 Draper Dr. 4 BEDROOMS In St. Vincent "a and Highl.ind school district. Living room. Dining room. Latge kitchen. Barcment. Double garage. $7.f50. CT'Vj Acres . Ideal for dividinc Into 5 lo lS-.nrre tract. No huilriine. but beautiful building sites. Artificial lake. Price $15.0(;0 Try $500 Down We'll present your offer on down p.'ivment on this 2-hedrnom home with iireplace. Insulated. Garage. Paved street 7,lMi ' RAMSEY, REALTOR 2084 Noith Commercial. Office 4-2ll Eve. 2-7(4fi or 3-7072 or4-16!6 A. WITH garage house. Excellent deep well and pump. Located 2 mi. N. of Kci7er on St. Paul Highway. Kt. 2 Box 24(iAA. 1IOMKBUYERS attention. J-.ust sell equitv; make us an offer, 2 bedrms., full basement, TV ant. Call after 3 p.m. Ph. 3-:itti'3. SMALL 1 BDRM. South. $2,750. down 135 month. Ph. 4-3243. ATTRACTIVE, hrfie 2-brdnn. 00x 200 ft. Jot. Full attic. Newly dec orated. Nicp l.Twn young fruit tiec. ra?pberrie. lame yairien. 24x44 ft. shoo, optional. Will con sul, r rlesiral'lc building lot in trade. P'i. 2-M79. ENGI.FAVOOD trade, almoM new 2. bedrooms tV den or 3 hrdronms; 'i baths. Vtll take good smaller 2 bn'rnoms. Full pric $15,250 ). Howis V Wnnd, Realtor. Ph. 4 -mi. ve. 2-0422. 234 N. Htch. 175"ACRE FARM Onlv 5 ml. S. E, of city wtlh 'i M. frontage on Hl-Wav. fiO A. fesque. 50 A. perma gra--s. 35 A. crain. 25 A. paturr. 5 A- orchard Ai building sie. Grade A dairv barn, modern 4 bedr. houe with base ment, furnace A- fireplace. Owner will consider smaller farm in part tiarie, vacinitv of Silverton. This is a paving farm at only $275 per acre. Making tt a real good farm buy. better see it today. $600 DOWN 2-hedroom completely furn. older home on N Churrh ST . near St. Vinrent's and Hirhland Schools. A fond tmv at $6,700. CtII Srverin. Associate Broker Art Madscn Realty ISM Sta'e St. Tel.J-55n.F.ve.j4 2nn BV OWNER. Late hmlt Suhurhan ranch stle 3-bdrm att. douhle ml he.t. ljirre lot. i Terms. Vfi. S-1K'3. 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sal BETTER VALUES 1710 Lee Street, roomy comfortable, well located, 2 B. R. home, large attte. $7,250. Low down payment. S040 Sunnyvlew, Late built 2 B. H, home, Immaculately clean, well arranged, large suburban lot, deep well, paved St. $7,790. Best oi terms. 23(H) Broadway, 4 B. R. home, close to schools, bus line, large lot, best of location, $6700. 10B9 Cascade, twtter built, better lo cation, excellent 3 rm. home. H. W. floors, auto, heat. Youngs town kit chen, priced below market value. $0,250. We can accept mortgages and trades as part payment on above listings. B. M. MASON, RLT. 164 S. Com'l.. Ph. 3-8841 $8.000 VERY GOOD 7 room home in Fairmount District made Into 2 nire clean apartments, mostly fur nished, basement, furnace, double garage, new roof. If you don't want rentals just open the door and have a well arranged 3 bed rm. home with 2 bathi. You can't beat this anywhere. GEO. A. WALTERS REALTOR Phone 36714, S60 S. Com'l.. Eve. 26714 We Specialize in Trades FEDERAL Gl Si FHA MTCS. $1000. DOWN Is all on this home. It's really a buy. Att. garage. Insulated. Ven. Blinds. 4 blks. to school. Imm. poss. Built in 1948. Full price only $6,000. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, eve. ph. 2-7679 Slm. GORGEOUS VIEW Tli at 1s absolutely unobstructable. It's a lovely home with 3 bedrooms on one floor. 2 bathrooms. A den In the basement that is almost out of this world. Huge fireplace In living room. Unusur.lly large amount of builllns. 102 by 160 lot. Full price $24,500. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, eve. 2-7679 Sim.) LIKE COUNTRY LIVING If so, here's one you'll really like. Spacious 3 -bed room home with full basement. Lovely setting In a fir grove. 2 -car att. garage. 2 wells. Automatic sprinkle system. Bus by door. l',2 Acre lot. Lots of shrubs. Full price $15,950. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, eve. ph. 2-7679 Sim.) A REAL HONEY Yes. it's a ntce home and In a dis trict you'd love to live in. Has a gorgeous view. Fine recreation room in basement. Lots of shrubs. In the best of condition. Full price only $12,000. FHA terms if desired. (.Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve, ph. 4-5020 Sim.) Highway Frontage 09E North. 200 Ft. running through to Lancaster Drive. Excellent busi ness location. Priced right at $6,000, More land available. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) Live in One Rent the Other One unit has 2, the other has S bedrooms. Modern and clran. Full basement. Garage. Iarge lot. Well located for achool. bus and store. Paved st. Income $100 per mo. by Tenting both. Full price only $!),500. Terms, (cau tor n. u. uatc ISAAK. eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) MAMA & PAPA Here's one you'd enlor and could handle very well. A dual opera tion mat li wen esiaonsnea ana well located. Extremely low over head. 'Die equipment is In the best of condition. Full price onlv $15 800. (Call for N. O. "DAN" ISAAK, eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) REPAIR SHOP Well established. Doing good busi ness. Rent on bldg. only $40 per mo. All equipment and tools you ntjed. Full price for everything onlv $7,000. (Call for K. G. "DAN" ISAAK, eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) GROCERY With 3-bedroom living quarters. Good sized store room. Coiner hit. On one of Salem's busiest streets. Owner will sell business and stock at Inventory or trade for another property. What have you? Full price fur everything $15,500. (Call for N. G "DAN ISAAK. eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) EXTRA SPECIAL 62 Acres on the Pudding River, i Very best of soil. Irrigation equip- 1 ment includrd. Suitable for most any kind of farming. Very cood modern 3-bedroom hou!e. 30 by 60 i barn. Garage. Fruit house. Berides 1 It lias an rtra guest house. Fam- i llv orchard. Might consider trading for citv proocrtv. Full prtcr J2fl, SO0. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-473 Sim.) Gentleman's Farm 1ft Acres. Very fine soil. 4 A. tinder cultivation. V't miles from town. Fine modern home with basement built in I42. You'd like living In the country if you had this place. Good barn. Chicken house. Att. 2 car garage. School hm. The full price j onlv $10.Wn Liberal terms. ', u;an rnr mh. LE.AV r.s, eve. pn. 3-47 Vi Sim Grade (A" Dairy Bargain MO Acres. Just 4 miles PE of Sa lem. 15 A. irrigated bottom land. Excellent 32 x 72 barn. New milk hou?e. Clean modern older type home pi in small modern home. Machine shed. 2 creeks. Rock quar ry. Fenced. Mr. Dairyman, you can't go wrong on this property at $17,000. Shown hv sopointment onlv (Oil MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph 4-50-.fl Sim i FHA & CONVENTIONAL MTCS., 20 Yr FEDERAL GI MTOJt , 50 Yr. LK'F.NSI.D ALSO IM WASH. & TDAMO AL ISAAK & CO. REALTOR Office Phone, '-mil or 3.7S30 OT.'IS Portland Iload s-4735. 4-am .a20. s.msi If No An.u-er. Call 4-224H COAST COTTAGE KOR SALE OR TI1ADK New 2 room A- hath. alt. Rarage, Bond ocean view. Call E. L. Giay. 3-354J FAIRMOUNT HILL 2 BEDROOMS. LIVING AND DIN ING Rooms. Fine kitchen. Utililv. Cnunler tnp Lav. Bath. Fine lot. Oarage. IR.ooO 00 would consider SUBURBAN 2 RD RM HONTE. 100 x lflO LOT. Garaec. Paved Road. Lawn, Flow, rrs, Shrub:, T:re. Patio Fireplace. Plenty Water. Near School. Bus by door. $3,500 00, would consider trade WALTER B. MINIER REALTOR lf,4 So ConVI St Phone 3-RBtl and alter 1100AM. 3-3lti4 anrl2-751 $150" DOWN , Arre. lee. 3 bdrm. home, close In. $fi."50. Thl Is a Manrinut deal. No phone Information. Come In on this. StTVMf.rtS, REALTOR 17:3 .State St. Ph. 1 1-VA2 mmm THE CAPITAL JOURNAE, Salem, Oregon 800 Real Estate SOME GOOD FARM LISTINGS 2. 30 A. Howell Prairie, good buildings. 2. 40 A. East, all tillable, newly remodeled 4 Br, home. 3. 74 A. hill farm, new 2 Br. home, basement. 2 fireplaces, grand view, will trade for small home. 4. 245 A., all Wm. silt soil, 63 A. under Irrigation, new build mgs. 5. 364 A, ranch, 9 ml. from Sa lem, dandy stock or grain ranch. 6. 426 A. North, all purpose farm. 200 A. under irrigation. 2 seta buildings, will trade LEE OHMART for farm On these or any other 3 BEDROOMS Here's a lot of house for $10,95011 nas i is x it Jiving room witn iireplace, a 10 x u amine room and a large kitchen with nice nook, a good oil furnace in the nasement and a beautiful back yard wtth a fish pond, patio and fireplace. We Just listed this one and it's HOTll Ask for Ted Morrison. EXTRA LARGE South Salem, S bedrooms plus den on witn fireplace ana 2 large Dearooms and full nam, tnis is HEAL VALUE, close to new HI School. Call Ralph Maddy. OHMART & GALABA, REALTORS 477 COURT ST. PHONE 1-4115. 3-4116 Eve Salesmen Henry Torvend S-3632. Ralph Maddy 2-3488, Louis Lorenz 3-5590, Ted Morrison 2-5046 NELSON & NELSON (ORIGINAL FIRM IN A NEW LOCATION) NEATNESS. ATTRACTS THE NEAT and this two bdrm. home with its good features will attract you. Nire hardwd. firs, and plastered Interior, well Insulated and heated by oil floor furnace. You will like the yard with its garden spot 60x120. East location. Close to bus. $6950. Call Mrs. Wootten. VERY GOOD MANBRIN GARDEN HOME This 2 bdrm. home has an excellent lot 60x182 faced by paved str., sidewalks, area serviced by sewers, public utilities, waler system, close lo school and bus. Priced at $7950, the loan carries only 4','i Int. This Is worth the money. Call Al Watts. CROISAN CREEK HOME $14,900 Just offered and won't last long on the market. This 2 bdrm. home with Its nice living room 21x13 offers an ideal suburban living for your family. Exceptionally well finished basement for recreation, work shop, fireplace, very good heating system. Outdoor patio with fireplace. Garage 20x23. Approx. 1 acre land. Very food spring water, School buses by door. $14,900. ONE OF TILLAMOOK'S FINEST APARTMENT HOUSES Will trade for Salem income property or home. This S unit, all nicely furnished, property has hot water ht., laundry facilities, garages, apts. newly painted Inside and out and will sell for $42,500. Half down. Excellent opportunity to get a fine property. Call Dick Schmidt. NELSON AND "COMPLETE 1590 S. COMMERCIAL Evenings: Al Watts 3-7265, Lydla F. cnei nelson 2-i;i;u 806 Houses For Sala LEAVING MUST 2-bedr., t-rm. home. Plastered, hdw. tripped. 1,03a sq. ft. flor spar., mora or leas, Is A. lot. I, 500. All steel w.lded frame S-wheel trailer. 179. Rt. 4, Box (It. I ml. 8. on concrete old HI -way. Ph. 4-1471. LOOK! Now, we have one of Salem's finer Cape Cod homes for sale. 3 bed rooms and den. 17x18 living room with iireplace; dining room, kilchen with eating space, disposal, built-ins galore; 2!a baths, full basement with fireplace, ii)x22 playroom In knotty pine and tile floor, laundry room with outside entranre; fruit and hobby room, ni irly new Len nox F. A. furnace, over 80 electrical outlets, double garage with breeze way, beautiful yard and shrubs. Close to 'school, grocery and bus. Price $10,800. WHY PAY RENT When vou ran own this 3-rnom home with utility and bath. On paved street 'in WFST SALKM. close to school and bus line. ONLY $700 down and $45 per month. Full price $4200. NEAR STATE INSTITUTIONS 3-bedroom. full basement, auto, oil heal. 47x200 lot 4 blocks to school, ',, block to State St. bus. A GOOD BUY, J7500. CHERRY AVENUE S-room suburban 79x400 lot. " well and pressure system. Chrrry, apple, pear and walnut Irres. School bus by door, other bus 2 blocks. Will trade for 2-bcdroom home in town. JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR SM F.deater Phone 4-5713 Evenings Call A. D. Shields. Sim. 3-WMS; Claude Henderson, Sim.. 3-RH7; Joe Hutrhlson ,2-47R!l OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH 2465 WALKER STREET This lovelv home will be open for your Inspection from 2 00 to 4 00 p.m. 2 bedrooms, hath with diessing table, inside utility loom, base ment furnace room, kltch with many built-ins, lame living and dining room, lawn, shiubs, walnut and cherry trees, ienced in back Yard. This is nicelv Incadd for Mat institutional workers. Price is $0000.00 and is under maiket price. Drive out North 24th to Walker Street. Halfway between Chemekcta and Hreyinan Stieet. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 MASONIC BUILDING Heal Estate Insurance M'.rtgase I.o:ins Office: 3 -Ml 7 Fves : 2-4,it!l or.1-7WW FAIRVIEW AVENUE $:iOO down, total pi lie $:i.l0. Neat 1 -lied room home and approx, aue. liu-i p.'t door. BROOKS ST. $300 down, total prire Il!,5o0 At ti active l-hi dioom home and ap prox. 2 atvre. fcxtra good garden soil. SOUTH ON BUS JtVrft down, total prtcp V00. Ap piox. Jt arre. Knnl tre. Ibed. room home, fiieol.ue, oil floor lur nacr. 2r.ir garace. DALLAS HOME Jl.ono down, total price tt.ViO. Very Kiod pla1ered 5-rom home. Fire place, parage. Will trade lor Salem home. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors s. li;eh Evei Ph. 3-I1I1 rail 2-.-.2ttC 18x22 LIVING RM. Carpeted over Hdw. floors. Fire Vie . oil heat, hand rubbed natuial wood finish on doors and casements, 2 rral nice bed 4tm . insirte utihtv. fi'ixr.10 lot. good suburbin location near shopping I)it. $V bus service, all for only $I)i(.;0. Eve. call KD 2-8104 Kd Lukinbcal, Realtor 4MN, HIGH OFC I'HJ-StftO LOW DOWN payment. We can help you with down pavment. Why rent when it's io easy to own? Com In and talk it nver. SPMMKHS, REALTOR 1725 Slate St. I'h. J-4W2 800 Real Estate 1 close to Salem. RUDY CALABA farms call Henry Torvend BASEMENT Well located in F.nglewood, this home main floor, party room in basement NELSON, REALTORS REAL ESTATE SERVICE" ST. PHONE 2 3569 Wootten 3-0065, Dick Schmidt 2-7567, 806 Houses For Sale COUNTRY SELL floor, throughout. Insulated, weather T1IELMA SEZ "1 can't understand why someone doesn't buy th.it cute little pl.irr " It s a wonderful buy. coine to and see lor yourself. 'J bed 1 001 n home located liear school on a line arte at ground. GoikI h.un. lovt-lv j.irti and tree, arietv of lii.it and gmpee. bus bv door. Can he had for $7.in. TIMS is A m;v. A-k for T MM. MA MAfiKKH'I . SalrMm.n. F.e. phon .'I-''':. PHONE 4-3:194 :.'ttn t .iircmunoi Hn.:t IKiI. i.vu noi) ins I ItK T ilOMI;f and BUSINESS SIX ROOM HOME on U.S. W (Busi ness 7.one. Full basement, furnace, 3 bedrooms, I' baths, larrr deep lot. Off street parking for 20 cars, A wonderful location for home and busincfcK, office r.r ihnp. pi ice t only $12,500. Owner will consider a 2-he(iroom home, on one floor, for most of ;n ice. Center Street Realty 1718 Center St. Phone 4-tif,3l Kv.Phones! Oies J MIS. lUvhlJl-Swa HY OWNKK Attractive .uhulh.in home, I tied rooms down, UKtinlshed tipslaits, plastered, hardwood floors, fire plare, forred-air furnace, utility room. Small ham. ciurkrn hou.e. App. 3'j arrr-. family IrUiU oak trove, 37r0 fisher Boad. 800 Real Estate GARDEN SPOT If you like ai, large lot with good soil, see this four year old home now. It has i bedrooms, living room, dining room, nice kitchen. Inside utility, ceiled garage, beautifully landscaped. Price reduced to $8, 900.00 with 5 down to qualified veteran. Call Mr. 1'arsons, talesman. INDUSTRIAL LOCATION Approximately 4 acrs located In city limits in Indsutrial area. Adja cent to railroad. Just right for any tvpe manufacturing, warehouses, etc. Call Mr. Parsons, salesman. THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY Very well planned new1 three bed room home with large living room, dining room, birch cabinets in kitchen, automatic oil heat, hard wood floors, good district close in. Only $8,050.00. Financing open to your offer. b down to qualified veteran. C. V. Kent & Co. REALTORS 4M North Church Phone 4-229J Eves: parsons 2-1508, Kent 2-27R0 IMttt WIHWI UtMIU atlltliutl SUIIIIIM WW4WI IUIUII14 . IIIIM(StHStSW iimuuiui! MtiiiumiMuiite, M4WUH tt lllllltiM ilium it mint. tt wih SULLIVAN South Village, Home Supreme. S Ig. hks, LK. & separate UK. Koara & Batten exterior, lot is 100 x 158. Just a short walk to the new Morn lngslde grade Sen., $15,750. BUI Sul livan, ves. 2-47U0. Englewood, Cape Cod. Comfortable 1 nome in quiet neignoornooa, run 1 basement with extra HH. Sawdust heat (1953 Mel bill $42.00). Call Mr. Bice Eves. 3-4669. Lots, In the new Glenwood Addition on Lancaster nr., $11 a ft. front age, Mr, Rice, Eves. 3-4B69. Five Acres, Haneh type home, beam ceilings, circulator fireplace & 3 BR's. Prlngle School district. Call Bobby Davis Eves. 2-2791. Silverton Boad, Large .1 BR. home In a truiy neaumui setting oi trees. Barn, chicken house, aeparate building with Ig. playroom, and best of all, 6'i acres just ripe for subdividing. $15,000, terms. Call Mc Farland, Eves. 4-2345. Ankeney Bottom, 263 Acres, this Is the old Chorcharn farm. Lg. two story home. 2 big barns. Several other usable out-buildings. Fenced 6c cross fenced. Approx. 200 acres In cultivation. Soil mostly Willnm ette. $40,000 with '2 down. Possible trade for smaller place nearer Sa lem. Call McFarlnne, Eves. 4-2345. 25-YEAR VETERANS' LOANS WITH ONLY 5Vi DOWN AND 25 YEAR FHA LOANS WITH 10 DOWN. CONSTRUCTION MONEY AVAILABLE. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN, REALTOR SS65 Portland Rd. Phone 4 -GSM LOOK HERE If you want a charming 3-bedroom nouse near Mate Hospital, call us. Lovely shade trees, fenced In back yard, quiet neighborhood, and the price has been reduced to $9,000 00. NEARLY NEW 3 B.R. Ranch type with forced air furnace, fireplace. H. W. floors, large kitch en with nook, separate dining room, large garage with overhead storage, lawn is In front and hack, j new district. $i,boo.oo. f. if. A terms. ICE CREAM LUNCH Established business In growing Kelr er community. Lots of school trade. This can be developed Into a real money maker. Terms can be ar ranged. A Bwell opportunity for an ambitious couple. Let's talk It over. ' ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 MASONIC BUILDING Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans OIlKc: 3-9217 Kvcs: 2-4709 or 3-7:i6 LET'S MOVE OUT IN THE COUNTRY Trade or buy Il'i-acre ranch on f i.ived road with easy drive to Sa rin. Nire two-bedroom home with extra good foundation. Svfell barn, really built to la-st. Several nhrdu that are irle.il for mink, rahhila or rhirlfni. Walking distance to grade school. Don't wait lo look at this for only $13,500. $M 41 PER MO. Buys a brand new 2-hdroom home with a. very reasonable down pay ment. Plastered and hardwood floor. Attached garage. Paved stieet. Clo.se to bus line, SUBtJHHAN HOME Onlv $47.w buys a cute 2 -bedroom home on about i acre. Well built home on good foundation. Assorted ftuit and nuts. Cuod gmden spol. Paved road. Would li.nle fur a laiger home on acreage. 201 SOlrTH MICH PHONE 3-'i20:i Phone evtnlngs and HumlavN 4-IW7I, :i-:iH,r)8, 4-Wllt, jVIIIM, ii-4876 SELL OR TRADE 3-hedroom lanch st le home wtlh ait. gar. in the Kri.cr dlstrnt. lie;iutiful yard. Knghyh walnut tire, outride pjitio. Evcrl'ent it'M rlentml lorjition, for rtiv bus, shop ping, jmd s hool. Owner wants a ?-hdrnom home, what have vou? ENGLEWOOD DIST. 2herlroom home at Bfl.5 Thompson with taige living room, kit lien with nook, Insult utihtv room, larce double Rainire on allev. An out't.inding residential location lor srh'rols, 2 city bus route within a block. Please do not disturb the outicr: we will be glad to show. Lots and Acreages Mr. Mel Propp, saterman and land surveyor, h.ts n number of acreages and lots avail.'ihlc for vhowlng, alio house plans. Eve. Ph. 35740. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1M0 N. Capitol Phone 3-821S 806 Houses For Sale $5.5in CLEAN 2 bed room home with dining room, food condition, gatare. paved street CEO. A. WALTERS REALTOR Phone 7(1714. HBO S. Com 'I , F.ve. SH7I4 NICK-2-RI)ItM homertnr-lde utllltv 1 1 1 take rar or pirkup lowaid down payment, 4-4M7. 800 Real Estate (An ency devoted entirely to home-selllnf operated by Theo. G. Nelson, healtor-Appralscr SUA and ilv. neighborhood saleamen.) O.I. OR LEASE OPTION Just outside city, water from deep larjie como. 1.K at un. is x is comD. Klb flf nook. High quality Dejco Auto. Perimeter heat, tile firs. 3 blks to school. Approx. Va ac. O I, loan or lease option to buy. Price $9850. Percy Gorton, Sim. Office Ph, 44441 Res. Ph. 2-4002. ON PARK AVENUE Large LR Ar DR comb, with nice fplace iwiwi wuu uu. .iv,... .,ujr 2-5959. FULL DRY Two-car gar. bdrms down, room ,,,m. "" .'vn. uvuu icrma. oy darner, aim. Ph. 4-4441, Rea. ph. 2-5959. STATE ST. BUSINESS ZONF. Good older horn, with Income. 3 bdrm. a norm. opt. up wnn comn. i,r 2nd floor. All spaciotis rooms. avail, to make 100' State St. frontage. Grace Tomlln. Sim. Office Ph. 4-4441. Res. 4-2436. . HOLI.VWOOri Comfortable older type 2 bdrm. home i-jauerea. r piace. Alien, gar. aa x ita fenced, shad, trees. Edna. Morgan Sim. Office Ph. 4-4441. Res. Ph. 4-6036. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD BEAIlTV PARInn Good 2 bdrm. home with full basement i.,t iiutiic, .Hal. UlllCB J3IUK3., CIC. WICK JtOgerS, Bim. U11IC. fR, 4-4441. Res. Ph. 2-3550. YOUR NEIGHRORHOfin St.FSMiW ' Five HOMESELLER salesmen are nome eacn tor sale in tneir respective neighborhoods and consolidat ing their Information at HOMKSELI.ERS headquarters. Up-to-the mtn ute Information about home sales In your neighborhood will help you whether you want to buy a home or sell one. Call 4-4441 for the name and phone number of the HOMESELLER aalesman or saleswoman for your neighborhood. It will be worth your while to get acquainted with the HOMESELLER salesman for your neighborhood. THE HOMESELLERS MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS THEO. G. NELSON, MGR. , IN TH HUB OF SALEM EASY PARKING 702 N. HIGH. SALEM PH. 4-4441 Salesmen Barker, Hes. Ph. 3-3959. i-ii. .-nmo. -uaei, hps, i-(i. in ni ram.nira.fcii.nl 'iwirMiiiiw iiliairaw n.ini.niriinin aeraara 4 BDRM. 3'i ACRES. FIREPLACE. TRADE. Located close In East. Good dark soil, nice fruit trees, forced air heat, double plumbing, large kitchen with lota ol built-ins, full dining room, big living room. Will trade for 3 or 4 bdrin. in town. 112,100.00. Call Jim Rawlins, Sim. 2 BDRM. ENGLEWOOD, TRADE FOR J BDRDM. Excellent ranch Ityl. construction, nice fireplace, full dining room, tile bath, attached garage, large bedrooma, Insulation, weatherstrlpplng. nice shrubs flower, and lawn. Owner Is outgrowing and wants 3 bdrm. Call Jim Rawlins, Sim. NEW 3 BDRDM.. DBL. GARARGE North In the city. 1660 aq. It., mas ter bedroom 14x16, fireplace, forced air heat, natural birch kitchen. Priced at only S15.900.00, For appointment call chet Rawlins, Sim. INVESTORS. ATTENTION Investigate the opportunity of this prop erly located on Market and the new bypass. 300x300 ft. bounded by 2 streets. This would make a wonderful location for truck terminal or motel. It'a part of an estate and must be sold. At present there are 4 bldgs. on property. Asking price only S38.0OO.O0. For more lnfor- -matlon call Chet Bawlins, Sim. S500.00 DN. BUYS THIS NEAT 1 BDRM. HOME Location the best, small lot, separate garage, new lawn, corner lot, taxes only $27.00. For appointment to see Call Dal. Rayburn, Sim. t BDRM. HOLLYWOOD DIDST. Large living room, large kitchen, good condition throughout, lot 50x130. Owner will learn with option to buy. Full price $5,150.00. For appointment to see call Dale Rayburn, Sim. RAWLINS REALTY 1 (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) SOfiO N. Capitol Street Office Phonee 2-4BB4 or 4-1781 Evenings: Chet Rawljni 3-6236, Jim Rawlins 2-837$, Dale Raybum 3-204$ INCOME PROPERTY 2 houses on one lot, located in Englewood School District. Neat and cmninruble one bdrm. homes. Prica $8500. Terms. CALL II. K. LAYMON. SENSATIONAL VIEW OP MOUNTAINS AND VALLEY Beautiful 3 bdrm. and party roum hnme In excellent location. Pull basmt, finished and plastered. Ige. utility room. 2 full baths, 2 fireplacei. lovely liv. rm. and din. rm. with built-in birch buffet and kitchen that li abso lutely tops. Thl home was built for owner and has many extras sel dom found In any home. CALL J. E. LAW, i TERRIFIC VALUE READY FOR YOU Nesting completion and ona of the best values we hove. 3 bdrms., entry hall, grooved cedar paneled liv. rm., din. rm. .play or TV room and hall, beautiful birch kitchen yvilh dishwasher, utility area. Ige. tool and deep freeze room, dble. lavatory bathroom. Nice setting in Oak groveclose to bus on paved streets. CALL ROY S. FKRUIS, SUR-DIDVISION SITE-2,1 Acres on Lancaster Drive. An excellent close In location on a paved road. Price $23,000. Terms. CALL H. K. LAYMON. 4. R GRABENH0RST BROS. REALTORS Ill I'M s T.TR F.RTY PHIINE Evenings II K. Lavmon S-Slf).! Roy S. 806 Houses For Sals Open House PY BUILDER Friday, Saturday, Sunday. 2-8 P.M. 715 Iirry Ave. (Near Manhrin Gardens) BRAND NEW 2 B.R. with fireplace. Hlt.-irhed gat are. large lot. Price $H.2iHI. Ph. 4-42H7. ATTRACTIVE 2-bdnn. Large onsets. 2 yrs. old. 'i block to bus, 3 blocks to school, shopping center. Keizer. $11.1.50, Includes new a u torn, washer, stove, rclilg. Wi5 Deal horn. 4-4U7. 808 Lots For Sale STAHT THAT NKW home now! I. city loin. Term, or tunic Kor 111 tt.i in.it ii.ll I'll, ovner t-till'li. UY OWNKK. Choice lot on oik St. br Km en l.lliiily and Hmn. Phone j-;i'i:ti or 3-tn5:i. I B 1 0 Farms, Acreage For Sale ! 40 AC. NF.AH SIIKKWOOD i 1 Im-Oiiii. inoilein home, li,irn, 2 Lhii'keri tiotiM-s. iriir.iKe, trees. 1 1 j'le Un house In S.ilem. IK..VHI. Ill AC. WITH colli) IIOMF. Close In sH.TiUU. Trade lor olili r house III Sitlcoi 2 IIKDItM 1IM. t!i75 -S',00 1)N. NICK CLEAN I HKDHM . DK.N with fuepl.ne onlv f7.4."iO. Will con SKl'r tr.nle lor tr.iilrr house. IIFA1ITY SALON. CI.OSK IS CALL OSCAR SLDFRSTIIOM. SI.M. John J. Dann, Realtor 41.1 N. lllsh. Ph. 4-31H2; Kve, !-52l 6ACRES IRRIGATED WONUF.KFUL i the word. (I acres of wrll drained Willamette Loam soil complete with Irrigation pipe and 6-inch tested well 3 Acres per maneiit pasture. New barn and chicken house, New woven wire feme. Lovely view home with fire place 2 huge rj races. Clone to school. Own this self supporting nrreade for only $18 500. Ask for CLYDE FntiLK, Salesman. Eve. phone 2 -.18 21. PHONE 4-3394 ireaLtowi loan Falrfroiind. Ttoad HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Page 17 800 Real Estate tract well, new horn, with 1 bdrms., and w-w carpet. Attch. garage, close oaiiict, oim. vines fn, 44441, Res. BASEMENT for 2 In unfinished upstairs. One acre. dn. with I.R, DR. Kit, Util, tt Bath. 6c rill., pantry, Both. Outside staira to 3 car car. SQ.nno. AHriitinn.i nrnn.ri DIST .7 775 In nice location. Large LR tc DR. on a 50 x 305 lot near large apart- keeping constant check on about 100 Gorton, Res. Ph. 2-409, Morgan, Res. -aanu. inmun, Ilea. rn. 4-243(i & Sundays call Salesmen Ferris 2010 J. E Law 3-511S 810 Farms, Acreage For Sale BY OWNER Lovely new 3 bdrm. on 4 acres. L.R., D R., fireplace, kitch en, ulllitv rm.. attached ffaraee, deep 6" well. Clear Lake Olst. Ph. 2-2B64. ATTKNTION builders. Part ol a 1(- acre subdivision. N. F.. Saletn. Inq. 124S N. 16th. Ph 2-3578 eves 812 Exchanges Real Enlale WILL TRADE 2 bedroom house In S.ilem. Oregon lor properly In Ainailllo, Texas or anywhere In West Texas. Write box 23J States- man-Journal. BUILDING LOTS are easier to get than you think. Still good ones lett In citv. Trade or terms lo sujt. Owner Ph. 4-4:126. 2 HDIIM." HOUSE, garalte. and i acre east Albany for trailer house up to M.lHHinu. Phone 2707-R-t, 9 tall 7 p. 1112211 Marilyn. Albany. ATTHACTIVK 2 -bedroom home. Near Knglewood rchool, as pari li.ivment on 3-bedroom home up to 11 1. 000. Very nice 2-bdrm. home. North, llasemenl, fireplace, double gar. Near store and bus. Consider food trailer houe In trade, JOK NOONCIIKSTEM REAL ESTATE 1.W1 N. Cottage. Ph. 4-.W.I day or eve LARfJK 2 bedroom hone. Klngwoori Heights. For small house, Salem. Phone 3-5018 before 1 p.m. WILl7THADF. 2 bdrm. home, near bus. for J to BO A. 2142 Bruce St. Ph. .1-317:1. TRATiF, erpiltv In 2-hedroom home. For late model car or good lot. Ph. 4-4733. 818 Wanted. Real Estate WANTS SMALL FARM We do not list farms for sal. but one of our salesmen has been asked by an out of State cash customer to locate a 30 to 40 acre farm for him near Salem by Sat urday night. Wants food barn. 1 bdrm house, and soil good for stock, and grain. Broker coopera tion appreciated. Call "Dick" Hi-Kers. Hes. Ph. 2-3550. 102 N, High