Friday, February 19, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon 300 Personal 816 Pemonal KOT responsible for ny bills other xnan my own, vet m. werfoiin. Play Popular Piano Call Salem Millie Co., 2-8108, or Sarchct'a in Albany, 35a. ALCOHOLICS Anonymoui croup No. 1. Z"B8 ft. C'Omi. -30M. SAFE. Dermanent removal of ilhUy adal haln. Erich ot N.Y. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sal GOOD YOITNC Jeney cow, 1135. Bl. 4, Box 297. LOCKER BEET Eastern Orejon, or whole, 23c, front quarter zoc. Cmtnm klllins. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 1329 S. 25th. Phone 3-1858. 403 Livealock Wanted LIVESTOCK buyer. 1 buy cattle, hnrtea. hoei. cheeo. toils, boars, veal. Emery Alderman, Phone 3- 78ra or 2-oo. CATTLE BUYERS. E I. and H. Sne then. 4297 State. 1-1348 or 2-4380. CATTLE, horses, t your larm. E. C, McCandllsh. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147. LIVESTOCK buyer, 1265 Harmony Dr. A. F. Sommer, Ph. 4-2617. 404 Poultry nd Rabbits CHICKS for layers. Leghorn Austrs White or New Hampshire. Palmer's Rt. 1, Brooks. Ph. 28 R. 1.. 18 N. H. 10 month old hens. Laving better than 75. Rt. 4, Box 297. BABY CHICKS. Order now for choice of oreeas. jvn puiJCTS jac. par ini roosters, 5c. Valley Farm Store. 408 Pet YEAR OLD male Collie. Wonderful stock and watch dog. Inoculated. ill). Ph. 2-0059 or 2-2HS2. REGISTERED male Call 4-5855. boxer At stud. AKC Pomeranian 8 mo. female. JS0.00. Ph. 2-0835. 630 Tryon Ave. REGISTERED Dobcrman Plnscher pups. 7 weeks old. Females, 10. Males, 13. 4I0J N. River Rd. Ph. 2-1139. TINY Toy Fox Terrier, male, S!i lb. Ph. 2-1248. MALE Mexican Chihuahua puppies. Ph. 4-5623. 1015 N. 18lh. PARAKEETS, Cages, aupplles. Bird Paradise, 3180 Livingston 2-1842. CANARIES, purebred. Gross rollers. Male and female. Can furn. papers, All from show stock. 355 Union. Ph. 2-8378. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM, 1958 Mc, Coy, 1 block east of N. Capitol, IV., blocks north of Madison. Ph. 2-6897, PARAKEETS Babies raised In our home, 87.50, all colors. Mrs. Pow er. 733 Bellevue. Ph. 4-1897. 80XER female. Moore's tropical flsb equipment. Parakeets, pets. Mac Ieay Rd, 4-3773. Closed Wed. CANARIES Orange & apricol strain. Phone 1-4383. 1340 Chemek eta. 410 Seeds and Plants EVERGREENS. TREES, roses. We de sign and plant at no extra cost. Middle Grove Nursery, 4920 Silver ton Rd. Ph. 4-4632. TUBERS Begonia bulbs. (2 50 doz. it up. Gloxinia bulbs, 35c each. Buy direct from grower. We were 1st prlxe winners at 1053 State Fair. Claggett's greenhouses, 41, ml. N, o( Sslem on Wallace Rd. 'Salem Dayton Hy.), Rt. 1, Box 403. Ph. 2-3502. ROTTED manure by yard or aack. Ph. i-5012. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce THE FARMER'S MARKET, Rural at 12th. Opens :45 Sat. Eggs, baked goods, potatoes, prunes FERTILIZER Rotted manure, weed free. 1-0774 414 Farm Equipment B MODEL Allls Chalmer, plow, cul tivator, mower A blade, farm tralL er, 6c good family cow. Ph. 2-1311 between 9-3. 425 Auction Salei SCOTTYS AUCTION HOUSE 4840 CENTER ST., SALEM SAT., FEB. 20, 10 A.M. & 7 P.M. LOOKI LOOK! BIG FURNITURE ANL MISC. AUCTION t pc. Birdseye Maple bedroom set New box sp. and matt. Dressers. Bunk bed set complete and good shape. Red Daveno, 2 leather swing rockers. 1952 Frlgidaire. 30 In. eler. range, like new. Bendix automatic washer. Hot Point washer. Rood. Westlnffhnuiia refrigerator. Walnut desk. Several mirrors. 6-yr. baby crib and matt. Hi-chair. End tables, lamp table. &Mn. rollaway bed and matt. KJrby vac. cleaner. K 1 oc troi ux vac. cleaner. R C A. Victor radio and comb, record P. Kitchen utility table, matts. New baby ply pen. beds, and sprtnfs. Foam rub ber davenport and ciiair, nearly n w , cost f VtO B re a nd brown. Rears shallow well pump, elec., fnnri drum, snar set. .IVESTOCK RMX AT 2 P M. Dairy cous, Bulls. Utters. Feder. Weaner arid Feeder hncv Veals sr.d Calve. Chickens, Hihhits, Duck, and Geese. We sell bv head or pound to pleare you. Our market U KmwlnR la r fer every week, many buyers. Col. Ernest E. Scott AUCTIONEER rilONE 4 6433 4.0 Mrrolianilise 451 Machinery and Tool WISCONSIN gas engine with elutrh Delta band saw. Folev saw filing machine. Wallare Wood lalhe. 207 N. Slh. 455 Haehold Goods For Sale NEW SEW. machine. Wal Console. Value I90 Sell $145. J-4.H5. STfT. INTEIINATIONAI. Harvester deep freezer. 3 months old. Cnt new $600. Too big for mv new home. Sell for $425. Call 3-B714 or a-fflM, GREEN frlere modern snta 9t chair, roam nihber cushion, exc. cond. Ph 2-J7H0. 456 Wanted, Huehold Good WE PAY fop cash price for good tisen furniture. pnl!anres. etc. Im mediate service. Used Merchandise Mart 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-M71. Used Furniture Valley Furniture Co. 2 7472 CASH-tor furniture, one piece o hnuserill. ismneri. eii. CASH TODAY Uood used furniture or will iell ea consignment. PH. 1-9091 ihidUU'i AucUon. i 450 Merchandise 4S7 Radio and TV FOR SALE or trade month R. C. A. 17" taole model TV. Larry Ave. Ph. 4-4287. 458 Building Materials 1" dimension No. I and better 160 ner M. IvR ihlnljin No. 2 & better. 853 per M. 1" and 2" No. 2 Com,, $38 per M. 1" and 2" No. 4 Com.. 23 per m, LaCREOLE LUMBER COMPANY Ellendale Rd., Dallas, Ore.. Ph. 191 BUILDING All new Grade "A" Best Quality 4" Cant Soil Pme. USA .75 ft 14.2 Iiomex Wire Full roll .03 ft. 12-2 Loomex Wire Full roll .05 ft. Wall Bxs wrlamp .26 Switch or Outlet Ivory .30 Ceiling Exaust Fsn 8" ....1D95 2 Comp. Sink comp w ring 43.95 Steel Bath Tub comp. 61.95 10 yr. 42 gal wtr beater .. 67.50 Rev Trap Toilet "A'" J.M '4" Galv Pipe .12 K Galv Gutter 14 ft BOLLINGER'S, 343 N. Com'l. Ph. 2-8858 Pine, Pine, Pine! (RUNNING OUT OUR EARS!) New Load 1x12 ihelvinir, variety of paneling, same low price. Knotty Pine plywood (that right!), have some in itotv . Sdgs 59.50. KD roof sheathing or boxing 69.50. Lotsa doors. rfas.. nalnts. wallboards. and rig. tiles. 4xfl hard board 1.73 sheet. Some odd in plywood need an oiler I Kxt. or int. 4xB or cut Free cutting saves you money I Easy Blld Patterns from large fur niture to baby's toys. You'll be pleased ,at ease, doing It "your self." Your remodeling problems, our pleasure! Nothing down, 36 mos. to pay. OPEtf ALL BAY SAT. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 3545 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4433 6x12, 8x8, 6x6 TIMBERS, 20' long. 10x14 timbers, 34' long. 12x12 tim bers, 24 long. 1 complete heating plant for home. Sheeting, 815 a 1,000. Flooring, 820 a 1.000. All kinds of windows and doors at a good p, ite. 12th Street Cannerv. O. W. Klang Wrecking Co.. 3-7295. BUILDING? New fir door Jambs $2.50 Oak flooring low price New bath tubs complete ... ,., , , mn sn Used bath tubs complete 425.0fl Used cast washbasins , , ,,., $7.ft0 Udwd. plywd., Ideal for paneling or cabinets rhap Loose Insulation per bag $ nn Fiberglass roll blanket insui. beap 14-2 elec. wiring "f, iz-z eiec. wiring 5c Nails .$8.75 & $8.95 keg Asbestos siding per aq. $Q"n Painted shakes with undcrs . New doors, all sizes ,. 10.50 $5.50 $2.50 Used windows 36" x 43" loo used doors with frames New toilets with seats $24.50 Double kitchen sinks. conwlet $41.50 42 gal. elec. water heaters 50 Laundry trays, pipe, basins Bargain 500 gal. steel septic tanks .$t2.50 cast iron sou pipe L , solid orangebure pipe " Roll roofing, large supply HH...$2.45 3 tab comp. roofing $7.55 Cedar shingles, 4 grades Cheap ew uaiv. iron root i-nap Plywood, new carload -..Bargains New picture windows $R.OO New weather strinned windows $14.20 Cedar fence posts ,.. fhp New piaster board 4x8 V n bieci garage aoors, complete. n.oo Over-head parage harriwar...$13.95 Kitchen, hath rm. enameled checked wall cover ....10c sq. ft. C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-5031 1 ml. N. of Kelier BARGAIN sale. No. 4 surfaced lum ber. 2x4, 2x8. 2x10, 2x12. Random length. Eve ph. SUyton 2707. Gold, en Cycle Lbr. Co., Lyons. Ore.J ALL NEW lumber, shlplap, tin 00 per m ana up, 2x4 and larger 923.00 per M and up. Some lumber $15.00 per 11 aejiverea. inone i-nm. 460 Musical Inslrumsnt Learn Piano ADULTS-CHILDREN 8Weeks$10 Limited enrollment. Beginners Only AGES ADULTS II TO 111 CHILDREN I TO II I children's clais and 1 adult class starting soon. Limited to I students per class. REGISTER NOW We uill furmih a puno lor vnur hime prsctir im a vfv noTrm, rental (ee which may be applied to purchaie. Salem Music Company 15.1 S. High St. Dial: 2-D70I Across trom Elslnore Theatre i.RV KI.S'E Oirion guitar and amp lifier tor sale. Ph. 4-2700 AC CO n D IO NC L A SS KS Bcginnrrs. all aces. Enroll for ft uefks rou:e. Instrument furnished JHEE. MVSIC CENTER. 4T0 N. Caiutal. Ph. 2-M71 SPINET Plan-v Save an muchai $:,no. Ftrt linen onlv. As low as ItiO. Oianris low as $t!i5. Rrfin, wiicd Music Cfntcr, 470 N. Capital. l"h. 2-M7I. PIANO acrorllon 1JO base, ued, f.0. 170 b.e. new :4fl. Res. S2H0. T''e Mii.ic Center, 470 N. C'apilal. Th. 2-5.171. 462 Sports, Equipment CASH psid for used guns, modern and antique. Ca.vaile Merc. 12.10 Broadway. 466 Trade, Miirellaneous WILL TRADE Montgomery Ward 20" rotary power mower. 2 vr. old, for garden tractor, llrnrv Schmidt, Rt. 2, Box 464, Ph. 4-2502. 468 For Rent. MlceUaneou U-FIX-IT-GARAGE . lepulr you own car. Phone 4-52M. 21WS N.rnnt'l. Mi'CUI.LOCH chain saws and pt hole augers py nay iowne tuip. mcnt Co. Ph. 4-1511 ,0H HUT or leaie. IKS wa-enoun space, cement floors. brirK h It down town. Inquira B. U Sufi run. t-18& 450 Merchandise 470 For Sal. Mlicellanooui EXTRA SPECIAL!! GALVANIZED PIPE BEST QUALITY AMERICAN MANUFACTURED V' SIZE, REG. 17.C FT t I" SIZE, REG. 23 ',,0 FT J'.i" SIZE, REG. 33,ic FT .. SOLD IN 21-FOOT MONTGOMERY 155 NO. LIBERTY TV BARGAINS PHILCO. 21" table model with legs, 1054 model. Save 140 on this dem onstrator and still have new set guarantee. $28 down and $12.19 Pe? monm. RAYTHEON 21" mahogany 31-tuhe console. Built in radio. J op seller of Raytheon line In '53. Full year guarantee on ALL parts and tubes. Regular price $440.50. Save $150 on this last one. $13.32 per month after $30 down payment. ARVIN. 17" mahog. table model. M model. New. Reg. price van. 5. one only at $lft9.9S. only $20 down and $8.89 per montn. uuarameea. PACIFIC MERCURY. 21" Blond table model with black iron legs. Keg, price $27S.&5. Real special at $190.05 at $20 down and $8.89 per month. A 1854. Guaranteed. PHILCO 24" blond (Oak) console. A 1034 model 100. Used for short time in my own home. New set guaran tee. Reg. price $594.05. Save $70 at $424.93. Will consider your old radio or com bination in trade on any of above TV's. Highest possible allowanre can be used as all or part of down payment. PRALL'S 220 N. Librrty 4-4742 PAINT, 2.29 gal. Glen Wooriry. Used Brick 12th and State St. Walling Sand and Gravel Co. Call 3-1)24!) SINGLE, also twin slza Thayer bahy ougcy. otn good condition, en. 4-2691. FOR sale Baby Grand Piano. 5 it, excellent cond. 455 university. TAPPAN GAS RANGE with visual- ite oven and stainless steel burn ers, like new. Good buy at $100. 470 Waldo Ave. Ph. 4-4CS9. ,200 BR. ' FT. ,ix)0 cedar siding, used. Ph. 2-0708 after 5. EXCELLENT BARN yard fertilizer. fnonc A-imi or 4-24YU. TON dlferential chain hoist, $13.50. Lavatory, toilet howl, both J 15. All like new. 19B0 N. 5th. Ph. 3-5105. 365 FT. OF FIR rustic siding no. Ph. 3-9fi91. 1060 Mill St. ADDING MACHINES - CASH RE GISTERS. 25 Si uj). Clary Multi plier Corp. 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-5375. SFTT OF Antique China. 3130 Broad way. DELUXE BF.NDIX ironer. like new. Lylc McKinlcy, woodburn. 1'h. 3203 Gervals. 1 OIL PAINTNGS. 1 Seascape 13x13 In, 1 landscape 24x3ti In. Never shown. Inquire rear 2207 N. Front. LIKE"7 NEwTMontTomery Ward floor furnace. S5.000 B.T.U. with draft booster. S43. 5055 Chehalis St. 4-2142. DAVENO and chair, $59. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S. ComT. CHARIS foundation girdles, bra. Ph. 3-5818 or 3-5072 Mary E. Bales. HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent h" L Stiff Turn. Co. Ph. 3-9185. MAPLE arm Davcno Bed. $49. Hogg Bros. Used Store. 137 S. Com'l. Organic Fertilizer Sack or bulk Odorless Orders delivered Phone 3-8127 USEjD FURNITURE FOR LESS Valley Furn. Co., 219 N. Coml. FERTILIZER rotted cow manure. compoRt. rotted mulch,- chicken manure for lawn dressing. By sack or cu. yr. Phillips Bros.. Rt. 5. Box 493. 4-3081, 2 mi. E. 4-Corners, on State. USED Refrigerators, $19 93, $29.95 and up. Ai Lauc, 2J30 state. Ph. 3-34-1... 600x16 RECAP or Grp. I battery. $6.95 ex. Dizy Doa n s. lBUS S. 12th. 21" TABLE model TV set. all chan nel tuner; equipped to reccivr any station in the nation. Reg. $279.9.'., ule $219 95. Montgomery Ward & Co., Phone 3-3191. SPECIAL SALE Cloning out stock on ornamental stones, including lava A- flagstone. Ratic cedr fencing, cedar posts, polei. Supplv limited. Thlllips Bros. Rt. S. Box 4T!. 4-3081. 2 mi. E 4-Cor-pfT-s n State St. PAINT. 2jtal. Glen Woodry 17" TV, 1 ONLY, $?1M n $7f9S. reduced Western from Auto, 211 N. Cnrr.meTc:al. 37.S 36" ROUNDED Vd7e pickets. 36T & 40" gate. Garden cultivator. D A VEN POKT4Whair77;Ml cond. Ph. 3-52!j. VSKD Vacuum Cleaner CLEARANCE 1 Hoover. Rood condition 915 Airway Samtiror, like new $29 95 (Jen. Eire, tstnk cleaner $7 95 Sonie uprlKht clcflnrrs . . $1.50 SEARS ROEBUCK A- CO. 550N. Capitol Ph. 3-9191 FOR FREE trial in your home. Wards new fullv automatic washer. Call 3-319. Mnntgonirry Ward. Salrm. 10-CU. FT. rolrin .. luTPwlduTlfrrcr tng fompartmrnt, shrive in door, veer table rnsner. Ren $259.93. ale $2;'7 77. 1 onlv. Montgomery Ward Phone 3-3191. BOY'S shoe skates. si7e7ph. 3 -3 i 1 S" VTR ACT It: A LL V "ne w 'deliTe30inrh Fncidaire. etecinc ranee, l.irge oven, timer controls, $iJV 8-ft. M W. refrig . auto. rieftnOrr at tachment. Good cond. $'.s. Pan Ainericin trumpet. Wah-Wah mule, I yr. old, $R0. Ph. 44097, 3380 N. Lancaster Dr. PAINtT 29 gal. Gle n Woodry. ' EXTRA laree automatic Nesco Elec. Roaster $35. or will trade (or Sun twain Mix Master. 4-57t5. lm.TWEU, Davenport and chair. 119. ll.igg Hi os. Used Slore. 137 S Conn. $4!" .Ml tll'LOVA wrist .itch Sliehllv shopworn t losroul puce KM 9.V Pros . 3:i ll-t"l' KT. Lrccr. quick-freer conl parlmcnt. 2 h.ikct ant riivulc. s, onlv jhcf-tlv s.-Mlchcd. U c S3'!" !.". sale, '.!! aft M'i'ilcoinrrv Ward Ac Co. r hone .1-31(11. F.ASY wringer v. asher w ith rump, laundry tuba. 150. lot Warner St. 4417. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous NOW 15c FT. ..NOW 22!jC FT.. , NOW 30c FT. LENGTHS ONLY WARD & CO. PHONE 3-3191 Appliance Bargains Used Washing Machines. $9.95 & Up Used Refrigerators .$49.95 & Up Used Elec. Ran Res ..912.85 & Up rit.w wesungnouse Automatic electric clothes dryer, 220 volt, Only $169.95 DEEPFREEZE HOME FREEZERS $30.00 allowed for your old -water heater on a new Westinghouse wa ter heater, ouaranteed io years, Plastic -Kote requires no waxing ior your iioors or linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 CHEMEKETA ST. Open Friday Night 'Til 9 - Ph. 3-4311 OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TRADER LOUIE 1870 LANA AVE. 4-PC. BEDROOM set 89.50. 6 drawer hardwood chest J22.50. 6 yr. crib 17 50. Motorola T.V. 150. Cluh chair $5.50, radio-phonn $22 50. Rotary mower attachment $34.50. SNOOK'S BARGAIN CENTER 2565 State St. Open Saturday till A p.m. 4 QT. ELEC. churn. Rear end and trans, for 1937 Ford. 2-4963. CONSOLETTE 21" TV set, all chan nel tuner, A.l condition, complete guarantee. Reg. $349.95, sale, $309 95. Blond or mahogany. Montgomery Ward & Co., Phone 3-3191. PAI NT. $2.29 gal. Glen Woodry. 9-CU. FT. rclrigerator, ahelves In door, 70-lb. freezing compartment, oouble vceelable crlspers. Reg. $2li!l.95, sale $239.77. Montgomery Ward & Co., Phone 3-3191 GOOD used bathtubs. $15: lavs. $10, sinks $5. Judson s. 279 N. Com'. DAVENPORT and Chair, frieze cov., $89.50. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S. Com'l. WANTED Reliable party to take over payments on relngerator. Western Auto. 201 N. Commercial. 9-KT. FREEZER, 1053 model, reduced $50. Western Auto, 201 N. Commer. cial. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous STUD LOGS Wanted 8' Stud Lngs or Multiples of 8. Plus Trim. Dia. 6" to lfi". BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Ph. Turner 112.1 Eves. 2503 Turner or 2-7826 Salem 474 Miscellaneous WANTED: Fir. Hemlosk. Cedar. Spruce lops. Terms cash. Telephon. collect ATwalcr Nledermever Martin Co., Portland Trust Bldg., Portland 4, OreRon. DENTAL, PLATE REPAIR -I1R. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SF.Mi.ER, DENTIST Adolph Ulrii;, Stat, A.- Com'l. SU. SALEM PH. 3-3311 476 Fuel ANDERSON'S irren slab, 2 cd. 8U. Ph. 2-7731 or 4-4253. CAPITAL FUEL Pickup Your Presto-lopra Briquets and wood at 198 8. Com'l St Phone .1-7721. Hiphway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood, green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ph. 3-6444. OREGON FUEL CO. Slab, sawdust, oak S&H GREEN STAMPS Ph. a-WM 30H7 BrnsdwaT West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or Push Out Sawdust Ash, Maple and Oak Wood Green, drv slab. Planer Ends 1525 Fdgewater Phone 2-4031 !00 Hus. & Finance 510 Money lo Lean CONSOLIDATION OF BILLS can ease financial strain and save time and money. Our 27 years of servire to this community is our biggest asset. TRY rs Phone first for a one trip loan. Loans to fcWO llfl on signature, lur niture and equipment and to s.iOO 00 on autos, trucks and trail ers. Park free at Marion Tar Park 13. S C'otnnierrial SI. Lie. 11.1". M-338 REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. Off RT W (.ORMSIN 687 Court 4-2283 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. IK2 outh Church Puking a-Plentv Ph. 1-3457 Lit, No. W-50, -154 PRIVATE money to loan. Ph. 2-0794.' IF 500 Bus. & Finance 512 Loans Wanted $3,000 AT 0 on 2 -bed room bom for 3 years. Can make good monthly or semi-annual payments. Call Joa L. Bourne. Realtor, 1140 N. Capitol, 515 Investments ALL-IN-ONE , LOAN UP TO $2,000 OR MORE 1 LOAN MAY DO ALL 4 1. GROUP INSTALLMENT PAY MENTS. 1. CUT PRESENT MONTHLY . PAYMENTS. 1. CLEAN UP CURRENT BILLS. 4. PROVIDE EXTRA CASH. Just ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 118 S. LIBERTY PHONE 4-2203 600 Employment 604 Help Wanted. Male INCOME Tax blanks prepared rea sonaoiy. rn. a-ebii. . 606 Help Wanted, Female BEAUTY operator. An all around operator. .Especially good at styl ing and cutting. Write Ruth B. Kean. Box 276, Ocean Lake, Ore. Ph. Delake 3617. CHILD Care only, no cooking. Must live in. 1173 Edgewater. MIDDLE aed or older woman to live in. Some house work, care of two children. Ph. 2-5562 or 2-1098. BEAUTY operator experienced in hair styling. Ph. 3-4608. 610 Sales Persons Wanted THE LIFE INSURANCE BUSI NESS IS ALWAYS GOOD FOR GOOD MEN. WE HAVE OVER COME THE ONE DIFFICUL TY. THAT OF GETTING MEN STARTED IN THE BUSINESS. THIS IS SOMETHING BRAND NEW. (WE ARE A MULTI BILLION CORPORATAION.) P. 0. BOX 1645, SALEM. WANTED 3 salesmen. 30 ot net profit on all sales. Call 1110 nroad way between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Salem Roofing & Siding Co. IF YOU WANT to sell hospitalization k mc lnhurance, we will furnish you with 60 mail leads pT mo. Con tact Mr. Westphal at Hotel Sen ator, Fn., Feb. 19, between 10-12, 1-4. REAL. ESTATE salesman, established downtown office. Box 229, Statesman-Journal. 612 Work Wanted. Male PART TIME bookkeeping service. In come tax. Journal-ledger, posting, and payroll. For appointment, days or evenings call 2-5268. Dangerous Trees Removed by experts. Completely insured and equipped to handle anything. Free estimates in or out of town. Bren nan Tree Service, 1823 Broadway. Phone 2-3748. ADVANCE CONSTRUCTION INC. Addition and Alteration Foundation Raising, leveling and repairing. Phnne servire 7 davs a week. Phone 4-2248 VETERAN 26 with familv. wants work in Salem or vicinity, good mech. background, wilting to work. Sheet metal and welding exp. Box 2X1 Statesman-Journal. MARRIED man 35. with wlte lex pecting) wants steady work. Truck driver, dip.! or gas. cat operator, auto. mrch. or what have you? 102!) Saginaw. ROAD GRADING t.. W. Hancock. Eves. Ph. 8-nOm. FEDERAL fc Stale tax returns pre- pared. Pick-up sen-ice. Reasonable. Ph. 4-5lxm alter I pm. TAX RETURNS prepared : your Fhone home at reasonable rates. 4-203.1. HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, vard cleaned up and trash hauled. 2-"4fi4. CEMENT woik, all kinds. Ernest Drake. Phone 4-5129. 1163 S 14th. TAX FORM completed. Stale. Fed eral, rrompl accural service Ph. 3-6957. WANTED Bulldiiring. land clearing, etc. K. V. Stoops. Ph. 2-3326. 614 Work Wanled. Female BAbY SITTING with woiking Ph. 4-4321. WASHING and Ironing dona in home. Ph. 3-30!)5. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason able. Mrs. Poe. 663 N. 16th. .1-361.1. HOUSEWORK or rooking company meals Phone 3-5860. 615 Situations Wanted CARPENTER repairing and building. Ph. 3-iWiUj LEARN dressmaking at your con venience in my home. 2-1H60 EXPERT concrete work by hour or contract. Any sire ton Will also assist private parties or contrac tors Call 2-7.VW INTERESTED In old run fin cabin camp or molel on good Highway. Write Box 232. Statesman-Journal office. - I PAINTING. Papcrhanging. tlmates. Don Lucero. Ph. Free es- 3-5522. OSC At NW School of Commerce Grad. Any kind of work. Ph. a-7586. WANTED, couple or women to share home. May be working couple. Ref erence exchanged. Ph. D.i4la 3-349. 702 FalrvlewAve.,I)allas. Oregon. COMI'ETANT child care In Christian home. H33Sruce. Ph3-9719 FURNITURE refinKhlng Reasonable rales Io J. Wallace. 1635 N. Cap ltol.Ph. PAPERING and painting. Neat, clean work lo your liking. I'h. 2-lo;u WANTED, homework in motherless home Ph. 3-A.t.ll. HOUSEWORK or cooking. T'lone PAINTING sod rarer hnc"g, top "-Vmanship. Martin Wolfer, Fh. 4-:b79, I 600 Employment 615 Situations Wanled YOUR clothes washed, dried, expert, ly ironed, my home. 4-6323. BABY SITTING wanted. Evenings and weekends. Reliable. 2-0110. 5".tMTiNcl PAPERHANGING. Con. tract, small lobs welcome. Phont GENERAL cleaning; by the hour. Ph. 2-8359. . CUSTOM Blowing and discing. Fer guson tractor. 2 bottom plow. Ph. 2-6120 or 2-4785. HOME consruction remodeling. Fret estimates. Ph. 4-6340 alter a. WIEMAL'S Day Nursery, licensed and state lnspe:ted. 2-5015. CEMENT work, all kinds. Feldschau Ic Son. 2-8628. 4-3329 aft. 5 p.m. TAX RETURNS prepared. Ph. 4-6228. Call day or eve. ROWSE day nursery and Infants ac cepted. Ph. 2-8022. CARPENTER New, remodel pair, time or contract. Ph. or re 2-5025, Vlf-KF.NHAM'S DAY NURSERY State licensed and Inspected. Ph, 2-7896. PAINTING. Will gladly estimate any size 3od. rn. z-sju, j-bzu. LANSCAPING, com. lawn, garden service. Service Center. 4-3573. TREES topped, trimmed and remov ed. Fruit trees pruned and shaped. eree estimates, rn. z-vios, q-jtwi. PAPER HANGING & Painting. Jerry Johnson. Phone 2-0794. RELIABLE baby litter. W1U go days or nights. Phone 2-9964. LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling, grading. Phone 3-7042. CARPENTER WORK. Any kind. Rea- eonable. 4240 Macleay Rd. Phone 45961. 618 Education Television Jobs MEN NEEDED IMMEDIATELY TELEVISION offers interesting, se cure and high-paying jobs to pro. fcssionallv trained men. The U. S, government has authorized 2,000 new TV stations and excellent sal aried jobs are wide-open now to professionally trained men over 17. Ape and educational background not Important if you have ambi tion for success. OUR GRADU ATES WORKING NOW THROUGHOUT THE U. S. NA TIONWIDE EMPLOYMENT AS SISTANCE. Professional training. Will not interfere with your pres. sent work. Write today for full de tails I Television can offer a bigger pay check, job security for you. Clip and mail this coupon for sur- f i rising facts without cost or ob igation. TELEVISION TRAINING SERVICE Box 322 Statesman am Interested in: My own TV business , TV SERVICE & Maintenance., TV-Radio Operator....... - IVAJVJK ADDRESS AGE PHONE- WORKING HOURS , 620 Day and ContracT Land Clearing 15 yrs. Exp. Call for estimate on hour worK or ny contract for the com plete job. L, C. Mitchell. Phone 3-M37. 700 Rentals LARGE warehouse apace for rent or lease, cement .loors. brick build ing. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9185. 702 Sleeping Rooms. Beard NICE, clean, close in. Separate en trance. B79 N. Cottage. Ph. 3-6071. PLEASANT room for student or working man. 825 N. Cottage. 1 WORKING girls to share 3-bed-room modern home-private rooms. Horn privileges. Ph. 2-3800 after 6 p.m. COMFORTABLE, warm room down town. Hotplate. 472 N. Liberty. 4-5780. PLEASANT ROOM with bath. Close in. Gentlemen. Ph. 3-4791. SLEEPING ROOM, kitchen facilities. For 1 or 2. 754 Ferry St. DOWNTOWN. 1st fir, clean, warm room. Bath adjoining. 658 Center. PLEASANTROOM for genTleinanT 1050Norway. Ph. 2-iSAT. LARGE beautiful furn. rm. Also bachelor apt. 539 N. Winty. 70S Apartments For Rent MODERN COURT apt. f 10.50 per wk. Ph. 3-8723. 3-ROOM APT., private tub bath. Ga rage available, also garage apt. Pri vate bath. 1206 Chemeketa. 2-6607 or 2-3565. ' BRIGHT. WELL furn. 2 room, close in apt. 158 S. Cottage. CLOSE IN, comfortable, small apt. 645 Ferry. 1st floor. 3 ROOM DUPLEX furnished apt. Clean. Hollywood Dist. Phone 3-8036. ROOMFURN. Near Statt Hospi tal. t.17 50. Ph. 3-87.ll. NICELY FURN. 4 rooms and bath. Pnv. entrance. Ph. 4-3578 SMALL furnished apt. Private bath, all elertric. 194 S Cottage QUIET, COZY, furnished, ideal for mghf workers, couples or bache- loisLPhone-2!40: 3 RM. FURN, apt.with garage. 915 S. 12th. $30. FURN. l'llDHDM. ant. Close to Stale birtgs. Private entrance. Blitom. washer and dryer. All utilities paid. No objecllonto liabv. 468 N. Winter. LEE APTS. Salem's Most Distinguished Addrexa. For people who desire betWr Mving in Salem it's The One-bed-rroi'. units from $R2 00 unrt tin: Bachelor units us lnw m S Mt .10 Inspection invited. 585 N. Winter St 1 RM. APT., nicely furn.. close-in. F.m ployed lady, hfifi S. Summer. CAPITOl.-Apartment. "N."l2th St 1 rn. httht housckefpintr apt. Furn. utth pnv. hatrt. Rraonah1e rte. Nrar Capitol croup and i'mpptPB renter. Ph, 4.2HR7 IN KKIZF.R, nice clran apt., carace and yard Ph. 4-.1"v or 21 ?S2. Fl'nN. apt., utilities furn. children OK. near irhno .Mtf N 4th 2-hF.nROOM uniurnished apt. Call brf.ire 5 p m. IK YOVRE looking for a nice .1 rvi. an., private bMh. rent reasonahle, Cflll4-fi;i or 2-17K1, 2-RM. t hath, basement apt. Stove, refrie. & utilities (urn Hollvwood riit. Ph. 2-8684 after 5:30 p.m. 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garage. $55. Close in on No. foni'I Ph. 2-8MS or 3-6644. 1IDKM apt. in 444 N Completely Cottage fum, close ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 4-rm apt. with ranee flr refnc .1140 S. Kith. j PllEDI(OOMapt Stove, retrire-ator, , water. aulom.vMc Mr.ini neat. In- ' cltidrd. Modern, s. t per month , Vv ne vrn at 2153 S. Commer cul o- T"i. .H."-2 alter 4 p m cAriToiTrLAZA 1-M-m.. rum., unfurn. 1183 Cha irakeu. $-630, 700 Rentals 705 Apartment For Bent NICE COZY, iurn. rms. for work ing women. S3S. 811 N. Liberty Ph. 2-5446 or 3-3000. FURN. 2 rms. & bath, S45. Easement apt.. 30. 330 S. HUl, 2-92311. FURN. duplex. Nice 3 rooms. Holly, wood. 3-8642. Inquire 1900 McCoy. ' SMALL furnished apt. Private, bath, all electric. 1945 Cottage. FURN. 3 rooms with private bath, garage, near Capitol. 194 N. 14th. FOUR-room lurn. apt. 35. 1445 Ferry St. ' CLEAN furnished 3 rooms. Utilities paid. Near Capitol. 2-5083. 3 NICE RMS., furn. apt., private bath. 588 N. Church. 2-4745. 3-ROOM FURN. apt., prl. bath. Also 4 and 2-rm. furn. apt. Heat, lights, water paid. 532 N. H igli. Ph. 2-48 1 L TWO 2-RM. furn. apts. Also 1 rm. Heat, lights, water paid. 556 Union. Ph. 2-4811. 3 RM. FURN. basement apt., 50. Inquire at 315 Bellevue. 2 BEDROOMS, unfurnished, close in, private bath tc utilities. $45. Ph. 2-4488. MONTEREY APTS. 633 Ferry. Furnished, one- two and four-room apts. NICE 2-ROOM furn. apt., bath, rc frlg., utilities. 570 Union. VERY NICE modern 2-rm. furn. court apt. $45. 1065 Madison. 4-4754. PARTLY furn. 1 bdrm. apt. !i duplex. 2595 N. 5lh. 3 ROOM furn. apt. Newly decorated. 1 blk. of bus. 960 N. 19th. NEWLY dec. 3 rms. and bath, court apt. Furn. or unfurn. Laundry, parking, TV. Inquire 1348 S. 12th. MODERN 3-rm. furn. apt., close in. 549 N. Cottage St. FURNISHED 3 rooms. $30. Private bath 1968 North Com'l. PRIVATE 3 room cour npts. Clean. furn., $45. Adults. 3560 Portland Rd. 3 RMS. furn. Utilities paid. Women preierreq. raaa aiaic. FURNISHED apartments. Close-in. Ph. 2-8740. 325 S. Winter. Ambassador Furnished apts. 550 N. Slimmer FURNISHED modern 2 room apt. Within 5 blocks of down town. $65 per month. Fh. 2-1887. 444 N. Cot tage 3-ROOM turn. apt. utilities paid. Rea sonable. Ph. 4-6551. 3-RM., clean, nicely furn., elec. heat, washing facilities. Ph. 2-4816. VERY NICE 1-bdrm.. furn. and un furn. Inquire 1656 S. 13th St. 3-ROOM furnished apt., full bath, heat and water furn. $35. Phone 2-8568. NICELY FURN. 3-room apt. 549 N. Cottage. NEWLY furn. 1 bdrm. Hardwood floors, lots of closets, double sink. Ceiling fan, nice laundry, garage. W. Salem. 3-8347. FURN. apts. North Salem Motel, 2673 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-6688. 707 Houses For Rent SMALL FURN. Large yard. Rent, snare with one woman. 1265 E. Rural Ave. 1 BDRM. in court, stove, rcfrig. furn. inquire corner Lee and Mission. OLDER TYPE 3 bdrm. house. Utility room, dhle. garage, nice lawn, good view. $65 mo. Inquire 898 Cascade Dr. Ph. 2-7076. UNFURN. 5 rm. duplex-(2 hdrms.l. nan diock to Capitol Shopping Center. Ph. 4-3405 or 4-1863. REASONABLE, almost new, 1 bdrm. unfurn. house. Elec. heat, quiet, ideal for couple who want nice place. Near Gen. Hosp. 2251 Brey man. SMALL, COZY, 2 rin.. furn. house, line tor one. Ph. 2-I43B. NEWLY reflnlshed 3 rm. house N., uniurn, except oil circulator. Ph. 2-1438. 1 BDRM. HOUSE furn. Good location. $50. Available March 1. Ph. 2-2150. CLEAN 2-BDRM. house. Auto, heat, fireplace, garage. 2-9830. 4 YEAR OLD 2 BR home 3163 Lan- caster $57. Ph. 3-58.18. LOVELY 3 bedroom home in exclu sive district. Automatic oil heat, full basement, available March 1st. Box 228, co Statesman-Journal. THREE dwelling houses 4 miles from city center from $20 to $40. per mo. Ph. 2.2861. SMALL, partly furn. garage house. iaroen. worm. pn. 4-5.123. MODERN 3-bedrm. house. Near State buildings & shopping center. 3-4307. SMALL one-bedroom house, close to urant school. Ph. 4-1155. 1-BDRM. house, unfurn, except re- irig. dc stuve. 2445 .Market. Ph. 2-1938. 1-BDRM. home. Comp. furn. Gar. 1210 spruce St. owner Ph. 3-3289. 2-BEDRM. modern house, hot water heater, wired for electric range. 10 ml. South on 90E. G. G. Thomp son. Rt.I,Box 55A. Jefferson. BF.DRM. house, unfurn. except re frig. & stove. 2445 Market. Ph. 2-1958 CLEAN, lovely labedroom house furn. Phone 3-7132. 2-BDR. home with unfinished up stairs, car. $60. 2-Rdr. flat, ground floor, yard, wa ter and elect. $40. Upstairs duplex, water furnished, for a couple, $3o. See Joe L. Bourne, Realtor, at 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-8218 NEW unfurn. one bedroom duplex. aouin. eiec. neat, attached garage. $60. 2-5509 or 2-8479. FEB. 15-NOV. 15. 2 bdrm. home fas- cade Dr. Carpets, drapes, flrepl., bsinnt., mod. kit., tile bath, $75. 2-55H5 after 5 p.m. CLEAN, FURN. or unfurn.. 1 bdrm. Reasonable. 3815 Portland Rd. LOVELY 1-bdrm. garage. No chil dren or riHS. Em lewood district. lnq.1290N.14th. Ph. 3-30011. 1 OR 2 BF.DRM. duplex. Furn., gar., oil hear. 949 N. Winter. 3-8980. I BEDtlM duplex with store room. No children North Dist. $45 per month. Ph. 4-1761. t RM UNFURN. collage. Elec. heat, elec. r.mce. 744 N. Capitol. 2-8682 CLEAN, furnished 1-hedroom house. g.irace $50. 4135 Portland Rd. 3-ROOM house Partly furn. $30. 4 Corners. rh. 2-1371. CABIN. 3-room. partly furnished. $25 month. Ph. 2-l24 5 ROOM 2-1248 modern house. Its. Ph. CLEAN UNFURN- I bdrm. court. Adults, no pets. Ph. 4-5993 3 r.F.DROOM "houseior rent!-Call 1I6SN. 4IH. a RMS. FURN. house, $.10 moTmfjf. River Rd. FURN. MODERN cottage. Close In. $37.50. Adults. 818 N. Com'l. 3-5660. NEW. MODERN. I bedroom court Stove and lefrlg furn, $:,0. Call 3.9440 2 BDHM. suburban home. Inquire 3745 Portland R,l. or phone 4-40.6. 1 BDHM. house, furn. or unfurn with wjittr furnished. Inquire about at 2115 N. 4th. A VERY NEAT 4 room mmlern Du plex, nil elec hot tcr. wired for , 'nrf inMil.'Ird re 'incs, irri-C.-'rd fiJ-rrtrn, ftiut. s.T-aer 1 -miles S Iro-n nr-ksnn' Market on S-.innvsirie Hicway, Rt. 4. Pox 1R fone 2.11-07 KCTi3 PFPrt Souse JOO-Vabie" 175. Ph. J-3663 days, er 1-6321 ava. 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent FURNISHED, clean small house. $35. 2-5581. NICE 1 bdrm. Oak floor, range, ta ble, water, garden. Ph. 3-8319. UNFURN., ground floor, duplex. Ga rage. 658 Ferry. Ph. 3-3437. 3 ROOM FURN. apt., private bath. $30 month. Ph. 2-7717, 2770 N. Front. FURN. 3 room cottage $45. 171 Gerth. Ph. 3-7057. 1 ROOM furnished cabin. Gentle man. Phone 3-7018. SMALL house, clean, nicely furn. Close to State buildings. $35. Ph. 2-4B16. DUPLEX. 1 or both units. Ideal for 2 families living together. 2-3325. 709 Wanted to Rent WANT farm with or without build ings. Phone Salem 4-1926. WANTED Outstanding Auto Club from Salem would like to rent double garage or good barn to use as club house and work shop. Rent must be reasonaolei Phone 2-1065, ask for Gary. 710 Wanted to Rent. Houses FAMILY OF 8 needs home. Not over $65. Ph. 2-4768. 2-BDRM. home. McKlnley area pre ferred. Pay up to $65 per mo. Re- sponslble couple. 4-6024. . WANTED to rent, 3-bedroom home. Phone Salem 2-432L RESPONSIBLE young couple with small child desire 2-bedroom un furn. house with garage. Prefer close in, North. $65 per month. Ph. 4-6110. 3 OR 4 BEDRM. clean home. Garage, best of care. 2-3285. 3-BDRM. house. South, to $75. ExceL care. Ph. 3-7114 or 2-2956 alter a. YOUNG EXECUTIVE and family de sire 3 bedroom unfurn. house. ,Ph. 4-2203. 714 Business Rentals OPEN business lot for lease 100 x 140 with or without office. 1905 Fair grounds RtL 5.000 SQ. FT. of storage space. 2043 N. Capital. Ph. 3-3971. 800 Real Estate BETTER SEE THIS. New 4 bdrm. family home on larse lot. LarRe. iv. rm.. din. rm,, kit., oil forced air heat, close to Washington School, city bus !a block. A good buy at $11,750.00. FISHERMAN'S PARADISE. This beautiful new home with 9 acres all cultivated. Located on a fishing stream. Has liv. rm. 16 x 30. dm. rm. 15 x 24. kit. 15 x 21. 2 bdrms. 12 x IB. 1 bdrm. 15 x 20. 2000 sq. ft. floor space. Only $20,000. TRADE OWNER NEEDS MORE ROOM. Nice 2 bdrm. home with . basement, patio, large lot In St. , Vincent's district, only 3 yrs. old.,.. Will trade for larger home. Priced right. $6,050.00. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2319 State St. Office ph. 2-8591 Even incs rail: Simpson 3-A239, Vandervort. 2-R2B8, fluch 3-7915, Ellinger 4-5.128 801 Business Oportunitiea PENNY VENDING Machine Route, 50 machines. Club sponsored. Lo cated in Salem. Can be serviced evenings or one day a week. Good Income for investment. 2790 Acorn St., Lebanon. Phone 1-0024 or in quire at Best Motel, Salem. (The following was not received la . time to check with Brtter Business -Bureau In city of origin.) SUPERVISOR WANTED $400.00 Mo. Possible NOT VENDING National Concern with references . from Banks, Chamber oi Com merce, etc., needs reliable man or women to deliver well known fond product to established Industrial Accounts. No Selling! Applicants must have references, car and $890.00 cash secured by Inventory. 8 hours per week necessary to start with possibility of taking over full time Inter and Increas ing income accordingly. Write fullv, giving addrrss. phone number and age to box 234 co Statesman-Jour nal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Courts. Apartments. Income prop erty. Mr. Man. if you are not ready to sit down, fold your hands and wait for the final day, let us tell you about some opportunities where the down payment ts the price of a good home, but will nt you $5,000 or more yearly. We have jtn exrH.ent selection to choose from. Come In and see us. Drive by 3150 Jack St. Rambling Ranch home on lot 95 x 140. Near school & bus. Forced air heat. Drapes, auto, dish washer. Prir Attractive terms arranged. Suburban North. 3 BR., almost new. Fruit, nuts V garden. Near school & bus. Dr.ipes, tugs, new oil cir culator Included. Price $9,3.r0. Tell tis now you want to buy this at tractive home. Drive by 85 Judson. Two BR , cor ner lot. Close to schooli. Carnes an FHA loan. $7,000 will purchase this on easy terms. Rex Sanford Finance. 337 N. Hieh St. Ph. jt-Xi21. Evenings: 3-3C92. 4-HKg FOR SALE or trade on 99riNorth. 6 unit motel, 4 doubles. 2 singles. . Nice 3-bdrm. house. Upstairs could be rented as an apt. 120 ft. frontase bv 21fi. I,oM of possibilities. Will take small farm with good home. Northeast or what have you. In quire JMlft Portland Rd. GARAGE, equipment and torn stocV, .ee or can tm Shady Laine. Ph. 3-R93I . FOR SALE, Sep Hand Stor?. Writ B" 4ft4. Indeprndence. Ore MUST RE SOLD IV, A subdivision, industrial ni hnme sites For more information Phone 3-3289, General Real Estate, 2.55 Center. 802 Business Property HURRYIACTNOW! IF YOU WANT A GROCERY AND MEAT BUSINESS IN SALFM Piesent owner now dmng $B5oo sales per month piu-e including fixtures .nd !ock $7500 H0 c.i-ri down. IIimi per month at ft'-, lntrrrt. R"M per mm'h. This h;.t'nr hvj-i-H wr tin (kin ..i before !,ixe in 1M.1 Joe Hutchison. Realtor Evimt, ell a,. TV ShwliH. f'm. l-M47i Joa HutthUon. a-4JM. 1,