FrMay, FeSrnary 19, 1951 Tele-Views 53 Radio-Television P FRIDAY ON KOIN-TV: 6:45 pjU;, Jane Froman Shov-In a tribute to Stephen Foster, the letting is in a Southern mansion, with Miss Froman singing "Old Folks at Home," "Beautiful Dreamer," "My Old Kentucky Home," and with the quartet, "Some Folks." The quartets special number is Camptown Races," followed by a "cakewalk" by Peter Birch and the dance group. 8:30 p.m., Topper Topper is sent on a highly secret trip to Lisbon "- wi me unit iu inp 10 wsDon. oeorge and Mar ion hear of it, imagine all kinds of intrigue, but what they don't know is that Topper is going to Lisbon, South Carolina. 9 p.m., Playhouse of Stars White Hunter Ronald Reagan sights a new kind of . big game when he takes on an African safari, the juukc yiiu sciucuicu Uis uruiner 10 aeam in ine jungle Trap. 9:30 p.m., Our Miss Brooks Eve Ardcn helps destroy the open porch at the home of her principal, Mr. Conklin in our "Miss Brooks" telecomedy. 11 p.m., Showtime on Six "Thunder Pass," starring Charles Bickford, Marsha Hunt and J. Carrol Naish. FRIDAY ON KPTV: Peanut Circus, 5:30 Starring Nutsy the Clown. Sky King, 6 "Deadly Cargo," telling of a transport erash that results in exposure of gold-smuggling racket. Calvacade of Sports, 7 Ernie Durando vs. Rocky Castellani, mid dle weights, 10 rounds, from Madison Square Garden. Dave Garrowan Show, 8 Music-variety program starring Gar roway with comedian Cliff Norton; Skitch Henderson, directing; Jack Haskell and Jill Corev, vocalists. Inner Sanctum, 8:30 "The Perfect Kill." Big Story, 9 Exposure of malpractice in a rest home for alcoholics, as effected by Paul Quick, crusading reporter of the Columbus (Ohio) Citizen. Campbell Soundstage, 9:30 In "Journey to Java" a man returns to the scene of his life's remaking, attempting to recapture the mood of 11 years back. Brian Keth as Bill Drummond, successful but discontented advertising man. Heidelberg Wrestling, 10 Local live wrestling from Portland armory. Nite Owl Theater, 11:15 "Mystery Liner," starring Noah Berry, Astrid Alwyn. SATURDAY ON KOIN-TV: 2:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Queen of the Amazons," starring Patricia Morrison and Robert Foury; Also, "Thurtder Pass," starring Charles Bickford, Marsha Hunt and J. Carrol Naish. 6 p.m., This Is Show Business Kitty Carlisle is guest panelist and Phil Foster, comic Eileen Barton, song 'stylist, and Three's Company, dance trio, are guest artists on "This Is Show Bus iness." Clifton Fadiman is host and moderator. George S. Kaufman and Sam Levenson are the regular panelists. 7 p.m., Medallion Theatre "Homeground", dramatic story by Tod Mosel. 10:30 p.m., Showtime on Six "Grand Canyon" starring Mary Beth Hughes and Richard Arlen. a SATURDAY ON' KPTV: ' Magic Circus, 10:30 Featuring Klinker the Clown and his fa miliars. Adventures of Blink, 10:45 Doings in the Mighty Mixed-Up forest. Smilin Ed'l Gang, 11:00 "Tiger Hunter." Toymaker and His Friends, 11:30 Mr. and Mri Toymaker intro duce young guests. Saturday Martinee, 12:00 "Heroes of the Saddle," "Rose of the Rio Grande." Sports Clinic, 2:00 Likable Sporster Bill Stout discusses as pects of a popular sport. Leroy Durst, boxing instructor, Multno mah Athletic Club, with boy students, will be guest. Texas Rasslin', 2:15 Abdullah Bey vs. Farmer Jones; Roy Dunn vt. Irish Jack Kennedy a rematch. Stranger Than Fiction, 3:15 Another of the Jong-popular shows. Lone Ranger, 3:30 "Sheriffs Son," recounts happenings as the Lone Ranger and Tonto trail an ex-convict. Johnny Jupiter, 4:00 "Cure for a Cold." Duckweather discovers eure for colds. Trouble is, it only cures robots from outer space. Abbott and Costcllo, 5:00 "Cheapskates." Auction purchase proves to be 100 pairs of roller skates. Superman, 6:30 "Lady in Black" details Jimmy Olsen's bewilder ment by art thieves. Col. Humphrey Flack, 6:00 Stars Alan Mowbray as modern Robin Hood. Life of Riley, 7:00 "Love Letters." Ethel and Albert, 7:30 Plans for a wedding reception; the bride, an 80-year-old aunt. , I Led Three Lives, 8:00 A "How to Play Golf" pamphlet holds clues to Communist activities. FBI Agent Dressier sees to it his bovs get pamphlet. Sabotage uncovered. Show of Shows, 9:00 Eddie Albert, movie star, returns for sec ond appearance and is host. Performances by Billy Williams Quar tet; Linn and Rod Alexander, Jack Russell. Carl Reiner and How ard Morris supporting Imogene and Sid in comedy sketches. Your Hit Parade, 10:30 Top tunes dramatized by Dorotljy Col lins, Snooky Lanson, the Hit Paraders and Dancers. Greatest Fights of Century, 11:00 Famed first fight between Joe Louis and Max Schmoling, Yankee Stadium, June 9, 1936. Premiere Theater, 11:15 "Stagecoach," slarring John Wayne, Claire Trevor and Thomas Mitchell; adapted from Ernie Haycon' story. SUNDAY ON KOIN-TV: 12:30 p.m., Contest Carnival Barker Gene Crane will introduce four juvenile circus acts Mystic Smith and Peggy, magicians from Philadelphia; The Goiter Troupe, comedy tumbling quartet from Lancaster, Pa.; The Two Biancos, boy and girl parallel-bar act from Brooklyn, and Margaret Spitser, a juggler from New York. 2:00 p.m., Omnibus Drama achievements at Yale University and at UCLA, and Southern African songs by Marais and Miranda, are among the highlights. From New Haven, "Omnibus" will broad can a scene from the Yale dramalic production of Shakespeare's "The Merry Wives of Windsor." The UCLA feature will be an original motion picture." "Time Out of War," made by Terry and Dennis Saunders for their M. A. degrees at the UCLA school of Cinematography. 4:30 p.m., Adventure The evolution of Amphibious and Reptilian Life on Earth. Guests will be Dr. George Gaylord Simpson, Chrm. of Departments of Geology and Paleontology; and Dr. Edwin H. Colbert, Curator of Fossil Amphibians and Reptiles at the Ameri can Museum of Natural History. Charles Collingwood is host. 5:00 p.m., Gene Autry Show "Sheriff of Santa Rosa." 6:00 p.m., You Are There The sudden, electrifying upturn in the morale of the American revolutionaries which followed Tom Paine's celebrated "These are the times that try men's souls" pam phlet will be recreated when Walter Cronkite and the "You Are There" cameras return to Nov. 25, 1776, to report "The Ordeal of Tom Paine." . . . ... . . 6- 30 p m., Pride of the Family Attentions paid by Albie Morri son (Paul Hartman) to a childhood sweetheart who has separated from her husband, get him into trouble with his wife Catherine (Kay Wray), in the television comedy series "Pride of the ramily. 7- 30 p.m., What's Mv Line Deborah Kerr, currently starring in the Broadway success, '"Tea and Sympathy," will be the guest pan elist. Miss Kerr will be substituting for regular panelist Bennrtt lerf. who's away on a lecture tour. The other regulars on the pro gram are moderator John Daly and panelists Dorothy Kilgallcn, Arlene Francis and Steve Allen. 8:00 p.m., Toast of the Town-Lana Turner and Jane Powr 1 among the galaxy of top Hollywood stars who will be Ed Sulli van's guesls on CBS Television's "Toast of the Town when the program salute, the 30th Jubilee of M'Wr. !, broadcast from CBS Television City In Hollywood Other -Ml stars scheduled to participate in the program ""E'ther Williams, Fred Astaire, Greer Carson. Lucille Ball. Desi Arnaz. Walter Pid geon, Cyd Charisse, Ann Blyth, Debbie Reynolds, Van Johnson. THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Do TV Prices Have You Worried? Trader Louie will solve your problem with ease so that you can own a beau, tiful new . . Raytheon Practically Anything Taken In Trade TRADER LOUIE tCO Una Ave. Phone l-RMS Gene Kelly. Pier Angeli, Louii Calhern, Keenan Wynn, Howard - uitr, vera tuen ana tamuna j-'urdom. 9:00 p.m., G. E. Theater Screen actress Claire Trevor atari in Foggy Night," a mystery drama. Miss Trevor, as Cora Leslie, col lides with a parked automobile while driving in a San Francisco fog, thereby touching off a series of events centering on homicide. 9:30 p.m., Man Behind the Badge A secret investigator of the Philadelphia Police Department risks his life to smash a large narcotics ring, in "The Philadelphia Story." The investigator por trayed in the real-life drama is Detective Thomas Feglcr. 10:00 p.m., The Web A disillusioned young widow makes a startling discovery about a struBslini? rnmnnapr In lnv with hrr. in "A Handful of Stars." Arthur Franz and Cloris Leachman co- max ana i-aity Mccormack and Stephen Chase are featured. . SUNDAY ON KPTV: Mr. Smllei Reads the Funniei, 9:15 Graham Archer entertains pre-schoolers. What One Person Can Do, 9:45 Frank Fay is guest Father Keller discusses the Christopher movement. Junior Symphony Rehearsal, 10:00 The 80 young musicians, pre paring ior me syrapnony s 30tn Anniversary concert, rehearse, with Jacob Avshalomov, guest conductor. Parts of Mozart's Overture to "Marriage of Figaro," Beethoven'i Concerto in D Major lor violin, and Schubert's unfinished symphony. Brotherhood Week Special, 10:30 "Chuck Hansen, One Guy," dramatizes race feelings and a solution within industry. Facts Forum, 11:00 "Wire Tapping", discussed by Congressmen ta tamunason ana Kenneth Keating. Dan Smoot moderator. Sunday Matinee, 11:30 "Rogue's Tavern." Food for Thought, 1:00 "Coffee Costs" discussed by panelists Maureen Neuberger, John Denny and Glen Silverthorn with Stuart Sneyd of Ben Hut Coffee compay and Barbara Schwab, consumer. How Does Your Garden Grow, 1;30 Snapdragons and stocks to be discussed. Industry on Parade, 2:00 The dynamos of the dynasty depict more American manufacturing progress. Art Llnklctter, 2:15. ' Wedding Belles, 2:30 Bernard Van Home, librarian for the Li brary Association of Portland, guest of the ihow, featuring brides-to-be. "Lassie" coats will be modeled. Kukla, Fran and Ollie, 3:30 Washington's birthdays lead to wagers that Colonel Crackie can or cannot toss a dollar across the Delaware, as George W. reportedly did. Roy Rodgers, 4:00 Roy and Pat Brady tangle with the ill-famed Opal gang, when the gang robs Pokerville bank, killing a cashier. Zoo Parade, 4:30 "Winter at the Duck Pond." thrice nostnoned by reason of insufficient winter, again scheduled; Marlin Perkins airecang events at Lincoln Park, in Chicago. Jim Hurlbut. com mentator. Hallmark Hall of Fame, 6:00 "Miss Tracy of Mt. Vernon." star ring Sarah Churchill. Victory at Sea, Part 21, 6:00 "Full Fathom Five." story of de stroying of Japanese shipping by U. S. submarines and men of the "silent" service thereof. Paul Winchell Show. 7:00 Paul's woodenheaded oals Jerry Ma- honey and Knucklehead Smiff mistake glue for varnish and there after adhere strictly to business. Mr. Peepers, 7:30 Photographing of Peepers offers complications. Colgate Comedy Hour, 8:00 Skate star Sonja Henie. in two ex hibition numbers, as guest. Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, addi tional guests. Television Playhouse, 9:00 "Statute of Limitations" fictionizes what happened after a million-dollar robbery. Loretta Young Show, 10:00 "Big Little Lie" reveals dilemma of insecure child who lies to gain notice. Miss Young portrays the child's mother, a TV actress. Beverly Washburn is cast as the 9-year-old Ellen. Man Against Crime, 10:30 "Mike's Missing Marbles," combines brain injury, murder, confusion in absorbing detective drama. Meet the Press, 11:00 Martin Dies, guest Twenty Questions, 11:30 Mrs. Lillian P. Patterson, dean of the School of Nursing, University of Washington, guest panelist On Television KPTV (27). UHF KOIN-TV (6) VHF Mt Angel MT. ANGEL Miss Maurita Jaeger was elected chief ranger of the Juvenile members of the Catholic order of Women Forest ers at the annual election of of ficers held Saturday afternoon in the meeting room of St Mary's school. Other officers elected were Miss Patricia Schmitz, vice-chief ranger; Miss Jeanette Wolf, treas urer, and' Miss Arlene scnmitz, secretary. Other offices will be filled by appointment. The newly elected officers were installed by the chief ranger Miss Rita Hauth. Following the business meet ing, a Valentine party was en joyed. Mrs. E. A. Hammer, juve nile director, was in charge. The Catholic order of Men and Women Foresters will sponsor a benefit card party on Shrove Tuesday, March 2, in the audi torium of St. Mary's school. The proceeds of the party will be giv en to the Benedictine Sisters here. Mrs. Joseph Warn and Mrs. John Kloft, general chairmen, will be assisted by Mrs. Val Eb erle, Mrs. John Schmitz, Mrs. Al Bentz, Mrs. Carl Fessler, Mrs. Edward Hammer, Mrs. Conrad Schmaltz and Miss Olive Schmidt. To compliment her daughter Bonnie Walker on the occasion of her fifth birthday anniversary, Mrs. Cyril Walker entertained at a birthday party Saturday after noon in her home. Those present included the honor guest, and Mrs. Dollie Ramp, Jimmy Wood, Stevie Wood and Mrs. Norto nWood, all of Brooks; Rita Uselman, Sandra Erwert, Billy Ebner, Paul Ebner, i Gloria Klcinschmit, Betty Klein- j schrnit, Dick Klcinschmit, Marie Meissner, Janice Brundridge, ! Ronnie Walker, Mrs. Robert Er- j wert and Mary Ann Ebner. Darrell Sample took over the ' operations of the Mount Angel Richfield Service Station this week from William "Bill" Schae cher. Mr. Schaecher, who operated the station for the past two years, has accepted a position with the Marion County Redi-Mix Co. The Mount Angel Farmers Un ion Warehouse will hold their an nual membership meeting in the auditorium nf St. Man1, a,.Vinnl on Saturday, Feb. 20, beginning ai iu:uu a.m. A program has been arranged, and a free luncheon will be served at noon. Two directori will be elected. Directors whose terms expire are George Vachtcr and Rdnald Stev ens. A Well Child clinic will be held at the Legion Memorial Hall here on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 23, starting at 1 p.m. Mrs. Thomas Bockelman may be contacted for details and an. pojntmcnts. TV TROUBLES? Technicians on Duty Till 9:30 p.m. Dally TELEVISION SERVICE 1410 S. 12th Ph. 45512 IN TITLE ROLE OF TRAGEDY raioiT 11:00 i-m. KPTV Di at Doni Bchool KOIN Hoateae Horn, 10:10 e.B. KPTV Whale Cooklns KOIH TBA 10:41 e.aa. KPTV Whifi Cooking KOIN Brliliter Diy 110 em. KPTV H a w k Ins Pill KOIN KOIN Kitchen 11:11 .m. KPTV 3 Blip, u Hrun KOIN KOIN Kitchen 11:10 a.m. KPTV intend or Family KOIN epotllte Revue 11:41 e.m. KPTV Friend ol Family KOIN UltoO Deal 11:00 noon KPTV Brim end Oroora KOIN nit rayotf I 11:11 p.m. KPTV TBA KOIN BlK Peyort 11 JO p.a. kptv Talent Pelrol KOIN Bob Ciulr 1:00 aaa. KPTV Matinee Theater KOIN Lovo 01 LIU 1:11 a.m. kptv Matinee Theater KOIN Search Tomorrow 1:H pm. KPTV Matinee Theater KOIN Ouldlni Lliht l:l p.m. KPTV Matinee Theater KOIN Valiant Lad, 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee Theater KOIN Double or Nothlni 1:10 p.m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN Blrlko It Rich 1:00 pjh. KPTV Kate smith KOIN Oarrj Moor 1:11 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Armchair Theater 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Travelera KOIN Armchair Theater 4:10 pm.. KPTV Toymaker KOIN Mr. Moon 4:41 p.m. KPTV Toymaker KOIN Cartoon 6how 1:00 p.m. KPTV TBA KOIN-Baddle Pali l:J p.m. KPTV Peanut Clrcue KOIN Time for Beany S:4t p.m. KPTV Bar 17 Corral KOIN Time for Beanr M p.m. KPTV-Sky Klnt KOIN Weatherman :1S p.m. KPTVSkr Klne KOIN Photo Quia 1:10 p.m. KPTV Telenewe Weekly koin doui IdwaMe Neva 0:41 p.m. KPTV World on View KOIN Jane Froman 1:00 p.m. KPTV-aporte calvalcade 1T.01N Hank McCune Show 1:S0 p.m. KPTV Sporti cavalcade KOIN Oiila and Harriet T:4S p.m. KPTV Newt Caravan KOIN Orate and Harriet 0:00 p.m. KPTV David Oarrocay KOIN Amos and Andy t:30 p.m. KPTV Inner sanctum KOIN Topper m p.m. KPTV Bit story KOIN Playhouae of Start 1:10 p.m. KPTV Campbell Bound Stale K.OIN Our Mill Brooke 10:00 p.m. KPTV Wraitllni KOIN My Friend Irma 10:M p.m. KPTV Wreitllni KOIN Break the Bank 11:00 .m. KPTV Eleventh Hour Ntwi koin show Time on an 11:10 p.m. KPTV Weather Vane lists p.m. KPTV Nlte Owl Theater 111 V V I .,A I 1 Mm fcrr 'ap.lefc-- jytaV Better So Motoro ilaTV Radio & Television MITCHELL'S 18R0 State St. Ph. S-7577 Sale Service .Elizabeth Winship, junior from Arlington, Calif., who is east in the title role of Willamette university's production of the Greek tragedy, "Electra," which will ba produced on the stage of Waller hall Feb. 25-27. A special adaptation of Sopho cles' "Electra," taken from eight separate translations, has been edited by Robert Putnam, director of theater. V.i P.m. KPTV Ithel and Albert KOIN Life with Father 1:00 p.m. KPTV I Lad 1 Uvea , KOIN Jackie aleaeoa I:t0 p.m. KPTV Amateur Hour . KOIN Jackie Oleaion 0:00 P.m. KPTV Show of Show KOIN Two for the Money ' 040 p.m. KPTV show ol Sliowa koin My favorite rruaoei 10:00 p.m. KPTV Allow of Shnwa . koin Half Hour Theater 10:10 p.m. KPTV Hit Parade koin naynoute 11:00 P.m. KPTV Oreatut FlchU koin onowtime on six 11:11 p.m. KPTV Prelmer Theater koin Show Time on Sll IV TELf VISION . fir Col aVe earn Mow tw fMOMptf ecoMnical MfviOakt 4 Co. Sears Roebuck Wages Increased ALBANY Effective immedi ately, a 7-ccnt per hour wage increase for construction work ers has become applicable in the Linn and Benton county at as, it was revealed Thursday by V. V. Harvey, business representative of Building and General Labor Union Local 1386, AFL. The highest scale will be for gunnite nozzlemen who will receive $2.67 an hour, with hod carriers, mor tar men, tending masons and plasterers, $257 an hour. Lowest scale will be for building labor ers who will receive $2.17 an hour. Northern lights are caused by gantic currents of electrified par ticles spouting from the sun like streams from a huge hose. 8ATTBDAY 10 :M a.m. KPTV TBA 10;JO a.m. KPTV Magic Circua 11:00 a m. KPTV Ed McOonnell 11:10 a.m. KPTV Toymaker and Friend! 11:45 a.m. KPTV Toymaker and FrlendJ KOIN Kid Crltlcl 11:00 noon KPTV Saturday Matinee KOIN Two Oun Playhouae 13:10 p.m. KPTV Saturday Matinee KOIN Rid 1:00 p.m. KPTV Saturday Uallnee KOIN Ble Picture 1:10 p.m. KPTV Saturday matinee KOIN Space Patrol 1.00 p m. KPTV Sporta Clinic KOIN epolllte on Youth 1:11 p.m. KPTV Teaaa Ralln' KOIN Armchair Theater I K p.m. KPTV Teiat Wraaalln' KOIN Armchair Theater 1:11 p.m. KPTV Straneer Than Fiction KOIN Armchair Theater 1:10 p.m. KPTV Lone Itamer KOIN Armchair Theater 4:00 p.m. KPTV Johnny Jupiter KOIN Armchair Theater 4:10 p.m. KPTV Captain Mtrlalehl , KOIN Armchair Thealer 1:00 p.m. KPTV Abbott It Coitello KOIN Armchair Theater 0:10 p.m. KPTV Superman KOIN Daredevil, I K P.m. KPTV TBA KOIN ThU la Show Builneu 0:10 p.m. KPTV Treaiure Hunt KOIN Beat the Clork 41 p.m. KPTV Chuck rotter KOIN TBA T:00 p.m. KPTV Life of Klley KOIN Medallion Theater SUNDAY S:1S a.m. Z3TV Reading Funnies 0:10 a.m. KPTV The Paitor OS a.m. KPTV Chrletopher VIovamt 10:00 a.m. KPTV Junior Symphony 10:10 a.m. KPTV Brotherhood Week ll:0O a.m. KPTV Facta Forum 11:10 a.m. KPTV Sunday Matlnae KOIN TBA 13:00 noon kptv Sunday Matinee KOIN TBA 11:10 p.m. KPTV Sunday Matinee KOIN Conteal Carnival 1:00 p.m. KPTV Food for ThouaM I KOIN Juvenile Jury 1:10 p.m, KPTV Your Garden KOIN TBA 1 44 p.m. KPTV Your Oardea KOIN-rwe Believe 1:00 p.m. KPTV Induatry Farade KOIN Omnlbua 1:10 p.m. KPTV Art Llnkletter KOIN Omnlbua 1:30 p.m. KPTV Weddlne Bella KOIN Omnlbua 1.00 p.m. kptv Life Beiinj at to KOIN Omnlbua 1:10 p.m. kptv Kukla, Fran, Ollla KOIN See It Now 4:00 p.m. KPTV Boy Xoiera KOIN Sunbeam Theater 4:10 p.m. KPTV Zoo Parade KOIN Adventure 1:00 p.m. KPTV Hall W Fame KOIN Gene Autrey 1:10 p.m. KPTV Hall of Famo KOIN Comeback 1:00 pjn. kptv victory at sea KOIN You Are There f :I0 p.a. KPTV-Llle with Xiliabiui KOIN Pride of Family 1:00 p.m. KPTV Winchell show KOIN Private Secretary 1:10 p.m. KPTV Mr. Peepera KOIN whafa My Una 0:00 p.m. KPTV Comedy Hour KOIN Toait of Town OiOO P.BL KPTV TV Playhouae ' KOIN OS Theater 1:30 p.m. KPTV TV Plarhouia KOIN Man Behind Badie 10:00 p.m. rj TV Letter to Loretta KOIN The Web 10:10 p.m. KPTV Man va. Crime koin Dr. I. q. 11:00 p.m. KPTV Meet the Frees KOIN Dr. I. Q. 11:30 p.m. KPTV Twenty Queetlonl State Loans for Dams Proposed BURNS UFI Proposal! for the state to make loans for individuals or groups who want to build dams were heard here Thursday at meeting of the State Water Re sources Committee. Speakeri said they favored any thing that would encourage devel opment of water resources. Farm and community-sized dams were mentioned. The Grant County Livestock Assn., then suggested the state loans. Alton Basey of Riley sup ported this, saying Individuals would be willing to repay long- term loans. Forrest Cooper, a Lake County attorney, also suggesteA long-term agriculture credit for the same purpose. The Harney County Stock Grow ers, the Harney County Land Use Committee and the Poison Creek Grange all favored creation of a Players Offer Greek tragedy For the first time la more than two decades, the Willamette Uni versity Players will present a Greek tragedy on the stage of Waller Hall, February 25-27, at 8:19 p.m. A special adaptation of Soph ocles' "Electra," haa been edited by Robert Putnam, director of theater. The transcription hai . been written to preserve the spir it of the original Greek drama. Rather than employing the modern-day choral group of two or three members, the Willam ette presentation will feature six women in the chorus, adhering as closely as possible to the orig-, inal Greek element. The original Greek convention of stage setting has been adapted. Plot of "Electra" develops from ' the unethical dealings of Elec tro's (Elizabeth Winship) great grandfather Pelops. A curse was called down upon Pelops and all of his descendents, prophesying there would always be murder and bloodshed within the family. Electra's mother, Clytemnestra (Sheila Ryan Laue) conspires with her lover Aegisthus (David Finlay) to murder her husband Agamemnon when he returns from' the Trojan war. Electra, being inordinately ' fond of her father, develops a tremendous hatred for her moth er and a desire to avenge her father's murder. Her only means is throguh her younger brother Orestes (Carl Ritchie). As the play opens Orestes re turns, now old enough to avenge his father's murder. Interest in the first act lies in the emotion al relationships between Electra and her sister Chrysothemls (Clarine Woolery) and her moth er. The second act is devoted to the discovery of Orestes' return and the revenge of Agamemnon as brought about by the murder of Clytemnestra and Aegisthus. TERRORISTS WRECK TWO TRAINS RANGOON, Burma III Ter rorists wrecked two passenger trains in Burma Thursday, kill ing at least three persons. Two other persons were missing and many were reported injured. permanent water resources com mittee. They also suggested a change In the water code to allow county watermastera to settle disputes over irrigation ditches in the same way that disputes over water rights on natural streams are settled. At present requests have to be sub mitted in writing, before county watermasters can act on the dis pute over ditch rights. Bill Farrell, Canyon City, speak ing for the Grant County Livestock Assn., said dams are needed on the North Fork of the John Day River for irrigation, flood control and erosion prevention. He said. however, that there would be op position to any dams that would take hay land out of production. NARR RADIO And TELEVISION 2140 S. Commercial Open Evenings 'Til 9 RCA Victor TELEVISION Sales -Service Installation RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES Open Friday Night 'Til 9 1!5 Center Ph. S-3139 '-s, LUCILLE BALL and DESI ARNAZ i ARE IN THE MOVIES! IN M-G-M' "THELONG.LONQ TRAILER" All New! Feature length I And in COLOR, tool Starts Tomorrow! ! SHOWS rllDVEY television! A nation-wide survey by the Eleno Roper research organiza tion shows RCA Victor the television most people want, most people have bought, ond having bought want to buy again. x, ja at the lowest price ever for $24995 2.60 PER WEEK TERMS Nw, at (he lowaet price in DCA Victor hiitory, you get avary edvanc thai hoi moda RCA Victor the msel-wsntad and hightit-raiad picture in 21-inchTVI YauQatfamoua "Majle Monitor" Circuit Syetem locks finait pielura with fineit lound-oulomolicoly. Yeu get exclualve "Ooldon Throat" Fidelity IWiy eobinel falih) awai, aatra. Modal lltlat. RCA Victor Zl-inch TV! Sound-ifom tha praciie balance of amplifier, ipeaker, and cabinet, e You gat accurate "(etonvatli Tuning." More to lee-more picture detail ... leu to do-len dialing, lets adjusting, e You get all at thoea quality feature, end mere, with the new' RCA Victor "MASTER jr-todoi soundest TV buyl See it here nowl er DM' tuilt.i", all-channel tuner with eaclinive "Clutch Atlian" brmji in every station In your oree, UHF end VH. X3 (SEOTULa 1120 CENTER ST. OPEN 'TIL 9 P. M. SALEM'S FINEST SELECTION OF TV 30 YEARS IN SALEM PHONE 2-5261