Friday, February 19, 1954 Tigt U THE CAPITAL JOURNAL', Snlem, Orejoi.. RADIO PROG RAMS KSLM 13N, KOCO 1490. KCAg t0 KOIN FM: Mcjicycltl KOIN 101.11 KUX S2.J SATURDAY P. M. ' TV ft fr STEVE R(WEB . , fSfl tJj w" A I f WHAT IP THE KID TthEEE'SA SOUTlOfll 1 A BIT NA5Ty--BUT tXf I IkfftWi t; ( " " P0PSV- 1 ) DECIDES TO SC8EAM FOR THAT, TOO, ' I VERY EFFECTIVE 'WXJ A ZzL -SL VOOR MOTHER ANO MO. SfnlV AMD RAISE THE r-60LDlE r CV JJ SrBn' iCS'P ROPER WILL AWAKEN S0Cf NEIOHBORST J ' lf (r1 tt HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 Talent Night Here Mar. 5th Youngster- of Marion and . Polk counties, who have talent as entertainers, will have an op portunity to display that talent the nltht of March 5. That it the date of the annual "Talent Contest" sponsored by the Salem detachment of the Marine Corps league with the event to be held at the Sale i senior high school, darting at 8 p.m. The League now is accepting applications from (he young peo ple with the applications to be mailed to the Calem Detachment, Marine Corps League, 2M5 Stale street, Salem, Oregon, Starch 1 being the deadline for their mail ing. Young people applying to en ter the contest will be auditioned prior to the contest, with the dates for (.udilions to be an nounced later. This year contestants are be ing divided into two groups. The Junior division is for young peo ple 10 to 14 years of age and the senior division for those 14 to 18 years. In the latter group, however, they must still be in high school. Trophies riV. be presented the Winners of the first, second and third places in each division of the contest. Selection of the winning con testants is based n a point sys tem. Highest possible points from one judge are 75 points for t?lent; 13 points for audience re action; and 30 points for stage deportment a' d costuming. SHOW YOUR SMILE! HE, All in bright color crimson and pea-green are these dancing strawoerries, Dig apples, pears, cherry clusters! Just iron them onto kitchen table-cloths, place mats, curtains, dish towels, pot holders, apron. There are 24 mo tifs in pattern; sizes range from 2, 3 to 4 inches. Send 23c for the "ANIMATED FKU1T" Designs (Pattern Wo. 469) Complete transferring and laun dering instructions, YOUR NAME. ADDRESS, l'ATTKRN NUMBER TO CAROL CURTIS Capital Journal 652 Mission St. San Francisco 5, Calif. Ready now! The brand new exciting 38-page CAROL CUR TIS NEEDLEWORK (iUIDE, in coior, containing over 150 de signs for knitting, crocheting, embroidery, hairpin lace, four How to Do It" designs, summer fashions; something for every age, every climate. In addition there are TWO FREE patterns lor nattering spring and sum mer glamour! The NEEDLE WORK (JUIDE costs only 25c. Order it as you do your needle work patterns! Keep teelh hrkht sparkling smj j4 "gnry important Oil WING OUM EOCO KOIN (sir MX Chew Wriglry'i Spearmint Cum. Chewing htlrji cleanse the teeth. Helps kP th" naturally bright. Refreshing Enjoy this Uy V d"ly ROOM & BOARD V .... J7 THAT I ENTERED THE JUDGES ' cnrAfirn ru i.ixti.t" r a utm nc urine ru. i adt. ...witu tut CASH PRIZE IT VON, AND NOW fl umim: a ctzi i a ci iv it tut JUDGE HAS MADE 450- ' tai v a dii it a RrYiucruLi- 1. 1 - ) i o i v NOW HE'S CRANKED UP TO PUT ALL HIS TIME AT PAINTING.'yOU CAMT DRILL IT INTO HIS GRANITE HEAD THAT IT UJiC TUC CA I I IM1 sv-i IMU l LLdXU II PLASTER WHICH MADE HIS STUPID FRUIT ft PICTURE UNIQUE n ClE'S UP AT THE EASEL NOW 1 AND NOVEL ACROSS 1. Owned 4. Women's patriotic or ganization: alibr. 7. r'ounds tioiu 12. Small fish 13. Unity 14. Harden 15. Mythical bird 18 Producing fermentation 18. Lessen 2(1. Entrance 21. One of an ancient race 22. Legal rlinm 23. Doleful 2. Corroded 2fl. Poor 30.Understood 32. Costs, with tin and lead 33. Steps 34. Timid animals 35. Exist 36 Extended juui ney 38. Inhabitants of a city , 41. TUlthe soil 42. Garret 43. Tasty 47. Babylonian war god 48. Mission in Texas 4!. Kind ot ape 50. (.lid soldier 51. Of later origin 32. Self 53. Feminine suffix k Sift W wHoISrIe die oil TloSElWEfA PajHiE. R AMDiOiMH&R Si6 A N "I 'n WeD AjRjjpffIA T 0 fSlN'AlPlEiSBtTliEiS u kit i on ot Yesterday's Puult DOWN I. College In Oluo 2 Sun-dried brick 3. Delerioia turn 4. I.ikH( sleep 5. Indefinite amount fi. Slav 7. Novice 73 '-t'73 i-'T ITT rr i . 7r ix- wfyt 7 'M iff TSTJ? sfar nsr w vnr jt jtsT rsr tor 3a f J it 37 '4' S 1 , 1 i 1.1 Ainaarak. vi ei j-rK.' 1 ni'iiv.rv iv nau ww via 1 1 1 ti- iA. ir ii. x 1 I S luN u MIPS INHERE TnO.. HE'$ TrlE' e4V'J I HIS fifGPZT NAME Wl uuTS I WfJlH w3ttf?M A eea 'dour amxcmiww .m Mispsr-...rTy MY seczerNmr 1 1 Q -SSA. M &Gr FBT jf WATe?, &6T NAME. Sj-ff-H 2fXwT J VtW f -T Oltl'IIAN ANNIE , I " ' 111 Ml III t 1 Iff f t1 I If HE'LL BE AT HIS V OH.rMM 1 If MR. FINNOQ IS 1 I V6S, EDWARD- I "7 m iinu.Himwu, m if SUITE IM HRS MOna. rltKVOUBJ JUST MN -ILL 1 1 BUT 1 L'flHT f I J FOLKS-TOMORROW I'LL If WHEM? J OOWN Hi THE OTY- I BET HE'S PLAIN U HELP BEIrf CusiJ ' pj take voo to mkt tb S - n.L drive yoo im- M now, now, 1 isvou and me- R excited Jpfr I I IT, ARVPR T IV-YOU Y VA6'MA'-RIGHT xj DD)D NCMA'M.V-BUT IT I YOU W MIGHTA USED--J ITRUE-BUX GULP.?-THASS TH' 1 I . haj tr K. S lot -Mai 1. -i ita uic i AOff- I L i wrui it'z: t-lj' 1 I i -Awe a advj m Akjiki'ijii-rrl f kL I I STHAR WA BUCKETS I I USED ) DIKF'RUNCE? M VOU WA V-W-ri r-H I I -rvALyr I IttDAtkK I A'WIATFB IM TUFT -! k TU' J rtMC UIATCD DlCTTI ' I I A I AAMft I aT3L. II II wrL a zmi nai n ' r r u rvv7ia j hour HUH AI.ONCi CASSIIIV W ) ' r TT I, 'J f j i "f-jv 5- V II V A TWUK WAN, bHbKir-F.' HB'S VWfTEPi Miirr & Jeff I WmSZ''' 1 1 rrVSSalSSSJr-S . I E,!gLE a ( jgil S09H.-TH.S SIT I ? i i ii ii a a. i " m ir.A i nil j r i v-ri i mv rwM y i . ii ''-J H KKX MOKCiAN. M.D. , li J-J iMSP!j;;?,"--'tiSrwo, rutmT fetay sickt hold on, UpocTpg.' is mytVqu'p better set ed J-!0 I I'LL WA'T I OR MORGAN THERE N HAgTLEY .' I'LL 1 SDN GOING TO JtlOME AS rtiilfa.IV T1 ' f I'M 60N& TO CAU NOME ANO V, HERE ! wfl NOW, MRS. BARTON JCALl HiU TO THf BE ALL RIGHT ? AS yOU CAM, MRS. C 5SrJ : hfrsj&J Wics irik1 lilvllH tlON IMTK I ti ra-i -:- j fej i (iaPS rppyi ptj 9 b in 'tw"-iv . h xv .?! vl21-i 1 1 sirtv-v r i 1 vrVAt r CT- i7g qygp ipNij Mfe: diKi ! MM' "'"TM I"- - tTW"""' J1 I NOW,EtMCRL.'..IF "t nuwu'int 1 I Mt AHWWLE- -IN THE H0TL' MOST UHURIOU 5UITE- PmV I'l oamce! V'iSili' M (x-r w I I 3jl t ti 1 ij Q oco KiLlI Tp Tradei (News KOCO World Ntws ISat. Mntlnee KGAE News & Rndxv m,Bpnd. 2HUIN UUnC JV18Cl-UB rani. KGW Noon Newi IRuad Show REX -Alda" f"AldJ Man on Farm. Man nn Farm Sat. Matinee St. Matlnea Roil Rend. Ross Rend.. IGueit Siars I World Aunmt. Road Show I Road Show "Aidar l"Aidn" KB1.M Polka Time I Polka Time KOCO Sat. Matinee I Sat. Mallne KOAI News&Rndnr IRomRend. KOIN Let's Pretend Let's Pretend KtiW Road Snow I Road Show KEX "Alda" "Ald" KHLM Teen Agers KOCO at. Matinea KGAK News & Rev. KOIN Washington KiW Roadshow KEX "Alda" ITten Asers ISat. Matinee ISat. Rev. Washington I Road Show l"Aida" IMiulc I Music ISat. Matinee ISat. Matinee .Ross Rend. Ross Rend. NwspprofAIr INwspprofAIr I Road Show I Road Show I "Alda" "Aida" jTeen Auers ISat. Matinee Sat. Hev. I'l'hat's Rlc-h I Road Show I Teen Aners ISat. Matinee Sot. Rev. Thai's Rich Road Show Jamboree HXM Band USA KOCO Sat. Matinee KGAI News & Rev, KOIN Phil. Symp. KGW I.en Shreve KEX Mus. I Mus. Jamboree IMus. ;Sat. Mailnee Sat. Matinee ISat. Matinee ISat. Matinee Bat. Hev. Sat. Rev. IPhil. Svmo. I Phil. Symp. ILen Shreve ILen Shreve lHand USA Sat. Matinee ISat. Rev. IPhil. Symp. IT nn Khrpve Jamboree IMus. Jamboree IMus. Jamboree IMus. Jamboree KSLM Music lllemincwav iMuslc Mus e KOCO Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee I World News KGAI Kcwsi-Htv. Sal. Hev. Bat. Rev. . KOIN Art Klrkham ICBS Feature ICaston FltcherlTwnHCountry KGW Len Shreve ILen Shreve IM. Amsterdam IM. Amsterdam KEX Mus. Jamboree IMus. Jamboree IMus. Jamboree IMus. Jamboree KHLM Music IFest Serenade IMusic KOCO Cactus Jack IC'.icUu Jack I Navy Band KGAE News 4 Rev. ISat. Rev. ISat. Rev. KOIN Kid Critics iBrotherhood IDanger Ahesd KGW M.Amsterdam M. Amsterdam IM. Amsterdam KKX Navy Hour KSLM Hawaii Calls KOCO Din. Music KGAE News KOIN Gangbusters KGW D Ranch Jamb I Navy Hour Music Dunnigan. . Sign Off Coss News M. Amsterdam IBlue Serenade IGuest Star lllawall Calls "vt Bsmhiers'West Ramblen Din. Music IWorld News IMusic ISat. Hev. ISat. Rev. ISIgn Off IGangbusters IGunsmoke IGunsmoke D Ranch Jamb lint Parade nut Parade KKX Sports Edition IHome Edition IGood Listening IGood Listening KSLM Mel. Roundup I Westerners I Westerner Music KOCO Music IMusic IMusic ' Mideourt KOIN Two for MoneyiTwo for Money!Jimmy Wakely Ulmniy Wakely KGW Tex Williams ITex Williams IGrand Opry IGrand Oory KKX Lone Hanger (LuneRanger IBasketball Basketball KSLM CoTlege-ciiolr ICoilege Choir ILombardo ILombardo , KOCO WU-Lin. - IWU-Lin. IWU-Lin. IWU-l.ln. KOIN Country Style Icountry Style ICountry Style ICountry Style KGW Pee Wee King IPee Wee King ITwn Hall PartylTwn Halt Party KEX WSC-OSC I WSC-OSC IWSC-OSC IWSC-OSC KSLM News lOrchestra INews IWash. Report KOCO WU-Lln. IWU-Lin. WU-Lln. WU-Lln. I KOIN Jimy Wakolv Jlmmv Wakely Ulmmy Wakely Ulmmv Wakely KGW Twn Hall Party Twn Hall PartylThe Corral IThe Corral KEX WSC-OSC I WSC-OSC I Old Vrld. Dah.lOld Wrld Dnces KSLM Barn Dance IBarn Dance IBarn Dance iSarn Dance KOCO nance Partv IDance Parlv iDance Party I Dance Party KOIN Sat. Nlte Filial 1 Eric Hod cens iDesert Inn Or.lDcsert Tnn Or, OKOW News IVrts News 'DanceRand IDance Rand KEX News , IDance Time IDance Time IDance TUnt KSI.M Dance Party IDance Partv IDance Party IDance Partv KOCO Dance Party IDance Party 'Dance Party IDance Partv KOIN Answer Man (Round & RoundlRound & RoundlRound & Round KGW News RounduplKlernal Light Light IBluc Serenade KEX Final Edition IDance Time IDance Time IDance Time KOAC S50 KC 10.00 a. m. The News and Weather; 10:13 Especially for women: 10:45 once upon A Time: 11:00 The Concert Hall; 12:00 The News and Weather: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowboy: 1:30 French Academy Talks: 2:00 Music of the Masters; 4:00 Excursions In Science: 4:15 On the Upbeat; 5:00 Children's Theater; 5:30 Frontier Fighters 5:45 Tom Roberts. Organ ist: 13:00 News & Weather: 6:15 19th Century Music: 7:00 Grand Opera Tonight; B:45 The News and Weather: 8:00 Dance Parade; 10:00 Sign Off. SUNDAY 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 KOIN 8:00-7:00 Church of the Air. KSLM Music IMusic Church of Air Hainbo Sunday Concert Hall I Church of Air IRainbo Sunday I Concert Hill IMusle IMusic Church of Air tChurch of Atr IRainbo Sunday IRainbo Sunday I Concert Hall IConcert Hall KSLM iil Haptisl It'irst BapUsI (HacktoGod I Back to God KOCO Geo. Wright jNews (Cent. Lutheran ICent. Lutheran KGAE WatfleClub Waffle Club lWaflleClub IWafflcClub KOIN Salt Lake Tab. ISalt Lake Tab. I Inv. Learning I Inv. Learning KGW Hainbo Sunday IRainbo Sunday IRainbo Sunday IRainbo Sunday KEX Sun &t Showersl Uncle Bob-S. S.I Light ii Luc Light is Life KSLM Bible Class iBlble Class Prophcy Voice IPhrophcy Voice Koeo Organ Loft lOrgsn Loft lAve Maria Ave Maria KQAB Roberts, Organ IRoberts, Organ I Waffle Club I Waff n Club KOIN Capitol Cloakr. ICapltol Cloiikr. I Howard Smith INews KOW Hainbo Sunday IRainbo Sunday IRainbo Sunday IRainbo Sunday KEX Negro Choir INegroChoir I Mca. of Isiaei Mrs ul Isiao KSLM llaitly News Frank & Ernestl Lutheran Mr. iLutheran Hour KOCO Presbyterian I Presbyterian IChrtstophers sonj;s Ren. KGAE News I Hit Review IHit Review I Hi! Review OKOIN Spesk Music St. Fran. Hr. Univ. Explorer Ijewish Faith MOW G.Shelley G. Shelley Iclen Shelley IGlen Shelley USHliril jicijja iiitnisn r rni itni;nii i, caul i nai i, v raLPVi M KSLM Bible Hour Land of Free IFirst Methodist IFIrst Methodist KOCO First Baptist (First Baptist (r , ...mtist IFIrst Baptist KGAI Calvary Bapt. ICslvary Bapt (Calvary Bapt. ICalvary Bspt. KOIN Syniphonette ISymphonette iNYPhtlhrmne INY Philhrmne KGW Church ScrviceiChurch Service'Church Serv. Ichurch Serv. KEX Parade of Hits 'Parade ot Hill Parade cf Hits I Jarade of Hits KSLM News (Radio Canaries IMusic IMusic KOCO News ISunday Music ISunday Music (Sunday Music KGAB News-Sr'n'de ISun. Serenaae Sun. Serenade Sun Serenade , KOIN NY Philhrmno NY Philhrmne INY Philhrmne INY Philhrmne KOW Shirley Thomas;shlrloy ThomaslPr'dly Wo HaillPr'dlv We Hall KEX Christ. Action IChrist. Action INW Adventure lOur Town Counterspy Sunday Music News News Weekend Revival Hour ICounterspy (Sunday Music jsun. Serenade Pleasure Look I Weekend iKevtvsl Hour INick Carter ISunday Music Sun. Serenade World Affairs I Weekend I Revival (tour (Nick Carter ISunday Music Sun. Serenade IWorld Affairs IWeekend t vhi Hrur KSLM Miiiuow IShadow rrue Detective (True Detective KOCO Sunday Music 'Sunday Music ISunday Music ISundav Music KGAB News Serenade ISun. serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade KOIN Knowledge ihnowledge stave .struck !Slnee Stiuck KOW Weekend IWeekend IWeekend IWeekend KSX Pin VnleeU'i.ii Voice Greatest Story iGreatest Story KSLM Bulldog Drum. Bulldog Drum. Illoh Considlne IMusic Koco Sunday Music ISundav Music ISunday Music ISundav Muslo KGAI News ISal. Armed For. ICoates Calling Co.itrs Calling KOIN Johnny Mercer Johnny Mercer Johnny MercerUohnnv Mercer KGW Weekend IWeekend INBCSymoh. INBCSvmnh I Hlltv (iialiam lltillv Gia.'iam iHerald of Truthi Herald of Truth KSLM Bill C'nnlngh'mlKeep Healthy KOCO London Cone. London Cone. i KGAB News (Coates Calling KOIN Jack Benny .Tnrk Bennv KGW NUCSymph. NBCSymph. KKX Cburrh In llm. Il'hiircli In Hm. Mennonlte l!r. iMennonlte Hr. London it.onrion Cone. ICoates Calling ICoates Calling I lAmos "n Andv lAmos'nAndv ISvm. SliVhb'k.'Svm. Sk'chb'k. JLook to Skies 'Sunday Edition IChr. Science HI NeveTknow IMusic Anirr, IMusic Amer. S. The herb dill . Uibof day 10. Silkworm 11. Dry J 7. 1'iifin 1. Aiuvv 2". (Iiiiiii d Z.i. Alive In inipirssions J4. Amenran hiinionst 3S. H.ird; prefix 17. Onr who nukM A will 51. 1'pricM 3il. Health resin t 31. Orpan ot iiranng 32. Sailor H4. Not proud 37. Anttlo- !axon money S9. Wcaiies 4VJ. Drives nway 41. Hi'iiown 42. Alt : rtilllb. foi 111 43. Hvn:ul s'i.i! lnV 44, Liquor 4.i. Statiitt 4fi. Fall behind News lltigii Srhnot World News IChrlstonhers Brother Ralph lllrnlhcr Ralph ICoates Calhn ISi.n nrf Itnllv. Music lltolly. Music ICBS News ICBS News People IPeople lAmrr. Forum lAmer. Forum Evening Comes I Evening Comes lAmer Mus. Hall' Amer. Mus HU t KSLM Untv'sty Thealr Ifntv'sty Theatr Family Theater Family Theatasf " " .r.'iii. ruimu i, iniuill i hiiu lirwi ISI. rranriS KOIN Hall Fame IHall Fame 'Bergen-McCar. IBergen-McCsr. KOW Opinion Unlim.lOplnlon Ifnllm.lYth. V'ws Newa'Yth. V'ws Newi KFX Walt. WinrhelllJimmle Fiddler Taylor Grant Spencer Snnw FBI Commie FBI Commie 20 Questions 120 Questions Ave M iri.i lAve Maria IWere You Therc'N'M'l Guard Gene Aulry IGene Autrv I Whistler Whistler SlarPlvhse. ISlarPlyhse. IStar Plvhse. IStar Plvhse Here's to Vets ICrupoI by Rd. 'Brotlierhd Wk.' Bmtherhd Wk. Drew Pearson 'Dollars & Sense1 Music (Music Proudly H.-ul Prmidlv II. ul Donald Stewart 'Donald Stewart Miss Brooks iMiss Brooks IMv L I Margie Mv l.'l Margie Big Story IBig Story ISymphonv Hr ISvmphony Hr. Mon Headlines Diew Pesrson 1'aiil Harvey IMusic News f:aitonsii Mayor Speaks l News Donald Stewart 'Donald Stewart I You N'v'r Kn'wIH'lth Council glng Crosby IBIng Crosby Mack Benny I Jack Benny Symphony Hr.l Symphony Hr.IThe.itre Royal ITheatre Reyal K.ith. kuhlman K.ith. Kulilman'Poilland HI T. IPnrllAnd Hi T Peace KOCO s nd v Reverie FOIV i Star rmai OKOW Hrnotter "IX Final Kdltlon Peace Healing llteallng IS nd'y Reverie IS'nd'v Reverie IS'nd'v Reverie Otemurles . 'S',md.iv Seeue fSiind.iv Seriie IStorv Teller Meet the Press IVteet the Press IS'aith our Time Ttcvlval Time IRevlvalTlme KSI.M Silent I Silent Kro s.en Off JOIN Miss. Melodies IRi.und Rd I" News Nienlean Catholic Hour KSX nniy Graham IBillv Graham HHent l-llenl I I Round A- R'nd II -SS News iCatholic Hour isien Off IP.iul Carson" IPaul Carson MONDAY 6 A. M. TO 11:45 A.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 Neu-s Early Worm Brit Nook PTD Oregon Music Farm Hour ITImexeeper 1 Early Worm IBrk Nook IKoin Klock iMuiic 'Farm Hour Break Gang IE.irly Worm inrk. Nook i News I V-arly Worm IBrk Nook iKnm Klock I Music 'Farm Hour IMarch Time lEuly Worm IBrk. Nook iKoin Klock I Music 'Farm Hour av News News Koin Klock I.Macleod News jonnny l. wills Music Box KEX 1st Edition I.Musical Clock iMuslral Clock I Bob Raiep Hre..K f.ang News A Weath. Ea.rly50rm lfi,rly Worm Brk. Nook IBrk. Nook IGoss News 'Babbitt Show ifiumerus, News'Knox Manntnf recll Brown Esirly Worm News Consum. News Old Songs Break Club Family Altar Early Worm Spider vane news ipid songs I Break Club Bible 'nsiltute Bible institute Dr Sword Rav's Records News ISotdpr Wemty Warren Aunt Jenny Ait'MT, News IFons.-.rd M.r News IS! ,r of Tr.fl Rav's Records es ll.ihersi Road of I.'fe Ma Perkins Hnatna Hons Houii Chet Huntley ITony Martin y Worm (World News jpiuer spider IMornlng Var. Rosemary Old Songs loid Songs iBrkfst Club fBrkfst Club Capitol Cornnt.l Pastor s Call Bargain Ci.unti Ha s Records IRay's Records IR.iv's Records 'Spider ISpider Helen Trent Gal Sunday IKillK-rt a, 'Egbert At I'm Mod Rom. il.nm A- Ahnrr ' " Treas. " Chest News Rays Records Rays Records 'Rav's Records 'Mr. Srmthe Mr'Smvthe Dr Malnne r.tilding Light 'rtke It Rich Utrike ft Rich ITrue aiory ,True iwry