Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 19, 1954, Page 13, Image 13

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    Friday, February 19. 1954
Vngt J3
Prominent Social Worker and
Lecturer Speaks Here Sunday
Miss Muriel Lester. T .nnHnn Kn.
cial worker, currently engaged
In her tenth speaking tour of the
United States under the auspices
of the International Fellowship
of Reconciliation, will be featur
ed speaker during a union vesper
service ta be held at 4 p.m. Sun
day in the First Christian church.
Miss Lester's Salem engage
ment will mark the beginning of
Brotherhood week in the citv as
well as Religious Emphasis week
Miss Muriel Lester, world
traveler in the interests of
peace.who will be the princi
pal speaker during a union ves
per service at the First Chris
tian church at 4 p.m. Sunday.
Woodburn WSC5
To Give Supper
WOODBURN The regular
meeting of the Women's Society
of Christian Service of the Meth
i odist church was held Tuesday,
Feb. 16, at the home of Mrs.
James Livesay. Hostesses assist
ing Mrs. Livesay were Mrs.
Thomas Engle, Jr., Mrs. Arthur
Burt, Mrs. Mae Otjen and Mrs.
Charles Conyne. -
The meeting opened with a
sack lunch at noon with dessert
and coffee furnished by the hos
tesses. Mrs. Clifford Applcgate pre
sided over the afternoon meeting
and Mrs. W. M. Burke was in
charge of the program, assisted
by Mrs.- Charles Tyler, Mrs. Char
les Buchanan, Mrs. Albert White,
Mrs. N. F. Tyler and Mrs. Paul
Mills. w
Mrs. Luclla Sanderson led the
devotional service and Mrs. Ma
bel Hatch gave the missionary
lesson on a chapter from the
book, "Within These Borders."
It was decided to start furn
ishing the social room at the
church as a project. A commit
tee was appointed to obtain
drapes for the room, which in
cludes Mrs. Charles Tyler, Mrs.
P. L. LaBarr and Mrs. Charles
Plans were made for the an
nual pancake supper to be held
at the church March 2, to which
the public is invited. Mrs. James
Livesay and Mrs. P. L. LaBarr
will be in charge of arrange
ments. A collection was taken toward
the building of a new church,
"Twin Bridges" in Montana.
The next meeting will be
March 16 at the home of Mrs.
W. M. Burke. The circles will
meet in the afternoon of March
Compassion Week
Will Be Observed
SILVERTON Among special
observances of the coming "Week
of. Compassion" from Feb. 21 to
March 28, the First Christian
church under direction of Rev.
and Mrs. Arthur Charles Bates,
have announced several events.
On Sunday, Feb. 21, is to be
featured an Adventure Around
the World, a study course con
tinuing for four consecutive Sun
day evenings from 5:30 to 8:30
o'clock in the evening with no
other Sunday evening services on
these dales. The classes are de
signed for the whole family.
A sacrificial dinner will be
at the church social rooms Wed
nesday evening, Feb. 24, at 6:30
o'clock. The program stresses
showing willingness to share in
a world task of relieving hun
ger and want in a troubled world.
Hopewell Churches
Hno'o.11 MMv. Glen Htrm. p'
lor Sunday irhnnl lft m Wnrning or
(hip 11 sm Youth rrllnhl ' ren
tv.n ne orhir pm. Prayer meeting
Vednfsy a p m.
. - ,: -1
Children-Young People-Adult
Sunday through Friday, 7:30 Nightly
Magic - Contests - Films
Blacklight Pictures
REV. LEO de SMET, Evangelist
Cu;t:an & Missionary Alliance
North Fifth and Gaines
Paul W. Gunther, Pastor
on the Willamette university
campus. .
The career of Miss Lester 11 a
social worker began in 1915 when
she founded Kingsley hall, a set
tlement house in the Bow section
of London. She was a friend and
co-worker of Mahatma Gandhi
and committed her life to the
cause of peace and reconciliation
and to the elimination of social
injustices. She is sometimes re
ferred to as the "Jane Adams"
of England.'
The local committee working
on arrangements for Miss Lester's
appearance here consists of Mrs.
Roy Lockenour, Arthur Atherton,
Rev. Harold W. Black, Mrs. Mar
vin Nettleton, Saul I. Bloomberg,
Mrs. Cecil Wickline. Mrs. Ernest
Goulder and Lawrence Monk.
Organizations co-operating are
the Salem Council of Church
Women, YWCA, YMCA. Brother
hood Committee, Intcrfaith Coun
cil of Willamette university, Fel
lowship of Reconciliation, Min
isterial Association and the local
chapter, National Council of
Christians and Jews.
Plan Inaugurated
A three-month plan for spirit
ual advance in faithfulness and
service is now in its second week
of operation at the Halbert Memo
rial Baptist Church, 4290 Portland
Road," according to the pastor,
Rev. Robert E. Sanders. The plan
emphasizes three important
phases: a church loyalty program,
a Sunday School contest, and a
visitation and evangelistic pro
gram culminating in a series of
evangelistic services in the month
of April.
The church loyalty program,
having begun last Sunday, Feb.
14th, will continue through March
7th. The scrmo.i themes present
ed by the pastor will center on
the theme "Faithfulness." The
sermon topic for Sunday morning,
Feb. 21st at 11, will be "Faithful
ness in Service." An attendance
check for members will be made
at each service.
Christian Church at
Amity Has Face Lifted
AMITY The Amity Christian
church has been the scene of
real activity recently the women
with paint brushes and the men
with saws and hammers.
The result is newly remodeled
and painted church parlors where
some activities already have been
The young married peoples
class held a no-host supper. Late
in January, the "99" men's class
cooked and served a dinner for
80 people, and a reception was
held for the quartet from Puget
Sound, Jan. 31.
Communion, Meditation
Woodburn Sermon Subject
WOODBURN Communion and
meditation will be observed dur
ing the morning services at the
Woodburn and Bethel Presbyter
ian churches Sundav morning,
Keb. 21. Rev. Robert E. Van,
pastor, will have for his sermon
topic: 'The Next Turn in the
Road." He speaks at the Bethel
church at 10 a.m. and Sunday
school follows the service. At
the Woodburn church Sunday
school is at 9:45 a.m. and wor-
ship service at 11 a.m. The young
people meet at 6:. ill p.m. and a
motion picture, "The Second
Chance," will be shown during
the meeting.
"Dust of the Road" will be the
11 a.m. sermon topic of Rev Or
mal B. Trick at the Woodburn
Methodist church. The Metho
dist Youth Fellowship members
will meet at the church at 3 p.m.
to attend the Muriel Lester meet
ing in Salem.
''The First Judgment Scene"
will be the sermon topic of Rvv.
George Springer at the 11 a.m.
service Suntlay at the Woodburn
Christian church, ror the eve
ning service at 8 o'clock his topic
will be "The Spiritual Rock."
Sumhiy school is at 10 a.m. and
Christian Endeavor at 7 p.m. An
all-day meeting of the mission
ary society and Women's Council
will be held Wednesday, Feb.
24, at the church.
"Books and the Book" will be
the sermon topic of Rev. E. H.
lialdwin at the Woodhurn Church
of Gnd at 11 a m. Sunday. At
the 8 p.m. service his topic will
be "Simplicity, Dcfiniteness, Per
sistency." Sunday school is at 10
a m. and young people's meeting
at 7 p.m. A family night sup
per and fellowship will be held
X 4V I
Dr.' Reider Kalland, Pacific
Coast director of the Child
Evangelism Fellowship who'll
conduct a teacher training in
stitutpe for northwest Oregon
Feb. 23-26, inclusive, , at the
Evangelical Reformed church,
Capitol and Marlon streets.
Teacher Class
Scheduled Here
A teacher training institute will
be conducted at Bethany Evan
gelical and Reformed church,
North Capitol and Marion streets,
Feb. 23-26 with Dr. Reider Kel
land, Pacific Coast director of
Child Evangelism in charge. He
will be assisted by- Miss Violet
Lanquist of Los Angeles. Calif, and
Miss Kris Kiger of Spokane.
Intensive studies in instructing
boys and girls in music, memory
work, children's classes and lat
est methods of illustration are on
the curriculum. Classes will be
held from 9:30 a. m. to noon and
from 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. each day.
Dr. Kalland will speak at 8
p. m. Friday following a no host
dinner at 6:30.
Arrangements are in charge of
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Ediger of Dallas,
Mrs. Chris Seeley and Mrs. Ros
coe Gemmell will direct registra
tion and housing. Mrs. E. .A.
Young and Mrs. Ralph Coie con
stitute the dinner committee.
Grace Lutheran to
Offer Religious Film
Hcacning irom Heaven" is
the title of the religious film to
be featured at the monthly film
service at Grace Lutheran Church
Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. The
mm snows in a convincing man
ner that liod daily reaches down
into the lives of men, brings light
into tneir darkness, and moti
vates personal Christian living.
it is a picture that will appeal to
youn gpeople and adults alike.
Friday night at 6:30 p.m. in the
new annex.
The evangelistic services at the
Woodburn Assembly of God
church closed last Sunday and
regular services will be held this
Sunday, Feb. 21, at 11 a.m. and
7:30 p.m. Sunday school is at
9:45 a.m.
"The Arm of the Lord" will be
the sermon topic of Rev. J. Wil-
liam Carlson at the Immanuel
Lutheran church in Woodburn
Sundav at 11 a.m. An adult class
v.ill be confirmed. ' Sunday
school is at 10 a.m. The Brother
hood will meet Monday night at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Waitc. Vernon Blombrrg will he
co-host. The Willamette Mis
sionary Federation will sponsor
a workshop at. the church Tues
day. Feb. 23, from 10 a.m. to
noon and 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Holy communion will be ob
served at the 7:45 a.m.' service
and at the 11 a.m. service at
St. Mary's Episcopal church Sun
day. Rev. T. M. Baxter, vicar,
will speak on "Praise Famous
Men" at the 11 a m. service.
Church school will also be at U
a.m. A pot-luck supper will be
held at the Guild hall, Feb. 25,
at 6:30 p.m. Speaker will be
Rev. Robert Grate, rector of St.
Barnabas church.
Rev. R. Brrndlcr of the Bible
Baptist church will sprak at 11
a.m. Sunday on the tonic, "Liv
ing Faith." For the evening
service at 7:45 his topic will be
"The Believer's Position." Sun
day school in at 9:4.5 a.m. and the
young people meet at 6:45 p.m.
Rev. Taul Grey of Portland
will be the guest speaker at the
Woodhurn Foursquare commun
ity church at the 11 a.m. and
7 45 p.m. services, Sunday. Feb.
21. Sunday school is at 9:45 a.m.
anod the Cadets and Crusaders
meet at 6:30 p.m.
First Presbyterian
Chemeketa and Winter
"The Eternal Story''
By Dr. Poling
Two Services: 9:45 -11 a. m.
KOCO, 10:00 A. M.
Light Vs. Darkness Theme
For Silverton Churches
SILVERTON Light vs. Dark
ness and the series dealing with
the Beatitudes, wth special visi
tations and musical features are
stressed in the Sunday, Feb. 2t,
morning worship themes for Sil
verton churches.
Calvary Lutheran sermon by the
Rev. Arvid L. Hokonson will be:
"The Light Among You." Luther
League at 6:00 p. m. and Evening
service at 8. Wednesday 8 p. m.
Bible study and Prayer at the
Wttirrin MtihMM Fifteenth and
Mill. W. A. Kaufman, pastor. Worship
ertlcei 9:45 a.m. and 11 a.m. Womhip
ervlcei 1 and 1:4V p.m. with salrm
Academr presenting ipeclal musical
number! and ipeakers at 7:45.
Firit Splrltmliit 13JO Madison afreet.
Circle 6:45. Regular service at 1:30.
Speaker Rev. Maxlne Roberts.
Salem Unitarian Fellowship Regular
servlcea and Sunday aohool lor primary
trades 10:30 a.m. at Salem Woman's
club, 460 K. Cottaia street.
Batirt Paul's Episcopal outn Liberty
snd High at Myers. Holy Communion
7:30 a.m. Family service and church
school B:30 a.m. Prayer service or Eu
charist 11 a.m. Nursery 9:30 and 11 a.m.
Midweek Communion (Wednesday 7:30
and 10 a.m. Young People's Fellowship
thigh school students) p.m. Canter
bury club (Willamette students) 6:30
SI, Vincent da Paul Catho) to Colum
bia and Myrtle street. Masxes at 6, 7:30,
11:45. 10 and 11:15 a.m. Confessions fiat 1
urday, .4:30 to. 5:30 and 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Grace Lutheran (ELD Sunnyview
and Lansing avenues. Sunday school and
Bible class 9:45 a.m. Divine worship 11
a.m. Adult instruction class 3:30 pm, 1
Film service 7:30 p.m. "Reaching From i
Heaven," film title. L. W. Holte. pastor.
First Baptist Marlon and Liberty.
Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev.
Thornton Jatuma, assistant pastor. Sun
day srhoo! ff:45 a.m. Worship 11 a.m.
"Man's Divine Appointments." Pastor
Lloyd T. Anderson. Youth meetings B:1S
p.m. Gospel service 7:30 p.m. "The Com
ing World Religion."
Metaphysical Center 2M K. Cottase.
Dora Nelnon, Thursday 13 to ft medita
tions; class open Tuesday, .Wednesday,
Friday 1 to 5. Reading, study, truth lit
erature. Four Camera Ba pi tut State and Elma
streets. Her. Victor L. Louckn, pastor.
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Worship 11 a.m.
Pastor speakinir. Young People's League
6:30 p.m. Gas Del service 7:30 p.m.
Christian Missionary Alliance
Nor! h 5th and Oaines. Rev. Paul W.
Gunther, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.
Worship 11 a.m. Service 7:30 p.m. Alli
ance Youth Fellowship 6:30 p.m. Speak
ing at all services: Rev. Leo d Bmet,
luest speaker.
First Methodist Church and State SU.
Two morning servires 9:30 and 11 a r.i.
"Our Time for Greatness." Brooks H.
Moore minister.
First Church of Christ. Scientist Lib
erty and Chemeketa streeta. Sunday
school at 11 a.m. Church services at 11
a.m. and t p.m. Lesson-term on subject.
Lab lib Community In Lab 1th Vtllage.
B. M. Books, B.D., pastor. Sunday
school at 10. Juniors at 6:45. TP Soci
ety 7:43. Pastor preaching on Acti 11 at
11 and "The Missionary Call" at 1:30.
J ton Lee Memorial Met hod 1st Corner
of Jefferson and Winter streets. Ernest
Preston Ooulder, minister. Divine wor
ship service at 11 a.m. Sermon sub
ject: "The Invisible Churrh." Church
school at 9:45 a.m. "Family night" at
5:30 p ro.
Salrm Truth Onttr 341 Chtmrki
Stmdav school 10. Service 11. Topic.
"Tht Infinite Wf." Mn. Vfr W. D
vli of Portland, turst ipfaker. Rr,
Ollri Bteveni.
Cbarrb f Jtiut Chrlii mf Latter Dar
SainU tMtrn)Bn Fltlh and Madlion
itrertK. John E. Balhburr, bishop.
PrlMthood mefltm am. Sunday
ichool 10:30 ft m. Sacrament itrvlct 7
Central Lutheran North Capitol and
Galne street. Q. B. Hundftrom. pa tor.
Central Lutheran Hour KOCO I 30. Sun
day tthool 9:45. Mornint worship 11.
Evrntni services 7:45. -
St. Jnhn'i Lutheran (Mo, Bnod)
I Court at North 14th. M. W. OroM, pas
tor. Service 10:30. Sunday achool Bible
! clast 9.15.
fret Method )( Market and Winter
streets. Rev. M C. Miller, minister.
Sunday srhool 9:45 a m. Julia Mae Weber
will sneak. Worship 11 a m. Sermon itih
Jet: "The More Excellent Way; Ifi Ne
eenltr." Youth Fellowship 45 P m.
Colored Mm. 'The Shield of Faith"
will be shown. Evaniellstic servirt 7.30
Capllnl tlantUI Runday arhool 9 4.
m Mnrmnt worhtp tt m. Traintnt
union 30 p.m. Evenint worship 7.4
pm. Y"uth. Pfltnwuhlp t pastor's
home, 140 Hood street.
Coirt Street ChrUllan Court street at
17th, W. Harold Lyman and O. Fhlllp
Hurd. tuiitUtrr. Bible srhool auembly
9.45 a.m. Morn in worship 10 50 o'clutk.
Sermon by Fred Hoy. evanveliit. Youth
hour l::io pin. srrvire 7.30
o'iltxk. tJeriuwn by Pied Hoy.
First Christian Marlon and Cottai.
Wariif Ureeu, mliililer. Church schuol
9 45 a m Wurabiu and Communion lu 45
am. Sritnoii: 'Tuoli Kor Christ." Wayne
Greene. Youth iroutw fl JO p tn Wor
ship service 7:30 p m. Sermon, "F.inpty
Seats" Wayne Clreeue. byeciai mumc.
Knlghl Memarlal Conirei illoiial
Louis' E. White, minister. Sunday school
9:45 a.m. Mornint worship II am. with
sermon by the minister. "Defenders of
the Faith" Ptlsrlm Fellowship roups
8:30 p m. Worship leaders Arlene Weav
er and flail White Yotin adults I p m.
Worship' leader Arrhie Elliott.
The ReorrtnlfM f'bnrrh f Jent
Christ of Latter Ilav Mints Rtjventeenih
and Chemeketa. streets. Deorie W.
Soeed, pentnr. Chnreh arhool 45,
Mornini worhlp servli-e 11. Klder Oeon
W. Speed, speaker. FJvfmnr worahlp .
Fider Clark Ltviniston f Ore ion City(
tuet speaker.
MirUi Lnlhrgn Oal itr"t at lath.
First Church
1 Center
Salem't Singing Church
The Pnblic 1 Invited
parsonage. Thursday to Sunday,
Rev. Hokonson and Paul Almquist
will represent Calvary at the
Ferndale. Wash., West Coast Dis
trict meeting.
"Such as I have" is the sermon
theme for the Rev. Paul Wayne
Henry of the Methodist church.
The MYF meets at 7 p. m. with
Mr. and Mrs. Milt Baum, coun
sellor!!. At "the First Baptist church, N.
2nd at Oark, Rev. Alex H. Sauer
wein, interim pastor, speaks at
the 11 o'clock worship hour and at
6:30 p. m. Youth fellowship is at
6:30 p. ni. Sunday school and
Bible classes at 10 a. m. Thursday
7:30 p. m., Bible Study.
First Christian Church, Rev.
'Arthur Charles Bates is giving his
second in the scries of the Beati
tudes, his theme: "The Mourner,"
in "Blessed ' are They That
Mourn." The next four Sunday
themes In the evening. February
21 to March 14 in conclusion, will
be a special "Adventure in World
Friendship" as a family attend
ance move. Acts 17, is the topic
for Wednesday evening Bible
study, 7 to 8 p. m., choir rehears
al following.
Christian and Missionary Alli
ance Sunday worship hour visitors
11 a.m. from the Seattle Pacific
college. Sunday, afternoon, 3
o'clock service, also. Sunday
school at 10 a. m.
Rev. A. W. Nelson. Tmmanuel
Lutheran church, will use as his
sermon topic: "The Darkness and
the Light" for the 11 o'clock morn
ing worship hour. Sunday school
at 10 a. m. Luther League meets
at 7 p. m. "Family night" is to
be observed at 7:30 worshnp hour
when a feature film: "A Wonder
ful Life" will be shown. Group
leaders meet Monday evening at
8 p. m. in fireside room. On Tues
day evening Pastor Nelson will
give the study on "A Great Chap
ter of the Bible" at the Sunday
school teachers' meeting, 8 p. m.
in the fireside room. The topic:
'..Jehovah's Witnesses" will be
given by Marvin Dahl at the Young
Married Couples club meeting
Thursday evening, 8 p. m. in the
parsonage home of Pastor and
Mrs. 'Nelson. Adult class meets
Friday at 8 p. m.
"Directed by Divine Lisht" Is
the sermon theme for the Rev.
Joseph A. Luthro of Trinity
Lutheran church for the morning
hour, followed by Sunday school
and Bible classes on Sexagcsima
Sunday. Both choirs are to sing
specials at the church hour. Dis
cussion oi "rungs ana l'riests is
to be presented by the senior con
firmation class at the 7:30 p. m.
miner League hour.
BIlTcrlon lMlgrlm Holiness 042 Bciulh
Water street. Rev. John R. Prlre. fiim
day achool begin! at S:i9. J. R. Qraham,
lupt. Morning wonhip 11. "When Orare
Meeti FAlth." Pilirlm Youth hour B:45.
Mra. Price, Youth counselor. Evening
lemr. 7:30. "No Place to Hide." Wed.
nesdar Bible studr and prayer 7:30.
Heb. S. "Christ, Better than Aaron."
Friday fasting and prayer, 13-1.
Brand Oistusses
nBricker Measure
Judge James T. Brand, asso
ciate justice of the Oregon Su
preme Court, will speak to the
Salem Unitarian Fellowship at
its regular Sunday meeting on
the subject of the proposed
"Bricker Amendment" to the
United States Constitution. This
was the subject of an address re
cently delivered to the Common
wealth Club of San Francisco by
Judge Brand.
The highly controversial Brick
er Amendment provides that
Congress shall have the power to
regulate all executive agree
ments and that no treaty shall
become the law of the land until
both houses of Congress have
passed enabling legislation. Be
cause of its particular interest to
them as a subject, Salem lawyers,
officials and teachers are cordial
ly invited to the meeting at 10:30
a. m. in the Salem Woman'a Club
SII.VF.KTON Kcv. Joseph
Cooper is announcing a quartet
and gospel team Irom the Seattle
l'acilic college, to be guests of
the Christian and Missionary Al
liance church tiiis Sunday lor the
iiiurning worship service and a
specail cily-wiilc rally on Sunday
ttlternoon at 3 p.m.
Tht Rev. T. M. Orbliarct, pastor. Wwr- I
ship services 8.45 ana 11 a.m. flrrmwn br t
taslor. Similar school 10 a.m.
fiarelen Road f'hrhllsn oM Msrket
street. I. H. Camp, minuter. Bible
erhool SMS. Gen. F Wrtehl, Mint Morn
tr.g worship II. flermon: ThrlU the
Bavtour." Youth groups H IS Frentng
Pervira 1:30. aermon: "Tha runcllonal
Bethel Banllsl-No'tri Cottage at V
street. Rev. Rudolph Worse. psMor un
iter school at t 4s a nt Wor.Mn service
at lltlti Psp'or'i topic. -When Jesus; hv " Annust program hv the
vonng people 1 JO 0 m. Tier; "Convert
Ing Dsd to Missions."
of the Nazarene
at Thirteenth
9:45 Church School
10:50 "Beloved Brethren"
8:30 Youth Hour
7:30 "On Flghllntj
Against God"
Monday Evening, February 22,
there will he a Youth Itally at
First Churrh with Hev. Slid
hnnrnr Itinnn of Anselea,
ciirsl speaker. The Rally is at
William F. nay, Minister
' it
t is' sygt)
t s
Rev. Leo deSmet o( Port
land, scheduled to give a se
ries of talks at Alliance ehurch,
North Fifth and Gaines streets,
beginning Sunday.
Alliance Church
Presents deSmet
A blend of nature movie classics,
magical illusions and other fea
tures will be presented In a brand
new program each night at the
Alliance church by Rev. Leo
deSmet of Portland, beginning
Formerly a pastor. Rev. deSmet
saw an "alarming rise of juvenile
delinquency" and gave his life
to what he terms "reaching youth
and adults who have not- been
touched by regular church chan
nels and who never heard nor
seen a clear presentation of the
Gospel In interesting terms which
they can understand." He brings
to his audience pictures from
mountains, forests and jungles,
pointing out analogies between
the natural and the spiritual
Rev. Paul W. Gunther, pastor of
Alliance- church extends a com-munoty-wide
Invitation to their
neighbors of all faiths In attend
the Youth Gospel Crusade meet
ings. Miss Lester to Meet
With Fellowship
The Huntington Fellowship of
-J:". -r.u i '"""'.u' u -
.i-cu., i u,c ,.,.,: Ul
ister and his wife. Dr. and Mrs.
Julian J. Kciser, 785 Stewart
St., Sunday evening at 8:00 o'-
tclnck will have as their guest,
Miss Muriel Lester oi London,
England. Miss Lester is sched
uled to speak earlier in the day
at a city-wide Vesper Service in
the First Christian Church. Other
1 guests will include all who have
I assisted in arrangements for Miss
Lester s Salem appearance from
the various co-operating organi
zations. -
Bethel Young Folk
Will Presenf Ploy
The young people of the Bethel
Baptist Church, North Cottage
and D streets, will present their
annual program at 7:30 o'clock !
Sunday evening. The main part 1
of the program will consist of a :
play, entitled, "Converting Dad to t
Missions." There will also be re- j
ports and special musical num-,
Imp, A frna will nt(tr'ina will hf '
received for the state young peo
ple's summer camp project.
Englewood Church
To Hear Brandt
Rev. Richard Brandt, of Port
land, missionary from Nigeria,.
Africa, will be a special speaker
at the Knglewood church at 7:30
p.m. Sunday. He will show color-'
ed slides. The program will be in
charge of the W.S.W.S. and the
Christian Service Guild.
Amity Churches
Baptist Richarrl Trailer, pastor. Run
flar srhool IP a nt. Morning worship 11
a m. Jpnlor htfh 7 30 p m. Evening aer
vtces R p m.
rhnrrh f Christ Jameg Matthew Al
ice. 0 1).. minister. Hllile school M
a tn. Morning srrvire II a m. christian
r:n(leavor 0 30 p m. Kvenlng srrvlcg 1:30
pm. Choir practice 1.30 p.m.
Melliiiillst -lliuca Mi Council, minister.
Tl,t cliurcli at stttily 1:4a a in. Hie
itiurrh at worship 11 am. Methodist
Youth Keliuwship: Intermediates 0:30
p ni. at the JoUt Weldcinan liuinei.tiiah
school 7 30 pin church.
Osa Grave I'napel Bruce MrConnell,
mint'tei. Morning wurshlp 0:43 a Pi. Jsun-
dar sihool lu.45 a as.
Assrtnlilr of tlod Frank K Mapes,
pastor. Bunilav school 10 am. Morning
worship 11 am. Young People's service
7 pm. Evening service 7'4S p.m.
Oak Grove Chapel l Mrlhnttlst) North
C.reenwoor! Road, Polk Counlr. Hal H
Hargreever, pastor. Morning worship 10
a.m. Bundsv school II am. MYP alter
nate Bunrlarg 7 10 p m. lAlrrl Button,
isy.aoss sac.esssssssrf : r eg imiirfnrMiliw
Church Council Outlines Plan
For Territory Allocation
A program of cooperative poli
cies, worked out during the recent
first annual convocation of the
Oregon Council of Churches in
Salem. Includes plans for the al
location of new territories for de
velopment by member denomina
tions, It also provides that church
bodies will confer with the official
board and obtain its advice, be
fore founding or relocating a
All members of the committee
are notified of these requests and
unless protests are received, the
committee will conduct a hearing
and make a decision on the facts
Groups which receive an alio-
Salem Families Go to
Witness Conference
The Oren Ryals and Ray Sieber
families will leave for Corvallis
to attend the Circuit Assembly of
Jehovah's Witnesses, to be held
at the Corvallis High School, Feb
ruary 19-21. In Corvallis they will
meet with over 1000 other witness,
es of Jehovah who are coming
from about 20 cities to participate
in the 3-day religious assembly.
The assembly will show that
people from all classes can have
complete unity when God's Word
and laws are the basis for what
they do. ,
Woodburn PTA to
Give Carnival Soon
WOODBURN Plans for the an
nual Parent-Teacher association
carnival to be held March 17
will be formulated at an execu
tive board meeting Monday, Feb.
22, in the home economics room
at Woodburn high school, begin
ning at 8 p.m.
Anyone interested in helping
with the carnival or having an
unusual or good idea for booths
and entertainment is invited to
be present. Refreshments will be
served by Charles Cornwell and
Philip Branson.
Garden Road Choir
In 1st Appearance
The newly organized choir of
the Garden Road Christian
('hlirrh 4nflS. Mil.nC c ...:u
Pear in their first anthem num.
ber during the Sundav morning
,.,-i.i '"w"nR
worship service. Mrs. Merle Van
icavc wm direct them as they
vnKi wm Trust-" writtcn by
Joel Goldsmith, author and lcc-
turer, is well known in all large
Coast cities and Hawaii, teach
ing that man may be happy,
healthy and prosperous living the
"Infinite Way."
Mrs. Vera V. Davis, nt Po
land will present his message
me aaiem rrutn f.'enfur 347 rh.
mrxeia St., Sunday, Feb. 21st,
11:00 A. M. and Thnrcrfm. t?h
25th, 7:30 P. M. AH welcome.
Prarum Mennonite Church
(Five Miles East of Lancaster Drive on Garden Road)
HEAR Rev. H. P. Fast, Reedley, Calif.
God's Plan in the Light
of Prophecy
EVERY NIGHT AT 7:30, FEB. 21-28
(No Service Saturday)
God't Mystic Order The Bcmo Judgment
The Rapture The Tribulation
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
The Kingdom Age
The New Haven and New Earth
Special Evangelistic Meetings
Blesiing for All
Highland Aye.
Friends Church
Highland Ave. and
North Church St.
7:30 Each Evening,
Except Saturday
Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
through Feb, 21
Mr. Lansing Bulgin,
Music Director and
Rev. Paul W, Barnctt,
iia "'fl
"The Coming World Religion"
On Sunday Evening
7:30 o'clock
Thornton Jansma, Assistant Pastor
Robert Goffrier, Youth Director
SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:45 a. m. "Six Adult Classet"
"The Sunday School and Church That Makes
You Feel Welcome"
cation are expected to begin wor
ship services, establish a Sunday
school or buy property within a
year. Under some circumstances,
an allocation will be continued
upon request for a second year,
but the committee will not extend
an allocation for more than two
years except in special cases.
The committee may allocate a
territory for one denomination
for establishment of a new church,
in which case the new congrega
tion will be expected to serve all
Protestants in its area on a com
munity basis.
An allocation may be given
where other churches already ex
ist because of a need for addition
al church facilities, or two or
more denominations may be de
signated to establish a federated
church, or to merge existing facil
ities. ' There is a sub-committee on re
search and survey, whose chair
man is a member of the parent
committee on research and plan
ning. This sub-committee keeps
tab on Oregon's church-connected
population, as well as the ever
changing pattern of population in
suburbs and rapidly growing areas
where a high proportion of the
residents are not church members.
National Position
To Mrs. Moorhead
Mrs. Jennelte Moorhead, asso
ciate professor of health educa.
tion for the state system's gen.
eral extension division, was ap
pointed this week to national
chairmanship of the mental
health committee of the Ameri
can School Health association by
Dr. H. F. Kilander, New York
university, president of the as-
aiil-iiiuon. .
Also recently appointed to the
research committee of the school
health education section of the
American Public Health associa
tion, Mrs. Moorhead has received
national recognition for her work
in health education throughout
the country.
,As chairman of th natinnt -
mental health committee she will
direct the preparing and publica
lion of in-service training plans
for public school teachers. .
Mrs. Moorhead holds the stat
us of a Fellow in Public Health,
maiui-ii iii recognition oi her
contribution to health education
in Oregon.
Down Town the Tall White
opire wun tne Chimes
9.30 and TV. 00 a. m.
Broadcast KSLM-
Brooks H. Moor
at I
Rev, Hubert C. Mardock
all IIISSI lisastlas i u a Mi
' ' a : , j i, JL 5a
rVWl :