Thursday, February 18, 1951 THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Pafe 9 Mrs. Don Huff Series Winner By finishing third in the final of seven tournaments, Mrs. Don Huff won the regional series of the Salem "Elks Duplicate club this week. Mrs. Charles L. New som fell from first to third place, while Mrs. Paul F. Burris came up to take second position. Winning teams in the last tour nament were Mrs. L. J. Ashen macher and Gilbert Groff, Mrs. Arthur W. Bincgar and Mrs. W. M. Clinc, Lee Krand of Canada and Dale Hutchinson of Corval lis, Sam Ramp and W. E. Kim sey, and Elmer 0. Berg and M. A. Beyer of Mt. Angel. Others who finished among the first 20 of more than 60 players competing included Ellis H. Jones, Mrs. E. O. Berg, W. M. dine, Lin Miles, Mrs. W. A. Barsch, Mrs. Sam Rapp, Mrs. E. E. Boring, Leonard Kremen, Mrs. Dewey Howell, Mrs. R. L. Park, Mrs. Gilbert Groff and Mrs. Leona Taylor. In the weekly junior competi tion best scores were made by Mr. and Mrs. F. McClaughrey, Mrs. Carl Charnholm and Mrs. Armstrong, Gus Wallis and W. C. Wilson, and Mr. and Mrs. Al Cra mers. Ray Kemp, a recent graduate from junior ranks, won the sixth annual individual championship by posting best score after two sessions with 52 players compet ing. Mrs. Dagna Dudrey was sec ond, Lin Miles third, Mrs. W. M. Cline fourth, W. F. Leary fifth and Mrs. Edward E. Roth sixth. In the mid-week tournament at the women's club Mrs. R. L. Park took over top spot in the series, but Mrs. Dewey Howell and Mrs. Harry Wiedmer had high score. More than 50 local players arc expected to compete in five days rti western championships at the regional meet in Portland over the coming week-end. Living coral can exist only at shallow depths in the sea. 'BE YOUR AGE" vnw r, ) tA A- , I At ; A Salem 20-30 Club's Civic Drama Festival will be resumed Thursday night at 8:30 with the performance of "Be Your Age" at Parrish Junior High Auditorium. This is second of the club sponsored series of three plays presented by a professional com pany. "Be Your Age," is a family-type comedy in which the young folk have "a terrific time" bringing up father. Masonic Families To Hear Leader DAYTON Freemasonry will make history in Dayton, Ore., March 4. For the first time in more than 100 years of Masonry in Oregon, the families and friends of Masons wil meet to gether to receive Thomas E. Lampkin, Grand Master of An cient Free and Accepted Masons in Oregon, on his official visit to District No. 4. Masons, their families and friends from Yamhill County and many parts of Oregon will as semble in the Dayton Union High School, at Dayton, on March 4, at 8 p.m. Never before have the wives and friends of Masons been in vited to meet and hear the grand master on one of his official visits. Such occasions in past have always been held a secret within the tiled walls of a Mason ic lodge. Every Masonic lodge, Eastern Star chapter, Rainbow Assembly lor Girls, and DeMolay Boys jn District four, is working on the arrangements for this unusual Englewood PTA Carnival Friday The Englewood school Parent Teacher association's annual car nival is slated at the school Fri day beginning at 7:30 p.m. with a variety program designed to please both students and parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, gen eral chairman of the carnival, an nounce the program will include a TV show, house of mystery, cake walk, bazaar, fish .pond, police safety exhibit and other attrac tions. Proceeds from the carnival are devoted to the year's budget of the various youth organizations of the school and a large attend ance is anticipated. Tugman to Speak at Lebanon Conference LEBANON William Tugmail, editor of the Eugene Register- Guard, will be keynote speaker at the citizen s conference on educa tion on the Lebanon union high school on March 6. Speaking later in the day will be Rep. Don Husband, also of Eu gene, who served on the house committee on education at the last session of the Oregon legislature. Mrs. Eugene Tanner, general chairman for the conference, states that the meeting is one of Ti regional sessions scheduled in the state by the OEA and PTA a-sociations. Invitations will be sent to more than 200 persons in Linn and Ben ton counties. A LOT OF CHORES GARDNER, Mass. (UP)-Near ing her 105th birthday, Mrs. Vic toria Bonislawski still is able to do larm chores. meeting or are preparing parts for the musical program. Rev. Myron C. Cole, grand cnapiain, win deliver the address of the evening. Reg. $59.50 Value High quality ... low price! You get both in this extra special 84th Anniversary mattress. Features: famous 312 coil Auto-lock construc tion, durable Rayon cover, layers of fluffy upholstery . . . also fine sag-proof French edge, air ventilators, gold cord handles. All this beauty and comfort at a special cel ebration sale price. Hurry in and marvel . . . then order! &(jyoo Matching Box Spring $39( Both full and twin sizes' While Quantity Lasts. Only DOWN GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. Open Friday Evening 'til 9 467 Cout St. REPEATED BY - POPULAR DEMAND Wilt ME .CAR FREE! IF YOU WILL TRY OUR POWERFUL PRIDE OF OREGON GASOLINE! voiiK YW7..- r MORE AND PRESENT A feV -J ) A A K JjJ Rvalue! m NER CENTER AND CHURCH STS.