Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 18, 1954, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 8
Edited by MARIAN
Feted at
Miss Rosemary Taylor, bride
elect of Robert (iritton, was
honored at a surprise shower
Thursday evening at the home
of .Mrs. A. E. Wood. Games were
played, gifts were opened and re
freshments served. Flowers and
decorations were in combined
bridal and Valentine colors.
Guests were the honored guest,
Miss Taylor, Mrs. Helen Taylor,
airs. A. E. Wood, Mrs. Edna
Gritton, Mrs. Lor is Gritton, Mrs.
D. Seegcr, Mrs. Margaret Millard,
Mrs. Ruth Parkins, Mrs. E. G.
GritUm, Miss Georgeann Burg
hart nd the two hostesses were
Miss Dorothy Kessel and Mrs.
D. E. Otjen
A fhowcr and an at home in Trinity Episcopal church hall,
were given for Miss Taylor and j starting at 2 o'clock . . . There
Mr. Gritton at the A. E. Wood will be a book review as a fea
home, Sunday afternoon. Decora-i ture of the program . . .
tion and refreshments were in
Valentine motif.
Present were the honor guests,
Miss Taylor and Mr. Gritton and
Mrs. Helen Taylor, mother of
the bride, Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Gritton. parents of Mr. Gritton;
Mrs. Edna Gritton, Mrs. Loris
Gritton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Blankenship, Mrs. Clara Blanken
ship, Mr. and Mrs. U. Seeger and
daughter Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Blankenship, Mrs. D. E. Otjen,
and children, Kathleen and Vern
on, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gritton,
Burl Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Ruggles, and the hosts, Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Wood, Mrs. Guinverc
.ludsnn and Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Miss Whitlock
Shower Feted
Miss Judy Whitlock, bride-1
elect of Larry Scheelar, was
honored at a shower at the home
of Mrs. Keith Henderson, Tues
day evening. Co-hostess was Mis.
Robert Laudahl.
Honoring Miss Whitlock were
the members of the Salem F. L.
club No. 14 of the Itebekah lodge j
and included: Mrs. Wesley Hunt-
cr, Mrs. Del iiuoison, mrs. neiui
Kebo, Mrs. Mike Simmons, Mrs.
Harold Bressler, Mrs. Luther Mel
ton, Mrs. Everett Soden, Mrs.
Lawrence McClure, Mrs. Troy
Wood, and Misses Delores Jay,
Jodclle Parker, and Peggy Mc
Kee. Miss Whitlock is to be wed on
Sunday, February 28.
A SON, Kim Mills, was born
February 16 at Chico, Calif, to
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bishop, for
merly of Salem. Also welcoming
the baby arc a brother, Jeff, and
a sister, Nancy. Grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Mills and
Mrs. J. N. Bishop, all of Salem.
Pythian Sisters
Mrs. Hannah Summers and
Mrs. Al Possehl were initiated
into Ccntralia temple No. 11,
Pythian Sisters, on Wednesday
night at Beaver hall. Mr. Pos-
senl was initiated as a member j
ot ine auxiliary. , , '
Guests at the session included ,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thompson :
and Mr. and Mrs. Leltoy Grilfy, !
Oregon City. It was announced
that Mrs. Carrie Broxon, Milton ;
Freewater, grand chief, will visit
on March 3.
LEBANON Feminine interest
over the week-end centered .in
the spring fashion parade given
by St. Martin's Episcopal guild
in the parish hall.
Shown were hostess dresses,
afternoon frocks, linen and faille
suits and formal evening wear.
Models were Mrs. Roy Fitzwater,
Mrs. Robert M. Hayden, Mrs. Les
lie Taylor, Mrs. Dee Long, Missel
Marjone Billings, Barbara Ma- C(intjmif. her studies at the local
son, Bea Murphy and Joanna hj).h ,ch(M1 wnpre ,np j, 5rn.
M'"ir0- , ! ion. Mr. Patterson will report to
Mrs. (arl lleermg was com-; Camp stoneman for further as
mentalor, and musical h.i k-, .Mcmnrnt. He had 10 months left
ground was provided bv Mrs. jn tnc j,rmv
jerry Mary at the organ. Special '
vocal numbers were contributed n i- ft i
by the boys and girls high school KeOOing LUD
quartets. j
General show chairman for the
event was Mrs Robert I.. Vau-I
ghan, assisted by the guild pres
ident, Mrs. Chester Simpson. i
er i
Today's Menu j
Serve this good to and
prctty tolook at sandwuh with a
creamed vegetable.
Open Sardine and
Cheese Sandw idles
Creamed Green Pens
Fruit and Cookies Beverage
Open Sardine and
Cheese Sandlrhes
Ingredients: 4 slices bread, 'i , and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Edwards
cup graled cheese, 2 teaspoons i on thnr .Kith wedding anniver
finelv grated onion, one 3'. ounce j "ry, Mr. and Mrs. M V Wright
can Norwegian sardines, 1 canned entertained with a dinner Sun
1 InhlesiHion lemon ' da;
line e.
Method: Toast bread on one side
only. Meanwhile mix cheese with
onion: spread on untoasted side
of bread. Arrange sardines over
cheese so that they look the way
they do in the can: cut pimiento
in strips and arrange crosswise
over sardines; sprinkle with lemon
Juice. Rroil just until topping is
hot. Serve al once. Makes 2 to
4 servings. i
Women f
Some Notations..
By M. L. F.
An event of i iterest in Port
land this Saturday will be the
fifth annual Sweetheart Ball
.1 v. r, j , .i
sponsored by Portland alumni of
Sigma Chi . . . "Sweethearts of
Sigma Chi" from the three ac
tive chapters of the fraternity in
Oregon will be honored at this
event Miss Kay Kremer, Port
land, sweetheart from the Willam
ette university chapter; Miss Sal
ly Jo Greig of Salem, sweetheart
irom the University of Oregon
chapter; and Miss Donna Lee I Denny; Fred Starred and his
Johnsen of Clatskanie, sweet- j daughter. Doris: John Olson and
heart of the Oregon State college 1 son and daughter. .Man and Mar
Sigma Chis . . . The dance wtUiilyn: Edward Mawk and dauch-
be at the Multnomah hotel
Friends in Salem have received
invitations for the St. Helen's hall
benefit in Portland, February 24.
The 30th anniversary concert
of the Portland Junior Sympho
ny orchestra will be Saturday
morning, February 27, at the pub
lic auditorium . . . Jacob Avslialo
mov, composer-conductor, New
York City, will be guest conduc
tor, and Robert Mann, first vio
linist with the Julliard string
quartet, will be soloist . . .
In the current issue of The
Zontian, magazine of Zonta Inter
national, women's service club,
received this week, is an article
by Dr. Helen Pearce of Salem, a
past international president of
oma and charter member of the
local rluh . . . Her article deals
wilh building strong clubs and
interpreting "clubs in good stand
ing". . .
Annual Shrove Tuesday pan
cake supper at St. Paul's Episco
pal church is in the planning for
March 2, the all-parish affair to
lie served from 3 o'clock on . . .
Robert (I. Brady as usual is
"chief cook" at this affair and
is being assisted by a large group
from the parish . . .
. ,
O and 4U Banquet
Wednesday Evening
Four new members were Ini
tiated by Marion county salon,
No. 412, Eight and Forty, on
Wednesday night at a formal
banquet. It was the sixth an
niversary of the salon.
New members include Mrs.
John Wood, Mrs. Lue A. Lucas,
Mrs. Jerome Hansen and Mrs.
Glenn llolman.
Department officers at the
banquet were Airs. Carl Shuh,
Warenton, la chapeau departmen
tal; Mrs. B. F. I'pdyke, Newport,
li. demi chapeau rieuxicmc; Mrs.
Edith I.eulwyler, Warrenton, la
secrctarie. Mrs. Earl T. Andre
sen, of the child welfare com
mittee was introduced as was
Mrs. Stanley Kreuger, Independ
ence, la marshal.
Patterson Green
DAYTON Miss Reita ,Tov
-reen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I
Hnlph Green, Davlon was wed
ln Kl,, Knn j. 'Patterson, son i
f jr. and Mrs. Charles E Pat-1
torsnn, Davton. on Fridav Feb-
rilan. 12 a, th(, nnme )f (hp
p.ev. S. James Osborne.
Only immediate members of
the families were present to wit
ness the double ring ceremony, j
which was read by the Rev. Mr.
Osborne. !
The attendants were Miss Mar
lene Paris and Howard Putman.
The bride wore a navy blue
suit, with navy accessories and
white carnation corsage.
The bridegroom recently re
turned home from the Far East,
after spending 15 months in Ko
rea. Alter a wedding trip to
Spokane, Wash., the bride will
DAYTON The Dayton Read
ing club met at the home of
Mrs. Vernon Foster last week
f i r dessert.
Following a short business
meeting. Mrs Nelle Coburn led
the lo-iiii on Korea Irom the
0''k ' 1 lie Korean Story."
Mrs Harp, Sherman showed
t-ulnrrd slnli j taken by Kenneth
'iMiiiinell while he was stationed
Willi the ami) in Korea. Mrs.
t lulls Moan was a guest. Ite
Iresfunents were served. The
next meeting will be Feb. 20,
at the home ol Mrs. Earlc Co
hum. 2 Couples Feted
IMONVAI.E - - Cnmplinient
i Mr and Mrs E. M. t oats on
thrir Mih wedding anniversary,
Alter dinner, Mr. and Mrs.
Mason Demaray, son-in-law and
daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Coats,
entertained in the afternoon.
Other guests at the Demaray
home Were his brother and sister-in-law,
Mr and Mrs Milton
Demaray, and two daughters, re
cently from Santa Ana. Calif.,
who are in Daylon until they
can get living quarters in Corvallis.
Houses Set
Dances for
ICaplttt Journal Correspondent)
Corvallis i Special Despite the
damp weather more than 1100
fathers from all parts of Oregon,
Washington and California came
Lu visii suns miu udugiuria (menu-
:., ,)Sr Amnn(( ,,,. m,nlc
planned for the dads were lunch-
eons, plays, basketball games and
meetings. New president ofi the
Dads club is Paul Meneget of For
rest Grove. Many Salem fathers
were here fur the week end. Seen
at the luncheon and basketball
games were Charles Feike and his
son and daughter. Marv and
ter, JoAmw Majek Olson. C. W.
Paulus and son. Ijrry; Robert
Soars and daughter. Roberta: Stan
Baker and son. Xiel: Vernon Perry
and son. John; Francis Forristel
and his son and daughter, Jack
and Ann: and M. C. Buchanan and
son. Fred.
On this week-end's agenda are
house dances. Friday night the
majority of women s living organ
izations will be giving their dances
and Saturday night the men will
be giving their dances. The Sea
horse water pageant also will be
presented- this week-end. There
will be one show Thursday night
and two shows Friday night.
The T. B. X-ray unit is on cam
pus now and ntany students are
having their annual chest X-rays.
Student leaders of the drive are
trying to get a loo per cent turn
out. Among recent initiales at the
Chi Omega house is Janice Coffel
of Salem. Among the elections
line, Hetty Andrescn of Salem was
recently elected president of Thra
tares, independent women's social
organization. The Oregon State
student branch of the American
Pharmaceutical association re
cently presented a slate of nomin
ations for their next year's officers.
Nan Steele of Salem was nominat
ed fur the oil ice of secretary.
Elections will be March 10. An
other presidency here on the cam
pus has gone to another Salemile,
ju aiciuer. wno nas Been e ecled
head of her living group, Jameson
The very crucial basketball
series is coining up this week-end.
We have hopes of taking another
two-game series from the Wash
ington Slate Cougars.
The OSC final schedule has been
published and the students are all
planning on spring vacation. To
most of us it seems that the term
has just begun, but winter term
always seems to go fast. It won't
be too long now before students
Hill be coming home for those
well earned days during spring,
(not that the weather shows it) va
cation. Sigma Kappas Meet
Sigma Kappa alumnae met on
Wednesday evening at the home
of Mrs. E. E. Beckman and heard
a talk by Albert Ziegler, ex
change teacher from New Zea
land at Parrish junior high
school. Alumnae attending the
meeting were Mrs. Edwin Beck
er, Mrs. George I.eTourneux,
Mrs. Eric Carlson, Mrs. Frank
DeWitt, Mrs. Joseph Franko,
Mrs. Lynn Wallace. Mrs. Luther
Jensen. Mrs. Norman Johnson.
Mrs. Frank Washburn and the
LEAVING Thursday for Sacra
iiieiiio was mrs. ucorge A. unoien ; , ... , , , ' parenis are Mr. ami mrs. rtioreciit
to visit her daughter. Miss Merle Gral"r spcnt ,hrcc WPcks at lur i Pagenstecher of Middlcbury, Vcr
Rhoten, who teaches al Sacra-' daughter's home in Tacoma and mot, and Mrs. Wilbur VanDuyn
menlo. ! returned home this week. : of Cazenovia, N.Y.
mento was Mrs. George A. Rhoten
Boys and
Register Now $7.00
You Get:
Use of Accordion for Classes
and Home Practice
Two Periods Eoch Week for Seven
(7) Weeks in Our Studio
You Can Earn Achievement 'Award
up to $25.00 on a New Galanti
n. J :
n w
: . 'i 'i. Vs.
p.? --mr
! , ; , - " ft1 -in ir)irM'tiiviii-
Wed Recently Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. McClcllan (Elnora
Jean Aydelolt), above, were married January 30 in Eugene.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Aydelott of
Eugene and Mr. McClcllan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
McClcllan of Salem. (Nolphs studio picture, Eugene)
OES Event
Mrs. Edna L. Thomas and Miss
Carol Jo Airsman were initiated
into Ainsworth chapter, Order
of Eastern Star, on Wednesday
night at the friendship session.
Honored and escorted were
Mrs. Paul II. Hauser, past grand
msimn Mn j pi.,ar ft.,
grand representative to North
Dakota; Mrs. vera Koach, wor-
thy matron, Acacia chapter,
Stayton; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sch
wartz, worthy matron and pat
ron, Euclid chapter, Jefferson;
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Nelson, wor
thy matron and patron, Venus
chapter, Donald; Mrs. Faith
Harding, worthy matron. Cedar
chapter, Scio. and Miss Helen
Fletcher, worthy matron, Salem
Mrs. John Goebel on behalf of
the Business Women's club of
the chapter, presented the chap
ter with a desk to keep the re
gistration. ,.
Following the meeting, those
having birthdays in February
were given a gift. Refreshments
were served by Mr. and Mrs. Al
vin Luhr, chairmen: Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Johnson, Mrs. D. E.
MeCrary, Mrs. Bill Whitmore,
Mrs. C. B. Wynknop, and Mr.
and Mrs. Warren Pahl.
A FOt'UTIl SON was born on
February 4 at Tacoma. Wash., to
Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Dukes
, ' , . ' , , T I
has been named Raymond Lee.
. .
Rroihers of the new arrival
elude Gordon and twins, Woody
! nnl Rnr Mr and Mrs. A. A. Gra-
k, ih. ,,,.j,i, ir i
Learn Accordion
Girls, Age Group 8 to 16
Read These Simple Rules
1. Must be between ages of 8 and 16
2. Must have had NO previous exper
ience on accordion
3. Must agree to be present at each class
meeting for 7 weeks to be eligible for
achievement oword
('Not a contest, but an award of merit for
on the instrument)
Across from Elsinore Theatre
Lois O'Connor Named
Queen of Hearts
Miss Lois O'Connor was crown
ed Queen of Hearts Wednesday
night at the Sweetheart ball at
Sacred Heart academy. The
dance was given at Catholic Cen
ter. .
Princesses included the Misses
Jackie Hayes,- Kathie Corrigan,
Joan Trimm and Eloise Corey.
Airs. Schmidt Heads
Scout Cookie Sale
Schmidt has been named cookie
sale chairman for the Silverton
district of Girl Scouts. The sale
this year will begin in March.
Troop No. 149 has recently be
come active wilh Mrs. Everett
Schults as leader, Mrs. Lenard
Kephart and Mrs. J. S. Starrett,
assistant leaders. Meetings are
in the basement of Trinity Luth
eran church and the group in
cludes the f ol 1 o w i n g fifth
grade girls: Ruth Back, Betty
Bauer, Janis Bauer, Beverly Eld
red, Roberta Epeneter, Sue Har
ris, Patsy Harrison. Donna Irish,
Ruth Jacobsen, Nichole Kephart,
Judy Lockwood, Patricia McAl
lister, Mary Meyer, Lana Ncri-
son, Virginia Ann Olsen, Kath
leen Overross, Kathryn Owen,
Paulcttc Plank, Karen Roberts,
Sharon Ross, Ellen Schults, Vir
ginia Starrett. Mary Jo Van
Cleave and Judy Westling.
BORN on Wednesday. February
17, at Salem Memorial hospital, to '
' . ... . . ., '
: .Ml. SHU .Ills, uviiwtlll II. I
in-.stcch(,r was tncjr fourtn cniid, a
; son. The boy has been named Ger-
hard. The older children arc Stew-
art, Thomas and Pamela. Grand-
USE OUR Budget Plan
113 ta. Hick H
Senior Ball
On Campus
At Week-end
(Ciplttl Journal Correspondent)
University of Oregon, Eugene,
(Special) The Heart Hop last
week-end was a big success! Ron
Griffiths, a junior from The Dal
les, was named King of Hearts,
and the other finalists dunked
him in a small tub in front of the
Chi Omega house, where the
dance started.
Salemites seen dancing at the
various houses were Glenn Ben
ner, Jackie Saylor, Helen Cal
laghan and Carol Fisher. Dancing
was at the Kappa Alpha Theta,
Pi Beta Phi and Zeta Tau Alpha
houses, as well as Chi Omega.
Another big dance is coming up
this week-end it's the senior
ball, sponsored by the graduating
class. It will be in the Student Un
ion ballroom, and will be the first
all-campus formal dance this
year. Bill Becker and his band
will play.
The Student Union board is
sponsoring two bridge tourna
ments this week one Wednes
day, for competition among cam
pus living organizations, and one
Thursday, which is the National
Intercollegiate tournament. Pre
pared hands are used in the
The annual exchange assembly
went "on the road" Tuesday pres
enting its first performance at
Ladies Urge Si
2, $1
Table Cloth
Assorted colorful
prints. 54x54 inches.
All colors.
Regular Sl.l!)
Serva Snack
ell Ruhy
runs and 4 Trays.
green or crystal.
Reg. 29c Lb.
Vol a Dollar Dav Hem . .
hut a TU:i) HOT value and
a favorite in all our slnrest
Tasty, pure, delicious!
1 . XX and XXX. Step- j
J in and banded leg. Reg.
W Men's Random
ii Work Sox
Ei 4-$i
If Nvlon reinforced thru-
mil. Siies 10 to 13.
S Stock up. y
S. S1.4H Plastic
, i
Fig Bars
IS0 tb.
Pleasant Hill school, near Eu
gene. It will visit several high
schools and colleges, which
haven't been determined yet.
At the University theater to
see "The Moon is Blue" last week
was Jean Smith. The play ends
its run this week, and Tom Angle
plays the part of Patty O'Ncil's
Irish-cop father.
There was a series of two lec
tures on "The Sea and the Life
Within," one last week and one
Monday night this week. Attend
ing the first one, which featured
color movies, was Jim Mathieson.
The University's forsenic team
traveled to Tacoma last week-end,
to a tournament at the College of
Puget Sound. Oregon's team won
their first sweepstakes trophy
since 1951.
Bob Robinson, a Salem boy who
moved there after graduating
from high school, has been
mnkinp miite X name for himself
as sports editor of the Emerald.
His comments on the recent Ore
gon State basketball games have
been quoted and, in turn, com
mented on, in newspapers
throughout the state.
He writes a column, "Duck
Tracks," which appears several
times a week in the campus
nanor tin is verv interested in
sports, having played on the
tresnman DasKeioau team lasi
All women's organizations are
staging their annual elections
Thursday. These include the
YWCA, the Women's Recreation
al association and Associated
Women Students. Announcement
of winners is traditionally made
on election day, according to a
story in the Emerald.
Reg. 29c Box of 300's
For Dollar Dayi only.
Limit 5 to a customer.
(No sale to dealers).
Enjoy the BEST for less
at Metro.
Cotton Sheet
2 to
69c Infants
Gowns and kimonos. White
flanrl with con- $ QQ
trasting trim 2 'or J
SI. 41 Ladies
Xylnn lace trimmed. Small,
med large. Maize $4 QQ
blue, melon. A
$1.49 White Wool
100'iall wool, ( lever, cute,
flattering. $ 4 QQ
See them.
All Regular 2!)r
Crochet Thread
Harks Bie Ball, Coals Jlcr
mercerized, knit $4 QQ
Orosheen .etc. 4 for
$1.59 3PieceV
Bowl Sel
I $1.00
I Crystal Fireking, splash I
1 proof .t pr, Hon I sets in u
graduatrd sizes, Rlazinr m
hot value! M
Limit one set. M
Thursday, February 18, 1954
Last Friday was tin Emerald's
birthday, the first issue of a student-controlled
paper having
been printed on Lincoln's Birth
day in 1900. Staff members g-ve
a birthday party, Tuesday, fol.
lowing a general stal, meeting.
Judy Carlson was there, as was
Sally Greig. Judy is a zone man
ager with the advertising staff,
and Sally is a reporter. She had
a by-line in the Wednesday Em
erald. London Visitors
Here for Week-End
Miss Eleanor Stephens and Miss
Gertrude Acheson will entertain as
their house guests over the week
end. Miss Muriel Lester and her
sister, Miss Doris Lester of Lon
don. England.
Miss Muriel Lester will be
speaker next Sunday afternoon for
a city-wide interfaith vesper serv
ice in the First Christian church,
arranged by a number of local or
ganizations, as a highlight of
Brotherhood Week and Religious
Emphasis week on the Willam
ette university campus.
Entertain Guests
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Clay Allen entertained at Sun
day dinner at their home for
their house guests, Mrs. W. P.
Gilkerson of Eugene, Mr. and
Mrs. George Orthel of Longview,
and Mrs. I. L. Stewart of Silver
ton. The out-of-town folk came to
Silverton to attend the Rebekah
district conference at Monitor
Saturday afternoon and evening,
remaining as house guests of the
Aliens over the week-end.
To S1.65 Values
51 and 60 gauge, 15 denier
nylons. Wanted colors.!)
if $
perteet. 2 prs.
Complete Assortment
Figurines, vases, novelty
picces.Keg. $1.4!) val- $ 4
ties. See them.
S1.2!) Braided
17x2ft" oval braided rugs in
beautiful, assorted $4 00
SI. 3!) Wooden
Clothes Dryer
Folds compactly. Large
ire. Smonthlv sanded.
Light $100
Regular SI.4!)
Ironing Board
Cover and Pad
Regular lo $3.49
Rubber Mais
Rubber Incline drainboard
mats . . .slichllv irreg. If
perfect wou'd sell at M.4!.
Two sizes. Assorted colors.