Thursday, February 18, 195 Farmer-Merchant luet March 4 Banqi DALLASTh .n.,,,1 merchant banquet this year un der the sponsorship o( the farm committee is scheduled for Thursday, March 4 at 7 p.m. at the Dallas city hall. The committee in charge of the banquet includes Claude noisingion, AbU office manager; members of the ASC committee, hum, Menon tsissell Frank Neufeld, and county ex tension agent, N. John Hansen. STEVE ROVER THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oreijon SECTION II Page 15 CAROL CURTIS VELVETY SPRING CAPE Wool yarn and velvety chenille yarn crocheted in alternating stripes produces this handsome spring cape to wear over suits or street dresses. Use two shades of grey or brown; navy and royal; beige and coffee or a pinkish wine and a dark wine for smart est effect; very outstanding, too, done in all white. Send 25c for the CROCHETED SPRING CAPE (Pattern No. 306) all instructions, YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, care of Capi tal Journal, 652 Mission, San .Francisco 5, Calif. Ready now! The brand new, exciting 36-page CAROL CUR TIS NEEDLEWORK GUIDE, in color, containing over 150 de signs for knitting, crocheting, embroidery, hairpin lace, four "How to Do It" designs, summer fashions; something for every age, every climate. In addition there are TWO FREE patterns for flattering spring and sum mer glamour! The NEEDLE WORK GUIDE costs only 25c. Order it as you do your needle work patterns! Thousands of gray whales mi grate every autumn from the ArCllC. down IhA wectorn ,n,tt of America to the bays of lower California and return nhnut tk middle of March. . ROOM ti BOARD By Ahem Wl--KCWf IT'S A PITY fefi 7 F0R.150?r V I DIDN'T START f. AND ' A COLLECTOR. OP PAINTING EARLIER' 7 I SUPPOSE Y MODERN ART SAW IN LIFE' BUT, STILL, - NOW YOU RE MY PAINTING IN GRANDMA MOSES FIGURING TO 4 THE EXHIBITION WAS ADVANCED IN SKYROCKET iX AND BOUGHT IT.' A YEARS WHEN HER IN ART AS T-L jy BRILLIANT PAINTING GRANDPA V;."- V CAREER BEGAN.' V PUFFLE, ,-', VI M FREAK PAINTING 1 ' .:. ,Al ,, J"K" V ! N.V-v HAS BROUGHT V " PC ', h-iVv-l h:.w?450 VJrf 7 ACROSS 1. Past 4. List 8. Walltrd 12. Grieved 14. Counsel: Arc. 15. Itnhan river 16. Made per i'orations 17. Presently 13. Short musical composition 11. Grunt 20 Ovnamenta! ball 22. Portable shelters 24. Medleys '.1 Harvest 27. Pronoun 20. Haphazard 31. Stout coarse shoe 33. At home 34. Biblical tower 36. Mine of poetry 37. Backs of necks 39. Cravats 40. Form of diversion 43. Dickens character 45. Sandaiac tree 46. Flax fabric 47. Measure of capacity: abbr. 4!). Fodder pit 50. Forces BCjRjAiTlEBAiBiOIMjAp IqlllQlViEinAlNiELIS n' I a -t-.'er puTt Hn n . a i ,r ir t-IM I IC. INI I tar- JV'VIH LAiAiTbllM:lsBfieHM fiYlMfidADl SiW.tlL It-! i HAjU UJ-it X bl 1 toj K3AQH A ! r inc. '1UH 4.1 1 r, EJUS ma Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle 52. English statesman 53. Name 54. Diocese DOWN 1. Serpent 2. Slirky stuff 3. Conjunc , 1 j V.,, .U U 17 l . I " " 7T 75 S 76 " 7 7i IrTT.v' 7T7T . , ,. ,.; 74 TTTe !, W 7o'7r" jf?" j jT Ui . , Tr -o : s ; 33 ' J v3Hpw 3jT " I si 7j 73 1 3T 4. Part of a plant 5. Young owl 6. Seofaw 7. Say furthci 8. Carrving 9. Italian river 10. Scent 11. Mark of I blow 13. Flowcrinf shrub 13. Principal l!t. Ga?e 20. Operatic soprano 21. Ardnr 23. Bird's beak 25. Soft drinks 27. Detest 28. Son of Soth 30. Chart 32. Profit 35. Purify 38. More rational 40. Instance 41. Dry 42. Abnormal breathing sound 44. Microbe 4fi. Allow 47. Insect 48. Utility 51. Exists KSLM KOCO KOAI KUIN KCiW KEX K8LM KOCO KGAI KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KOAB KOIN KC.YI KEX KSLM KOCO KOAB KOIN KGVT KEX KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX KF.LM KOCO KGAF. KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX EASTERANDON) This bell-flared princess sil houette is top fashion news, but so simple to sew note the way the Bryon collar is cut-in-one with dress front! Lines are ideal for favorite crisp fabrics for Eas- ter-and-on! (Sleeve choice, too!) No. 2644 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 36, 38, 40. Size 16: 4 yds. or 39-in. or 3'A yds. ot 34 in. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and Size. Address PATTERN BU REAU, Capital Journal, 652 Mis sion street, San Francisco 5, Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders immediately, .tor special .han dling of order via first class mail include an extra 5c per pattern. Just off the press! The brand new 1954 SPRING - SUMMER FASHION BOOK is agog from cover to cover with exciting new season styles and ideas for easy sewing and smart going from breakfast until bedtime! IN COLOR, this book includes up- to-the-minute fashion forecasts for every age, every size, every occasion! Yours for only an addi tional 25c. KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX I t AND THE BREWSTER GARDENS? SOUD BLOCK WALLS-ONE T VSS MV 0E6P.- 1 17 ,. " ' jl-. mst I HAo T'S R00M 0ff THE eRE J ooor with a heavy lock Jos a pehcect A LAELL"KEPT P0EK1AL TTriii I IN WHICH TO STOBS THEM trrri ANJD NO WINOOWS.'-ITS A TOvfi I Wi birAv.tx.. m . :f ih r.M VII II II m ! Vv.VJirw ..TV n ' -f,' - VV HOUR 2 it&fs&zgM, I shonuff), it makes him J in tub w Bzi-Ms-iPi-ezt- J skSr tr'&UN: Q I name, cHusrcwy, ( it& sT?AN6Pf. I wozip Zssrri 71 fi (fO 'jlmeceTTig w 1 lir"l 3 OrT V0U A QOQB 3W, SflNDy 5 K FRANCIS FINNOC3 ISN'T W 7 j fc t 1,-ITf.VI I f&H ORRV I TOOK SO LOMQ 1 II 'WHO WHO"-OR ANY OTHER USTN' 1 ncmir Wli'ipn1" A WASTED MY TIME, AT.TMAT, ImiomI I t COULOTHINKOFHM-M'M?BUTHO- B u' . luBlMlf ii j, ii. v" i(3ues6 jfiiM, I they in there csttl USi illj ;;S-r-: 11 f Y. M c --" II V.t W I M z:ry jvj as z------.- w ry u L1L ABNER " I IN ONE MINUTE.THE"rrfTraLOnI11 f-AH"-BEPOBTHrr X I 1 is.tvnue ITir-u.t.aft. 1 1 I TRAGEDV WILL HAPPFWf lJirWFlV 1 I I BCMnvlTTUir-rv-iiT4ii Ml Sail ,.7ca ..i'.rrT .Vw.l I I I THfc. WIRi. w I kATni?ailv . k L I I I tri mniMI lis Ann. Dnai III ii 1 1 I .,,7, , .T-U. ,v.r. I?-.' .'-. .N I I wrt'iNw y I i risi I - .-'"" SLJ II W1 NPSeV jTfm (WL SSI sK r jtWK.VSk. "XT II )f"diy axjj lis m i rj u. i.i-r "i hour liOPALONG CASSIDY K P" I I Tl PWliSJt Vv (THERE y U VOU'BS UNDER AKREST, I j-v, I I ' UK . V " ,S '' J ZZ SAMpeesoN this telegwv I I f&STf i 3 I If l'''lH s tMl FROM SOWEBODV MWAEO J j 1 HF 13? I Jl iwwwiMl tesso- jT lH f V MUTT & JEFF i vrmrnt.-, ... . , . 1 i - ; 1 1 . . k i m - O jjaaEsaassiBa-. ByT YOUlc BttN- I N. I K SURE SETTLE DOWN I i i7, - JEFF,PHVSICALLV) A BACHELOR TOO U WILL J I RAISEA RAMILV IT I l!'THiNs4 1 I YOU'RE in TiP-TOP V GOSH T I LONG VOU OUGHT THAT M WLL IMPROIE VOUR ArTnltlJ- SHAPE.' AS SOUND JOILV AS TO GET MAPClFDl HELP? I I " Itl-X MOItOAN. M.D. v !imtmmtimm'a'1 "" :'P fKO, RUTH.' WE'D BUT, JM...0U KNO0 TMAT'S RIGHT.' IT'S NOT NEARLY AS CONTAGIOUS " 1 ""S START LIFE LIVE IN CONSTANT 1 AS WELL AS I DO AS FiFTV OTHER DI5EA5E5 THAT ARE TREATED I A sJ ImOviP WITH VOu.R'JHJ CMiLDCEW OJE WOULD HANSEN'S DISEASE, HTC-itNiC PRECAUTION? MAKE TRAN5ViS5iOM I II I I UU TLJIJ IViIV IVHtt MIV nt-t-UrtJ I hIVL I 'I I . . . II .llll AN J IHrK 1 Mk'l J35IBLC .' IMC LA7L L'rt? TVPI Ly IrlfM. m I ..- .vfr'iiiA'iR f?. .i," hirw Kt:.'JX7 m I IjT-ZJT- ifeiF LAVkAXJ Ml. I ' I II.. " vfl -JIIIM V mi, p-uini y I UUXAI.U Ul I K M " N JaW f' 1111 B ICg8" HENRY .Si, , V ii iF MAUI ttUIJ I'l P1MEZ&$,ZZ1Z. ', 77 I WUL'.QUIUAM'.NU' TWiAr.ti..lVtRinil 1 yAHA...LGO..-t--l'VC. I N, , -"yyfi'i ,,.71, lulSA BUTftuTKtoNTHtHtAgTV Ni;,, ,,h,r BfNTXiNKINOrt)V..TiO'J..JH.. I Wt'RC HAVIN6 BRUNCH H rD ,0vr fOWPANY I S'Pl!-.LETi HAVE A NICE HOCE-.-AND NtTV' 'fD. i V " J A INTHECOfFElSHOPAO0H VwCMt PPOf HF("L LICHT SALAD.HOfV--! f Can't EAT IKt A I STEMC-MEOiUM RARt! i ! JZ Ss y-cii& -riiPi K8LM UN, KOCO 1490, KGAK 1430, KOIN 070. KGW lit, KEX 11M rMs Mciacyclei KOIN 101.1; KEX 82.3 FRIDAY P.M. ; 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 fop Trd World Newl Noon News Macleod News Newsroom Paul Harvey Sew (lay 90'i Mid-day Music iMid-day Musio spider (spicier Come tSc Get It) House Party ' Road of Life Pepper Yountf I Noon Edition I Sam Hayes I Siesta Meli. Hiicnie Spider House Party Happiness The Todds Better ShoDDerslMuslc Room Magic Melody I Magic Melody News Hill Top Ho. Backst. WICfl Kay West Ross Rendeiv A. Godfrey steivi uaiiat I Kay west Music Room Manic Melody Ross Rendezvt A. Godfrey Wldder Brown IKay West Muaic Room Manic Melody Ross Rendezvt A. Godfrev Woman In Ho. kmj west News iStar Time INews panda Magic Melody (Manic Melody Magic Melody IMagic Melody t News Spider Spider jspidcr A. Godfrey (Art Godfrey Art Godfrey I Curt Massey Just Plain Bill IFront P, Farrell Lorenzo JonM I Pays to Marry iuariin aiock marun ciiock imarun ciock imarun ciocK Hughes Reel ITello Test Jack Klrkwood Ufck Klrkwood P.M. News (Tune Time (Piano Patterns For'rd March News I Spider Spider Spider Wiiardof Odds (Make Up Mind iRobt. Q. Lewis! Tunefully Welcome Trav, (Welcome Trav. Dr. Paul Ufe Beautiful For the Girls (For the Girls (For the Girls For the Girls Fulton Lewis Music U Want News Art Kirk ham Join the Navy Aftrnn. Edltn. (Hemingway (Music U Want I Spider ISparklln' Music I Music Box I Squirrel Cage iCurt Massey Music U Want Spider ArtKirkham Music Box I Sam Hayes (Music U Want (Spider Art Kirkhara (Music Box Squirrel Cagt I Ginger Rogers B Bar B Show Time News At Needle E. R. Murrow Sports Daily Dirk Powel! B Bar B Show Time Disk & Needle News News Hour Peggy Lee B1U Hlckok Second Look Disk & Needle World Today Jesa Mason Huntley News Bill Hickok Music Sign Off ranKGost ' R. Peterson Bob Garred ' Gab. Heater Candlelight Junior Miss Relax, Music I Home Edition (Perry Como IVirgil Plnkley INews Candlellnht News ItSXiyi Junior Miss ISp'ts Spot light 'Meditation I Relax. Muslo I House of Glass House of Glass IBJ11 Stern I Sports Edition IHappy Time Starlight Thtr. Rosary Godfrey Dig. McGee St Molly Fights Starlight Thtr. Cisco Kid Cisco Kid (Stars Sing Music I Mi ii court Godfrey Digest (Godfrey Digest iGodfrey Digest' lAlex Dreler Phil Harris 'Phil Harris iFights INews Headlines JlmmvFidler iThemo Time lHarmnnalres tWhistlin' Tunes) W.U.-Unfleld (W.U.-Llnfleld I W.U.-Linfield (W.U.-Linfield Lost Personi (Lest Persons (Lowell Thomai Family Skeleton 1 Man s FamllviWorld News (Dinah Shore Frank Sinatra Good ListeninglGood Listening John VanderTtlFavorite Mm. Kardv Newt W.U.-Unficld Beulah Bob Hope Ozzle & Han. Newsreel (W.U.-Linfield LaRosa Bob Hope lOzzie & Harr. Sweet 4: Swing w.U.-Unfield JJohny on Spot Bandwagon 1 Music Powerl. (Harry Wismer lSHS-Ei'gena . IDance Orch. I Bandwagon iMuslc Powerl Fulton Lewis SHSEugene 5 Star Final Htchfld Rptr. Final Edition I Platter Parade (News SHS-Eugene I SHS-Eugene I Cooke's G. BooklCity Club IsportPase (Six Shooter tDanca Tim IDance Timt I Platter Parade SHS-Eugene City Club ' tSlx Shooter IDance Tim KSLM Crime F'Rh'rs (Crime F'gh'rs IMuslc KOCO Nlffht News KOIN Record Show KGW News KEX Dance Time Nocturne IRecord Show iJess Mason I Dance Time Nocturne IRecord Show City Council mance lima (Music -(Nocturne 111:55 News ICity Council I Dance Tun KOAC 550 kc Pacific Standard Time. (10:00 a.m. The News and Weather; 10 :15 Especially for Women; 11 :00 Oregon School of the Air Come, Cluckle, Come: 11:,5 Concert Hall: 12:00 The News and Weather: 12:15 p.m. Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowboy: 1:15 Oregon School of the Air A Glimpse of Snails, Snakes, and Such: 1:30 London Forum: 2 00 .Especially for Women: 2:30 Memory Book of Music; 2:45 Ore gon School of the Air Adven tures in Research; 3:00 Oregon He porter: 3:15 Muslo of the Masters: 4:00 Sports Forecast; 4:15 On tho Upbeat: 4:45 News Commentary; 5:00 Children's Theater: 5:30 Voices of Europe; 6:00 The News and Weather: 6:15 New England Renaissance; 6:45 Of Books and People; 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: 8:00 Popular Arts of America; 9:00 Music That Endures; 9:45 Evening Meditations Bound Ta ble; 10:00 Sign Off. SATURDAY 6 A. M. TO 1 1 :45 A. M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 KSLM New. iTlmckMPtr iNewi March Time KOCO Early Worm lEarly Worm (Early Worm lEarly Worm KOAB Salut. to Sat. ISalula to Sat. ISalule to Sat. ISaluta to Sat, KOIN New. of Amor. KOIN Clock IKOIN Klock I KOIN Kloak KGW Yawnlverslty 1 Yawnlvcrilty lYawniversity 1 Yawnlveralty KKX Ora. Farm Hr. lore. arm Hr. IOr. farm Hr. lore, farm Hr. KSLM Htmlnfway I Break. Cans (Break. Gang 'jNewa KOCO Newa lEarly Worm IKarly Worm IF.xtnsn. Service KOAB New & Salute 1 Salute to Sat. ISalute to Sat. (Salute to Sat. KOIN KOIN Klock iMacleod New, IGota Newi IConsumer KGW Yawnlverslty lYawniversity j Newsroom (Manning, News KKX rirtt Edition IM AeronsKy Vefa Report lllob Hazen KSLM Music IMuslc Haven of Heit IMsven ot Bell KOCO' Proudly Hall (Proudly Hall IMuslc c KCAB News & Salute ISalule to Sat. 'Salute to Sat (Salute to Sat KOIN I.rwi Show Ike wn Show ILewH Show ll.evvs Show . KlilT Moon Mulllns I Moon Mulllnf iMoon Mulllnl Moon Mulling KEX NoSchl Today INoSchl Today lUNSIory Demo Agent KSLM N.W. Newa I Farm St Home Pallor Call IBargaln Countr KOCO World News iPubllc Health 4-11 Club (Kiddle's Korner KOAB NewsAtUncle B lUncleBob lllncleDob Uncle Bob KOIN Theater Today ITheater Today iHollywd. StarslHoUywd. Stars Knw Moon Mullini IMoon Mulllna (Moon Mulllni IMoon Mulllns KEX Playtime ll'laytlme ISpace Patrol ISoace Patrol KSLM Newt KOCO AuntHallle KOAB Newt KOIN City Hospital KGW Moon Mulllns IMuslc I AuntHallle (ttncle Bob Cltv Hnsnltal IMoon Mulllns I Bozo, Clown Bozo, Clown I Sat. Serenade I Sat. Serenade Uncle Bob (Uncle Bob IP. Llnd Haves IP. Llnd Haves Hllywd. llrkfst Hllywd. Brkfst Tomor'w Stars tTomor'w Stars ITomor'w Stars ITomor'w Start KSLM Bozo. Clown KOCO Sat. Serenade KOAB News & Rndzv KOIN Galen Drake GIT MnryL.Taylor KEX "Alda" Bozo. Clown Sat. Serenade Ross Rend. Galen Drake MaryL.Taylor Alda" I Strictly Dixie I Sat. Serenade Rnss Rend. IGalen Drake I Farm&Home r'Alda, IMuslc Sat. Serenade Ross Rend. IGalen Drake (Farm&Home l"Alda" KOAC 9.1(1 KC 10 00 s. m. The News and Weather 10:19 Especially for Women; 10 At Once Upon A Time: 11:00 The Concert Hall; 12:00 The News end Weather: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowboy: l:.TO French Academy Talks: 2:00 Music of the Masters; 4:00 Excursions In .Science: 4:19 On the Upbest; S:00 Children's Theater: fl:S0 Frontier FlKllters 5:45 Tom Roberts, Organ ist: 6:00 Newt ft Weather: S:15 mth Century Music: 7:00 Grand Opera Tonight; 8:45 The Newt and Weather: B OO Dance Parade; 10:00 Sign Oil. New Tissue Machine Planned at St. Helens SAN FRANCISCO W Expan sion plans which will cost 14 to 15 million dollars have been an nounced by the Crown Zcllerhach Corp. for its plant at St. Helens, Ore. The company said Wednesday It will install a new tissue machine with a capacity of 35.000 tons a year. Another paper machine at the plant will he modernized and speeded up, pulp capacity will be increased and other buildings re novated, the announcement said. Almost two million residents of Berlin left the city during World War II. Man Who Refused to Give up Plates Upheld PORTLAND W -A district court Jury decided Wednesday that a 20-year-old Gresham man was right in refusing to give up his autombile license plates to a state police. man. Patrolman James C. Burns said the youth, Robert Waggoner, was no longer entitled to the plates under the state financial respon sibility law. Waggoner's attorney contended, however, that Waggoner had the right to refuse to give them up. Waggoner said Burns hit him over the head with handcuffs when he refused to surrender the plates. Fleas arc not found on hoofed animals. By Carl Anderson h- emeus , WINTER HEADCJARTERS a Nfwitftetv'ts