Page 14 SECTION THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, February 1R, 1954 Tele-Views Radio-Television On Television KPTV(27)-KOIN-TV (6) UHF ' VHE THURSDAY ON KPTV: Hunting and Fishing News, 6:30 Rudy Laehemeier, popular outdoor authority. Sports Thirty, 7 Tom Harmon. You Bet Your Life, 8 Groucho Marx heckles and is heckled. ' Waterfront, 8:30 In "Sunken Treasure," Captain John and ton Dave try to raise Spanish galleon. Dragnet, 9 Friday and Smith are put on trail of an old couple who suddenly disappear from a fashionable residential area. Ford Theater, 9:30 "For Value Received" starring Peter Law ford, Marie Windsor, James Whitmore. Story of a playboy unable to face life poor. Martin Kane, 10 A forged check leads to a murderer. Arthur Murray Dance Party, 10:30 Six "Aliss Flowers" candi dates to appear. Nite Owl Theatre, 11:01 "Blockade" stars Henry Fonda, Made leine Carroll. -"Mountain Moonlight," starring THURSDAY ON KOINTV: 3:15 p.m.. Armchair Theatre - Johnny Arthur and Betty Rhodes. 8 p.m., Meet Mr. McNullcy The full responsibility for 263 girls falls on the slim but capable shoulders of Ray Milland, as Profes sor Ray McNutley, when the. Dean of Lynhavcn College for Women goes off to a four-day convention. 8:30 p.m., Four Star Playhouse David Niven stars in "The Bomb," a drama of two men and a woman trapped in a house in London with a re-activated World War II bomb, on "Four Star Playhouse." 10 p.m., Philip Morris riayhouse The travelers going to London by train are confronted by "The Man They'd Murdered," on Philip Morris Playhouse. 10:30 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. North In "Loon Lake," Barbara Britton and Richard Denning as amateur sleuths Mr. and Mrs. North mix it up with a gang of dangerous counterfeiters. 11 p.m.. Showtime on Six "Mr. Perrin and Mr. Trail," starring Marius Goring and David Farrar. FBinAY ON KOFN-TV: 10 a.m., Hostess House KOlN-TV's morning audience participa tion live studio show presents a half hour of fun, musie,.and prizes, 3:15 p.m., Armchair Theatre "I Am A Criminal," starring John Carroll and Kav Linakcr. 6:45 p.m., Jane Froman Show In a tribute to Stephen Foster, the netfint! is in a Soulhcrn mansion, wilh Miss Froman singing "Old Folks at Home," "Beautiful Dreamer," "My Old Kentucky Home," and with the quartet, "Some Folks." The quartets special number is "Camptown Races," followed by a "Cakewalk" by rctcr Birch and the dance croun. 8:30 p.m.. Touuer Topper is sent on a highly secret trip to Lisbon by the president of the bank in "Trip to Lisbon." George and Mar ion hear of it, imagine all Kinus oi intrigue, uui wnai mey cion i know is that TonDcr is going to Lisbon, boutli Carolina. 9 p.m., Playhouse of Stars White Hunter Ronald Reagan sights a new kind of big game when he takes on an African safari, the Judge who sentenced his brother to death in "The jungle irap." 9:30 p.m., Our Miss Brooks Eve Arden helps destroy the open porch at the home of her principal, Mr. Conklin in our "Miss Brooks" telecomedy. 11 p.m.t Showtime on Six "Thunder Pass," starring Charles Bickford, Marsha Hunt and J. Carrol Naish. FRIDAY ON KPTV: What'i Cooking, 10:30 Barbara Angell prepares boiled fish with egg sauce, and Mexican sundae. Mrs. David W. F.yre as guest. Matinee Theater, 1 "Dancing Feet." Peanut Circus, 5:30 Starring Nutsy the Clown. Sky King, 6 "Deadly Cargo," telling of a transport crash that results in exposure of gold-smuggling racket. Calvacadc of Sports, 7 Ernie Durnndh vs. Jtntky Castellani, mid rll weishls. 10 rounds, from Madison Square Garden. Dave Harrovian Show. 8 Music-variety program starring Gar- roway with comedian Cliff Norton; Skitch Henderson, directing; Jack Haskell and Jill Corey, voeansis. Inner Sanctum, 8:30 "The Perfect Kill." Big Story, 9 Exposure of nialprarlice in a rest home for alcoholics, is effected by Paul Quick, crusading reporter of the Columbus (Ohio) Cilizen. Campbell Soundstage, 9:30 In "Journey to Java" a man returns to the scene of his life's remaking, attempting to recapture the mood of 11 years back. Brian Keth as Bill Drummond; successful but discontented advertising man. Heidelberg Wrestling, 10 Local live wrestling from Portland armory. Nitc Owl Theater, 11:15 "Mystery Liner," starring Noah Berry, Astrid Alwyn. Berry Growers Will Assemble Two meetings for berry grow ers and processors have been scheduled for February 25 and 28 in Salem. On Thursday, February 25, a ulrawberry growers meeting will begin at 1:30 p.m. in the Izaak Walton League club house, 500 South Cottage Street. A caneber ry growers meeting is slated for Friday, February 28. 1:30 p.m., in the Dairy Co-op building, 2135 Fairgrounds Itnad. Roth meetings will cover a va riety of subjects aflecting berry culture. At the strawberry grow ers meeting, Karl ll.uir will dis cuss "Soil Factors Affecting Strawberry Crop Production." Raur is division manager for the chemicals division, Paeif ic Sup ply Cooperative, Portland. F.xtension Horticultural Spe cialist It. Ralph Chirk, Oregon State College, will review ' Dr. suits from the Strawberry Production Survey." "New Straw berry Varieties for Oregon Ker ry Growers" is the subject for George Waldo, USDA horticul turist stationed at OSC. Conclud ing the program will be "Sug gestions for the Control of Straw berry Aphids and Other Straw berry Insects" by Robert W. Every, entomology specialist at OSC. George Waldo will also be one of the speakers at the caneherry growers meeting on February 26. Waldo will give a progress re port on new caneherry varieties. Plant Pathologist E. K. Vaughan will discuss disease control prob-1 loins in cancberries. Dr. Quentin Zirlinski, associate horticulturist, j Oregon Stale College, will give j a progress report on the use of i growth regulators to increase her-1 ry si 70. j I'olh meetings are open to Ihe 1 public Rasmussen savs. I Tin RsuAr 10:00 m. KPTV Dine Done School 10:30 em. KPTV Whf Cooklni KOIN THA 10:4J .m. KPTV Whil'i Cookloe KOIN Brlinter Day 11:00 m. KPTV HawKlm Kalla KOIN KOIN Kltchan 11:16 am. KPTV 3 61 pi to Heiveo KOIN KOIN Kitchen 11.30 am. KPTV Family friend KOIN KOIN Kitchen 11:45 am. KPTV Friend til Family KOIN Editor's Desk 13:00 noon KPTV Krlle and Oroom KOIN Hli Paroll 13:11 pm. KPTV-TBA KOIN Bin Payoff 11:10 p.m. KITV TBI ' KOIN Bob ,roaU 1:00 P.m. KITV Matlnre KOIN Love of Litt 1:14 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Arsrcti lor Tomorrow 1:30 p.m. KPTV-rJatlnee KOIN Ciuldlnv Mint 1: p m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Valiant Lady 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Garry Moore Show 1:11 p.m. -KPTV Hollywood Keel KOIN Garry Mooro Show 3:30 p.m. KITV On Your Account KOIN Strike It Rich 3:00 p.m. KITV Kate Smith KOIN Carry Moore Show 3:11 p.m. KITV Kate Smith KOIN Armchair Theater 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Traveler! KOIN Armchair Theater 4:30 p.m. KITV Toymaker KOIN Mr, Mnon 4:45 p.m. KPTV ToymHker KOIN Cartoon Time 1:00 p.m. KPTV Howdy Doody KOIN-Saddla Pala 1:30 p.m. KITV liar 27 Corrall KOIN iace ItaiiKPr e.00 p.m. KPTV-Cautalii Video KOIN Mr. Weatherman 6 IS p.m. KPTV Captain Video KOIN Musical Momenta 0:30 p.m. KITV Huiillm: ann Pulling KOIN Dowr Edwards Newi :45 p.m. KPTV World on View KOIN Sports Scholar 7:00 p a. KPTV-SporH Thirty KOIN Cisco Kid 7:30 p.m. KITV Dinah shore KOIN Place the Face 7:45 p.m. KPTV News Caravan KOIN Place the Pace 1:00 p.m. KITV Groucho Mark KOIN Meet Mr. McNulty :0 p.m. KPTV Chevron Theater KOIN Pour Star Playhouse :00 p.m. KITV Dracnrt KOIN Video Playhouse 9:30 p.m. KPTV Ford Theater KOIN Eli Town 10:00 p.m. KPTV-Marlln Kane KOIN The Plavhouse 10:30 p.m. KPTV Arthur Murray party KOIN Mr. and Mrs. North 11:00 p.m. KPTV News sports KOIN Showtime on Six 11:01 p m. KPTV Nile Owl Theater FKIDAT 10:00 a.m. KPTV Dine Dona Bell KOIN Hostess House 10:30 a.m. KPTV What'i Cookinat KOIN THA 10:43 a.m. KPTV What'i Cooklnc KOIN Brighter Dur 11:00 a.m. KPTV Hawklru Kalll KOIN KOIN Kitchen 11:15 pin. KPTV 3 Steps to Heaven KOIN-KOIN Kitchen 11:30 a.m. KITV-I rK rid of Family KOIN Suotllte Ki-vue 11:45 a m. KPTV Friend of Family KOIN-Kdllor a Desk 13:00 noon KPTV-llrlde and c-roora KOIN Ui Paroff 13:11 p.m. KITV THA KOIN Ilia Pavoff 13:30 p m. KPTV Talent Patrol KOIN nob Crosby 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee T heater KOIN Love el LIU 1:15 p.m. KITV Matlnre KOIN Krarch Tomorrow 1.30 p.m. KPTV Matlnre KOIN tlulftlng Lliht 1:43 p m. KITV Matlnre KOIN-Vallant I.aoy 1:00 p m. KPTV Mai Inea Theater KOIN Double or Notion! 3:30 p.m. KITV On Your Account KOIN strike II Itlch 3:00 p.m. KITV Kate Smith KOIN Garry Moore Show 3:11 p m. KPTV Kale Smith KOIN Armrhalr Theater 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Traveler! KOIN Armchair Theater 4:30 pm. KITV Toymaker KOIN Mr. Moon 4:41 p.m. KITV Toymaker KOIN Cartoon Show 1 00 p.m. KPTV THA KOIN Saddle Pal 5:30 p.m. KITV Peanut Cirri KOIN Time lor Ileany 5 45 pm KPTV-n.,r 37 Corral KOIN Time for Beany 0:00 p m. KITV sky Kins KOIN Wralhri man :13 p HI. KITV .Sky Kin KOIN P nt O-q in? 8 .10 p tn. KPTV Trlrnews Weekly Kelts -limn r.da.ird, Newi 0 45 p m KPTV World on View KOIN Jane Froman Show 3.00 p.m. KITV Sports Canalcade KOIN Hank McCune Show 7:3 era. KPTV sporta cavalcada KOIN One and Harriet 7:45 p m. KITV News Caravan KOIN-Onie and Harriet 00 p.m. KITV Garraway at Iarte KOIN Am.v and Andy 30 p m. KPTV Inner Sanctum KOIN Topper no p.m. KITV Hn siory KOIN Playhouse or Star 1 30 pm. KPrv-Campliell Soundman KOIN Our Mlsl Brooke 10 00 am. KITV Wre-t.lni KOIN My friend Irma '0:30 pm KPrV-Wrrstlina KOIN - Break the Bank 1100 pm KITV- Sou. Garden KOIN Showtime on Sla p m. Kl'l V Wrallicr Vane 11:15 p m. KPI'VMte Owl Theater HEADS SANTIAM DeMOLAY f'l I ' ' ' , s I r i t&r 'I If Sj i i - -g 9 if I .aiaAaBvJ . '- . STAYTON Mack Williams,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wil liams, of Stayton, was installed as master councilor of the San tiam DeMolay, in joint installation ceremonies with the Rain bow girls in Jefferson recently. Melton McDanicl of Salem Chcmcketa DeMolay, is shown with Williams in his role as installing officer. Man of 103 Could Serve On Jury, Won't Have to TACOMA Lfl Benjamin A. (Dad I Trimble won't have to serve on a Pierce County jury after all. lie has it from no less authority than Superior Judge Hugh Hosel- lini who donned his black robe to tell him to disregard his jury sum mons, stay home, read his Bible and forget about the wicked out side world. You see Dad is 103 years old. Just 43 years past the age limit WouldWrileofl Irrigation Debts WASHINGTON U1 - The House Reclamation Subcommittee Wed nesday approved a bill to author ize new repayment contracts wilh two irrigation districts on the Umatilla Reclamation Project in Oregon which would write off $1,- 778.506 in construction and other charges. The districts arc He rmistun. which would get a write-off of $8.i.81S, and West Kxtensinn, which would be relieved of $792,- H88 in repayment charges. Since HMO, the two districts have repaid to the government $.193,000 j on Ihe costs of the projects. Thci committee was informed by Sec- j rctary of Interior McKay that the! two districts have be'en delinquent; since 1928 in repayment of con-1 struction charges. Hi ikurla. of Indonesia, is 7,i4ll miles from San Francis co by the ne;iresl sea roule. DENNIS THE MENACE -By Kctcham Soil Meeting Will Be at Sunnyside The soiilh Salem ndililion lo the Snnlimn Soil Conservation District will be reviewed al a public hear ing al R p.m., Tuesday, February 2.1, in Sunnyside school. Hubert C ISiiiim, executive sec retary to the Stale Soil Conserva tion Committee of Oregon will be in charge of the hearing. Xrw area fur t he proposed addi tion will include generally that portion ol M.iiiuii county smith of Salem not oirr.uly in tilt' S.intiniu district. Communities in the pro posed addition will involve Rob erts. Salem Heights. I'ringle, liosi'dalc. Stiinnsulc and Fast in dependent e Detailed insinuation will be ob- I taincd at the he.-inn;: thai will enable t'le stale ton'inillcc to dc ti'ie il the addition will be of bViv rdt. Independence Man Candidate lNDKI'F.XDKNCI'"., Ore. AP- Morton Tibbies. Independence j Jersey breetler, w ill become a . candidate for president of the ! American Jersey Cattle club this' year. Tibbies, who in 1951 was named master breeder, the highest honor j for a Jersey breetler. will be op- posed by two candidates from the East. The election in Ihe 4.000-memhcr club will he held in Massachusetts ' in June. Also announced at a Fcbruarv ' meeting of the Oregon Jersey Cat.; He club directors here Wednesday j was a Jersey sale to he held at ! the Slate Fairgrounds in Salem, April 3. for jurors. Not that Dad couldn't serve competently. The grey-haired, for mer slave still looks at you with clear brown eyes and he can hear a pin drop at 20 paces. In fact, tu prove he is "almost as good a man as ever," Dad sere naded Judge Rosellini in a warm baritone voice "Do You Hear the Saviour Pleading" and topped it off by flexing his powerful biceps and doing a midificd buck-and-wing. Actually it was all in a day's living for Dad Trimble, an ex minstrel show performer who is now a senior deacon in the Full Gospel Pentecostal Church. Neighbors will tell you Dad shouldn't be excused from jury duty at all. "Him and his cavorting around with kids on the sidewalk," said one neighbor. "Why he can out race any boy in the neighbor hood." Dad shook his head, stomned his foot and admitted it was true. "I mow my own lawn, too." he said. "But 1 didn't go out in the snow and throw snowballs with Sister Morris Ihe bishop's wife even wiien she asked me. Wouldn t a man my age look silly doing mat? Desipc his unwrinkled skin and amazing physique. Dad isn't mak ing any plans beyond tomorrow. "It's all up to God." he said. "I'll never live 9fi0 years like Me thuselah. I know that for sure." lie has never been inside a jail or a courtroom and said he wouldn't know what to expect on a jury, except that "I don't want to sit in judgment of my fellow man." Schulze Talks About Travels Visiting Europe on a schedule that calls for touring seven coun tries in two months, doesn't make an expert, reported Dr. Daniel H. Schulze, professor of German at Willamette university while dis cussing his travels of last summer Wednesday noon wilh thA Kalrm Rotary club. Dr. Schulze came back with his own impressions but he said he WaS bv nO means An vnort rnn- cerning the political or economic life of Great Britain or the Continent. The tour Was mnrla u..ith OR eln dents and young teachers, with Dr. Schulze sharing the responsi bility of leadership with another man. They found food plentiful and cheaper than in the United States and the hotels medium pric ed as Wpll nc ranra avnencina clean and comfortable. Colored pictures taken during the tour wern chnum hi, n Schulze The pictures gave the viewer a good idea of the mode of life of the countries visited. The tour taken by Dr. Schulze was one of more than 150 spon sored bv a central ntrnnou TMi-u 0. Hatfield, dean of students and assistant professor of political sci ence at. Willamette, plans to head a tour next summer which will specialize in government. Salem Women In Portland The annual mnntinr. nr 4 w r t, "A UlC Vlf gon Council of Church Women ut.-t.iK ncta ai sunnyside Metho dist Church. Pnrllonrf W.J.. day, Thursday and Friday is ex pected to he nf tcrest to a number of Salem women. Official riplerat - o" - - - w aai- em Council are Mrs. E. A. Col lier, secretary and Mrs. E. P. Goulder. "resident uhn nttnnA ed the opening session Wednes- uiiy iiigm wnen Miss Muriel Les ter, English social worker was the principal speaker. Other local women attending later sessions were Mrs. Julian Keiser. Mrs. Fred Seh prer trc Cecil Wicklinc, Mrs. Dennis Patch and Mrs. George Uoscberry. rars. reiser, wile of the pas tor Of the First rnnornoalinn,! church, and Mrs. Goulder, pastor's wne ai jason Lee Methodist cnureh, both of Salem were responsible for the Thursday night worship service in Portland, Kimsey Files Charge of Labor Discrimination SALEM Wl State Labor Com missioner W. E. Kimsey accused the Oreeon Unemployment Com pensation Commission Wednesday of discriminating against Richard E. Winslow, 25, Portland Negro, and suggested that the commis sion hire him as a field examiner. Commission Chairman T. Morris Dunne, however, would not say he OCF. ART EXHIBIT MONMOUTH The Oregon College of Education Art Gal lery will present on Feb. 28 through March 6, an exhibit of 50 water color paintings taken from the pages of the Ford and Lincoln-Mercury Times maga zine. . Small Boat -Rules Change Announcement was made by the 13th Coast Guard district this week of the amendment of regu lations requiring certain equip ment for motorboats. In the fu ture all outboard mortorboats not carrying passengers for hire will be required to carry hand portable fire extinguishers. Only exception will be those outboard motorboats of the row boat or canoe type, which are less than 26 feet in length. At present many motorboats hu i It with rahinc nnrl nthne en closed spaces and motorboats arc propeuea Dy outboard motors. In addition, many of these motor boats are carrying portable aux iliary gasoline tanks as part of the outboard motor accessories. The requirement of hand-portable fire extinguishers is con sidered necessary in the interests of promoting safety of life be cause of the fire and explosion hazards that may be present on board these motoroboats. In makim? I hp of the amendment of the regula tions the Coast Guard reminded that pamphlets, publications and motorboat regulations and in formation on safety rules arc available at the 13th Coast Guard district headquarters in Seattle Or at the nearpt Pnncf Hilar! unit. would comply with Kimsey's re quest. Dunne said that Winslow and two others on a civil service list would be interviewed Thursday about the job. Kimsey, who wrote the commis sion that "there is evidence of vio lation of the law prohibiting dis crimination in employment," indi cated he would order a public hearing if the commission doesn't hire Winslow. Winslow's name was one of three submitted by the Civil Service Commission to the Unemployment Commission. The Unemployment Commission rejected the other two names, and then called for a new list, on which Winslow's name again appeared. Kimsey, who administers the state fair employment practices law, pointed out that Winslow was not interviewed for the job. He said that the Unemployment Commission had a good idea that Winslow was a Negro because one of his references was Edwin C. Berry, Portland Negro and execu tive secretary of the Urban League of Portland. Winslow filed a complaint last Monday that the Unemployment Commission had discriminated against him by not giving him the job, which consists of examining employers' records. Polk County Farm Calendar Feb. 18 Polk county livestock meeting, 8 p.m., City hall, Dallas. Feb. 22 4-H leaders' banquet, 7 p.m., Cily hall. Dallas. Feb. 25 Strawberry growers meeting, Izaak Walton league club house, 500 South Cottage street, Salem, 1:30 p.m. Feb. 23 Polk county poultry meeting, 8 p.m., City hall, Dallas. : For GENUINE PARTS and SERVICE on.. . Briggs Stratton and Clinton ! Engines i . . . and All Makes and I Models of Magnetos ... See OrsCT C8" E.H. BURRELLCO. 565 North High, Salem Ph. 3-9106 WOOmtl RV 1IOCSK WARMING WOODHCRN A family night and housewarming will be held Friday night. Feb. 19. in the new wing which has been added to the Woodburn Church of God and is Hearing completion. The new ad dition includes recreation rooms, committee rooms and kitchen and adds much to the facilities of the church. New Orleans welcomes about a quarter million visitors a year to its Mardi Gras entertainments. TV TROUBLES? Technicians on Till 11:;: I) p.m. Illllv Dailv TELEVISION SERVICE 1410 S. i;ih Ph. 4.-..U2 J KSLM 6:15 P. M. I MI.T TIIK.V'ltK I V TO F. H'. Srihrl in Silverton Tribune Hill nf liights: What the com mies are Hying to wreck by hiding behind. T)0NY JUST STAND TM&.MM'. CBT CbTTA UIRB ff YOUR O V TELEVISION 1 7 Call Iri numbtr btiow (or j f prompt, cootucol ttrtite' j I PHONI 9J9 J Soars Roebuck & Co. Does Your Present TV Service Meet with Your Approval? IF NOT-DIAL 2-1913 WITH OMri.KTK CONFIDENCE WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OF TELEVISION We don'f have radio men ... we have trained tele vision technicians . . . WITH 7 OR, MORE YEARS EXPERIENCE VALLEY TV CENTER 2303 Fairground Itnad SALES SERVICE MotnroU All Miikrs Ihinmnt anri Packard-Nell Size Phone 2-19U INSTALLATION All Types Free Estimates W,ON-W.DE SURVEY SHOWS 3 the most .wonted picture in television! 1 1 ft A notion-wide survey by th Elmo Roper research organiza tion shows RCA Victor th television most people want, most people have bought, ond having bought want to buy ogoin. p f "4 The " v W?&2zZFr V f bony cobm.l fmiih: rnoroon, tin. Modal JlSJil. at the lowest price ever for RCA Victor 21 -inch TV! $249 95 2.60 Per Week TERMS Now, ot lha lowail prict in fCAV.c'or Kslor, you get every advance "t-ni hot mode f CA Vicior i- moii.won'ed ond highejt.roied p-c'ure in 21-inch TVI You gttfamoui "Magic Monitor"CircuitSytm - lock? fmet' p clu' wi'h fmet' lound-outomoii'col'y. You got exclusive "Goldtn Throat" Fidelity Sound -Irom tht prccite balance of amplifier, speaker, end cob nel. You gat accural "Rolomalic Tuning." Wore la see -more p.c'ure dr'o:l . , . leti lo do-let! d.dtng, lett od; You get all ot these quality features, and more, wilh 'ha new FCA V rer "VASTfB 2!"-'orby's soundest TV royl See il hce nc1 For n.o'l.c 'c-f, tan., .,' , ,.i. -ciutefc Atnon' em! in af y nation in yo.r o-o, UHF ond VHf. Court St., Downstairs THE QUALITY STORE FOR 51 YEARS Open 'Til 9 P. M.