Page 10 SECTION II Thursday, February 18, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Lebanon Schools Plant New Trees LEBANON Planting of trees, gifts from Crown Zellerbach corporation, and presentation of conservation essay awards on Ar bor day, climaxed two months of conservation study sponsored by the Lebanon Garden club at Leb anon s four elementary schools. George Schroeder. Sherwood assistant forester of the company from the Portland office, was the speaker on all programs. Robert Bcauy, also a Portland 'off ce ranger, and Tom Anderson, Leb- inon Lrown zellerbach vard sun. enntendent, were present to as sist me upper grade boys plant me trees. Green Acres and Sanliam schools received Port Orford cedars, and Queen Anne and cascade, red pines. assays were written bv uoDer grade students who chose their own conservation subject. Top awards went to David Paup, Deb bie Kingan, Betty Williams and Lester Barnes. Detroit Salad for Diet Watchers More and more women are be coming diet conscious these days. It is the smart hostess who takes this into consideration when plan ning a luncheon for her women friends. A suggestion for a main course for such an occasion is Tropical Cheese Salad. It is not rich or high in calories, yet it contains the high quality pro- Sublimity SUBLIMITY Mrs. Adam Sus bauer who became seriously ill last Wednesday, is reported im proving. She is now able to sit tin nart of the time. Ben Tocpfer left two weeks so for Turlock, Calif., where he Is doing carpenter work for his I brnthcr-in-law, Vincent t orrelte. He expects to be away several weeks. A joint initiation of the Boy Rangers of the Catholic Order of Forcstcrr was held in the C.O.K. hall Thursday evening, Feb. 11. Youth from the Stayton and Sublimity courts made up the class of 35 candidates. The ritualistic work was un der the direction of the Sublim ity degree team. A large crowd was In attend ance. The St. Boniface 111 Parent Teacher's association held their regular meeting Thursday even ing in the parish hall. The annual athletic banquet was discussed and plans wore made which will deviate from the , usual schedule. The main course will he provided by the commit trc, with the. parents adding to the pntlurk according In the planned menu. A program will follow the ban quet, which has been set for Sun day, Keb. 28. Earl Allhrighl, instructor of . Slate Vocational Mui-aliim. com pleted Hie pumper school tor the Sublimity K re Ih'pt. Word has been received of the death of Mrs. W. 11. Tale at Pro vidence Hospital, in Portland. She had been a patient of that hospital since last October anil reports last week slated her con dition as improving. Mrs. Tale would have brcnDti cars old March 30. Mr. and Mrs. .lor Ziibrr, Mr. and Mrs. .Inhn Heuhrrgrr, Mrs. Chris ('renter, Frank Klerkerand Bernard Ziiher attended the fu neral nl Mrs. Josie Knrtnn al All Saints church in Portland Mon day morning. Mrs. Kortun, who died at a Portland hospital, will be remem bered us Josie Meeker who spent her early life north of Sublimity. She was a sister ot Mrs. Joe Zuber ami Frank Klrcker. Unionvale I'MONVAI.F Mrs. Hoy Marlin of Westlock, Alberta. Canada, who has been a gucsl of her brother-in-law and sislcr. Mr. anil Mrs. Clydr Hoard ad family several months, has left In he a sues' of hrr son-In-law and daushtcr. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hrnsley, and two daugh ters at Ml. Vernon, Ore., en route to her home, Mrs. Marlin Braal of I'nionvale has received a letter from her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Estelle of Myrtle Point who are touring Arizona and Old Mexico on a several months trip. At present they are in Mexico City. Adolph Ilraba, in charge of the frozen food plant at the V. S. Al derman farm who attended the na tional convention of frozen foods In New York City during the last two weeks, relumed Friday. He ; visited relatives in St. Louis, Mo., 1 tn route home. ' tein of cottage cheese combined with fruit for flavor contrast. For your luncheon, precede the salad with a cup of hot bouillon. Then with the salad, serve rye wafers, rolls, and butter, so your guests may Inve a choice. Celery and carrot st cks may be added for texture contrast, and a light dessert will complete the meal. This is a luncheon that the "weight watchers" will appreciate. Tropical Cheese Salad 1 package strawberry gelatin 1 cup boiling water 1 cup cold water 1 package lemon gelatin 1 No. 1 can peach halves 1 No. 1 can pineapple chunks 2 cups cottage chce Salad greens Dissolve strawberry gelatin boiling water, then add cold water. Pour half of mixture into a lightly buttered lMi quart mold and refrigerate. Bread pan works well. Keep remaining gelatin at room temperature. Drain liquid from canned fruit. Add enough water to make 2 cups liquid. Bring Vi cup of this liquid to boiling point. Add lemon gelatin and dissolve. Add remaining fruit juice and cool. Add lemon gel atin and dissolve. Add remaining fruit juice and cool. Stir in the lMi cups cottage, cheese and most of the pineapple. Pour into firm strawberry gelatin in mold. When set, cover with rest of strawberry gelatin and chill. Unmold on bed of greens and garnish with halves of peaches, filled with remaining cottage cnecse ana rescrvea pine- In apple chunks. Serves 12. Firemen Dine Wives At Mf. Angel Fete MT. ANGEL Members of the Mount Angel Fire Department entertained their ladies at the annual "Ladies Night" dinner, Monday evening in the dining room of St. Mary's school. The Valentine theme was used In the table decorations where covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schurr, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farnsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Wilde, Mr. and Mrs. James Bourbonnais, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krusc, Mr. and Mrs. Jos eph Berchtold, Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Hoffcr, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Troeger, Mr. and Mis. DETROIT A Red Cross stand ard first aid course will be stud ied every Monday and Wednes day evening at 7:00 p.m. until 9.S0 p.m. in Room S at the De troit School and will run for five weeks under the tutoring of Bill Page of the Oregon State Indus trial .Accident Commission of Sa lem. S. T. Moore reports that 13 have registered so far and any one wishing to take the course may contact Mr. Moore. The Rev. Richard Hake of Eu gene, Northwest Christian Col lege, has completed a year of holding services at the Detroit Church of Christ and is to be re placed by students from this college. John Xing, Eugene, gave the sermon for Sunday, Fob. 14. Next Sunday, Feb. 21. student James Stock of Sweet Home, will hold services. Mrs. William Selfridge, former ly of Ketchikan, Alaska, and now residing near Detroit, enter tained the Detroit Civic Club on Feb. 10, with picture slides which were taken in Ketchikan, of her own flower gardens. Mrs. Frank Moore was the host ess for the evening assisted by Mrs. Tude Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Sample, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Scharback of Woodhurn, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butsch, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wach ter, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bigler, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Traviss, Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Schwab of Leb anon and Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bis enius. The social officers of the organ ization were in charge of the event, and Jack Schurr was toast- Ted Lacy, I master. K . ', & : rr$ r - -.HI -j .toy r.Y. v HrdB x .i 1 mfrm Z Ljf $400,000 KCVPOaS HERE SURF 20c - ile T Budgct baffled? We have just the prescription for you plenty of' savings on foods for meals men will remember . . . You'll find (hop ping here offers another kind of "savings" too savings in time, because of our easy, accessible food orrangemcntt and fast check out service. I 4JC0 :if ' Pi Nollcy's Newest Product EGG NOODLES and BEEF WITH GRAVY 3 for 73c 25 Special Lumberjack SYRUP Jar 29 SWIFT'S JEWEL SHORTENING 3 -1 b . can With Coupon 59 KRAFT'S Velveefa Cheese 2 .s. 79' WESSON OIL Quart 69' PILLSBURY AND BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES 3 , 89 U & I SUGAR Limit 10 , 89 PHEASANT CATSUP 12-oz. Bottle 10 SUNSHINE Shredded Wheat 14' 79 OCCIDENT FLOUR 10-lb. Bag to. KOK c LUX "hwc ' LUX nc 3ici nouio not 63c LUX 20c . T.-JH... . CRISP CALIFORNIA CELERY PINK Grapefruit U. S. NO. 2 POTATOES 10 IB. BAG 9 IB. 5 EACH 25 SWIFT'S FRKM. CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS In Pkg. 89C r. MAKE (H'R OWN GROUND BEEF 3 $1.00 TENDER CUBE STEAKS 69c IB. NSisP PORK SAUSAGE 1 2 oi. Cell ia n 49c FOOD MARKET 120 S. Lancaster Dr. Phone 3-4489 Prices Etfectivt Friday, Saturday nd Sunday You too, can enjoy better, eas ier, more profitable food shop-ping At your favorite Busick Market either in person or by dialing 39176. NUCOA TOM Holiday 7 39 MARGARINE i lhs. ' " I MARGARINE X lh. W M Sunshine Krispy Crackers : 23c CHOPPED MUSHROOMS lu, CM 43c Hi-Ho Crackers 29c Per Pk. JIFFY CORN MUFFIN 10c Dennison Catsup 3 w 49c JIFFY PIE CRUST 10c Pk. bWIFT'S I SILVER SKILLET Corn Beef ran 39' I Spanish Rice .2 for 39 DROMEDARY FAMOUS CAKE MIXES 2 39 Libbys Fresh Frozen PEAS 2 29c CRISCO 3 fb. can 89C Libby Frozen ORANGE JUICE 2 - 29c SNOWDRIFT 3 lb. can 89C Tenderleaf TEA 4gPk 47c SPRY 3 lb. cm 89C Old Golden Coffee Her It i real coffee value Maxwell mm House Special Deal you Save 5c lb. 0 C Large Juicy Sunkisf Oranges 2 t 79c Smoothie Potatoes They're better than just good. They are hand picked for size and quality. lb. 10 : 39c CELERY HEARTS large package , 19c Cabbage """- . 6c I Broccoli Green m m Freih Bunch oo&om CICXC3T(C2 SURF (con 75e LUX 3- 25e IOMT 50f 2l 25c LUX MAKES 30c Shredded Wheatpk. AW KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes Rf, ,i2e 1 KELLOGG'S Variety Pack Cere, ' C & H Cane Sugar 10 ,b sU. 36' SI 06 l 1! Meat Department featuring Quality Meats at prices as low as is often charged for lower grade Beef. Choice Grade Beef Pot Roast Krautifully mnrhlrd, frethly rut, no waste. Per lb. 59c Short Ribs of Choice Beef ib 29c Leg of Genuine Lamb ib 69c Genuine Country Style Sausage ib 49c Young beautifully dressed good eating Fryers. People come from far and near to get these young birds. Well, they should, too, because they know they are the finest. 2 Ib. size, spe cially grown for quality, selected for size; every one a picture $ 1 9 before and after frying Choice Grade Standing Rib Roast Niorly trimmrd. freshly eul; a real de liRht to serve. Per Ib. 79c GROIND Beef lh. 39 $i lh. fnr SI 00 ECONOMY BEEF wixi.TniMw.n HU SIM.Y crx m mm m POT ROAST .45 STEAKS Ib 69 tCONOMY RO! M) STEAKS , 69 HENS Young plump, freshly dretted ready for Ihe kellle Each $1.33 FRYER Or if you'd like to try something o little ipecinl in a young fryer, try o Cornish Game $1 OO Bird Each A.r9 Us our FREE DELIVERY SERVICE. It reolly saves you money. court st. innnppf' mar,onst- Phone 39176 12) ly ) 3) Phone 37962 Sirloin or Round Steaks Freshly cut from ( hoice Grade Beef. Lh 95 c Pork Loin Roast ,,,59' j