Page 8 SECTION II THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, February IS, 1954 SECTION II Page 9 ACTORS SEE UNEXPECTED DRAMA CURIOUS BOYS RESCUED FROM CLIFF LAST CHANCE ON TV DRAWING rcfv?. Nalleys' Spaghetti With Cheese t , 1 yHt and Tomato ' 1 Sauce . Tall 15-os. . Cans E3 Tall Cans $aoo mite- I 1 -6 t L, h Cl I A rehearsal for a play, "The Drcnm," was turned into a night mare for these five Hollywood, Calif., amateur-actors when a burglary suspect ran through their rehearsal room and into the street where two policemen shot and killed him when he defied their commands to stop. The officers had been sum moned by a neighbor who saw the intruder, William W. Simms, Jr., break into the building through a rear door. The actors, left to right: Rarkin Ben Ari, Rima Mintz, Fima Chesnin, Leah Silberzan, and Edward Landa. (AP Wirephoto) Three Desserts Nice for February Entertaining Here are 3 desserts for your family. Ones a parly-pink cake, one's a fluffy cranberry creme, and one's a refreshing cranberry whip. We couldn t decide which we liked best so thought you could take your pick. All are ap propriate to Washington Birth day time. First, a beautiful party-cake with a petal-pink cranberry trim. We used a packaged cake mix for the cake. Then a can of ready-to-serve cranberry sauce and meringue for the fluffy pink top ping. &ver near 01 a recipe so Lacomb LACOMB Auldy Ayers was tak en late Wednesday night to the Lebanon Community hospital with the recurrence of an old com plaint. He is receiving x-rayt and treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mc Cloud were in Salem Thursday evening, attending a branch meet ing ot the Chinchilla Association of America. A baby boy wai born to Mr. and Mrs. Jamei Brazel. He weighed eight pounds, on ounce and has been named Gene Francis. The benefit circle met this week at the home of Mrs. Edna Cox. They contributed $10 to the March of Dimes. Mrs. J. Baldwin and Mrs. Edna Cox were in Portland Thursday and visited relatives. The 4-H club met with Waldon McCloud on Thursday. At the close of the business session, cook ies and ice cream were served. Larry Hoover left Friday with the Lebanon Warriors for New port. He spent the week end there. A baby girl was born at Leban on Community Hospital on Feb. 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hern. Bill Landers spent Sunday in Portland, visiting at the Good Sa maritan hospital. Also in Portland Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McCloud and family. In the evening they were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wcs Haydcn in Salem. Dinner guests Sunday at the Wayne Downing home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schackman and children ot Lebanon and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallcn of Albany. Easy to Mold Salsd Dissolve one package of lemon favored gelatin in one can hot apricot whole fruit nectar. When it has cooled, beat in a package of Philadelphia cream cheese and few tablespoons mayonnaise. Add mixed fruits If you like. easy? This is sure (0 be a family favorite. CRANBERRY PARTY CAKE 1 package white cake mix (plus ingredients called for) 2 egg whiles cup granulated sugar 1 cup jellied cranberry sauce Vi cup slivered blanched almonds Prepare cake mix in layers as directed on package. Cool. Spread center, top and sides of cake with cranberry frosting. Cranberry Frosting Beat egg whites until (hey barely hold shape. Add sugar gradually and continue beating until mixture is smooth and stands in soft peaks. Crush cran berry sauce with a fork. Fold i into egg whites. When frosted, j sprinkle almonds on top. (Ori trim with shredded cocoanut.) fcecond. a Creamy Smooth Cranberry Bavarian Creme for your crystal sherbet glasses. This tastes just the way you would want it to taste. . CRANBERRY BAVARIAN CREME 1 cup cranberry juice cocktail j Vt pound (32) marshtnallows 1 tablespoon lemon juice (fresh, frozen or canned) 1 cup heavy cream Combine cranberry juice and marshmallows in saucepan. Place over jow heat until marshmal ows are soft; then stir until smooth. j Remove from heat. Add lemon I juice. Chill thoroughly. Whip cream until just stiff enough to stand in soft peaks. Fold into chilled mixture. Spoon into des sert glasses and let chill until serving time. Makes 6 servings. And third ... a frothy Cran berry Whip. Youngsters and Old sters will go for this one. CRANBERRY WHIP 1 envelope unflavorcd gelatine t cup cold water 1 cup hot water 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 pound can jellied cranberry sauco 2 stiffly beaten egg whites ! Soften gelatine in cold water-1 dissolve in hot water. Add 1 ta blespoon lemon juice and cran berry sauce which has been beat- en with a fork. Chill until par-: tlally set. Beat until frothy with rotary beater. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into1 greased cups. Chill until firm. Unmold. Serve with custard sauce. Custard Saure Combine 2 beaten egg yolks, dash of salt and 3 tablespoons sugar. Gradually stir in l'i scald ed milk. Cook over hot water un til mixture coats a spoon, stirring i constantly. Remove from heat; 1 add 1 teaspoon vanilla. Chill thor-1 oughly before serving, Free - Two 21" Admiral TV Seis lo be given away free ihis Saturday, Feb. 20th Drawing io be held at Portland Road and South Commercial St. Stores. Get your tick ets in before 7:30 Drawing at 8:C0 P. M. Sets on display in our stores or at Haiders three stores, 428 Court St. 189 N. Liberty St. or 1120 Center St. Tomorrow -Friday, Feb. 19th, 1954! fo Each of Our First 200 Customers! 00 11 OZ. DECORATED TUMBLER WILL BE GIVEN TO EACH OF OUR FIRST! riKTOMCDC m CTADT. VftlinrrTMlu am an0 I WUK JCI ur jiA. MKVHJUK ' STAR PEANUT BUTTER IS PACKED IN THESE BEAUTIFUL TUMBLERS. Free Coca Cola served Whi,e SoSSSaS? . Free at Our 4 ComerS StOre Stock Up With These Big Savings V KM Prices Effective fc Friday thru Monday Saturday, fo fi n .Bi? v U u Rose Bud Grade A Fancy Cottage Sliced Pineapple or Hillsdale Large No. 2'j Can 55 i IS 9. ttmi Top Grades 11 OZ. TUMBLER msAMirr BUTTER Ms 18 r Grape VII Ikh rhprriAc Wii e.-ii... II No. 303 Cans ' m 4 1 Cans i I $i00 J umm Pnrlr r 59c Boasf lb. 1 00 Cans Cottage 46-oz. cans Quality guaranteed to equal the best. oomie Cottage Guaranteed fine quality. Pounds :;?1 Prune Prune Juice Lge. 24-oz. Bottle Fishers moos Lb. Carnation or Morning Milk 2-29 Jumbo 3-gaI. size 79c REDEMPTION HEAD- S QUARTERS FOR LUCKY LEVER COUPONS BtADE CUT Chuck fioa si FBfl CBOUm BEEF STEVfmG fiVr OJPorfe Mulder WC DA Arm 55c 45 Lb. Lb. tr . C rea loin or I Cherrv Pin W-S I 1 Com bin tugor, loN and tnU. Ut irana la mint, una a v.inrt. m. .... f , .wimi rw iiwi l"K, ITWB poiKy w tttn Vi mdi mt ri nil wiih cherry ftilatvn. Dal wkk mm. jnoiiMn mm ot mm. with wottt, end affl poffry COr. Sakl hi ft (4 f.) AS minuMi. at i.fii. ! bolli with (wavy'bviAlM Mial do not bunt First Intrt Northwwt SlSSSsMlSlW' AW Atx W t. mm X 1 Jill WESTPEAK Apricots Whole Unpeeled Lge. 2'i Cans 4 Cans 00 $00,000K .UKior iau smmsmis T0U3 23 1 ft- Ready fresh And rrA fijef of fresh Oysters Your Choice Assort them if you wish New Potatoes Tip Top No. 2 Sweet Peas Trailor No. 303 Sauerkraut Cottage No. 2 Hominy Cottage No. 303 Tomato Juice Fancy Dainty Pak No. 2 Cottage Sliced Beets No. 303 Can Diced Carrots Creswell No. 303 ' Assort them ii you wish. H r5 Pint NOIV. Del Nonte Cream Style Corn No. 303 Cans cans tl00 ' Stock your freezer at these low prices! GREEN PEAS 10-oz. Pkg. "7 $100 AT Pkgs. X Chopped Broccoli - Cut Corn - Cream Style Corn -Nixed Vegetables - French Fried Poiatos - Hash Brown Potatoes Spinach - Peas and Carrots. Kl-or. I'kK. nr More 6 I'kRs. $1.00 Brussel Sprouts Cauliflower - Baby or Fordhook Limas 4 ,.kg. H.00 ill 5oi LUX , LUX Rnlh 218c' 12ox. 33.Jj2. 25C It'im mw22-ol 65 1 Colon FBypRC $V9 ?S9 Beef Apple Sauce Cottage No. 303 Cans 7 cans I00 IMIlni trui miww, torn IT .H.. ft S3 raisBURi m Angel S Food Mix I 2 t... PkJ Spry Shortening 8.9c Lb. Can 1 DENNISONS Tomato Catsup Large 14-oz. Bottles I 8 - 5100 Assorl Ihem as you wish Tuna & Noodles Sunny Jim 17-oz. Jar Derby Chili Con Came wbeans, tall 15V2-0Z Spiced Luncheon Meat Europa 12-oz. Ocean Spray Cran. Sauce Tall 17-oz. can . Apple Juice Cottage quart bottle Fancy Stewed Onions Starr or Dutch 303 $100 Mai Chili Con Carne Honnel's with beans 16-oz. can S6 Cans Egg Noodles & Beef 3. $ 00 Nalley'g 151 j-oz. can Cans ul Cling Peaches A ? 00 Hunt's Halves Lqe. 2'i cans A Cans lidl In Heavy Syrup for 1 Assort them U you wish. 00 Grapefruit Juice l0,0." Blended Juice icn Orangeade Zt 4 Ca ?l007i Golden Ripe Bananas 2 lbs. Snoboy Sunkist, Extra Large Oranges Each 5c Florida Pink Seedless Grapefruit Each GREEN ONIONS RED RADISHES t t bunch ihiabacras Lb. 5c Turnips Lb. BC Cut Green or French Style Beans Succotash 5 I'kus. 1.00 Fresh Pineapple Chunks - Melon Balls Sliced Peaches - Strawberries Fruit Cocktail , 4 for 1.00 I.... --ii 6 oz. Cans Lihby Frozen Orange Juice fr' $7 oo Cans ' Sunshine Krisy Crackers 23c l ib. box 4S-OX, can Hi-C or K S 46-oz. can ASSORT THEM AS YOU WISH Vp ASSORT THEM AS YOU WISH ti sin .1 MS J SOI. IIUIIIII1II1),I .IIIIH lIILMIIIIIMI m IIIH H HW " IHHWnlpnWU II II 1 H n p- K pJfl M r N Assort them as you wish 4con,l 00 Cl..(IJ ni:..- ""I 'irclr Ripe Olives I.EP. fi Jnr IVynnilnlle Kx. I.Rr. 7-oj. ran U.I t.!1 M: I'ilKhury ilUl 1IUH U'l-m, pke. 2825 S. Commercial 3280 East State Si. 3080 Portland Road Tuna HH' "' Sc-a Unlit Meat A Una (iralcil No. i can 4 - $P Assort them as you wish. Sunshine Chocolates ( lioiiilalp Whipped ('reams CQr PENNANT Marshmal-o Mar$hmal-o Fudge MIX y'i rtiiw Butntiffi-H mciit, , tirM hnltr, ' ) Unf rn rvp- nrfll-fi milk, 1 fiv nunf (umhlcr I'KNNANT MaMHMAIO f:OOK Htif wtiil" hrrtling nrvl let hoi I for 4 mintiloa KKMOVK-frnm hfi AI'D POpBrkurfhorobtprhipi unit hr. I'OUK -in bnitcrH pan or dinh COOL then put in rrfriccrntor MAKKS I'i pound iuiy 5-oz. Jar 21c 33f 10-oz. Jar Fireman Harry Lambert rescues Bobby Grumbles, 12, from the side of a 300-foot cliff in the Hollywood (Calif.) hills where he became marooned while trying to "see what was going on." The boy climbed the cliff to watch firemen rescue a 25-year-old hiker who'd fallen 30 feet on the same cliff. Bobby had to be rescued when he reached a spot where he could neither ascend nor descend. Photographer Delmar Watson of the Los Angeles Mirror risked his own neck to get the picture. (AP Wirephoto) Ousted Union Official Fights YAKIMA un - Martin O. Crouse, deposed business agent of the Yakima Local 524. AFL Team sters Union, had the blessings and a sizable donation iron an esti mated 150 of his followers Wednesday as he left for Miami, Fla., and a joust with the union's international president, Dave Beck. The union group gave Crouse a vote of. confidence in a meeting at which final plans were laid Tuesday night for Crouse to per sonally press charges of misuse of union funds against Beck. The insurgents met in Carpen ters' Hall after being denied use of the local's building. They filed past a collection box and before the evening was nvpr thpv hnrt ' subscribed well over the $500 to $(00 estimate of Crouse s expen ses in going to Miami. Crouse filed the charges lust ( week. He contended Beck had vio lated the teamster constitution by loaning more than a million. dol lars to Freuhauf Trailer Co. of Detroit. Ho said the union consti tution limits investments in any one firm to $50,000. Beck has said he feels he has a free hand In investing the un ; ion's 32 million dollars in assets. Crouse said he Is going to Miami i to Insure a hearing "one way or tne otner on tne matter. Electric Institute for the week ended Feb. 13 was 8,684,000,000 kilowatlhours. This compared with 8,674,000,000 kilowatthours the pre ceding week and represented a 6.6 per cent gain over 8,17,000,000 kilowatthours in the like week of 1H53. The highest week's output on record, ,014,000,000 kilowatthours was reached in the week ended Jan. 16. The Pacific Northwest reported a percentage gain of 13.2. Hogs Decrease, Cattle Increase PORTLAND Ul The Federal Crop and Livestock Reporting Service said Tuesday there were fewer hogs In Oregon last year than at any time on record. The agency listed the number at 101,000 a 28 per cent decrease from the previous year. There was a 4 per cent increase in the number of cattle, reaching i.iza.uuu neaa in au-lime high. Sheep totaled 699,000, about tht same as the previous year. rurKeys were up 12 per cent to 296,000 but chickens were down 3 per cent to 3,432,000. The valuations of all animals and poultry were down except for hogs and turkeys. Hog value was up 9 per cent and turkeys up 21 per cent Cuis in Defense Budget Protested Sen. Jack- Wednesday Reds Given Time to Prepare Appeals SEATTLE UK - Federal Judge William J. Lindberg Tuesday granted six Pacific Northwest Communist Party officials an ex tension until April to perfect ap- I peals of Federal Court convictions WASHINGTON Ml -son (D-Wasli) said "we approach a full scale airing 01 wnemer wo are puic n pom- ; n, -r a 1- ical requirements and a balanced I c tw.!. APP Five of the defendants. Henry I Huff. Barbara Hartle, Terry Pet I tus, John Dasbbach and Paul Bow- en, were convicted last October nf budget ahead of national secur ity." Jackson demanded 111 the Sen- ale Tuesday an Armed Services Committee investigation of what he termed evidence indicating the mint chiefs nf staff do not approve the ndminist rat ion's announced new policy of reduced military spending and "massive retalia tion against possible aggression. Chairman Saltonstall (It-Mass) conspiring In teach violent over throw of the government. The sixth. Herbert J. Phillips, a witness at the trial, was convicted of contempt of court. Attorneys for the six asked for an extension until April 30. Judge of th? Aned So CommttS VT told Jackson all of the Joint chiefs a." Lsl,ctfl, ly C'rCUlt ,.t etntf Pn,l., n,m.. I 1 1"' "'' ",a. HI". tioned by the committee and that each of the Tour had supported the administration's defense budget. N.W.Power Gain Drops Slightly ' NKW YORK W Power out put nf U.S. electric utilities last week checked a three-week decline but remained well below the rec ord level reached in mid-January. Total reported by the Kdison Rorarian Has Long Attendance Record SIl.VERTON An 18-ycar perfect attendance pin was presented to Robert B. Duncan at the Monday noon Rotary luncheon at Toners. Duncan is also a Rotary charter member. Other attendance records men tioned were: Austin Sanfnrd with a perfect four years; Robert Bon land, six years, and Felix Wright, seven years. Al I.ightner nf Salem was tht featured speaker. minutes! -i MAKES A HOT MEAL ALSO TUT SpoghMtl, lolodnti, Macaranl, Su thallt, KwrU-0-Nodlti and laioan. fOUK SCAfllU MACAJIONI CO. fOIUWD, OIIOOM