Thursday, February 18, 1954 Page 6 SECTION II Hatchet Cookies, Salad for Feb. 22 7 Cherry TreaM Hatchet cookies for George Washington fans on his birthday. Pmtwww. ;- -..."v r.T.yffT-T- " Tt Mayonnaise Topping makes this cherry cluster salad some thing to help celebrate. I By AP Newsfrftlure.) If cherries are a must to your family, come Feb. 22 and George Washington's birthday, make some of these Cherry Hatchet Cookies: Serve them to small fry with glasses of milk as a special patriotic snack. In the evening, the grownups will enjoy them with a cup of tea or coffee. We like this cookie because it has an interesting texture and flavor due to its combination of mara schino cherries, coconut and orange rind. So if you want a crisp delicious cookie, that's not overly sweet, do try this recipe. If you haven't a hatchet cookie cutter, make yourself one out of cardboard and cut around it on the cookie dough, using a small sharp knife. For a buffet part on Wash ington's birthday either at noon or in the eveniing you'll find our Cherry "luster Salad festive. So easy to make, and so impressive! We served this salad with cold baked ham, Bahama type mustard and jrisp potato chips. Wl also bad a tray of rolls and thin slices of buttered pump ernickel bread. Our tasters vot ed this salad the best of its type that they had eaten, and they particularly enjoyed its creamy topping. Cherry Hatchet Cookies Ingrcdents: 3 cups sifted flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, Vt teaspoon salt, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup butter or margarine 2',-i tea spoons grated orange rind, lk cup finely shredded coconut, Vt cup well-drained chopped mara schino cherries, 5 egg yolks (slightly beaten), 2 tablespoons milk, extra maraschino cherries (sliced). Method: Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar; cut in butter with pastry blender or 2 knives until mixture re sembles fine crumbs. Add orange rind, coconut and cher ries; toss lightly until ingredi ents arc well mixed. Combine egg yolks and milk;, add to cherry mixture and mix well. Roll dough out on lightly floured board or prepared pastry cloth to V inch thickness. Cut into hatchet shapes and place on greased baking sheets about an inch apart. Decorate with extra cherry slices, if desired. Bake in moderate (350F) oven 12 to IS minutes or until lightly browned. Makes about 7 dozen cookies. , Cherry Cluster Salad Ingredients: One 14-ounce can (No. 211) pineapple chunks, 2 packages cherry gelatin, 2 cups very hot water ,1 cup cold water, H cup drained chopped mara schino cherries. 'A cup chopped walnuts, two 3-ounce packages cream cheese, 1 cup real mayon naise, i cup milk, whole cher ries and watercress or mint. Method: Drain pineapple, re serving juice. Dissolve gelatin in very hot water; add cold water and pineapple juic stir well. Place in refrigerator until slight ly thickened. Fold in pineapple chunks, cherries and walnuts; turn into a Vh quart mold or an 8-inch square pan and re turn to refrigerator until firm. When firm, unmold onto serving plate. Meanwhile, allow cream cheese to soften; blend in may onnaise gradually. Add milk and beat with rotary beater until fluffy. Spread topping on salad and garrish with cluster of whole cherries, watercress or mint leaves. If wr'.crcress is used, place extra sprigs around salad. Makes 8 servings. Boneless Smoked Pork Butt Economical Meat Rolled Lamb Shoulder Good to Eat, Easy to Carve If you think of leg of lamb as the only lamb roast, then here's a surprise. Trent your family to i rolled lamb shoulder roast. Ask your meat dealer to remove the bone- from a square cut lamb shoulder, then roll and tie the shoulder ready for your oven, 1 Another version of the square cut section is the cushionstyle shoulder. The roast is boned and left flat. The cavity, made by removing the bones, is filled with la stuffing before it goes in the joven for roasting. To prepare the rolled shoulder, : season it with salt and pepper, I limn tilufo i, fin n vnpr In an (inpn Here's the roast your carver will roaslinK uan. if you have a roast cheer. mCat thermometer, insert it so the bulb reaches the center of the roll. Do not add moisture or cover the pan. Koast the lamb roll in a slow oven (300 deg. V.) for 35 to 40 minutes per pound. The roast meat thermometer will register 170 to J80 degrees F. when the meat is done. A warmed platter should be ready to receive .the lamb. If the rolled shoulder roast is taken from the oven about 20 minutes before serving, carving will be made simpler, as this gives the meat time to become firm. Uniform slices of ' to fc inch thickness make attractive servings. A five to six pound roast will make from 10 to 12 servings. 1' an appropriate menu around the him!) roast. Your gar nish might be firm pear halves filled with mint iellv and touched as,c- . . ''with mint leaves or parsley. As ariation. Om(t the sjlt and ' lhp first cimrse scrve jPlr(j con. acid one of the following: 'i S0mme. Browned potatoes make a tablespoon garlic salt, 2 table-1 K, accompaniment for the spoons grated Parmesan rhcese, amb. Cube the potatoes and cook 1 tablespoon celery s.ilt, 'i tea- in a frying pan with bacon drip spnon curry powder, 1 teaspoon j pings until well browned, ln chili powder, 1 tablespoon sugar j elude buttered green beans, a and '5 teaspoon cinnamon mixed, j lettuce salad, hot corn sticks and 1 teaspoon seasoning salt. a dessert of date-nut pudding. Popcorn Tops for Mony Snack Menus Can't beat fresh hot popcorn for snarking! Family and friends of all aces react happily to a bowl of popcorn on the slight est provocation. Takes maybe 3 minutes to produce hot, distinc tively seasoned popcorn when you proceed like this, starling with a can of popcorn. Heat V cup salad oil in popper (or if you use a heavy skillet, shake frequently) for about 3 minutes or until a kernel of corn starts to spin when dropped into the oil. Add H cup popcorn. Cover and allow to cook only until an oc casional pupping is heard. He move from heat and pour popped corn into a serving bowl. Salt to BUSY KITCHENS NEED SIMONIZ FLOOR WAX f - No scuffs! No streaks! Shine lasts 5 weeks! Nr.'iusoSinioniz is fortified w ilh harrl-luMrr Sinmlitr . At last you got a truly non-iti(T floor shine that InsU up to S full weeks! New Simoniz dries no tough nnd bright, kids enn rough-house nil they want no mnrks, no sttvnkx, no wufTs! Extra -easy no rubbing! Water-repellent, too. Save work! Get Simoniz Non-SculT Floor Vux todny it'a nclf-xIi.liiiig! TK txetutiv hraui tf mmpoiitr rrro-rtitn nf thf Simnnn fompany u ttttnttltrd tv il, Inutr. mart SIKUOI Corn") l'4 iimi Color, Seasoning Add to Casserole Gay coloring, high seasoning makes a fine main dish using plentiful, low-priced dry beans, peas or lentils. The big meaty dried limas are especially good. Four servings. MEXICAN CASSEROLE 3 cups cooked beans, peas or lentils 1 cup cooked or canned tomatoes 2 tblespoons chopped green pepper cup chopped onion i teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon chili powder Garlic salt 4 strips bacon Combine Ul ingredients except bacon. Turn into greased baking dish. Arrange bacon strips over top. Bake in moderate oven, 3S0 degrees, 1 hour. Corned Beef and Dry Limas Combined Cabbage loses out in favor of succulent limas in this "Corned Beef and Lima Bake." The beef slices arc topped with rosy tomatoes, blanketed with limas and nippy cheese, and baked quickly. The flavor's the thing in this dish. Corned Beef and Lima Bake 1 No. 2Vi can whole tomatoes 1 sliced small onion 1 clove garlic H teaspoon thyme teaspoon Worcestershire sauce , 1 can corned beef 2 cups cooked large dry limas '.a cup grated cheese Drain 1 cup liquid from toma toes: add onioin, garlic clove cut in half, thyme and Worcester shire sauce to the liquid, and simmer 5 minutes Slice corned beef and place in bottom of shallow greased baking dish. Place whole drained tomato on top of each meat slice. Add limas. Remove garlic from liquid and pour over meet and limas. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in moderate oven (350 de grees F.) 15 to 20 miinutes, until thoroughly heated. Makes 4 servings. Scant 1 cup before cooking. You can take your pick of ways to serve a boneless smoked pork butt. Bake it and glaze it for a company meal Cook it with vegetables for a homey-style family dinner or slice and fry it for a quick dinner on one of your busier days. The sue of the smoked pork butt usually 2 to 3 pounds makes it a good buy for the small family. After providing one or two dinners, it often yields enough leftovers to slice for sandwiches or to grind and add to the breakfast omelet or scrambled eggs. One of the easiest ways to pre pare the smoked pork butt is to simmer it in water until tender. Vegeables added the last 35 to 40 minues of cooking take on the de lightfully smoky flavor of the meat and make a type of New England "boiled" dinner, always a family favorite. Smoked Kutt Boiled Dinner 1 smoked boneless butt, 2 to 3 pounds 6 whole cloves 1 bay leaf 4 whole black peppers 4 to 6 medium carrots 8 small onions 2 to 3 medium potatoes Remove wrapper from meat and place in large deep utensil. Add hot water to cover, then add seasonings. Simmer, cover ed, IVi hours. Add scraped carrots, peeled onions and pared potatoes cr.t in half. Cook for another half hour or until meat and vegetables are tender. Four servings. All Dressed Vp for Company The smoked butt wins a gold star for entertaining, when cooked in water, then glazed and baked. A garnish of pineapple and whole cloves on the glaze adds the final company touch. Cover smoked butt with water and cook at simmering tempera ture lyitil tender, about 2 hours. Remove butt from water, place in a shallow pan, and spread with a glaze made by combining Vz cup brown sugar with a little pineapple sirup and Is teaspoon ground cloves (optional). Dec orate top of meat with pineapple tidbits stuck on with cloves and toothpicks. Glaze in a hot oven, 400 F., for 15 minutes. Jiffy Meal The end of a day of commit tee work, shopping or house cleaning can suddenly find you with little time left for prepar ing dinner on schedule. That's when you'll want to rely on a quick dinner such as fried smoked butt served with canned whole kernel corn. Cut smoked butt into thin slices, about one-quarter inch thick. Heat a little lard in a skillet, add slices of meat and cook slowly until well browned on both sides. (If, before slic ing, butt has been cooked in water until tender, slices may be cut thicker and quickly brown ed in a little butter or margarine.) Many-Purpose Seasoneri You can use chili powder so many ways. Sprinkle chicken with j it before broiling. Add it to the i seasoned flour in which you roll cubes of beef before stewing. Try it in salad dressing for extra zest. A dash of it will pep up a tomato soup. SNAP BEANS, MUSHROOMS Quick and easy to give com pany touch to green beans is to combine them with savory sau teed fresh or canned mush rooms. Heat separately, com bine and toss gently. Season with salt, pepper and a quick; squeeze ot iresn lemon juice. HONEY IN MERINGUE Next time you make meringue, try adding a tablespoon of honey for each egg white as you are beating the whites. This is par ticularly good on lemon pic. Mf A' You Can Always Depend on Model Food for Quality, Service and Economy VEGETABLE and FRUIT SPECIALS 33c 15c 15c Deschutes Potatoes No. 1 10 lbs. Large Koniaine Each Large Endive Each Newton Applrs, Extra Eanrr 2lh,.25c ox$4.89 lb. Hothouse Rhubarb . 2Ib,35c Aged Tillamook Cheese 18 Months Old Especially Or ioo,1 lb. JC Lynden Chicken Products l Noodlrs and Chicken, 16 01. . . Kite Noodles and Turkey, 16 at. I.vndrn, IU ii. . Chicken Hrotb, 15 ot. Sliced C'hirkrn, 5'i-oj. ((lass . . . Honed Turkey, ." 1 j-o. slavi .... 33c 29c 23c 18c 59c 59c PORTER'S PRODUCTS .. ... 33c I ril-lrts, 1 lb I'iiie Noodles, 1 111 Wide Noodles, 1 11). ( lit Spuclirtti, 24 ot. Cut .Macaroni, 24 ot l.oni; Spaghetti, t4 ox Coil Vermicelli It oi . 33c 33c 33c 33c .21c 21c Good Grocery Buys CRISCO-SNOWDRIFT-SPRY 3 lb5. 89c WHITE SATIN SUGAR 10 lb5; $1.05 SOUR PITTED CHERRIES N,,.... 2cans55c DELRICH MARGARINE Ib. .; 25c TREE TEA lb 63c TREE TEA M 19c COFFEE , , $1.03 ?Ib5. $2.05 illills-Eoleer's-(iolden Wrut-Muxwrll House ( base & Sanhorn-Caswell's) 1 Ib. 1 ot. 48s Quarts RITZ CRACKERS CHEEZIT CRACKERS ,. PLANTER'S PEANUT OIL .rl, PLANTER'S COCKTAIL PEANUTS TENDERLEAF TEA BAGS KRAFT SALAD OIL I A DAP DDIINK LMIWk muilLJ Trnderswret. Calif. OREGON PRUNES HUNT'S KERNEL CORN x. , HUNT'S CREAM STYLE CORN , MANDARIN ORANGES ORANGE ,1riRAPR!'.s.r;CT::,NS2 NESTLES MORSELS SKIPPY DOG FOOD DUTCH CLEANSER l-lh. cans 38c 18c 83c 33c 49c 63c 53c n O 47V, 27c 27c an, 33C for 49c 2pkRS.45c 3 ,nr 29c 3 for 29c lbs. Ihs. for Bakery Department Large Two-Layer Cakes DATE NIT - CHOCOLATE LADY BALTIMORE 85C each Special Cakes made to order for Weddings, Parties, Etc. Fresh Home Style Cookies Sugar - Ginger Choc. Chips ("ranger Cornanut Peanut Hotter 30c Doz. ERNIE'S MEATS BEEF Pot Roast 49 Ib. FRESH Ground Beef 39e EASTERN Sliced Bacon 73 Ib. Swift's Prem Bayer's Aspirin , Spic and Span rk,. no.. 49c 62c 25c 00s Model Food Market 275 North High St. Phone 3-4111 S0-Pay Account Service Orders for $2.00 or More Are Delivered Free You SAVE At I FOOD MARKET 1940 Mission St. Open 7 Days A Week-9 A. M.-IO P. M. Phone 2-7661 BORDEN'S Mayonnaise LIMIT - , Am if NABISCO Bakers 0 Cello Shredded Choc. Chips Sponges Wheat iSlV Pk. W Each & a Pk. LUMBERJACK SYRUPY 2S LIMIT ALL-PURE DROMEDARY HEINZ Milk Ginger Cucumber O riNC Bread Mix Chips m CANS Pint lor 28' 1 2011 27 SWANSDOWN a p Cake Mix L 2c LIMIT Collage I Prince l Cheese JSH Potatoes Laurel Farm. 3 TINS 10BLr a3 Pint Carton Gm& CXM!? GIANT SIZE LIMIT Fresh PRODUCE Fresh P 1 Per Lemons""01.5 , Parsnips L" ! ffr' Onions 5S' 13 iTurnips Vegetables pp" DOZEN I SALAD rati att Ground Beel4tb99c T-Bone Steaks 1; 49c Beei Roast Round Sleak 49c Fryers LR0CKER BEEF '! or Whole 3 Hind Quarter LB. Front Quarter 29f LB. Polish Rings 4 -99c Frankfurters 399c SIMONIZ -"-FLOOR WAX