Thursday. February IS, 1954 Mimosa and Caesar Salads Here are two hearty salads your family will like: Mimosa Salad 6 hard boiled eggs 2 cups finely diced cooked carrots 2 cups finely diced cooked beets 2 cups finely diced cooked green beans 2 cups finely diced cooked white turnips fi small skinned tomatoes 3 heads lettuce 6 small gcrkins Wash the lettuce and cut into fine shreds. Mix with a little oil, vinegar, salt and pepper and nearly fill a larRe shallow salad bowl. Separate the hard boiled eggs" and rub the yolk and the white separately through a coarse strainer. Arrange the egg whites and yolks, carrot, beets, beans and turnips in the shape of a cart wheel on top of the lettuce. Sur round the outer circle with thin slues of tomato and on top, of the tomatoes put round of gerkin Put a small gerkin in the shape of a flower in the center cart wheel and serve sauce separately. Serve with mayonnaise. Caesar Salad 2 heads romaine lettuce 1 coddled egg i tablespoon salad oil 3 cloves garlic, crushed J teaspoon salt 6 slices bacon 2 hard-boiled eggs rh teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon lemon juice J cud croutons 3 tablespoons vinegar 1 small can anchovy fillets Coarsely cracked pepper I4 cup Parmesan cheese cud ehonoed nnrtihw Wash lettuce anil rtrv ttinr oughly. Break into small pieces into saiaa Bowl. Coddle egg by letting stand just 30 seconds in boiling water. Put egg, oil, vin egar, salt, pepper, mustard and jemon juice in a screw-top jar ana snaxe well. Four over lettuce and toss liehtlv. AHri frontons bacon (fried and sliced finely), nara-noiled eggs, cut in quarters, eneese and toss again. Top with unchnvT fillets, rut intn small pieces. Serve immediately, while croutons are sun crisp. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon This Offering Known 'As 'Mayor's Salad' The "Mayor's Avocado Salad"- comes well recommended, and yourl know why when you taste it! A butter-ripe avocado is mash ed and spiked with tabasco, onion and chili pepper, and serv ed on juicy sliced tomatoes. XJ L- .. , J 1 jncuiuiii-ni.t;u avuiriuu ; 2 tablespoons finely minced i onion Vk tablespoons lemon juice s,i teaspoon salt Few rirons Tahasco s-uee 1 canned green chili pepper Sliced tomatoes Salad greens Cut avocados into halves ; lengthwise and remove seed and skiin. Mash fruit and blend tvilh nmnn. Tpmnn inipp. sail. Tabasco sauce and chili cut into 'A-inch squares. Serve on sliced tomatoes arranged on salad greens. Walnut and Honey Spread Tasty One Perk up the small fry lazy ap- pctities with this "Honey Wal nut Spread.' It s childs play to make just whip the honey and butter, stir in walnuts and wait for the reaction. Good energy food for frisky children and fnsiky grown-ups too! Honey Walnut Spread 1 cup walnuts 2 tablespoons butter or mar garine V cup honey ' teaspoon salt Grind walnuts, using medium blade of food chopper. Cream butter and honey toge'ther. Blend in walnuts and salt. Ideal in Soup Hot, fragrantly rich French on ion soup takes on new flavor ap peal when it has cooked dry limas added to it instead of the tradi tional French bread. This makes the soup heartier and more nour ishing, and an ideal beginning for a meal on a cold winter day. Chipped Beef Casserole Add chipped beef to macaroni for a quick casserole. Mince the chipped beef, then combine with cooked macaroni and a cheddan cheese sauce. Place the casserole In a moderate oven (3,r0 deg. F.) and cook for 25 minutes. A good trick while cooking with honey is to measure the shortening first; then the honey in the same cup. Then the honey will slide right out. ! wppy ITOPS IN QUALITY! SECTION II Page 5 IGA SNO-KREEM Shortening 3-lb. TfifElTTN "JELL-IT fra .up My z a csn . P . m p rnees Ettectiv . rn., sot., and un., NN February 19,20,21 YOU'LL SAVE PLENTY ON THESE SPECIAL BONUS VALUES IGA TOMATO JJQDD 46 oz. ZrJ I ins I J U Sliced or Halved i COFFEE r Golden West INSTANT IGA "Xtra Rich" MAYONNAISE Compares With the J"11 best. Quarl IGA PEANUT (P)C BUTTER T .-V IGA EVAPORATED ' f ftf MILK . .2. 2C 10 HARLENE 1 MIX MARGARINE ... Zfc. 49C IGA FAMILY SIZE ftf ripe olives rr 29c rV' w w iwwA.y, ,fpjpym T53t V You're INVITED To The Elsinore Theatre Tuesday, February 23, 1:30 pm You'll Want to Know WHAT'S COOKING With Marie Gifford ,Armour fir Company's Na tionally Famous Home Economist Presenting THRIFTY WAY'S WITH MEATS PRIZES and SURPRISES Doors Open at 1 P.M., Tuesday, February 23 Armour's Star SLICED DAT Ail rr Pick it. Solid, Red Ripe Tl COia U TOMATOES ' LlVCs Medium 7)(o)7il ONIONS 10Mi,BdilV POTATOES10HeshBa5)g I Wonderful Bakers j CSlp. ORANGES 1 Great with 22J L I arnA S'lIC UOZ " 11 grapefruit 23C 19 V FRESH BAKED CHERRY ROLLS Pkg. 44i 8 Rolls A REPEATED BY POMAR DEMAND riuel Red Snapp I m U. 3. GOOD CD Mil crn ""Mill I LU thucf Roast PURE, FRESH Ground Beef MI. AHOEl MILD Cheddar Cheese er Sim BEEF Well Wmmeef lb. lb. lb. lb. BLUE BELL POTATO 2,2)' CHIPS IN- M Knrrlpn SIAKIAL Non-Fat Dry VI Milk Lb. Pkg. 'llA Reg. 25c pkg. REDEEM YOUR LUCKY IEVER SWEEPSTAKES COUPONS AT IGA STORESI Let IGA Storei Moil in Your Lever Bros. Swccpstakei Entry Blonk for You! Colgate TOOTH PASTE TP 47' Tube KHNtNl MARSHMALLOW CREAM 5.0,Jar laily Pak Rip & Sour Pitied EACH CHERRIES 27c SUNSHINE HI HO CRACKERS I h.Pk, 23c 4 - $1 " 303 cans " 36c jlMITATIONS I I UTTU DO SS- HORSE MEAT ffi: 17c 6 for $1.00 DOG FOOD n",!b"Tr 10c 6 for 57c WAX PAPER Heavy Double Waxed t-'.arh 25c BALLARD BISCUIT r ; IGA Stores Rccrve the Right to Limit Quontitici Shop al These Independently Owned IGA Stores EMERY'S ICA F00DUNER Wallaci Road it 7th Weil Salem VISTA STATE ST. ORCUTT'S MARKET MARKET MARKET 304S S. Commercial 1 230 Stale SI. 4200 N. River Road Colgotc'i VASELINE HAIR TONIC Lorge Bottle BUY! Try COLD SEAL rsnouii)' bleach MMO TO HMPI FUMMH WW UIMItl tO MT1K TMI We for f'm Fabrkt m Ann w mr I I 3 59c LOW IN PICE