" I Page 4 SECTION II THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, February 18, 1954 Dressy Cupcakes Easy to Make, t 9 9 9 9 - ' . f ,y:11.,.. ,,,,, . 1.: Making various kinds of cup cakes form regular cake mixes u becoming iivjeasingly popular among housewives, especially those with (mail families. And now conies a neat sug gestiaon ibout making cupcakes and an 'ipside-down cake from a single package of cake mix. Firt. you make a hot, fragrant pineapple upside-down cake. Then you jsc the rest of the batter to m?ie eight or ten of the fanciest little cupcakes you ever saw. They're really easy and yet your youngsters will wonder wncn you have been taking lessons from the boys at the soda fountain. Cupcakes With Banana Slices Make cupcakes with yellow cake mix as package directs. Cool, then cut each cupcake of the way down in Y shape (as illustrated in photograph). Fill each wedge with whipped cream, or your favorite whipped topping, and a banana slice. Put a maras chino cherry in the center. French Fried Onion Always Popular being sure not to These are so easy to do and to popular with men that we remind you of them, especially now that onions are so low in price. French Fried Onions Peel and slice 3 large mild onions V inch thick. Separate into rings. Dip into cup milk, then in flour. Heat 1 quart salad oil in 3-quart kettle to 380 de grees or until 1-inch bread cube browns in 35 seconds. Mean while place onion rings in fry ing basket, overcrowd. Fry until golden brown, about 2 minutes; drain on absorbent paper. Keep in warm place un til all onion rings have been fried. Season with salt and serve immediately. Four gen erous servings. In some sections of France, two-thirds of the houses are more than a century old. Cherry Curried Lamb Is Pleaser The other day a reader phon ed and asked if we really meant to put cranberries in a beef stew and we said that we really did; that they added flavor and color and texture. Today, we really mean that canned cherries which are very reasonable in price, add distinction, flavor and interest to reasonably priced lamb chops or lamb steaks. Cherries with Lamb 4inch-thick lamb chops 2 tablespoons flour 2 teaspoons lemon juice Vt teaspoon salt 1 cup canned cherry juice 2 tablespoons butter or margarine '4 to 1 teaspoon curry powder k cup canned cherries Pan-fry lamb chops in heavv skillet until well browned on both sides. Season. Remove to platter. Pour off excess fat. Melt butter in skillet; blend in flour, salt and curry powder. KahifaiJ XlHi7lkfl FEATURE FINE 1288 Sfaffe SI. Phone 3-6489 BEEF ROAST lb. 33 ARM CUT BI.ADK CUT Rt'MP T-BONE STEAK lb. 53 THIS IS EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD BEEF, WEI.I, TRIMMED RIB STEAK lb. 47' THIS IS EASTERN OREC.ON HEREFORD REEF, WEI.I. TRIMMED SWISS STEAK lb. 55' Ol'T OF DELICIOUS EASTERN OREC.ON HEREFORD REEF i GROUND BEEF lb. 33' FRESH C.ROI'ND DAILY IN OCR OWN M ARKET ! SHORT RIBS lb. 23 LEAN AND MEATY ; BONED SIRLOIN lb. 69' DEI ICIOI'S TO PAN RROII. OR BROIL SIRLOIN TIP lb. 59' I STEAK OR ROAST ROUND STEAK lb. 55' I BABY BEEF LIVER lB 39c FRESH BEEF TONGUES or HEARTS tB 29c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD LOCKER BEEF FRONT QUARTER lb. 27'j' HIND QUARTER ib.35'A' HALF OR WHOLE 1.29 Gradually stir in lemon juice, cherry liquid and water. Cook until thickened. Sweeten to taste if cherries are not already sweetened. Add cherries and chops; simmer 5 minutes longer or until lender. For a peppier sauce, add more curry powder. Indonesia claims it is the larg est Moslem country in the world. Egg Cookery Suggestions Told Again , First and foremost rule in egg cookery is: Always conk slowly with low to moderate heat. Eggs cooked in the shell should never be boiled. High temperatures toughen protein. Eggs' become thickened or solid at tempera tures from 149 degrees to 176 degrees so a boiling temperature of 212 degrees is not needed to cook them. Cold water start is recom mended for both soft and hard- cooked eggs. Use enough cold or lukewarm water to come at least Vt inch above the tops of the eggs. Set pan on burner and turn on heat; bring to boiling point. For soft cooked eggs, turn off the heat and hold eggs in hot water from 2 to 4 minutes. For hard-cooked eggs, place eggs in cold water, bring to boil ing point, turn off heat and cover- hold 15 minutes. When cooking four or more eggs, hold water at simmering temperature 4 to 6 minutes.. Egg Sandwiches Now that we've properly hard cooked some eggs, let's make up 2 batches of sandwich fillings, using yolks for one and whites for the other. Blend hard-cooked egg yolks with 2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine, 1 tablespoon of French dressing, V teaspoon prepared mustard, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire and a pinch of salt. Fills four sandwiches. Mince 6 hard-cooked egg whites; blend with 2 tablespoons pickle relish, 2 tablespoons of minced green pepper, !4 cup mayonnaise and a pinch of salt. Fills eight 'sandwiches. Brand Blondies Will Rate "- '"rrn trr": WvrX :f A!Vlr These Bran Blondies will be "candy" to the children. They're rich and sweet-tasting, made with nuts, brown sugar and choc olate bits. But, since the recipe also calls for flour and baking powder, it must be classified as a cake. But, no matter what you call them, they're delicious! ' Bran Blondiei cup sifted flour M teaspoon baking powder V teaspoon baking soda i teaspoon salt H cup ready-to-eat bran Vi cup chopped nutmeats Va cup butter or maragaine 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg, slightly beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla H cup (3-oz.) semi-sweet chocolate bits Sift together flour, baking powder, soda and salt; mix in all Bran and nutmeats. Melt butter in saucepan. Remove from heat and stir in sugar; cool. Stir in egg and vanilla. Add sifted dry ingredients a small amount at a time, beating well after each ad dition. Spread in greased 9x9-in. pan. Sprinkle with chocolate. Bake in moderate oven (350 F.) about 15 minutes. Yield: 24 bars, 2xl'4 inches. Note: "Blondies" 'arc done when still soft in center but pull ed away from sides of pan. (sGDCfll Not a powder! Not a grind! But millions of tiny ' FLAVOR BUDS" of real coffee... ready to burst instantly into that famous MAXWELL HOUSE FLAVOR! Utterly unlike old-style "instants". . . juit at quick but tastes so different ! An nmaziiiR discovery from America's loading I'oflVe company! So difl'erpnt so delicious it's already the na tion's largest -selling instant, coffee! In (he famous Maxwell House kitchens this sii)ierb coffee is actually brewed for you. At (he exact moment of perfection the water is removed leaving the miracle "Flavor Buds"! 100 Pure Coffee ... No Fillers Added! Just add hot water . . . and the bursting "Flavor Buds" flood your cup with the richest coffee you've ever lasted. One sip and you'll never ro back to old ways! Saves money, too! The large economy-size jar saves up to 75, compared to throe pounds of ground coffee! See how Flavor Buds "come to life" in your cup! MAGNIFIED VIEW of now mirnrlt ''Flavor HnoV fthow how n. torlvdifTWrnt they arvfrom old fylr powdrriAodffrindg.ScciTt of true coffoe flavor in locknd in these tiny hollow nvhemi. THE INSTANT you add not wnicr, "Flavor Hud bumf rrlras in flood of delirious Maxwell Ilmiae flavor. This in cotfrr m rrrfect n any you've ever tantcd' J The only instant coffee with that GOOD-TO-THE-LAST-DROP flavor! - 1 SWfeA l