Thursday. hruary 18, '?.' 4 Page 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. OreKon I'. I I Hopewell HOPEWELL Miss Alicia Hive- re of Puerto Rico, a student at the Western Mennonite school, was a and spoke "briefly during the church service and to the junior church. It was announced by the guesi ei inc nupi-wvu c;-o v..u... primary superuuenueni, . n,K Kecd. that Norma Stephens, dauuhur of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stephens, had completed the read. Inn nf ih Vow Testament, win - ning the reading contest. Mrs.1 Duane Dabner of Billings, Mont. ; sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. Glen Karris The Himewell Missionary soci- T.iPkriav evpninu. Feb. 16. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. o. Pcarse. Mrs. Kusti Sctala was the lpartpr and Mrs Marvel Brown and Mrs. Glen Harris were assist - ant hostesses. . Prayer meeting this week was held at the Clarence Legg home, with the study of Romans conduct - ed by S C. Waller, adult director. Mrs. Oscar Lafferty was hon-1 orcd at the Ladies' Aid dinner last i ...t, n tl. clnn .. ha, Kirll,. 1 KCLIV Uli VtIC uvLoaiuii ui lit, wio.i- her by the group Mr and Mrs. 1 Lafferty left Thursday for Lay-: ton, Utah, for an extended visit, accompanied by the son, Olen Laf ferty, of Layton, and grandson, Allen Pershall, who went to his parents' home in Hamer, Idaho. The missionary volunteer meet ing was held at the Hopewell SDA church Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. Mrs. Arthur Warnock read a story about Abraham Lincoln. Band leaders were appointed:' literature band, Arthur Warnock: Z T . Mr 'lowpT. ramnhri . ...-u: un M..- filt fx.. , day. and a gift was presented tol.'ul'y '"i"'- wno was visaing praver band, Ellis Bernard. j 0 ' ' !lc'.sc,s ""j f'll'St of W'aldo Maker was the speaker at Mrs' 'Is"" and those compli the morning service on Feb. 13 " " 1 ts Mesdames at the Hopewell SDA church ,r . ,7e "'tS' h X." : ! Salem by the Hopewell SDA phnrch Saturday evening Feb. 13. Elder Estol Richardson was the speaker. Special music con- listed of solos by Mrs. Richard Jones and Lois Terrill and a duel bv Dark-ne Maker and her father. Waldo Maker. A politick supper and apron auc tion was held al the SDA school in j Hopewell Sunday evening, Feb. j 14. Five men were the judges of the apron contest and Mrs. Orick Busick won first prize, Mrs. Leo Schrammcek, scond and Mrs. Laura Carson, third. Walter Nelson, brother of Ed Nelson o Hopewell, died Thurs day morning, Feb. II, in Salem and the funeral service jwaj held in O'Malley's Funeral Home in McMinnville Saturday afternoon, wilh burial in the Hopewell ceme tery. Mrs. Avie Condra of Salem was a guest of her daughter, Mr, and Mr,. E. J. Terrill for several days . last week. Mrs. Minnie Davidson returned Friday evening from Portland h. 1 d amilv Mr 7, her son and family, Mr. and Mrs II,iu:irrl Ilnvincnn U'hn u-nrn ill with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Smith and daughter of Corvallis were week end gi'csls of her parents. .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lcgg. Friday eve ning dinner guests were Rev. and Mrs. Glen Harris, Mrs. Duane Dabner of Billings. Mont., and Robert Elliott Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sahnow are the parents nl a son, Benjamin Earl, horn "i a son, ieii,imin can. norn ,., n, ,,, i',i, . 1 wvrr-i.rai iui;n mni-rni jir. ann airs, uov ncrgquisi Feb. 9 at the Salem General has- ' , .7'" -h,nnM. .P?ri 4 ,1 n,,h mH wi,h ,hpir ra,lrr I and family, who arc missionaries pital. He is their third son an.l ;'J l'', " Mrs- Max Kairchilfl Friday night J in the French West Indies, vis fifth child. the nuhhc md I . LnH at Wnirh ,in,P ,lich'irH 'a,",ahl 'r- anri Mrs Wa'np Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tresham of rirn' S'n.JT ,?!??X and ""h''r l-Xeher shaped and Wnnden this week while home ! :n- r- ... '"" welcome to attend. Krp-,,1 ,i,.h k..m f-m . , ,J: ,J inn, ine Tern,nn, a c lie u-cms ni a sun. nennem Lloyd 7 pounds. 13 ounces, born reo. at uic Mi.Minnvii e nos- mtal. He is their second son and third child. Mother and son re- turned to their home Sunday. .... ,,, ,,,., family viutcd Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Mr. and Mrs. John Kotka and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter KoUa and infant son. Jeffrey Alien, in Portland last Sunday. Mrs W. J. Marlcy arrived home from San Diego .Saturday after a t.x eeks ,is,t with her .laugh- Ur m U-M. Mrs. Donald Marley. elcnming h,r little Krancl.laugh- tr. Wan.lla Jean, who was horn Jan. 26 Knruute home. Mrs. Mar- !' vis.ted her dauslilrr. Mr. and Mrs. Ionald Marshall in Grants Paw foi several davs Mrs. John Allison returned last c.rh:,m al the home of their week from a trip to California s in law and daughter. Mr. and with Mr and Mrs Glen MacFar- Mr trn l!eis,. and two sons, lane. Ic visit Misses Klva and Mr. an,i Mrs Walter Brisbin, Ailene Allison in El Centre. Cahr. acininpiimn bv their Brand Mr. and Mrs. N. 0 Pejrsp anil ,h i,i..r i... n. i ,i, Robert were Sunday dinner imii-sIs - " II II I'll llll-IIIUI K nn- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V l I ... , .. ... , of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Waiter. n. , , k Mr ami Mrs. Brisbin ! aml '"u'"ln " "ml Mr. and Mrs. John Geuler went will mm! al the home of llris- numerous cousins, to Lebanon Sunday to vmt tlnr hin mvIit, while Mrs. Wilson , Tie ladies of Ihe Fairview daughter. Mrs. William Lee and plaumit to 'visit her father until Cemetery Assin iation netted $!17 family on the occasion of the s.itunlii, when slie would leave frnm lnc SJr f ciwM foods, in U-es fourth wedding anniversary. r her Imiiie in Klamath. Calif. Mjl, o.r,.,.. Thi lm Mr. and Mrs. John Fuqua and Mr. and Mr,. Phillip Cann are i Ml" ( "' Sl""rl' ; 1'"s ,um Mr. and Mrs. John Geislcr vis. , visiting in Berkeley, Calif., at i wi" nr,P P. indebtedness in ited Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Clark, the home of their ila'ughlcr and j currcd hy improvements to the and family Thursday evening. ! sun in law, .Mr. and Mrs. John 1 cemetery. .vir. nam was reicaseo irom uie fKMI 4T NOrV PLAYING! "itwicOtOtMUMCAlT Ki ana mium towt Hum Also Lloyd Bridges "THE LIMPING MAN" 77ur Vdy I Edited by MIKK FOKHKS k Salem General hospital Thursday afternoon ii. iin i arina i afternoon. He still is wearing a . ! cast because of injuries to his ; back in an automobile accident, Feb. 2. . Larry and Lonny Ledford spent SHV..r..l ,nv. wn, r- -""jTeal, one evening the past week. ..heir grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. u. iearse. I Mr. a A J Snoop of; i,"", r. pnts, Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Wester- .house on Saturday, and Vickie andln.,an ; Virginia hhoop returned home! ! With them The second workshop of the Better Dress Workshop of the ui-e riome txtens on unit rnel at Ihe home of Mrs. Elton-In- sram recently, with Mrs. Lenna Wilson as proieet leader. Mr- Mrs. Arthur Warnock I "re waving on Thursday for a ; w'ck's vacation and visit with ! heir son. Mclvin Warnock ahd ! Jumily in Walla Walla, Wash. Mrs. j um Scoggan of Lafayette will : s,n-v l,h Mrs- Sarah Scoggan at j "ltlr lnpr aosence. 1 Gates --" " GATES Mrs. Robert Wilson . ..t. . . ..- 1" Cal0i' .'"r ,ne f,rst t,me slnce her marriase. was given a P0S'" nuptial shower before her depar-j lure lor Her Home in Mamath, Co''1- .Mrs. Glen Ilenness, Mrs. Floyd Volkel. Mrs. Elmer Kltilke and Mrs. Dan Morrison were hostesses j for the affair, which was held in , the recieation rooms of the high i school. ; Mrs. Walter Brisbin and Mrs. j Dan Morrison gave several musi-j cal scleelfons before the opening oi me gilts. : .. Kefreshmcnts were served by Colis Heath, Lcn Young, Oscar Oaerhout, George Stafford. Rich I ard Parker, George Arthurs. Don Mil.,.. r-;iu...t it V "Vc" .?'K, auwaru : la""' 'tay-, Bob B,on" tla""c'! Laurf, "J?3" rep "e; ('crdhon "a1cIv?"fcTiScha" ' . 'r , ' V '"k " m'm5""' ..." " n' " rel Cole. Philip Hess, Edmund Da vis, Stanley Vail, Raymond llobbs, Jesse Haywood, Kenneth Martig, W. It. Hutcheson, Glenn Gordon, W. S. Hudson, Merle Devine, Per cy Mulligan, Ned Richards, Edwin Saline. William lliile. Howard 1 Faiiium and Miss Lorena Devine. :, Members of the Gates Boy I Scouts, Troup 45, have taken as the community service project, work on the community house, un der construction by members of the Gates Woman's club. Wednes evening of last week the boys un der Ihe direction of their leader, Darrel Crossler, cleaned the grounds, cutting and burning ' '" noon a bonfire was built and a picnic dinner enjoyed. It is reported the boys plan to di " 50 lrC"Cn "' hole for (he jns.,,.ltipn of v tank for the house. The community house, when completed will be open for use bv Ihe hoys for their meetings and social affairs. Twcnty-fuur Scouts were present Wednesday and made a nig improvement in the grounds. The Cub Scouts met .Monday I . pvi'n'niK, i. ,i.;. ... im-ii iiiuiiiii- p'r m V iJ3 r '" . ". v mu,i. A r,.cc),mn , -.., r..r(..,i.. m.,rrlrt ,,, .lr .; Mrs, Joseph Bowes. and the lonc- rv. m,..,.,! p,,i ,i, u ?L i r T " "" w , 1 1 i- h, ,. i'l lh. Zun ll oVV" high ., h,.,.i i . ..chool. Saturday eening. Feb. 20. All friends ( thp iun r,.ni. in All fr,n,ic ,. ,u ' i1rc ,n,.r, . a,t,.ni Th r ' ' , tn.n is sponsored by the Gates i u m..r- !,., Tnr mM rvKuU ,,,. ,)f Ihe Woman's club will be held at the home of Mrs. Albert Millsap. Thursd.n evemnt. Feb IS. Mrs. K.lmund Davies, Mrs Walter ;hnnu3 an() Mr5 ,,,,., pn. ,.,, u.,n u ,,.,, k,..!.,,..,. Mr. and Mrs. Fluvd Fleetwood Vitltp,! ftvi.f thp unnL nnil in i(. "... o . ,.i...... . i.i.n.'. ..i 1 NOW PLAYING! AND DRAGNET FallsGty FALLS CITY - Mrs. J. K. Strauss spent Tuesday visltine' her cousin, Mrs. Francis Zeigler of Corvallis. Going as a delegate to the j SM IZXn Amity was Ronald Manchas. Hon- ald is president of the young peo- pies organization of the Falls City ' church. I Kenneth Teal and family visit- I j u: i.. It. I w y..i .- "".nd Pa't" RyarTof OSC rc home ()Ver he wecknd Grant BucknPr and fami,y of iEugenc were Sunday visitors at ,h hnm ,., hi, ,, Mrs charlos Holmes took Mrs. Valentine to Dallas on Wedncs (jav Mrs. Valentine, who lives alone, sed hor 8mh bil.tndav Nov Ijjg Thp Falls PHv Firnmpn nttonrl. i.j s n..n. v-.-mh inl inn mepiirn, hplrl in Mon. j moutn jn spite of snowy roads ; and bal weather. Thp firemen have a two unit resuscitator at the Falls City Fire , h.iII which is available for use. ! The Bridgeport Women's Club members were hostesses at a : j stork shower at their last club j mppiino hnnnrin.. Mr. r.lpnn Gage's daughter, Mrs. Glenna ' Marlin. Mr and Mrs .1pp Mnppr nf , valsctz have a new grandson, Cal- " : vin Rickey, who arrived Feb. 2, weighing 8 pounds 14 ounces. He js the son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Van Winkle of R. 2, Dallas. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Van Winkle f Lexington. Okla. Mr. and Mrs. Lealand Cooper 0f Kalis Citv arc the parents of a babv girl, Kathryn Jeanne, born r-eb. 9. she is their second child. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westbrook and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Cooper are the grandparents The Falls City high school GAA ! entertained the student body at a "Sweetheart's Ball" Friday eve ning, Feb. 12, at 8 o'clock. Four girls were chosen as can didates for "Sweetheart" with Miss Marjoric winning the most votes. Mr. and Mrs. Ray 'farter and children of Airlic visited her par ents, the W. P. Lettermans, Sun day. They were accompanied by Leonard Allaeier. The Max Fairchilds of Oakdale have installed the new glass heat ing system in their home. Miss Ruth Marion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marion nf the Bridgeport community is very ill with vims pneumonia. Ruth is at the Dallas hospital. Mr. Marion is recovering from a recent heavy cold and flu. The Friendly Neighbors Club enjoyed tneir l ehruary meeting at Ihe home of Mrs. James Dick insnn. A politick luncheon was fol lowed by a short business session after which a valentine gift ex change and visiting completed the afternoon. Present were Mrs. Eva Towers. Mrs. William Poland. Mrs. Floyd Jones, Mrs. George Kitchen, Mrs. John Teal, Mrs. John Gilbert and the hostess, Mrs. Dickinson. Mrs. Jones won the prize. Terry Carson of Valsetz was a recent caller at the home of Mrs. B. Y. Allen Other visitors of Mrs. Allen were Mr. and Mrs. Al'jot Fredin, I held on dormant spraying. Mrs. Mrs. Dick Paul, Mrs. Claude Mey- j Zetterhcrg showed movies, in ers, Mrs. Norman Camper and eluding some taken this year at Mrs. Allen's nephew, Paul Berndt the Pasadena Tournament nf and wife, of Salem. Roses. Mrs. Otis Barr will be the "rs' " -,lrs- i Mrs. Max Fairchilds and Mrs. j James aiancnas were co nnsicssps i at WSCS tea at Falls City Wed-! ""''ay - The C nvrr l paf Dniieh Hitlers i baked bread dough brought from - 'TTTaTIT' """ """ M-m-u nn n ,r"hn",""i HnhrT M W"" "''tain ' " " ' aub" - , Edward Pretz. Edward Pretz. At the Don Miley home over tn wek end was Mrs. Miley's mother. Mrs W. A. Bolmeier. of ' I Salem. Mr. Miley was a Portland S business visitor over Sunday. Word was received by relatives ; of the sudden death, Saturday. '. Feb, 13, at her home in Santa Ana, Calif , of Mrv Nellie Turn- idgp I.overing Mrs l.overing 71. was born on the old Turnitlze homestead in Linn Co, between Mill City and Gates where she lived until her marriage. Two brothers, Bert Turnidge and Elda Turnidge, of Mill City and a sister, Mrs Slelja Murphy og Contralia, Wash., survive her; also two unc les, I.. T. Ilenness Feature of: 1:30 - Now! swim. A valentine party was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Richard Mur- P1 Thursday, Feb. 11. I nc group naa a valentine ex change and Secret Pal gifts were presented to Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Henry Doner, the two having valentine birthdays. The birthday cakes were served to Mrs. Cliff Reeves, Mrs. Art Mack. Mrs. Steve I'oe, Mrs. Henry Doner, Mrs. Fred Dornhecker, Mrs. Bill Diehm, Mrs. Doyle Lorimor and I the hostess. Mrs. Murnliv. Magnolia Rebecca Lodge held its regular lodge meeting wed nesday night with initiation serv I ices following, I Miss June Brown was the can- didate for initiation. i The new date for the Dorcas bazaar is Feb. 17. j Mr. and Mrs. otto leal spent iuesaay ana weanesaay oi lasi week at Lakeside in interest of their logging industry and saw mill, The cut for the following year will soon start. i Mr. and Mrs. Bill Neillson arei moving into their new nome re- cenlly purchased and remodel- ed. Willamina WILLAMINA Mr. and Mrs. I William Kicnarns were non- j "red at a dinner at the home of .nr. aim jurs. juu mix ui uranu Ronde on their 42nd wedding an. niversary. Mrs. Pauline Richards and daughter Vanah, and Mrs. Janet Heasley of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Bennett of Al bany were other guests. The Catholic Women's club of St. Michael's church is giving a series of six card parties, with weekly prizes for high and low scores, plus a loving cup with the winners name engraved at the close of the six week series to the person with the highest accumulated score al that time. The first card party was held nt St. Michael's gym Thursday, Feb. 11. Everyone is invited. A small admission fee is charged Willarnina leads Yamhill coun ty in 4H clubs enrolled at the present time. There arc nine clubs, with 141 members. Cook ing is the most popular project, with four clubs organized in Wil lamina and two more in the pro cess of organizing. Livestock, clothing and health are also pop ular. It is expected that six more clubs will organize, with 100 more members, by the end of the club year. Pvt. Vincent II. Rogers, 20, son of Mrs. Howard U. Rogers of the Rock Creek community, has ar rived in Germany with the 43rd Infantry Division's 103rd Field Artillery Battalion. Rogers, whose wife also lives in the Rock Creek community, entered the army last April. Bob Kerns, whose ship is in drydock at Seatllc, visited wilh his wife flu's weekend. She is stay ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McBee. Mrs. Lloyd Anderson, Kathryn and Wendy are visiting in Wis consin wifh her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Endres of Douglas, Alaska, arc visiting wit his brother, Albert Endres and family. Mrs. Floyd Zetlerberg was hostess for the February meet ing of the Willamina Garden club, with Mrs. Rurik Hendrick- on co-hostess. A discussion was March hostess. nosiess - mere are a emmren cnroneo. in Mrs. K. E. Shetlerly's kinder- 'garten at the Christian church. Mr and lln Itnv Rprpnnil nn vacation. The ladies arc fnr- mer scnoolmates. Mrs. Guy Call was hostes f, th hr - ,i her home in Sheridan. A no host unrheon was enjoyed, and a Val entine exchange was enjoyed by Mr ( -.-.11 Mr. W. C Tremhlav. M Mrs. Rny Durham. Mrs. Orlev Brock. Mrs. Cliff Rugg, Mrs. Earl Richardson. The Fire Dept. Auxiliary met at the fire hall this week with Mrs. l.auricc Fox and Mrs. Carl John serving as hostesses. There were nine members attending. March hostesses for the club mrftme w,f hp Mrs. Frank Kauble and Mrs. George King. tieorge Churchill received mi nor stomach injuries Thursday, NOW SHOWING OPEN 6:45 AI I,TI ( IIM( Ol.Oll SHOW "EAST OF SOI ATRA" Jeff ( handler, Hall Anthony (uinn Terhnirnlnr Co-Hit "SERPENT OF THE NILE" William I.undiqan, Rhonda l leming 4:10 6:45 9:30 i YOU SEE IT WITHOUT GLASSES! Cinemascope Prieci this show only! Adults: $1.25 -Children: 50e Ballston BALLSTON The annual Val-l entine dinner of the Sew and Social club was held in the com-i munitv hall Saturday evening, I Feb 13 ' in Phr0 nf ih. n.ipk rfi.; j ner were Mrs. Bob Brooks, Mrs. Jerome Recce and Miss Elsie Taylor. An evening of moving pictures followed the dinner. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shields, Air. and Mrs. Cliff Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin John son and Melba: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kadell, Anita, Sonny and Bobbie, Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Kil mer, John, Garry and Lonnie; Miss Elsie Taylor, Mrs. Edna Tufford, Mrs. Bob Brooks, Mrs. Lizzie Bissel, Merton Bissel, Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson, Chickie, Micky, Mike and Pat; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shafer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shafer and Pete; Dee Mellema, Don Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edson, Mr. and Mrs. Douwa Mcllema, Mr. and Mrs. John Focht, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Moon and Donnie, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Groos, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Reece, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gould, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duvall and Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner. Farmers from this vicinity at tending the open house of the Polk County Farmers C'u-op at Dcrry Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shields, Mr. and Mrs. while working at the W. T. Stone mill in Willamina. Gus Nordstrom of Port Angeles,- Wash., visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Watts this week. Plans were begun this week for the community talent show, which will be held the last of March or the first of April at Mary Stevens hall at the high school, and which , will be spon sored by the grade and high school PTAs. The project will raise money for the scholarship I funds for the organizations. Don Mitchell and Jim McCoy j will he masters of ceremonies. Prizes will be offered to the best pcrformres in several types of entertainment, and anyone be tween the ages of 1 and 100 may i participate. Instrumental num-; bers, dancing , singing, skits, readings, solos, duets, trios, etc., or any entertainment will be wel come. Auditions may be held by appointment at either the grade or high schools between March 5 and 19. Fday Lunch AT NORTH'S In The Capitol Shopping Center BAKED MACARONI & CHEESE Tossed Green Salad. French Dressing, C Rolls and Butter., OJ KOIIS l ast f Li Fast Service . . . . Delicious Food Salem's Best Place ' to Eat! STARTS i Morjorii Keenon MAIN . WYNN Added Short Subject "Perils of the Forest" Newt 0 Color Cartoon it tli4.l914fl ONE OK M-G-M's 30r ANNIVERSARY I Cliff Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edson, Mr. and Mrs. Douwa Mel 'Iema. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Croos Dee Mcllema and Merton .. ,, . , ,u Mrs. Martin Van i Groos wo he grand prize which was an auto- mallc 'r'lnS Pan- . . .. . Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McCrite. and three children of Portland spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Metrite s parents, mr. mm Mrs. J. E. Reece. Dee Mellema, local farmer, spent a part of last week in Sa- s lem where he was a delegate to the Farmers Union state conven-: tion. ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duvall j of Kernville spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Duvall's j nephew, Bob Gould. 1 The Ballston Community club met in the community hall Fri-, day evening. . j Sheridan SHERIDAN March of Dimes chairman Cliff Bride has an nounced that the collections are reaching the $700 mar for the 1954 drive. In 1953, Sheridan raised $545, and- in 1952, $770. Earle Terry, son of Rev. and Mrs. Earle Terry of Sheridan, has pledged Sigma Nu fratcr- j nity at the university oi ure. gon. SALEM HONOR STUDENTS Two Salem students have at tained honor roll scholastic rating al Linfield college, McMinnville, for the first semester of the 1953-54 academic year. They are Marcia Seeber, 1345 Norway street, and Albert Shulte, 1320 State street. ACORNS FROM THE IT'S NOT UNCOMMON and not impolite, either, to read during lunch and dinner in the Hotel Marion Dining Room. We encourage it. And even provide the material! I bet U looks kind of funny to ; the casual passerby, though. ; Everybody in the room with j their noses right in their soup. , Maybe I'd better explain what they're doing. We added some historical place mates to the tables and these diners are merely reading as they eat. They say ,Jhey en joy it. too! You can bring a book, though, if you want to. Remember in Salem it's the Hotel Marion Phone 3-4123 SUNDAY! WITH DEL MILNE jr THEY'RE CARRYIN ON THE LOVE-AND-LAUGH GOINGS-ON ttiTHE Moves fflh '"5,"" m ITS A LONG. 10NG 10VE ANO UUCH Mian iorr:. Fun?- Jubilee Picturesi $AVING at Ihe iooi of Vi Mile North ihe Bridge oi the Underpass West Salem Salem Open Every Day . . . 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. PRICES GOOD FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY ONCE AGAIN! MULLIGAN STEW! Boiling Beef 19' PARSNIPS CARROTS TURNIPS RUTABAGAS CABBAGE ONIONS LIMIT RADISHES and GREEN EMPEROR GRAPES LIMIT Netted Gem Deschutes No. 2 n.uu.. TA-lb. LIMIT SKINLESS WIENERS BULK (Wonderful Flavor) Sauerkraut , FREE (Reg. Price 15c lb.) of Extra Cost With Each Pound of Wieners ROLLS CHILI LIMIT LBEHF BOILING BEEF ,19c PURE GROUND BEEF ,29c CHUCK ROAST RIB STEAK SWISS STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK IB. 300s YES Tissue LIMIT NBC CRACKERS Cm Jtiir f I Ifst LIMIT BEST Mayonnaise Quarts each (Reg. 69c) LIMIT CENTERS ONIONS 3 , 10c ft 2,2 sack 39' Mb. Pkg. 39 Mb. Pkg. 19' Pkg. 19 Mb. Box FOODS 69 ib. 33c