Thursday, February 18, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon SECTION n Past S This grade is now the W0 grade of beef sold at your Safeway Store to assure you of Nothing Less than Top-Eating Quality! Starting with just the top grade is vitally important to our plan of bringing you fine-eating beef. But it's not enough. To make sure this meat reaches your ta ble in perfect condition, Safeway makes certain that all Beef and Lamb is correctly AGED. This aging pro cess results in peak tenderness and flavor. Then, at the store, your Safeway meat men careful ly trim off all excess bone, fat and waste BEFORE WEIGHING to give you full value for your meat dollar. Consider these facts when you decide where you will shop for beef steaks and roasts. We think they add up to this conclusion: You can't buy Better Beef Anywhere than you can at your Safeway Store. Here is Our Guarantee: Yon must be pleased 100 . . . or All your money back. T-Bone Steaks Sirloin Steaks You can't buy a more tender, juicy steak Lb. Well aged and well trimmed Lb. O (9( ro o 07 c 0 ROUND STEAK Very little bone II OCc Lots of eating ID BONELESS BEEF For Delicious Stew lb. BEEF RUMP ROAST Finest of Oven Roasts lb. 69c 75c BONELESS STEAK New York .lb. Beet Tenderloin ; lb Top Sirloin ............... .lb. 1 CO 1 ji $1.59 1.29 Cook Food Sale Sponsored by 4-H Club Leaders Assoc. - Saturday Only - Sateway Store, 1265 Center St. fifty- i This week for sure. 0)0 Crisp, refreshing APPLES Winesop or Delicious All-Purpose - Eating 4 Lb. Cello 55C Navel Oranges Grapefruit Arizona White ..see SAFEWAYtV SUEDES. Seedless C -lb. -jlfll Beauties bag 8 ft 59' U. S'. No. 1 Selected POTATOES Premium, 6 to 14-oz. lb. SVit Economy Pock 10 'b. bag 39 C Premium, 10-lb. mesh 53C 'A' Siic 25-lb- sock 97c Dry Onions medium, .. 5 .,b. sk. 33c Green Onions . 2bunchcs15c Red Radishes 2 bunCheS 15c Rhubarb Hothouse ib. 29c Lemons pimp wuh juice ..... . i. 1 9c Papayas ib. 39c Pineapple Hawaiian lb. 19c Broccoli no rust ib. 17c Green Cabbage ,h. 10c Golden Carrots Ih. 13c Cauliflower Ih. 19c Crisp Celery ,b. 29c Cucumbers ib. 49c Endive Bright crinkly Ib. 17c Head Lettuce Ib. 15c Mustard Greens . . . . Bunch 15c Boiler Onions 5 -lb. bag 29c Parsnips ih. 12c Green Peppers ,. 45c Rutabagas .. 10c Salad Mix Vegetables 8-oi. 10c Salad Mix carrots & raisins . 8-01. 15c Spinach cleaned 10-oz. pkg. 23c Brussels Sprouts 37c Marblehead Squash ,. 8c Hubbard Squash ,. 8c Turnips Ib. 10c FANCY HAMS Sugar Cured Q half or whole lb. W'V FRYER TURKEYS Ready CQf to stuff lb. ROASTING CHICKENS Thoroughly CQ cleaned lb. WHITING FISH 33c 59c Headed and drawn lb. HALIBUT JUICY AND FLAVORFUL PORK LOIN ROASTS Loin or Rib fl(a end cut lb. "U Slices FRESH OYSTERS Medium size pint 59c CENTER-CUT CHOPS ... 69c RIB-END CHOPS 55c HONOR GEORGE WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY WITH A LUSCIOUS CHERRY PIE ROYAL SATIN FINEST QUALITY utir HONEY BIRD RED TART, PITTED, Pie Cherries No. 2 Cm 29C Shortening 3 (m 83c KITCHEN KRAFT HOUR I 99' Enriched Family Flour For All Your Baking Needs Parly Pride ffilJS'V 39c Choc-Covered Cherries Ib. 59c Marshmaliows Xed"1 .h. 35c Empress Jam LQS",her,U. 65c Empress Jam Pr Gi,Rr 49c Fresh Bread Mrs. Wright l'i-lb. 24c 1 Duchess Salad DRESSING Quart Jar 5 45' Slendervay Bread 'AA' Large Eggs Small White Beans Large While Beans Idaho Red Beans Pinfo Beans l-lh. Dozen 2-11). 2 -lb. 2-11). 2-lh. Miracle Whip Salad Dressing Jar G.eem Tooth Paste Economy Size. . 63c Lorgc A,7r im Size T V M-Mi 27c Medium Size mi.; v inn; ffF CONTAINS GL-70... NEW CLEANER AND BACTERIA FIGHTER Regular Size Bar Camay Soap 3 for 25c Bath Size Bar Camay Soap 2 for 25 c Parade Detergent 19-ox. pkg. 32c Tide Detergent Gianf, "TIT-47-oz. pkg JC Pcrtonal Size Bar Ivory Soap 4 far 22C Medium Size Bar Ivory Soap 3 ...25c Harper House Pears Pop Corn Shortening Unpoppcd Cello Pack No.2'x Tin 2-lb. pkg. 29' 39' Frappc All-Purpose 3-lb. pkg. 59' Dutch Mill Cheese An,.r.a.ib. $1-05 Reddi-Wip Topping ,.,.. 53c Sunnybank Margarine m,. 32c Montrose Butler i n,. 77c Shady Lane Butter nb. 73c Lucerne Milk 2 quarts 44c Zee Toilet Tissue 4 rn5 35c Chitfon Facial Tissue 400-rount 25c Zee Paper Towels rn 18c Honeywood Wine Concord Fifth 75c Cal-Ore Wines Variety Fifth 59c Italian-Swiss Colony i:sl 79c Can-O-Pop, Soda Pop 659c Manischewitz COneord Finn 1.29 Prices in this ad are effective through Sunday, February 21st Nob Hill Coffee,,,, 96c 2 lh.$1.91 Airway Coffee .,. 94c2,b$1.87 Edwards Ccffee1,b.$1.012,b.$2.01 Fleet Mix itisruiimixe-ib. pu. 44c Sno-WhileSalf ZR-nz. pkj. 12c 7-Minil Frosting Mix ,.nt. 29c Jcli-Well Gelatins fi flavnr pk. 215c Lac Mix Dry Milk ,,h.pfc,. 38c Cherub Milk Evan. Tall ran 227c Fruit Cocktail ll.iNtes Delleht ran 23c Nu Made Mayonnaise .,, 69c Sleepy Hollow Syrup ,.,.,. 54c I - "'S ! Lorge Size Bar Ivory Soap 2 for 27c Kind to Handt Ivory Snow ""30c Mild-Sudsy Ivory Flakes '"'30c