I I aetnJ Authentic feed (juide tc Setter iidfot C apit al jkJ om r nal LATEST IDEAS FOR YOUR i.CTDON AG1KIETB INI 0 Edited by Marion Lowry Fischer Published Thursday Each Week Salem, Oregon, Thursday, February, 18, 1954 Fruits Now Avai Fine in Varied Desserts and Salads lable, n Si fiV r OX yrA (-:f .V 1 - - -MawaaaBOrJ.Vt. f, . .paatfT - VftJ .. i mwmmm ST if .1 ;Xlii& j Pears Make Good Desserts By ZOLA VINCENT (Foods Page Writer) Many a hostess, we're told, plans dessert iirst when plan ning a parly. That's not the way we do it, understand, but it has certain advantages when you be gin by thinking of something as delectable and as easy as this pear, ice cream and chocolate dessert of distinction, served with a flourish. The flourish in this case is cry italizcd violets that arc edible and found in a French pastry shop. Or you can make your own candy "flourish" of three small colored gumdrops pressed to gether and placed on a green leaf. It's things like this that build a hostess reputation. Fresh Winter pears remain plentiful and reasonable and so are canned Bartletts. Keep this in mind also as a handy trick when unexpected company comes. For each four persons: Party Pear Dessert 4 pears, fresh or canned 2 cups water 1 cup sugar Few drops red coloring 1 pint ice cream 1 cup chocolate sauce Pare and core fresh pears; boil sugar and water togcthdr for 2 minutes; add red coloring to suit your fancy- If canned pears arc used, omit sugar and water of course and cook down pear juice to make a heavy syrup. Poach pear halves in the syrup by cooking them gently until just tender. Do not stir. Dip syrup over fruit to glaze. Cool. For each serving, arrange two pear halves on a plate with scoop of ice cream. Pour chocolate sauce as it comes from can or make like this: Chocolate Sauce. 1 cup instant cocoa mix, dash of salt; add 114 cups hot water. Place over medium heat, bring to boil and boil 4 minutes, stirring con stantly. Remove from heat, add 2 tablespoons butter and mix un til smooth. Cool and serve. Cherry Puff Pudding On Washington's Birthday (By AP Newsfraturei) W., ,v.Vwa-ifc ml 'M . L" 111 If I Washington's Birthday dessert caps the meal when you bring on this cherry pudding. A George Washington supper deserves a dessert as special and as old-fashioned as this Cherry Puff Pudding. Were full of prai.-e for this puddling be cause it's one of those basic teaspoon cream of tartar, tea spoon salt, "i cup sugar, M cup sifted cake flour. Method: Mix tapioca, s cup sugar, Is teaspoon salt, and cherries (including juice) in a recipes you'll use over and over i saucepan. Cook and stir over agnn. This old-time fruit pudding is usually called a "cobbler." When we looked into Webster to yec what the dictionary made of cobbler we found it was described as "a do" p-disb fruit pie with a thick upper crust.' 'Our pudding is called a Puff because it has a feathery cake, rather than a pastry, topping. The cherries fur the pudding are thickened with quick-cook- moderate heat until mixture comer to a boil. Add lemon juice; remove from heat. Add butter: stir until melted. Pour into 2 qu.irt baking dish and keep w.irm. Put eggs, cream of tartar, an ' teaspoon sa,t in bowl. Beat with rotary cm beater until fo:.my. Then add ' cup sugar gradually and conti ue heating until mixture is thick and ivory colored. Gradually sift flour over mixture, folding it in as you do so. Turn onto warm fruit mix- f thU' hpfn'ro II cv eo into Ulr('- nkc 'n 325 F) oven the hiking dish. The tapioca leaves lb" cherry flavo- unim paired and gives a consistency to the fruit juices that is just right with the sponge-cake top ping. When we tested this pudding, we used cherries packed in extra-heavy syrup, and acc-.vnan-ici it with unsweetened whiraed cream. It was a delicious combination. Cherry Puff Pudding Ingredients: 2 It desired, garnish each serving with a small ball of hird sauce rnlHd in red su-.-ir, v ith a mar-ps.-hino cherry stem inserted, to resemble a cherry. Or serve with whipped cream. Makes 8 servings. i Cookies at School When yog arc sending cookies to your hoy or girl at college, choose the bar type of cookie, or tablespoons the big soft drop variety. These quick-conking tapioca. '2 cup two kinds are good traxelers if sugar, ' teaspoon salt, one No. jnu wrap them individually and 2 syrup-packed pitted red sour cushion your layers with plenty cherries. 1 tablespoon lemon of plastic straw. Be sure to choose juice, 1 tablespoon butter nr; sturdy cardboard box in which margarine, 2 eggs (unbeaten) ' 'to pack the cookies. February Plentifuls In Markets Plentiful, and therefore good buys featured in market diplays and advertisements, arc many of our best liked, most often pur chased foods. Desert grapefruit arc at their best. Probably most of them will be eaten simply halved and sec tioned with a grapefruit knife, but they're mighty good in any fruit salad and out-of-this-world when sectioned and combined with avocado slices and maybe cooked shrimp served on shredded lettuce and covered with thousand island dressing. A meal, with crackers. Meat and potato caters rejoice in bargain-priced potatoes of ex cellent qualitv for serving with plenty of reasonably uriced beef and with broiling and frying size chickens. Beef cuts for braising which means long, slow cooking with moist heat are genuine bar gains. I.anib and Pork Seasonally, now is the time to enjoy lamb from our vast west ern ranges. The usual economy cuts arc even more economical than usual. Pork at any price con tinues the most popular meat. The average consumption per person is about (14 pounds, re tail weight, of which about 45 pounds is lean pork and about 19 pounds is bacon and salt pork. ; Bacon continues to he the most i widely used sinele meat item. ! Fish and Shellfish ; Quick-cooking, fresh pan-ready fish available and extremelv rca- ' sonahlc include mackerel, king j fish, eastern whiting. Columbia ; Hivir smelts, jack smelts and i Kureka rex sole. A goodly supply j of delicious brook trout, also. In I fresh fillets, look for sea bass, I flounder, ling cod. true cod. ' rockfish. petrale sole and ocean i perch from our western waters j and cod, haddock and ocean .perch from the custom seaboard. 1 Steak and hrl;in! varieties in- el'ide s"-"rd';sh, bn? cod. -hlo- fish, Chinook salmon, halibut. . F . stern .-nri western mstvrs and ' F)un"eness crab pre rcsonhle 1 You'll also find lobsters, seal , lops. Mexican shri-np. Fruit and Vegetables j Hot house rhubarb ant'cinates I Spring. Best buys arc loose i apples, grapefruit, smrll oranges 'vtth re:s'inhlc prices m'THn" Knineror grapes, avocados, large oranges, lemons. Delicious ; apples, winter nears. Be.;t vege table buys continue to be pnta : toes, onions, cabbage, cauliflower. , celery, lettuce, broccoli, hunched I vegetables, squ:,sh. Other good buys: Kegs, short enings, margarine, dry beans, cheese, peanut butter, raisins. weha-iM Quick Seafood Dish Fine llltlchpon nr iMimr Hish Combine 1 can condensed toma to soup, 1 can condensed green pea soup in saucepan; add 2 cups milk gradually, stirring un til well blended. Heat thorough ly. Pick over and flake 6 ounces of canned, fresh or frozen crab meat or lobster; add to soup mixture. Heat but do not let it boil. Ton with Innstnr! prnnlnnc and chopped parsley. Five serv ings, une laoicspoon ot dry sherry before serving gives gourmet touch certain to be commented on. For Freezing Fruits A mild flavored honey can be used in the freezing of fruits. Use one part of honey to four or five parts of fruit when the fruit is sliced or crushed. It you pack, whole fruit with honey add 1 cup of water to each two cups of honey and use just enough of this diluted honey to cover the fruit. This Magic Cherry Sauce Useful for Many Desserts Versatility is one of the chief characteristics of this sweet cherry sauce which has so many uses. Make up the, sauce and have on hand for occasions large or small. Magic Cherry Saure 1 cup dark or light canned sweet cherries (pitted) 1 cup cherry juice 1 teaspoon grated orange rind la cup honey M teaspoon red food coloring 2 tablespoons butter Vi teaspoon vanilla extract teaspoon lemon extract 2 tablespoons ornstarch Pit cherries and set aside. Mix cornstarch with a little fruit juice and combine with other ingredi ents in saucepan, itring to a boil and cook and stir for 2 minutes. Add cherries an 1 serve . . . sometimes hot, some'imes cold. Here are suggestions for ways to use Magic Cherry Sauce: 1. As filling for cream puffs. Last minute fill puffs and add a dash of thick sour cream be fore putting back top of puff. Elegant dessert for party fare. 2. For a glamorous dessert: Make an angel food cake from a prepared mix. Top with chilled sauce on the fresh cake. 3. Filling for birthday cup cakes. Cut off top and scoop a littlo cake out. Fill with sauce, replace top of cake and top with a small lighted candle. 4. Serve over nutmeg custard unmolded on a sherbet glass. 5. Pour warm over ice cream for the unexpected drop-in on a busy evening. 6. Serve over pancakes hot from the griddle. A spoonful of sour cream will complete this different brunch dish. 7. Serve over waffles, topping with heavy sweet or sour cream. Add coconut to the waffle batter. Sweet-Tart Dressing Combine " tablespoons orange ot lemon juice, V cup vinegar, H cup karo syrup, 3 tablespoons sugar, Vi teaspoon salt and 1 tea spoon each of dry mustard, pap rika, celery seed and grated onion. Gradually beat in cup salad oil, using a rotary beater. Plac in cohered container. Chill several hours. Stir thoroughly beforo serving. This dressing has body; really clings to fruit in salads. Easy Ham Spread Grind tidbits of leftover cook ed ham so that you have a cup ful. Mix a tablespoon of prepared horseradish and a quarter tea spoon of dry mustard together. stir well into ground ham. Turn into small serving dish, sprinkle with finely chopped green pepper and serve with whole wheat waf ers when the gang comes over. Minestrone Quick Style Having had fine minestrone in an Italian restaurant, perhaps you'd like to try making some for a tempting and satisfying luncheon or supper for the fam. ily. Hearty and delicious, it takes but minutes to make. Short Cut Mincstone 4 slices bacon " , . 1 package dehydrated tomato ' vegetable soup 4 cups boiling water 1 large can red kidney beans 1 large can mixed vegetables Grated cheese Saltine crackers Fry bacon until crisp in a 2 quart saucepan; crumble. Blend in dehydrated tomato vegetable soup, water, kidney beans and mixed vegetables. Simmer 10 minutes. Serve topped with grat ed cheese and plenty of crisp saltine crackers. Eight servings. ART LINKLETTER SAYSi You can't lose! Everybody wins in the ' for) 1 W- $X even Mf"f. i --J- ' 1 X . X 1 weep uable coupons plus a chance to win thousand oilier prizes! No skill required! to write but your name and address! til rwry .,- 111 ft nun UK Hi How many of llicsc four famous I-evcr Brothers products arc in your home? Together they fill all your washing needs. Wc believe that each is the licst in its field and think that once yon have tried them, you will agree. So we are offering you this opportunity to try them at a worthwhile savingplus a chance to win .$25,000. Any way you look at it, you can't lose! - KJL lull IBiJLul For your I.iiiihIi v ii-n thinj:ii Hre realty cli-an, they smi-ll rlrnn.Whrn you wanh them with Surf, the all-purpose detergent, they nmi'11 like mm nhinc. You know that they're clean clear through. r or your litre ami iiiiims jf ' Nine out of ten Hollywood , , l.ux Liquid Oetvrgent was mud ' ' wrein Minn line l.ux'l'oilet Soap, tf ,' especially for dishwaabing. ' '. 'I'bcv know Irom exiK-ru-nee that i' ' ' Parked in n can, it won't break. It ban n dripUiw apout. A ti.'a SHonful will do thedinner rlisbes lora familyof four. And it'smilil. For clialiwasliing For your nylons You can double the life of your nylon with Lux Flakes care. Vr !)0'7i) of all stocking mnnufactur- ikph lor or ailks. wiaili-na and all fine fabrics, too. Vf)iir 8wTlakos coupons and rntry Itlank arc in the mail! Here's the ea.sic.Mt way to win n sin.ill fortune you ever heard of! As noon as you get your ent ry blank, just fill it out ami send it in. Full rules are printed on it. Winning names will lie drawn jut ns soon as thn nw cpKtakes closes. Vnii'f i-fif as rood a clintiec to will as anyixxiy else. So fill in tliot entry blank nnd send it in n soon r.i you can. P. t. Artl.mUrllrr njy.'" H7ii IsvfT Hnrihrrn nay you rnn 't lonr . they ret Uy mcttn it. It yrnt're not mmitUtrlv $ntiiird with any ')f thnr pmdurti. they'll gut y" your mnnry bark." . 1 nev Know irom exiK-rit-niv inai 1 at Kiti in a can, il won 1 oreaK. 1 ? Ml woy 111 o moiTiioi iniiov h-:. -V I.ux Toilet Soan is a mild and jp.Y.ii.lt has n drinleiw armut. A ti.'a- 'i. 1m). era recommend Lux Flakea for V..- pi ntle a soap for your skin a t jS"-. SXonful will do thedinnerdwbes nylons. They're perfect f( you can buy. lora familyof four. And it'smilil. woolcna nnd all fine fabri Sf GRAND PRIZE.. 25,000.00 j lOFORD RANCH WAC0NS. . 2U OuU.UU I (ot2.000) 91 3 1.000 WESTINCHOrSE iVR . . ! s L0CK RADIOS WORTH IS) ... $40,000.00 i lo.nnn otiifr r.i amorous I PRIZES WORTH $18,500.00 I jtma m s ' -ot; -m- i