800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive IIIIU Mlltt S4III1M Ullllll Minimis lunulas Uliiiim saa. BUY - "- , fimillSISIISIlia otLL lllllttlllllll MllllllllltlllllUH H1II1M lllliuttl mill ii iiituu II Mill! SULLIVAN South Village. Home Suoreme. S Itf BRs, LR. Sc separate OK. Board & Batten exterior, lot Is 100 x 158. . Just a short walk to the new Morn ingside grade Sch.. $15,750. Bill Sul livan, eves. zim. Englewood, Cape Cod, Comfortable home In quiet neighborhood. Full oasemem wun extra kk. sawdust heat U953 fuel bill (42.00). Call Mr. nice Eves. 3-4B6S. Lots, in the new Glenwood Addition on Lancaster Dr., $11 a ft, front age, mr. nice, jsvei. a-isea. Five Acres, Ranch type home, beam ceilings. Circulator fireplace & 3 BRs. cringle School district. Call Bobby Davis, Eves. 2-2191. Bilverton Road, Large 3 BR. home In a iruiy oeautnui seiung oi trees. Barn, chicken house,' separate building with lg. playroom, and best of all, 6V acres just ripe for , suoaiviamg. tis.uuo, terms, can mc Farland, Eves. 4-2345. Ankeney Bottom, 263 Acres, this Is the old Chorcharn farm. Lg. two- atory home. 2 big barns. Several other usable out-buildings. Fenced & cross fenced. Approx. 200 acres In cultivation. Soil mostly Willam ette. $40,000 with 'i down. Possible trade for smaller place nearer Sa lem. Call McFarlane. Eves. 4-2345. 25-YEAR VETERANS' LOANS WITH ONLY 5 DOWN AND 25 YEAR FHA LOANS WITH 107c DOWN. CONSTRUCTION MONEY AVAILABLE. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN, REALTOR 5365 Portland Rd. Phone 4-6533 LOOK HERE If you want a charming 2-bedroom house near State Hospital, call us. Lovely shade trees, fenced in Dacn yard, quiet neighborhood, and the price has oeen reduced to sm.uuu.uu. NEARLY NEW 3B.R. Ranch type with forced air furnace, fireplace, ti, W. floors, large Kiicn en with nook, separate dining room, large garage with overhead storage, lawn is in front and dock, New district. $14,800.00. F. H. A. terms. ICE CREAM LUNCH Established business In growing Keiz er community. Lots of school trade. This can be developed into a real money maker. Terms can be ar ranged. A swell opportunity for an ambitious couple. Let's talk It over. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 MASONIC BUILDING Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans Office: 3-9217 Eves: 2-4709 or 3-7386 ROY TODD REAL ESTATE YOU MUST SEE THIS ONE This suburban home located North. 3 bdrms., 13x22 llv. rra. with fire place. Large k't. and din. comb. 16x24 pallo. Tile roof. Att. gar. Large lot. $10,600. FAIRMOUNT DISTRICT Llv. rm. 14x19 with picture win dow, kit. with large din. area, 2 very nice bdrms. dn., 1 large bdrm. up. Nicelv finished. Full basement with sawdust furnace. Only 510,950. LIVE HERE FOR FREE 634 acres and 2 homes each with 2 bdrms., liv. rm, kit. and din. comb, and other outbuildings. One house and 4 acres bring in S000 per yr. North of Salem. This Is a buy at $15,000. BUILDING LOTS t corner lots 60x120. Kairer Dis trict. $650 each. ROY TODD, REALTOR 2.11!) State St. - Office Phone: 2.8S81 Evenings Call: Ellinger 4-5328, Simpson 3-8239. Vandervort 2-C286, Buch 3-7915 LET'S MOVE OUT IN THE COUNTRY Trade or buy 1 1 1 2-acre ranch on paved road with easy drive to Sa lem. Nice two-bedroom home with extra good foundation. Swell barn, reallr-built to last. Several sheds that are ideal for mink, rabbits or chickens. Walking distance to grade school. Don't wait to look at this for only $13,500. $31.41 PER MO. Buvs brand new 2-bedroom home with a very reasonable down pay ment. Plastered and hardwood floors. Attached garage. Paved street. Close to bus line. SUBURBAN HOME Onlv- $47")0 buys a cute 2 bedroom home on about 'i acre. Well built home on good foiinrintion. Assorted fruit and nuts. Cond garden snot. Paved road. Would trade for a larger home on acreage. 201 SOUTH HIGH PHONE 3-9203 Phone evenings and Sundays 4-1R7I, 3-353, 4-S31P. 3-32(,t. 3-4fl7fi SELL OR TRADE I-bcdroom ranch style home with ntt. t.ir. In the Keircr district. Bc.liililiil yard. Enelish walnut trees, outyide p.itlo. Excellent resi dential location, for city bus. shop piiiK. and school. Owner wants a 2-bcdroom home, whnt have yon? ENGLEWOOD DIST. I-bcdroom home at KS Thompson with t.ircc Iivlne room, kitchen with nnnk. inside ntllitv roo:n. L.rce double rainre on alley. An oiiis'Tmlme res dcntial lo.itton for schools. 2 city bus routes within a block ric.ise do not disturb the owner: we will be clad to show. Lots and Acreages Mr. Mel Propp. salesman and land surveyor, has a number of acreages and lots vail.-Me for showlm. also house claps Eve. Ph. JM". Joe L. Bourne. Realtor lltfl N. Capitol Phone 3-0216 806 House For Sale BY OWNER Attractive suburban home, 1 bed rooms down, tintinisnea u.-u.. pia-tered en. r.aruwuuu .. -. torred-air furnace, utility room.' Small barn. cMcken house place. App rs familv iruil, oan 3TM Fis'ier Road. DUPLEX Located on South 12th Street Bnnfflnr Sfinm ntr tnn nine nurn - i - Basement, auto-oil furnace. Price in. CHARM-PERONALITY-COMFORT uuiiiib., ige. waiK-m cioseis, nv. rnvena din. rm. witn manogany trim, fireplace, all birch kitchen and nonk Ibp. utility. 1U hathi. dble. carae-e. extra Ige. over-sized oil forced i-unamon, excellent view of mountains ana valley, all j. e. law, KEIZER DISTRICT A fine family uvc djocks :rom scnooi. 3 bdrms., Biurage epace. rrice WW. tALL TERRIFIC VALUE READY FOR YOU uci vaiues we nave. 3 oarms., rm., am. rm., piay or i v room ana nan. neautitui Dtrcn Kitcncn wun dishwasher, utility area, Ige. tool and deep freeze room, dble. lava tory bathroom. Nice setting In Oak grove close to bus, CALL ROY a. rc.nrtis. NURSING HOME Splendid location snowing gross income of Jl,fil5.w equipment. Full price 13750. CALL GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY PHONE 2-2471 Evenings & Sundays call Salesmen H. K. Laymon 2-5103 " Roy S. (An agency devoted entirely to home-selling operated by Theo. G. Nelson, Realtor-Appraiser SRA and five neighborhood salesmen.) G.I. OR LEASE OPTION Just outside city, water from deep large comD. u at UK. 12 x 15 comb. Kit. & nook. High quality Delco Auto. Perimeter heat, tile firs. 3 blks to school. Approx. '2 ac. G.I. loan or lease option to buy. Price $9850. Percy Gorton, Sim. Office Ph. 44441 Res. Ph. 2-4092. ON PARK AVENUE Large LR A: DR comb, with nico fplacc to scnooi ana dus siu.L'MJ. Hoy 2-S959. PULL DRY Two-car gar. 2 bdrms down, room for mute trees and nice yard. All for 19750. Good terms. Roy Barker, sun. Ph. 4-4441. Res. ph. 2-5959. STATE ST. BUSINESS ZONE Good older home with Income, 3 bdrm. 2 bdrm. apt. up with comb. LR Bt Kit., pantry, both. Outside stairs to 2nd floor. All spacious rooms. 3 car gar. S9.000. Additional property avail, to make 100' State St. frontage. Grace Tomlin. Sim. Office Ph. -4441. Res. 4-2436. HOLLYWOOD Comfortable older type 2 bdrm. home fiasierea. place. Alien, gar. Lol 53 x bd lencea, snaae trees. x.ana Morgan Sim. Office Ph. 4-4441. Res. Ph. 4-6038. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD BEAUTY PARLOR Good 2 bdrm. home with full basement on a 50 x 305 lot near large apart- r,ant hn.,rA Gl... nl. SM.i atn "nilr'' BnBora film Dffifa Ph 4-4441. Res. 'ph. 2-5550. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SALESMAN Five HOMESELLER salesmen are keeping constant check on about 100 homes each for sale In their respective nclgnbornooas ana consonaai lng their Information at HOMESELLERS headquarters. Up-to-the-minute Information about home sales in your neighborhood will help you whether you want to buy a home or sell one. Call 4-4441 for the name and phone number of the HOMESELLER salesman or saleswoman for vour neighborhood. It will be worth your while to get acquainted with the HOMESELLER salesman for your neighborhood. THE HOMESELLERS MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS THEO. G. NELSON, MGR. IN TH HUB OF SALEM EASY PARKING 702 N. HIGH. SALEM PH. 4-4441 Salesmen Barker, Res. Ph. 2-5959. Gorton, Res. Ph. 2-4092. Morgan, Res. Ph. 4-6038. Rogers. Res. Ph. 806 Houses For Sale COLBATH'S REAL ESTATE ARE YOU AROUND LIKE A BUMBLE BEE TRYING TO LITE ON A HONEY BUY? Here is one and it might sa well BEE yours to have and enjov. This nearly new RANCH STYLE THREE-BEDROOM HOME with living rm., dining rm.. bath, hardwood firs., oil furnace, inside utility rm.. large double garage. About acre. VERY CLEAN A NEAT. Price $11,950. BEST OF ALL will take small 2-bdrm. home In trade up to $6,000. THE DRAGNET'S OUT For someone who wants the FACTS home, cute living rm., kitchen with dinette, attached garage. Suburban N.E. on o,uiet black top street. Corner fenced lot. This Is a fine buy for $7,600. Wilt sell or trade $3,600 equity for large home with 3 bdrms. on main floor. HAND OVER THAT $300 DOWN PAYM'T. AND MOVE RIGHT INTO THIS CUTE lot 50 x 155, Loenleri close to State Hospital and Nrw Hoover School, THIS IS A NICE MODEST BUY FOR ONLY $.1,850. TERMS $.100 down and $35 per month. A RIPE APPLE ALK READY TO PICK Here are the tered 2-hrdrm. home, fir, furnace, hdwd. floors, kit. with dinette. L.R., D R. combination, Inside utility rm.. attached parage. N E. suburban, good location. Price ffi.OSfi, terms $450 down. Balance EZZ. You say, u hat's the catch? Onlv one. It need cVaninp up. A PRICELESS LISTING YOI' WIT.!. WANT TO SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME IN SETTING OF STURDY OAK TREES. Iflcal Inratinn on Center hi., rustic fencer! lot. covered patio, 2 rrrlrnnms, fireplnce. carport and storage room, wall to wall carpeting THIS IS MADE JUST FOR THE HIGH TONE BUYER. Price ll.1.fW. Terms 4.4Ti0 down, balanrc bv r'ont'v SQUARE PEG ROUND HOLE CONFUCIUS SAY "VFI.LY BAD", If outskirts, see this 2'a acre place with nice home. hPIC-N-bl'AN mslrie and out. Why. YOU COULD EAT OFF THE FLOOR. IT IS SO CLFA. Manv flower beds .Ml shin shape. Fruit tree, all have been nntprt. There's a nice ben house with metal nests. THIS YOU HAVE GOT TO SEE. ONLY Sfi.nno. Terms n.VI down VANTPD AT ONCE A WILL TRADE this new limine in real vard. rnr.ice and -nrkhn. rniCMi roH ni'iif. mi t at ot.mi. WILL SFI.l, ON TERMS OR TRADE FOR WEST SAI.EM. SEE "KIG" KIGGINS. Sim. HERE IS A HOT ONE MOTEL LOCATION TWO ACRES with fireplace nak Cirove settinc. t reew. l.ocairn nn vr. ittcnway cjose to Albanv TRICED AT THE I.ow FIGURE OF M50. Terms J1.500 down. OR TAKE SALEM HOME IN TRADF 13 ACRES BEAUTIFUL THRFE - BEDROOM HOMF. full basement. WONDERFUL VIEW, automatic lawn sprinklers, lots of flowers, ranee bouse for rental, good large harn and machine shed, best of soil. c1of In EAST. road nn 2 sides will ihaul run for i21.00O i, dn SPECIAL BUY APPROX. FOUR ACRES ON FISHER ROAD, three sides with road front arc Ideal suhdM itlnn pronrtv. some tree, and a fair barn. Price for all SI!., EXCEL! ENT TERMS. CHOICE VIEW LOTS Mr Builder here Is vour chance to have some nice lots for Sprinfi build Inn construction. CHECK OFFICE FOR LOCATION'S. EVENING PHONES OF SALESMEN MRS. OOLESREE Homes KIGGINS Homes T. T. ANDERSON Farms BY OWNER Kelzer Out., 3-BR. home. See It now. Be finished next week. Located 2 blocks. So. I blk. west oi Keller school at 476S Elvira St. PADE KEEN HOME BUILDERS Let Ui Build Your Home Ph. 2.7W8 or 2-14.14 HOMEBUYERS attention, l.ust sell equity: make us an offer. 2 hedrms , full basement. TV ant. Call after 1 pn. Ph. J-.1o3. In No. 3 Business Zone. Corner lot, 'st miipn N(m Kiniilllnn tt,i-ilniit 930Q. CALL G. H. GRABENHORST. Way above average construction. 3 air furnace to care for any weather home on a large 75 x 120 ft. lot. Just den. workshop, patio ana lots oi . n. LAYMUW. - Nearing completion and one of the entry nan, groovea ccaar paneiea uv. close In,' room for 15 patients now per month cinod lease supplies ana GRABENHORST BROS. Ferris 2 B010 J. E Law 8-5113 tract well, new home with 2 bdrms., and w-w carpet. Attch. garage, close Barker, Sim. Ullice Ph. 4-4441. Res. BASEMENT 2 In unfinished upstairs. One acre, dn. with LR, DR, Kit., Ulll. ti Bath. DIST. S7750 in nice location. Large LR Bz DR. LEAUOMjgj 2-5550. Tomlin, Res. Ph. 4-243H 806 Houses For Sale ATTRACTIONS BUZZIN' about this late butlt four-bedroom BUNGALOW HOME, electric heat. facts, fi-yr.-old. large, modern plas you live In town and want In the WEST SALEM WOMR nice two-bedroom home with lovely very nice tiirce-hedroom home. J 10 w acres in ieizcr uisu or sen - 4 ACRES GOOD 4-P.EDRM. HOME Onlv W.fioo 500 dwn., 1.10 mo. 3 BEDRM. HOME, BASEMENT t!i0O Down. Price only 15.950 VERY NEAT 2-BEDHM. HOME at 2465 S. 12th M50 Down. GOOD 3-BEDRM. HOME t 2010 Ferry St. Onlv M.950 John J. Dann, Realtor 415 N. Hiirh St. Phone 4-34B2 SMALL 1 BDRM. South. !.7.V. 1:00 down. $:5 month. Ph. 4-3243, 4-2714 852 Used Cars For Salt A GIFT! '4T Ford super deluxe 4 door sedan You can't find a better buy! $395 KELLY OWENS COMPANY 680JN. Liberty Phone 2-4113 CHEAP transportation '37 Plymouth 4-ar. sedan, trailer mien, 2 new re caps, motor, battery, good, body rough. Rest offer before Sunday. Ph. 3-6J55. 39 DODGE, '47 motor. (50. Ph. 4-3t28 eve. 1950 CtiEV. 4-door heater. 1355 D St, after 5:00 p.m. Sell Us Your Car. We Need Clean. Late Model Cars Now. LEE'S USED CARS PH. 2-1527 11151 CHEV. Bel-air hard top, radio, heater, 2 tone gray. Excellent cond. S1.ID5. Ph. 2-8064. 1051 HENRY J. 6-cyl., seat covers, radio, heater. 22 miles per gal., de pendable, economical -transportation, $595. Call 2-3917 or 2-5027 after 5 p.m. 1942 STUDEBAKER Commander 100. 1535 S. 22nd. Ph. 4-1554. 800 Real Estate 808 Lots For Sale LOTS 60x132 $10 Down, $10 Month. owner -hoh, tve. -ttiz. BY OWNER. Choice lot on oak St. between Liberty and High. Phone 3-3931 or 3-S653. 810 Farms, Acreage For Sale 6 ACRES IRRIGATED WONDERFUL is the word. 6 aeres of well drained VUIamette Loam soil complete with Irrigation pipe and 6-lnch tested well. 3 Acres per manent pasture. New barn and chicken house. New woven wire fnce. Lovely view home with fire place. 2 large garages. Close to school. Own this self supporting acreage for only $18,500. Ask for CLYDE FOULK, Salesman. Eve. phone 23826. PHONE 4-3394. 198G Fairgrounds Road HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT BY OWNER Lovely new 2 bdrm. on 4 acres. U.K., fireplace, Kltcn en. utility rm., attached garage, deep 6" well. Clear Lake DHL Ph. 2-26G4. ATTENTION builders. Part of a 16- acre subdivision. N. .. baiem. inq. 1245 N. 16th. Ph 2-3576 eves - 812 Exchanges Real Estate" ATTRACTIVE 2 - bedroom home Near Englewood school, as part payment on 3-bedroom home up to $11,000. JOE NOONCHESTER REAL ESTATE 1595 N. Cottage. Ph. 4-3661 day or eve LARGE 2 bedroom house. Kinnwood Heights. For small house, Salem. Phone 3-5018 before 1 p.m. WILL TRADE 3 bdrm. home, near bus, for 5 to 80 A. 2142 Bruce St. Ph. 3-3473. TRADE equity In 2-bedroom home. For late model car or gooa 101. n. -4733. BY OWNER. Sell or trade. OD Ex cellent building lots. Low Dn. smi. Mo. Payments. Large City lots. Ph. 4-4328. 818 Wanted, Real Estate URGENT Hnve Buyer for 2 or 3 HH Home in EnpiVwood or Rosed ale Dist. irom $8000 to $10,000. BURT PICHA REALTOR 37!) N. High St. Eves: 4-3 1 52 Off: 2-4047 HAVE 3 cash buyers who want nice 3-bdrm. homes clone to new Leslie School. See (IKIG" KIGGINS. Eve. Dh. 4-541)4. Have S Cash Buyers wanting 20 to 100 acres. Good Vallev farms, see T. T. ANDERSON, farm agent, eve. ph. 4-2714. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTF.D grain St cattle ranch. 100 acres or more. Ph. 3-5013. HiiMiirss Directory API'I.IAMT. SF.RVIF. 24-HOL'R SF.RVICF all makes. Red s Appliance Repairs. 2-B45II. 2-5737. BBillll.NO CAPrrOL Redding Mattress reno vators. New mal tresses. 3-406H. nTiT.iMi7j.io bulldozing, clearing roads. ponrJs D-4. D-6, cam all V Huskey. Ph 2-314C flui.sKiioi.ii pitniitjCTS FOR prompt, free delivery or WAT KINS products. ple;ise call distrib utor, 1 135 So. Commercial St , -Salem. Ph. 3-J.195. Dealer applications Invlte.-I. Stanley Home Product. Lee Mindt, IK.li .Madison. Ph. 3-4n5; NilRsi:itvsi mioi. FINK'S Fairvland nursery school. 855 Mission Ph 2-7MB Fixmhino 24 IIU PUMP service on all make water systems Brownie Valdcr I-31W. ItKHlKll ltATOIl HlltVHK All makes and models. Al Lane Re- frlgeralion. Ph. .t-5443. SII'Tll'lANKS MIKES Septic Service. Tanks clean ed. D'rootrr cleans sewers, drains Phnnc3-fi4r.il. "srwer septic tank", drains clean ed Rito-Rr,oler 8'v.er Service Prone 3-.V12;. Harrel'i srptlc tanks cleaned, line srrvlce Guaranteed work Phone 3-7104 2--0774. T R T: EVO R K PRUNING Ar spraying. Insured op erator I. W Csudl- Ph 4-14S1 The Path To Profit is yours with Want Ads! to got Your share, Phone 22441 to place Classified ads today. 852 Used Cars For Sale IT'S UNBELIEVABLE! BUT WE ARE CONTINUING OUR AMAZING" NO FINANCE CHARGE" SALE! THROUGH FEBRUARY MANY MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. AN EXCLUSIVE S.E.I. WARRANTY FOR 6 MONTHS OR 6,000 MILES TO DEPEND UPON. PHONE S-3147 MONEY-MAKER '51 Ford ij-ton pickup, radio, heater, column shift, covered box, $1095 KELLY OWENS COMPANY 60 N. Liberty Phone 2-41H Chevrolet 2-door Styleline deluxe sedan, heater, powerglide. defroster, turn signals, seat covers, oil filter, windshield washers, grille guard, undercoat. It's clean,, sharp AND WHAT A PRICE1 $1165 DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 635 N. Com'l. Phone 3-.117S JEEPS 4-WHEEL DRIVE FOR TOUGH GOING 1951 JEEP IN ALMOST NEW CONDITION $1095 1950 WILLYS 4-WHL. DRIVE -TON PICKUP ....$995 1952 WILLYS 4-WHL. DRIVE ST A. WGN. THIS ONE IS AS GOOD AS NEW $1695 1951 WILLYS 2-WHL. DRIVE STA. WGN., 6 CYL ..$1195 1949 WILLYS -TON PANEL, A-l CONDITION ....$695 1948 WILLYS JEEP STA. WGN. BRAND NEW MOTOR $795 ELSNER MOTOR CO. PACKARD-WILLYS 352 N. High Salem ECONOMY 1947 P0NTIAC $345 Radio, hentcr. 1947 STUDE $345 Radio, healer, overdrive. 1947 FORD $345 Radio, heater. 1947 OLDS SDN. $345 Heater. 1946 OLDS SDN'T. $345 R&H. Hvdramatic. ORVAL'S (the lot with the Turntahlel Center and Church Phone 3-4702 IT'S YOURS! 4fl Mrrt'iuy 4-rioor wrlnn. I owner: it s top wim radio, ncixcr, ana very clean I $895 KELLY OWENS COMPANY sr.0 N. Llherty Plione 2-4113 2 DAYS ONLY! 49 MKHCUHY SPORTS 4-DOOR SEDAN, RADIO. IIKATEH. OVF.KDHIVF. WHITE SIDE WALL TIRES, I1EAUTIFIIL NEW TAN PAINT. THIS CAR HAS MANY UNUSED MILF.SI 51 PACKARD "300" fully equipped. Take lot older car or (77) for my equity. Ph. 4-43Z6. 854 Trucks, Trailers For Sale 1948 KB-11 Int. dual drive. Equipped with timber rolls. Airbrakes, excel, rubber. New RD 450 motor, has onlv 8.000 miles. This truck II near perfect cond. throughout. Ph. Woodtmrn 427 or 696. $795 I ii1iii'iitf1iiitfrf,;''' i 852 Used Cars For Sal VALLEY MOTOR USED CAR MART CENTER AT HIGH HEAR YE! HEAR YE! We have just received another shipment of New & Used cars to be liquidated AT ONCE. This is distressed mer chandise and not repossessions. GOING AT PRICES BELOW COST ALL PROFIT THROWN TO THE WIND. LISTED BELOW ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS OFFERED. 1952 WILLYS CLUB COUPE 8 15,000 miles. Like new. 1950 HUDSON 4-DR. SEDAN $495 Clean, runs perfect. 1951 HUDSON 4-DR. SEDAN . .$595 Clean and in top shape. 1950 STUDE. COMM., AUTO. TRANS. $595 Reconditioned, clean. 1949 HUDSON 4-DR. SEDAN .., $295 1948 FORD V-8 2-DR., CLEAN We also have a few Used Pickups. ACT NOW WHILE YOU HAVE A LARGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM BIRD AUTO & EQUIPT CO. 871 Wallace Rd. ORVAL'S 1953 Ford V-8 Country Squire. Radio, heater, Fordamattc, Tinted glnss, dou-ble-Eagle white wall tires, Window washers, Turn signals and others. . , $2495.00 1953 Nash LeMans Country Club 6 Pasa. Coupe, one owner. 3.000 miles, two- tone blnck and red finish with matching interior, pow er steerinR, power brakes, ra dio, heater, turn signals, white wall tires, cont. spare tire. Cost new S4.G00.O0. Our nHf ' $3195.00 1952 Chev. Sedan Deluxe Slyllne, finished In orlKinal Emerald Green me tallic, radio, neater, unaer coated, turn signals, back-up HKhts. This is in perreci con dition throughout. Book price Sl.450.00. our Drice $1295.00 1952 Buick Special Deluxe Sedan, one owner, low mileage, original two tnne finish, Quebec gray up per, lower Terrace green me tallic, heater and defrosters, this car Is in new condition $1695.00 1951 Mercury Montrey 6 Pass. Coupe, original Ever glade green ftniish with white top. overdrive, turn signala, undercoaled, radio, heater, white wall tires, window washers, leather interior, book price $1,303.00. our price $1295.00 1951 Ford V-8 Sedan One owner, radio, hrater. de froster, Kord-a-matic trans, turn slcnals, original Sea Is land gicen finish, all lealher custom interior, selling for the low price nf $1065.00 1950 Ford Custom V-8 H;dlo. hrater. overdrive. Very clean, good tires. $995.00 1949 Buick Super Sedan, one ownrr, radio, hrater, turn signals, window washers, underroaled. Orig inal light gray fintf.h, Dyna fln. interior like new, motor in excellent condition. $895.00 1949 Olds. 98 Deluxe urdtn, original two lone finish, radio, hiatr, turn ulcnala, underroatod. 34, ft') flrtunl milPB. Rood tlrM, In perfect mechanical condi tion. $095.00 MANY MORE TO HIOOSK FROM ORVAL'S Center at Church Sis. Phone 3-4702 ln53MERCtinY "4-door. RAIL excel lent condition, 12,145. Call Salem 2-SO30. 862 Hou, Traitors EASTERN-bullt ROLLOHOME 37" to 45'. See before you buy. Lana Lane Trailer Pla7a, 1940 Lana Ave. For the best in Trailer homes, new or used WMh terms available See JAYHAWK TRAII.F.R SALES 2640 Portland Road 852 Used Cart For Sale .$995 $225 West Salem '52 CHRYSLER SEDAN $1095 Windsor Deluxe, radio, heat er, power steering, Solcx glass one local owner gave excellent care. '81 BUICK SPECIAL J-DOOR 1495 Radio, heater, Easy Eye glass, excellent tires. We sold new and have completa service record. DOLLAR SAVERS '43 Mercury Club . IS25 '49 Pontlac 0 Sedanet 795 '49 Hudson 0 Sedan loaded 795 '48 Chevrolet Club , 650 '47 Buick Super Sedan 595 46 Pontlac Sedan 450 '36 Studebaker Sedan 50 ATTRACTIVE PAIR Here are two Lulus you can have for the price or onetake one home for Junior to hammer on, or put It in the yard for a flower pot. TWO 1941 Buick Sedans 1125 YOU GET A BETTER USED CAR FROM A BUICK DEALER OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY OREGON'S NUMBER ONE DEALER Commercial at Center Phone 2-3623 1937 CIIRYSLF.R. excellent cond. Rea sonable. Phone 2-6871. Statesman-Journal Newspapers 3H0 NORTH CHURCH STRKET STATESMAN 3-2441 JOURNAL 3-SI0 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Min 3 lineal Weekdays Sundays oer line. 1 time 35 25 ner line. 3 timet 90 80 Mr line. 6 times 1130 11.20 -ler line. 1 month . 53 00 Unci. Sun.) Classified ads will he run In both papers to give advertisers the ad vantages of the tremendous pulling power of 33.600 combined clrcula lloos When an ad Is ordered three or il)t limes and a Sunday Issue Is In cluded I for example- Friday. Satur day. Sunday! the lower Sunday rates apply because only Ihe Statesman ouhllshes Sundays Classified ads will start In the morning Oregon Statesman, conclude In the evening Capital Journal. But ads will bt accepted for Sunday Statesman only Tht deadline for classified ids It 1.00 pm the day before publica tion. Emergency tds and small lint 852 Uid Can For Sal LODER'S SPECIAL T0DAY: '47 Olds "66" Clb. Sdn R&H, Hydra, A Real Buy $345 2 '50 Pont. Conv. $1145 R&H, Hydra new top, 2 '50 Olds 88 4 Dr. $1395 Premium can, '49 Chev. 4 Dr $795 Radio & Heater. '47 Dodge 4 Dr. ...$595 Radio, heater, Flu-Drlva '46 Olds 66 4 Dr. ...$395 '48 Olds 78 4 Dr. ...$650" Very clean '53 Olds 88 4 Dr. ..$2795 Super, radio, heater, whit tt red, '53 Olds 88 2 Dr. ..$2795 Super, Tu-tone blue. J500 Miles. LODER BROS. CO. OLDSMOBILE 458 CENTER STREET PHONES 2-7973 OR 4-2261 VALUE! '50 Chevrolet 4-door sedan, good tires. neater. $995 KELLY OWENS COMPANY 660 W. Liberty Phone 1-411S EISNER'S TERRIFIC BUYS! 50 FORD V-8 CLUB COUPE R&H - -$885 '49 CHEV. 4-DR. DELUXE R&H $695 49 MERC SPT COUPE, R & H, WHITE SIDEWALLS $695 '49 HUDSON SEDAN, COM MODORE "8" ..$495 ELSNER MOTOR CO. PACKARD-WILLYS 352 N. HIGH SALEM BEST BUY IN TOWN! '51 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK 4-DOOR SEDAN. 2-TONE BLUE, DELUXE HEATER, WHITE SIDEWALLS. VERY CLEAN. FOR SAFETY'S SAKE, BUY A SAFETY-TESTED CAR. $995 (2 DAYS ONLYI) TRUE! '50 Pontlac Catallna custom hardtop, very sharp with hydramatle, radio, heater, 1 owner, low mileage. $1395 KELLY OWENS COMPANY 660 W. Liberty Phone 2-41H SPECIAL price for quick sale Big car comfort, small car economy in this 1950 Nash Ambassador Cus torn Sedan. Has bed, weather eye, turn signals, overdrive, almost new tires, perfect motor. Only 1795. Might take older trade. Phont 4-2843 after 4:00 p.m. ads received after 1:00 p.m. may he placed In ihe "Too Late To Classify" column for tht following morning. The Statesman-Journal Newspapers reserves Ihe right to reject ques. tlonahle advertising. It further re serves the right to plset all adver tising under tht proper classifica tion. 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