450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous STUDIO lounge to recover, f3. Glen Woodry. lfiuS N. Summer. INGLE, also twin size Thayer baby buggy. Both good condition. Ph. 4-2li!)l. ' FOR SALE, one wheel trailer with hitches .waterproof floor, 4x3x3 ft. box. See at 431 Manbrin Drive. 2-4006. TOR sale Baby Grand Piano. 5 it. excellent cond. 455 University. 4 JT. ELEC. churn. Rear end and tram, lor lJ7 f ord, it-wj. CONSOLETTE 21" TV set. all chan nel tuner. A.l condition, complete g uarante. Reg. 34S.95, sale, i.mn.m. Blond or mahogany. Montgomery Ward tc Co., Phone 3-3191. BENCH grinder, si. Belt Sander. 8. 50' plastic hose. J3.50. Camp stools, 150. Car refrigerator, ja. -Misc. hand tools, etc. Always a bargain lor U at Glen Woodry's, 1IKI5 N. Summer. EhARIS foundation girdles, bra. Ph 3-8.UI8 or 3-5072 Mary E. Bales. HOSPITAL. BED or sale or rent. H L. Stiff Furn. Co. Ph 3-91H5. CAS motor, J12.50, large trunk, (B .50. Suitcases, 4.50. Glen Woodry. 1W15 N. Summer. MAPLE arm Daveno Bid, $49. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S. Com'!, SiPC. Walnut bedroom set. $45. Glen Woodry, 1005 N. Summer. Organic Fertilizer Sack or bulk Odorless Orders delivered Phone 3 8127 SIMMONS Sale I Glen Woodry. rn kettle estate, large lot misc. Inc. dishes utensils, old pictures, trunk, elcc. Iron, hair dryer, lawn- mower 58.50, movie projectors i. train set $4, Uncoln rocker $15. etc. Shop Glen Woodry's. 1U05 N. Sum mer. U.SKU FURNITURE FOB LESS Valley Fivn. Co., 219 N. Com'l. FERTILIZER rotted cow manure, compost, rotted mulch, chicken manure for lawn dressing. By sack or cu. yr. Phillips Bros.. Rt. 5. Box 493. 4-3081, 2 ml. E. 4-Corners, on State. ' CLOSEOUT heaters. Glen Woodryj. USED Refrigerators, $19 95, $29.95 and up. Al Laue, z-iao ataie. m a-jm, nrtvift fTpr'AP np Grn. 1 battery, $8.95 ex. Dizzy Dean;s, jaaaSith. PLATE mirrors, $1.95. G. Woodry. l" TABLE model TV set. all chan nel tuner; equipped to receive any station In the nation. Reg. $279.95. ale $219.95, Montgomery Ward & Co.. Phone 3-3191 SeaUTIFUL new Sanford wool rus Sale, $78.88, KZ terms. Glen Wood ry, 1605 N. Summer. SPECIAL SALE Closing out stock on ornamental stones, including lava & flagstone. Rustic cedar fencing, cedar posts, pokJ. Supply limited. Phillips Bros. Rt. 5, Box 493. 4-3081. 2 ml. E 4-Cor-ners on State St. PAINT, J2.29 gal. Glen Woodry. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous STUD LOGS Wanted I' Slud Lobs or Multiples ot '. Plus Trim. Dla. B" to in". BURKI.ANT) 1.UMI1KH CO. Ph. Turner 1125 Ives. 2503 Turnerjir2-7B26 Salem LARGE rug or ear pet I sl7. 12 x 18 or 22 Phone 3-5'.m7. 474 Miscellaneous WANTED: Fir. Memlosk. Cedar. Spruce log. Terms cash. Telephone coned Ai waier w-ijj, ruieaenneyrr Martin Co., Portland Trust Kldg , Porllan d 4. O regon . DENTAL PLATE RKF'AIH 1-IIR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SE.MLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg., State V Com'l. Sis SALEM PH. 3-3311 476 Fuel ANDERSON'S green slab, 2 rd. $14. Ph. 2-7751 or 4-4253. CAPITAL FUEL Pickup Your Presto-lops Briquets and wood at 198 S. Coml St I'hone 3-7721. Highway Fuel Co. Clenn sawdust, wood, ureen or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ph J-644. OI1KGON KUEI. CO. Slab, s.-iwdust. oak S&II CliKKN STAMPS Ph. 3-S.V13 3087 Hrnndway West"Salem Fuel Co. Tuna or Push Out Sawdust Ah, Maple and Oak Wood Green, drv slab, Pinner tul 1525 Edtewaler phone S-4011 500 Huh. & Mnaiicc 510 Money o Loan WHEN YOU NEED MONEY . See Us AH tynrft of nrronat oan. Tfrrnj t suit. No Investigation charcrs. All t ae annus Strictly Confidential Home Owned, Hume Operated Hollywood Finance Co. ll'BO FaltRrottnds Ho.nl iNrxt I)oir to ftankl Frre l'ai king Lot. fall 2-7J M 5T.!t S Ti fJ.OOfl AT tfr on 2-brilrnnm lume f..i 3 years. Can make flood mniuhly or Rt'inlanini.il p;tvininti. ('.ill .'or I.. Hnurne. Realtor. 1140 N. L'apitol, Ph. 3-HJl. SHOPIMNi; FOH A LOAN? Person. i! - Prison. il Oltcr Thcup HcneiiH: "Yei." proniptly to eniloid peo plemarried, sim'lel Nationwide credit. SinRle visit loan phone flist. Select hest pavmenl dale ! LOANS PI' TO II.Sihi On Auto. Furniture or Salary Personal FINANCE COMPANY Thone 224'H in S llich St.. Salem State Licence S-122. M-lf.5 ans over $.n0 made hv Pcrsnnal Finnnce Co. of Marion Couniv mrler the InduMrlal Loan Companies Act of Oregon. PHTVATB monevjo loVn Ph 2-071H REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. ROH I R f W COHKS1N f"l' 687 Court 4-2283 AUTO LOANS WII.LAMK.TTE ('HKI)IT CO. 182 Snulh Churrh Parkins n-l'lcnly Fh. 1-SI37 Lie. r.o. M-50, S-1M 600 Employment 606 Help Wanted, female CHILD Care only, no cooking. Must live in. iim racewiiicr. MIDDLE aged or older woman to IV In. Soma house work, care of two chMrrajJ'tijor-ma. BEAUTY operator experienced In halrjrtyllnr Ph. 3-4SD8. EXPERIENCED flat work folder. Apply Capitol City Laundry. 1264 Broadway. 610 Sales Persons Wanted IF YOU WANT to sell hospitalization & life Insurance, we will furnish you with tiO mall leads per mo. Con tact Mr. Westphal at Hotel Sen ator, Frl.. Feb. l!r, between 10-12, 2-4. REAL ESTATE salesman, established downtown office. Box 229. Statesman-Journal. 612 Work Wanted, Male Dangerous Trees Removed by experts. Completely Insured and equipped la nanuie unyuiuig. rn:e estimates In or out of town. Bren nan Tree Service, 1823 Broadway. Phone 2-3748. ADVANCE CONSTRUCTION INC, Addition and Alteration Foundation Raising, leveling and. repairing. Phone service 7 days a week. Phone 4-2248 VETEHAN 26 with family, wants work in Salem or vicinity, Rood mcch. background, willing to work, Sheet metal and welding exp. Box 2.13 Statesman-Journal. MAHHIKD man 35. with wife (ex pecting) wants steady work. Truck driver, dlesel or ens, cat operator. auto, mech. or what have you? luii'j angina w. CLSTOM dormant spraying and Nil t ype iree work, n. 2-ib22. ROAD GRADING W. Hancock. Eves. Ph. 2-0010, CARPENTER & repair work. Dry rot houses pur specialty. Ph. 2-1450 or 2-1842. FEDERAL & State tax returns pre. pared. Pfck-up service. Reasonable. pn. 4-auon arier l p.m. TAX RETURNS prepared In your nome at reasonaoia rates. none 4-2033. HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard clca n ed up and trash ha u led. 2-7464. CEMENT work, all kinds. Ernest Drake. Phone 4-5129. 1165 S. 14th. TAX FORM completed. State, Fed eral. Prompt accurate service Ph. 3-61)57. WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing, etc. H V. StOOPS. Ph 2-3326. 614 Work Wanted, Female WASHING and Ironing dona In my home. Ph. 3-30U5. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason able M rs. Poe. IXS N. 16th. 3-3643. HOUSEWORK or cooking company meals. Phone a-soi.ll. 615 Situations Wanted PAINTING. PaiierhonKlnK. Free el- tinuitea. iJon J.ucero. rn. u-a2. OSC & NW Kehoot of Connnere Jrad. Any kind ofwork. I'll. 3-75H8. WANTED, couple or women to share home. May be win-klnK eouple. Hef- evelu'e exehunm'd. I'll. Dallaa 3-t'J. 702 Kalrview Ave., Dallas. Oregon. COMPETANT rlllld care In Christian home. li?5JfPr"tPhJy!'li'- FUHNITURK reflnlshlng. Keasonable rales. Lo J. Wallace. 1GJ3 V. Cap itol. Ph. 4-1WI8. PAPE'KINU and palntlnir. Neat, clean work to your liking. I'll. z-10,u. WANTED, housework In motherless home. Ph. a-fu:n. IIOUSEWOHK or cookinir. Phone 3-5IUiO. INCOME Tax blunks prepared rea sonably. iJn. 3-iiMi. PAINTING and paper hanging, top workmanship. Martin Wolfer, Ph. 4-2879. YOUR clolhes washed, dried, expert- lylrnned. my Jiome. 4-0323. BAI1Y SITTING wanlrd. Evenings and weekends. Reliable. 2-0110. PAINTING, PAPEHHANGING. Con tract, small Jobs welcome. Phone 2-7692. GENERAL cleaning by the hour. Ph. CUSTOM plowing and discing. Fer guson tractor. 2 hottom plow. Ph. 2-BI20 or 2-478.V HOME cmiMiii'luin reinodHinp;. Fire estini,itesPh. fi:tll,f,,l"5- W1KMAI.S Uuv Nursei v. licensed and Kt;ite impeded. 2-5015. CEM V N T wttrk ," a 1 1 k i n risT" F-"kl5chau Ac Son. 2-fir.fl, 4-5.T.M1 aft. Sjm, T A X R KTU HNS "pi rpare'd . Ph. 4 -6228! Call day or eve. HOWSE d.iv nuf-rrv and Infants ac cepted. Ph. " CARPENTER New. rMi.o1Wor"re pair, time or contract. I'll. 2-50J5. MirKK.NHAM'S" DAYNl?n"sERY St.iir hrensed and tnspt-ctcd. Ph. 2-H!Mt. PAINTING. Will cl.idlv estimate any si?C job Ph. 2-4:i()7, INlTOMK TAX blanks prrpared rea- fonablv. Plinne 3-fi041 LANSCAPlNi;, com. lawn, warden seivice. Srrvirr renter. 4-S73 TRFKS 1nprrd. tumnird a ml retnov rd Fruit tires pinned and shaped Free climates. Ph. 2-74i.4. 4-:ill!i7. D R KSS M A K I N (1 nnd "alteration' Sat isfaettim ruaranteed. Judy 1'olston. Ph. .i-r-iii? i'APKlt f(AN;iN; A Pamtirif Jerry .I.il'.mnn P'l.nie 2-0',!l j UVA lAI.I.rf oahy Ttter" "WirfgiTdaVt ! or mrhls. Phmie 1 1' etaw ler di iitini'. Phone ; er. dirt leveling CAItl'KM 1 H WORK An con able 440 Macleav kind Hea J riione 618 Education Television Jobs MKN XKKDKD i.M.MKDIATKLY 1 11 KVIMOS tut,- ;.tlM h'. fCMiMMllV I ' I inc. -I'.ivir 11. d i ; j..l prn. I lir t". S i E"n:ii:i,nn n.i auui.i! i -imi iM'oit mv IV t.,tl,.l nnd rc,ll, n1 t..il ,n it it lol, : w iilr-tip, n now to pmtiMi'ii.V.h ti.tmul u rn nviT 11. Ai'c .'nil rtliif.ttii.it.il I'.t, kKMHiiul ni'l liiipoil.tiit if vi, u tiar iiiiilil turn i.t fj.if H II IIHAIM' A T IS UIIHK1N II N il VI i iiiinriiiii ir i hik i' s na- HONWIDK l-MI'l.tlYMl N 1' AS. Sl.SIAM'K rtiift'sMun.il It.uniiK Will tint itili: Ific Mlti viuir pit's stnl mk. Willi- l..il,iv (it full tlf t;itls! 'I i lfviM'in cm ttlfn a l-ii:i:t'r p.iy f'lti'k, )nt- n'tunlv lor tni. ( lip itti'l iii nl 'Ins t i'iipnn l.-r Mir- Is Mith-'ut f-mt nr til In -ti.'ii "IM.FVIMiin 1HAIMNC SKHVH'K ll-.x ":'.' St.ttevn.in I .tin li-.ti'ii-tnl In: Vv t,in 'I " Pi-i;nt s. TV SKHVK'F .t, M.nntrnant-r rv.ii.ntit ojHi.Tinr NAV.K APPHKSS . AC. 1' PIK INF. woRKIMi lini iis 600 Employment 616 Employment Agencies YOUR JOB? F. Fecept. PBX Gd. typist 1200 r . cntr. cue. typist, w-iu siu F. Sales Rcady-to-Wear -..Open F. Medical Hid. linranan . one F. Sleno.. beginner. A da. ...$182 F. Ukkpr., Ren. oc. $200 plus F. Career girl secy. . Open F. Bkkpr. supervisor to f-'ioo M. Ac-cl.oic. mgr. s.iau M. Col. grad. Sales $:i00 M Sales spvsr., 25-40 $350 The Best Way To The Best Jobs COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGCY. 494 Slate St. (Oregon Bldg.) 4-3351 620 Day and Contract Land Clearing 15 yrs. Exp. Call for estimate on hour work or by contract for the com plete job. L. C. Mitchell. Phone 3-5337. 700 Rentals LAHGE warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement floors, brick build' Jnjj. Down town. Inquire H. I Stiff Furniture Co. phone 3-9185, 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board NICE, clean, close In. Separate en. trance. 1170 N. Collage. Ph. 3-6071. PLEASANT room for student or working man. 825 N. Cottage. 2 WORKING girls to share 3-bed-room modern home-private rooms. Home privileges. Ph. 2-38O0 after 6 p.m. COMFORTABLE, warm room down town. Hotplate. 472 N. Liberty. 4-5780. PLEASANT ROOM vith bath. Close In. Gentlemen. Ph. 3-4791. SLEEPING ROOM, kitchen facilities. For 1 or 2. 754 Ferry St. DOWNTOWN, 1st fir, clean, warm room. Bath adjoining. 658 Center. PLEASANT ROOM for gentleman. 105O Norway, pn. 2-4547. LARGE beautiful furn. rrn. bachelor apt. 539 N. Winter. NICELV furn., private home. Gentle man. 985 N. bummer. Ph. 3-6J6B. 705 Apartments For Rent IN KEIZER, nice clean apt., garage and yard, ph. 4-3065 or 2-1252. FURN. apt., utilities furn., children OK, near school. 2310 N. 4th. 2-BEDROOM unfurnished apt. Call 3-9061 before a p.m. IF YOU'RE looking for a nice 3 rm. apt., private bath, rent reasonable, call 4-3G43 or 2-1710. 2-RM. & bath, basement apt. Stove. refrig. & utilities furn. Hollywood dist. Ph. 2-Wi84 after 5 :30p.m. FURN. 2 rms. & bath. $45. Basement a p L . $30. 330 S. 14th. 2-D23a. FURN. duplex. Nice 3 rooms. Holly- wood. 3-B042. inquire lvoa Mccoy. SMALL furnished apt. Private bath, all electric. l!H5 Cottage. FURN. 3 rooms with private bath, ga ra ge, jiearca p itoi.UHN.i4in FOUH-room furn. apt. $35. 1445 Ferry St. CLEAN furnished 3 rooms. Utilities paid. Near Capitol. 2-50H3. 3 NICE KMS., furn. apt., private bath. 58 N. Church, 2-1745. S-ltOOM EUHN. apt., prl. baUi. Also 4 and 2-rm. turn. apt. Ileat. uphts, water paid. 532 N. High. Ph. 2-4BH. TWO 2-KM. furn. apts. Also 1 rm. Heat, lights, water paid. 556 Union. Ph. 2-4H11. 3 KM. FUHN. basement apt., Inquire at 315 Bellevue. (50. LOVELY 3 bedroom home tn exclu sive district. Automatic oil heat, full basement, available March 1st. Box 228, co Statesman-Journal. 2 BEDROOMS, unfurnished, close In, private bath At utilities. (43. I'll 2-4488. CI.OSK, clean, furn. 1 room duplex. Kitchenette. ;t0. 7B Marion. 2-ROOM FURN. apt., ground floor, bus at door, 815 S. 12th. MONTKKEY APTS. 633 Ferry. Furnished, one- two and four-room apts. NICK 2-ROOM furn. apt., bath, re frift., utilities. 570 Union. 3 ROOMS & bath furn. Utilities paid except gas. Adult. .I7.50. 1207 S. Coml, Ph. 3-254. WIIF.RP. can you heat this for 2-rm furrf. apt. inc. elre. ranjfe and refrlR., priv. hath, all nice and clean several to choose from. Burt Puma. 379 N. HiRh St.. 2-4047. VF.RY NICE modern 2-rm. furn court apt. $45. lWMndison-4.754. PARTLY furn.T bdrm. apt. 2 duplex. 25i5 N. 5th. 3 ROOM (urn. apt. Newlv decorated. 1 hlk. of bus. W0 N. l!Hh. I IinitM. apt, furn. hardwood Ilrs, electric hrat, 33iejPortIandRd1 CI. KAN furnished 2 room heated apt. Lady preferred. 74N. Cottaiie. NKWI.Y dec. 3 rmi. and bath, court apt. Furn, or unfurn. Laundry, pa r k I n e . T V .n q u i rr 1348 S. IJlh. NICK. apt. furn. utilities furn. He, ..on.ible. AM N.jath. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Pnv. bath. 703 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-6147. MOOKHN 3-rm. furn. apt., close In. 54f N. tt,lKrSt. Fl'ltNISHKI) ;i rooms. $;t0. Private bath l!.a North Com'l. PRIVATK 3 rooir. cour. npts. Clean, fuin., US. Adulis. a.nio for nana ho. 3 RMS. (urn rtihtirs paid. Women preferred. Xu State. Fl'RNIMIFIl atiartments. CUne-ln Ph r-fl740. Tit S Winter. Ainhaador Furnished apts .Vfl N Summer HHMSHKn nipdein 2 room apt Within Mirks of down town. 5 per month. Ph. 2-IM7. 444 N. Cut tace 3-KOOM (urn. apt utilities paid. Rea sim.tblp. I'M. 4-1.531. :i-liM clean, m.elv (in 11.. rlec. heal, ins facilities. Ph. 2-4H16. VHIY Nil K l-btlnn fuin, ln-iinre Iti.'itl furn. and un l.'llh SI. a-H(IOM lnniil;ril mil . full l-allt. hrnt antl walcr furn. :io. riumc :-H5i:l. NIi'H,y"h'I!N. il-nioin apt. 5tl N. ti'tt.Htt' NKWI.Y tu: il. 1 hill ill. ilal ii Pt'll (Ui,i. lots nf i-losclF. rlmil-Ir nlnk. t't-iliiii; f.in. iil-r launilrv. ftaraKP. w. s.iirip. .i. n.it:. H'HN. apts North S.ilrm Mtttrl, !fi'3 Pi,ill.intlIttl. Fh. 3-IIHOM Furnished Court Apt with s.ir;ii;r. rlt-sp In on No Cimi'l I'h I-HiHII or J-MH lilirtM.-apt.l'oiiiiilrtcly furn. clout in. 141 N. t oll.icr. Nli'K.Vo.Y. turn. 2 rni5. for work ins Mwiirn. i.v mi N. Liberty I'h. J-.14tfi or :i-:hhi A l THAl'l'lVK iinftirn. 4,.rm apt. with rat-iti- -V ii-frii: .UIO SMIIi. rill'.l'HOl'M apl Slovr. n-fllri-ialur. uali-r. automatic .t.'.im tirat. In-I'luiii'-I. Muilrrn. '" r' ii-t-ntll Mav nr i-en .il 21''. - Conuorr- r al or 'Mi 4-ls; alt-r 4 pm '" C'AlTl'Ol. l'LAZA 1-hilrni. turn, unfurn. 1113 CU nu krla. J-Ditlu. 707 Houses For Renl Kl'RNISHK.r), clrn niU hou.r. J-.V1H. 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Hent THREE dwelling house 4 milei from city center I rum to iu. per mo. SMALL, partly lum. faragc house. Garden. rortn. yn. A-ssis. MODERN 3-bedrm. house. Near State buildings & shopping center. 3-4307. SMALL one-bedroom house, close to Grant School. Ph. 4-1155. 1-BURM. house, unfurn, except re- iTlg. & Stove. 2445 Market. Ph 2-1 U58. 1-IiUHM. home. Coinp. turn. Gar. 1210 spruce si. owner pn. wwj. 2-BEDHM. modern house, hot watc heater, wired for electric rnnfre. io mi. South on IWE. G. G. Thomp son. Rt. 1, Box 55 A, Jefferson. 1-BEDItM. house, unfurn. except re- in. & stove. 2443 ALarxei. m. 2-1158. CLEAN, lovely 1. bedroom house furn. Phone 3-7132. 2-BUR. home with unfinished up stairs, ear. SCO. 2-Bdr. flat, ground floor, yard, wa ter and elect, wo. Upstairs duplex, water furnished, for a couple, See Joe L. Bourne, Realtor, at 1 1 40 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-82 16 NEW unfurn. one bedroom duplex, south, elec. neat, attacnea garage. $.iU. 2-5509 or FRB. 15-NOV. 15. 2 bdrm. home Cas cade Dr. Carpets, drapes, fircpl., bsmnt., mod. kit., tile bath, 75. z-iotj& aner a p.m. CLEAN, FURN. or unfurn., 1 bdrm. Reasonable. 3B45 Portland ltd. BEDROOM home, $65. Electric heat. No garage. 4180 Gardner Rd. Ph. 3-5238. ROOM UNFURN. duplex, close In Phone 4-1307. SMALL FURN. house, elec. range, oil heat, clean and neat. 1 or 2 persons only. 1025 Third St., W. Salem. LOVELY 1-bdnn. garage. No chil dren or dogs. Englewood district. Inq. 12P0 N. 14th. Ph. 3-3000. NICE 1 bdrm. Oak floor, range, ta ble, water, garden. Ph. 3-83 1U. ALMOST new 2-BR. house. Elec. range, auto, heat, hwd. firs., Insul. 2234 Maple. UNFURN., ground floor, duplex. Ga rage. ti56 erry. vn. 3-3-i.u. OR 2 BEDRM. duplex. Furn., gar., oil hear. 049 N. Winter. 3-8!)B0. BEDRM. duplex with store room. No children. North D.st $45 per month. Ph. 4-17C1. KM. UNFURN. cottaEe. Elec. heat. elec. ranse. 744 N. Capitol. 2-8682. CLEAN, furnished 1-bedroom house, garage, J50. 4135 Portland Rd. 3-ROOM house. Portly furn. Corners. Ph. 2-1371. CABIN, 3-room, partly furnished. ?25 month. Ph. 2-1248. 5ROOM modern house, 45. Ph. 2-1248. CLEAN UNFURN. 1 bdrm. court. Adults, no pets. Ph. 4-5995. 3 HEUHOOM house for rent. Call 140! N. 41ll. 2 R.MS. FUHN, house, 10 mo. 3911) N. River Rd. FUHM. MODERN cottage. Close in. $.17.50. Adults. 818 N. Com'l. 3-5BI.U. NEW, MODERN, 1 bedroom court. Stove and rcfrig lurn. $50. Call 3.9440. CLEAN 3 HM. furn. cottage. Inquire 4990 N. Lancaster. Ph. 4-1247. 2 I1DIIM. suburban home. Inquire 5745 Portland Rd. or phone 4-4076. 1 ItUHM. house, furn. or unfurn with water furnished. Inquire about rental al 2145 N. 4th. A VKHY NFAT 4-room modern Du plex, oil heat, elcc hot water, wired for range. Insulated ceilings, Irri gated garden, fruit, garage. l'i miles S from Dickson's Market on Sunnvside Highway, JU. 4. Box 188. Phono 2-16U7. NICK 3 ItKDI). house. 290 Mable. $75. Ph. 2-36ti.1 days, or 2-6221 eve. 3 ROOM FUHN apt., private bath. S:i0 month. Ph. 2-7717. 2770 N. Front. FUHN. 3 room cottage 145. 171 Gerth. I'h. 3-7057. ALMOST new one bedroom unfurn. house, elec heat. Ideal for eouple. near Gen. Hospital, treasonable. 22M Breyman. 1 ROOM furnished cabin. Gentle man. Phone 3-idlH. SMALL home, clean, nicely furn. C'nc to Slate buildings. $39. Ph. 2-4Bl. Dl'PI.KX. 1 or both units. Ideal for 2 families living together. 2-3323. 709 Wanted to Rent WANT farm wit or without build- inns. Phone Salem 4-l!C3. WANTED Outstanding Auto Club from Salem would like to rrnt double parage or gooj barn to u?e as club house and work shop. Rrnt must be reasonable. Phone 2-10ti5. ak for Gary. 710 Wanted to Rent, Houses 2-TinHM. home. McKinlry area pre ferred. I'dy up to per mo. He sponsible ouptr. WANXF.D to rent. .I.bedroom home. Phone Salem 2-2l. RFSPONSIMLE voiinn couple with small child desire il-oeuroom un- fu-n. hottve with g.ttage. Prefer close In, North. ti3 per month. Ph. 4-M10, 3 OR 4 PKDRM. clean home. Garage. bct of care. 2-.il'a. 3-PDR.M house. South, to $75. Kxcrl. care. !'h. 3-7114 or after a. WANTKD 2 bedroom, partly furn.. suburban, by March Ut. PH. 4-ri. nu. YOUNG KXKCrTJVK and family de sire 3 bedroom uniuin. nousc. rn. 4-2203. 2-PKUnoOM home with Karate, in or near Salem, t oupir. w n lease. Write 4!8 Pioadway. Woodbuin. 714 Business Rentals OPKN businets lot for Ir.ise l'Vi x 110 with or without oMire. r'j rair Kinuiuls ltd. S.tVO Sg FT. of sl.naKe space, imj N. Carnal- P". '' ()( Heal llale NEAR ALL SCHOOLS K'.uf'O tor tills tin'' " I"' !'. ; Litrrt. on pai'ii ' . " -'- liirnrd pos'. ' r. old. NEAR ST. VINCENT Hit llnni with oak (Irs. tlrrpl.irr. full iKm't. .nil" K '"" "Pi"N I I vr. old. lot fiOxllO II. I'nii- "'EAST ON "IV ST. $Vififl 3 PR. 2 rnnipine nam rm-v.n. 'plastered. l"t R'vlW " DUPLEX fnns side-bv-side. each ha ? PR. nil plastned. about 5 r, old. l.Vi fi (lontame on !'" K. cinsiMM-t-ed and a Pom1 buy at onlv $TSiH. Terms. BURT PICHA KKAI.THH 371 N. lLeh Si rvr: 4:ilo2 HI'' 1-4WT 801 Business Oportunlllps i CAHINS. uroi-rry. B.i. S"N down Full prlrr lnrludr fi rl-n, f.hrll tork flnd niuinMirnf 1 rre on W.. St.i' Rr.l'v 5 ;. S. Va eide Hiphwuy. Th 3-:Wl. 800 Real Estate 801 Buainesi Oportunlties BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Courts, Apartments. Income prop erty. Mr. Man, if you are not ready to sit down, fold your hands and wait for the final day, let us tell you about some opportunities where the down payment is the price of a good home, but will net you sj.ouu or more yearly, we have an excellent selection to choose from. Come In and see us. Drive by 3150 Jack St. Rambling jiancn nome on lot m x no. Near school & bus. Forced air heat. Drapes, auto, dish washer. Price 116,000. Attractive terms arranged. Suburban North. 3 BR., almost new. Fruit, nuts &: garden. Near school & bus. Drapes, rugs, new oil cir culator Included. Price $9,350. Tell us how you want to buy this-attractive home. Drive by 8f5 Jydson. Two BR., cor ner lot. Clo.e to schools. Carries an FHA loan. $7,000 will purchase this on easy terms. Rex Sanford Finance. 337 N. HiRh St. Ph. 4-3521. Evenings: 3-32D2, 4-4168 FOR SALE or trade on 09E. North, 6 unit motel, 4 doubles, 2 singles. Nice 3-bdrm. house. Upstairs could he rented as an apt, 120 ft. frontage by 216. Lots of possibilities. Will lake small farm with good home, Northeast or what have you. In quire 3510 Portland Rd. GARAGE, equipment and some stock. bee or call 14M5 bliauy Lane. Ph. 3-8931. FOR SALE. Sec. Hand Store. Write Box 404, Independence, Ore. MUST BE SOLD 131,3 A. subdivision, Industrial and home sites. For more information Phone 3-3289, General Real Estate, 255 Center. RESTAURANT tc Fountain. Near chool & Shopping Center. For sale or trade. Gold mine for right party. Ph. 2-9425. FOR LEASE bldg. 50x75. doors on 4 sides. Good for garage, Duslness or storage. Ph. 3-9163. 802 Business Property HURRY! ACT NOW! IF YOU WANT A GROCERY AND MEAT BUSINESS IN SALEM Present owner now doing $8500 sales per month. Total price including fixtures and stock $7500 $5000 cash down, bal. $100 per month at 6 Interest. Hent $125 per month. This business showed over $10,000 net before taxes In 1053. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 985 Edfiewater pi-on- t-r'" Evenings call? A. D. Shields, Sim., 3-91145: Claude Henderson. Sim., 3-8347; Joe Hutchison, 2-4781). 804 Suburban BY OWNER 2 bedroom, Insulated home, 1 acre, double garage, barn. Frullland Dist. Pll. 3-1333. COUNTRY HOME Out where the air is clean and fresh. Move your children and pets Into this lovely 3-bedroom, suburban home. located North on Acre corner lot with beautiful shrubs. i:tx21 living room with fireplace, InrRe dining room. 2 bedrooms down, 1 bedroom and sewing room tip. Basement with party room and fireplace. New paint inside and out. Close to bus and school. Prtre reducd from $13,500 to S 12.750. FHA terms. Ask for FRANCES KNAPP, S.ilrman. Eve. phone 2-6286. PHONE 4-3394 , TfKfcALTORi 980 Fnireronnds Road HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT 808 Houses For Sale $500 DOWN! THHEK bi'drooms near hospital. Also jnother-ln-law cabin on same lot. Double garage. House only 14 yean old. Sti.dUU. Brand New Home TWO bedrooms. Nice kitchrn. Din ette. Living room. Oil wall fur nace. Hardwood floors. Insulated. Garace. Price $8,950. Duck Pin Alleys $75,000 takes everything: Alleys, pool and snooker tables, fountain, build ing and lot. $.i0.fH)0 for building and lot. RAMSEY, REALTOR 20fl4 North Commercial. OTfice 4-211 Eve. 3-7072 or 2-7H46 or 4-ltWfi RK)M Y NEW 3 br". doublepar. 1040 KinRwood Dr. $12,230. Terms. FOIt SALE or trade, very clean older tvpe houc. 3 bedrooms on one floor, close to Leslie. $6.75(1. H. L. Stitf Furn. Co.. 3-iUa.V EASTMORELAND RANCH HOME Two bed rooms and beautiful luge den. The lar- ' liv ing and dinini; rooms are carpeted wall-to-wall. Two fireplace. Forced air oil heat. Double garage. 1734 square feet of floor space. This is located on a larce corner lot and mirroiindcd hv new homes. Shown only bv appointment. Center Street Realty 17-lft Center Sfiee4 Phone 4-Rfi31 Eve Phones: Gies 2-7812. llncht 3-5fl2 Jl'ST COMPLETED 3 bedrooms or 2 Pius 1 combination den or bed- t loom. 2 baths, plastered, oik floors, , plastic tile floors in kitchen, dm. ' ette and bathroom. etia lar'e liv. Tin., fireplace, lai ire alt. garage w:th utilities, on nj'prox. acre. ! l ow down pmt. and e.i-y monthly pvrvN. Located at :'li)7 Itrown Hoail. Ph. 2.;7(.3 or 2-T77 $1500 DOWN I-b-Miooni mmntftrlv furn nldrr bn:vf on N i"hi:rch SI . nrnr Sf Vincent' and UirHanri Sc'iool?. A C M S"vrtm. Aonci.it- Brnkrr Art M;i-!son Realty U?fi St.ilr St Trl, :t.VVM, Fee. 4 ?fi.Vl a m'.nnoov hovf. NK Laree lot. IW OWN Kit 1 .i'r huilt SuburbAn te.m h le S -bdrm. aft. double or Au'o. oil hr.it. lrce lot. Trrm?. Fh. MHV. .-(. pnv. I. .hup 3 hdnn. house. Tl Irr i UN. :.liT.u ti v Sledini . Lit pe dmirif in.. Jivinp rm.. kitrhrn. l"(Mk:.vt h.ir. pl.iterrd. utility, tn t i it 5 .'it uiH'k4l.iv i KNtil KU OOP ' hdi rn . 5 ye.r ld IV:. 4-M.-S low ioVN -Mil Wc rm hrln ihi v it:i d.n:i -rrnt V!.v rent u ! n it o c.Kv to own1 Come in iiTi.l t.tlk II mrr. Sl'MMK.RS. RKAT.TOR 1T:M Sf.itr Pt. ph. Fl'M. pi-tp tlxt f.-h"STiU old ho?:e. $p.ih 15'h. Ph. J-in.iH. m 800 Real Estate 806 House For Sale We Specialize in Trades FEDERAL GI & FHA MTGS. $1000. DOWN Is all on this home. It's really buy. Alt. garage. Insulated. Ven. Blinds. 4 blks. to school. 1mm. poss Built In l!48. Full price only $6,000. ti.an lor wit. uiUJaMMT, eve. pn. 2-7679 Sim.) GORGEOUS VIEW That is absolutely u nobs true table. It's 11 lovely home with 3 bedrooms on one floor, 2 bathrooms. A den In the basement that is almost out of this world. Huge fireplace in living room. Unusually large amount of builtins, 102 by 160 lot. Full price $24,500. (Call for MK. GRIMM ETT, eve. 2-7679 Sim.) LIKE COUNTRY LIVING If so, here's one you'll really like. Spacious 3-bedroom ho.ne with lull basement. Lovely setting in a fir grove. 2-car att. garage. 2 wells. Automatic sprinkle system. Bus by door, l,i Acre lot. Lots of shruhs. Full price $13,050. (Call for MR. GRIMM ETT, eve. ph2-767M Sim.) A REAL HONEY Yes. It's a nice home and la a dis trict you'd love to live In. Has a gorgeous view. Fine recreation room in basement. Lots of shrubs. In the best of condition. Full price onlv 12,000. FHA terms it desirea. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-9020 Sim.) Highway Frontage 99E North. 200 Ft. running through to Lancaster Drive. Excellent busi ness location. Priced right at (6,000. More land available. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) Live in One Rent the Other One unit has 2, the other has 3 bedrooms. Modern and clean. Full basement. Garage. Large lot. Well located for school, bus and store. Paved st. Income $100 per mo. by renting both. Full price only J9.500. Terms. (Call for N. G. "DAN" ISAAK, eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) MAMA & PAPA Here's one you'd enjoy and could handle very well. A dual opera tion that is well established and well located. Extremely low over head. The equipment is In the best of condition. Full price only $15,. 500. (Call for N. G. "DAN" ISAAK, eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) REPAIR SHOP Well established. Doing good busi ness. Rent on bldg. only $40 per mo. Al) equipment and tools you need. Full price for everything only $7,000. (Call for N. G. "DAN" ISAAK, eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) GROCERY With 3-bedroom living quarters. Good sized store room. Corner lot. On one of Salem's busiest streets. Owner will sell business and stock at inventory or trade for another property. What have yon? Full price for everything $15,500. (Call for N. G. "DAN" ISAAK, eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) EXTRA SPECIAL 62 Acres on the Pudding Ttlvir. Very best of soil. Irrigation equip ment Included. Suitable for most any kind of farming. Very pood modern 3-bedroom house. 30 by 60 barn. Garage. Fruit house. Besides it has an extra guest house. Fam ily orchard. Might consider trading for city property. Full price $28, 500. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Sim.) Gentleman's Farm 10 Acres. Very fine soil. 4 A. under cultivation, l'i miles from town. Fine modern home with basement built in 1042. You'd like living in the country if you had this place. Good barn. Chicken house. Att. 2 car garage. School bus. The full price j onlv $10,!no. I.ihernl terms. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-473S Sim.) Grade "A" Dairy Bargain 1.10 Acres. Jut 4 miles PE of Sa lem. 15 A. Irrimted bottom land. Excellent .12 x 72 barn. New milk bouse. Clean modern older type borne plus small modern home. Machine shed. 2 creeks. Rock quar ry. Fenced. Mr. Dairyman, you can't (to wronsf on this property at $17,000. Shown bv appointment onlv. (Call MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5050 Sim I FHA tc CONVF.NTIONAL, MTGS., 20 Yrs. FFDF.RAT, fit MTfJS.. ?0 Yrs. LICENSED ALSO IN WASH, tc IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO. REALTOR Office Phones 4-2.111 or 3.7820 .1015 Portland Road .1-47.15. 4-3.-..1.1. 4-5020. 2-7679. 3-5452 If No Answer. Call 4-224" TRADE L.iree attractive home with J brtrms.. ?un porch. L. R.. D. R.. kit., l'i bflths. full dry haement, small lot. Trade for 2 or 3bdrm. house with larKe lot. NEW .1 BDRMS. Have only three 3-hdrm. homes h-ft See these tnd.iy. North and South. Gleason Realty 1141 S. Commercial Ph. 2-niC.I Fats. .1-8007. 3-WM 3-BEDROOM homev home on N. lbth. Liv. Rm. and Din. Rrm. Pax ITi int. Not new, but vcrv go)d for S,7 500. K. A. McGLAl'FMN", Realtor 1035 Bioadway. 2-8H1I, K.ve. 2.78J3 ATTRACTIVE, larpe 2-bedrin. 1H0X 200 it. lot Full attic. Ntwly dec orated, Nicr lawn yoimp ftuit IriTs. i aspberric-i. large tanlen, 2-1x44 ft shoo, option.il. Will urn Mder desniiblr buildinK lot in Iiade.lM). 2-R479 New Three Bedroom Home of ranch sv!e drsun located in a choice ditt ct ot compaiable homes. Thu one l.as a ptnttird 2 1 car .ii.ii'c, inlde utilit. nook, p;itur.il wood finished kitci'cn. din inpt rm. Roman brick fircpl. Priced low at $14. VO. Eve. call Ed 2-B704. Ed LukinboaL Realtor 4M N. Hmh. Otfc. Ph. S-ffiRO ENOLEWOOn Irarie, almot nrw 2. bedrooms tV drn or 3 bedrooms; 12 baths, will take Eood smnllor 2 hrdmoms. Full price $la,2.'0 on. Bowes Wood, Realtor. Th. 4-3353. eve. 2-0422. 221 N. HiRh. apoeooifs"to TENGARD (Draenet Spelled Backward 9 am. Received rail. T:30 am. Went to invcsticate. Found iwner want inir to sell DANDY 3 BH ON , ACRK. NICE EAST LOCATION. T'VD ST. HI'S AND SCMI... ONI Y 5iS0. WITH ONLY K00 DOWN. This case will be closed quickly. 10 am. call came in to Investigate a stenl II am Found that a nice NEARLY NEW 2 BR. HOME WITH HDW FIRS. LOT SO X 100. ON PAVED ST . right In town, could be legally stolen for ONLY $7.r.W. WITH ONLY I.VO DOWN. This if Summers working the day watch en home bargains. I'm a Realtor Call me SUMMERS REALTORS 1725 State St. Ph. 800 Real Estate SOME GOOD 1. 30 A. noweu rraine. aw A. k..HHIn.. I 40 A. East, all tillable, newly remodeled 4 Br. home. J. 74 A. hill tarm. new 1 Br. home, basement. 2 tlreplaces, grand view, will trade tor small home. 4. S45 A., all Wm. silt soil. 85 A. under irrigation, new build, lngs. J. 304 A. ranch, ml. (rorn Sa lem, dandy stock or grain ranch. 6. 428 A. North, all purpose tarm, 200 A. under Irrigation, 2 sets buildings, will trade LEE OHMART for farm On these or any other 3 BEDROOMS - BASEMENT Here's lot of house for- J10.950M Well located in Englewond. this home has a 15 x 16 living room with fireplace, a 10 x II dining room and large kitchen with nice nook, a good oil furnace in the basement and a beautiful back vard with a fis.lt pond, patio and fireplace. We Just listed this one and it's HOTII Ask for Ted Morrison. EXTRA LARGE South Salem. S bedrooms plus den on main floor party room In J""'" with fireplace and 2 large bedrooms and full bath, this Is KhAU VALUE, close to new Hi School. Call Ralph Maddy. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 COURT ST PHONE 2-4115, 2-411 E"e S'es""" wBnry Tnrvonri S-.1R.12. HalLih Mfuidy 2-3488. Louis Lorenz a-assin. INVESTORS-MOTEL OPERATORS It will pay you to Investigate this piece of property located on the by-pass on Market Street. The ground is 300 x 330 ft. bounded by 2 streets. There is plenty of room for a very nice motel or truck terminal. The property now has 3 homes and a chapel. It's In an estate and owners anxious to sell. Asking price only (39,000.00. For more information call Chet Rawlins, Sim. NEW 3 BEDROOM DBL. PLUMBING Located one block from city bus, birch cabinets, large Inside utility, full dining room, breakfast nook in kitchen. What more could you ask for (13,800.00? For appointment no see call Chet Kawlins, Sim. S BDRM. IN CITY 1 FLOOR $5,500.00 New roof, good foundation, nice liv ing room, full dining room, 2 garages, corner lot, paved street, sidewalks, lots of flowers and shrubs. Easy terms. Call Jim Rawlins, Sim. 4 BDRM. CLOSE IN SUBURBAN (10.500.004 years old excellent condition, good Jot, big living room, nice dining room, lots of built-ins in kitchen, 2 bdrm. down, 2 up, attached garage. Excellent financing. Call Jim Rawlins, Sim. 5 ACRES EAST With very neat 2 shop, chicken .house, dandy well, taxes only (40.U0. hull price only f'.i. 000.00. For appointment to see call Dale Rayburn, Sim. U UNIT MOTEL Best location in Salem, 8 singles. 3 doubles, very nice r. room living quarters, electric heat, lot 00 x 130, paved, taxes $i!)5.o Owner will take 2 bdrm. house in Salem, full price $37,500.00. M ' offer for appointment to see call Dale Rayburn, Sim. RAWLINS REALTV (H0LLW00D DISTRICT REALTOR) 20C0 N. Canitol Street Office Phones a-4G(!4 or 4-1 ... Evenings Chet Rawlins 3-6236 Jim NELSON & NELSON (ORIGINAL FIRM IN A NEW LOCATION) $4150. -r- $800. DOWN This Hoover District, 4 yr. old home rm., goodsized kitchen, 8 x 2b. Lot is w x izu, uiimy rm., low Taxes, iuh sq. ft. floor area in all. A good buy at (4150. Television included. Call Mrs. Wootten. NEAT STUCCO HOME $6500. Close to Industrial Area this well 2 bdrm. home will save your neating cost, naisc a goon garocn on inis 50 x 100 lot. There is livability here. (6500. Call Mrs. Wootten. NEW THREE BDRM. HOME NORTH This three bdrm. home is a good buy. ht., attractive fireplace. Close to school and bus. Good sized lot desire able for garden, flowers, children, (11,500. Call Al Watts. SUBURBAN TWO BEDRMS. & LARGE DEN Here you will find charm and a bit of the unusual. This snow-white home, brick trimmi-d, has beautiful birch paneled den, two very large bdrms., tile bath with dressing table. Smart modern kitchen with a birch trimmed dining area. .12' patio ideal for outdoor living. Two nicely landscaped lots. All for (18,900. VIEW HOME AND INCOME PROPERTY You may live in a fine 2 bdrm. home All furnished with exception or private nome. 1 nis 4 yr. old property in excellent condition. Good returns on Investment. Small down payint. to right party. Call Dick Schmidt. NELSON AND NELSON, REALTORS "COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE" I.VI0 S. COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE 2 3669 Evenlncs: Al Watts 3-7265. t.vdla T. Chet Nelson z-i:tMi 806 Houses For Sale LEAVING MUST 2-bedr., B-rrn. home. Tlastered, hdw. stripped. 1.050 sq. ft. flor space, more or les, '3 A. lot. J1.5O0. All steel welded frame 2-wheel trailer. (70. Rt. 4, Box 315. 5 ml. S. on concrete old Hi-way. Ph. 4-2171. FAIRVIEW AVENUE (300 down, total price 1.000. Nc.it 1 -bedroom home and approx. 1 acre. Bus past dnnr. BROOKS ST. WOO down, total price ?.?no At tractive 1 -bedroom home and ap prox. '.j acre. Kxtia good garden soil. SOUTH ON BUS J.-.00 down, total price S.Vi'OO Ap prox. 3 1 acre. Fruit tree. 2-bed. room homo, fireplace, oil floor fur nace 2-c.ir g.iragc. DALLAS HOME $1.(100 down, total price S-I.SOO. Very good plastered 5-iootn home. Kire place, garage. Will tr.ule lur S.tlcin home. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors lti7 S. Hi eli IMi. 3-II2I Kves. Call 2-.12.rfi THELMA SEZ "I c.in't understand whv somn rt'ic.-n't buv thai cute little pl.it Vf a wonderful buy. romp in and sec for youn-elf. .T bedroom h'me located near school on a fine acre of ciound. Good barn, lovelv yard and trrr. variety of fruit and Cranes. Ru) bv door. Can be had tor M7S0. THIS IS A HUV. Avk for THELMA MAN'KFRTZ. S.ileMmn Fve. nhone .l-'1"". PHONE 4-K594 Hus this home iw.iW'd on nn Im proved corner lnt in a re.itnctrd dist. 16x16 liv. rm , HU bedroom. Good kit. Floor furn.lrf. Rnnfce in clndrd Your own Iprms E A MrC.I.AITI.IN, Praltor IU Brodway. 2-8fill. Fve. 3-P12 i . i , : HOLLYWOOD JJISTRICT 800 Real Estate FARM LISTINGS close to aaiem. RUDY CALABA farms call Henry Torvend Tea jviornson bdrm. home, 4 yrs. old, garage, work Rawlins 2-8578 Dale Rayburn 2-21 has 2 bdrms., living room and dining insulated, weather stripped, plastered Has nice sized rooms, olt forced air and rent fi-bdrm. units with garages. Wootten 3-9066. Dick Srhmidt J-7567, 806 Houses For Sale COUNTRY SELL floors throughout. Insulated, weal her $5950 For t:-,is lovely 2 bedroom home: Family kit.. ,. H.. Uti! . R . bath. Large lot with loads ot fruits and mil. Located close in. Gleason Realty 1141 S. Coin nurriat Ph V ''2.1 Kvr. 3-IIRU7. 2-OOR5 3 BEDROOM TRADE on N. 2Ut 't.. larre 3 bdrm. home, double jraraye, full b.ism't. Con Mdrr trade lor 2 bdrm. or pell un convenient terms. Price llO.jOO. MR. FARMER 35 A. farm, nice 3 bdrm. home. L.ut'i' barn, permanent pasture, biVi of Ian. I, Kii on State St. Stt tn appreciate. Price SJ2.000. Call Carpenter. Salesman Art Madsen. Realtv 1MB Stale SL Ph. 3-5510. Kve. 3-Si;4ll fcKWI sWtfct. I njlHOME and BUSINESS SIX ROOM HOME on I'.S. m iRu n?'5s 7one. Full basement, furn.ie-ix 3 brrtroor's. 1 1 h.iths. l.rce rierp lot. Off .f;rc' p.irton.T for carp. A vvoivtrrful loratmn for home and businesf., mfire or nhnp. pnre onlv ti2..iio. Ownrr will ronidrr a 2-hrdi onm home, on one floor, for rmM of price. Center Street Realtv Kift renirr St. Phone 4-V.fl.-t Fe rlionrs: r;ir 2 Tn 12. Rncht .l-.'i.'wj ! bedroom suburban home on larce !:. Lfvini room, dmirii! room and k.tri'en. In-nie utihtv b.i(:i At shower. Cloe to bus." Imiredlate pof-e-Mon. Ter:-.-- 39 ACRES I With over P50 ft hirhw.iv front.ite, l Ideal ..r ubdivid:n! Into smaller farm trncts. All clear and under cult Low price of $:;00 per aer All or paiV Cai-h or eonlrart t.. V KI.l-MPP, RKAT.TOR M55 Portland Rd. pi,. L'vr. Richard Klumpp. P;,. 2-ir..".4