Thursday, February 18, MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Thuriday, February 11 USAR Command and general staff school, at USAR armory. Organized Naval Reserve unit at Naval and Marine Corps Re serve training center. Company D, 162nd infantry re giment, Oregon National Guard, at Salem armory. Battery I, f22nd AAA, AW bat talion at quonset huts on Lee street. Friday, February 19 USAR infantry school at USAR armory. Seabee reserves at Naval and Ma rina Corps Reserve training cen ter. Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 20-21 Organized Naval Air Reserve squadron AAU 893, at Salem Na val Air Facility, AT DEPOT IN JAPAN KOKURA, Japan Serving at the Army's Kokura General Depot here as a supply sergeant is SFC Winde K. Ganey, son of Mrs. Lesie Ps. Butler of Lebanon, Ore. The ser geant entered the army in 1948 and prior to his present assign ment was stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash. His wife is making her home in Seattle, SALEM MARKETS CtmsilM from rettsrt ( Silent aaaiert for tire raidanaee of Capital Journal readers. (Revised dolly. Relill Feed Prleei: Rabbit rellela 13 (S (10-lb. ill), ( '.'5-H 90 (100-!l. bat.) i ll Hoih 11.65-15.20. nalrr Feed t3.25-3.. I3.90-4.S0 (100 .). Poultry Burtrtt Prices Colored frjren, 13c; old roosters, 15c: colored fowl, 25c; leghorn fowl, lac; colored roasters, 23c. hit: KtiHnr Prices Eggs, AA. 42c; larga A, 4M6c; medium A A, 40c; medium A, J-43c; small A. 34c; Ejm. wholesale pri ces generally h-1 cents higher than prices above; larta inds A generally Quoted at 83c; mediums at 50c. Buttrrfat Buying twice: Premium. 10 11 cents: No. 1, ?-6S cents; No. 2, 65c. W Silk Paper fovels Im 2 lot 27 Limit Four TOILETRY 43c Certified Antiseptic list Full Sfrtnglh kt a drglt for Coldi & Sore Throat 29c;; TOILETRY Free! 2.98 bottle of 30 Certified Therapeutic Plus With Purchase si tOO'i M..iwid.i, both urairrinpn Formula f Qf TOILETRY 33c Worthy Sanitary Napkins boi jtJS 2 lor 12 C3 49c TOILETRY Rubber Bath OR Shower Mat Suction (up Crips prevent Slipping 15"x24" slw 1.29 Value 59 VARIETY 33c My Te Fine Orange Blended or Grapefruit Juice JUM60 46 01 Tin 25c Limit TOILETRY f red Meyer Drugs 14 N. Liberty Wt Rrwrve the Rl'ht to Limit QuantitiM 1954 Delia Mariin Rites Saturday Funeral services will be held at the Virgil T. Golden company chapel Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock for Delia Vers Martin, widow of the l-.'e Charles S. Mar tin, who died at a local hospital Wednesday. Rev. Omar Barth is to officiate at the services and interment will be in Bclcrest Memorial park, Mrs. Martin, a retired nurse and a resident of Salem for the past 23 years, was born March 181872 at McClure, Ohio. She was a late resident of 1395 Norway street. Survivors include a son, Philetus Carl Martin of Brooks; two grand sons, Louis James Martin at Cheney, Wash., and Carl Paul Martin, JJSN, aboard the USS Yorktown in Japan; a great granddaughter, Cynthia Louise Martin of Brooks; and a brother. George Sidel of McClure, Ohio. Economy Cuts Needed in Beef SAN FRANCISCO Ul -Independent meat packers were told by one of their leaders Thursday to expect extra heavy marketings this year of grassfed cattle, which pointed up the necessity of a consumer ed ucation campaign in the use of economy cuts of beef. G. F. Chambers, vice president of the Western States Meat Pack ers Assn., made this statement in a prepared address for the general business session of the associa tion's eighth annual convention. He is associated with the Valley Pack ing Co. ,t Salem, Ore. All segments of the industry. Chambers said, should cooperate in the consumer campaign. He said the industry faces a Prices Good Through Saturday $3.59 Certified Vitamin "A" 50,000 Units $ QQ 100 Capsules &W TOILETRY $49 8 MINERALS Miracle and Folic 90c Diamond Sweet Pea Collection Assorted early blooming Sweet Peat 50 c VARIETY 29c if Perfect Girls Anklets Beinlorced Heel 4 Toe Stiei 6 to I''i 10 c APPAREL 99 4 Portland Livestock PORTLAND -tSDA Cattle salable 150; market active, fully steady; few good fed steers 20.50 21.25; commercial grades 17.50 19.50; utility commercial heifers 11.50 -18.00; canner cutter cows mostly 8.50-11.50, shells downward to 6.00; utility cows 12 50-14.00, commercial grades 15,00-16.50; cutter-utility bulls 12.00-16.00. Calves salable 150; market ac tive, steady; good-choice vealers mostly 23.00-28.oo, few prime 29.00 31,00; good-choice heavy calves 19.50-23.00; culls down to 10.00. Hogs salable 100; market active, steady; choice 180-235 lb butchers 29.50-30.00; choice 250-290 lb 28.50; sows scarce, choice 325-550 lb sal able 23.75-26.00. Sheep salable 100; scattered sales steady; few good-choice wool ed lambs 18.00-20.00, utility 17 down; good-choice fceBers salable 15.50-16.50; good-choice slaughter ewes nominally 6.00-8.00. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO m Butcher hogs declined 25 to 50 cents Thursday. Buyers paid $26.00 to $26 50 for the bulk of choice 180 to 240 pound butchers. Sows held steady. A few head of prime steers sold up to $28.00. The bulk of good and choice steers and yearlings moved at $20.00 to $24.75. Cows sold steady to 25 cents lower at $11.25 to $13.50. Good and choice wooled lambs $20.00 to $21.25 with choice and prime grades $21.50 to $22.50. Salable receipts were estimated at 7,000 hogs, 3,500 cattle, 400 calves and 1,500 sheep. Portland Eastside PORTLAND UPI Prices were mostly steady to firm ajong wholesale produce row and at tfc Eastside Farmers mar ket, today. seller's market a healthy condi tionbut that consumer buying power is high. For Tired Blood $1.89 Certified Vitamin B-12 5 Microgram QQ bottle 100 TOILETRY Health for the Whole Family Certified Viminol Capsules 27 Vitamins $7,95 bollli 100 including t Q7 3 Vitamin B 12 Acid TOILETRY 4.49 Fostoria Pop Corn Popper Self Stirring $344 VARIETY Regular 18c Book Matches fit ctn. limit 2 TOILETRY 69c Value Mell-O-Sweet Chocolate Covered Cherries a nc Mb. boi 2frc Cherry Hatchet Center Ice Cream qt. 2 for Ik CANDY THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND tm Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, maxi mum to .35 to one per cent acidity, delivered in Portland. 68-71 lb; first quality, 66-69; second quality. 64-67. Valley routes and country points 2 cents less. Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 66 lb; 92 score, 5 fc; 90 score, 64 H; 89 score, 62. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles, 41 H- lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, 48 4-51, Eggs To whalesaters-Candled eggs containing no loss, cases in cluded, f.o.b. Portland A grade, large, 51 H-53 M; A medium, 50 4i 51 4; A grade, small, 45 -46 Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 54-56; A large, 53-55; AA medium, 52-54; A medium. 51-53; A small, 47-48. Cartons 3 cents additional. Live chickens No. -1 quality, fob, plants Frvers and roasters, 23-25; heavy hens, 25-26; light hens, 15-17; old roosters, 14-15. Turkey s To producers for breeder types, f.o.b. farm, new York dressed, heavy hens 31; toms 28; Beltsviiie hens 33, toms 28. Eviscerated frozen, to retailers, hens 57, toms Sl-54. Babbits Average to growers- live white, 3 -S lbs, 19-23, 5-8 lbs, 20-22; old does, 10-12, few higher. fresh dressed fryers to retailers ;a - . cui up, Wholesale dressed meals: Biff, steers, choice. 500-760 lbs, 3S.00-39.00: good, 35.00-38.00; com mercial, 31.00-35.00; utility, 27,00 33.00; commercial cows 26.00-30.00; utility, 2.-.0-29.00; canners-cuttXcrs, 22.00-25.00. Beef cuts (choice steers! Hind quarters, 43.00-49.00; rounds, 42.00 46.00; full loins, trimmed, 62.00 69.00; triangles, 30.00-35.00; lore quarters. 33.50-38.00; chucks, 37.00 40.00; ribs, 50.00-55.0. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lbs, 53.00-58.00; shoulders. 16 lbs., 41.0045.00; spareribs, 50.00-56.00; Jresh hams, 10-14 lbs., 60.00-85.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 37.0-47,00; commercial 3S.00-41.00. Lambs Choice-prime 40.00-43.00; good, 35.00-40.00. Wool Grease basis, Willamette 'Valley medium, 51-53 lb; Eastern Oregon line and half blood, 55-62. Country -dressed meats, f.o.b. Portland: Beef Cows, utility, 24-2S lb; canners-cutters, 21-22 Veal top quality, lightweight. 34-35; rough heavies, 24-28. Hoes Lean blockers, 39-40; sows, ' : light, 33-35 ! Lambs, 34-36. i Mutton-Best, 12-15; cull -utility, ! t-9. Fresh Produce: Onions 50 lb sacks. Wash, yel lows, med, 1.00-25; Oregon yellows. No 1, med, 1.50-75; Idaho yellows, med, 1.25-50; Ige, 1.75-2.00; whites, 2.SO-3.O0. Potatoes Ore, local Long Whites, 2.00-25; Deschutes Russets, No. 1, 2.15-25; size A, 2.40-75; 25 Jb SR, M-8S; 10 ib mesh, M5; paper, 28- ; windows, 30-35; No. 2, 50 ibs, 90: Wash. Busscts, No 1-A, 2.25- 50; Mahos, 3 ls-2S. Hay V. S. No. 2 srcea alfalfa. and truck loli, f ob. Portland and Seattle. Chicago Grain CHICAGO m Old crop soy- beans pushed up lo new seasonal i highs in an estremely active and erratic market on the board of trade Thursday. j Chanscs in the price trend in , sovbeans were quick and frequent. ' but beans held above the previous , close most of the day. The July 1 contract sold at the highest price ! t for any soybean future since July ; ! Other cereals had smnll losses : most of the day, but wheat came ahead following news Brazil had canceled her recent purchases of Canadian and Turkish wheat. Earlier vheat sold off on pros-, pects for ram in the southwest j wjeai ciosea ower ia mm- March 215 corn S to I er, cent lower, March 1.S1 '5-34; oats lower, March 77-77 a; rye to 1 cent lower. March 1.18: .nvhenn. ii Inwtr to S V, higher. March 3.29 n-3.29. and lard 2 cents lower to 13 cents a hundred pounds t,it,. h o higher, March i S- Portlond Grain PORTLAND .f No coarse grains bid or offered. Wheat tbid) to arrive market, basis No, 1 hulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.34; Soft White eluding Rexi 2.34; White Club 2 34. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.34. Thursday's car receipts: wheat 3; barley 3; flour 2; corn 4; mill feed 1, , CLiMMa Amiam nlCOgO Unt0n5 Br iJnstto Prmi Supplies moderate, demand slow, market duii Street sales ISO Ibs.i; U.S. I un- less stated: Idaho and Oreson .u vineh nA larr i -,. 1.4S, Whites 2 to 3-inch 2 00; Mid-1 west Yellrtw titohes medium 7S. IM, irrceular cartons 12 3-pmind Cellos 1J5-J.23. Personal To Women With Nagging Backache Knftlnf btfVteh. r04t of pp uni trifrrr SrJacnn inr fumf m7 rJui-ie i down f ktinr fyelten. ltJrt f K'"" ; kidney funrtitm i Trjr imponni ts S'wxl j as iirm and Mrsis, ta f f- ts iperanf tirf fcairkFr fwl frjrtir-. Mifisf r lrrHt.on du- to r,!1 or wretfic4iet mr ! Ik 70U Tr? Jiswn'i piib-a itsM 4U urttit. IVt mttr,f how mnf tm Jn't 8 bpTj ilff f tkrat tarrif?ii help tH fnttm fst kidne-f-1 as 4 fltn fwh r1 , Aif? fi', larfai(-ftjj)f tu kn4 rt iconty, r Docs Ptit todyl N. Y. STOCK QUOTATIONS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Admiral Corporation 20 Allied Chemical 74 Attis Chalmers 48 W American Airlines 13 American Tel. it Tel. I0i American Tobacco 60 U Anaconda Copper 31 Atchison Railroad 100 Bethlehem Steel 54 Boeing Airplane Co. 58 Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Machine 17 California Packing 23 24 H 46 20 t 58 4 J 42 20 39 i i 102 108 51 10 93 58 i 61 4 U H 57 H 35 30 59 6 M 28 71 Vs 9 30 i 13 a H 62 IS i 23 H 60 119 H 3 80 17 !5 Vt 29 2S 29 H C anadian l'acitic Caterpiller Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Douejai Aircraft du Pont de Nemours Kasinum Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods ' General Motors Georgia Pae Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kaiser Aluminum KennecoSt Copper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Locw's Incorporated Lone Bell A Montgomey Ward Nash Kelvmator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Tel. & Tel, Packard Motor Car Penney J,C Co. Pennsylvania R.R, Pepss Cola Co. Philco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonicr Incorp PId Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. 50 59 14 54 39 ' 75 . j 61 37 ! 41 ! 57 ! 78 ii Scott Paper Co. Sears RoebucK S Co. Soeony-Vaeuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif. Standard Oil N.J. Studcbaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift 4 Company Transamerita Corp. Twentieth Century Fox 19 9 43 W 26 20 V, 40 115 4 n 52 5 Vt 27 4 40 41 S I'nion Oil Company I'nion Pacific I'nited Airlines United Aircraft United - Corporation United Stales Plywood I'nited States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Wcstinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Electric Woolworth Company 24 56 H 43 INDIA BIGGEST V.S. MARKET MAMHJl UK JiKlia has re- pjaeed the Philippines as the big Lest American market in the Far j.;asfi vice I'rcsidcnt Carlos P, Garcia said Thursday, I MiU WiliOITiei fe Obituaries Emma Guaffenburger TAtBOT Funeral services sere ; held Tuesday al the Fisher Fun- i tral home in Albany for Mrs. Em-) ma Gnaffenburxer, a Song times resident of Talbot. I Mrs. GuBlfenburRer was born : Feb. U, 1877 in Washington coyn-l ty, Jlinn., where she lived unlil jit when she moved lo Toledo, Wash. Later she moved to Bend, ()re t an) (rrn (hire to Talliut. hne aira at me nome os ncr daughter, Mrs. M. J. Hanson taj .!)P ijcvcr comnjunjty liere she' hB(j bt,,,n making her home. j 0n March ,8 im shc m3Trir4 c H tiualfinburRer al North RedwHO(1 Mjnn He Hied in IMS.! shc a ml.mhn of ,he Tzlm chllrth congregation. Survivins are dars ghtrrs. Mrs, of Mrs. Gertrude Holland, Belle- . " . M' U - - t) i r, r, r. I i "h p S StLtv I ur- if 'nmou,h B "d ",!' 1 (fiialfrnburgiT of Bern); sisters,, ,w Warnw Minn(,ap,,,s 1 Minn.; Mrs. Martha Toteman, I'endletnn. Ore.; Mrs. Edith Stein-, kamp, Rrnville, Minn.; and Mrs,; : I.ynda tlellitt, St. f'aul. Minn.; ' ; brothers, iltnry Sthmxit, Spokane, j 1 Wash.; Oscar Schmidt, Wichita,! j Kan.; Kucene and Walter Schmidt. ; (ex-'North Redwood, Minn.; Alfred 1 : Schmidt, Millhank. S.D., and Wai-j ; d a m a r Schmidt. Vancouver, I Wash.; six grandchildren and one) greaturandi hiid, j Interment was in Greenwood j I cemetery. Rend. Rev. Wayne t'arri 01 ,ht Tai,"1 thunh and Rev. ' 1 Henry Turmdge were in charge of ' Hie services, j j Haitie May Zehner ,,,,,.,. ,fc ' : , , 78, resident of this area for , mm? "" j''d ' tu- borne hrT daughter, Mrs Thomas !Iim1fr!har f WomltMirn Thwrsrfav morniog, Mrs ZfhnfT was hsrn f'alf- 1873, anl with hsr psrnls, am! 'redrnhurK. camr ; !o WwMihurn in fS87. Jn ,87; !ihp was marrird lo Snlonmn Zrh- j rifr, who dird AucuM 5, 1953, nd the roii pie had raided hrre . all sf the Isnsf, Hh? was fwmbrr J She Witodbi n FASTEST KNOWN RELIEF FOR GAS ON STOMACH Bell-anS TABlETS-25 ALt DRUGGISTS Cburch of God. Survivors include three oni, Ora S, Zehner of Estacada, Mar vin S. Zehner of Colorado and Jsthur Jt Zehner of Hubbard; seven daughters, ilrs. Nor Jane McKy ol Medlord; Mrs, Ruby S. Phares of North Blchland, Wash., Mr. Virginia Miller of Florence, Oregon, . Mrs. Alice Lounsbcrry el Pasadena, Calif., Mrs. Florence CaliM of Hood River, Mrs. Julia Fisher ot Can- by and Mrs, Thomi (Lucille) lligginbotham of Woodbuia; brother. Vers Vredeoburg of Detroit, Mich.; a ifster, Eunice Hays of Portland; 29 grandchil dren and 13 great grandchildren. Announcement ol funeral ser vices will be made later by the Ringo-Cornwell chr pel. DEATHS 1U Va Mania resident ul LiU5 Norway St, Salem, Survived by mnf Phiielm Cari Mar tin, Brooks: grandson, Icuss Jam Martin, Chescy, Wakh,, Cart Paul Martin, U S. 3. Yorktown, 13. S. Navy, Jsp-an; great f rand daughter, Cynthia Lxmise Mar Us Brook; brother, Cews McClure, Ohio. Services will be held in the Yirgtl T. CfIdi ChaptI Saturday Febru ary 20, at 2tm p m, Rev, Omar Barth vttll officiate. Interment at Brlcrest Memorial Park. Ants K. Jo? Uoa At. a loesa hospital ?e, Sr vtved by aister, Mra. Oliio Beddin(t Hoacburg Whmjion. Services wjH be hid Fridsy, February IS, t 11:00 a,m, tn the C1ouh-8rrtck ChapeL The Rev. Haroid . Hamilton will sHiciate, Isterment at Mi, Crest Ab bey. Uhy Boy 3aliatin infant ion f Mr. and Mn, Sex Cailattn, Salem. PiivaHe cervices were held by lha Virf d T. Golden Co. At a local hospital Feb. It, Uite resident of Lebanon, Or. Shipment has been made ia Lebanon far aerv-ii-e5 and Jraierment by the Vtrstl T, Golden Cs. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late To Classify. SPECIAL FOR TODAY Ja a DOOR Deluxe Pallart, Over drive, autsmatir cluSch, radto, heater, A good clean car, $575.00 STATE MOTOR CO, ?8 S.J21hSl, 52 FOKD deJuse pickup i, a apeed, low mileage, hcaicr, asew tirea. MSO S. Curt. 1.02i. cilEV, busliiesa coupe, isp shape. Or vjii trade for milfe esw or Ine heoa. K. W, Hunt, a, Lyons, Ore. 1953 DKL-A IHE HT. tl.BrS. Low roUa aye, exc. ccind. Owner -9418. ta A. WITH- jEarane bouse. Excellent aeeu wen ana ump. locates a mi. N. of Ketecr on Paul Huh way. m. 2 BOX !. 1IOUSK for aalc by owner, Tt99B down. Bal, of i,W& ai tow tat. rah-. PH. a-SI27. SMAI.t, I cdrfti. tiouje for eale with enuuert seo lumber lo Paiio aa rjre and another bedrm. Snll (town pevment. Kelzer Sm, By owner. sa30.rh.i?536: t RSI. AIT. niccjv turn., cioae-ln. ETnp!o-ert lad.v. ttie b. Summer. CAPITOI, Aoarimenta. Ma 1J(R St. I rm. light riousekeeplne; apt. Forn. wltl) pilv. halh, Beaonable rales. Near Capitol tho anil ahoiipbeenterPh. a-3gS7. imr.n prick 1S1i and Klale S. Wsltirsg Ssrsr' and Gravel Co. Call 3-92J8 BfClSTERKIJ male boxer at aluiJ. Call 4-MSJ. 300 Personal 31 S Persona! Palmstry Readings Advice tn hrt-e, inarriafr, btismr Tin? R(i $1 fr 55- rs.tilinj, Nsl s lorihtiaJfm Orive-ln. NOT ! iKrsi!ie for sn' full ntlwr SPAIN. New Airfjrld esntn'7.ion. "ontritct. Hifh pav. Free irampor taiir nfeTmm. 35p,at-atmn SuifJr Fran-. CiMfcill, YJCO, Httx 2r4 Mr-rtifu. W?h- I Wit ?. Nf IT H rnnnt(ltJ' for an j dcbT ftiad? Hy anyone JsS wvw I Play Popular Piano Call Slem Mujie To, i-rm. or Sarrhe in Alliasv. AIXTOiiOIJCS Anonvmoss croon No. 1 3HS8 N. Com'l (- SAFF, oerroaoent removal of un- airhUjr taeial tiair Eric ft of N V. Agriruhiire 402 livestock For Sal Gooi VOJNO Jwrv row, $i35, hi, 4. Ilnx CA!.V HrHnrl-Ciurrnsry rnaw. fil. U miff of I'raium, PH -WL Cifftflifl letllioe. Trailer tosnd free 403 Uvssiock Wanrtd LIVESTOCK feave i httf cattle, .mis, eep. Moat. Jxwri, nt 1 ri?wrv A Jrfn man. J!S nl J CATTLE BWVKBH T, I i4 II. Sne tften. ZU1 Stare MM it a-JaO. CATTI.E, hore. at your farm. K C. Mr C. nilili S 21hrh. i-141 UVfSIfMK hover. A r Snmmer. 121.S Harmnnr nr. 4-n 404 Poullry ond flgbbtto Clflr'KS ff l?vrr. lars Aolra Whi'e m New Ha-noHre, Palmer 'a r 1. I'.mnfc. I'h. S-MS. 2 ft. M. H. ! month old hen. I.avine huler than M'.. Kt, 4. ftoc ?VT HAHY crfllCKS Offler new for rhrjjre ol t.rtrds NH pollers JSC, par rert rorier. 5e. Vallev farm Slfe. 408 Pels l'AHKAKEF-TS WANTKO -ia mo. 31 I.vm(-lon. 2-12 AK1-' I'omerspjan 8 mo. female, j jVinti PS. l-xca. tiO Trvon Ave j nV.r.!S1fHf:n ISntvriman rinsrher 1 p p. ? erit. .W remale., am. Male. MS, 411U N. River Kd. rii. 2.11.,! T1NV Tov Toa Terrier, male, Ji Ib, Til. 1-1S4. 400 Agriculture tm Pet. MALE Mfxlcllt Ch!hahu puppiH. 1'ARAKECTS. Cum, luppliet, Blrt CANARIES, parrtrtd, GrOM ttOm, Mil nd 1t7T,6'.t Cut furs, pipers. AM from thQW itsck, 33S UMwt, m. HOLLVWOOQ AQUARIUM. JS Me Ctrr. 1 block ml si H. Otnito!. 1M, Wack north f MsHskjb. Ph. P A R A K ?. KTS Z ta rt railed tn ou! Immm, 17.58, aB colon. Mr. Pew r, fSS Rtitm. PH. 4-im, SOKgB fme, Moore' tropict, ffct, fluJpmat. PsrakpeU, sets, Mae. tea? Rt. 4-SJU, Clowd Wti, CANAHIE-S OriBlt A awleol it: kin. P66B S-CSSl. 1U Chemec ta. 410 Seeds and Plants TUBERS hulbf. M dot. It - .-'J- Gloxinia nlbc. 3Sc aeh. Buy reri from grower. We n isi p-f;e winnm i 1953 Slmte Fair, i ..ErU I jErsenhoysec 4 ; 5 ml. N, si Slcm os Wallace Sd, ISatem Oaytoa Sly.h Bu 1, Box tm, Ph, KOTTFO manure by sard or nek. Ph. J-S07J, 412 Fruit and Farm Produc OATS AND VETC h for J, In cxmdUfari Ijf per ton. C'-.Hr:e Bolra. Ht. 3, Box 33, Phone 4-1210. FFRTiUZER Aolled 3nanwe, wee4 free, 4S0 Mcivliandise 4Si MaeMnery and Took M TT, INTEKNATIONAU Hrv!rr deep freezer. monthc old. Coat new 50O. Too for mv new heme. Sell for Call MtH or -f8. WISCONSIN ( eoaiiie with elulch. Belta band sw. FoJey mw Jilinj nsarhine. WaUss Wood laihe, 4S3 Hsehold Good For Sals GREErJ frin mmlern of h)r. FMim rubber ?4iHlon, exe. caad. Ph. J-J7S8, 458 Wanted. Hsehold Goris WK PAY tap carh srite tor too4 used furfiHure, applancea, eie, Ins mediate servire. Used MerehasdJsc Mart, 270 S. Liberty, Ph. -JJl, Used furniture Valley Furniture Co. 2-HB CASH for famiture, one piece or or will sell oa consignment fa Sumel) A action. 458 Buiidinq Matriqg Garage On your act to Tour apecMtcattora. 36 mo. to pa J Fre eatimatea. Bork irun Ur. and Kdw. Co. PH. t-J70t 2460 SUte. . - Pine, Pine, Pine! RUNNING OUT OUR EARS!) Mew l-od JsW thriving, vartf iv f p5nlm, it a me tow prk-e. Knotly im in ff k. Sdf 5 50 KD rorf dcKtrn, rles.. psmlj, llboardf. and rl. tiJ-. hanlboarrf J.TS theet. Issjine odd lsfes m jiiywH need Free nttiinr Vou monejl Us.v fiild PaJJerm from larae Jor- nMare to ota-a tov. Vew'll be rlr'.jed jl essr, rlmna1 11 Oar- Vour rsodel!ig jsr'Jlslerri. oor ptrarurel NoU:in c?-w ri, mm. tn os.v, OPEla All, DAY SAT, PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD . . 333 Portland Bd 4-4453 lisirfesB. st TIMI5EHS ' Umg. timtwnE, 34 lnf. 't2xl m He en, 24' hm$ vmpli hrf inu psnt tor hme, SJicOps, 0J5 ij&xt. fiomimn, M a Ail kjnsis winrisw jntl floors t Ssfi prjee, J2Hi Mrt Cnnery. BUILDING? Hew ftaih t sssmpiete Vsapd fca'J JmM rmir1 , Hdsfed p.vwtj tctraf tor ,tm.t iniuiatisn rer feaa: . 00 j M-a er. wjrifij ...31c . . fff 73 & M S-i Ut drt, aJJ sM . W 56 Ctd window x " 12 a? Kf ued doora S1S frames S loiiris wtlli stt ,t43& it 3. el. water heater tM56 JauBdr? Iram pJr. hwn 3sEo S gal steel septic tjnk v sst iron Ese ?5e f my mfahnr rIm . . XRr j hwi rawim, isme appsy --.3 i ?sfe comj fonfme jj t"lj.r .hlnBira. a craUe. Cheap Nes Galv iron roisl". . CHeap Plrworxi. new eartoad .. Baraaim New oirtttre arlsdowa .. wtalher airlpped arlnaew $)4Ja CJrdar few rmta Ch?o SWeel r'r'ate rtoS mpie(eMo Ow-heaO ra jrtar 1M K-hen. oalri rm. enameled checked wall rover ICt q il f t ftllfl O pnup It XI LUllH Al 3Ui J Po a-IMl ,?,i?ULSfJT5 aAKHAIS aalr. No 4 surfaced iMfs ber 3a. 2sfi, Ssie. 2x12. Harifn ii-ngiri. F-ve OS, SUyton 271. Gol4- -n r'vele Lnr. Co.. Lyom, Ore. i A).l7Kr.Wltnrr. r7lplao, 0 r-r J M and up. 2s ar larser $2S3S per i M srttl op Hmm iamrwr $1$ per -M ilrlnerrtj. riwm I-SOt 480 Musical Inslrumentt Vimv f'lfv'E f;itjwn loltar an mp- lllier for Mle. h t-nm ACCOiiMlON Cl.ASSKS nemnera. a?) mgr. FrrM lor v,-e-fc rHErite, IriMrymeflt forowlied rm.r.. Ml'SK CESTF.R, 4J N.Jtaprtai; 1'X. SIIS'KT Ptanm. Save aa rsac aa riit lines oolv. A low aa SUe. fjrami Jo aa -5 Heftn, Srted Mm Center, 4 i, Capilai. Pli 3 11 NO (fwlKM. 11 baae, Hed, $1. im iae, new 14. Hrf 2M. Tt Mic Cenlrr, 4! N. laortal, Pri. J-itil . a,6j Sport t,OUipmnI j 2 r JCA?H paid for ed turts, r?sdem I rsd anlrque, Cacad Mere, 1230 1 BrMtlwae. S8 . low r'rfre iA .SJiOD M Page 13 4SO Merchaadue 48S Trad. Mlctlcraot WM4. TRADE lfentaMncry Wr4 MJarjr power ww, I rr. 014, for tircie, tracSw, Heawy Sctastiit, Rt. 2. Sox 414, ph. -2i. 4S Tot Rnt MwBgBtKHM U-HX-IT-GARAGB R'.?.?lr J2.0" on 4-itU, awa w, Coax McCOUOCa rham wa and poit r.oi aug era by Tora Zctmp- meat Co. Ph. 41M1. tote nisest 1km, crick blue. oowb toH-n. Ijjsuire it L. StUt raw. l-f;ti. 479 For Solx, MUeUgr.rm '-pc-bedroom m,sa. hrdtKl cheat $UM, yr, cr:0 ., ndio-phoas 121 56. Rcu-t mower uchmB mm. SNOOK'S BARGAIN CENTEB i5 Start SI. Open Saturday MK f m. gAOT, eat sgjgjg- COMPACT f leaner, Itte mmx. "'"rSiveTto wrt a; mi'i.v T?.Rir'F Jay is iarailiare. ffi . Smmer. 7 P. ""tTbstKluJj,, m. Uwt -(7 tmk S5, iudson i. M DA XT-Vt?ntJT 1 ' r S. rS1- ",ca ii roc k e r tjie. C!er, Wooilry, ' w7Ea Srl'"'! Prtr ins; r.:-' remjeraJor, Weatem Aalo, i , CommertuL SEW wool 9n ,T. b.,., .r ' , ; "ur asm voromH, flat. ' ,T:V , ONt,Y, reduced tMm Ml JN. Commercial. lSommef. jg - wraa cuiuvatrr, Ifis Summer. i CHINA eupboart, f,stt thxm, tar S Real vaJae. 2 Jo. CJea tH5fi??!2i5tWaailry. CEMETERY marker tram 3i up. ' " - s &OS, 7S5S Mtetdtm Ave.. PnrUanJ I. Ornon. ANTIQUE clocV.t. ta,. Gien Woajry, DAVEMPOHT thalr. Good ccr.d. Bt&T iwja in Orejton at Gien Woo. Fss. sunder. USEO Vacuum Cleaner CLfc.ARA.NCe. t Hoover, goo4 eimdttton ? '.5 Airwav Sanltizor, like arw H:- s f'.c-r Elee. UsJe caeaser . ... r'.V? &mm oorlKht E'cc-nera :...t4 SEARS ROEBUCK. & CO. S .N. Capttot Ph. S-tl BLSOCULARS, aa. O. Vi pairs. P A SVTEM jMsms, aocrifice. Cien Woodry, MM W. Summer, FOB FBEE trial to )our home. Wl-it nesv fiillv Mutemstle washer. CsS 3-aiM. Monieomwy Ward. Salem. CtOCK radio, llxe sew, G, Wiwtty. I6W W. Saromer. IO-CW, rr. refrlf , iull width ta frtr eompartniest, asetve to !osr, v r ' s D.e eriaoer. Res. , j gss, only, Msnlsoirjery Wai4 1 A. Cs hone ! rACT??y .,wt1K3" "' eorsor rablej $m m. ThiM is a eL glen Wooory'a, tgas ft. Summit, DAVEKO and rhair, . HouBroI UjrtStore.23f S. ComT. SQ. MAVTAG if. OK. IM, CJnj Vosdry. 1U J, Summer. JOJMTKS. " oe tandrr'a trmm IrveJ, powrr jirlner 5 H, P, osrt Hosnl rnolor and r'-:sr. foo. 2i" w Maiiri. 58 SOWS bu- cvt :-p:cv bnuschr fu?stanr at Glen Woodrj'c, M N Summer BOV sKfn tkx'.ti ir?e f, f fe. iJ"? , Summer PRACTICALLY fKWdelux XModri Frlslda, tlectnc rt. Ire even, Wrtw rn!mls. fjfei. 1-fL M W, ff-Jujr . au?r. fSrJrmtfT W ischjjefi. Good cnd. Pn Amf reran trumpet Wjh-H'ah mii'r, I yr. old, MO. 33SS Lnr&.tp-r gr. 7 PC. wsfnut dtn, tpf, w,n vfvpt rftvrfnport Easr Spin wjher iSKHVtl, IS1 dhis fri,, 1st rr.frd. Summer, wm-tra3ts. 1st floArler $.15, er mtU tr&i for Snn fe?m Mis Maxtor. ! itffV r- h4a 1 Hii.TwH.l. I3er?prrt anl rhr, 1 - "- 15,0 " i s tem 'i. . SIMMOSS Famoua maMreaa. MlH owerar aale. tyi.iQ value, tmif I t,sm. Tmtn or U tee f-I lerjm, I cira Wrr,JSurner. otoVA mW 1t. ShrtiiJ i fhopworti Ctowmrt price ! Hartman Bros ,3S Sate. ; "f-rs'f.iT Klrhy ' ever hai Cmjijxete inc. MMr. near orioe (a ! !. i r" iT " i, 14-CO. TT, free.'rr, 5sltk-free? ress orSv sltv rcfalched. Hrc 40gjs rale, Mtmigmnrif Ward Co, Ptmnt SSWl, SKATES,-! i. Gleiidr EASV u-rirvr-r -washer wire rs, tomrfrv rut. .m 391 Warner Sa, 3-M3 ' V1K ,tm k fr rssfp. fverMs. f33vesrrr'. W Siine Mm frB 4 Hinint tahlrx. (13S 3w9 Heww al tow, !rw pTirs, Glen Wrtrv. tmA H, Summer, 3Olli ""I'ilSTNGS.-! Seaacape Wl fn I Jandx-ape in. wr vtsawa, lsvqtrerear X. t tt CUJSE ul!l Wood larnrea. Imt , a S, WHry. j LIKS MEW. Montgomery Ward floor fyrsae. 3o "w nrt,v, wnn ore. t hoJr. ti. SM Chehalta St, a-2. I fltn BUYS W rrSr.f. meat rase. worth several vrfs Woodrv, iiS . Sarnmer, ffoSMTAl, bed emnplelt. ISfO K s Ave. t 'STOCK n iijrne of CoWt Shoo. Mull tovaamnero. very rwalde. Box , Sristerman-Jcur- nal. Fawt, S3 ia!. CUs Woodry,