-J . cqnesgay, i-.iDruary 17, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon Page 9 Vacancies in Schools of AF Numerous vacancies for ele mentary and secondary teachers and principals in the U. S. Air Force overseas dependent school program are anticipated in Eng land, France, French Morocco, the Azores, Newfoundland and Trip oli for the 1954-55. Qualification requirements for these positions are: Elementary and secondary teachers, a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or univer sity with at least 18 semester hours in education and a valid teacning certuicatc. A minimum of three years' teaching experi ence is required. A master's de gree may be substituted for one year of experience. All individuals must c either currently in the teaching profes sion or not out of the profession more than one year, during which time they must have been fur thering their education. Rural school teaching experience is par ticularly desirable. Age requirements: Men, 23-55, and women, 23-45. Salary for grade school teachers $3410 to $4160, plus allowance; high school teachers: $4250 to $4955, plus al lowance; principal: $5060 to $5810 plus allowance. For further infor mation regarding these positions, the State Employment Office lo cated at 710 Ferry Street, Salem, may be contacted. k ..ri.i of DOCTORS' TESTS 90 c "is OF PILES' PAIN RELIEVED! WITHOUT SURGERY I In cue alia case of i tuple piles. Mtedinc stopped. tweJlmjr. re duced, crackinn heated, piles khrunk WITH OUT SURGERY, thanks to amain PAZO Ointment! In 9 cases out of 10. pain was atopfed or materially reduced. Paxo acts to lubricate, relieve itching: instantly. Hundred! of doctors prescribe it! In tube, also moorrn Supnotitorics. Get PAZ0,gct wonderful rdiefl More Comfort Wearing FALSE TEETH Here Is ft pleasant way to overcome loose plate discomfort. FASTEETH, an Improved powder, sprinkled on upper and lower plates holds them firmer so that they feel more com fortable. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. It's alkaline (non tcid). Does not sour. Checks "plate odor" (denture breath). Get FAS TEETH today at any drug counter. "Acid indigestion so bad, WAS AFRAID OF ULCERS!" Add, Mr: M. M., EngttiMod, N, J, A' no matt paint ihank$ to Pf undent Now It's tieedleit to suffer burning pains f seld indigestion, gsi, hctrtburn-thsnks to "preicrlption-type" formula of F. H. Plunder, Fh.G. Medically-proved rf tinder's Tablets soothe iwiy psin fasti Eat most anything you like-without fear of distress, Amsxlng relief guarantied or money baekl 0t Fundcr's Tablets. 100.000,000 sold. McEwen on Wheat Board Ralph McEwen, wheat farmer from Athena, has been appoint ed by Governor Paul Patterson to serve on the Oregon wheat commission. He will replace Jens Tcrjesori who resigned from the commission' effective February 15. McEwen has farmed in East ern Oregon for the past JO years, and prior to that was a cereal chemist with a large Pacific Northwest milling company. He served as president of the Ore gon Wheat Growers League dur ing 1948. Recently McEwen has also been appointed by Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Benson to serve on the national grain research advisory committee. While attending Whitman col lege at Walla Walla, Wash., he majored in chemistry. L,aier ne narrowed his studies to cereal chemistry while enrolled at .the Dunwoody Cereal Institute in Minneapolis and participated in specialized courses , in milling and baking.. Wonderful Help for Itching Misery ciised by Skin Dryness When loss of moisture so common to effing skin causes stubborn, itching torment, landi ritk Rrsinol Ointment rrbeve amazingly. Special medica tions sooth fiery Itch lanolin oils sad softens dry skin rtbi follows.. HEALTH TALK by Dr. J. A. Rombough Naturopathic Physician 1515 State St. Prevent Heart Disease Cardiac involvement (heart trou ble) is preventable. To reduce the possibility of encountering heart disease: 1. Keep weight normal 2. Exercise but avoid excess 3. Keep calm. Avoid worry and nervousness 4. Keep stomach and bowel ac tion normal 5. Avoid mucus and gas forming foods 6. Heart health depends upon good general health 7. Perhaps the mot important single factor in maintaining heart health is proper nutri tion. The heart tissues (all tis sues for that matter) cannot be expected to function norm ally it the diet does not con tain ALL needed vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. There fore, follow the best nutrition al program in order to insure better and longer heart health. 8. Have a Naturopathic examina tion to KNOW how healthy vour heart is now. HERE FOR MARINE INSPECTION 3 V 5 -v m hA h:l;j 0 ' Hollywood Again Sets up Organization Snlem's Hollywood Business As sociation, long inactive, has been revived. ' , A meeting at the Willamette Valley Bank Monday night was largely attended by businessmen who indicated a determination to restore the Hollywood shopping district to what is considered its rightful place in the community. To accomplish this plans are being made to make the district more attractive, to get more fa cilities for the district and pro mote modern merchandising methods and services. The organ ization also will cooperate with other civic bodies for the devel opment of a greater Salem. New officers of the organization are: Bob Batdorf, president; Al Flicker, vice president; O. It. Eckerslcy, secretary; G. C. Meeks, treasurer; Ted Johnson, Earl Mootry, Fred Davis and Cet Raw lins, board of directors. Three officers from the headquarters of the 12th Marine Corps Reserve and Recruiting district, San Francisco, Monday were in Salem to inspect Salem's Marino Corps Reserve unit. The team is pictured here with the commander of the Salem outfit and left to right is Col. Edward L. Hutchinson, deputy director of the district; Maj. William E. O'Brien, supply officer for the district; Maj. Ben R. Grandy, assistant officer in charge of the reserve branch; and the commander of the Salem Marine Reserve unit, Maj. Cecil Gardner. Chinese Woman !s Speaker An attractive young Chinese j woman who has gained fame as a fighter of Communism will talk about .life in Red China during Friday night's dinner meeting of the Salem Knife and Fork club. She is Miss Mary Lynn, a form er Chinese high school teacher and newspaper editor, who has been in the United States several years, accepted a post in the underground when the Japanese invaded China before the out break of World War II. Her ability as a linguist earned Miss Lynn a colonel's rating in the Nationalist army. "Before I joined the army, I believed that Communist and Nationalist troops should and could fight together," she states. Numerous incidents ranging from harassment of Na tionalist troops to cold-blooded murder taught her otherwise. Dr. Robert D. Gregg, president of the local club will preside. The dining room will not be opened until 6:30. DON'T Throw Vour Watrh Au-av We Fix Them When Others Can't THE JEWEL BOX 443 State. Salem, Oreeon Fair Weather Disappearing By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Spring-like weather which pre dvailcd for the past several days in the Eastern half of the nation appeared on the way out Wednes day as cooler air moved into East ern states. . 1 Rain and snow accompanied the chilly weather in the Northeast ern states. The cooler air was ex pected to extend over most of the Eastern area although mild weath er prevailed early along the South ern and Central Atlantic Coast. Record temperatures for the date and for February were re ported Tuesday in several East ern cities. Readings were in the high 60s and 70s whereas Mid west readings dropped 20 to 30 degrees from .Monday's balmy marks. Tho wet belt in the Northeast ern region extended from the Eastern Great Lakes region and upper Ohio Valley eastward to the Atlantic Coast and from Virginia northeastward into New England. Light snow was confined to North ern New England. One of the heaviest f; Us was 4 inches at Burlington. Vt. More than 2 inches of rain fell in Buffalo, N.Y. Rain also fell on the West Coast from Central California .northward through Washington. Generally fair weather was reported in most other parts of the country. ' JOINS 44th DIVISION v FORT LEWIS, Wash. Capt. Thomas V. Williams, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Williams, route 8, box 609, Salem, Ore., recently was assigned to duty hero with the 44th infantry division. The captain is with the 203rd medi cal batalion of the division. Lovely . . . LADY ALICE DRESSES , at the LITTLE FRENCH SHOP 115 North High 1953 Tax Topics No. 8 Your Rights of Appeal If you believe there 1 in error in any bill, statement, or refund in connection with your 1953 income tax, you are entitled to present your rea sons to the District Director of Internal Revenue and have the matter reconsidered. Also, if any audit or investigation causes proposed changes in your tax, to which you do not agree, you are entitled to have the matter reconsidered by the District Director. If agree ment is not reached, the Dis trict Director will advise you of further appeal rights. His office address is 201 P.O. Building, Salem, Oregon. The telephone number is 3-8262. North Marion Polio Victim Is Improving AURORA Ronnie Wirth, 15- ycar-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Mcr rit Wirth returned to his home from a Portland hospital last week. Stricken , last November with polio, he has spent much of his time since then in an iron lung but is much improved now although spending much of his time in bed. He was a sophomore at North Marion high school when strick en and is studying now to catch up with his classmates. Lost Flier's Estate Large On September 8, 1952, Morris W. Pitts of Tacoma and two young sons took off from Salem airport in a single-motor private plane. They were never heard from again. In Tacoma the estate of Pitts, a business man, has been appraised, on the supposition that he is dead, and totals $63,662.06, according to an inventory filed with the Pierce County clerk Tuesday. The petition for administration proceedings, filed because Pitts left no will, said the weather was bad at the time of the take-off and he was advised not to take off. He was 33. His sons were Ron ald, 13, and Michael, 8. the U.S. Navy, in his recent as signment to the Cruiser U.S.S. Manchester, shortly following a several days' furlough visit in Silverton with his parents, the Bob Morfords. On the Manchester for the past two years was a cousin of Mor fords, and also three other friends with whom Morford had served in the South Pacific. Black bears are a species which varies in color, Silverton Sailor Due for Surprise SILVERTON A happy sur prise was in store for Mike Mor ford, Electronics Technician with CAR & TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Trusses, Abdomi nal Supports, Elastic Hosiery. Export fitters private fitting rooms. "ASK YOUR DOCTOR" Capital Drug Store 405 State Street Corner of Liberty S&H Green Stamps lii.r iuiDliD ur G CBan. NU DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs, 241 North Liberty Oftles spen Ssturday only. It a.m. to 1 p.m., 6 to 1 pm ConsnltaUon, blood pressure and urine tests ars tree of eharce. PraeUced since 1017. Writs for attractive sift No -blltatJon. THE PEERLESS BAKERY Bakers for her Majesty the Housewife Green Stamps 170 N. Commercial Z?C GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES FREE DELIVERY CHAPMAN DRUG STORE 140 Candalarla Blvd. LOWEST PRICE IN STATE BUY LOCKER BEEF NOW Eastern Oregon Beef bought directly from the ranch and hauled in our own trucks. Cutting and Wrapping. Old fashioned smoking and curing. We quick-freeze your beef and pork FREE. Custom killing. Trailer loaned FREE. Packing House Wholesale Prices Front Quarter I Hall or Whole i Young Steer Bed 20 125; 30 SALEM MEAT CO. lb. 1325 South 25th St. Phone 3-4858 SPECIAL WHOLESALE PRICES ON STOKEIEY'S FROZEN FOODS Stale Featured in j Vocational Journal Vocational Education in Ore Ron is featured in the February ; issue of the American Vocational i Journal, just off the press. t The lead article of eight pages, j illustrated with pictures and car- j loons, tells I he story of vocation-1 al work in the state. , A picture nf the Oregon State j Capitol on the cover carries a I caption "The Journal Salutes I Oregon." Guest editorials on Page 2 were written by Paul L. Pat terson, Governor of Oregon, end Dr. Rex Putnam, State Superin tendent of Public Instruction. The American Vocational Jour-; nal is published monthly by the American Vocational Association, Inc., Washington, D.C. 1 Mm it costs so little to call long distance typical rates from Salem Medford P'u Bend 75 plus tax Astoria 70 plus tax Eugene 50 plus tax First 3 minuUtday "ftnlion" ontf. Night and Sunday rites art twn lower. tj) Pacific Telephone work to make your telephone n better value every day V You've heard about it, read about if-now YOU CAN SEE THE RAYTHEON RADAR RANGE Thur. and Friday At Trader Louie See the range of the future demonstrated in our store A cake baked in less than one minute A hot dog prepared in only 12 seconds A chicken ready to eat in 2 minutes A pot of water boiling in 10 seconds A ham and cheese sandwich grilled in 12 seconds k A potato baked in only one minute A steak cooked in only 45 seconds This Radar Range is being demonstrated it is not for sale, but housewives of the future will probably be cooking with radar. It uses the principle of wartime radar waves. These ranges ore now in use on ships, in hotels and restaurants, and by the Armed Forces. SEE-HEAR our wonderful RAYTHEON TV SETS Television Headquarters OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 TRADER LOUIE'S I "D . 1 .. brSS' !tii 'fr'T ; I " ' I . ssHHHsHslssssslsHsflPslMPHslsssssssssssssMsHsB JsBsMssssBsWsWsWssssssaBsBsJjs, m -mm Amm . 1 KlALHill lll.filrffti7a.AB7 1 WJW tali! ! 4 III lillS I (j JSm, IK' Family Sizen ) MffiS&Wl Y 1 S"" 6 pound of food, k-p. Li I Cet .11 the,, better features: j ' ffj lAftr ) II i f I Istsiisnsl ML U BW I Wm U tyUDl. I lm mm fcaSl msW I ( l You just can't equal it at this l""! vasasV price! It's a SDftcial bonus valua 1 1041 H i, brought to you for Kelvinator'a I 1 40th Anniversary! 1 M i easily. m it ( Frwiing Surfacea. ic Beautiful new Sea Tom interior styling. ic Convenient counter height i ; just 36 inchea. ir Snrinff-lift lid mines itself when latch touched. Stays in open position . . . closea easily. it Powered by Kelvinator Polaraphere cold maker especially designed for this freeier. BIG CAPACITY IN SPACE-SAVING 'KELVINATOR UPRIGHT A brilliant engineering achievement by Kel vinator . . . a big 18 cu ft. upright freezer that fits the same space at in 1 1 cu. ft refriger ator. This new Kelvinator Upright li only 31" wide. Never before so much storage space in such a camnsct cahinat at such a low nrieal r... START ENJOYING HOME Model FR18V Illustrated FREEZER LIVING FOR ONLY . . . COME IN AND SAVE, DURING fmimVmwx.aLZL 40th Anniversary Jvbihi of Bonus Values Park Free on Our Lot While You Shop . . . Budget Terms, Of Course Open Friday Night til 9 Fine Furniture at Popular Prices Since 1894 230 Chemeketa St., Salem 1870 lana Ave. Ph.3-8558