Wednesday. February 17. 4-H Leaders Meeting Set Miss Esther Taskerud, state H agent, and Jim Ellings, ex tension lwestock specialist, will have important parts on the Mar Ion County 4-H Leaders proSram WwSnay,.Tning at Cfnlral Howell school. Bill Williams, 4-H Leaders president, urges leaders to be on hand at 8 p.m. for the short business meeting which will pre cede the project discussion ses sions. Leaders and parents are encouraged to attend these meet ings which are open to the pub lic. Four-T contests will be dis eussed by Miss Taskerud, Priscilla Red or Green Reg. 22.95 ' .-.-.wv..., IVLlLtt now J 10.95 I Re9- Y I 29.95 i I Now I I 100c .4 These Are Just a Few Samples See Our Big Selection A. A- 1 Are Just r Samples jS '" vt Big jH&M tion jT'- '- iffy' V ? A nation-wide survey by the Elmo Roper research organiza tion ihowi RCA Victor the telaviiion molt people want, molt people have bought, end having bought wont to buy again. t, tU new ot the lowest price ever for RCA Victor JL 1-inch TV! $249 95 TERMS Nsw, at tht lewtit priei in RCA Wor history, you p! tvry advance (hot hos mad RCA Victor th nost-wontd and riighesl-roted picture in 51-inch TV You gtt fatneuf "Magic Monitor" Circuit Syiiom -locks f.nst pictur with finest sound-outomotico. You gtt (xcluiiv "Soldon Throat" Fidelity 395 N. HIGH ST. OPEN 'TIL 9 P. M. Salem's Oldest and largest Radio and TV Dealer For Better Service on Any Make, Call 4-5752 1934 Durham, Keizer 4-H member and junior leader, Bea Humphries and Anthol Riney, county 4-H agents. Plans for the 1954 Spring Show which is scheduled for Silverton Armory May 3-7, will be covered by Mrs. Humphries for the lead ers of those projects. Livestock leaders who have feeds and feeding questions rel ative to their club will find Mr. Ellings discussion very helpful. Refreshments are being pro vided by the Silverton 4-H lead ers following the meeting. FILM AT JEFFERSON JEFFERSON The Youth Fel lowship of the Methodist church is sponsoring the third in the se ries of moving pictures on the ministry of St. Paul Wednesday night, Feb. 17. GIGANTIC LIGHTING FIXTURE SALE! Over 1500 to Choose From Savings Up to 50! All Glass Choice of Colors Reg. 1 85 2.95 I Porch Light Reg. 2.90 Now BISHOP ELECTRIC 2690 Portland Road Phone 2-4496 m & 2.60 PER WEEK I r7V HIS' Zone Problems Get Attention An opinion by City Attorney Chris J. Kowitz holding against the Willamette Valley Transfer Company erecting a building at 1920 Highway Avenue for stor age purposes will be debated at a meeting of the City Planning and Zoning Commission Tuesday night. The area is in a C-2 zone, and the city attorney's opinion, writ ten about a month ago, holds that warehouses are not permit ted in that zone. It would be permitted in a C-3 zone, which is the classification of the nearby Tana Airanna Hictrift nH it IS reported that an effort may be made to get me mgnway Ave nue area embracing the transfer company's location changed to a C-3 one. The commission will give a public hearing to the request of Sydney Llambias, 1240 Ice! Court, for permission to build a dwelling on Lot 9 in Cation's Addition. The case involves vary ing the side yard lines two feet on the north and four feet on the south. No written remon strances have been filed. City Recorder Alfred Mundt has prepared two notices of pub lic hearings in March. One of these will be before the City Council on March 8 on applica tion rJ Mr and Mrs. Fred M. Snider for a variance to permit them to convert a concrete duuu ing, formerly used as a pump- inff ctntinn intn a small office building. The location is at South Commercial and Superior. Tha nthpr hparind advertised will be before the Planning and Zoning Commission March 9 on application of Mr. and Mrs. a. j. Becker for variance to build a single-family dwelling and ga rage on premises at 590 South Liberty. Barracks Sets Date For Installation Salem Barracks, Veterans of World War I, at a meeting Mon day night set March 15 at Eagles hail as the time and place for in stallation of officers. The Barracks Monday night, meeting at Beaver Hall, heard Hal Barnes of Portland, regional vice commander, and Jim Waldt of Eugene, tell about the program of the new organization. It was agreed to hold the final open meeting at Beaver Hall March 1, which also will be the date for charter membership. Ap- nlirntinn hlnnlcc arp nvailahle at the Rialto Cafe or at 392 South High street. All men with not Iocs thnn flft rtavs sprvirn in World War I are elieibls to loin and be come charter memDers. Temporary officers now are Commander, Frank W. Young: first vice commander, Eugene J. Dietz; second vice commander, Amos J. (Nick) Perkins; adjutant and treasurer, Ralph J. Baldwin; unuui tbonjf cobintl fruih; maroon, txtre. Model 2IS34I. 21 lound-lrom tht prtcilt bolonct of amplilitr, ipeoler, ond eobinet. You got accural "Rotomatlc Tuning." Mort to sttmort picture detail . . . kit to do-ltsi dialing, lesi adjusting. You gtt all of thti quality ftaturti, and mora, with tht new RCA Victor "MASTER 2l"-todoy's oundeit TV buyl Set il hen nowl fr UHf Butlf - in. all-chsnrtl tunti with ueluiivt "Clutrh Action" bnrgi m every itotien in your tree. UHF 8no,VH,t THE CAPITAL JOURNAL", Salem, Orepon chaplain, Emmett A. Dickson; sergeant at arms, George Fel lows; judge advocate, William Bliven; three-year trustee, Lloyd C. Demarest; two-year trustee, Frank M. Strausbaugh; one-year trustee, Emery A. Raboin. An organization meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary will be held at Eaglet hall March IS with Mrs. Jack Deleage of Eugene, regional vice president, presiding. Catholic Daughters To Join Air Watch STAYTON At their meeting iHsi luesaay, me catholic Daugh ters of America voted to i ke over one day a week at the air observation post after a talk by Mrs. Ruth Spaniol on the post and its use in the community. Father John Francis, a mem ber of the third order of St. Fran cis, spoke on the subject of St Francis nf Ascii .nri ni-ii recording on the Hour of St. rrancis. Rev. Math Jonas IpH thn r..c,... before the meeting. In business of the evenine. the iHth nt March was selected for a day of uecoiiecuon to which all ladies of the parish are invited. Snh. scriptions to Catholic publications were renewed for the Veterans' hospital and a donation was made 'Jf games for the veterans' TB hospital. Grand Regent Mrs. Rose Bell appointed Mrs. Claira Basl and Mrs. Hattie Samek as CDA repre sentatives on the Bean Festival committee. The entertainment committee included: Mesdamcs Thelma Her mans, Marie Kirsch, Elizabeth Murphy, Maudeen RobI, Agnes Silbernagel, Rosamond Hen dricks, Josephine Spitz, Norma Etzel, Luella Nielson, Bertha Basl, Virginia Beitel, Corine Etz el, marceiia jstzel and Ida Welz. I' '4 ONLY SPECIALLY U Get NEW mwmmm Sfayton High Taps Delegates STAYTON An estimated 500 high school students will gather in Eugene from Feb. 25 to 27 for the annual International Re lations League conference, rep resentatives from Oregon and southeastern Washington schools. Seven delegates will be sent from Union high school in Stay ton from their IRL club. From among them, liss Janet Bellin, junior, was selected by the state convention, committee to serve as discussion leader at one of the round tables. Named by the committee as a faculty advisor at the convention was Jack Gard ner, school instructor and club, advisor. Miss LaDonna Robl was appointed by the local club to serve on the credentials commit tee. The names and recommenda tions of three junior class mem bers, Bruce Philippi, Janet Bellin and Marjorie Prichard, were sub mitted by the club to b'e consid ered as oiicerst in the state league. One of the features of the club is top romote world peace through tolerance and misunderstanding. Among other things, club mem bers recently sent a plow to India and sent Care packages to foreign countries. Under sponsorship of the IRL, two Linfield college stu dents from Formosa spoke before the high school student body Feb ruary 8. When the Repitblic of Indo nesia gained its independence in 1945 the people were about 93 per cent illiterate, but officials of the country say that 35 million of its 83 million people have been taught to read since that time. MADE WITHOUT FATS or SHORTENING! 53 MORE PROTEIN! 3 TIMES THE VITAMINS! 48 CALORIES in every tasty slice! BUILDS CREATE!) FOR HIGH-PROTEIN, LOW-CALORIE DIETS Now yoa can really enjoy your low calorie menus with tasty Langcndorf Vita-High Protein White Diet Special Formula Bread. Made from a balanced blend of three vital high protein flours, non-fat milk solids wheat germ, calcium phosphate, iron salts, triple Vitamin A, B,, B, and Niacin, and Pro-Vitamin A. at your Grocer's 7 Dallas Bleachers Here, But Installation Waits DALLAS True to the old ad age "all things come to those who wait" the bleachers for the new high school arrived by truck Friday. The consignment was billed from Philadelphia, Pa., ac cording to George Kurre, a mem ber of the school board. How ever, Kurre further states, they win nui uk msiuueu umu suiue-1 time later, as there are only two installation crews at work on the Pacific coast, so Dallas will have to wait its time. Sufficient bleachers to seat 1,080 spectators were ordered ; some time ago from a manufac turing concern at Wayne, Pa. North Marion 8 Septic Tank Owners Take Notice Home owners have discovered that septic tanks atop-up and overflow. Two reasons are first, because the tanks are not cleaned at proper intervals; secondly, toilet tissue that does not readily disintegrate may clog the drains and force them to back upl This situation can be partially averted by buying the proper toilet tissue. Recognizing the importance of this, MD Toilet Tissue is pro cessed so that it absorbs water completely and quicklyl People who know about and use MD Toilet Tissue have less trouble with clogged discharge drains in their septic tank system. Follow this plan for best insur ance: Consultyour County Health Department, your plumber, or a septic tank service company, for advice on cleaning your tank. Uao MD Toilet Tissue! HEALTH and HangentSorff 25 Discount on COLUMBIA LP RECORDS Buy Any COLUMBIA Long Play Record - Get Another at HALF PRICE Example: Buy One 12" LP at $3.95- YOU CAN GET ANOTHER 12" SAME PRICE CATEGORY FOR This Applies to All COLUMBIA Long Play Records OFFER ENDS Downstairs Oregon Bldg. 3-8632 OPEN FRIDAY PEP! If you're on a low caloric diet, you can now enjoy two slices of this delicious Vita-High Protein Low Caloric White Diet Bread with each meal, and stay within your caloric limits. Enjoy tasty tender toast in the morning; ideal with your lunch; and a de lightful addition to any meal. Helps you stay at your peak of vitality while you diet. Try it! Enjoy it! Paw 9 LP IN THE ...... $1.98 FEB. 27th, 1954 Corner Stat and High NIGHTS 'TIL 9 r-TLfrmii "J .ritiirii.iivJtviniii'''i'w'ii("