Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 17, 1954, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday. ' February 17, 1954
this year, and at their Feb. 3rd
meeting, Robert Jlassey, grand
warden of Quinaby was a guest.
Mr. and Mrs. William Russell
of Eutlcville entertained Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Wciganl of Beaver
ton Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. I.indquist
entertained .Mrs. Lindquist's bro-
dition is the erection of a new
junior high school in the near fu
ture, Tetz gave as Ills opinion.
Al Bathke, chief of police, is a
patient at the Veterans hospital in
Portland for medical treatment.
George Cochern of the OCK fac
ulty and John I'izzuti and Ray
Cummings, OCE students, are
taking care of the work during
Bathkes absence. Mr. and Mis.
Lowell Brisbane, Mrs. Bathke and
her mother. Mrs. Ethel Hunter of
Ogden, Utah visited him Sunday
and report his condition is improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Cummins
of Pedee accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Bowman and Mrs.
Sidney Howard were in Salem
Thursday for the banquet of the
Oregon State Farmers Union.
Cummins, Mfs. Howard and Mrs.
Percy Lamb attended the Thurs
day sessions. Mrs. Lamb is a
member of the Slate executive
Paul Maddox of Pedee was
elected president of the Young
Adult class of the Baptist church
al the meeting at the Ralph Wine
gar home. Other officers are; Mrs.
Q. L. Jacobson, vice-president and
nublicitv chairman: Mrs. Charles
Moore, secretary; Mrs. Mclvin
Purvis, social chairman.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whittaker,
565 S. College St. are the parents
nf a daughter, born tcb. 11 at me
Salem Memorial hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Buss enter
tained Sunday fir the second birth
day of their son, Miclieal, with a
family dinner with four genera
tions present. Guests were; Mr.
and Mrs. Irvin Benscoter and Shir
ley, Mrs. Clara Benscoter, and
Mrs. E. Eaton.
MONMOUTH - Supt. Henry
Tetz told of district 13C"s building
needs at the Tuesday roon meet
ing of the Monmouth Luncheon
Club. He showed charts and graphs
illMc.pq.A tha hnililimrt: nnw in
use and the gain in population and J titer and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
the need for more space. The old I Mark Smith of Klamath Falls, Sat
Independence high school is in a "rday at dinner. The Smiths were
bad condition and the most practi-1 " tins area on business,
cal way to solve the crowded con-1 Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Dentel gave
a surpi l.M uiiiuuuy jjiii y iiuiiui-
ing their daughters, Mrs. James
Langdon, Jr., the former Betty
Dentel. Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Filers and son, as
well as Mrs. Langdnn's family
Work has been started on the
new home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Johnson on the banks of the Wit
Iamctte river. Mr. and Mrs. John
son recently purchased the former
Earl Ray house which had to be
moved because of the Portland
Salem Expressway. The Johnsons
intend to remodel the house Into
home on the river.
BUTTEVILLE - Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Simpson were Butteville vis
itors Sunday wlien they did some
work on their river property. Mr.
Simpson has an electric appliance
business in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Jones had
a family dinner Sunday fur some
ot Mrs. Jones' family which includ
ed Mr. and Mrs. Knrl Fugleman,
and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Engle-
maud and Bobby of Jennings
At their Thursday meeting of
St. Alexie Rcbckahs, a practice
meeting was held for the work
to be put on at the district con
vention, Feb. 13 at Monitor. Ladies
taking part are, Mrs. Mac St.
Helens, Mrs. Ben Eppers, Mrs.
Fred Dentel, Mrs. C, A. Blake,
Mrs. Myron Anderson and Mrs.
Robert Maltland. Plans were also
made for the official visit of the
president,, Mrs. Lola Osborne on
March 4, and committees were ap
pointed. Hostesses for the evening were
Mrs. Fred Dentel and Mrs. W. 0.
I.indquist. They decorated the
tables wtih red candles, valentine
hearts, and they had a candy tree
and hearts.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Yergen
LACOMB Steve Seignor, a
pupil in Mrs. Dimmick's room
sprained his ankle on the school
Present at the Tuesday after
noon meeting of the PTA execu
tive board were: principal, Ralph
Gibbs, Mrs. M. Dimmick, Vera
Barry, Kreta Aycrs, Edna Oeder,
Wanda Gray, Irene Haroff, Helen
McCloud, and PTA president,
Mrs. Gaines.
The budget was discussed.
PTA Council work shop will be
held at the Lacornb school Feb.
16 starting at 10:30 a.m. State
president Mrs. Hqlmer Linditrom
is scheduled to attend. A pot
iuck dinner will b? served at
noon. Out-of-town visitors arc
advised to look out for direction
al signs.
Highlighting the Founders'
day meeting in the evening will
be Isobcl McLennan, an exchange
teacher from Australia, who will
give an outline of life in that
country. Light lunch will be
served and a silver offering re
ceived. Newcomers to the com
munity are especially invited to
these meetings.
County Commissioner Wayne
Downing, a resident of Lacornb,
has filed his candidary with the
Linn county clerk for renonilna
lion in the Republican primary
election of May 21.
Thus far no Democrat has filed
for the office. If reelected this
will be his third term.
Dog owners are being remind
ed that March 1 is the deadline
for procuring dog licenses from
the county clerk. After that time
an additional $2 fine will be im
The Grange hall was the scene
of a pink and blue shower re
cently given in honor of Mrs.
Evelyn Dykstra. Hostesses were
Mrs. Ray Harold, Mrs. Ed Sci
bert, Mrs. Francis Johnson and
Mrs. Freda Johnson.
Friends Honor
Mrs. Ida Geddes
MILL CITY The ninety-ninth
birthday anniversary of Mrs. Ida
Geddes was observed at her home
Saturday evening by the annual
"get-together of friends and rel
atives. A covered-dish dinner was
attended by 43 people, with Miss
Daisy Geddes, who make? her
home with her mother, acting as
Following the dinner, photo
graphs were taken of Mrs. Ged
des and those whom she calls her
"grandchildren," Florence Rho-
ten, Bill Shepherd, Cleone Kap-
linger Judge, and Virginia Mason
Hoeye. Other pictures were taken
with the "great-grandchildren,"
Bobby and Barbara Jean Rhoten
Tommy and Craig Judge, and
Judy, Ellen, and Jon Hoeye, also
of the large, beautifully decora t
cd birthday cake.
For entertainment, Curtis Cline
showed a number rf colored
slides taken while he was in Ko
rea. The remainder of the eve
ning was spent in visiting about
old times.
Mrs. Geddes, who attends the
Presbyterian Church regularly
and is active as a member of a
number of organizations, has
been honored upon several oc
casions during the past week in
observance of her ninety-ninth
birthday which took place on
February 9.
At a joint meeting of all wom
en of the Presbyterian Church,
which was held at the home of
Mrs. James Swan last week, a
birthday cake honored Mrs. Ged
des, also presentation of a book
from the group.
The Toastmislress Club, of
which Mrs. Geddes is an honorary
member, honored her with a
speech by Mrs. Lee Ross on "Our
Valentine Sweetheart," at a lu
cent meeting.
A birthday party for Mrs. Ged
des was scheduled to follow the
regular meeting of the Mill City
Woman's Club this Tuesday eve
ning, the honored guest having
attended regularly for many-years.
HUBBARD A hobby display
nd silver tea will be held at
Fellowship House Wednesday
afternoon, Feb. 24, at 2 o'clock.
The hobby display will include
collections, crafts and antiques.
The display and tea are being
sponsored by the Ladies' Aid of
the Hubbard Community church
and will be opened with a short
Plans for the tea were com
pleted at the recent all day meet
ing of the Aid. The members also
spent time sewing on aprons and
tea towels. A no-host dinner at
noon was complimented with the
presence of Rev. and Mrs. V. L.'
Wolfenbcrgc. Co-hostesses for
the day were Mrs. N. A. Mann
and Mrs. A. L. Murphy.
Arion Lodge, Knights nf Pyth
ias, has received notice that the
Pythian Founders' Day broad
cast, which originates in Wash
ington, D. C, will be broadcast
In this area over KPOJ Sunday,
Feb. 21, from 10:30 to 11 p.m.
Mrs. A. F. dcLespinasse was
recently appointed to the Marion
County committee of the Oregon
Library Association.
Organization of two more 4 H
cooking clubs is under way.
DALLAS Tommy Luke will
be guest speaker at the Febru
ary meeting of the Dallas Gar
den club to be held .in the Cham
ber of Commerce rooms Thurs
day, Feb. 18. Luke, a well
known florist of Portland, will
demonstrate the making of
flower arrangements and cor
sages, during his talk.
Word has been received in
Dallas to the effect that Charles
Stovall of Dallas has been nomi
nated to an honorary member
ship in the International Mark
Twain society of St. Louis, Mo.
Cyril Clemens, president of the
association, conveyed the infor
mation that the honorary mem
bership was conferred upon
Stovall following the publication
of his book of poems, "Hi,
Everybody!" which was publish
ed prior to Christmas by Pa
geant Press of New York.
Honorary memberships are
given in recognition of meritori
ous endeavor in the fields of hu
mor, music, theater, essay, art,
poetry, fiction and cinema.
Harry S. Truman is honorary
president and Herbert Hoover is
honorary vice president.
Methodist Men club, a new or
ganization in First Methodist
church, Dallas, has received its
charter from Methodist's gener
al board of lay activities in Chi
cago. The group was organized
several years ago but only re
cently applied for its charter. .
Robert E. Brinker is president
of the organization which is one
of 6200 such groups which have
been chartered. The board
plans to have 10,000 clubs char
tered by 1956. Rev. Fremont
Faul is pastor of the local
Eleven Polk County men en
listed in the army and air force
through the Salem recruiting of
fice during the month of Janu
ary, according to information re
ceived from the office.
Philip J. Norns, Elroy J. Dick
nd Howard J. Dick enlisted in
the air force. Richard D. Pan-
kraU of Rt. 2, enlisted for a spe
cific amy school and Allen C.
Eades and Roy E. Stephens sign
ed for the regular army. All arc
from Dallas.
Other enlistments from the
county include Donald E. Hols
claw, Grand Ronde, and John D.
Weimer. Independence, army
and Glen L. Humphreys, Mon
mouth, and Edward L. Cagle,
and Bernard J. Doyle, both of
Willamina, air force.
average for the last nine weeks
are Joan Nielsen 1.0; Walter Moon,
Jackie Habcrly, 13; Lee Gusa,
Kenneth Marr, 1.4; Sue Castel,
Larry Kcltner, Tony Meeker, Alan
Poloi, Sharon Duncan, Joyce Brutke
1.7; Glenda Patty. Gail Riha. Carol
Tresham, Joanne Keck, Richard
Goffena 1.8: Dennis Brutke, Ron
Warrick, Evelyn Wood, Jerry Eng-
elland, Standley Goffena, Johanne
Hansen, Nola O'Reilly, Larry Rich'
tcr, Nordean Sutherlan, Anna Dav
idson, Gerald Ehlers, Gail Christen'
sen, Roberta Patty and Aileen
Mr. and Mrs. James Wells were
recently honored on their 56th wed
ding anniversary at the Christian
church. At the morning service
Dr. James Alley presented them
with a potted plant. A reception
was held in the evening in the
church parlors with 80 persons
Union Hill
GERVAIS The ladles of St
Ritas Altar Society met Tuesday,
instead of the usual second Wed
nesday. A potluck dinner was
planned tor Wednesday eve
ning of this week. All ladies of
the parish have ben requested to
bring food and assist. .The pub
lic is invited.
Clemtine Eder, Theresa Prantl,
and Ann Doran were the host
cssces and served lunch. The
next regular meeting will be on
the second Wednesday of March,
Gertrude Berning, Freda Roosa
and Betty Schindler in charge.
Jean Manning, bride elect of
Jerry Lenhardt, was honored
with a personal shower at her
home Wednesday of the past
week by Clare Johnson and Don
na Manning, a large group of
Jean's former schoolmates en
joyed the evening and showered
Jean with many gifts. Lunch was
enjoyed after opening of gifts.
A kitchen shower was given
for Jean Sunday afternoon at the
home of a sister, Mrs. James
Nine of Jean's 11 sisters, two
sisters-in-law, Jerry's mother,
Mrs. Lenhardt, grandmother Bea
man and daughter, who was here
from Bend, and Jean's mother,
were in attendance.
Mill City
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. L.
A. Meyer were home "hosts for
the Trinity Lutheran Sunday
school stall I uesday evening, r eo- ,,nm.s of ..Thc Youne .... 4 ,r
ruary 111. The Dorcas Society of cu,,,,,, ciuu" nd "The Hub
Trinity arc observing their an- )an (.()nk .Kucw were K-lertcd
nual birthday party Thursday eve- f(,r ,,, tw() b(ivs. Krml)Si
had s their miosis for dinner. I 'A"' " ..'. 1 ! The boys have completed ineir
i nrm i riuinis nivniif uiii-i pmcii
Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Alt Nel-
is welcome to attend. Thc speaker
M.n 01 r arga mun nir ana Airs. js , bc 1)r Franci, clark o Mon
llillh School.
1 inniilh.
I Thn W.ttri'in'a C;.xlilv I'lirtC.
Harmon Yeary is recuperalmg i S(,rvce (l t,lc ,mmanilr, ,,.
at his home after spending three , cmrch is , mrfi Tnnrs.
weeks in the hospital in Salem. I,, Kchruarv )B in the parish
Ills wife took a two week vacation nnllsc (irpsj(r room fnr rfKaUir
from her duties as director of , w wiln Mr,. E. V. Swavze
public health nurses wilh offices pr05rnljnK ,nP t,Mir. and hostes
in Salem in order to take care of; srs M Kcnncln enium, Mrs.
her husband for his first two .,,,. :,,, .. b. ...
UNION HILL Mrs. W. F. Krenz
with Mrs. Geneva Hubbard and
Mrs. Robert Darrah as co-hostesses
entertained the members of
the Union Hill Grange Home Eco
nomic club at the Krenz home on
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Robert Lierman became a
new member of the club.
Mrs. W. F. Krenz, chairman,
appointed Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Krenz. Richard Krenz, Mr. and
Mrs. Noah Hunt and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Lierman on the
lunch committee for thc Febru
ary 19 Grange meeting.
Mrs. J. C. Krenz, program chair
man for the afternoon, had for
her theme, "Happy Birthdays and
Wives of Famous Men with Feb
ruary Birthdays."
Mrs. M. M. Gilmour was pre
sented a birthday gift. Members
all entered in the different read
ings. Mrs. Verny Scott gave a
brief review of her visit to Mt.
Vernon and of George and Martha I
Washington s life.
Hostesses for the March meet
ing will bc Mrs. Marion Miller,
Mrs. Hoy Verbeck and Mrs. A. L.
MILL CITY Thc Mill City
Toastmislress Club held its regu
lar meeting Thursday evening at
the Bank Cafe with Edythe
Means conducting the business
meeting and giving the invoca
tion. Topic mistress was June
Miley, with Ruby Crosier as
Extemporaneous speeches were
given by Edna Ross, Gwen Jones,
Edna Hutchinson, Harriet Le
Cours, and Dolores Stewart. Serv
ing as Fvaluator was Faustina
Nesbitt, with Elaine Kiersey as
timer, the next meeting will
feature a speech contest, thc win
ner to represent the local club
at the Area contest in thc near
Mrs. W. W. Allen attended fu
neral services in Salem Friday
for Karl Steiwcr, who was her
cousin. Mrs. Allen spent three
days visiting at the homes of
relatives, including Mr. and Mrs.
E. F. Douglas and Mrs. George
Fire Chief Dub Stewart and
Wilbur Mcinert attended the
Marion County Fire Meeting in
St. Paul on Wednesday night of
last week. The next meeting of
the group, in March, will bc held
in Mill City.
Visiting friends and relatives
here on a 21-day furlough is Del
mer Skillings, who has been sta
tioned with the Army in Ten
nessee. A member of the 1S52
graduating class here, he is
scheduled for overseas duty in
Japan upon his return to active
Coast Guard seaman apprentice,
who was assigned to the USG
Klamath in January, left Tuesday
on weather patrol duty between
San Francisco and Honolulu for
the next month. On completing
this assignment Lynn will attend
school in San Diego for another
month after which he will be
sent to Seattle, Wash., from
there he will go to Groton, Conn.
Lynn is the son of Mrs. David
Sandra Stephenson was sur
prised Monday night when a
group of her schoolmates came
to her home to help celebrate
her 14th birthday. After open
ing the gifts refreshments were
served to Karen Evans, Martha
Wynd, June Hatmaker, Karen
Lee S rangier, Linda Cobb, San
dra Stephenson, Bob Wright,
Glenn Tilley, Alan Lyman, Gail
Marlatt, and Marvin Adair.
The Booster club met at the
high school' Thursday night to
make plans for buying uniforms
for the' grade school band, and
for the band to attend the "B"
state Shrine football game in
August at Pendleton. Members
present were Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Meyers, Mrs. Claud Over
holser, Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Coop
er, Mrs. James Adams, Irvine
Wright, Varion Coin, Mrs. Rus
sell Daullon, and Mrs. Herman
The Junior class will present
two short plays, "Dad Takes a
Rest Cure" and "It's Cold in
Them Thar Hills," Tuesday night,
March 2, in the high school gym.
Miss Josephine Getchell is coach.
The state FHA convention will
bc held in Corvallis March 4 and
5. Dina Coles and Beth Robinson
are delegates from Jefferson,
Anne Wilson and Joan Turnidge
are on the registration commit
tee. Patricia Nyman is nominee
for editor of the FHA newspaper.
Hal Wynds art class students
at thc high school have been do
ing work in copper tooling. Cop
per plaques showing outstanding
workmanship have been made by
Stanley Orton, Wayne Bennett,
and Albert Stearns. The class
also has started work on charcoal
still life drawings.
The Blue Ribbon Cooking club
met in the high school economics
room Wednesday night. Martha
Tiefka, vice president, presided
in the absence of David Erb,
who has been ill. Julia Ann Gout
and Jan Wollinder gave a dem
onstration, "Three in One Fruit
A mothers tea was planned
for March 3, in the school house
and committees for the same
were named:' invitations, Philip
Hochspeicr, Lyle Adams, Delbert
Erb; refreshments, Teddy Coop
er, Linda Erb, Martha Wynd,
I.eona Duncan; reception and dec
oration, Gloria Bentley, Joan Ben
nett; entertainment, Martha Tief
ka, Sherill Hochspcier, Jan Wol
lander, Carolyn Adams; cleanup,
Julia Ann Goin, Marvin Adair,
Carol Hart.
Giving demonstration at the
next meeting will be Lyle Adams,
Delbert Erb, Joan Bennett, and
Teddy Cooper.
Evangelical United Brethren
The Jefferson WSWS of thc
church met in thc Church Wed
nesday afternoon with Mrs.
Chrystal Wells, leader. Mrs. Wil
liam Lake, Mrs. Walter Camp
bell, Mrs. Albert Meyers, Mrs.
Albert Bashford, Mrs. Isa Knick
erbocker and Mrs. Andy Wilson
impersonating missionaries in
foreign countries on thc tele
vision program.
Mrs. Genevieve . Dotter read.
Prayer was offered by Mrs.
George Kihs.
Guests were Mrs. Morris, Mrs.
Bidwell, Mrs. Maud Epley, Mrs.
J. Swanzy, Mrs. A. Hahn, Mrs.
Consola, and Rev. and Mrs. Bash
ford of Corvallis.
.The March meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. John
Kihs on March 17. A. E. Bash
ford gave the closing prayer.
Eric Fitzsimmons, school mu
sic director, and Joseph Rowe,
grade school principal, will take
part in the Salem Shrine club
band concert at the Scottish Rite
Temple in Salem Tuesday night,
Feb. 16, at 8 o'clock. Members
of the Masonic orders and fami
lies are welcomed to attend.
World Service, relief arm for the
National Council of Churches,
says it shipped abroad $9,699,619
in food, bedding,' clothing and
medicine during 1953.
NEW YORK (AP) Church
It's Here NOWI
OperitH month on one
l?f "A" baliery! No "B"
b'tury. Ciicilcrclarilyt i
By Makers ot'Zenilh TV and Radiol
444 State St. Salem, Ore.
werks at home. She has now re
turned to, her duties.
Mrs. Karl Englemnn of Bullc
ville has announced thai the Belle
Passi Chapter of the DAIl plans
to hold a rummage sale in Wood
burn in the very near liilurc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martin enler-
tained their daughters and (ami
quam, Mrlvin Salriim.
Rev. A. W. Nelson is giving a
complete detailed report of the
church census taken last Sunday
afternoon when 58 teams of work
ers made more than 1400 rails.
Other duties delayed thc count of
the individual responses for the
week. Only seven families said
first few meetings under the di
reclion of Mrs. A. C. Brunriagc
and Mrs. Robert Stauffer.
The 411 Happy Cookers, girls'
cooking group, enjoyed a party
al the home of their leader, Mrs.
W. T. Lord, Feb. 6. The mem-
k.H nrntl.ritil 1lin-h
with hostesses Bette and Tedde j Hopewell. Bethel and Amity grade : Salem, who has hern stationed
Lord serving soup. Games, roll-1 schools in thc Home Kc. room rc-j with the Navy in San Diego,
er skating and TV completed the cenlly. j Calif., and was here to sec his
afternoon. The Home Fc. girls under thejfinncec, Miss Donna Cooke, who
supervision of Mrs. Strnut prepared! was severely injured in an auto-
Northern lights are caused by j ""rved , ' steak dinner, momie accident wnue on a trip
.II. I Mil- II .1 III,' lilt IIIIIL'I .S (II I" I IMIIIIil ,.1111 IIVI ll.lllllj' Jll
tended the Amity Sheridan game, j December.
Amity high school freshmen led '
the honor roll sheet with a grade i Thousands of grav whales
' - '- - ' - - - " -"L ! noint of 2 R2: the sophomores fol- micralp everv autumn from the
men mis wcck on i uesnay, nn. i , imved with 2 91: the seniors third
gaiilie currents nf electrified par
tides spouting from the sun like
streams from a huge hose.
AMITY Amilv high rshool
board members were hnsls to 1 Week-end caller at Ihe Ed
board members from B.illstnn, ! Cooke home was Lyle Mason of
Thursday Lunch at
In the
Capitol Shopping Center
Baked Ham Loaf
With Pineapple Sauce, whip
ped potatoes and gravy, but
lered corn rolls ACi
and butter OjC
Fast Service Delirious Food
Try Salem's Best Place to Eat:
!.'"," . , ",' "'they had no church affiliation or
otinuiH nun i .iiiiciH oi ioua
and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cole,
Barbara, Patricia and Kalhleen of
Aurora recently.
Saturday five men from the
Beaverton church and 12 men
from the Butteville ibureh engag
ed in a work (lay and almost com
pleted the piping of walcr into Ihe
Butteville Congregational church.
At noon the ladies of the church
served lunch to Ihe workers. This
week Karl Engloman is complet
ing, work on the cupboards in the
kitchen of Ihe rhiirrh.
On Wednesday, Feb. 17. Ihe
rtulleville IOOF I.odiie will ini
tiate several new members. Thev
will Include Harlwell While, Di-i
bcrt Haener, Harney Feller and
Bertram Snlberg.
Charles Martin Is noble grand
Silverton is still in the throes day
of "gooley" phone calls, personal home,
calls by men who come in cars mmwm
asking silly questions, orders of Cl
groceries delivered to homes,
warnings to restaurant proprie
tors thai their lood is poisoned
and violently ill persons entered
the bospilal as a result, and yet
no apparent way, legally, lo siop
the nuisance. The oily fire calls
have subsided since Friday of Ihe
past week when a two enuine
phoney rail was W 21(1 Jerome
slreel -no fire. The workers are
covering rural areas in both
plume and tar calls Many threats
lo hie have been made
Trinity I.ulheran Aid circles J
at the .1 C. Larson country home; i with 3.0.1. juniors 3 00.
!No. 3. Wednesday, at the Olat An- The school average was 2 9."
derson home; No. 2, Thursday at The students with a 2 or belter
the U. Wik home, and No. 4. Fri-1
at the Oliver Tolland rural
Arctic, down the western coast
of America to the bay.- of lower
California and return about the
middle of March.
Crystal Gardens
Old Time and Modorn
Music by "Pop" Edwards
m.. .K
jt' 5 ri win
Starts Today!
OPEN 6:45
Prices This Show Only!
i "'1 Adults: $1.25-Children 50c Z
filmed in
florido i
mmL i " "!'tl ' w'IT''rT
Pork Loin Roast
351 Stale 1128 Cenler
sEf iSsflr ; 111 !
In their first full-length feature
I It's M-G-M's delightful comedy of an
I adventure -packed honeymoon-on-whcels gorgeous COLOR!
Scretn ftiy by
CLINTON TWISS rakoii mraioii
rroJutW by
An M C H FSdgrt t