800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850- Automotive 850 Automotive mm Mllllll Slums islllllUM Sllllui PITV M"UII Wlllimt u IIIIIIMIItlUU lltllllltlllt MtlllllllMlllllllsl WMUUU It Humus Mllllll II liuiiu SELL tt WIIW M SULLIVAN South Village, Home Supreme. 3 lg. BRs, LR. At separate OR. Hoard & Batten exlerlor, lot is 100 x 158. Just a short walk to the new Morn ing sine graae sen.. 915,750. Bill Sut livan, Eves. 2-4700. In it le wood, Cape Cod. Comfortable nome in quiet neighborhood. Full basement with extra BR. Sawdust heat 1 1953 fuel bill (42.00). Call Mr Rice Evei. 3-4869. Lots, in the new Glenwood Addition on Lancaster Dr., 11 a ft, .front age, Air. Rice, Eves. 3-4B69, five Acres, Ranch type home, beam ceilings, circulator lirepiace At 3 BR's. Pringle School district. Call Bobby Davis, Eves. 2-2791. Silverton Road. Large 3 BR. home In a truly beautiful setting of trees. Barn, chicken house, separate building with lg. playroom, and best of all, 6. 4 acres just ripe for subdividing. 915,000, terms. Call Mo Ankeney Bottom, 263 Acres, this Is the old Chorcharn farm. Lg. two story home. 2 big barns. Several other usable out-butldings. Fenced & cross fenced. Approx. 200 acres In cultivation. Soil mostly Willam ette. S40.000 with Vi down. Possible trade for smaller place nearer Sa lem. Call McFarlane, Eves. 4-2345. 25-YEAR VETERANS' LOANS WITH ONLY 5 DOWN AND 23 YEAR FHA LOANS WITH IOC DOWN. CONSTRUCTION MONEY AVAILABLE. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN, REALTOR Mfi5 Pnrlland Rd. Phone 4-6533 KENT'S SPECIALS BUSINESS BUILDING Nice two story concrete building 30x70 located at Scio, Ore. Upstairs Is in two apartments of two bed rooms each, will trade for house or small acreage close to Salem. Price 115,750. IDEAL LOCATION This 21 acre farm Is in the city limits of A urns vl lie, all level with good fences, large 3 b.r. house L r. Iflx20 11x14 d.r. youngstown kitchen vv'th b. nook attached garage and small barn (12,000 good terms. COURTS We have two good court rentals, one 10 and one 12 unit all have stoves and ref. utility rooms with auto, washers Ac dryers about half of the units are furnished, a good lo cation an all are full, call for de tails. HOME DELUXE 1200 feet of living in this 2 b. r. home in east Moorland. Has 1. r. 14x18 with fireplace, d. r. k. with nook, inside utility, complete bath with shower and a two car garage, 29 foot patio, an fenced In back yard, C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS SALEM, ORE. 4VI N. Church St. Phone 4-221)3 Evenings or Sundays call Mr. Keene Phone 2-0076 CAPITOL DISTRICT An exceptionally well built home only 20 years old. S excellent bed rooms. 2 full baths. Extra large living room with fireplace. Full basement. Beautiful creek lot with outside fireplace. Easy walking dis tance to shopping center. A fine home for only 115.900. CLOSE IN 39 ACRES Only 3 miles from Salem. All under cultivation. Really lays nice with future possibilities. Paved, road. Fenced. Only 'a mile to new school. High school bus by door. 70 foot well. Verv nice modern 26 X 60 barn (26 stanchions with drinking cupsl. Mllkhousc. Walk-In cooler. 3-bcd-room home with fireplace. Some equipment Included. Owners may take home up to $Bnoo as part payment. Only $21.60'' to settle an estate makes this good buy. NEW 3-BEDROOM Beautiful fireplace. Only $1500 down with FH A. loan on balance with mall monthly payments. Wonder ful kitchen In hirchwood. Large all plastered garage. Large lot on paved street. Bus bv door. An out standing buy at only HO.dno. 201 South High Phone 3-1)203 Phone evenings and Sunday 4 1671 3-3858 4-5319 3-3264 3-4876 ENGLEWOOD! WELL BUILT 2-bedroom home only 1 years old. Nice living room, fire place. Large kitchen. Insulalcd. Oil heat. Garage. $9.!i30. 3 Bedrooms AI.SO living and dining room com bined. Fireplace. Wall-to-wall car pet. Inside utility. Garage. Near school and bus. S11.600. Lots of Lots SOUTH. 68x120. $815. Northeast. "0 X 126. $1.0O0. West Salem. 135 X "5. $1,000. River, 89 frontage, $1,500. South, large. $2,000. RAMSEY, REALTOR 1084 North Commercial Office 4-0211 Eve. 3 7Sfi or 3-7(172 or 4-lfiW LOOK HERE If ynu want a charmlnn 2-brdrnnm h'oune nrr Siatr Hospital. Lovrly hade lrrr. frnrfd 4n buck yard, quirt neighborhood, and thr price has been rrduccd to $9,000 00. NEARLY NEW-3 B.R. Ranch type with forced air furnace, fireplace. H. W. floors, large kitch en with nook, separate dining room, large garage with overhead storage, lawn is In front and back. New district. $14,800.00. F. H. A. terms. ICE CREAM LUNCH Established business In growing Keir er community. Lots of school trade This can be developed Into a real money maker Terms can be ar ranged, A swell opportunity tor an ambitious couple. Lets talk It over. ABRAMS, BORLAND & SKINNER 411 MASONIC RUII.DISfl Ural F.sta'e Insurance Mortgage Loans Office: 3-9217 Eves: 2-4709 or 3-' LAND SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION WILL SELL AT PUB LIC AUCTION AT SALEM, OREGON, ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW, AT 1:00 P.M., MARCH 3, 1954 , The following described parcel of land: ' A parcel of land lying westerly of a line which Is loo feet westerly of th center line of the Salem By-Pats section of. the Pacific Highway East containing 0.14 acre, more or less. This property la the former' Richard Kuney property and lies between Truman . Avenue and Midway Road on the westerly side of the Salem By Pass. ' Minimum price which will be accepted Is $450.00. The State SviU give a Bargain and Sale deed. Purchaser will secure own abstract of title or title Insurance as he may desire. TERMS OF .SALE ARE: Cash, and the State Highway Commission reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Further Information can be secured from C. W. Parker, State High-' way Building, Room IIS, Phone 4-2171. Ext. 717. Salem. STATE HIGHWAY BUILDING OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION SALEM, OREGON 3 BDRM., FIREPLACE, DHL. LOT South In city, close to new high ichool, o narm. pius aen, living room, double garage, clean as a pin and 3 BDRM. LARGE LOT. $5,500.00. $300 00 buuu uus service, nice garage, a Jim Rawlins, Sim. $500 00 DN. BUYS THIS NEAT 1 BDRM. HOME Location the best, small joi, separate garage, new lawn, corner lot, taxes only $27.00. For ap pointment to see call Dale Rayburn, Sim. 2 BDRM. HOLLYWOOD DIST. Large conamon tnrougnoui. lot 50 x 130. Owner will lease with option to buy. Full price $5,750.00. For appointment to see call Dale Rayburn, Sim. 2 FIVE-ACRE TRACTS Located In Kelzer. fine for subdividing. One tract is ironung on river, in term! arc WANTED LARGE FAMILY To live In a complete oatns, lull basement, forced air heat, large play room. All this plus five avres and all out buildings. For appointment to jee call Chet Rawlins, Sim. RAWLINS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 2060 N. Capitol Street Office Phones: 2-4664 or 4-1761 Evenings Chet Rawlins 3-6236, Jim NURSING HOME Splendid location, snowing gross income or Sl.til5.uu per momn. i.ooo lease, supplies ana equipment. Full price $3,750. CALL GRABENHORST BROS. CANDALARIA SPECIAL S hdrms.. dhle. garage. This home Is available for Immediate, possession, -Price $16,000. Terms. CALL H. K. LAYMON LOCATED EAST Good 4-bdrm. home. Price only $11,000. CALL RJCHARD THIS WILL SELL 1550 Jefferson brick front, 3 nice bdrms., 2 down, 1 up. llv. rm., din. rm.. fireplace, hdwd. firs., full basmt.. auto-oil heat, fenced yard excellent condition thruout. CALL ROY S. FERRIS CANDALARIA 2 bdrml. daylight basmt. with party room. 2 full baths. 2 fireplarcs. liv. rm., din. rm. with built-in china Closet, oircn Kitcnen with dishwasher, nook mahogany trim thruout, rflble. linen cabinets, Ice. walk-In closets, dblc. garage. Lge. covered porch and covered patio, quality thruout. CALL 3. E. LAW fir GKAbEjNHUKST BKOS. KEALTOKS iq a R TTRTTTCTV PIT (TNT! 9.9471 Evenings H. K. Laymnn 2-519.1 Roy S. 806 Houses For Sale COLBATH'S REAL ESTATE ARE YOU AROUND LIKE A RUMBLE BEE TRYING TO LITE ON A HONEY BUY? Here Is one and It might sa well flf.r. yours to nave ann enioy. i nis nearly new RANCH STYLE THREE-BEDROOM HOME with living rm, dining rm.. hath, hardwood firs., oil furnace. Inside utility rm.. large double garage. About 'i acre. VERY CLEAN NEAT. Price $11,850. BEST OF ALL will take small 2-bdrm. home in trade up to $6,000. THE DRAGNET'S OUT For someone who wants the FACTS home, cute living rm.. kitchen wltn dinette, euacnea garage. Minurnan N E on quiet black top street. Corner fenced lot. This is a fine buy for $7,600. Will sell or trade $3,600 equity for large home with 3 hdrms. on HAND OVER THAT $300 DOWN PAYM'T. AND MOVE RIGHT INTO THIS CUTB lot 50 x 155 Located close to Mate Hospital ana r.ew noovcr acnooi. THIS IS A NICE MODEST BUY FOR ONLY $3,850. TERMS $300 down and $35 per month.. - A PRICELESS LISTING voir wru, want to see this beautiful home in setting of STURDY OAK TREKS, ideal lorni.on on temer ni.. msuc irncra mi. covered patio 2 brdroom!, firrplace. carport and itoraue room, wall to wall carpe-inf. THIS IS MADE JUST FOR THE HIGH TONE BUYER. Price $13 Wi Terms $4,450 down, balance hv month. SQUARE PEG-ROUND HOLE CONFUCIUS SAY "VELLY BAD" If outskirts, see this z'i acre place wim nire nnme. ni-ii,.if orn. insmr and out Why. YOU COULD EAT OFF THE FLOOR. IT IS SO CLEAN. Many flower beds all ship shape. Fruit trees all have been pruned There's a nice hen house with metal neata. THIS YOU HAVE GOT TO SKF.. ONLY $6,950 Terms !50 down WANTED AT ONCE A WEST SALEM HOME WILL TRADE this new listing In real vard. gar.tge and workshop, nut r.u run wui-n. asi.r. ni WILL SFLI, ON TERMS OR TRADE FOR WEST SALEM. SEE "KIG'' KIGGINS, Sim. HERE IS A MOTEL LOCATION-TWO ACRES fireplace Oak lirove veiling, irceK. i.ncaieu on :t. niKnway rmyr in Allianv PRICED AT THE LOW FIGURE OF tfl.fl.10. Terms $1,500 down. OR TAKE SALEM HOME IN TRADE 13 ACRES BEAUTIFUL THREE - BEDROOM HOME, full naemenl. WONDFRFUI. VIEW, aiilnmattc lawn sprinklers, lots ot nowers. aaragr nmi.e tor rental good large barn and marhlne shed. best of soil, close tn EAST, road on 2 sides. WILL TRADE FOR 3 to 20 acres In Kcirer Dlst. or sell for $21,000 i', dn. SPFPIAT, RTTY 4 ACRES APPROX FOUR ACRES ON FISHER aee. inf Ulinnmsion prnny, tnma ircf emu ifii win, i me I'ii ail 9h.'0V, Ar.L.Lr.t I irn,ifl "CHOICE VIEW LOTS Mr. Builder hert 1i your chanre to have ome nice lMt for Spring build- a . rum i-mv t-if-iT rno t rr A TIAV Q inj cnniiruciiun. V-n r.v-r, jv-t. EVENING PHONES MRS. OGLFSREE -Homes KIGGINS 2-5373- dining rom, kitchen, breakfast room, only $9,000.00. Call Jim Rawlins, Sim. DN. Northeast In city, paved street. real buy. rlurry, this won t last. Call living room, large kitchen, good offered. Call Chct Rawlins, Sim. this beautiful 5-bedroom home with Rawlins 2-8578. Dale Rayburn 2-2045 close tn. room for 15 patients now birch kitchen, basmt. 2 fireplaces. Oil furnace, dhle. plbg., lge. lot. E. GRABENHORST Splendid English style home, partial tt Sundays call Salesmen Ferris 2-8016 J. K. Law 3-5113 806 House For Sale ATTRACTIONS BUZZIN' about this late built four-bedroom BUNGALOW HOME, electric beat. you live In town and want In the nice two-bedroom home with lovely HOT ONE with very nice three-bedroom home. ROAD, three fide with rond front- jun awwwnavu Of SALESMEN Homea T. T. ANDERSON Farm I j-a.n 806 Houses For Sale I m We Specitlize in Trades FEDERAL Gl & FHA MTGS. Really Good 3 Bedroom In En file wood dist. Completely re modeled. Just like new. Full dry basement with forced air oil fur nace. Garage. Patio. Real nice kitchen. Bua by door. School 1 blks. Garage. Paved driveway. Deep lot. Full price only $9,250. (Call for MB. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-3030 Sim.) LIBERAL TERMS . On this atmoit new home. 3 bed roomi pn one floor. Forced air oil furnace. Fireplace. Att. garage. 3 blks, to school. Very quiet st. In sulated. Nice yard and shrubs. Full price $10,500. (Call for MR. GRIM METT. eve. ph. a-7(t70 Sim.. FAIRMOUNT Dist. 3 -bed room house. Plus larue utility room. Insulated. Att. garage. Paved st. Extra deep lot. 1mm. poss. . Owner has left city. Full price only IS.OOO.OO. (Call for MR. CRAW FORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) $7850 FULL PRICE For this very modern well located 2- bedroom house. Oil heat. Att. ga rage. In the best of repair. Owner leaving city. Private water system. Insulated. Liberal terms arranged. (Call for MR. GRIMM ETT, eve. ph. 3- 7679 Sim.) TAVERN LOCATION Yes, we believe this would be a good location for a tavern or night club. Nice store bldg. with very nice living quarters. Almost new. Spotlessly clean. Located in a very prosperous community. Full price $8,750. (Call for N. G. "DAN ISAAK, eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) FARM TRADE For a 3-bedroom home either in Si.l cm or Silverton. 58 Acres good land with 45 under cultivation. Good, modern 7-room house. 1 barns. Chicken house. Good fences. A very long list of good farm ma chinery and stock. Everything goes for $25,000. Or will sell without equipment and stock for $21,500. (Cail for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. i-ouiw bun ) 17 ACRES 1 Acre Beavcrdam. Balance Will. silt. 80 ft. well. Very good modern 5 room house. Barn. Chicken house. Pump house. Garage. Tractor. Plow. Disc. Close to Salem. This Is a real good buv for $13,500. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Sim.) iy2 ACRES . Very close in. Good soil. Very Rood clean modern hquse. GaraRe. Fruit house. Pump house. 1 Acre straw berries, Tractor with all attach ments. 300 ft. Irrigation pipe. School. Bus by door. Full price only $9,450. Liberal terms. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Sim.) FHA & CONVENTIONAL MTGS., 20 Yrs. FEDERAL GI MTGS.. 20 Yrs. LICENSED ALSO IN WASH. Sc IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO. REALTOR Office Phones 4-3311 or 3-7B20 3035 Portland Road 5-473.1. 4-3533. 4-5020, 2-7679. 3-545J If No Answer. Call 4-2248 BY OWNER Kelrer Dist., 3-BR. home. See It now. Be finished next week. Located 2 blocks. So.. 1 blk. west of Keiser school at 4705 Elvira St. PADE & KEEN HOME BITILDF.RS Let Ua Build Your Home Ph. 2.7(1911 or 2-1434 GOOD 4-BEDRM. HOME Only $5,000 S500 dwn.. $50 mo. 2 BEDRM. HOME, BASEMENT $500 Down. Price onlv $5,050 VERY NEAT 2-BEDRM. HOME at 2465 S. 12th. $S0 Down. GOOD 3-BEDRM. HOME at 2010 Ferry St. Only $6,950 John J. Dann, Realtor 419 N. Hllth St. Phone 4-3402 .$5900 3 bdrm. Ideal family home. Large living rm. Nice kitchen, screened back porch, fruit rm. Corner lot. Trees, shrubs. Bus by door. Small dn. payment. C. W. REVE. REALTOR lflfiO Mission St. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-95.18 808 Lois For Sale LOT 50x125, located In City on paved st. A steal at $500. $100 dn., small monthly payments. C. V. REEVE. REALTOR 1B60 Mission St. Ph 3-4500. Eve. 3-953(1 BY OWNER. Choice lot on oak St. between Liberty and High. Phone 3-3931 or 3-6853. BIO Farms, Acreage For Sale TRADE For home In Salem, 3 Hit house on 76 A., Willamette Silt Loam, 40x100 ft. feed shed, feed above, 40x60 ft. barn, lrrtR. system, reser voir, flshins, SO A. crops, 22 A. pasture, 5 A. timber. $30,000. 3 flna rnnches. 408 A. Chehalls. 248 A. Chehalis and Newherg, 376 A. Amlly and Carlton, Olympic, etc. Tlice are choice must see to appreciate. Other farms of various types and sizes. Come in or call, TRADE Have good large home on 35 A. Amity soil, North, to trade fnr good home In good diitrlct. What have you to offer? BURT PICHA , REALTOR 379 N. Hleh St Off.: 2-4047 Eves.: Don Wall. Sim.,, 4-6467 40 Ac7 NEAH SHERWOOD 2 brdrm. modern home, barn, 2 rhickrn houses, rarafte. trees. Trade tor house In Salem. $6,500. 10 AC WITH ROOD HOME Clo:e In $8,500. Tr.-ide (or oldrr house in Salem. 2 TIKURM I1M. $4,075- $5IK) ON. NICE (LEAN I IlI'.imM . I1KN with fireplace only S7.4.VJ. Will con aior trade for trailer houve HKAHTY SALON. CLONK IN CALI. OSCAR SF.DF.RSTROM. SI.M. John J. Dann, Realtor 415 N. Mtlth. Ph 4-3IH2: Eve 2-5219 FARM OPPORTUNITY Over son.noo ft. of fir timber. This productive ranch on Highway ;E with house, barn and other bldRs. Good 90-ft. well. Best of soil. A sleal at $45.000 00. Reasonable terms. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR 3055 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-7M2 Eve.: Richard Klumpp, 2-3HB4 98 ACRES Nearly all In cult. Ranrh type hse. Beautiful l(?e. stone fireplace. Mod ern aluminum feedinK h.irn. 32x80. 00 A. bottom land mostly sti-'led to fc.cue and rye grass. Price only 113,050. C. W. REEVE. REALTOR IH'in Mi'sion St Ph 3-ISM). Kve.3-9.VH 3 A., j'nKDHOOM hnme. Inih welT. Full price 3.1000. Rt. 3. Box 675, Salem, 852 Used Cars For Sale GREAT NEWS NEW 1954 NASH 2-00OR SEDAN Delivered in Salem $1745 . NOW ON DISPLAY ALSO GREAT USED CAR BUYS Because of terrific sales this month we are able to offer these truly fine cars at new low prices see us NOW! 1953 Rambler Station Wagon .... . . $1895 Pearl gray finish, radio, heater, overdrive, leather upholstery, 11,000 miles, a one owner beauty 1952 Rambler Station Wagon'; . . . . . $1295 Ivory finish, only 17,000 miles, radio, heater, new tires, really sharp and low, low price 1951 Nash Statesman Sedan ...... $1195 Here is real value, a on. owner car In beautiful condition. Radio, heater, overdrive, bed, metallic green finish 1950 Nash Statesman Sedan ...... $745 Repossession price on this one, radio, heater, overdrive. Red and Is In excellent shape special price MANY OTHER FINE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM Here is another one of Marion Motors famous cheapies She's not too pretty but runs real good First come, First served. 1942 FORD 8 STATION WAGON $99.99 BILL PHILLIPS 333 CCNTCR IT'S UNBELIEVABLE! BUT WE ARE CONTINUING OUR AMAZING" NO FINANCE CHARGE" SALE! THROUGH FEBRUARY 19TH MANY MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. AN EXCLUSIVE S.E.I. WARRANTY FOR 6 : MONTHS OR 6,000 MILES TO DEPEND UPON. niONE 3-3147 HEAR YE! HEAR YE! We have just received another shipment of New & Used car to be liquidated AT ONCE. This is distressed mer chandise and not repossessions. GOING AT l'MCES BELOW COST ALL PROFIT THROWN TO THE WIND. LISTED BELOW ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS OFFERED. 1952 WILLYS CLUB COUPE 6 995 15.000 miles. Like new. 1050 HUDSON 4-DR. SEDAN Clean, runs perfect. 1951 HUDSON 4-DR. SEDAN $55 Clean and In top shape. 1950 STUDE. COMM.. AUTO. TRANS $595 Reconditioned, clean, 1949 HUDSON 4-DR. SEDAN &95 1948 FORD V-8 2DR., CLEAN $225 We also have a few Used Pickups. ACT NOW WHILE YOU HAVE A LARGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM BIRD AUTO & EQUIPT CO. 871 Wallace Rd. 800 lli nl Eslnte 810 Farms. Acreage For Sal nv OWNF.R Lovely new 3 bdrm. on 4 acrrs. 1. It . rJ.lt., ttrepiace, KMrn en, ulilitv rm.. attached Kar.-me, dt-rp fl ' well. Clear Lake Dlst. Ph. 2-r.M. ATTKNTION builders. P.irt of a 10 acre Mjhrlivlilon. N. E. Salem, lnq. 1245 N. lSth. Ph 3-3576 eves 812 Exchanges Real Estate ATTRACTIVE 3-bedroom home. Near Enflewood school, as part payment on 3-bedroom home up to $11,000 JOE NOONCHF.STER REAL ESTATE 15!5 N. CottaeelvjlJ'WUl.iyoreve LARGE-! bedroom house. Klngwood Heients. For small house, Salem. Phone 3-.VHA before Ip m. WILL TRADE 3 hdim home, near bus, for 5 to 80 A. 2142 Bruce St. I'h. .V3473. TRADE equity In 2-bedroom home. For late model r or fiood lot. I'h. 4-4733. BY OWNER. Sell or tiadr. ('71 Ex cellent building lots Low Dn. Sma. Mo Payments. Larse City lots. Th. 4-4321. 852 Used Cars For Sale ST. CvvLas VALLEY MOTOR USED CAR MART CENTER AT HIGH 495 West Salem 800 Ttrnl Estate 818 Wanted. Real Estate WANTED -Building lot. 00 ft. or more frontase on Wallace Rd. Must have dralnatte for basement. Box 230. Statesman-Journal. BUILDING LOT 00 ft or more fronl aie on Wallace Rd. Must have drainage for basement. Box 230, Statesman-Journal. HAVE 3 cash buyers who want nice 3-hdrm. homes close to New Leslie School. See ((KIG" KIGGINS. Eve. ph. 4-5404. Have S Cash Buyers wanting 20 to 100 acres. Good Valley farms. See T. T. ANDERSON, farm agent, eve. ph. 4-2714 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED grain cattle ranch. 100 acres or more. Ph. 3-5013. The T'nth To Profit Is yours with Wont Ads! to grl Your share, rhnnn 22441 to place Classified ds today. 852 Used Cars For Sale AL LOUCKS SALEM IIISI HENRY J. 6-cvl., teat covers, radio, heater, 28 mtlea per jral., de pendable, economical transporta tion. snj. Call 2-. inn or 2-hm; after 8 p.m. 1953 MERCURY SEDAN. R&H. EXCELLENT CONDITION. $2, 195. CALL SALEM 2-5030. 1942 STUUKHAKF.fl Commander flou. 1S9S S. 22nd. Ph. 4-1554 1950 PONTIAC Takt over payments I97S.50. Ph. 1-3529. 31 PACKARD "300" fully equipped. Take lot older car or (??) for my equity. Ih. 4-4326. 858 Motorcycles GAS 7c GALLON That'eWhat It s like when you tide a new or used Motorcycle or scooter from SHROCK'S MOTORCYCLE SALES Just North of the Underpass. No down payment on approved credit 862 Hour Trailers EASTERN-bullt HOI.I.OHOME 37' to 45'. See before you buy. Lana Lane Trailer Plaza, 1940 Lana Ave. For the best In Trailer homes, new or used. With terms available. See JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 36.0 Portland Road Statesman-Journal Newspapers 20 NORTH CHURCH STREET STATESMAN 2-2441 JOURNAL f-240$ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Mln. 3 lineal 'Weekdays "Sundays per line. 1 time 35 2i oer line, 3 times 80 $0 oar line. times 1130 $1.20 oer line. 1 month .$5 00 (lncl. Sun.) Classified ads will be run In beth papers to give advertisers the ad vantages of the tremendous pulling power of 35.600 combined circula tions. When en ad Is ordered three r ilx times and a Sunday Issue Is In cluded (for example: Friday. Satur day Sundayl the lower Sunday rates apply because only the Statesman oubllshrs Sundays Classified ads will start In the morning Oregon Statesman, conclude In the evening Cnpit.il Journal Hut sds will he accepted for Sunday Statesman only The deadline for classified ads Is 1:00 pm the dav before puhllra Hon. Emergency ads and small line 852 Used Can For Sal PACKARD Blue Ribbon Used Cars '53 PACKARD "200" ........$2695 Just 15,000 miles, in new eon. dltlon. '51 PACKARD "200" $1595 Very clean. R&H. Vltramatic. '51 PACKARD "300" ..$2195 Cavalier. 1 owner. R&H. Ul- ' tramatlc. Just 21,000 miles. '50 PACKARD Super .$1195 a Club Sedan. R&H. O.D, None finer. ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 N. High Saltm, Oregon PACKARD - WILLYS 1V51 CHEV. Bel-air hard top, radio, heater, S tone gray. Excellent cond. 11,195. Ph. 3-B054. POST UTI SMXS MS U. G. Safe 41 CHEVROLET $395 special deluxe club coupe, radio, heater, seat covers. NEW SHORT BLOCK. 42 NASH "600" .. $245 ciut coupe, neater, seat coven, food tires, excellent motor. 41 FORD $145 Sedan with radio, heater, chrome wheels, very clean inside and out. 41 MERCURY . . $145 Sedan with radio, heater, aeat covert, spotlight, It runt good. 40 CHEVROLET . . $95 Tudor aedan with heater, ieat coven; Cheap but food! 39 CHEVROLET $125 Tudor aedan with radio, heater, aeat coven, motor recently over hauled. '35 PLYMOUTH .. . $75 Sedan with heater, 16" tires. It drives and handles Ilka a new car ior its age. '36 CHEVROLET . $45 Sharp coupe . , at a apeclal low price. Hurry on thlsl OPEN EVES 'TIL 8 Sell Us Your ; Car. We Need Clean, Lata Model Cara Now. LEE'S USED CARS. PH. 2-1527 Business Directory APPLIANCE 8ERVICK 24-HOUR SERVICE, all makes. Red's Appliance Repairs. 3-64M. 1-5737. IIKIIDINO CAPITOL Bedding Mattress reno vators, new rnnnreases. j-sur.y. nuM.noziNO ITulIdoziruji, clearing roads, ponds. n-4, D-I, carryall. V. Huakey, Ph. IIOUKKIIOI.D I'KODL'CTS FOR prompt, free delivery of WAT- aina prooucia, please can aisino utor, 1135 So. Commercial St., Sa lem. Ph. 3-5393. Dealer applications Invited. Stanley Home Products. Lee Mlndt, imp Madison, en. j-sinn. NURSKRY SCHOOL FINE'S Fairyland nursery school. (53 Mission. Ph. 3-7558. PLUMMNO 34-HR. PUMP service on all make. water systems. Brownie vaiaea. 3-37M REFRIGERATOR SERVICE All makes and models. Al Laua Re frlicratlon. Ph. 3-5443. SF.PTIC TANKS MIKE'S Septlo Service. Tank! clean ed. D'rooter cleans leweri, drains. Phone 3-94(111. Sewer, septlo tanks, drain, clean ed. Roto-Rooter Si war Service. Phone 3-5327. Hamel'l septic tanks cleaned, line service. Guaranteed work. Phone 3-7404. 3--0774. TREE WORK PRUNING r sprayinit. Insured op erator.' L. W. Caudle. Ph. 4-1431. ada received after 1:00 pm. may be placed in the "Too Late To Classify" column for the following morning. The Statesman-Journal Newspaper! reservra the right to reject ques tionable advertising. It further re serves the right to place ell edver Using under the proper classifica tion. The Statesman-Journal Newspaper! assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may appear in ad vertisements published In lla column! and in cases where thli paper ti at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typo graphical mistake occuri. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing Statesman-Journal Newspapers box numner for an address is for the protection of the advertisers ana must therefore be answered by let ter The Statesman-Journal News papers are not at liberty to divulge Information as to the Identity of ell advertiser using a "Blind" ad. 1 i