450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tool 10 IT. INTERNATIONAL Harvester Np freezer. 3 months old. cost liew ffiOO. Too big for my new home. Sell or $429. Call 3.6714 or 3-6066. WISCONSIN Cat ensme with clutch Delta band saw. Foley saw Minn machine. Wallace Wood lathe. 2087 N. tth. 455 Hsehold Goods For Sale LEAVING STATE I want to sell my Frlgidalre double oven electric range, $300. and large Frlgidnire Cycla-mattc refrigerator $375. both only 6 months old. Call 2-8891. 456 Wanted. Hsehold Goods WANTED, marble top and old fuml. ture. ays w. chemawa ita. VE PAY top cash price for good used furniture, appliances, etc. Im mediate service. Used Merchandise Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. Used Furniture Valley Furniture Co. 2-7472 CASH for furniture, one piece or houseful, l-amDcris. z-iuuz. CAili TODAY Good used furniture or will sell on consignment, rn. 3-6096 Sudtells Auction. 458 Building Materials ix!2, x, 6x6 TIMBERS, 20' lung. 10x14 timbers, 34' long. 12x12 tim bers. 24 long. 1 complete heating plant for home. Sheeting, $15 a 1.000. Flooring, $20 a 1,000. All kinds of windows and doors at a good price. 12th Street Cannery. O. W. Klang Wrecking Co., 3-7295. METAL FENCES Permanent No upkeep. Free esti mates. H mos. to pay. Borkman Lhr & Hdwr. Phone 1-3701. $460 State St. PLUMBING Toilets Shower Cabinets ...$24.50 ,.:19.50 Wash Basins . $15.00 4-in. cast iron sol pipe, per ft. 69c water heaters, nam iuds, nuings colored sets at tremendous savings. CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE 145 CENTER SALEM LOTSA PLYWOOD INT. or Ext. Any Size. Some plywood-make ua an offer! Hundreds of doors vour choice! 6 05 up. Sdgs 0950 up. Hardboard 1.75 4x8. L'lg tile. Roofing, Spred Satin paint. Ixfi TAG Cedar 6V.50M. Plywood pes. low as 3c on U. 'a 4x8 Kgh 10c ft. Oak Fix In heated room. Good 1x4 Fig. UB.50. 31 mas. to pay no down payment. See us on remodellnf needs fast friendly Service! Open all day Sat, Portland Road Lumber Yard IMS Portland Rd. Ph. 4-443.1 BUILDING? New fir door Jambs ...$2..'(0 Oak flooring low prlre New bath tubs complete. 159.50 ITsrd bath tubs complete. $:.'5.00 tlsrd cast washbasins 17.50 Hdwd. plvwd., Ideal or Dantltnf or cabinets .Cheap Loose Insulation per baf , ..SI. 00 Fiberglass roll blanket iniuL ..Cheap 14-2 elec. wiring 3',c 12-2 elec. wiring 5c NaiU - W.75 A 98.115 keg Asbestos siding per vq. SO.uO Painted shakes with unders ..$10.S0 New doors, all sues .... SVS0 Used windows 36" X 43" $2.50 100 used doors with frames New toilets with scats 124.50 Double kitchen sinks, complete $41.50 42 gal. elec. water heaters JfiH.flO Laundry trays, pipe, basins ..Bargain 500 gal. iteel srp.fr tanks t2 0 4" cast Iron soil pipe 75c 4" solid nrangeburg pipe . 3Bc Roll roofing, large supply 52. -t 5 a tab comp. rooiing - t.oa Cedar shingles, 4 grades New Galv. Iron roof M Cheap CliP.tp . Bargains plvwood. new carload New picture windows $800 New weather stripped windows $14.20 Crdar fence posts Cheap New planter board 4x8 $140 Steel garage doors, complete $14 00 Over-head garage hardware $13.95 Kitchen, bath tin. rn;itm-lt'd checked wall cover 10c sq. ft C. G. LONG & SONS Th. 4-WM 1 ml N ot Krirer BARGAIN sale. No. 4 surfaced lum ber 2x4. 2xti. 2x10, 2x12. Random length. Eve ph. Stay ton 2707. Gold en Cycle Lhr. Co.. Lyons, Ore. Al .LN K Whimherrhiplap7Vl0 imper M and up, 2x4 and lamer $25 on per M and up. Some lutntx r $15 00 per M delivered. Phone 2-2042. 462 Sports Equipment 13 FT. plywood boat F.xceptionsllv Well made, will take anV M.'e motor. Used four tune', does nut leak. Bark to all v.ts ttf Imli Warn A honev. $K0 9. '9 Younif St. WiKHlburn. Ph 2-.I8U CASH paid for urd guns, nuxlnn and antique. lavade Merc. l'M Bioadway. 468 For Rent, Miscellaneous U-FIX-lT-GAKA(iH Repair vou own car. Phone 4-5261 2W5 Pi. Com 1. McCULLOCH chant saw and pint hole- augers bv mv. TuMiie K-juip-metitC'i.Ph.4-i:41 Jolt RENT or leaie. Ice. wnietiou spa-e i-ement floor. hTUk hiiie down tnw n. Inquire H. L stifl Furl 2-9lfi 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous SIlnF; ,l(,fs, ,irr 7. Phone n-14T J rn ArTICALt-Y new deluxe W in. h ; Frlpirislre, flermp rnne. lurire nven. Inner ronlrola. $1HS B-ft MAV. refill . nutn. rlpfrnMei a' luehment. Good eonrt. I'nn Amerlenn trumpet. Wuh-Wah nuiir, I yr. old. 180. l'h. -IW7. .I80 N Lancaster Dr. iUAUIES' WOOL sum. size 14. Ex cellent cond. S each. a-4l!l GAS space heater, kitchen sink, cheap, l'h. 3-IW2.1. 7 PC. walnut din. set, wine velvet davenport, Eay Spin washer 2-1481. GARAC.K overhead door 7m8 Inoiud ln( all hardware. -'(. JtJ' Maple. Ph.-B5J; BKAUTIFI'L t PC. dlnlnr room set. MO S. ldlh aflerjl p m. EXTRA larue automatic Nesco Flee. Roaster .15. or will trade for Sun beam Mix Ma.ter. 4-57H5. To Place Ad ToPlaceAdCall2-2441 EssalirTM , , , 500 Bus. & Finance 515 Investments $ INVESTMENTS $ For your savings investment buy vicinity. Will pay you 6li percent interest net. We take, care of all details and collections. Offering $20,000 farm loan highly Improved, 16,000 and $.'(5,000 loans Salem business properties, excellent security. Other loans In smaller amounts. , . STATE FINANCE CO. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous 2 CLEAN 9x12 rugs, half price. Blue davenport. Odd pieces. 425 h. latn $49 .50 BULOVA wrist watch. Slightly shopworn, C.Ioseoul price s4.!K. Harlman Bros.. 309 Slate. EASY wringer washer with pump, laundry tubs. $50. 1916 Warner St. 3-4427. 2 OIL PAINTNGS. 1 Seascape 13x13 in. 1 landscape 24x38 In. Never snown. inquire rear zzu, n. rroni. LIKE NEw7 Mon7gomery"Wardf loor furnace. 55.000 B.T.U. with draft booster. $45. 5055 Chchalls St. 4-2442. ANTIQUES Close out unitl 10 p.m. Wed. Portland Kd. HOSPITAL bed complete. 1850 Kan- bas Ave. OFFICE desk. $12.50. G. Woodry. STOCK and equipment of Coffee bnup. small investment, very reas onable, liox 224, Statesman-Journal. SINGLE, also twin size Thayer baby buggy. Both food condition. J?h, MAYTAG-aluininum tub, large rolls, reasonable. 2735 Alvorado Terrace. FOR SALE, one wheel trailer with hitches .waterproof floor, 4x3x3 it. hnx. See at 431 Manhrin Drive. 24!Wi. SWEATY WINDOWS? Using too much fue!7 Floors draf ty? Then, why not call 3-9998 for a free healing survey by a granuaie heating engineer! Montgomery ward ib Co., haiem. TOR sale Baby Grand Piano, 5 t, excellent cond. 455 University. FEB. J5.Nov 15 Two bedrtn, home. Cascade ur. mmt.t fireplace, car pets, drapes, mod. kit., tile bath, 75. 2-S.pi85 after 5:00. 4 QT. ELEC. churn. Bear end and trans, for 1037 Ford. 2-4963. C1IAH1S foundation girdles, bra. Ph. 3-5018 or 3-5072 Mary E. Bales. HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent, H. L. Stiff Furn. Co. Ph. 3-91H5. Organic Fertilizer Sack or bulk Odoi less Orders delivered Phone 3 8127 USED FUHNITUHK FOR LKSS Valley Furn. Co., 219 N. Com'l. FERTILIZER rotted cow manure, compost, rotted mulch, chicken manure for lawn dressing. By suck or cu. yr. Phillips Bros., Rt. 5. Box 4M. 4-3081, 2 int. E. 4-Corners. on State. USED Refrigerators, 19 $29.95 and up. Al Laue, zjju state, rn. a-ana. 600x16 RECAP or Grp. 1 battery. Jfl.93 ex. Dizzy Dean's, IBM s. lztn, SPECIAL SALE Closing out stock on ornamental stones, including lava At riagsione. RuMIc cedar fencing, redar posts, poles. Supplv limited. Phillips Bros. Rt. 5, Box 49.1. 4-3081. 2 ml. E 4 -Corners on State St. 460 Musical Instruments ACCORDION CLASSES Beginners, all agrs. Enroll for fi weeks course. Instrument furnished FREE. MUSIC CENTER. 470 N.Capltal, Ph. 2-5371 SPINET Pianos. Save ait much as $500. First lines onlv. As low as $450. Grands low as $495. Refin. islH'd. Music Center, 470 N. Capital. Ph. 2-.V17I. Learn Piano ADULTS CHILDREN 8Weeks$10 Lmiitrd enrollment. Beginners Only AGES ADI'LTS- IB TO lilt CIlILDHEN-B TO 1R I children's rlas and 1 adult rlats t.irtinc mm n. L:mlird to fl studrnls per cl.i-.. REGISTER NOW We will fin mlt a pi.nm for our home pi.it lh r for it nv noici.il Trnt.il fre u Mien in.iy applied to poi chase. Salem Music Company s in At rov, j'lAXO MTi U'll h.i-e. h St. Ii.iin K.!ln.i e I ;-.,-.ilre otilinn. 120 h. nru SI 40 I! litrt, 711 N. e, i:e.l. f..o. c -'No. The I jpi' il I'll. Mumc ?-.vi:i. 472 Wnnlorl. Misrollnnrtous STUD LOGS , Wanted 8' Stud I or Multiple, of 8'. I'l i- frui. Dia f, in in". lit'HKt wit i i vnm co. I'l.. Turner 113 F.vrs '.'.'nil 1 inner or ;'-78:' Salem l.AHCK rue --' I'lioin i .it pet sie 1 X 18 or 3-.v;. 474 Misrpllaneous WANTriV Fr. llemlosk. Cedar. Spiure I ir Terms rah. Telephone eolle.t Afn.irrr "U:t. Niederniever Martin i i. , I'l.nl.md TruM llldsr.. INirtl.i'.,! 4. (lircon DKNT.M PI..M e"hFPAIR 5-IIR FHIVICF IN MOST CASF. lR IIAKRY sr.MI.FB. DRNTIST AdolPh ll.li:.. Slate A Coml. Sts SALK.-1 TH 3-J.Ht 476 Fuel ANDERSONS t-,en Uh. t ed. 114. rn. s-,7Si cr 4-4:.vi. 500 Bus. & Finance 515 Investments flnt mortgage! on real estate Salem and 167 S. High St. All-in-one LOAN UP TO $2,000 OR MORE 1 LOAN MAY DO ALL 4 1. CROUP INSTALLMENT PAY- MKNTS 2. CUT PRESENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS. . CLEAN UP CURRENT BILLS. 4. I'ROVIDE EXTRA CASH. Just ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 118 S. LIBERTY PHONE 4-2203 510 Money to Loan SHOPPING FOR A LOAN? Persona I Personal Offers These Benefits: "Yes" promptly to employed peo plemarried, single! Nationwide credit. Single visit loanphone first. Select best payment date! LOANS UP TO $1,500 On Auto, Furniture or Salary Personal FINANCE COMPANY Phono 2-24IS4 105 S. High St., Salem State License S-122. M-lf5 Loans over $300 made by Personal Finance Co. of Marion County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregon. CASH for leal estate mortgages and contracts. IS. M. Mason, Kit. 164 S. Comm'l. KIVATK money to loan. Ph. 2-07IH. REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO ROBTRT W GORMStN. PMt 687 Court i-c 4-2283 AUTO LOANS WILLAMKTTR CKKDIT CO. 182 South Church Parking a-Plcnty Ph. 1-34S7 Lie No. M-50. S-1M I'.iO Merchandise 476 Fuel CAPITAL FUEL Tickup Your Fresto-logs Brtquft And wnnd at 198 S. Com1 Jit phone 3-7721. Highway Fuel Co. Clrnn sawdust, wood. Rreen or dry. biove-uifsi on, fn. ww. OKKCiON KUEL CO. Slab, snwilimt. oak Sill tIKKKN STAMPS Ph. .1-55.1.1 .ln7 llrnadway "West Salem Fuel Co. Tube nr Push Out Sawdust A-h, Maple and ();ik Wood Green, drv ilau, Vlaner Vind 1KA Fdccwaler Phone 2-40.11 (00 Kmploymrnt 602 Help Wanted Men or Women For 7 yr. I jumped from 1 Job to another. 1 seldom earned $ti0 to $75 per week and my wile and children mKfercd between Joh.v One morn ing during one o( those "no work periods," t answered a help wanted advertL-ement and was lined on a tn.il ba .!).. My liryt month. 1 earned $401, without previous experience. That was 6 mo. ago and today I'm bidding a poitmn paying over $.0in) a yr. HiKaidh'-s of your p.i1 eeiieme in elling t.niKille oi mt.mcihie mert-h.tndisc, it yon aie Miireie in your drMie to pull iutsell ont of ,i nit. if you would like to wi:k in ant) aiound Salem, unte Ili' I'.'S St.i1estn.in-Journ.il untie givmc us vour phone num ber or addics w here you may be leached. 604 Holp Wanted. Male 2MKN If ii imi he in Polk. Marlon or nhill t-ountv flint want steji.ly iiHiitrni income call between hi and 2 pin. TuimUv (nl Wed. 4 'at ncrcvsarv. Hettrr lb. in sver nc' raimnct. 515 Hood St., Hoom f'l 606 Holp Wonlod, femalo UFAPTY nprr.itor rvprrirnrrd In h.nr Mvltnu. Ph. -t". F.XrKMIKNCV.D flflt work folder. Applv Capitol City l.Aumlry, l?f4 ProBiiw n . 610 Sales Persona Wanted rXPFRIKNfED appliance natcsmnn wanted with the desite to sell. Ap plv Montgomery Ward ft Co. Phone 3-31SI. HKAl. KSTATK salesman, etahhhed downtown of fire. Io 2i"J. Stairs iuanJtornal, 612 Work Wanted, Male MAKHIKD man S.V with wife (ex pecting) wants steady work. Truck driver. dieel or ga. cat operator, auto, nicrh. or what have ou in:'! Sagmaw . Ct'STOM dormant spraying and all fpe tree work. l'h. I'-.."':'? ROAD l.HAinNt. I. V Ilalicotk Kvr Ph ? 0iMO CAHPF.NTKR fk repair work. Pry rt houses our tpecialtv. Ph. 2-MW nr 2IM2. ROY. 1. dcirrs prtttme work, re. and Sat. Ph. 2-3742. I 600 Employment 612 Work Wanted, Male FE DERAL it State tax returns pre. pared. Pick-up service. Reasonable. rn. 4-50UB alter 1 p.m. TAX RETURNS prepared In your home at reasonable rates. Phone 4-ZUJ3. HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard cieancq up ana irasn nauieq. z-Mt4, CEMENT work, all kinds. Ernest Drake. Phone 4-5129. 1155 S. 14th. TAX FORM completed. State. Fed eral, rrompt accurate service Ph. 3-KI57. WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing, etc. it. V. Stoops. Ph. 2-3326. 614 Work Wanted, Female WASHING and Ironing done In my nome. rn. j-juya. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason- able. Mrs. Poe, 665 N. 16th. 3-3643. HOUSEWORK or cooking company meals. Pnone 3-5tiug. 615 Situations Wanted WILLAMETTE student needs after nono work. Warehouse car lot ex perience. S-MJKen. PAPERING and painting. Neat, clean work to your liking, rn. z-iuiu. WANTED, housework in motherless home. Ph. 3-83.-I4. HOUSEWORK or cooking. Phone 3-5860. INCOME Tax blanks prepared rea sonably, pn. 3-6641. PAINTING and paper hanging, top workmanship. Martin woller. pn, 4-287D. YOUR clothes washed, dried, expert ly ironed, my nome. 4-6J23. BABY SITTING wanted. Evenings and weekends. Keliable. 2-1)110. CHILD care in my home, hour, week or by montn. 3484 Roberts Aye. PAINTING, PaTHHANGING. Con tract, small jobs welcome. Phone 2-7692. GENERAL cleaning by the hour. Ph. 2-H250. WILL CARE for child under fi. My nome. rnone i-isoj. PRACTICAL nurse. Available, full or part time. Home nursing. 2-5383. CUSTOM plowing and discing. Fer guson tractor, 2 bottom plow. Ph. 2-6120 or 2-4785. HOME consruction remodeling. Free estimates. Ph. 4-6340 after 5. WIEMAL'S Day Nursery, licensed' and state inspected. 2-5015. CEMENT work, all kinds. Feldschau & Son. 2-8628, 4-5329 aft. 5 p.m. TAX RETURNS prepared. Ph. 4-6228. Call day or eve. ROWSE dav nursery and Infants ac cepted. Ph. 2-8022. CARPENTER New, remodel or re pair, time or contract. Ph. 2-5025. MICKENHAM'S DAY NUHSERY State licensed and inspected. Ph. 2-7896. PAINTING. Will pladly estimate any size o O. Pll. Z-WUl. 3-H.M3. INCOME TAX blanks prepared rea sonably . ijnone LANSCAPING, com. lawn, garden service. Service Center. 4-3573. TREES topped, trimmed and remov ed. Fruit trees pruned and shaped. Free estimates. Ph. 2-7464, 4-3897. DRESSMAKING and alteration. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Judy PoLston, Ph. 3-5ti77. ! PAPER HANGING & Painting. Jerry i Johnson. Phone 2-0794. : RELIABLE baby fitter. Will go days or nights. Phnne 2-9964. LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling, grading. Phone 3-70A2. CARPKNTKR WORK. Any kind. Rea sonable. 4240 Macleay Rd. Phont 618 Education Television Jobs MEN NEEDED IMMEDIATELY TELEVISION offers interesting, se cure and high-paying jobs to pro fessionally trained men. The U. S. government has authorized 2.000 new TV stations and excellent sal aried Jobs are wide-open now to professionally trained men over 17. Age and educational background not important if you have ambi tion for ucccss. OUR GRADU ATES WORKING NOW THROUGHOUT THE V. S. NA TIONWIDE EMPLOYMENT AS SISTANCE. Professional training. Will not inteifcre with your pns stmt work. Write tod.iy for full de tails! Trlcvision can offer a bigger p.iv ci.rck, job security for you. Clip and mall this coupon for sur prising fiic is without cost or ob ligation. TELEVISION TRAINING SERVICE Box 22 StalcMiian I am Interested in: Mv own TV buy mess TV SERVICE A- Maintenance TV-Radio Operator NAME , ADDRESS ... AGE PHONE WORKING HOURS 620 Day ond Contract Land Clearing: 15 yrs. Exp Call for estimate on hour work or by contract for Hie mm pltr Job. L, C. Mitchell. Phone 700 Rentals LARC'.E warehouse p.ice for rent or lease Cement lloors. onrk tnuiu Ini:. IXt vn town. Inquire II. L Surf Furniture Co. I'hone 3-9185. 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board 1 WORKING Uiils to shore .1-bctl-tooin modri n home pi iv.tte rooms. Home privileges. Ph. -:iat aftir fi P in. CUMKOKTAH1.K. Win in Mtoin down town. Hotplate. 2 N. I.ihnty. P1.K-SANT HOOM with bath. Close in. (lenllrmen. Ph. 3-47!il. S.'KKI'IMJ IltHlM, kitohrn I.icllitl.-R. For I or 2 ".'4 Ferrv St DOWNTOWN', It fir. clem, warm room. Uh adjotnine. ." Center. PI.FASANT HOOM I'T cenlleman. ln,V Norway. Ph. r.AHCK br.mtiful furn mi. Alo baehrlor apt. .V! N. Winter. N1CF.I.Y fiun , private ho-iT. C.enttr- tnan. !W5 N. Suminef, Ph. 705 Apartments For Rent l I Cl.KAN furnished .1 room ftilitics paid. Near I apitni. s-.m.w. 3 NICK HMS.. furn ant . private Kit!i. Mt N. Church. it-K(X)M Kt'HN apt . pri. hath A Wo 4 and 2rm. furn. ant Meat, livht-t. water paid. X N. Mtgh lh. ?-WII TWO 2HM. fin ii. apt A Wo 1 rm. Heat. luMts, water paid ."'tl fnion. Ph. 2-U. 3 RM. Kt'HN. basement apt., $00 j Inqnlie at 315 Llrllewie f.OVF.l.Y .1 bednvm hott-.e in ei-hi- sive diti li t AutOTiialn- oil heat. , full Pi-Tinrnt, available M uch Wt : Ri ?Jt. c o StatesMan-.tnii! ti,,' 3 RKHIUHlMS. un(t!rni! ei1. r loe 11. private h.ilh & utilities. $S Ph 2-44ftfl fl.OSK, clean. uri Kitchenette. $;;n. t room duplex. J.ROOM FfHN. apt, p-ounl floof. but it door, f15 S. 12tl. 700 Rentals 705 Apartments For Rent MONTEREY APTS. 633 Ferry. Furnished, one- two- and four-room apts. NICE 2-ROO.M furn. apt., bath, re- frifj utilities. 570 Union. 1st fir. 2 bdrtn furn. flat, garage. 560. Near Shopping Center, ya. 2-6833. 3 KOOMS ill bath furn. Utilities paid extent gas. Adults, aji.au. uvi S. Com'l. Ph. 3-0251. WHERE can you heat this for $211. 5U7 2-rm furn. apt. inc. elec. range and rctrig., priv. bath, all nice and clean several to choose from. Burt Plena, 379 N. High St.. nim. VERY NICE modern 2-rm. furn, court apt. S45. 1065 Madison. -sim. PAHTLY furn. 1 bdrm. apt. )j duplex. 251)5 N. 5th. 3 ROOM furn. apt. Newly decorated. blk. of DUS. you n. imn. I BDRM. apt., furn, hardwood llri, electric heat. 3a m roruanq no. CLEAN furnished 2 room heated apt, Lady preferred. 704 N. Cottage. NEWLY dec. 3 rrns. and bath, court apt. Furn. or uniurn, j-aunary, parking, TV. Inquire 1348 S. 12th. NICE apt. furn.. utilities furn. Rea. sonablc. 460 N. 13th. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Priv. bath. 705 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-6947. MODERN 3-rm. furn. apt., close in. 549 N. Cottage St. FURNISHED 3 rooms. $30. Private bath 1938 North Com'l. PRIVATE 3 room coutv apts. Clean, turn., $45, Adults, astiu romana ua. 3 RMS. furn. Utilities paid. Women p re tcrred. lovs hiate. FURNISHED apartments. Close-in, Ph. 2-8740. 325 S. Winter. Ambassador Furnished apts. 530 N. Summer FURNISHED modern 2 room apt. Within 5 blocks of down town. $4.5 per month. Ph. 2-1887. 444 N. Cot tage. 3-ROOM furn. apt. utilities paid. Rea sonable. Ph. 4-6551. 3-KM., clean, nicely furn., elec, heat, washing facilities. lJh. 2-4Hito. VERY NICE l-hdrm furn. and un- furn. Inquire 1656 S. 13th St. 3-ROOM furnished apt., full bath, heat and water furn. $3o. Phone NICELY FURN. 3-room ipt, 549 N. Cottage. NEWLY furn. 1 bdrm. Hardwood floors, lots of closets, double sink. Ceiling fan, nice laundry, garage. W. Salem. 3-8347. FURN. apts. North Salem Motel, 2173 .rnmana ua. rn. 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garage, $55. Close In on No. Com'l. Ph. 2-8i48 or 3-6644. CLOSE, clean, furn. 1 room duplex. Kitchenette. $30. 765 Marion. BDRM, apt. Completely furn, close in. 444 N. Cottage. IF YOU'RE looking lor a nice 3 nn. apt, private oaiti, rent reasonable call 4-3643 before 9 a. m., 2-1710 after 6 p. rn. CLEAN 2 room furn. apt. Private bath, garage. Utilities furn. $40. Ph. 2-9084. 2261 Hazel Ave. NICE COZY, furn. 2 rrns, for. work ing women. $35. 841 N. Liberty Ph. 2-5446 or 3-3000. ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 4-rm. apt. with rangeat retrig .inn s.iatn. 1 BEDROOM apt. Stove, refrigerator. water, automatic steam heal, in cluded. Modern. $50 per month. May ne seen at 2153 S. Commer cial or Ph. 4-W52 after 4 p.m. CAPITOL PLAZA l-bdrm.. furn., unfurn. 1165 Che mekcta. 3-8G30. 707 Houses For Rent NEW unfurn. one bedroom duplex, South, elec. heat, attached garage. .o. or 2-8470. PHIVATE duplex, clean, modern, fur nished, 5 rooms. 956. Garage. Ph. 4-2.v;t. FKB. lo-NOV. 15. 2 bdrm. home Cas cade Dr. Carpets, drapes, firepl,, bsmnt., mod. kit., lile bath.v $75. 2-5jK5 after 5 p.m. ' Cl.KAN. FUHN. or unfurn., 1 bdrm. IteaonahleJIBlSPortlnnd Rd. 3 HF.DROOM home. Jiij. F.leetrlc heat. No Karagc. Gardner Rd. Ph. 3-52:18. 5 ROOM UNFURN. duplex, close In. Phone 4-13U7. SMALL FURN. house, elec. range, oil heat, clean and neat, 1 or 2 persons only. 1025 Third St., W. S.ileni. LOVELY 1-bdrm. gar.u;e. No chlN dren or dogs. F.nglewood district. Infl 12H0 Nrl4lh; Ph. 3-:i0tH). NICK 1 bdrm. Oak floor, range, ta hie, water. gaiden.Ph. 3-H:tl9. ALMOST new 2-HR. house. Mee. range, auto, heat, hwd. fits., Imul. 234 Maple. J UNFURN , ground Jlnor. duplex. Ga rage. f'! Ferry. Ph. 3-3t:t7. F O U 2 itFDR M. dun le x '. Furn , gar., oil hear. -4N. Winter. 3-B!'fln. 1 HFDIlM. duplex with store room. No rhildren NTth Dist. $15 per month. Ph. 4-17til, I KM. UNFURN. cottage. Flee, hr'nt. elec. range. 7W N. Capitol. 2-fl(i82. 5 RM. FURN. modern duplex clean, garage. $0. Ph. 4 2.ttti. CLFJVN, furnished I -bedroom house, g.tiage. J."0. 4133 Int)and Rd. 3 BR. hoiiM'. Enpl Sell I. Childien welcome. Ph. 2-R551. 3-ROOM house. Partly furn. $:i0. 4 Coincrs. Ph. 2-1371. SMALL 2-bdim. hc . neat A.- mod ern. 3 mi. m ronntiy. N. E. $43 per nui nr lease with notion to buv. Ph. 2-f.7:i. I CABIN. 3-toom. n.nlly lu:nMied. $23 I month. Ph. 2-124 I 5 ROOM modem house, $4T). Ph. 2-KM8. CLEAN t-NKrilN. I Mrv Adult, no pels. Ph. 4-SWi. ,.t. .1 llKDHOOM house for n-nt. 'fali i M'ri N. -till. ' I HOOMY NEW J hr.. double e.-ir. loin Kmcuood Dr. S1C.'.'.M. Trrms. i ... ' SI,M!,fl"N' I "nrr n,i . ... . . Kt'HN MODERN rol'afc. ( lose in. $:;7 yo .viuits m;i n t om i ;.-.!'..,ti NK.W. M(U1KHN. I I' Stovr aurl irllig n rniirt JMI. fall ,1 !l I to i lli)OM FT UN apt, nnvate h.itli. $.;o vnn?h. Ph- 2-7717. 2770 N. Front. 4 YKAhOi.D 2 PR ho-ne l..in c.otrv :.T. Ph. .i-Sfi. a Fl'HN 3 rwn cottage 171 Certh. AlAWST new one bedroom unfurn. luni-c. elec h'-at. ideal for counle. near C.cn. Hospital. Reasonable 2-.il Hrf 111an 1 ROOM man P furni'lied cabin, one 3 -7d IS Gentle- SMM1. houe. clean, nicrlv furn. Ch -e to State huil(lint;s. 535 P11. 2-1.4 r. IH'Pl FX. 1 or 2 f.irmiies 1; b.t 1 :ui Ideal for n. 2-3325. 709 Wonted to Rent WANT farm or wiP'rul bu-.Id- i---rs P'r.Tf Salrm 4-l!2.v A N T F. U O .i t t a n a 1 r. g AutoCluh fr'-"i Si!rm hnuM like to rrnt double c,i-.ue rr coo I b.irn to ue a club hfvie ai'd work shop Rent r."-:i he reonoe, Phone k fr Gary. 700 Rentals 710 Wanted to Rent. Houses 3-DDRM. house. South, to 175. Excel cre. Ph. 3-71H or 2-ix iier a WANTED 2 bedroom, partly furn., suburban, by March 1st. Ph. 4-S5Q8. YOUNG EXECUTIVE and famljy de sire 3 bedroom uniurn. nous. s-n. 4-2203. 2-BEDROOM home with garage, In or near Salem. Couple, will lease, Write 408 Broadway. Woodburn. 714 Business Rentals OPEN business lot Jor lease 100 x 140 with or without ornce. JW fair grounds RdJ 5,000 SQ. FT. ol storage space. 2043 jv. capital, r'n. a-jim. 1DEA1, space (or real estat, broker. LEASE BUJLDING 4,000 sq. ft. on corner lot 70x100. 2193 t airgrounas Rd. Ph. 3-7124. 800 Real Estate 801 Business OportunlHes EUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Courts, Apartments, Income prop erty. Mr. Man, if you are not reaay to sit down, fold your hands and wait for the final day, let us tell you about some opportunities where the down payment is the price of a good home, but will net you $5,000 or more yearly. We have an excellent selection to choose from. Come In and see us. Drive by 3150 Jack St. Rambling Ranch home on lot a5 x nu, wear school ic bus. Forced air heat, Dranes. auto, dish washer. Price $16,000, Attractive terms arranged. Suburban North. 3 BR., almost new. Fruit, nuts & garden. Near school bus. Drapes, rugs, new oil cir culator included. Price $0,350. Tell us how you want to buy this at tractive home. Drive by H95 Judson. Two BR., cor ner lot. Close to schools. Carries an FHA loan. $7,000 will purchase this on easy terms. Rex Sanford Finance. 337 N. High St. Ph. 4-3521, Evenings: 3-32H2, 4-4168 FOR SALE or trade on 99E. North. 6 unit motel. 4 doubles, 2 singles. Nice 3-bdrm. house. Upstairs could be rented as an apt. 120 ft. frontage by 2ib, Lais ot possibilities, win take small farm with good home. Northeast or what have you. In quire 3510 Portland Rd. GARAGE, equipment and some stock. See or call 14a Shady iane. Ph. 3-8931. FOR SALE. Sec. Hand Store. Write Box 404, Independence, Ore. MUST BE SOLD 131a A. subdivision, industrial and home sites. For more information Phone 3-3289, General Real Estate, 255 Center. RESTAURANT & Fountain. Near school & Shopping Center. For sale or trade. Gold mine for right party. Ph. 2-9425. FOR SALE our equipment at Silver Falls Lodge, can 2-8737. FOR SALE by owner. Well equipped beauty shop. Good location, very reason a Die rem. ijn. a-u km. FOR LEASE bldg. 50x75, doort on 4 sides. Good for garage, business or storage. Ph. 3-9163. 804 Suburban BY OWNER 2 bedroom. Insulated home, 1 acre, double garage, barn. Fruitland Dist. Ph. 3-1333. 806 Houses For Sale HOMEBUYERS attention: Must sell equity; make us an offer. 2 bed rrns., full basement. TV ant. Call after 3 p.m. Ph. 3-38(13. BY OWNER. Late built Suburban ranch style 3-bdrm. att. double gar. Auto, oil heat. Large lot. Terms. Ph. 2-1103. $450 DOWN. Large 3 bdrm. house. 543 Bliler. SMALL 1 BDRM. South, $2,750. $200 down, $25 month. Ph. 4-3243. $830 DN. attractive 2-bedrm.. large dining rm., living rm., kitchen, breakfast bar. plastered, utility, ga rage. 3-7327. 5:30 weekdays. HOME 'and "BUSINESS SIX HOOM HOME on U.S. 99 (Busi ness 7.one), Full basement, furnace, 3 bedrooms. 1'2 baths, large deep lot. Olf street parking for 20 cars. A wonderful location for home and business, office or shop, price is onlv $I2.5(K). Owner will consider a 2-bedrooin home, on one floor, for niost of price. Center Street Realty 174B Center St. Phone 4-M.il Eve Phones: Gies 2 "812. F.right 3-5W2 10 ACRE TRADE I-arre 5 BR. home, garage, all level cleared land, 'j mile to school. Price $7.ono. Exchange for place in town. 20 x 30 I.IV. RM. 3 Bdrm.. part hasement. breakfast nook, attractive dm. rm.. and a large park-like view lot with trees and shrubs make this an unusual home fir the prie of $13,000. GOING BUSINESS Owner l making a good living from this set un. Ideal for mm & wife. Trade for a sheep .V cattle farm. Price $15,000 Including business A bldg. 1oc; DOWN Bl ind new 3 BR. r.mrh home Top location Pi ice $12 5410 for -uu-k ac tum. 1V1I Mn Cleaiv V. MrSGHAVK HKAI.TORS 1211 Fdcrwater. 3-510H. Eve. 3-9939 I.AHOE ft rn liousc. Leslie Dist. SU:mKV li!25 Kir St. ENfil.KWOOn 2 bdrm . 5 year old house. S7..VI0. Ph. 4-54."fl. LOW DOWN payment. We ran help son srth down payment. Why rent hn it's so c.isv to own'' t'ome tn and talk it oyer. St'MMEIIS. REALTOR 1T25 Slate St, Pn. ?-ln: FI'l.I, price 1.W Cash house South nth. Ph. Small old M0:'R A STEAL $l?7i0 huv thi good income prop rrtv rrn.istiiia nf seven rnrln fur. unit, plus a ntee small ciittacr. W..rd clisr m. shows ruich better lb. in aetage return for 'he Ammint l 11 e-trtl Kve rail Rav Davts. ! 4--,07 1 Kil Lukinbeal, Realtor 433 IIIfiH vrc PH 2-K0 j APOUHIVS to" tkngard" I ( Orarnet Spelled Rackwardi 9 a.m. Received call P 30 a.m. Went to investigate Found owner want ing to sell DANDY 3 RR ON 'j ACRR. NICF FAST LOCATION. PVD ST. PI'S AND SCHt,.. ONLY J550, WITH ONLY Sr-00 DOWN This case will be closed quickly. 1ft am. call came tn to Investigate a ste.il II am. Found Thit a nice NF.ARLY NFW 2 PR HOME WITH HDW FIRS. LOT -V x 100. ON PAVFP ST. right In town, ov-ld hr legal, v tolen for ONLY $7,350. WITH ONLY W DOWN This ts Svirrmers working Pe day watch j on home bargain. I'm a Realtor. Call nf I SfMMFRS REALTORS I7JS State St, Ph. :-4Mj i 800 Real Estate (An agency devoted entirely to home-selling operated by Theo. G. Nelson, Realtor -Appraiser SRA and five neighborhood talesmen.) ATTRACTIVE 4 BDRM. $7950 Very attractive, clean 4 -bdrm. home, Dam wim anower. mceiy nnisnea. cone, iouna. liooa neignoors. s blks. to 4 -Corners school, blk. to bus, affords lota of living for a growing family at very reasonable price, $7,950. Grace Tomlin, slw. Ph. 4-4441. Res. Ph. 4-2438 STATE ST. BUSINESS ZONE Good older Iiomt with income, 3-bdrm. dn. with LR, DR. Kit., TJti!. & Bath. i-rxirm. apt. up Wltn corao. Lit 6t Kit., pantrv, bath. Outside stairs to 2nd floor. All spacious rooms. 3-car gar. $9,000. Grace Tomlin, slw. OHice Ph. 4-4441, Res. Ph. 4-2436. HANDYMAN'S OR BUILDERS SPECIAL Finish the interior of this home in your spare time and it's very livable too. 3 bdrms,. att. gar., suburban. 1 blk. to school and bus. Finishing of floors necessary, also Installation of inside doors, casings, and cab inets to be completed. Walls are ready for interior decor. See this. Only $6,975, including 21-in. Console TV. Edna Morgan, Slw. Office Ph. 4-4441. Res. Ph. 4-6038 YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SALESMAN Five HOMF.SELLEU salesmen are keeping constant check on about 100 homes each tor sale In their respective neighborhoods and consolidat ing their Information at HOMESELLERS headquarters. Up-to-the-minute Information about home -sales in your neighborhood will help you whether you want to buy a home or sell one. Call 4-4441 for the name and phone number of the HOMESELLERS salesman or saleswoman for your nclshborhood. It will be worth your while to get acquainted with the HOMESELLER salesman for your neighborhood. THE HOMESELLERS MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS THEO. G. NELSON, MGR. IN TH HUB OF SALEM EASY PARKING 702 N. HIGH, SALEM PH. 4-4441 NELSON & NELSON (Original Firm In A New Location) j OUR WEDNESDAY TRADE DAY TRADE OUR CLIENT NEEDS A THREE iently anangea. wasnrngion uist. 2 barm, home to trade with you. This 5 yr. old home is exceptionally well Insulated, has good plastered Interior, deep lot fi.l x 1.10. Bus stop la blocks. Can be handled on a GI loan. Price f7600. Call Mrs. Woottcn, slw. TRADE DO YOU HAVE A PROPERTY IN ourms.. wnicn you wouin iraae wltn our client. Our client has a two bdrm. home for $6500. They wish a home with at least two bdrms on main floor. Call Al Watts, slm. TRADE EXCELLENT, CLOSE TO STATE .vuu van re ure wim a gooa sieaay income from tnese rentals. Will take modern home in trade. $25,000. See Dick Schmidt, slm, for full details. TRADE OUR CLIENT WILL TRADE THEIR Acre tract with older home. Their substantial 3 bdrm. home with at tractive firepl., full basemt.. auto, oil furn. is a good buy as these folks want an acreage. $12,900. NELSON AND NELSON, REALTORS "COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE" 1590 S. COMMERCIAL ST. . PHONE 2-3fif;9 hlaruiukiUI Evenings: Al Watts S-726S, I.ydia F. Wootten 3-8066. Dick Schmidt 2-7567, Chet Nelson 2-1.150 806 Houses For Sals RAMBLING RANCH On Va A. with fine view of Cily and Mts. This 23 yr. old home with 5 rrns. (2 bdrms.), tile fire place, hdwd. firs., patio, atta. ga rage, auto, oil furn. Is vacant and we have the key. Immediate pos nesslon. Price $11,500. Terms. Burt Picha. EXCHANGE ACRE EAST Nice 5-rrn. home with full drv bsmt.. oak firs., fireplace, only II yrs. old, chick house and dog ken nels. Owner will take home In Sa lem for part. Hurt Picha. SELL OR TRADE Almost new 3 BR home in Kcizer Dist. on nice cor. lot, dose to school, auto, oil heat. $9750 with S2:i00 down, or will trade cquitv for i I to 10 A. with 3 BH house. Fred Donner. $8,500. I Neat 2 BR home, floored attic. 6 i r.. old. clo.-c to school, city bus, pavrd st reasonable down pay ment. Fred Donner. BURT PICHA REALTOR 319 N. Hiejr St Off.: I-4IH7 Evy : Fred Donner. Slm.. 2-R619; Burt I'irha. 4-3152 WEST SALEM- Owner Moving Out Of Town. Must SM'ii immetiiaieiy. I his exception ally clean 2-bcdroom home with 10x20 hvinff room, rxtra larse kilchen that In very modern, plenty clrVet sp.ice. Extra nice yard and shrubs; 2 blks to bus and close to schools. Full prire 7fi.V SMALL ACREAGE Close In Wallace Road. 3-bcdroom Mndern Home, full basement, fur nate heat. t;aracc, shop and chirk en house. About l A. fruit and walnut tiecs. Price $in ftito. HIGHLAND ST. VINCENTS 3-brriroo-n. full basement, firrplacp auto. F.A. furnace, riantlv vard and shrubs nice neighborhood. lU.io ; down home with Income 7 rooms. 2 baths, full basement: fur nished tor two families: within ft blocks of capitnt; live in one, rent the other. tlhOQ down, full price JOE HUTCHISON" REALTOR !fl3 Fdccwater Phone 4-S74.1 Fvenmes call: Claude Hendern. Slm . 3-S3I7: A D Shields. Slm.. 3-!H.i: .Toe HiifehWnn, 2-I7RP. E AST.M 0 R E LA N D RANCH HOMF-Two bedrooms and beautiful l,n cr den. The larre hv ing and riming rooms are carpeted ualWtn.w-all Two fireplaces. Forced air nil heal. Double girage 1734 square feet of floor space. This is 1-H.ited on a large corner lot and surrounded by new homes. Shown only by appointment. Center Street Realty 174R Center Street Phone 4-'fifi31 Fve Phones- O.irs 2-7812. Bright 3-.SJV12 UNFINISHED Over 1000 square feet floor space, 3 btlrms. W':red and plumbed. Lot 7.1x234 fft. Drilled well. Small dn. pavmrnt C. W RF.FVF.. REALTOR lfl"0 Mission St Ph J-43M Eve. :i-W3 Jt'ST COMPLETED 3 brffroom or 2 nhm I combination den or bed room. 2 baths, plastered, oak floors, plastic tile floor in kitchen, din ette and batt'ioo'ns. evtra larpe hv rm., flrenlace, large att. garage with utilities, on approx. 'j acre. 1 Low rlonn pvmt. and eay monthly pvmts located at 2107 Brown Road, j Th. t-7l or 2-5777. I 800 Real Estate ww carpet L & D rrns., compact kit.. BDRM. horn and have their conven THE $10,000 to 111.000 bracket, three HOUSE, INCOME PROPERTY where FAIRMOUNT HILL home for a 1-S ROY TODD REAL ESTATE YOU MUST SEE THIS ONE This suburban home located North. 3 bdrms., 13x22 liv. rm. with fire place. Large kit. and din. comb, 16x24 patio. Tile roof. Att. jar. Larsc lot. S10.600. FAIRMOUNT DISTRICT I.lv. rm. 14x1!) with picture yvin dow, kit. with large din. area. 2 very nice bdrms. dn.. 1 larRe bdrm. up. Nicely finished. Full basement with sawdust furnace. Only S10.950. LIVE HERE FOR FREE 6 acres and 2 homes each with 2 bdrms., liv. rm., kit. and din. comb, and other outbuildings. One house and 4 acres bring in $f)00 per yr. North of Salem. This is a buy at $15,000. BUILDING LOTS 1 corner lots 6X1x120. Kaizer Di trict. ;50 each. ROY TODD, REALTOR 2319 State St. - Of lire Phone: 2'.S591 Kvrr.mn Call: Kllinser 4-K12H. Simpson 3-2:i9, Vandcrvort 2-6281, Huch 3-7915 806 Houses For Sale LARGE FAMILY TRADE Serenity, comfort and utahlltty is of fered in this Norman Modern Home in Walnut Park. The small en trance hall leads Into a large cheer ful living room with a fireplace that provides a cozy setting for family and friends of an evening. There are 2 bedrooms and a com plete bath as well as small dining room and kitchen on the 1st floor. The 2nd lloor has 2 larpc bed rooms and complete bath. The whole house has expensive wall to wall carpets and loads of closet space. There is a full basement with a large recreation room for the youngster to play in on r.iinv dav. 2-car g.irage ar.d small lot com pletes this desirable offering. Wid ow will take a 2-bedroom home south in trade up to siz.oon. It can be vours for only Slfi.ttOO. A pleas ure to show on appointment. mm down 2-hedrnom completely furn. older home on N. Church St.. nHr st. Vincent's and Highland Schools. A good buy at $fi.700. - Call Scvcrin. Associate Broker Art Madsen Realty 132R Stale St. Tel. 3-5aS0. Kve. 4-1W.H $5950 Tor Ihrs Invrly 2 brrlroom honrf! rarnilv kit.. L. H . R . hath. 1-arrc lot w,th InaHj nt rruits and niit. Lncatrd clnFt m. Gleason Realty 1141 S. Cnmmrrn.l Ptl. Mtrai JAr .rrht 2-00B.1 3 BEDROOM TRADE- OnN j st , ,,rt, j Mrm douhlr car.uc u.i ha.m'l Cnn sidrr trade for 3 hdrm. nr srll on convemrnt tr:m. Prire siosoo. MR. FARMER hJI, .r i j P"n"nfnt pasture, brst of land. Ui nn State St. Sc 10 "PPrfiatr.. Priro S22.000. Call (jrprnter. S.ilosman Art Madsen, Realty T"5 HOTTFST dral ( XTxlT. Sir'n " P:':1 includ. J?5 I"'"" ronm' h'"h rah. tnet. and matioe.nv doors All for S '" rh"j-KT7 3 BKDROOM HOME '" Ifi.P.w. ownrr. 2-fi.ilfl MOnF.RM Stat hulldlni. A- '