Page 16 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Wednesday. February 17. 1954 $15,118,000 Paid in Death Claims in '53 NEW YORK Wl - Life insurance companies paid $15,118,000 in death claims in Oregon last year, the In stitute of Life Insurance reported Tuesday. CAROL CURTIS 199 COLORFULLY CROCHETED RUGS Bright color in big splashes on your floors is inexpensively achieved by crocheting your own small rugs! Upper illustration is ot a rose-centered squares tech nique bordering a bright "hit-and-miss" center. Overall meas urement is 28 inches across. (Pattern No. 190). Pattern No. 564 has instructions for a pretty flowered pastel cotton yarn rug of 28 by 38 inches and an "ivy" motif rug of 24 by 36 incites. Send 25c EACH for the ROSE BORDERED RUG (Pattern No. JRfl) and the FLOWER RUG and IVY RUG (Pattern No. 564) all instructions, color schemes to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Jour nal, Box 229, Madison Square Sta tion, New York 10, N. Y. Ready now! The brand new, exciting 36-page CAROL CUR TIS NEEDLEWORK GUIDE, in color, containing over 150 de signs for knitting, crocheting, embroidery, hairpin Ince, four "How to Do It" designs, summer fashions; something for every age, every climate. In addition there arc TWO FREE patterns for flattering spring and sum mer glamour! The NEEDLE WORK GUIDE costs only 25c. Order it as you do your needle work patterns! jiidi was ai.ioj.uuu mure man paid out in the state the previous vpnr Thft 1011 nnvmpnlc worn mndp tn R 7 familipc 910 more than in 1952. Consumption of vodka in France increased about 50 per cent in 1953. STEVE KOl'EK SMALL. MEDIUM, LARGE EXTRA-LARGE 20061, 3ft . MI EJ i FAVORITE COVER-UP APRON In an extra large size, this cov er-up apron has V-ncekline, car ry-all pockets and button in thc- back styling! A quaint and fern- nine sash sets off the design, so does nc-rac or ruffle-trim! No. 2006 is cut in small, medi um, large and extra large sizes. Medium size apron takes 2i yds. 35-in. fabric. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and Size. Address PATTERN BU REAU, Capital Journal, 652 Mis sion street, San Francisco 5, Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders Imnie''' "or special .ban- dliir first (lass mail inc' ."ic per pattern. J jsn! The brand new .'RING - SUMMER FASIi. ,K)K is agog from cover to cover with exciting new- season styles and ideas for easy sewing and smart going from breakfast until bedtime! IN COLOR, this bonk includes up-to-thc-minutc fashion forecasts for every age, every size, every occasion! Yours for only an addi tional 25c. ROOM & BOARD By Ahem gay jjjr Y SfMYNAMEIS I'M FASCINATED Wi rm -I -1 1 IP ) -J WALDO V . WITH YOUR ORK, Ay adpf-ff.-A' 1 BURDKAGE I PIGMENTS IN DESPAIR, 'S. ) AND I'M A NOW HANGING IN THE caI-i n D.. ) COLLECTOR OF EXHIBITION, AND I'D rlvr-.) ART IN THE . I LIKE TO ADD IT TO I, V? A MODERN A MY COLLECTION WKcCV MANNER. WOULD VOU CONSIDER 3jrvr1mVli ACROSS 1. Wooden container 6. Large serpent 11. Split 29. Greek letter 30. Hillowj 34. Muddles 38. Heartv 39. Shade tre 41. Location 12. Rectangular 42. Epoch insets 14. Hidden 15. Swagger 16. Tropical bird 17. Silver rolnj 1!). Pull after 20. Existed 22. Creek 23. Affection 24. Impossible golf shot f S. Bred 18. He: Frcnrh 43. Cry of sheep 45. Biblical king 46. Request 48. Fastener 50. Subsequent selling 51. Bay windows 52. Restrain 53. Requires DOWN 1. Red wine HA'D.Spn.ALjLLTIA.A aibID T jAt iIamoiw'n N EJC E StSjl TlYULTP-lD EES IfeRSfl a tiai b E B.6DG AIMBAIN F NTT VjOjL LE YjB(AlyE r sTE I biEi AnreilsrAtw Dels sBK'NisESa taS TE R Nllulk AlsIcJ W rnolE Ciriewsie; si h qNl v E AWTlE e g Solution o( Yesterday'! Puijla 2. Turning on its axis 3. Salutation 4. Look lifter 5. Whole 6. Come into view 7. Obstructs , 1 U J I i I IH 7 3 0 - 7j" , "" "" ! W io T "" 7& " 77 ",7? T " " To th 7T jo iv (si 3jl ; p? 55" jsVT kT "3r " - " " 5yT - ' WT 35 IT 3 ti io """ . 37" T 8 South American Indian !). Faithful counseli.r 10. Nook 11. Talons 13. Stitched lfl. tmn 21. Masculine name 23. Praises !V Poorlv 27. Finish 30. Clip 31. Distorted 32. Pass as time 33. Vendor 34. South American river 35. Jumped 36. Picture stands 37. Heavenly bodies 40. Football position: ahbr. 43. Large bundle 44. Weary 47. IVvour 49. Dessert GETTING SOFT-H56ETEP,, 'COULDN'T WE JU5T TOO. THAT--ACTE8 A L'PE KAVO TME Is'D AMD IT'VE AS AN HONOBABLE LEAVE TUc' ALL SCOH MAN - r AM FOCCED -iEBE, DAD f Jl" " vTO-UH-COVMlT V.C.EfjCE I HOfiO 3 l HOWEVEB, IT MAV BE A QUESTION OF TUEig UV 05 CjB LI 86 STY! j SO WE Shall BOCBOW THE m CASH CONTENTS CP THIS 7j -AND DEPOSIT OuB LIVIN3 LIABILITIES IN THE TOOL VAULT JL A. . BEHIND THE OACAt-E.' ) y-"" RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM 1390, KOCO UM. KGAB KOIN 970. KCW :, HEX 1190 " tSU Mrtiryrln - KOIN 101 li KtX 92.J 00:00 THURSDAY P.M. 00:30 00:15 00:45 IP I COULD Bar 6i5HT I CWWFieH- VMTte I HIM BUT If THIS ff&MMAGM t SHOULDN'T &Gtr . MBZE MAKES ffjPANCUIOPOP IV I YOU CALL . 51e MM MAP IF THUMP HIM A SCOP QNE HIM J fST 1 PO... CAU6E I CALL6 MiM'. MO, 1 geM&A CltfOePf TfZB ) CLIFPOeP JUtMU7 CLf:f:Of?.'e,0Oy , I AIN'T KlSMTLV 70CnmB CCMCW,ClFFQgp.' A?. HI NAME. ORPHAN ANNIE O K., FINNOG.OLO PWf IT'S LL SET UP FOR VOU" I VQOT TH' FAHCY SUITE V ftT TH HOTEL f lb IMn--'l lild SURB, KNIU3 t GOT MY END SET'-WHEN-S B DWOEUVSRy OH THffT TWEMTY'Flvc 6RANDY I I W MR. KNILS SAID OH. HAVE A ' HE WANTS TO HAVE I PATIENCE. F- US MEET MR. I ELLA! THESE f F. FRANCIS FINMOQ- I 6I3 DEALS ! I OUT WHEN? J TAKE TIME- I ML ABNEK HERE COME TH HAPPY COOPLE.7 NOW. AH -cHuCKif- PLAYS ZU-ZU S Lit- JOKE . . V.AS Jb.';':: ' ' I I PURTIEST GAL IN TH WORLD, N PURTY, lr t H I ABE'S GOT BOTH WATER -4 r ""-r v..' ' . LIN itu. 1 4 ZrrftAi:-:-' ' 1 I HIS FUM MIMET -X I UOPALO.NC CASSIDY OH,WAL-IT DON'T MATTER WHICH ONE AH c.HOOTS.'.r- watek s water;.' VOU'VS GOT ABOJT TEn iSTEeTX seconds to STAsrr VI you' be a V RECOaoiNS f Y NWAE FOOL ' ON THAT MNiNG CXA1IA vOFBACGEBS liV ' fTy ALL TH4T CAN b T T WHA JAAtES YOU ' CHANGED BAC THE f f THIN KOtZit MINUTE YOU LEAVE ., ' EVEZ LEAVE THIS OPP1CE y4 THIS OFPCE ? MUTT & JEI'K youL. ( NEED ME? M' 60SHTHATS A SWITC?H VOU KNOW r ain't MUCH GOOD AT THAT STUFF 1 ALLTHAT figuring is greek TO ME.' C VOU WON'T HAVE 1 TO FIGURE A THING i tliff ; If V u ALL VOU HAVE TO V- m 00 is pay it ( v- FOR ME It I A .MOItt.W. Ml). Tf "h ! r AStl' Vtf .x -i if Cj DCs t COwE BAC move v .TH An ME, J ... CU CO- i5Sli 1 J l 'A "i,'.r-'V.1'Vlr 1 r C. . . ASP I KHOW TUAT CJ SEtC 1'5. P:4?E.' PON T MJvE IT Av MO?E DfflCtltT FO5 ME ThAN 15, KJTM BJT TJf POcro? AT CWUE THE t?T fXz EA?5... nox.M.iv DI CK ysr j 1 DC1T V ;.S?rSfTl,0 K':. .' "E COZ'OKi, T-r EVEOCSE AT CIVILE A5 VNOrtttL'L.' IT j ME.' I CANT FOUC-ET T-T I HAVE LEPROSV.' ) 1- 1 r Eri.S"v... WrCOAVfLETE mm VUd-VLI-W Piari'FEET VVTH1 l?AMi5H LOTU5 t?LOO.t!... J H WW V CMiNErfE CHOW CEe VOPEEP-tJEA iKOt! NEST.. HUH' LET-FOOTEo CCW2 1 VUTEtALA f 1'ENJGUIM PAT.A HVH...4H, r-7 E!vE IT 15 ) mm M lt umrril g- :',f "..'.-s?.-.'.l WORK 5 nHJjLr-. r tor I Pt.;?Ls it row I'. mI PAStlAMt.W".SvCjCJ -.-JP TJr-.M'j'TOV'Al y; - , A I. i4 KF x A vie: "t? ac- & .c-A kv.f.ic kc " - t ) i'Y-? JT !C? '-t- ACOUSTICS is " OVES ! . -ii . .TMtyRt TOCfiOOO: y 1 I KSI KOio K JAK . KOIN ' k; 1 KtX KII.M KIH'O KUAI MUM M. I. Siesta Melody r... iv.u IT.av 901 Kw IMidday Mmlo iMianay ran niii-nit Nrws : Spider "Spidfr- I' Spider" L,bP'd" . MacleodNew. I Come Get It llose Party iHouM Party " ..d.Mii. Il vnnrr Vounc HaDDlneM Noon bailion Bimmijn LVir Mulc Room IMusle Room Paul Harvey Better ShopperlMuslc Room Maic Melodv IM.K1C Melody News A. Koild-'Hts Hndzvoua Hilltop Hoiim Godfrey . tlokslaiie Will Stella Uallaa KavWrit I Kay Weal Manic Melody Hum Rndivous Godfrey Widder Brown Koy West iMaRic Melody Rots Rendzvoul Godfrey Woman In Haa. Kay Weit f.Macic Melody ISpider Curt Maey Pava to Marry IMarlln Blork IKS1.M KOtO KGAB KOIN K(;w KTX KKI.M KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KE KBI.M KOCO KGAK KOIN KGVT I News IMauic Melody Spider iGotllrev Lorenzo Jones IM.nrlin Block J. Kirkwood J- Kirkwood Piano Patterna Guest Star ISpider ISpider llobi. Q Lewia ITunef'lly youri IDr Paul ILife Beautiful I Tor tha Girls 'For the Girls iStar Time ..tame Mel.Hiy IMasic Melody No A: Spider Spider c;mpey IGodfrey Plain Hill IKrt. l'g. Farrell Kihion-mk. .Martin llluek "ttulthes Reel Tello Test Svas Tune Time News 1 Spider Spider Wizard of Odda IMake L'p Mind Travellers iTravellera For the Girls For the Girls Fulton Lewis Heminewav curt Masiev rjm "" Music U Want Music U Want IMusle U Want Musjc U Want .-ipincr (ouiuci IKIrkham News Klrknam Newa IMusle Box Music Box ISquiricl Cage iGincer Rogers M.u'i A. Snider Snider Klrkliam News IJ. Berch Show Star Time IMusle Box Aflrnn. Editiv I Squirrel Cnile "sgLPreston Sgt.Preston chAi..rtma Sliowtlme Disk & NeeaiellJlsK et iMeeoiri uik ct iecoicioiBu -"i Murrow INewa I World Today iGoss. Newa Snorts Dally News .less mason rcinsmi Dick rowell ' Pesy Sky Klnit Second Look Sky Kins SongtoRcmembr ICItet Huntley IB. Garred KSLM Gab Heater Fldie Fisher V. Plnklcy KOCO Candlelleht Candlelight .News KOIN Comedv theaterl Comedy theatcrl rime for Love KGW Relax Music IRelnx Music I Kddle Cantor KKX Home Edillon lliill Stern ISports Edition Sam Haves 8 Keys ITIme for Lova I Eddie Cantor (Happy Time 7 KSl.M KOCO KGW KKX I KSLM KOCO KOIN ROW KEX 1 KSl.M KOCO KOIN ' KGW KKX KSl.M KOCO KOIN )KGW KEX Detective Hosary On Stage Fibber McGee Income Tax (Detective Stars Sin I On Siasc Alex Dreler I Music Mv L'l Margie My L'l Margit lMusic iSoorts Report I IChorallers Choralien Halph Kd wards (Ralph Edwardi I IGath'ilnK Stormltleadline Ed Warmonaires Whis. Tunea I Track 14!)0 Track 14)0 II.owoll Thomas IFafn. Skeleton 1 Hoy Holers I Hoy Holers Favorite Music Cisco Kid ICiscoKid Track 14! ITrack I4H0 Meet Millie Meet Millie 1 Man1 Family (World Nwi Good Listenlne Good Listening; J. Vandercook Men Hardy iNewsreel ISweot, Swing t Harry Wismer Track 14U0 ITrack 1410 ITrack H!0 (Night News Beulah (Ballnce. Show This Believe IDanceOrch. Dad Knows I Dad Knows I Bandwagon Bandwagon College Forum College ForuinJ H. Whiteman IP. Whitcman FulTon Lewis (Platter Parade 1N.W. News Platter Parade Campus Chat Nocturne I Nocturne Nocturne five Str. Final (Cooke's Geslbk Nat l Guard (Desert Inn Orch, fpnnrtfr (Sports Final ll.ast Man Out (Last Man Out Final Edition (D .ce Time 'Dance Time Dance Time KSl.M Ct. Monte Cris.'Ct. Monte Cris Melodies (Melodies I KOCO Nocturne Nocturne I Nocturne Nocturne KOIN Record Show iRecord Show IRecord Show IRecord Show IkfiW News (Jess Mason ICitv Council ICitv Council KKX Dance Time iDance Time I Dahre Time m- . Time KOIN 12:00 to 1:00 A.M. High Mass; 1:00 to 6:00 A.M. Music KOAC 550 kc. 10:00 News St Weather: 10:15 Especially lor Women; 11:00 Oregon School of the Air Stories About Indians: 11 :15 Concert Hall; 12:00 News and Weather: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowboy; 1:15 Oregon School of the Air Let's Sing. America: 1:45 Radio Bookshelf; 2:00 Especially for Women; 2:30 Memory Book of Music: 2:45 Oregon School of the Air Michael Faraday Puts Electricity to Work; 3:00 Ore gon Reporter; 3:15 Music of the Masters; 4 00 University Hour; 5:00 Children's Theater; 5:30 They Fought Alone; rt:15 OSC Department of Music; 6::(0 Headlines in Chemistry; 6:45 Russian Area Studies; 7:00 You Never Know; 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; 8:00 BBC Theater She Stops to Conquer: 9:.10 News and Weather: 0:45 Evening Meditations Round Table; 10:00 Sign Off. HOUR FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 11 :45 A. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 News Early Worm Urk. Nook R .F.D. Oregon Yawnivrrsity Ore Farm Hr. flimekreper lEaiiy Worm Brk Nook I KOIN Klork r awniver (Ore Farm Hr ty i News I Early Worm IBik. Nook IK.OIN Kiock i YawnivrrMty lore Farm Hr. March Time I Early Worm IBrk. Nook KOIN Kiock 1 Yawnivrrsity lOre Farm Hr. 7 KSl.M KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX Hemingway News News A: Nook KOIN KlocR Johnny Wills First Edition Break Canf iHreakC.ane" I Early Worm I Early Worm llivk. Nook I id k Nook i Macleod. News (Wis News lYawntvr-rMly INrws Mus. Clock Mils. Clock :NCWS I Farly Worm I Urk. Nook H.ibbitl Show Knox Manning I bob Hazen KSl.M Cecil lliovvn KOCO KnrlyWonn KGAE News f.- Nook KOIN Cons News KGW Moon Mullins KEX Break. Club Famlv Altar Kmln Ins' IKlble Itllt IKarly Worm I Farly Worm World Newg inrk. Nook IMrk.Nook inrk.Nook (Vatle News IMorniuK Vnrie.iHosemary IMoon Mullins IMoon Mullins IMoon Mullins iHreak. Club IHrenk. Clun iDreak. Club 9 KSLM Dr. Sword KOCO Ravs' Records KGAB News KOIN Wendy Warren Aunt Jennv KfiW Mnun Mullms (Moon Mullnv KEX 9am Edition Cap. Comment (Pastors Cull Bargain Counter (Bays' Records Ravs' Records (Hay's Records ISpider Spider Spider 'Helen Trent Gal Sunday IMrxin Mulhn Mix in Mnlhni I 6lars of Today 'M'rn Roinancrs'Lum A- Ahprr Tello Test (Trcsure Client HKLM f-lcn Hardy koco R.ivs' Records Ravs' Records 'Ravs' Records KC.AE News A- Spider LitJeiai'f k KfHN Road of Life Ma Perkins KC,f Moon'Mullins ! a loon Mullins KKX Chet Huntley ITony Martin J News 'Rav's Records ISpider ISpider Inr ale-ne lOuiding Licht Stiike It Rich ISIrike It Rich I True Story 'True Storv KSl.M Wonderful City Wonderful City Queen Jor Day (Queen for Day KOCO Ravs' Records IRav-i" Records tR ivs' Records (Ray's Records KAK Dinnor winner 'Spider (Spider jspidrr K(HN 2nd Mr? Burton Perrv Mawwi INorah Drake IBnchter Dav KGW Bnh Hope ISminH Chance IPhrasc Pays (Mull. A: Shel'y . wjiiFppnng Kts iGirl MarrliM Ciiand Cnrpi 'Grand gon choo of trrp Air Adven tures in Research; J:00 Oregon Re piTrler, .1:15 Mumc of 1he Masters; 4 00 Sporis Forecast; 4:15 On the I'sbeat: 4:45 Nrw Commentary: 5 IK Chndrrn'. Theater. 5.10 Voices of Eurrtp; fj nn The N-ws and Weather; fi:lfl New England Renaissance: fc:4 Of Book jmd People: 7:13 Evening Fain, flour; 8 'to Popular Art; . of America: 00 1sw That Fndurrs: 4.1 Kvi-nint? Mediialions Round Ta hie: 10 no .si en Off KOAC 550 kc Pacific Standard Time, 10:00 a.m. The News tad Weather; 10:15 Especially for U'own; 11 :00 Oregon School of the Air Come. Cluckie. Come; 11 15 Corert Hil1: 12 IK) The News .md Weather: 13-15 pm. .Noon Farm Hour; 1 00 Hide F.m IC'owIkiv: 1.15 Oregon School of the Air A Ghmme nt Snaih, Sn.'kr? .and Such: 1 :;0 Lnndrm Fomm: '2 m Fspecially for Women: 5 V) j Memory Bonk of Miifir- 2 4. Drr- North Marion HlHBAni) The FFA an1 FIIA chapters will mepl Thurs-! (Iny afternoon, Feb. 18, at the 1 school. i Teachers from North Marion ' will accompany M. II. Real to Sa-' lem for the county Oregon Krl-j neat ion Anciatinn meetina. Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. I Tuesday. Feb. 23. the budget ' hearing fur North Marion union : hiuh school will lie held from 2 to 8 p in. at the school. The North Marion junior class will present "Ann Sallv trom ' Cherry Valley" by Andrew Jame son, for the annual class play, John Nyhakke. advertising man-! agcr of the class, has announced, i Appearing in the cast will be .lantce Smith. Donna Yergen, Sandra Kppers, Dflores Hillner, Darlonn Ilurnham. Myrna Foltz, Carlanrl Cotirter. Willace Downs, Jim Alhers and Howard Wenzel. Tresent plans call for presen tation of the play at both Aurora and llubhard on March B and in. Dale Calloway was selected as winner of the North Marion FFA cha.p4c in the public speaking conlest sponsored by the Aurora Lion's club. "Farm Drainage" was the subject chosen by Cal loway. He will now compete in the district FFA contest, date and place to be announced. Wallace Downs was awarded second place. Itiehard Crane third and Dan lllake fourth. WORK WITH SMILE Dormitory Bids Exceed Estimates ' l'OHTI.AM) Rids ran high er than expected for construction of an addition lo a men's dormitory nt liie Cniversity of Orecnn. the building commfMnr nf Ihp iMate Hoard of Higher F.ducalion reunit ed Tuesday. The lowe-l i niiihitialion of bids was ST.Vnn higher lha the non a,nlnbp for Ilia proicct an addition (or John Stauh Hall. The matter will be relerred to the state hoard for action at a March R meeting Chewing does it Get happy little lift. Chtw Wriglfy'i Spearmint Cum. Mork goe f("- t4,'t, frNlioiiN vwur lni iritfhin vnr v t -J .J1